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CELL STRUCTURE BASICS ▫ Larger subunit: has ribozyme to catalyze
▪ Basic structural, biological, functional unit peptide bond formation (for bonds
that comprise organism between amino acids)
▪ Smallest self-replicating life-form
Endoplasmic reticulum
▪ Over 200 types in human body
▪ Membrane-enclosed organelle
▪ Cells → tissue → organ → organ systems
▪ Appearance: stack of membranous,
→ organism
flattened disks (cisterns)
Basic constituents ▪ Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
▪ Plasma membrane ▫ Contains bound ribosomes on surface
▪ Cytoplasm ▫ Site of packaging, folding of proteins
▫ Fluid suspension designated for secretion, lysosomal
degradation, plasma membrane
▫ Composition: cytosol, organelles
insertion; proteins packed into vesicles,
sent to Golgi apparatus for further
CYTOSOL modification
▪ Intracellular fluid ▫ RER cisterna continuous with nuclear
▫ Composition: water; dissolved/ envelope
suspended organic, inorganic chemicals; ▪ Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)
macromolecules; pigments; organelles ▫ No ribosomes
▪ Site of most cellular activity ▫ Site of lipid, steroid synthesis, Ca2+ ions
storage (muscles), glycogen metabolism,
ORGANELLES detoxification (liver)
▪ Specialized cellular subunits carry out Golgi apparatus (complex)
essential functions
▪ Membrane-enclosed organelle
Ribosomes ▫ Appearance: collection of fused,
▪ Composition: rRNA, ribosomal proteins flattened sacs (cisterns) with associated
vesicles, vacuoles
▪ Can exist freely in cytoplasm/bound to
endoplasmic reticulum (forms rough ▪ Two sides
endoplasmic reticulum) ▫ Cis side: receives proteins from RER
▪ Turns mRNA into protein via translation (entry)
▪ Organized into two subunits (40s, 60s) ▫ Trans side: opposite side, releases
vesicles towards plasma membrane
▫ Small subunit: binding sites for mRNA,

Chapter 23 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Structures & Processes

▪ Post-translational modification site (e.g. ▫ In glucose absence, mitochondria can

phosphorylation, glycosylation, sulfonation) use fatty acids as fuel via beta oxidation
of proteins, lipids, hormones → sorted, (only medium sized fatty acids used;
packaged into secretory vesicles → longer ones chopped by peroxisome)
secreted out of cell/lysosomal fusion/plasma ▪ Mitochondria number: correlates with cell
membrane insertion activity/energy requirements
Mitochondria Nucleus
▪ Double membrane-enclosed organelle; ▪ Large, membrane-enclosed organelle
synthesizes ATP for cell via aerobic present in all cells except mature
respiration erythrocytes
▫ Outer smooth membrane: encloses ▪ Contains genetic material (DNA, tightly
whole organelle packed into chromatin); coordinates cellular
▫ Inner membrane: forms folds, caverns activities
called cristae (contain proteins needed ▪ Most cells contain one nucleus; some
for aerobic respiration); encloses cells have more (e.g. skeletal muscle cells,
mitochondrial matrix (contains osteoclasts, hepatocytes)
mitochondrial DNA, ribosomes) ▪ Usually spherical, may take on other shapes
▪ Intermembrane space: space between ▫ Lobulated (e.g. polymorphonuclear
inner, outer membrane leukocytes)
▪ In cytoplasm glucose undergoes glycolysis, ▫ Elongated (e.g. columnar epithelium)
glucose cleaved into pyruvate
▫ Pyruvate enters mitochondria →
citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle), electron
transport chain (require oxygen)

Figur e 23.1 Cellular structures and their functions.

