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2019 2nd International Conference on Communication Engineering and Technology

End-to-End Voice Encryption Based on Multiple Circular Chaotic Permutation

Nur Hayati Yohan Suryanto

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Universitas Indonesia Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia Depok, Indonesia
e-mail: e-mail:

Kalamullah Ramli Muhammad Suryanegara

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Universitas Indonesia Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia Depok, Indonesia
e-mail: e-mail:

Abstract—Voice communication is an important need in daily encryption as a method of improving security. The end-to-
activities whether delivered with or without technology. end encryption is used for protecting confidentiality of voice
Telecommunication technology has accommodated this need data transmitted over a GSM network. Although militaries
by providing a wide range of infrastructure, including large usually have their own secret channels for sharing
varieties of devices used as intermediary and end devices. One information over trunked radio but end to end encryption
of the cellular technologies that is very widely used by the help them to enhance the security level. The advantage of
public is GSM (Global System for Mobile), while in the end-to-end encryption is that only senders and receivers are
military, trunked radio is still popular. However, the security expected to be able to obtain valid information. It means that
systems of GSM and trunked radio have limitations. Therefore,
even though the information is tapped in the middle, an
this paper proposes a platform to secure voice data over
wireless mobile communication by providing end-to-end
outsider unable to translate the contents of the information
encryption. This platform is robust to noise, real-time and because the algorithm and the key for decrypting the data are
remains secure. The proposed encryption utilizes multicircular specifically known by trusted parties. Therefore, this
permutations rotated by expanded keys as dynamic keys to proposed platform would be very useful to be implemented
scramble the data. We carry out simulations and testbed at the military communication system.
implementation to prove that application of the proposed
Keywords-voice encryption; chaotic algorithm; GSM network; GSM / 2G / 3G network encryption is mostly
trunked radio; multiple circular implemented close to mobile device and base station. Voice
encryption in 2G / 3G GSM networks uses COMP128, with
I. INTRODUCTION algorithms A3, A8 and A5, which can be solved in less than
Voice communication is a basic need in the delivery of two hours [6]. Meanwhile, cellular operators can intercept
information, whether through the use of technology or and store the voice communication logs of customers. The
through direct interaction. In the modern era, end-to-end framework for voice encryption over GSM
telecommunication technology has accommodated this need networks can be done by converting voice into digital form,
by providing a wide range of infrastructure, including large which is then compressed into a low bit rate format, then
varieties of devices used as intermediary and end devices. encrypted and sent via a special modem or packet switch
One of the cellular technologies that is very widely used by data services such as GPRS [7]or a circuit switch data
the public is GSM (Global System for Mobile). GSM service [8]. The challenge in encrypting voice
technology is growing rapidly in every country, so that both communication through GSM / 2G / 3G cellular networks is
the public and high-ranking state officials utilize this facility, how to encrypt, despite the limitations of GSM / 2G / 3G
both within their own countries and when using roaming in a network bandwidth, the large variety of devices used, the
foreign country. However, despite this technological number of cellular operators involved, and the number of
progress, GSM has security limitations [1] [2] [3] [4]. operating systems used by smartphones. In terms of
Security developed in GSM technology has a medium bandwidth limitations that can be passed, GSM networks
scale [5] so that, for confidential communication, one even only pass voice frequencies with a range of less than
additional feature is needed to secure information that is on a 3400 Hz or data with low rates of less than 6.5 kbps [9].
GSM network. Therefore, this paper proposes end-to-end Encryption research continues to evolve and is leading to
improvements in security aspects, resistance to interference,

