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Future and Emerging Technologies=FET
Teknologjitë e reja dhe të së ardhmes

European Innovation Council (EIC)=EIC

Këshilli i Europës për Inovacion
PROACTIVE në përpunim aktual
Action = Project
Dec 18, 2019 5:14:41 PM
WARNING! The Commission intends to modify topics ‘FETPROACT-EIC-07-2020: FET Proactive:
emerging paradigms and communities’ and ‘FETPROACT-EIC-08-2020: Environmental Intelligence’. The
opening and deadline dates will also be changed. The changes will be confirmed once all necessary procedural
steps are finalized.

Framework Partnership Agreements (FPA)

Kushte e e përzgjedhjes për pjesmarrje

Eligibility conditions for participation 6,7,8

Research & At least three legal entities. Each of the three must be established
actions (RIA) a different EU Member State or Horizon 2020 associated
country. All three legal entities must be independent of each other.
Projekte për
Kërkim dhe
Innovation At least three legal entities. Each of the three must be established
actions (IA) in

Projekte për a different EU Member State or Horizon 2020 associated

Inovacionin country. All three legal entities must be independent of each other.

Coordination At least one legal entity established in an EU Member State

& support
actions (CSA) Horizon 2020 associated country.

Projekte për
koordinim dhe
SME At least one SME9. Only applications from for-profit
established in EU Member States or Horizon 2020
associated countries10.
Summary of General Annexes by Orkida Muça (e papërfunduar)
Actions No concurrent submission or implementation with another
Projekte për 11
instrument phase 1 or phase 2 project.
Ndërmarrjet e
Vogla dhe të

ERA-NET At least three legal entities. Each of the three must be established
a different EU Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country.
actions All three legal entities must be independent of each other.
me Participants in ERA-NET Cofund actions must be ‘research
bashkëfi funders’, i.e. legal entities owning or managing public research and
innovation programmes.12
Pre- At least three legal entities. Each of the three must be established
a different EU Member State or Horizon 2020 associated
procurement country. All three legal entities must be independent of each other.
(PCP) &
Furthermore, there must be a minimum of two legal entities
procurement of
which are ‘public procurers’13 from two different EU Member
Innovative States or Horizon 2020 associated countries.
(PPI) actions At least five legal entities. Each of the five must be established in
aBoth legal entities must be independent of each other.
different EU Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country. All
Programme five legal entities must be independent of each other.14
(EJP) Cofund
Participants in EJP Cofund actions must be legal entities owning
or mandated to manage national research and innovation