▪ Semipermeable membrane made from ▪ Semipermeable
phospholipid bilayer; surrounds cell ▫ Allows passage of certain molecules
cytoplasm through membrane (O2, CO2, etc.)
▫ Denies passage of others (large
Phospholipid bilayer
molecules such as proteins, glucose)
▪ Two-layered polar phospholipid molecules
comprising two parts ▪ Certain molecule transportation (ions, H2O)
allowed through embedded membrane
▫ Negatively charged phosphate “head”
proteins (ion channels, pumps)
(hydrophilic; oriented outwards)
▫ Fatty acid “tail” (hydrophobic; oriented

Figur e 23.3 Transport proteins move

molecules that can’t freely diffuse across
the cell membrane. Channels form a
tunnel through which water and ions flow.
Carriers have a binding site for a specific
molecule and gates at both ends that open
sequentially. Enzymes, or ATPases, actively
pump ions in/out of the cell against their
concentration gradients.

Phospholipid parts and their

Figur e 23.2

arrangement in a cell membrane.

Chapter 23 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Structures & Processes

▪ Cell membrane controls which molecules Channels
enter, leave ▪ Non-specific; open to allow water, small
▫ Passive transport: no energy required polar molecules through (e.g. voltage-gated
▫ Active transport: energy required → calcium channel)
adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Carrier proteins
▪ Very specific, only allow certain molecules
PASSIVE TRANSPORT to bind (e.g. glucose transporter protein
Simple diffusion
▪ Random molecular motion
▪ Small, nonpolar molecules move from ↑ ACTIVE TRANSPORT
concentration → ↓ concentration
Fick’s law ▪ Uses ATP
▪ Three factors affect diffusive flux ▫ Enzymes called ATPases use ATP as
▪ Concentration gradient fuel; (e.g. Na+-K+ ATPase, Ca2+ ATPase,
H+-K+ ATPase)
▫ Larger differences in solute
concentration on each side of ▫ May create concentration/
membrane → ↑ driving force → ↑ net electrochemical gradients
▫ Equal concentrations → no net diffusion
▪ Uses existing electrochemical gradients
(e.g.CO2, O2 movement between alveoli,
▫ One solute, normally Na+, moves
with concentration gradient through
▪ Membrane surface area transporter → supplies energy
▫ ↑ surface area available for diffusion → ↑ transporter needs to → another solute
diffusion rate; vice versa (e.g. microvilli in against concentration gradient in same/
small intestines amplify surface area → opposite direction as Na+ (e.g. sodium-
↑ nutrient, water absorption) glucose SGLT1 transporter)
▪ Distance separating each side of
membrane (e.g. thickness) Bulk transport
▫ ↑ distance molecules must travel → ↓ ▪ AKA vesicular transport
net diffusion; vice versa (e.g. pulmonary ▪ Endocytosis
edema → ↑ distance between ▫ Cell membrane invaginates, pulling
compartments → ↓ net diffusion) something in from outside (e.g.
pathogen phagocytosis)
Facilitated diffusion
▪ Exocytosis
▪ Uses transport proteins (e.g. channels,
carrier proteins) ▫ Vesicle inside cell pushes something out
(e.g. hormone secretion)
▪ Allows larger/polar molecules to move
across membrane

Figur e 23.4 Endocytosis and exocytosis.

▪ Environment surrounding cells ▫ Starts as procollagen → cleaved into
▪ Varies between tissues (epithelial, tropocollagen → arranged into collagen
connective, muscular, and nervous) fibrils
▫ Four types: type I (bone, skin, tendon),
type II (cartilage), type III (reticulin, blood
THREE MAJOR MOLECULES vessels), type IV (basement membrane)
Adhesive proteins ▪ Elastin
▪ Adhere cells together (communication with ▫ Elastic, returns tissue to original shape
extracellular fluid) ▪ Keratin
▫ E.g. integrins, cadherins ▫ Tough, found in hair, nails

Structural proteins Proteoglycans

▪ Give tissues tensile, compressive strength ▪ Fill space between cells, hydrate, cushion
▪ Collagen cells
▫ Resists tension, can stretch ▫ Consists of protein core with sugar

Chapter 23 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Structures & Processes

Figur e 23.6 The three kinds of structural

proteins in the extracellular matrix and their

Figur e 23.5Cadherins and integrins are both

adhesive proteins which hold cells together.