978-1-7281-1439-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 101

and the speed of the encoding process. There is a need for a the encrypted voice would be decrypted with permutation
very secure encryption method with key space that is high multicircular expanding. The direction of the shift in
enough and can be used independently of the types of permutations, both shrinking and expanding, is determined
devices, applications, and codecs in real time. The by the value of the expanded key [11].
encryption used must also be robust because public networks
based on wireless with high frequency reuse sometimes
experience interference. One encoding technique that can
meet the above requirements is encoding based on chaotic
maps. To respond to the need for a large key space and
process speed, and at the same time robustness towards noise,
in our previous research we proposed a multicircular chaotic
permutation method that is smaller and enlarged. Chaotic
Permutation Multicircular Shrinking Movement (CPMCSM) Figure 1. Topology diagram system.
and Chaotic Permutation Multicircular Expanding
Movement (CPMCEM) are encryption bases that have very
large key spaces, fulfill chaotic properties [10], and are very
safe to apply to image encryption[11]. Thus, we decide to try
to implement it in voice. The proposed encryption method
has a very large key space, far greater than the existing
chaotic map [12]. Chaotic Permutation Multiple Circular is a
permutation that can fulfill all possible permutations for N Figure 2. The design of end to end encryption decryption.
elements. It is possible for an element to be chosen to occupy
the first position in a permutation. The permutation A permutation technique was chosen as a method for
multicircular method consists of a pair of methods, namely randomizing voice because it keeps the value of mutated
Chaotic Permutation Multicircular Shrinking and Expanding, elements constant, thus it is resistant to interference. The
each of which is the reverse process of the other. Each multicircular permutation technique is used for proposing
permutation stage, involving a number of elements that get this methodology as it is robust to noise with a very large key
smaller, differs by one element from the previous stage. To space and its key is an unconditional integer number.
get the original set of elements from the elements Therefore, we assumed that this method would be suitable
randomized using the shrinking method, one needs to do a for securing voice transmitted over wireless media. To
permutation with multicircular expanding, which is strengthen the security mechanism, we use expanded keys to
controlled by the same key series. In contrast with shrinking, determine the direction of rotation, which is intended to
the number of elements involved in each round of expanding make randomization in the encryption process dynamic. This
is growing. dynamic permutation uses a different sequence of keys for
each encryption process, so that encrypted data is more
III. METHODOLOGY resistant against known attacks.
This research proposes an end-to-end voice encryption
over wireless communication platform. The method is IV. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
indicated to produce robust encryption against noise while We tried two scenarios, namely simulation and test bed
remaining secure and is designed to be adaptable to various implementation, to ensure that implementation of the
types of mobile devices technology independently. The proposed system is feasible. The result of each scenario is
overall design of the encryption system is shown in Figure 1. analyzed and discussed.
The proposed encryption utilizes multicircular permutation
to randomize the voice signals transmitted over wireless A. Simulation of End-to-End Voice Encryption Decryption
radio. Encryption and decryption algorithms are installed on The first scenario is simulation conducted in
hardware separate from mobile devices. The proposed mathematical programming software running on Lenovo
hardware is called an Encryption Decryption Device (EDD) IdeaPad S210. We simulate the encryption and decryption
and is attached on mobile devices. In this research, EDD process without involving communication media. This is
input consists of voice data with Indonesian phonetics intended to ensure that the proposed algorithm can be
published by [13]. realized in the form of software. The parameters used for the
The design of our proposed platform that will be installed simulation are shown in Table 1.
in EDD is displayed in Figure 2. This design has three main Aligning the simulation results, we obtain the plotting of
functions: Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), encryption or voice signal data in various conditions. Figure 3 (a) is the
decryption, and Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). The original form of a voice signal which is a * .wav file before
encryption system is applied in digital form. Encryption and processing. Voice data is sampled with a sampling rate of
decryption are executed utilizing a digital dynamic complex 16000 Hz. The number of sampled data voice is 124418 and
permutation module rotated by set of expanded keys. At the is divided into 486 blocks, with each block consisting of 256
sender or transmitter, EDD encrypts the voice using bits. Figure 3 (b) is a plotting of expanded keys which
permutation multicircular shrinking. While at the receiver, determine the position of the voice data index. In the

proposed method, the data in each block is given an index TABLE I. THE SIMULATION PARAMETERS
ranging from 0 to 255. Then the data is permuted with the Parameter Value/Data
direction of the shifting position according to the value of the
Frequency sampling 16000 Hz
expanded key. Thus, the expanded key has a significant
impact on determining the change of the voice position index. Encryption block size 256
In the simulation, the expanded key is still entered manually. Voice source Indonesian phonetics [13]
So, if users enter the expanded key value randomly, the Encryption-Decryption Permutation multiple circular
permutation would rotate dynamically, and this is useful for method shrinking and expanding [11]
increasing security. Key generator Expanded key stream [11]

Figure 3. Simulation results: (a) Original Signal (b) Expanded Key (c) CPMS Signal
(d) CPME Signal (e) Encrypted Signal (f) Decrypted Signal

Figure 3 (c) and (d) sequentially is a form of a chaotic randomized according to the input expanded key entered by
permutation multicircular shrinking signal during the the user. Figure 3 (f) plots decrypted signals using
encryption process and a chaotic permutation multicircular permutations that are in the opposite direction to the
expanding signal in the decryption process. The image shows encryption process. Seen in Figure 3 (a), (e) and (f), the
randomness of changes in location in each index of voice simulation results show the similarity of the signal form at
data in one block. Figure 3 (e) plots the encryption signal or the time of the original voice, already encrypted and
the result of processing from the original voice signal after decrypted. But when the voice is heard, the encrypted voice
being mutated with a multicircular method that is will be very different from the other two voices. This

