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National Disaster Mana gem en t Cen ter, Camp Gene ral Em ilio Agui naldo, Quezo n City, Philippines




Section 1. Titl e · These Rules shall be known and cited as the I mplementing Rules and
Regulat ions of Repub lic Act No. 10 12 1 also known as th e Philippine Disaster Risk Reduct ion
and Management Act of 201 0 ( PDRRM Act of 20 10 ).

Section 2. Purpose - These Rules are hereby prom utqat ed t o prescribe t he man ner,
procedures and guide lines for the implementation of the PDRRM Act of 20 10 , t o facilita t e
compl iance th erewit h, and achie ve the obj ectives thereof.

Section 3 . Declaration of Policy - It is the policy of t he State t o:

(a) Uphold th e people' s constit ut ional rig hts to life and prop erty by addre ssing the root
causes of vul nerabili t ies t o disaste rs, st rengt hening th e country's inst it utional capacit y
for disaster risk red uctio n and man agem ent , and bUilding the resilience of local
communit ies t o disasters includ ing clima te change impacts ;

(b ) Adhe re to and ad opt t he universal nor ms, principles, and st andards of hu manitar ian
assist ance such as t he Uni versal Declarat ion of Human Right s, UN Guiding Principles
and Guidelin es on I nt ernal Displacem ent and Durabl e Solut ions, Convention on the
Elim inat ion of Discr imination Against Wom en (CEDAW), Convent ion on the Right s of
t he Child and the global effort on risk red ucti on as conc rete ex pression of the country's
comm itment to overcome hum an sufferi ngs due to recurrin g disast ers;

(c) Incorporate int ernation ally accept ed principles and guidelines of disaster risk
manag eme nt in the creation and implement ation of national, regional and local
sust ainab le devel opm ent and poverty red ucti on strate gies, policies, plans and budget s;

(d) Adopt a disas t er risk reduction and ma nagem en t app roach that is holi stic,
comp rehensive, int egrate d, and proactive in lesseni ng the socioeconomic and
envi ron me ntal imp act s of disasters including climate change, and prom ot e the
invol vement and part icipat ion of all sectors and all st akeho lde rs concerned, at all
levels, espec ially th e local commu nity ;

(e) Develop, promote , and imp lement a comprehensive Nat ion al Disaster Risk Reduction
and Managem ent Plan (N DRRMP) t hat aims to strengthen the capacity of t he nat ional
government and t he local government units ( LGUs), t ogeth er wit h partner
sta keho lders, to build t he disaster resili ence of co mmu nit ies, and - t o institutionalize
ar rangements and m easures for redu cing disaster r isks, inclUding project ed clim at e
risks, and enhanc ing disaster prepa red ness and response capab ilities at all levels;

rererax: NDCC Opcen (+632) 911-1406 ; 912-2665 : 9 12·5668; NDCC Secretar iat (+632) 912-0441; 9 12-5947 ;
Office of the Administrator, OCD (+632) 912-2424
f E·Mail: : www.nd ~ .go\(.ph
(f) Adopt and implem ent a coherent, comprehensive, Integrated, efficient and responsive
disaster risk red uct ion program incorporate d in th e development plan at various levels
of· government adh ering to the princip les of good governa nce such as transparency
and accountability within th e cont ext of poverty allev iation and environmental

(g) Mainstream disaster ris k reduction and cli mate change adapt at ion and mitigation in
deve lopment processes such as policy fo rmulation, socioeconom ic devel opment
planning, budgeting, and governa nce, particularly in th e ar eas of env ironment,
agricult ure , wate r, energ y, health, educati on, poverty redu ct ion , land -use and urban
plann ing, and pub lic Infrastructure and housing , among oth ers;

(h) I nst it ut ionalize the poli cies, struct ures; coordinati on mechan isms and programs wit h
contin uing budget appropriation on disaster risk red uction fr om national down t o local
levels t owar ds build ing a cise ster -restnent .natron and com munities;

(i) Mainstream disaster risk reduct ion into t he peace process and confl ict resolution
approaches in order to mi nimize loss of lives and damage t o property, and ensure that
communities in conflict zones including Internall y Displa ced Persons (lO Ps) can
Imme diate ly go back t o their norma l liv es during peri ods of inte rmit t ent confl icts;

(j) Ensure th at disaster risk reduction and climate cha nge measures are gender
responsive, sensitive t o ind igenous knowledge syste ms and cult ures, and respectfu l of
human rights;

(k) Recognize th e local risk pattern s across th e count ry and strengt hen th e capacity of
LGUs for disaster risk reduction and managem ent th rough decent ralized powers,
responsib ilit ies, and resources at the regional and local lev els;

(I) Recognize and strengthen th e capaciti es of LGU s and communit ies in mit igati ng and
preparing for, responding to , and recoverin g fr om t he impa ct of disasters;

(m) Engage the participation of civil society organi zations ( CSOs), the private sector and
volunteers in the governme nt's disaste r risk reduction prog rams tow ards
complementat ion of resources and effect ive delivery of services t o the Cit izenry;

(n) Develop and strengthen t he capacit ies of vuln erable and marginalized groups t o
mitigate, pre pare for, respond to, and recover from the effe cts of disasters;

(0) Enhance and imple ment a program where humanitarian aid workers, communities,
health profe ssionals, governm ent aid agencies, donors, and the media are educated
and tra ined on how they can actively support breastfeedi ng befo re and during a
disaster and/ or an emergency ; and

(p) Provide ma ximum care, assistance and services to Individuals and famili es affected by
disaste r, Imp leme nt eme rgen cy rehabilit at ion proj ect s to lessen t he impact of disaste r,
and facilitate resumption of norm al social and econom ic activ ities.

Section 4 . - Scope of Application · These Rules prov ide for the dev elopment of policies
and pla ns and the implement at ion of act ions and measures pertai ning to all aspects of
disaste r risk reduct ion and management , includi ng good gov erna nce, risk assessment and
early warning, kn owledg e bui lding and awareness raising, redu cing underl yi ng risk factors,
and prepa redne ss fo r effe cti ve response and early recovery . These shalt apply t o all levels
of govern ment , civ il societi es, private sect ors and all ot her DRM stakeholders.

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Section 1 - Whene ver used in the se Rules, th e foll owing sha ll refer t o:

(a) "Adaptat ion" - th e adj ustmen t in natura l or hu man systems in response to actual or
expected climatic stimuli or th eir effects, wh ich moderates harm or exploits benefici al
opportun ities.

(b) "Capacity" - a combination of all strengths and resources available within a

com mu nity, society or organization t hat can red uce the level of risk, or effects of a
disaster. Capacity may include infrastruct ure and physical mea ns, institutions, societa l
coping abilities, as well as human knowledge, skills, t ools, syste ms, processes,
appropriate t echn ologi es and collective at t ributes such as social relati onships,
leadership and managem ent . Capacit y may also be describe d as capability .