Figur e 23.7 Collagen production steps.

Figur e 23.8 Structure of proteoglycans, which hydrate and cushion cells.

▪ Protein structures that physically connect Adherens junctions
cells ▪ E.g. in skin
▪ Improve cellular communication, tissue ▪ Anchor cells together, provide strength;
structure; allow transport of some consist of three major components
substances between cells, create ▫ Actin filaments: provide cellular shape
impermeable barrier for others
▫ Protein plaques: anchor membrane,
▪ Only found between immobile cells; bind to actin filaments
abundant in epithelial tissue (e.g. in skin)
▫ Cadherins: attach to protein plaques,
connect to cadherins on other cells
Gap junctions
Tight junctions ▪ E.g. in heart
▪ E.g. in gastrointestinal tract/brain ▪ Connect adjacent cells, allow rapid
▪ Seal adjacent-cell plasma membranes, communication; formed by connexins →
especially near apical surface; prevent create tubular structure (allows charged
passage of water, small proteins, bacteria particles to pass)
▫ Formed by claudins, occludins ▫ In cardiac myocytes: gap junctions
embedded in cellular plasma create coordinated heart contractions
membranes ▫ In infected cells: gap junctions send
▫ In “leaky” epithelia, tight junctions may cytokines to neighboring cells, triggering
allow certain molecules to pass (e.g. K+, apoptosis, preventing infectious spread
Na+, Cl- in kidney’s proximal tubules— (“bystander effect”)
due to ion pores)

Figur e 23.9 The three types of cell junctions.

Chapter 23 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Structures & Processes

▪ Transports material in/out of cell ▪ Edges of pit come together, clathrin
▪ Requires adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for proteins link up
energy ▪ Vesicle pinches off; clathrin detaches,
returns to cell membrane
ENDOCYTOSIS ▪ Vesicle merges with endosome to separate
receptors into second vesicle
▪ Cells engulf extracellular material

▪ AKA cell eating
▪ Used by white blood cells (e.g.
macrophages, neutrophils)

▪ Cell extends arm-like projects (AKA
pseudopods) around target
▪ Cell membrane slowly engulfs target,
invaginates to form vesicle
▪ Vesicle separates from cell membrane to
form phagosome
Figur e 23.1 0 The three types of endocytosis.
▪ Phagosome fuses with lysosome, target is
▪ Debris released by exocytosis EXOCYTOSIS
▪ Cells expel material into extracellular space
PINOCYTOSIS (e.g. neurotransmitters, hormones)
▪ AKA cell drinking ▪ Last phagocytosis step
▪ Used by most cells to take in extracellular
fluid; non-specific Process
▪ Golgi apparatus creates vesicle from
Process various proteins, lipids, hormones
▪ Cell membrane invaginates around ▪ Motor proteins use ATP to carry vesicle
extracellular fluid along cytoskeleton
▪ Edges of invagination come together to ▪ Vesicle is pressed against cell membrane
form vesicle until rupture → spills contents into
▪ Motor proteins use ATP to carry vesicle into extracellular space

▪ Used by cells to take in specific molecules
(e.g. iron, cholesterol)

▪ Clathrin-covered pits/coated pits with
receptors bind certain molecules Figur e 23.1 1Exocytosis: expulsion of
material into extracellular space.