The European Research Area (ERA) is a system of scientific research programs integrating the
scientific resources of the European Union (EU). Since its inception in 2000, the structure has been
concentrated on European cooperation in the fields of medical, environmental, industrial, and
socioeconomic research. The ERA can be likened to a research and innovation equivalent of the
European "common market" for goods and services. Its purpose is to increase the competitiveness
of European research institutions by bringing them together and encouraging a more inclusive way
of work, similar to what already exists among institutions in North America and Japan. Increased
mobility of knowledge workers and deepened multilateral cooperation among research institutions
among the member states of the European Union are central goals of the ERA.
Horizon 2020
Summary of General Annexes by Orkida Muça (e papërfunduar)
Work Programme 2018-2020
General Annexes
Albania, being an associated country is eligible to receive funding through Horizon 2020 grants.
Standard admissibility conditions, page limits, and supporting documents
Standardet, kushtet e pranueshmerisë , kufuzimi i nr. te faqeve dhe dokumentet mbështetëse
1. All actions under this Work Programme, proposals/prize applications must comply with the
admissibility conditions set out in this Annex, unless they are supplemented or modified in the call
conditions. Të gjitha projektet e këtij Programi Pune, çmimet/propozimet (çmimet e
propozuara) duhet të jenë në përputhje me kushtet e pranueshmërisë në këtë aneks, për sa kohë
që këto kushte nuk janë ndryshuar nga thirrja (call-i).
A proposal to be considered must: Një propozim merret në shqyrtim kur:
a. submitted in the electronic submission system before the deadline given in the call
conditions or rules of contest; paraqitet Brenda afatit ne Sistemin Elektronik të Pranimit.
b. readable, accessible and printable i lexueshëm, i aksesueshëm dhe i printueshëm
c. complete and include the requested administrative data, the proposal description, and any
obligatory supporting documents specified in the call/contest; i kompletuar (i mbaruar si
pershkrim) dhe që përfshinTë dhënat administrative të kërkuara (titulli, subjekti, leja et.
Që kanë të bëjnë me anën juridike dhe administrative) dhe Përshkrimi i Propozimit
(zbërthimi paraprak teknik i projektit ) si edhe dokumentet e detyrueshme mbështetës
(Licenca, diploma, etj identifikuese)
d. include a draft plan for the exploitation and dissemination of the results, unless otherwise
specified in the call conditions. The draft plan is not required for proposals at the first stage
of two-stage procedures. që përfshin një draft plan për shfrytëzimin dhe shpërndarjen e
rezultateve, për sa kohë që nuk është përshkruar ndryshe në thirrje (call). Draft Plani nuk
kërkohet për fazën e pare në rastin e aplikimeve me dy faza.
2. page limits will apply to parts of proposals/applications, unless otherwise specified in the call
conditions. The page limits and sections subject to limits, will be clearly shown in the proposal
templates in the Funding & Tenders Portal electronic submission system. Unless stated otherwise
in the call conditions, the limit for a full proposal is 70 pages. Numri i lejuar i faqeve të
propozimit, për këtë rast derisa të mos kërkohen ndryshime nga call-i do të jetë 70 faqe për tërë
propozimin me të gjitha kërkesat brenda.
Proposals must be written in a legible font, further guidance on the use of fonts, margins and
other page formatting will be included in the proposal templates.Propozimet do të përfshihen
në një Format (template) të propozuar me të gjithë elementët që kërkohen si: lloji i shkrimit,
marginsat, mënyra e përmbushjes etj.
The structure of proposals must correspond to the requirements specified under each section of
the proposal template. Struktura e propozimity duhet të përputhet me kërkesat specifike të çdo
seksioni të formatit të përgjithshëm.
3. The following supporting documents (if available),should be provided to determine the operational
capacity of each applicant in grant proposals, unless otherwise specified in the call: Dokumentet

Summary of General Annexes by Orkida Muça (e papërfunduar)
mbështetëtse si më poshtë (nëse disponohen) do të paraqiten (dorëzohen) për të dëshmuar aftësitë
vepruese të çdo aplikanti, për sa kohë që nuk ndryshohen nga thirrja)
 A curriculum vitae or description of the profile of the persons who will be primarily
responsible for carrying out the proposed research and/or innovation activities; (një CV, ose
përshkrim i profilit të personit kryesor përgjegjës në zbatimin e propozimit për
kërkimose/edhe të aktivitetit inovativ.
 A list of up to five relevant publications, and/or products, services (including widely used
datasets or software), or other achievements relevant to the call content; lista e
publikimeve të përshtatshmenë përputhje me projektin ose e produkteve dhe shërbimeve (që
përfshin gjerësisht bazën e të dhënave dhe softet e tyre)
 A list of up to five relevant previous projects or activities, connected to the subject of this
proposal; (një listë të pesë projekteve relavante (sipas kërkesave) që kanë autorësinë e
subjektit që bën propozimin)
 A description of any significant infrastructure and/or any major items of technical
equipment, relevant to the proposed work; (një përshkrim i inventarit teknik
infrastrukturor domethënës (që luan rol në skemën teknike) dhe çdo pajisje të rendësishme
teknike, që plotëson kërkesat e punës së propozuar dhe që disponon aktualisht.
 A description of any third parties that are not represented as project partners, but who will
nonetheless be contributing towards the work (e.g. providing facilities, computing resources).
Përshkrimi i çdo pale të tretë të cilët nuk kanë statusin e partnerit të projektit (që nuk
propozohen nga projekti si partner), por megjithatë kontribuojnë në realzimin e punës (
që ofrojnë fasilitete, burime plotësuese)