(e) "Ci vil Defense - - disaster preparedness and pre vention activities, ot her than milit ary
acti ons, geared towards the reduction of loss of life and property brought about by
natural and human -induced disasters. Civ il Defense may also be referred to as Civ il
Prot ection.

(d) "Civil Society orcanuanons' or "CSOs" - no n-state actors whose aims are neither t o
generat e profits nor t o seek gove rn ing power. CSOs unit e peo ple t o adva nce shared
goal s and interests. They hav e a pre sence in public life, expressing th e int ere sts and
values of th eir members or ot hers, and are based on social, eth ical, cultural, scientific,
religious or phil anthropic and ot her considerations. C50s inclu de non -governm ent
orga nizat ions (NGOs), profession al association s, foundation s, independent research
instit utes, comm unity-based organizations (CBOs), faith -based organizations, people's
organizati ons, social movements, and labor un ions.

(e) "Climate Cha nge · - a change in climate th at can' be identified by changes in the mean
and/or variability of its properties and th at persi st s for an extended period typically
decades or longer , whe t her due to natural variabi lity or as a result of human ectrvttv .

(I) "Commun it y- Based Disaster Risk Reduct ion and Mana gement" or "CBDRRM" - a
process of disast er risk reduct ion and manageme nt in wh ich at r isk comm unitie s are
active ly engaged in the identificati on, ana lysis, tre atment, mo nitoring and evaluation
of disast er risks in order to red uce their vu lnerabiliti es and enhance their capacities,
and where the people are at t he heart of decision-making and impl ementation of
disaster risk reduct ion and management act ivit ies.

(9) "Com plex emerqencv ' - a fo rm of huma n- induce d emergency in which the cause of
t he eme rgency as well as th e assista nce t o th e afflicted is complicated by int ense level
of poli ti cal conside rations .

(h) "Contingency Planning" - a management process t hat analyzes specific potential

events or emerg ing situations th at might threate n society or th e environm ent and
establishes arrangem ents in advance to enab le timely, effective and appropriate
respo nses t o such eve nts and situations.

( I) " Disast er" - a serio us disruption of t he functioning of a comm unity or a society

involving widespread human, mater ial, econom ic or environmenta l losses and impacts,

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which exceeds the abili ty of the affected comm unity or society to cope using its own
resources. Disast ers are ofte n described as a result of th e combination of : t he
exposure t o a hazard ; th e conditions of vu lnera bili ty th at are present ; and insufficient
capacity or measures to reduce or cope wit h the potential negative consequences.
Disaster Impac t s may Include loss of life, injury, disease and ot her negative effects on
hu man , physical , mental and social well being, t oget her with dam age t o property,
destruction of assets, loss of serv ices, social and econom ic dis ruption and
environmental degradation .

(j) "Disaster Mitigation" • the lessening or lim itation of the adverse impacts of hazards
and rela ted d isast ers. Mit igation measures include but not limited to the engineeri ng
t echniqu es and hazard -resistant construct ion but includes as well as im proved
environ me nt al policies and programs end pu blic awa reness .

(k) "Disaster Preparedness" - th e know ledg e. and capacit ies deve loped by governm ents ,
prof essional response and recov ery organ izati on s, comm unit ies and individuals t o
effective ly anticipate, respond to , and recover fro m - the im pact s of likely, imm inent
or curre nt hazard events or condit ions. Preparedness action is car rie d out within the
context of disaste r risk reduction and ma nagement and aims t o build the capacities
needed t o efficiently ma nage all types of emergencies and achieve orderly t ransit ions
from response t o sust ained recovery. Preparedness is based on a sound analys is of
disast er risk, and good link ages with ear ly warning syst ems, and includes such
act ivities as continge ncy plann ing, stoc kp ili ng of equipment and supplies, the
development of arrange ment s for coordi nat ion, ev acuat ion and public information, and
associated tra ining and field exe rcises. These must be supported by formal
institu ti onal , legal and budg etary capacities.

(I) "Disaster Pr event ion" - the out rig ht avoi dance of adve rse impacts of hazards and
relate d d isasters . It ex presses the concept and intent ion t o co mpletely avoid potential
adverse impacts throu gh act ion t aken in advance such as const ruction of dams or
embankmen t s t hat elimi nate flood risks, land-use regulat ions th at do not perm it any
settlement' in hlqh -rtsk zones, and seism ic engineering designs that ensure the
survival and fu nction of a critical build ing in any likely earthquake .

( m) " Disaste r Response" - t he provision of eme rgency services and pu blic assist ance
during or immediately after a disaster in order t o save lives, reduce health impa cts,
ensure pub lic safet y and meet the basic subsist ence needs of the people affected.
Disaster response is predominantly f ocused on imm ediat e and sho rt-te r m needs and Is
som etim es call ed "disast er relief".

Cn) " Disest er Risk" - the poten tial disaster losses in lives, health status, livelihood, assets
and services, wh ich could occur to a particular community or a Society ove r some
specified fut ure time period .

(0 ) "Di sast er Risk Redu ction" - th e concept and pract ice of red ucing disaster risks through
syste mat ic efforts to analyze and manage t he causa l factors of disast ers , includ ing
t hroug h reduced ex posures t o hazards, lessened vulnerability of people and property,
wise managem ent of land and t he env ironme nt , and Improved preparedness fo r
adverse events.

Cp) "Disaste r Risk Reducti on and Managem ent" - th e systematic process of using
administrative directives, organizat ions, and operational ski lls and capacities to
implement strategies , policies and improved cop ing capaci t ies in ord er to lessen the
adverse im pacts of hazards and th e possibility of disaste r . Prospective disaster risk
redu ction and mana gement refers t o risk reducti on and management activities that

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address and seek to avoid the development of new or increased disaste r risks,
especially if risk red uction polic ies are not put in place.

(q) "Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Information Syst em" - a specialized
datab ase which conta ins, among ot hers, info rmat ion on disasters and their human
mater ial, economic and envi ronmenta l impact, risk assessment and mapping and
vulnerable gr oups.

(r) Disaster Victims - persons or gro up of person s who have been adversely affected by a
natural or huma n-Indu ced hazard who have to leave their habitual places of residence
due to ex iting or imp ending threats, damaged shelte r un its , wit h casualt y among
imm ediate family memb ers or those who re mained in t heir habitual places of orig in
when still habitable but whose main source of income or liveli hood had been damaged
and are exp eriencin g hopelessness and difficulty in coping or responding to t he
onslaught of t he hazardou s events on the ir own resou rces.