▪ Passive water-flow across selectively SELECTIVELY-PERMEABLE
permeable (semipermeable) cellular MEMBRANE
membrane; primarily determined by ▪ Allows small molecules (e.g. water) across,
solute concentration differences (osmotic but not larger molecules/ions
Isotonic solution
Factors affecting water movement across ▪ Side A = side B
▪ If solute concentration is same on each
▪ Molecules (e.g. water molecules, ions) side of membrane → net water movement
tend to move around (kinetic energy) + across membrane is zero (equilibrium)
movement is disordered, random (entropy)
→ larger solutes tend to block openings in Hypertonic/hypotonic solution
semipermeable membrane ▪ Side A > side B or side B > side A
▪ If solute ions positively charged, they attract ▪ If solute concentration is greater on one
slightly negatively charged oxygen atom in side (hypertonic) → net water migration
water molecule; if solute ions are negatively across membrane is from hypotonic side
charged, they attract slightly positively toward hypertonic side
charged hydrogen atoms in water molecule
→ water molecules partially attached to ion
→ movement through membrane impeded CELLULAR EFFECT
▪ Water molecules tend to move from ▪ Red blood cell in hypertonic solution → net
hypotonic side (more water/less solutes) to movement of water molecules out of cell →
hypertonic side (less water/more solutes) cell shrinks (crenation)
▪ Red blood cell in hypotonic solution → net
movement of water molecules into cell →
cell swells, may burst (lyses)

Figur e 23.1 2 Net water molecule movement between isotonic, hyper/hypotonic solutions.

Chapter 23 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Structures & Processes

▪ Electric potential across cell membrane ⎛ [ION]out ⎞
Vm = 30.75 × log ⎜ ⎟
▫ Given by weighted (based on ⎝ [ION]in ⎠
membrane permeability) sum of ▫ Double charge:
equilibrium potentials for all ions ▫ Value is flipped for negative ions
▪ High concentrations of Na+, Cl-, Ca2+ ▪ Resting membrane potential is sum
outside cell; high concentrations of K+, A- of equilibrium potentials of major ions
(various anions) inside cell → concentration multiplied by their membrane permeabilities
gradients are established
▫ Sodium-potassium pump uses ATP to
move two K ions into cell, three Na ions
▫ Potassium concentration = 150mMol/L
inside cell, 5mMol/L outside
▪ Concentration gradients establish
electrostatic gradients
▫ Concentration gradient pushes
potassium out through potassium leak
channels, inward rectifier channels
▫ Anions remain in cell → negative charge
builds up → potassium is pulled back
into cell
▪ Equilibrium (Nernst) potential: electrostatic
gradient equal to concentration gradient Figur e 23.1 3 Equilibrium potential = electric
(-92mV for potassium) potential for attracting K+ back into the cell
▪ Nernst equation: equilibrium potential for that’s needed to balance the concentration
an ion gradient pushing K+ out of the cell.
⎛ [ION]out ⎞
▫ Single charge: Vm = 61.5 × log ⎜ ⎟
⎝ [ION]in ⎠

The resting membrane potential is closest to the equilibrium potential of the most
Figur e 23.1 4

permeable ion (K+). Change in permeability → change in resting membrane potential.

INTRACELLULAR SIGNAL Cell signalling pathway stages
CLASSIFICATION 1.Reception: ligand binds to receptor
▪ Classified according to distance between 2.Transduction: receptor changes activating
signaling, target cells intracellular molecules
▫ Autocrine: cell signals nearby cells 3.Response: signal triggers a response in the
of same type, including itself (e.g. target cell
monocytes secrete interleukin-1 β)
▫ Paracrine: cell signals nearby cells of
different type (e.g. ECL cells secrete MAJOR TRANSMEMBRANE
histamine → signals D cells to secrete RECEPTOR CLASSES
G protein-coupled receptors
▫ Endocrine: cell signals distant cells (e.g.
▪ Seven-pass transmembrane receptors
pituitary gland secretes TSH → signals
thyroid gland) ▪ Activate guanine nucleotide-binding (G)
proteins inside cell
▪ Signalling molecules (ligands) bind to
receptors; can be hydrophobic/hydrophilic ▫ G proteins have three subunits: alpha,
beta, gamma
▫ Hydrophobic: can’t float in extracellular
space → brought to target cells ▫ Alpha binds guanosine diphosphate
by hydrophilic carrier proteins; can (GDP) when inactive
diffuse over cell membranes → bind to ▫ When ligand binds, alpha releases
receptors inside cell GDP, binds guanosine triphosphate
▫ Hydrophilic: can float in extracellular (GTP) instead → alpha separates from
space → reach target cells themselves; beta, gamma → alpha interacts with
can’t diffuse over cell membranes → proteins turning GTP back into GDP →
bind to cell surface (transmembrane) reattaches

Autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine signals refer to signal distance from its target
Figur e 23.1 5

cell. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic ligands refer to the affinity of the ligand for water.