indicates that encryption was successfully performed. Then if we want to meet the QoS standard, there is still a
when we compare the original voice with the voice of the remaining time of 60 ms which is used to encrypt and
decryption, there is no change in the voice. This shows that decrypt. If divided equally, then 30 ms for encryption is
there is no change in the data encryption and decryption divided into ADC, encryption and DAC processes, each ≤
processes. However, the result between simulation and 10 ms; the same applies on the decryption side. This
implementation of the test bed show different value. There is calculation shows that the proposed per-block encryption
a difference between the original voice and the decrypted method is able to meet end-to-end real-time data encryption
voice that is influenced by the hardware and software on the standards.
testing device.
B. Testbed Implementation of Encryption and Decryption
The implementation of the proposed method was also
carried out by doing testing on two trunked radio units, each
of a different brand. We used trunked radio units instead of
mobile phones because we tried to use a less complex
devices system. This testbed is intended to show that
encryption is independent of the device or is universal so that
it can work on multi-vendor devices. However, in order to
simulate the EDD we used a laptop. The laptop on the
transmitter side runs ADC, encryption and DAC functions,
while on the receiver side, it runs ADC, decryption, and
DAC. The testbed specifications are shown in Table 2,
while the testbed topology is indicated in Figure 5.


Parameter Value/Data
Software Specification
Frequency sampling 16000 Hz
Encryption block size 256
Voice source Indonesian phonetics [13]
Encryption Decryption Permutation multicircular
method shrinking and expanding
Key generator Expanded key [11]
Hardware specifications
(b) Trunked Radio Transmitter Icon MDC 1200
Figure 4. Simulation Results: (a) Encryption Time (b) Decryption Time Trunked Radio Receiver HYT TC 700
EDD at Transmitter Lenovo IdeaPad S210
In the next simulation we analyze the time used for EDD at Receiver Asus
processing encryption and decryption. We consider the time
because in the encryption and decryption process, time is The test bed test results show that the decrypted voice
correlated with speed, which is an important factor in real- that has been transmitted through a trunked device has
time communication. The simulation results show that the decreased in quality. The voice heard on the receiver side is
time used for encryption all samples block is 0.65 seconds not as clear as when on the transmitter side. This can be seen
and the total decryption time for all blocks is 1.23 seconds. from the plotting of Figures 6 (a) and (b) showing a similar
The average time needed to encrypt one block of data is signal pattern while Figure 6 (c) there is a slight difference in
1.39ms and the average time required to decrypt 1.8 times the certain part.
higher namely 2.51 ms. A graph of the encryption and Based on the results of experiment, there is a problem
decryption time of each block is shown in Figure 4. arise during the implementation. It is how to determine the
Based on the simulation results, if we use a GSM precision of the encrypted data exactly as the data is
standard that has higher compression and a more decrypted after passing through a series of processes. The
sophisticated modulation technique, the encryption value per ideal condition is when the data has been encrypted and then
block can be said to be very good. This is because GSM sent to the trunked radio transmitter and decrypted – then the
imposes a maximum delay end to end on existing GSM voice should not change at all. However, the testing proved
networks of ≤ 90 ms, while the standard QoS delay for end- that after passing through EDD, the data returned to the
to-end voice data communication is ≤150 ms. From the data, analog form, which then passed the modulation process on

analog trunked radio, and if the trunked radio was used V. CONCLUSION
digitally, the data would go through the process of This research proposed an end-to-end voice encryption
compression and decompression. The data is then method proven by simulations and test bed implementation
transmitted through the media. When received on the data run over trunked radio devices. The simulation results show
receiver device in demodulated form, an analog signal is sent that the average time needed to encrypt voice data per block
to EDD for decryption. So, when it comes to EDD on the is 1.39 ms with a block size of 256 bits, whereas the
receiver side, it is necessary to ensure that there is no change decryption time is slightly larger, 2.52 ms. This value is very
in the data at all. Because even if there is only one „bit‟ of small compared to the delay of standard QoS for end-to-end
data changes, the decryption process will produce an encryption of voice data, namely 150 ms. The results of the
inappropriate voice. testbed indicate that implementation of the proposed method
is feasible in software and hardware. The proposed system
shows its ability to be applied in a universal way and
independent of trunked radio devices. Therefore, our next
research project will seek to develop a prototype of the
proposed system and implement it in mobile phones, which
have a more complex system.
This research publication is funded by PIT9 Universitas
Indonesia. Ms Hayati is in PhD study supported by Beasiswa
(a) Unggulan Dosen Indonesia Dalam Negeri (BUDI-DN),
Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP), Cooperation
between Ministry of Research and Higher Education and
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.
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