Evaluation Rules carried out by evaluators:

Selection Criteria

1. Financial capacity is an important instrumental activity of daily life that comprises those abilities
needed for an individual independently to manage financial affairs in a manner consistent with
personal self-interest and values. For grants, coordinators will be invited – at the proposal stage – to
complete a self-assessment using an on-line tool. (Proposal Stage means the second stage of Bidding
Process, which starts from the release of RFP Document and ends with the signing of the Contract
Agreement for the Project.) Aftësia paguese financiare është një instrument i rendësishëm i aktivitetit
në jetën e përditshme që përfshinë ato kapacitete të nevojshme për një pavarësi individuale të pavarur
për të kryer veprime financiare të cilat i shërbejnë në mënyrë të qëndrueshme interesave dhe vlerave
të veta )
2. Operational capacity: Experts will indicate whether each individual participant has, or will have in
due time, a sufficient operational capacity to successfully carry out its tasks in the proposed work
plan. This assessment will be based on the competence and experience of the applicant, including its
operational resources1 (human, technical and other) and, if applicable, exceptionally the concrete
measures proposed to obtain it by the time of the implementation of the tasks. Aftësia vepruese:
Ekspertët (e vlerësimit të projektit?) do të tregojnë nëse secili nga individët pjesëmarrës ka ose do të
ketë një kapacitet të mjaftueshëm veprues në kohën e duhur për realizimin me sukses të detyrave të tij

Operations resources are the machines, tools, workers, facilities, physical areas or vendors that
perform the activities of a project or a production process.
Summary of General Annexes by Orkida Muça (e papërfunduar)
në planin e propozuar të punës. Ky vlerësim do të bazohet në kompetencat dhe përvojën e aplikantit,
duke përfshirë burimet e tij operacionale (njerëzore teknike dhe të tjera) dhe nëse kërkohen masa
konkrete të veçantaqë propozoahen për tu arritur gjatë kohës së zbatimit të detyrave (që shtron
3. For prizes and for first-stage proposals in a two-stage submission procedure, neither financial
capacity nor operational capacity is subject to evaluation. (Sa i takon çmimeve për fazën e pare të
propozimeve me dy faza nuk është e nevojshme të paraqiten për vlerësim as kapaciteti (fuqia
pafguese financiare) as edhe aftësia vepruese.
Award criteria, scores and weighting Kriteret akorduese, pikët dhe peshat
I. Grant proposals will be evaluated by experts, on the basis of the award criteria ‘excellence’, ‘impact’
and ‘quality and efficiency of the implementation’(see Article 15 of the Horizon 2020 Rules for
Participation Regulation No 1290/2013).
The aspects to be considered in each case depend on the types of action as set out in the table below,
unless stated otherwise in the call conditions:
Award criteria (I. Ekselenca, II. Impakti, III. Cilësia dhe eficienca e implementimit të projektit)
I. Excellence:
The following aspects will be taken into account, to the extent that the proposed work corresponds to the
topic description in the work programme:
All types of action (except Framework Partnership Agreement; see below)
a. Clarity and pertinence of the objectives; Soundness of the concept, and credibility of the
proposed methodology;
Research and innovation actions (RIA); Innovation actions (IA)
a. Extent that the proposed work is beyond the state of the art, and demonstrates innovation
potential (e.g. ground-breaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches, new products,
services or business and organisational models) Appropriate consideration of
interdisciplinary approaches and, where relevant, use of stakeholder knowledge and gender
dimension in research and innovation content.
Coordination & support actions (CSA)
a. Quality of the proposed coordination and/or support measures.