(s) "'Early Recovery " - multidimensional process of recovery that begins in a humanitaria n
setting. It is gu ided by development pr inciples that seek to build on humanitarian
prog rammes and catalyze sustainable development opportunit ies. It aims to generate
self -sust aining, nat ionall y -owned, resili ent processes for post-c risis recovery. It
encompasses th e restorat ion of basic serv ices, livelih oods, shelter, governan ce,
securit y and rule of law, environment and social dimensions, includin g reintegrati on of
displaced populat ion s,

(t ) "Early Warning System" - the set of capacities needed to generate and disseminate
timely and meaningfu l warning informa t ion t o enable indi vid uals, communities and
orga nizations threat ened by a hazard to pr epare and to act appropriately and in
suffic ient time to reduce the possibility of harm or loss. A people-centered early
warn ing system necessarily comprises four (4) key elements: knowledge of the risks;
monitorin g, analysis and forecasting of t he hazards ; communicati on or disseminat ion
of alerts and warnings; and local capabilities to respond to the wamings received . The
expression "end -to-end warni ng syste m" is also used to emphasize that waming
syste ms need to span all ste ps from hazard detect ion to community response.

(u) "Emergency" - unforeseen or sudden occurrence , especiall y danger, demanding

imm ediate acti on .

(v) " Emergency Management" - th e organ izat ion and managem ent of resourc es such as
volunteers, funds, donati ons, food and non food items, tempora ry/ evacuati on centers,
and responsibilities for addressing all aspect s of emergenc ies, in particular
prepa redness, response and initial recovery steps.

(w) "Exposure" - th e degree to which t he elements at risk are likely to experience hazard
events of different magnitudes .

(x) "Geoqraptuc Informati on System" - a dat abase which contains, amon g others, geo-
hazard assessments, informati on on climate change, and climate risk reduction and

(y ) "Hazard" - a dangerou s phenomenon, substance, human act ivity or conditi on that may
cause loss of life, Injury or othe r health impacts property dama ge, loss of livelihood
and serv ices, social and economi c disrupt ion, or env iro nment al damage.

( z) In ternall y Displaced Persons (lO Ps) or Persons Displaced by th e Disaster - are persons
or groups of perso ns who have been forced or obliged to fl ee or to leave t heir homes

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or places of habit ual residen ce, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the
effects of natural or human- induced disasters, and wh o have not crossed an
internationally recog nized State borde r.

(aa ) "tend-u se Planning" - th e process undertaken by public authorities to identify ,

evaluat e and decide on different options for the use of land including cons ideration of
long -term econom ic, social and envi ronmental objectives and the implications for
different com munities and inte rest groups, and the subseq uent for mu lation and
prom ulgation of pla ns tha t describ e the permitted or accepta ble uses.

(bb) "Mitigati on" - st r uct ural and non-st ruct ural measures undertaken t o li mit the adverse
impa ct of natural hazards, env ironm enta l degradat ion , and t echn ological hazards and
to ensure th e abilit y of at-ri sk comm unit ies t o add ress v ulnerabilit ies aimed at
minimizi ng th e impact of disasters . Such measures include , but are not limit ed t o,
hazard-resist ant constr uct ion and enq lnee rtnq works, th e form ulation and
implementation of plans, program s, proje ct s and acti vities, awareness raising,
kn owledge manag ement, polici es on land -use and resource manageme nt, as well as
t he enforcement of comprehensive land -use planning, bUildi ng and safety standards,
and legis lation.

(cc) " National Disast er Risk Reduction and Managem ent Framework" or "NDRRM
Framewor k' - prov ides for comprehensive, all hazard s, mu lti-sectoral, int er -agency
and comm unity-based appro ach to disast er ris k reducti on and management .

(dd) "Nat ional Disast er Risk Reduction and Management Plan" or ~ N D R RM P" - the document
to be formulated and im plemented by the Offi ce of Civil Defense (OCD) t hat sets out
goals and specmc object iv es for red ucing disaste r risks together with related act ions to
accomp lish t hese objectives.

The NDRRMP shall pro vide for th e iden ti fic ation of hazards, vu lne rabilities and risks t o
be managed at the national level; disaster risk reduction and management approaches
and st rategies t o be appli ed in managi ng said hazard s and risks; agency roles,
respo nsibilities and lines of auth orit y at all gov ern ment levels; and vertic al and
hor izontal coo rdi nat ion of disast er risk reduct ion and ma nageme nt in th e pre-disaster
and post-d isast er phases and the budget ary resources to impl em ent th e plan . It shall
be in confo r mit y with the NDRRM Framewor k .

(ee) "Post-Di saster Recovery" - th e rest or at ion and improvem ent where appropriat e, of
faciliti es, livelihood and living condit ions of disaster -affected communities, Including
effo rts t o reduce d isaster r isk factors, in accorda nce with t he principles of "build back

(ff) ' Prepared ness" - pre -disaster act ions and measur es being undertaken within th e
context of d isast er ris k red uct ion and managem ent and are based on sound risk
analysis as we ll as pre-d isaster acti v it ies t o ave rt or minimize loss of life and property
such as, but not limited t o, community organizing , training, plann ing, equipping,
stoc kpili ng, haza rd ma pping, insur ing of assets , and public information and education
initiatives .

(gg) " Privat e Sector " • th e key actor in the realm of the economy where the central social
concern and process are th e mut ually beneficial production and distributio n of goods
and services to meet the physical needs of hum an beings. The private sector
comprises pri vate corporations, households and nonprofit insti tu t ions serv ing

1 i of RA 101Z1

(h h) "Public Sector Employees" - all persons in th e civil serv ice.

(H) "Rehabilitat ion" - measures th at ensure th e abili ty of aff ected communit ies/ areas to
restore th eir normal level of function ing by rebui lding livelihood and damaged
infrast ruct ures and increas ing the communiti es' organizat ional capacit y.

un " Resilience" - t he ability of a system, community or society exposed to hazards to

resist, absorb , accommodate and recover from t he effects of a hazard in a timely and
efficie nt manner, incl uding th rough th e preservati on and resto ration of its essential
basic st ruct ures and fu nct ions.

(kk) " Response" - any concerte d effo rt by t wo (2) or mor e agencies, public or privat e, to
provide assistance or inte rve nt ion during or immediately afte r a disaster to meet the
life preserv at ion and basic subsistence needs of th ose people affec ted and in th e
resto rati on of essential public activities and facilities.