Chapter 23 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Structures & Processes

Figur e 23.1 6 Mechanism of action of G-protein coupled receptors.

▪ Three types of G protein with different ▪ Composition: extracellular, ligand-binding

pathways domain; intracellular, enzymatic domain
▫ Gq: activates phospholipase C in cell ▪ Three main enzyme-coupled receptor types
membrane → phospholipase C cleaves ▫ Receptor tyrosine kinases: when ligand
phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate binds, these phosphorylate their own
into inositol trisphosphate, diacylglycerol tyrosine residues → conformational
→ inositol trisphosphate opens calcium change creates binding site for other
channels in endoplasmic reticulum signalling proteins
(calcium flows to cytoplasm, changing ▫ Tyrosine kinase associated receptors:
electrical charge distribution in cell when ligand binds, these phosphorylate
→ cell depolarization); diacylglycerol various proteins to relay signal to
binds to protein kinase C which tyrosine kinases inside cell
phosphorylates target proteins
▫ Receptor serine/threonine kinases:
▫ Gs: stimulates adenylate cyclase → when ligand binds, type II receptors of
adenylate cyclase removes phosphate this kind phosphorylate type I receptors,
from adenosine triphosphate which in turn phosphorylate various
(ATP) creating cyclic adenosine proteins to relay signal to serine/
monophosphate (cAMP) → cAMP binds threonine kinase domain inside cell
to regulatory subunit of protein kinase A
→ catalytic subunit of protein kinase A Ion channel receptors
phosphorylates target proteins ▪ Ion channels which open when specific
▫ Gi: inhibits adenylate cyclase → negative ligands bind
feedback on Gs ▪ Allow ions (e.g. chloride, calcium, sodium,
potassium) to flow through
Enzyme-coupled receptors
▪ Resulting shift in electric charge distribution
▪ Single-pass transmembrane receptors
triggers response
▪ Trigger enzymatic activity inside cell when
specific ligands bind

Figur e 23.1 7 Gq pathway.

Figur e 23.1 8 Gs pathway.

Figur e 23.1 9 Gi pathway.

Chapter 23 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Structures & Processes

Figur e 23.20 Types of enzyme-coupled receptors and their pathways.

Figur e 23.21 Mechanism of action for ion channel receptors.

