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[WIP] Revisit Investigating

Current Investigating Flow


With that current flow & system, here are the issues that happened at the operation:
(order by the most critical issues)
1. After investigating, there’s no cancellation option.
Current solution: Ask tech team to change the status to cancel.
2. Found the replacing item, after scanned then move to checker, the SO status
is still investigate.
Current solution: Ask tech team to change the status to ready to pack.
3. Found the original item, but can’t be consolidated.
Current solution: Ask tech team.
4. Can’t scan the UID directly to the system.
Current solution: scan it to the excel
5. Can’t move the order status to investigate when it’s still in the picking
Current solution: Ask tech team.
6. Deciding the item that will be set as loss

Add Cancel Button at Investigating

Solved issue(s):
 Issues number 1 (After investigating, there’s no cancellation…)
User Story:
As an inventory worker, I want to cancel investigated order that I can’t find, so that I
don’t need to ask the tech team for it.


Acceptance Criteria:
 `Cancel SO` button appear at the SO status dashboard for investigating status
 SO will be cancelled after the `cancel SO` button is clicked
 Only SPV & Leader can see the button.
Add Investigate Button at Picking

Solved issue(s):
 Issues number 3 (Found the original item, but…)
 Issues number 5 (Can’t move the order status…)
User Story:
As an inventory worker, I want to move the SO status to investigate at picking
proses, so that I don’t need to ask the tech team for it.



Acceptance Criteria:
 ‘Investigate SO’ button appear at the Consolidation page
 SO will be move to investigating status after the `Investigate SO` button is
Investigate the Stuck Status (Investigate)

Solved issue(s):
 Issues number 2 (Found the replacing item, after…)
User Story:
[bug] So status always stuck at investigate.

Acceptance Criteria:
 Investigate status will update manually with 99% success rate.
Investigate the Barcode Scanner

Solved issue(s):
 Issues number 4 (Can’t scan the UID directly…)
User Story:
[bug] Inventory worker can’t scan the product on investigate

Acceptance Criteria:
 Barcode can scan directly at every from in consolidation

 Handover ke barang lain ketika nemu barang pengganti.
o How is the action
 Which item that will be marked as loss

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