ERA-NET Cofund actions

a. Level of ambition in the collaboration and commitment of the participants in the proposed
ERA-NET action to pool national resources in terms of budget, number of partners and
participating countries and to coordinate their national/regional research programmes

Pre-commercial procurement (PCP)/ Public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI) actions

Summary of General Annexes by Orkida Muça (e papërfunduar)
a. Progress beyond the state of the art in terms of the degree of innovation needed to satisfy
the procurement need.
EJP Cofund actions
a. Level of ambition in the collaboration and commitment of the participants in the proposed
action to pool national resources in terms of budget, number of partners and participating
countries and to coordinate their national/regional research programmes.
Framework Partnership Agreements (FPA)
a. Clarity and pertinence of the objectives;

II. Impact
The following aspects will be taken into account:
All types of action (except Framework Partnership Agreement; see below)
a. The extent to which the outputs of the project would contribute to each of the expected
impacts mentioned in the work programme under the relevant topic
Research and innovation actions (RIA); Innovation actions (IA)
a. Any substantial impacts not mentioned in the work programme, that would enhance
innovation capacity, create new market opportunities, strengthen competitiveness and
growth of companies, address issues related to climate change or the environment, or bring
other important benefits for society; Quality of the proposed measures to:
 Exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR), and to
manage research data where relevant.
 Communicate the project activities to different target audiences
Coordination & support actions (CSA)
Quality of the proposed measures to:

 Exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR), and to
manage research data where relevant.
 Communicate the project activities to different target audiences

ERA-NET Cofund actions

Contribution to better alignment of national activities and policies. Contribution to establishing
and strengthening a durable cooperation between the partners and their national/regional research
Quality of the proposed measures to:

Summary of General Annexes by Orkida Muça (e papërfunduar)
 Exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR), and to manage
research data where relevant.
 Communicate the project, to activities to different target audiences
Pre-commercial procurement (PCP)/ Public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI) actions
Strengthening the competitiveness and growth of companies by developing innovations meeting the
needs of European and global procurement markets.
Quality of the proposed measures to

 Exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR) and to manage
research data where relevant.
 Communicate the project activities to different target audiences
More forward-looking concerted procurement approaches that reduce fragmentation of demand
for innovative solutions
EJP Cofund actions
a. Contribution to better alignment of national activities and policies. Effectiveness of the
proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the programme's results and to communicate
the programme.

Framework Partnership Agreements (FPA)

a. The extent to which the action plan of the FPA would contribute to each of the expected
impacts mentioned in the work programme under the relevant topic;

III. Quality and efficiency of the implementation

The following aspects will be taken into account*
All types of action (except Framework Partnership Agreement; see below)
a. Quality and effectiveness of the work plan, including extent to which the resources assigned
to work packages are in line with their objectives and deliverables; Appropriateness of the
management structures and procedures, including risk and innovation management;
Complementarity of the participants and extent to which the consortium as whole brings
together the necessary expertise; Appropriateness of the allocation of tasks, ensuring that
all participants have a valid role and adequate resources in the project to fulfil that role.

Framework Partnership Agreements (FPA)

a. Complementarity of the partners, and balance of expertise; Potential for long term
cooperation among the partners

II. Scoring and weighting:

Summary of General Annexes by Orkida Muça (e papërfunduar)
Unless otherwise specified in the call conditions:

 Evaluation scores will be awarded for the criteria, and not for the different aspects listed in the
above table. For full proposals, each criterion will be scored out of 5. The threshold for individual
criteria will be 3. The overall threshold, applying to the sum of the three individual scores, will be
10. Pikët e vlerësimit do të akordohen për kriteret dhe jo për disa aspekte të listuara në tabelën e mësipërme. Për
propozimin e plotë, secili nga kriteret do të vlerësohet me 5 pikë. Pragu për kriterin për individët do të jetë 3. Pragu i
përgjithshëm,. Që zbatohet për shumën e tre pikëzimeve individuale do të jetë 10.
 For Innovation actions to determine the ranking, the score for the criterion ‘impact’ will be given
a weight of 1.5. Për projektet e Inovacionit për të përcaktuar renditjen, pikëzimi për kriterin ‘impakt’ do të ketë një
peshë prej 1.5.
 For the evaluation of first-stage proposals under a two-stage submission procedure, only the
criteria ‘excellence’ and ‘impact’ will be evaluated. Within these criteria, only the aspects in bold
will be considered. The threshold for both individual criteria will be 4. For each indicative
budget-split in the call conditions, the overall threshold, applying to the sum of the two individual
scores, will be set at the level such that the total requested budget of proposals admitted to stage 2
is as close as possible to three times the available budget, and in any case, not less than two and a
half times the available budget. Për vlerësimin e propozimeve në fazën e pare sipas procedurave të konkurimit
me dy faza, do të vlerësohen vetëm kriteret ‘exellence’ dhe ‘impact’. Brenda këtyre kritereve, vetëm aspektet në bold do
të merren parasysh. Pragu për të dy kriteret individuale do të jetë 4. Për secilin buxhet të ndarë në kushtet e thirrjes,
pragu i përgjithshëm, që zbatohet te shuma e dy pikëzimeve individuale, do të vendoset në një nivel të tillë që total ii
kërkuar i buxhetit të project propozimit të pranuar në fazën e dytë është sa më afër që të jetë e mundur tre tre here
buxhetin e disponueshëm dhe në çdo rast jo më pak se 2,5 herë të buxhetit të disponueshëm.
 The actual level will therefore depend on the volume of proposals received. The threshold is
expected to normally be set at 8 or 8.5.

III. Priority order for proposals with the same score:

Unless the call conditions indicate otherwise, the following method will be applied (except for
the first stage of two-stage calls, where proposals having the same score are kept together and
no prioritisation is made.)

a) If necessary, the panel will determine a priority order for proposals which have been
awarded the same score within a ranked list. Whether or not such a prioritisation is carried
out will depend on the available budget or other conditions set out in the call fiche. The
following approach will be applied successively for every group of ex aequo proposals
requiring prioritisation, starting with the highest scored group, and continuing in
descending order: a) Proposals that address topics, or sub-topics, not otherwise covered by
more highlyranked proposals, will be considered to have the highest priority.

b) The proposals identified under (a), if any, will themselves be prioritised according to the
scores they have been awarded for the criterion excellence. When these scores are equal,
priority will be based on scores for the criterion impact. In the case of Innovation actions
this prioritisation will be done first on the basis of the score for impact, and then on that for

Summary of General Annexes by Orkida Muça (e papërfunduar)
c) If necessary, any further prioritisation will be based on the following factors, in order: size
of EU budget allocated to SMEs; gender balance among the personnel named in the
proposal who will be primarily responsible for carrying out the research and/or innovation

d) If a distinction still cannot be made, the panel may decide to further prioritise by
considering how to enhance the quality of the project portfolio through synergies between
projects, or other factors related to the objectives of the call or to Horizon 2020 in general.
These factors will be documented in the report of the Panel.

e) The method described in (a), (b), (c) and (d) will then be applied to the remaining ex aequos
in the group.

IV. For prizes, the award criteria, scoring and weighting will be set out in the Rules of contest.

Evaluation procedure

1. Calls may be subject to either a one-stage or two-stage submission and evaluation procedure.
2. Proposals are evaluated by independent experts (see Article 15(7) Horizon 2020 Rules for Participation
Regulation No 1290/2013 for exceptional cases). As part of the evaluation by independent experts, a
panel review will recommend one or more ranked lists for the proposals under evaluation, following the
scoring systems indicated above. A ranked list will be drawn up for every indicative budget shown in the
call conditions.
3. Proposal coordinators receive an Evaluation Summary Report (ESR), showing the results of the
evaluation for a given proposal. For proposals that successfully pass the first stage of two-stage calls,
common feedback is provided to all coordinators, but the first stage ESR is only sent after the second
stage evaluation. 4. If special procedures apply, they will be set out in the call conditions.

