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Freud and Jung

O Method of mind investigation – especially
O “A therapeutic method, originated by Sigmund
Freud, for treating mental disorders by
investigating the interaction of conscious and
unconscious elements in the patient's mind
and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into
the conscious mind, using techniques such as
dream interpretation and free association”
(Oxford English Dictionary)
Branches of Psychoanalysis
O Human behaviour affected by irrational drives
- the unconscious
O Attempts to bring into awareness meet
resistance in the form of defence
O Events in early childhood
O Conflicts between conscious view of reality
and unconscious (repressed) material =
mental disturbances
O Liberation from the effects of the unconscious
material is achieved through bringing this into
the consciousness
O Free association, dreams and
O Patient puts into words, without
censorship, whatever thoughts enter head
O Patient helps him or herself – solve their
own problems
O Freud turned dreams into object of scrutiny and
developed theory for interpreting them
O The Interpretation of Dreams: dreams express
current wishes as well as unfulfilled childhood
O Freud believed all problems originate from
O Dream-work:
O Condensation: different ideas – single image
O Displacement: disturbing – less disturbing
O Representation: thoughts – images
O Symbolization: object- sexual life
O Way in which someone attributes to
analyst their attitudes from important
childhood figures
Ego, super-ego and id
O Id
O Present from birth
O Unconscious
O Driven by pleasure principle, which strives for immediate
gratification of all desires, wants, and needs

O The Ego
O Dealing with reality
O Functions in conscious, preconscious, and unconscious mind

O Super-ego
O Internalized moral standards and ideals that we acquire from
both parents and society--our sense of right and wrong
O Making judgements

O The Interaction of the Id, Ego and Superego

O According to Freud, the key to a healthy personality is a
balance between the id, the ego, and the superego
O Form of psychotherapy in which the
analyst and patient work together to
increase the patient’s consciousness
O Treat depression and anxiety
O Assists psychological growth
O Realignment of conscious and
unconscious aspects of the personality
Aspects of the Psyche
O Psyche
O Ego - centre of consciousness
O Self - centre of whole psyche
O Analytic work moves beyond ego and seeks to establish a
relationship between ego and self

O Persona
O Social identity that we identify with the ego
O We are much more than the social roles we may play and can
move beyond them

O Shadow
O Unconscious aspects of our personality that have been
lost, rejected or never integrated.
O If identified - less likely to blame others for our problems
Anima and Animus
O Two other fundamental archetypes in the

O Inner feminine side of a man – Anima

O Inner masculine side of a woman – Animus

O When conscious of these figures, they can promote

and support new aspects of thinking, feeling and

O When figures remain unconscious, they can

sabotage efforts for growth and fulfilment
Goals of Jungian
O Coming to terms with the unconscious

O Appreciating the experience (journey) of exploring

the unconscious

O Working towards self-realisation through dreams

O Develop a way to evaluate things symbolically

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