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For one week at the end of January, Reed students upend the traditional

classroom hierarchy and teach classes about any topic they love, academic or
otherwise. This week is known as Paideia after the Greek term signifying
“education” – the complete education of mind, body and spirit. What would
you teach that would contribute to the Reed community? (200 words
minimum, 500 words maximum)
After four months of studying intense and rigorous mathematics, sciences, and social
sciences, I would offer students and teachers a different course: “Games and Video
Games”. From the intricate calculations of Chess, Monopoly and Fortnite to the
random luck lightness of Rocket League and Snakes and Ladders, my course would
purely be based on the elements of “fun and frolic”. We would toss dices, passage
chess pieces, shoot down bots (a slang term in gaming used to identify bad players)
and engage in a variety of interactive activities.

It would be a real refresher from the rigors of the courses from August to January and
a concrete opportunity for the students to apply what they’ve learned. From the
mathematicians using their insane geometry skills to hit perfect no scopes (using
snipers to kill the opponent without aiming-the most humiliating kind of defeat) to the
economics gurus trying to buy the boardwalk for 50% of the real value by grouping
and bringing the tile into auction (instead of just purchasing it like a regular person),
to the philosophers wondering whether the king is actually just a “modified” pawn
who got lucky with the queen – everyone could play a game to show-off.

However, behind all the fun and games, we’d also have the life lessons and skills. I’d
teach game theory through Fortnite and Chess and impart concepts of strategy,
planning, alertness and patience; probability through snakes and ladders; economics,
accounting and finance through monopoly, and how sometimes a little bit of casual
candor that it all brings is highly underestimated. Application of knowledge polishes
critical skills and provides the platform to put your learning to a test.

The motive for this unique approach is to learn in an unmatched manner and be
enriched in practical learning. Unfortunately textbooks are limited to theory and do
not possess the power of showing hands-on aspects of life. My appetite for realistic
exposure complemented with my knowledge in constructing the best practice from
these games, is a productive combination and a value-added factor for my students.

This subject gives out important lessons, examples and analogies: One needs to
budget resources carefully or the economy and market will consume you (monopoly).
Life will throw at you both sixes (highs) and ones (lows), but sometimes it’ll be the
“ones” to take you up the ladder (or in life) and the sixes that’ll take you down the
snake’s pit (or in life). If a pawn tries hard enough and moves forward, it eventually
transforms into a beautiful Queen. Relating board game techniques to real life
scenarios allows for a deeper understanding. I would conclude saying that one vital
lesson is common in all the games: that despite the hurdles one faces, and however
many lemons life throws at you, it should not be a reason to quit.

Word Count: 469 words

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