HORMONAL MECHANISMS ▪ Second messengers: intracellular signalling
▪ All cells receive, process outside signals via molecules released by cells → triggers
specific proteins (receptors) physiological changes in response to
▫ Ligand (signalling molecule—e.g. hormone/ligand–receptor interaction
hormone) binds to receptor → ▫ Include: cyclic AMP (cAMP), cyclic GMP
physiological response (cGMP), inositol trisphosphate (IP3),
▪ Target tissue sensitivity to hormone effect diacylglycerol (DAG), Ca2+
controlled by receptor quantity/affinity ▫ Involved in cellular processes:
▫ ↑ receptor quantity → ↑ maximal proliferation, differentiation, migration,
response survival, apoptosis
▫ ↑ receptor affinity → ↑ response
likelihood G PROTEINS
▪ Membrane-bound proteins: act as
HORMONE RECEPTOR molecular switches, couple hormone
UPREGULATION/DOWNREGULATION receptors to effector enzymes
▪ Heterotrimeric proteins → three subunits →
Downregulation alpha (α), beta (β), gamma (γ)
▪ External stimulus → cell ↓ hormonal ▪ Can be stimulatory (Gs)/inhibitory (Gi)
receptor quantity/affinity ▫ Activity determined by α subunit (αs/αi),
▫ Chronic exposure to excessive signalling that contains GTPase activity
molecules (e.g. neurotransmitters/
drugs → ligand-induced target receptor Binding
desensitization/internalization) ▪ α subunit binds guanosine diphosphate
▫ Hormones may alter other hormonal (GDP)/triphosphate (GTP)
receptor sensitivity (e.g. in uterus— ▫ GDP binding → inactive state
progesterone downregulates its own ▫ GTP binding → active state → coupling
receptor, estrogen receptor) ▫ Guanosine nucleotide-releasing factors
▫ Mechanisms: ↓ new receptor synthesis, (GRFs) facilitate GDP dissociation
↑ existing receptor degradation, ▫ GTPase-activating factors (GAPs)
inactivating receptors facilitate GTP hydrolysis
Upregulation ▪ GRFs, GAPs relative activity
▪ External stimulus → cell ↑ hormonal ▫ ↑ G protein activation rate
receptor quantity/affinity ▪ Final signal transduction occurs via cyclic
▫ Repeated exposure to receptor adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) signal
antagonists/prolonged ligand absence pathway/phosphatidylinositol signal
→ upregulation pathway
▫ Hormone may upregulate receptors for
other hormones (e.g. in uterus estrogen ADENYLYL CYCLASE MECHANISM
upregulates its own receptor, also ▪ Hormones acting via cAMP mechanism:
luteinizing hormone (LH) receptors in adrenocorticotropic hormone, luteinizing
ovaries) hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone,
▫ Mechanisms: ↑ new receptor synthesis, thyroid-stimulating hormone, antidiuretic
↓ existing receptor degradation, hormone (V2 receptor), human chorionic
activating receptors gonadotropin, melanocyte-stimulating
hormone, corticotropin-releasing hormone,
SECOND MESSENGER SYSTEMS calcitonin, parathyroid hormone, glucagon
▪ Primary extracellular signalling molecules ▪ Hormone binds to receptor coupled to Gs/
often hydrophilic → cannot cross cell Gi protein → adenylyl cyclase activation/
membrane → second messenger system inhibition → intracellular cAMP ↑/↓
carries, amplifies signal across cell ▪ Stimulatory receptor events
membrane ▫ Hormone binds to receptor →

Chapter 23 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Structures & Processes