1. The evaluation criteria applied to ‘specific grant agreements (SGAs)’ in the context of an FPA are
those shown in the table above, for the respective type of action, unless otherwise specified in the call
2. The provisions applying to calls for Marie Skłodowska–Curie (MSC) actions and are set out under the
MSC part and the provisions applying to the SME instrument under the part 'Towards the next EU
Framework Programme for Research and Innovation: European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot' of this
Work Programme.

(…to be continued…)

Summary of General Annexes by Orkida Muça (e papërfunduar)
Shenime plotesuese

ERA-NET Scheme
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The ERA-NET scheme aims at developing and strengthening the coordination of
national and regional research programmes. Under the ERA-NET scheme, national and
regional authorities, represented by so-called 'programme owners' and/or 'programme
managers', identify research programmes they wish to coordinate or open up mutually.
The focus and role of ERA-NETs has varied across the Frameworks Programmes.

 ERA-NET actions in FP6 provided support for actors implementing public research
programmes ("programme owners") to coordinate their activities e.g. by developing joint
activities; in particular, joint calls for transnational proposals.
 ERA-NET Plus actions in FP7 provided - in a limited number of cases with high European
added value - additional EU financial support to top-up research funding of a single joint call
for proposals between national and/or regional programmes.
 The ERA-NET Cofund under Horizon 2020 merges the former ERA-NET and ERA-NET Plus
into a single instrument with the central and compulsory element of implementing one
substantial call with top-up funding from the Commission. The focus of ERA-NETs is therefore
shifting from the funding of networks to the top-up funding of single joint calls for
transnational research and innovation in selected areas with high European added value and
relevance for Horizon 2020.

The ERA-NET scheme aims at increasing the share of funding that Member States jointly
dedicate to challenge-driven research and innovation agendas. In Horizon 2020 the EU
contribution is limited to a maximum of 33% of the total eligible costs of the action (i.e.
costs for support to or implementation of transnational projects) and the duration of the
actions should not be longer than 5 years. The EU contribution is limited to one call per
grant agreement. The EC funding may be used for financing transnational research
projects but also as means to cover (partially) the preparation and management of
additional joint activities to be performed by the consortium aiming to increase
coordination of national/regional programmes.

Summary of General Annexes by Orkida Muça (e papërfunduar)
In addition, ERA-NET Cofund allows, when justified by the research area addressed and
the underlying national programmes, to target research performing organizations
(RPOs) with the co-funded call for proposals being based on in-kind contributions from
their institutional funding. This is accommodated within the so-called in-kind ERA-NET
Cofund. In this case the beneficiaries carry out the transnational projects resulting from
their call for proposals themselves and the Cofund grant reimburses the costs of trans-
national projects, implemented by the beneficiaries, on the basis of Horizon 2020 rules
for eligible direct and indirect costs.

The first ERA-NET Cofund actions were analysed by an Expert Group in view of the
interim evaluation of Horizon 2020. The Expert Group was set up by the Commission
with the mandate to perform an analysis of the first ERA-NET Cofund Actions.

ERA-NET Cofund allows flexibility for the scope of activities (compulsory joint call with
or without additional activities) and whether the contributions are made in cash
(classical ERA-NET) or in kind (institutional funding ERA-NET)

In addition to the co-funded call the consortia may implement other joint activities
including other joint calls without Union co-funding. The reimbursement rate for ERA-
NET Cofund is 33%, as for the ERA-NET Plus actions under FP7.

Summary of General Annexes by Orkida Muça (e papërfunduar)

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