(II) " Risk" - th e combi nation of th e probability of an event and its negative consequences.
Also, the pr obabili ty of harmful consequences, or expected losses (deaths, injuries,
properties, liv elihoods, economic activity disru ption or env ironment damage) result ing
from Interactions betw een natural, human-Indu ced hazard s and v ulnerable condit ions,

(mm ) " Risk Assessment" - a met hodology to deter mine th e nat ure and extent of risk by
analyzing potentia l hazards and evaluating existing condit ions of vu lnerability that
together could potentially harm exposed people, property, services, livelihood and th e
environment on whi ch they depend . Risk assessments with associated risk mapping
include : a review of the technical characteristics of hazards such as the ir location,
inte nsity, freq uency and pro bability ; th e analysis of expos ure and vulnerabilit y
includi ng th e phy sical, social, health , economic and env ironmental dime nsions; and
t he evaluat ion of th e effectiveness of prevailing and alternative coping capacities in
respect to likely risk scenarios.

(nn) "Risk Management" - t he systematic approach and practice of managing uncertainty to

minimize potential harm and loss. It comprises risk assessment and analysis, and the
Implementation of strategies and specific actio ns to cont rol, red uce and transfer risks .
It is widely pr act iced by organizati ons to minimize risk in investment decisions and to
address operational risks such as th ose of business disrupt ion, producti on failure,
env ironmenta l damag e, social impacts and dama ge fr om fire and natu ral hazards,

(00) " Risk Transfer" - the process of forma lly or informally shifti ng the fi nancial
consequences of particu lar risks from one party to anot her whereby a household,
community, enterprise or state auth ority shall obtain resources from the ot her party
after a disaster occurs , in exchange for ongoing or compensatory social or financ ial
benefits provided to t hat ot her party.

(pp) "St ate of Calamity" - a condition involvi ng mass casualt y and/or maj or damages to
property, disruption of means of livelih oods, roads and norma l way of life of people in
t he affe cted ar eas as a result of the occurrence of nat ural or human-i nduced hazard ,

(qq) "Sustainable Development " - develo pment t hat meets t he needs of t he present
witho ut comp romising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It
contains within it two (2) key concepts: ( 1) the concept of " needs", in particular, the
essent ial needs of th e world's poor, to which overriding pri orit y should be given; and
(2) th e idea of limitat ions im posed by t he state of techn ology and social organiz atio ns
on th e environm ent 's ability t o meet present and futu re needs. It is th e harm onious
Integ rat ion of a sound and via ble economy, respo nsible governance, social cohesion

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and harmony , and ecolog ical int egr ity to ensure t hat human developm ent now and
t hrough future generati ons is a nre-ennancrnc process.

(rr) "v olu nt eer " - ind iv id ual/person or group who for reasons ar ising from the ir socto-
developmenta l, business and corporat e orienta t ion, commitment or conviction,
cont ribute time, service, and resources whether full t ime or part t ime base t o a j ust
and essential social development cause, mission or endeavor in the belief t hat the ir
act ivity is mu tually meaningfu l and beneficial to pubhc interest as well as to
themselves .

(ss) "Vulnerability" . th e charact erist ics and circumst ances of a commu nity, syste m or
asset t hat ma ke it suscept ible t o t he damag ing effec t s of a hazard. Vuln erab ility may
aris e trom various ph ysical, social, economic, and env ironment al factor s such as poor
design and construct ion of buildi ngs, inadequate protection of assets , lack of public
info rm atio n and awa reness, lim ited official recognit ion of ris ks and preparedn ess
measures, and d isregard for wise env ironmental management .

(tt) "v utnerable and Margina lized Groups" - includes ind iv iduals or gro ups of people t hat
face high er exposure t o disast er risk and pove rty including, but not limi t ed to, women,
especially pregnan t women , yout h, childre n especially orphans and unaccompanied
children, elderly, differentlv -abled people, indigeno us people , the disadv antag ed
families and individuals liv ing in high r isk areas and danger zone s, and those livi ng in
the road r iqht -of - wevs and high ly congested areas vu lne rable to indust rial,
envi ronmental , health hazards and road accidents . Included into the exposures of
poverty are the ma rg inal ized farmers and fishe r folks.



Section 1. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Counci l - The present
Nat ional Disast er Coord inating Council or NDCC shall henceforth be known as t he National
Disast er Risk Reduction and Management Ccunctl, hereinafte r referr ed to as th e NDRRMC or
the Nati onal Council.

Section 2 . Composition - The National Council shalt be headed by th e Secret ary of t he

Departm ent of Nati onal Defense ( OND) as Chairperson with th e Secretary of the
Depart ment of the Interior and Local Gover nment (DI LG) as Vice Chairp erson for Disaster
Preparedness, t he Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
as Vice Chairperson fo r Disast er Response, the Secreta ry of the Department of Sdence and
Technology (DOST) as Vice- Chairperson for Disast er Prevent ion and Mitigation, and the
Director -General of the Nat ional Economic and Development Authorit y (NEDA) as Vice
Chairperson for Disast er Rehabilit ation and Recovery . Oth er mem bers of th e Council are :

(a) Secret ary of t he Depart ment of Health (DOH);

(b) Secretary of th e Department of Env ironme nt and Natural Resources (DENR) ;
(c) Secreta ry of the Departmen t of Agricult ure (DA) ;
(d) Secretary of th e Department of Education (DepEd) ;
(e) Secretary of th e Depart ment of Energy (DOE);
(f) Secret ary of t he Department of Finance (DOF);
(g) Secreta ry at the Depart ment of Trade and Indust ry ( On) ;
( h) Secret ary of t he Department of Transport at ion and Comm unications (DOTC);
(I) Secretary of t he Department of Budget and Management (DBM);
(j) Secreta ry of the Department of Public Work s and High ways (DPWH);
( k) Secretary of t he Department of For eign Affairs (DFA) ;

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(I) Secretary of t he Department of Justice (DOJ) ;

(m) Secretary of the Department of Labor and Employ ment (DOLE);
(n ) Secretary of t he Department of Tourism ( DOT) ;
(0) The Execut ive Secretary;
(p) Secretary of th e Office of t he President ial Adviser on th e Peace Process (OPAPP);
(q) ChaIrperson, Comm ission on Higher Educat ion ( CHED);
(r) Chief of Staff, Ar med Forces of th e Philippine s (AFP);
(s) Chief, Philippine Nat ional Police (PNP);
(t ) The Press Secr etary or his equivalent ;
(u ) Secretary General of t he Philippin e Red Cross (PRe);
(v ) Commiss ione r of the Nati onal Ant t-Povertv Comm ission -Victims of Disasters and
Calamities Sect or (NAPC-VDC);
(w) Chairpers on, Nati onal Comm ission on tHe Role of Fili pino Women which is known t oday
as the Philippine Commission on Wom en (PCW);
(x) Chairperson, Housing and Urban Developme nt Coord Inating Council (HUDCC);
(y) Executive Direct or of the Climat e Change Offi ce of th e Cli mate Change Commission;
(z ) Preside nt , Government Serv ice I nsurance Syst em (GSIS);
(aa) President , Social Security System (55 5 );
(bb ) President, Phili ppine Healt h In surance Corporation (PhilHealt h) ;
(cc) President of t he Union of l ocal Auth orities of t he Phili ppines (ULAP);
(dd) Presiden t of t he l eague of Prov inces of the Philippines (l PP);
(ee) President of th e League of Cit ies of th e Philippi nes (l CP);
(ff) President of t he League of Municipa lit ies of the Phili ppInes (l MP);
(gg) President of th e Liga ng Mga Barangay (LMB);
(hh) Four (4) represent atives fro m the CSOs;
(ii) One ( 1) representa tive from the private sect or ; and
OJ) Admin istrator of the OCD.