conformational change in αs subunit → STEROID HORMONE MECHANISM

αs subunit releases GDP → replacement ▪ Hormones acting via steroid hormone
by GTP → αs subunit detaches from Gs mechanism: glucocorticoids, estrogens,
protein progesterone, testosterone, aldosterone,
▫ αs subunit-GTP complex migrates 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, thyroid
within cellular membrane → binds → hormone
activates adenylyl cyclase ▪ No cell membrane-mediated transduction
▫ Activated adenylyl cyclase catalyzes step
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) → ↑ ▫ Steroid hormone diffuses across cell
cAMP (second messenger) membrane → binds to cytosolic (or
▫ Intrinsic GTPase activity in G protein nuclear) receptor proteins (monomeric
→ GTP converts → GDP → αs subunit phosphoproteins) → DNA transcription,
inactive again protein synthesis initiated
▪ cAMP acts as second messenger → ▪ Receptor proteins
hormonal signal amplification → final ▫ Part of intracellular receptor gene
physiological reaction superfamily
▪ Intracellular cAMP → protein kinase ▫ Each receptor protein has six domains
A activation → intracellular protein (A–F)
phosphorylation → physiological response ▫ Steroid hormone binds E domain near
▪ Phosphodiesterase degrades intracellular C terminus (central C domain binds to
cAMP → 5’ adenosine monophosphate DNA via zinc fingers)
(inactive metabolite) → hormonal response ▪ Steroid-receptor protein complex →
cessation conformational change in receptor protein
→ activation → enters nucleus
PHOSPHOLIPASE C MECHANISM ▪ Hormone-receptor complex combines
▪ Hormones acting via phospholipase with similar hormone-receptor complex
C mechanism: gonadotropin-releasing (dimerization)
hormone, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, ▪ New complex binds at C-domain via zinc
growth hormone-releasing hormone, fingers to specific DNA sequences (steroid-
angiotensin II, antidiuretic hormone (V1 responsive elements), located in target
receptor), oxytocin genes’ 5’ region
▪ Receptor Gq phospholipase C complex: ▪ DNA-bound active hormone-receptor
embedded in cell membrane complex acts as transcription factor for
▪ In neutral state (no bound hormone) αq specific genes → messenger RNA (mRNA)
subunit binds GDP → inactive Gq protein transcription
▪ Hormone binding → GDP release from ▪ mRNA leaves nucleus → translated into
αq subunit → GTP binding → αq subunit new protein with physiological action
detaches from Gq protein specific to original hormone
▫ αq-GTP complex migrates within cell
membrane → activates phospholipase TYROSINE KINASE MECHANISM
C → DAG, IP3 released from ▪ Hormones acting via tyrosine kinase
phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate mechanism: insulin, insulin-like growth
(PIP2) factor 1, growth hormone, prolactin
▫ IP3 → Ca2+ intracellular stores released ▪ Primary mechanism: tyrosine kinases
(from endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic phosphorylates protein tyrosine residues
▪ Two main categories
▫ DAG, IP3 → activate protein kinase C →
▫ Receptor tyrosine kinases → intrinsic
protein phosphorylation → physiological
kinase activity within receptor

▫ Tyrosine kinase–associated receptors → GUANYLYL CYCLASE MECHANISM
no intrinsic kinase activity, associated ▪ Hormones acting via guanylyl cyclase
noncovalently with proteins without mechanism include: atrial natriuretic
kinase activity peptide, nitric oxide (NO)
▪ Extracellular receptor domain binds ligand;
Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)
intracellular domain has guanylyl cyclase
▪ Three structural domains activity
▫ Extracellular binding domain: binds ▪ Ligand binding → guanylyl cyclase
hormone activation → GTP to cGMP conversion
▫ Hydrophobic transmembrane domain: ▪ cGMP activates cGMP-dependent kinase
membrane anchor → protein phosphorylation (proteins
▫ Intracellular domain: tyrosine kinase responsible for physiological response)
▪ Hormone binding → activation Intracellular forms (e.g. NO receptor)
▫ Activation → phosphorylates itself, ▪ Cytosolic guanylyl cyclase mediates signal
other proteins conversion
▪ Monomer-type RTKs ▪ NO synthase cleaves arginine (in vascular
▫ E.g. epidermal growth factor receptors, endothelial cells) → citrulline, NO
nerve growth factor ▪ NO diffuses from endothelial cells into
▫ Hormone binding to extracellular adjacent vascular smooth muscle → binds,
domain → receptor dimerization → activates soluble (cytosolic) guanylyl
intrinsic tyrosine kinase activation → cyclase → GTP conversion → cGMP →
tyrosine moieties phosphorylation of smooth muscle relaxation
itself, other proteins → physiological
▪ Dimer-type RTKs MECHANISM
▫ E.g. insulin, insulin-like growth factor ▪ Involved in cell proliferation regulation,
receptors apoptosis, cell differentiation, embryonic
▫ Hormone binding → intrinsic tyrosine development
kinase activation → tyrosine moieties ▪ G protein-linked receptors → adenylyl
phosphorylation of itself, other proteins cyclase, phospholipase C-linked
→ physiological response mechanism
▪ Hormone binding → protein kinase
Tyrosine kinase-associated receptors activation → serine, threonine moieties
▪ E.g. growth hormone phosphorylation → physiological response
▪ Three structural domains ▫ Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein
▫ Extracellular binding domain: binds kinase (CaMK), mitogen-activated
hormone protein kinases (MAPKs) phosphorylate
▫ Hydrophobic transmembrane domain: serine, threonine in subsequent reaction
membrane anchor cascade
▫ Intracellular domain: no tyrosine kinase
activity; non-covalently associated with
tyrosine kinase (e.g. Janus kinase family)
▫ Hormone binds to extracellular domain
→ receptor dimerization → associated
protein’s tyrosine kinase activated →
tyrosine moieties phosphorylation of
associated protein, hormone receptor,
other proteins

