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Preliminary Study: Potential Hazard on Beverage Seller Cyclist

in Indonesia
In the last century, Cycling is becoming more popular not only in sport, but also as a
leisure activity. It becomes a popular form of recreation that can contribute to many positive
health benefits, for instance, improved muscle strength, body composition, and aerobic
fitness. (Bressel, Nash, & Dolny, 2010) Nevertheless, cycling has various health effects
especially in the urogenital system. The adverse health effect is caused mainly from
compression of perineal areas and altered neurovascular function, including inconvenient
discomfort which occurs at the bicycle seat/perineum interface during seated riding. Bicycle
seat pressure is belief to be the main risk factor for bicycle seat injuries such as erectile
dysfunction. (Bressel et al., 2010)
Research showed that discomfort or injury to the perineum are common and may alter
between 31% and 91% of all bicyclists who ride for long and short distances. (Bressel et al.,
2010) . It has been suggested that the bicycle saddle potentially affect penile blood flow
during cycling (Jeong, Park, Moon, & Ryu, 2002). Furthermore, in male cyclists, cycling for
40 or more miles of steady pace may cause an ischemic neuropathy of penis while constantly
sitting in the saddle. However, no serious problem like difficulty with urination, erection,
ejaculation or defecation have been reported (Bond, 1975). This study purpose is about to
identify the effects of bicycle saddle type that alter neurovascular dysfunction in bicycle-
related workers, including athlete, newspaper deliveryman, and coffee seller who work with

- Topics:
o Introduction
o Method
o Potential hazard:
 Dehidrasi/heat stroke  Handaru
 Biomechanical Trauma  Ara
 Pollution  Rendy
 Saddle anesthesia  Adit
o Wawancara Analisis Okupasi
 Starbike (profil kerjanya)
 Hazard
 Saddle design
o Konklusi
 Mana yang lebih memiliki kerentanan terhadap LBP/nerve injury

Pertanyaan wawancara:
 Biodata
o Nama, usia, JK, alamat, tingkat Pendidikan
 Deskripsi pekerjaan
o Riwayat pekerjaan
o Durasi bekerja
o Hazard identification
o Jenis sepeda (saddle, gear, suspense)
 Keluhan kesehatan
o Anamnesis
 Dehidrasi
o Minum air mineral sehari berapa kali?
o Sering haus?
o Warna urin?
 Biomechanical trauma
o Helm? Sarung tangan? Pelindung siku lutut? Sepatu?
o Nyaman atau tidak?
o Riwayat injury/kecelakaan
 Pollution
o Masker?
o Area kerja?
 Saddle anesthesia
o Kesemutan?
o Ereksi? Ejakulasi? Editansil? Keturunan?

- Dr Herku tanto
- Bila ada artikel  ambil reference primernya
- Tidak perlu menjelaskan anfis
- Yang perlu di address:
o Conus medullaris – cauda equina (spinal cord)
o Otot2, vascular, sendi2
o Pathophysiology
o Analisis lokomosi dan cedera dari aktvitas cycling
o Deteksi dini,
o Terapi
o Okupasional: durasi, lama pajanan, posisi, ergonomic, model sepeda,
o Kesimpulan: memberikan rekomendasi untuk lopper koran tipe sepedanya
seperti apa? Saddle nya seperti apa?
o Data lopper koran di Indonesia
- Cara cari artikel
o Cari keyword nya dulu, missal “cycling injury”
o Klik full text @my library
o Pakai website UI
o Kasih “ “  katanya tidak boleh berpisah saat dimasukan ke search engine
- Literatur review:
o Minimal 50 literatur  anjay

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