In case of th e CSO and private secto r represent at ives, the Nation al Council shall
provide for t he guideli nes of selection and screening thereo f.

Section 3. Powers and Functions - The Nationa l Council, being empowered with policy
ma king, coord inati on, integratio n, supervision, mo nitor ing and evalu ation functions, shall
have the foll owing responsibilities :
(a) Develop a NDRRM Framework which shall provide for comp rehensive, all-hazards,
mu lti-sectora l, Inter-age ncy and community -based approach t o disaster risk reduct ion
and management . The Framework shall serve as t he princ ipal guide t o disaster risk
redu ction and management effo rt s in th e country and shall be reviewed on a five (5) -
year in t erval. or as may be deemed necessary, in order to ensure its relevance to th e
tim es;

(b) Ensure that th e NDRRM Plan is consistent with the NDRRM Framework;

(c) Advise t he President on the status of disaster preparedness, prevention, mitigation,

response and rehabil itation operations bei ng undertaken by t he governm ent, CSOs,
pri vate sector, and volunte ers; recommend t o th e President th e declaration of a state
of calamity in areas ext ensive ly damaged ; and submit proposals t o restore nonna lcy in
t he affected ar eas, t o include calamity fund allocat ion ;

(d) Ensure a m ult i-st akeholder participati on in the developme nt, updating, and shar ing of
a Disaster Risk Reduction and Management I nfor mat ion System and Geograph ic
I nformat ion System -based nati ona l risk map as policy, plann ing and declsion-mekmq
too ls;

IR of RA 101.71

(e) Est ablish and/or strengthen a comprehensive, all hazards national early warni ng and
eme rgency alert system to provid e accurate and timely advice t o national or local
emerg ency respon se organizat ions and t o th e general pub liC through diverse mass
medi a t o include digit al and analog broadcast, cable, sate llite t elev ision and radio,
wirele ss com munications , and tendune communications;

(f) Develop appropriate r isk t ran sfer mechanisms that shall guarantee social and
economic prot ection and increase resiliency in th e face of disaster;

(g) Monit or the development and enforcement by agencies and orga nizations of t he
various laws, guidelines, codes or technical standards required by t he Act ;

(h) Manage and mobilize resources fo r disast er risk reduction and manageme nt includin g
the Nat iona l Disast er Risk Reduction and Managem ent Fund ;

( i) Provide necessary guidelines and procedures, and monitor the Local Disast er Risk
Reducti on and Management Fund (LDRRMF) releases as well as utilization, accounting
and audit ing the reof;

m Devel op assess me nt t ools on t he existing and potential hazard s and risks brought
about by climat e change to vulnerable areas and ecosyst ems in coordina tion with the
Climat e Change Com mission;

(k) Develop vertical and horiz onta l coordination mechanism s for a more cohere nt
impleme ntat ion of disast er r isk reduction and ma nagement policies and progra ms by
sect oral agencies and LGUs;

(I) For mulate a nati onal insti t utional capabil ity build ing program for disast er risk reduction
and management to address t he specific weakn esses of various governm ent agencies
and LGUs, based on th e result s of a biennial baseline assessm ent and st udies .

(m) Form ulat e, harmonize, and t ranslat e into policies a national agenda for research and
technology deve lopment on disaster risk reduction and management;

(n ) I n coord ination with the Clima te Change Comm ission, formulate and implement a
fram ework fo r climate change adaptat ion and disaste r risk redu cti on and manag ement
from which all policies, programs, and proje cts shall be based ;

(0) Constitute a t echnical mana gem ent gro up composed of rep resentatives of the
abovem entioned departments, offices, and org anizations, that shall coordinate and
meet as often as necessary t o effective ly manage and susta in nati onal effo rts on
disaste r risk reduct ion and management;

(p) Task th e OCD t o conduct periodic assessmen t and perform ance mo nitorin g of th e
member - agenci es of th e NDRRMC, and th e Regiona l Disaster Risk Reducti on and
Managem ent Councils (RDRRMCs), as defined in t he NDRRMP;

(q) Coordinat e or oversee t he implement ation of t he country' s obligat ions with disaster
management t reaties t o which it is a party and see to it that the count ry's disast er
management treaty obligations be incorporated in its d isaster r isk r eduction and
mana gem en t fram eworks , policies, plans, pro gram s and projects; and

(r) Coord inat e or oversee t he implementation of the country's obligations with disaster
ma nagement treaties to which it is a party such as the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster
Management and Emergency Response (AADMER), which came into force on 24


IRR Of RA 10121

December 2009, and see to it that the country's disaster man agement trea ty
obligati ons be incorporat ed in it s disaster risk reduct ion and management fram eworks ,
policies, plans, programs and projects.

Section 4. Authority o f the Chai r perso n - The Chairperso n of t he NDRRMC may call upon
othe r instrumentalities or ent it ies of th e gove rn ment and non-government , civic and private
organizations fo r assistance in t erms of the use of their facilit ies and resources for t he
prot ect ion and preserv at ion of life and propert ies in t he whole range of disaster risk
reduct ion and management , This authority includes th e power to call on t he reserve fo rce as
defined in Republic Act No. 7077 to assist in relief and rescue during disasters or calamities ,

Section 5. Duties &. Respons i biliti es of t he Nation al Co u nci l mem be rs

5.1 The Chairpe rson, assist ed by t he fou r (4) Vice-chairpersons, shall provide the overall
direction, exercise supervision and effect coord inati on of relevant DRRM programs,
projects and act iv ities consistent with respect ive National Council Member
Departments or Agency mandates.

5.2 Every member agency shall be assigned funct ions relevant to th eir mandates,
program s, geograp hic j uri sdict ion and special constit uencies to be indicated in t he
NDRRMP. Each agency shalt formulate its own DRRM I mplement ing Plan and thei r
manual of operat ions . A copy of DRRM I mplement ing Plan shall be submitted to t he
Nati onal Council for adopt ion,

5.3 Every membe r agency of th e NDRRMC shall establish their respective Emergency
Operatio ns Center (EOC), subject to exemptions granted by the Nationa l Council, and
shall likewise designate a focal officer for DRRM .