Chapter 23 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Structures & Processes

▪ Non-membrane-bound organelles Microtubules
comprising complex protein filament ▪ Approx. 25nm
network ▪ Dynamic structures made of alternating
▪ Provide structural stability, shape, proteins
organization, intracytoplasmic motility, cell ▫ α- and β-tubulins; polymerize to form
motility microtubules
▪ Stretch across cell
TYPES ▪ Functions
▫ Intracellular transport (e.g. vesicle
movement, melanin transport within
▪ Actin filaments: approx. 7nm pigmented cells)
▪ Dynamic structures made of actin ▫ Structural integrity
▫ Cell division (form mitotic spindle)
▫ Arranged in long twisting chain
▫ Cilia, flagella structural components
▪ Form network just below cell membrane
▪ Functions Intermediate filaments
▫ Muscle contraction: slide closer ▪ Approx. 8–10nm
together, further apart ▪ Static structures made of various fibrous
▫ Diapedesis: create pseudopodia for proteins (e.g. keratin, desmin, vimentin)
white blood cells (like neutrophils) depending on cell type
▫ Cell division: allows cell to pinch-off, ▪ Rope-like structure; forms branching
divide into two cells during mitosis network
▫ Microvilli function ▪ Functions
▫ Mechanical cell membrane support ▫ Organelle, cell-cell anchoring
▫ Play key role in providing structural
integrity, cell shape

Figur e 23.22 Cytoskeleton components and their functions.

Chapter 23 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Structures & Processes

▪ Encloses, separates nucleus from ▪ Dense non-membrane-bound structure;
cytoplasm some cells have more than one nucleolus
▪ Composed of selectively permeable ▪ Contains rDNA → transcribed into rRNA
membrane phospholipid bilayer ▪ Assembles ribosomal subunits
Nuclear pores
▪ Form where membranes fuse together at NUCLEOPLASM
various intervals ▪ Protoplasmic material
▪ Each pore lined with nuclear pore complex ▫ Composed of complex water, molecule,
(nucleoporin) to facilitate communication ion mixture
between nucleus, cytoplasm ▪ Contains nucleolus, chromatin
▪ Allow bidirectional macromolecule
Outer membrane ▪ Helical fiber
▪ Anchoring proteins that hold nucleus in ▫ Composed of 46 DNA molecules
place within cytoplasm wrapped around proteins (histones)
▪ Continuous with RER ▪ Histones help regulate DNA, gene
Inner membrane ▪ Chromosomes become visible as chromatin
▪ Covered by nuclear lamina fibers become tightly coiled during cellular
▪ Thin filamentous protein network, creates division
web within nucleus; provide support for

Figur e 23.23 Nuclear envelope components.

▪ Eight histones packed together in four
stacks of two; DNA wraps around them
▪ Strung on strand of DNA-like “beads on

Two chromatin types

▪ Euchromatin: loosely packed DNA, actively
being transcribed into RNA
▪ Heterochromatin: densely packed DNA, Figur e 23.24 The nucleoplasm contains the
inactive (not being transcribed) nucleolus and chromatin.

Figur e 23.25 In the nucleus, DNA wraps around collections of histone proteins to form

Figur e 23.26 During cell division, chromosomes make an exact copy of themselves. The two
are connected at the centromere. Each copy is called a sister chromatid. During cell division, the
sister chromatids separate so that there is one copy of their genetic material in each daughter


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