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Computer Programming 1 Course Contents



1. Introduction to Computers and C++

1.1 Computers: Hardware and Software
1.2 Data Hierarchy
1.3 Computer Organization
1.4 Machine Langauages, Assembly Languages and High Level Languages
1.5 Introduction to Object Technology
2. Introduction to C++ Programming
2.1 First Program in C++ Printing a Line of Text
2.2 Modifying Our First C++ Program
2.3 Adding Integers
2.4 Memory Concepts
2.5 Arithmetic
2.6 Decision Making: Equality and Relational Operations
3. Introduction to Classes, Objects and Strings
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Defining a Class with a Member Function
3.3 Defining a Member Function with a Parameter
3.4 Data Members, set Functions and get Functions
3.5 Initializing objects with Constructors
3.6 Placing a Class in a Separate File for Realibility
3.7 Separating Interface form Implementation
3.8 Validating Data with set Function



1. Control Statements
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Algorithms
1.3 Pseudocode
1.4 Control Structures
1.5 If Selection Statement
1.6 If… else.. Double-Selection Statement
1.7 While repetition
1.8 Counter-Controlled Repetitions
1.9 Sentinel-Controlled Repetition
1.10 Nested Control Statements
1.11 Assignment Operators
1.12 Increment and Decrement Operators

2. Control Statements(Part II)

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition
2.3 For Repetition Statement
2.4 Examples ising the For Statements
2.5 Do… while Repetition Statement
2.6 Switch multiple-selection statement
2.7 Break and continue Statements
2.8 Logical Operators
2.9 Confusing Equality(==) and Assignment (=) Operators
2.10 Structured Programming Summary
3. Functions and an Introduction to Recursion
3.1 Inroduction
3.2 Program Components in C++
3.3 Math Library Functions
3.4 Function Definitions with Multiple Parameters
3.5 Function Prototypes and Argument Coercion
3.6 C++ Standard Library Headers
3.7 Storage Classes
3.8 Scope Rules
3.9 Function Call Stack and Activation Records
3.10 Function with Empty Parameter Lists
3.11 Inline Function
3.12 References and Reference Parameters
3.13 Default Arguments
3.14 Unary Scope Resolution Operator
3.15 Function Overloading
3.16 Function Templates
3.17 Recursion
3.18 Example Using Recursion: Fibonacci Series\
3.19 Recursion vs. Iteration




1. Arrays and Vectors

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Arrays
1.3 Declaring Using Arrays
1.4 Examples Using Arrays
1.4.1 Declaring an Array and Using a Loop to Initialize the Array’s Elements
1.4.2 Initializing an Array in a Declaration with an Initializer List
1.4.3 Specifying an Array’s Size with a Constant Variable and Setting Array Elements with Calculations
1.4.4 Summing the Elements of an Array
1.4.5 Using Bar Charts to Display Array Data Graphically
1.4.6 Using the Elements of an Arrays as Counters
1.4.7 Using Arrays to Summarize Survey Results
1.4.8 Static Local Arrays and Automatic Local Arrays
1.5 Passing Arrays to Function
1.6 Searching Arrays with Linear Search
1.7 Sorting Arrays with Insertion Sort
1.8 Multidimensional Arrays
1.9 Introduction to C++ Standard Library Class Template Vector

2. Pointers
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Pointer Variable Declaration and Initialization
2.3 Pointer Operators
2.4 Pass-by-Reference with Pointers
2.5 Using const with Pointers
2.6 Selection Sort Using Pass-by-Reference
2.7 sizeof Operators
2.8 Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic
2.9 Relationship Between Pointer and Arrays
2.10 Pointer-Based String Processing
2.11 Arrays of Pointers
2.12 Function Pointers


1. Access Database
 Introduction
 Concepts
 Database uses and functions
 Database Objects


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