Section 6. Meetings of the National Council - The National Council shall meet regularly
every quarter on dates and place to be determ ined by the said council . The Chairpe rson of
the Council may call for a special meet ing as the need arises. The Council shall form ulate
internal rules fo r its meet ings .



Section 1. Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Man agement Councils -The current
Regional Disaster Coordi nati ng Councils shall hencefort h be known as t he Regional Disaste r
Risk Reduction and Management Counclls (RDRRMCs) ,

Section 2. Composition - The Civ il Defense Officers of the OCD who are or may be
designated as Regional Direct ors of th e OCD shall serve as chairpersons of the RDRRMCs.
Its Vice Chairp ersons shall be the Reg ional Directors of the DSWD, t he Dl l G, the DOST, and
the NEDA. The RDRRMCs shall be composed of th e execut ives of regi onal offices and field
stati ons [at the reg ional level] of (th e] government agencies that are members of the
National Council .

Section 3 . Functions a nd responsibilities - Except for t he policy making function of the

NDRR MC, t he RDRRMCs shall likewise carry out coordination, inte gration, superv ision,
mon ito ri ng and eva luatio n fun cti ons coveri ng Regional Council Member Agencies and the
l ocal Disaster Risk Reduct ion Management Councils (LDRRMCs) wit hin t heir j urisdictio ns.
The RDRRM C shall also be responsible In ensuri ng risk-sensi tive regional deve lopment plans,
and in case of emergencies, shall convene the different regional line aqencles and concerned
institu tions and authorit ies.


IRRofRA 10121

3 .1. The RDRRMC Chairpe rson may ta p the facilities and resources of other governm ent
agencies and private sectors, for th e prot ect ion of life and prop erties in pursuit of
disaster risk reduct ion and management.

3.2. The RDRRMCs shall const it ut e a t echni cal work ing gr oup composed of
representa ti ves of the member agencies that shall coordi nat e and meet as often as
necessary t o effective ly ma nage and sustai n regional efforts on disaster risk
redu ct ion and ma nagement.

Section 4. Meetings and Secreta riat - The RDRRMC shall meet regUlarly every quart er
on dates and place t o be determi ned by the Reg ional Cou ncil. The Chairperson of the
Council may call for a special meetin g as tn e need arises. The existi ng regi onal offices of
OCD shall serve as secreta riat of th e RDRRMCs. The Counci l shall f ormulat e internal rules
for its meetings.

Section 5 . Operations Center - The RDRRMCs shall establish an operati ng facility on a 24 -

hour basis, to be know n as th e Regional Disaster Risk Reduct ion and Management
Operations Center (RDRRMOC).

Every member agen cy of the RDRRMC shall estab lish its respect iv e Emergency Operat ions
Cent er (EOq, subject t o exe mptions granted by the Reg iona l Council, and shall designate a
focal officer for DRRM .

Section 6 . Metro Manila Disaster Risk Reduction an d Management Cou ncil

(MMDRRMC) - In keeping with the provis ions of Republi c Act No. 7924 designati ng Metro
Manila as a special adm inistrat ive region, t he MMDRRMC shall be chaired by th e Chairperson
of the Metro Manila Development Autho rity (MMDA) . It shall also have an organizational
structure similar t o that of the RDRRMCs t o be composed of the executives of MMDA
department s or offices and/or regional offi ces or field st at ions opera ting in th e Nat ional
capi t al Region . OCD Civil Defense Offi cer designat ed as Regional Direct or of the National
Capit al Reg ion shall serv e as the RDRRM C's Vice-Chairperson on Disast er Preparedness or
such ot her funct ion s as may be dete rmi ned by th e MMDRRMC Chair.

All ot her nati onal government agencies operating in NCR shall be mem bers of t he

Section 7. Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) - In the case of th e

ARMM, th e Regional Governor sha ll be the RDRRMC Chairperson. The RDRRMC - ARMM may
likewise have four (4) Vice Chairp ersons comprising of t he Secreta ries of t he DSWD·ARMM
for Disaster Respon se, th e DILG-ARMM for Disaster Preparedness, and the DOST-ARMM for
Disaster Mit igat ion and Prevention, and th e Execut ive Director of the Regional Plan ning and
Developm ent Offi ce (RPDO) for Disaster Rehabilit ation and Recovery . The RORRMC-ARMM
shall formulate internal rules for its meetings.

Section 8 . Othe r e ntities • RORRMCs may inv ite ot her concerned inst itu tions,
orga nizations, age ncies and instrum entalities in the pri vate and publi c secto r when deemed
necessary t o perfo rm th eir mandat e.

IRRofRA 10121



Section 1. Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Counclls- The exist ing
Provincial, City, and Municipal Disaster Coordinating Council s shall henceforth be known as
th e Prov incial , City, and Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils . The
Barangay Disast er Coord inating Councils shall cease t o ex ist and it s powers and functions
shall henceforth be assumed by th e existi ng Barangay Development Councils (BDCs) which
shall serve as t he lDRRMCs in every barangay .

Section 2. Composition - As may be determ ined by the LDRRMC, it shall be compose d of,
but not lim ited t o, th e following :

( 1) The Local Chief Executive, Chairpe rson;

( 2) The l ocal Plannin g and Dev elopment Officer, me mber;

(3 ) The Head of t he lDRRMO, mem ber ;

(4) The Head of t he Local Social Welfare and Development Office, member ;

(5) The Head of the Local Healt h Offi ce, member ;

(6) The Head of the Local Agric ulture Offi ce, member;

(7) The Head of t he Gender and Development Office, memb er;

(8) The Head of the Local Engineering Offi ce, mem ber ;

(9) The Head of t he l ocal Vet erinary Offi ce, me mbe r;

(lO)The Head of the l ocal Budget Offi ce, member;

(11)The Division Head/ Super intendent of Schools/ District Supervi sor of th e DepED, member ;

(12)The highest -r anking off icer of th e Arm ed Forces of th e Philippin es (AFP) assigned in th e
are a, memb er ;

( 13) The Provincial / City Director/ Component Cit y/M unicipal Chief of th e Philippine National
Police ( PN P), member;

{l4) The Prov incial Director/ City Municipal Fire Marsha ll of t he Bureau of Fire Prot ection
(BFP), mem ber ;

(15 )The President of th e Llga ng mga Barangay, member;

( 16) The Philippine Red Cross (PRC), me mber;

( 17)Four (4) accred it ed CSOs, member ; and

( l8)One ( l) pri vat e sector rep resentative, member .

2. 1. The l DRRMC is encoura ged to include the following as it s members :

IRR RA 1 21

(1 ) Th e Pro v incial Direct or/ Cit y/ Municipal Offi cer of the Department of Interior and
Local Government ;

(2) The Provi ncial Dire ctor/City/ Muni cipal Offi cer of t he Department of Environment
and Natura l Resource ;

(3 ) The appropriate official of th e Philippine Coast Guard or Forest Guard In th e

locality, where applica ble;

(4) A Representative of the Sanggunia n.

Section 3 . Cr iteria for CSOs and p r ivate ' sector represent ative - The crit eria for th e
selection of CSOs and the pri vate sect or represent at ion in t he LDRRMC shall adhere with th e
guide lines to be issued by the National Council for said pu rpose , including accreditation and
operatio nal mecha nisms or processes.

Section 4 . Functions-The LDRRMCs sha ll have the foll owi ng functions:

(1) Appr ove, m onitor and eva luat e t he implementation of the LDRRMPs and ann ually rev iew,
t est and develop th e plan consistent with other national and local planning pr ograms ;

(2 ) Ensure the integration of di sast er r isk reduction and cli mate change adaptation into local
development plans, programs and budg ets as a st rategy in sust ainable development and
poverty redu ct ion ;

( 3) Recom mend the implem ent at ion of forced or preemptive eva cuation of local residen t s, if
necessary; and

(4) Conven e the local cou ncil as provid ed by the Act and these Rules.

Section 5. Meetings and Quorum - The meetings of t he Local Councils shall be held once
every three months on dates and place t o be det erm ined by the body. The Chairperson of
the Local Coun cil may call for a special meeting as he may dee m necessary . The Local
Councils shall promulgate th eir respective int ern al rules for their meetings. The Local
Disaste r Risk Reduction and Management Office ( LDRRMO), refer red t o in th e succeeding
Rule, shall serv e as the Secreta ria t .



Section 1. Establishment of an Office - Th ere is hereby creat ed an LDRRMO in every

province, city and mu nicipality under the Offi ce of t he Govern or, City or Municipal Mayor,
respectively, and a Bara nga y Disast er Risk Redu cti on and Managem ent Comm ittee
(BDRRMC) in ev ery ba ra ngay to be headed by the Puno ng Baranga y .

Section 2, Composition an d Structure · Th e LDRRMOs shall be initially organized and

compose d of a DRRMO to be assist ed by th ree ( 3) staff responsible for : (1) admi nist ration
and tra ining ; (2) resea rch and plann ing; and ( 3) operations and warning.

2.1. The bud geta ry source, compensation and hiring proced ure for t he DRRMO shall
confo rm t o t he rul es and pol icies of t he CSC and the DBM, among others.

1C J

Section 3. Qualifications of the DRRM Office r - The DRRM Officer provided under
Sect ion 12 (b ) of the Act sh all ha ve the foll ow ing qua lifications :

(a) Must be civil service eligible;

( b) Must have a Civil DefensejDRM experience .

Section 4 . Functions - The prov incial, city and municipal DRRMOs or BDRRMCs, in
coord inatio n wit h concerned nat ional agencies and inst rumentalit ies, shall perfor m t he
f ollowing f unctio ns w it h impartiality, given t he emerging cha llenges broug ht by disas ters of
our times:

(1) Set the d irection, develop me nt , implementat ion and coo rd ination of disaster risk
ma nagement prog ra m s within t heir temtottat j urisdiction.

(2 ) Design , program, and coordinate disaster _f isk reduct ion and management acti vit ies
consistent wit h the National Council's stan dards and guidelines;

(3) Facilitate and support risk assessments and cont ingency plan ning act iv it ies at the local

(4) Consolidate local disaster risk infor mation which includes natural hazards, vulnerabilit ies,
and climate change risks, and mai ntain a local risk map;

(5) Organize and conduct t raining, orientation, and know ledge management activities on
disaster risk reduction and managem ent at t he local level;

(6) Operate a mu lti-haz ard early warn ing syste m, linked to disaster risk reduction to prov ide
accurate and timely advice to nat ional or local emergency response organizations and to
the general public, through diverse mass media, particularly radio, landline
commun icat ions, and te chnologies for com mu nicatio n withi n rura l commun it ies;

(7) Form ulate and implement a comprehensive and' integrated LDRRMP in accordance with
th e national, regional and provincial framework, and polic ies on disaster risk reduction in
close coordinat ion with t he local deve lopment councils (LDCs);

(8) Prepare and submit to th e local sangg unlan t hro ugh the LDRRMC and th e LDC t he annual
LDRRMO Plan and bud get , the proposed programmi ng of the LDRRMF, ot her dedicated
disaster risk reduction and management resources, and other regu lar funding source/s
and budgetary support of the LDRRMO/BD RRM C;

(9) Conduct continuous disaste r monitoring and mobilize instrumentalities and ent ities of the
LGUs, CSOS, priva te groups and organized vol unteers, to utilize th eir facilities and
resources fo r the protection and preservation of life and properties dUri ng emergencies in
accordan ce with exist ing polic ies and pr ocedures ;

( 10) Identify , assess and manage t he hazard s vulnerabilities and risks that may occur in t heir
locality ;

( 11) Disseminate informat ion and raise publi c awareness about th ose hazards , vutnerabtttties
and risks, th eir natu re, effects, early warning signs and counter-measures;

( 12) Id ent if y and impl ement cost - effective risk red uctio n measures/s t rategies;

( 13) Maintain a database of human resource, equipment, directories, and location of critica l
infrastruct ures and their capacities such as hospita ls and evacuat ion cente rs;


IRR of RA 10121

(14) Develop, strengthen and operationalize mechanisms for partnersh ip or networking with
the private sector, CSOs, and volu nteer groups;

(15) Take all necessary steps on a contin uing basis to mainta in, provide, or arra nge the
prov ision of or to otherwise make availab le, suitably-t raine d and competent personnel for
effective civil defe nse and disaste r risk reduction and manageme nt in its area;

(16 ) Organize, train , equip and superv ise t he local emergency response t eams and t he ACDVs,
ensuri ng that hu manitari an aid workers are equipped with basic ski lls to assist mot hers to

(17) Respond to and manage th e adverse effects of emergencies and carry out recovery
activities in th e affected area, ensuring that there is an efficient mechanism for
immediate delivery of food, shelter and medical supplies for wom en and children ,
endeavor to create a special place where internally-d isplaced mothers and children can
find help with breastfeed ing, feed and care for th eir bab ies and g ive support to each

( 18) Wit hin its area, prom ot e and raise public awareness of and compliance with the Act and
legislative prov isions relevant to the purpose of the Act;

(19 ) Serve as the secreta riat and execut ive arm of t he LDRRMC;

(20) Coordina te other disaster risk reduction and management activities;

(2 1) Establish linkage/network wit h ot her l GUs for disaster risk reduct ion and emergency
response purposes ;

(22) Recommend through the lDRRMC the enactment of local ord inances consistent with the
requirements of this Act ;

(23) Im plement policies , approved plans and programs of the lDRRMC consistent with the
policies and guidelines laid down in t he Act ;

(24) Establish a Prov incial/City/Mun lcipal/Barangay Disast er Risk Reduction and Management
Operat ions Cent er;

(25) Prepare and submit , through th e l DRRMC and the LDC, the report on the utiliza t ion of
the lDRRMF and other dedicated d isaster risk red ucti on and management resources to
the local Commission on Aud it (eO A) for prov incial/ city level and interna l audit for
municipa l and component city level, copy furn ished the reg ional d irector of the OeD and
the l ocal Government Operations Offi cer of the D1 l G; and

(26) Act on other matters t hat may be auth orized by the LDRRMC.

Section 5. The BDRRMC • It shall be a regular com mittee of th e exi sting BDC and shall be
subject th ereto. The punong barangay shall facilitate and ensure t he parti cipation of at least
two (2) e so representati ves from existi ng and active comm unity-based people's
organizatio ns represe nti ng t he most v ulne rable and marginalized grou ps in the barangay .

Section 6. Local Ordinance- The local sanggunian concerne d shall enact th e appropr iate
ordinance to create the DRRM O including the allocation of necessary staffing/personnel and


IRR 01 RA 10J1J

Section 7. Infonnation and Public Awareness on Hazards, Vulnerabilities and Risks-

Each l GU shall provide an area within it s j urisd iction where hazard maps and contingency
plans for maj or hazards are prom inently displayed. I n add it ion , informa tio n shall also be
disseminate d t hrough t he Inte rn et and print ed mat erials such as newsletters , brochures and

Public awareness shall also be undert aken throug h conduct of drill s by t he lDRRMO on a
regular basis.

Section 8. link ing Local Database w ith the National Database - The local databases on
human resources, equipment, directories and location of critical infrastructures and th eir
capacities, deve loped and complied by th e NDRRMOs shall be linked with the national
data base maintained by t he OCO. •

Section 9. Access to Database • The database shall be accessible and available to

every one subj ect to reasonable restrict ions ari sing fr om legal and security requirements, if
any. Specific info rmat ion may be obta ined provided that a written request is submitted and
under th e condition tha t proper citation and reference is made.


Section 1. Mandate - The Offi ce of Civil Defense (OCD), as the implementing arm of the
Nati onal Council, shall have th e pri mary mission of admi nisteri ng a comp rehensive nationa l
civil defen se and disaster risk, reduct ion and management prog ram by providi ng leadership in
th e cont inuous deve lopment of st rat egic and syste mat ic app roaches as well as measures to
reduce th e v ulnerabilit ies and risks to hazards and manage t he consequences of disasters.

Section 2. The Admin istrator - The Administ rator of th e OCD shall also serve as Executive
Director of the Nati onal Cou ncil and, as SUCh, shall have the same duti es and privileges of a
depart ment undersecretary . The Administrator shall be a universally acknowledged expert in
the field of disaste r risk reduct ion management and of proven honesty and integrity.

section 3 . Powers and Functions - The OCD shall have the fo llow ing powers and fu nctio ns
in partnership and in coordi nation wit h mem ber agencies and in consultatio n with key
stakehol ders, as maybe applicable.

(a) Advise th e Nati onal Council on mat ters relati ng to disaster risk reduct ion and
management consiste nt wit h t he policies and scope as defined in these Rules;

(b) Formulate the NORRMP wit hin six (6) month s from th e affectivity of th ese Rules and
provide leadership in the implementation of the Plan. It shall ensure that the physical
fram ework, social, economic and envi ronmental plans of communities, cntes,
mun icipalities and provinces are consistent with such plan . The Strategic Natio nal Act ion
Plan (SNAP) for Disaster Risk Reduction (ORR) adopted th rough Execut iv e Order No. 888
shall be used as th e strate gic foundat ion and bUilding block for t he NDRRMP. The Nat ional
Council shall approve th e NDRRMP;

(c) Iden tify, assess and priorit ize hazards and risks in consultat ion with key sta keholders;

(d) Develop and ensure t he impleme ntation of nat ional standards and stand ard operati ng
procedures ( SOP) in carrying out disaste r risk reduction prog rams inclUding
preparedness, mitigat ion, prevention, response and rehabilitat ion works, from data
collection and analysis, plann ing, imp lementation, monitoring and evaluation . These
national sta ndards and SOPS shall be developed alongside th e NORRMP;


IRR of RA 10121

(e) Review and evalua te the local Disaster Risk Reduct ion and Management Plans
(l DRRMPs), In coord ination wit h concerned agencies and or inst rumenta lit ies, to facilitate
the int egration of disaster risk reductio n measures into the local Comprehensive
Developme nt Plan (COP) and Comprehensive Land-Use Plan (CLUP),

(f) Ensure t hat the LGUs, through the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Offices
(lDRRMOs ) are properl y informed and adhere to the natio nal sta ndards and program s;

(g) Formulat e standard opera ting procedures fo r the deploy ment of rapi d damage
assessment and needs analysis (DANA) teams, information sharing among diffe rent
gove rn ment agencies, and coordi nation before and after disasters at all levels;

(h) Establish an Inciden t comm and syste m (I CS) as part of the count ry's existing on-scene
disaste r response system, t o ensure eff ect ive consequence management of disasters or

(I) Establish standard operati ng procedures on th e communicat ion system among provincial,
city, municipal, and bara ngay disaster risk red ucti on and managem ent councils, for
purposes of warni ng and alerting t hem and for gatheri ng informat ion on disaster areas
before, during and after disasters;

(j) Establish Disaster Risk Reduct ion and Management Tra inlDg....,Ingitu tes in such suitable
locat ion as may be deemed appro priate, in accordance with R Ule~8tlere i n ;

(k) Ensure that all disa ster risk reduct ion programs, proj ects and act iviti es requiring regional
and int ernational support shall be in accordan ce wit h du ly established national policies
and align ed with international agreements;

(I) Ensure th at governm ent agencies and LGUs give top pr iority and take adequate and
appropriate measures In disaster risk reduction and management;

(m) Create an enablin g envi ron ment for substantial and sustainable parttcpatlon of CSOs,
privat e groups, vol unteers and communities, and recogn ize their contributions in the
govern ment's d isaster risk reduct ion effo rts ;

(n) Conduct early recov ery and post -disa ster needs assessment inst ituti onalizing gender
analysis as part of it ;

(0) Establish an operating facility to be known as th e Nat ional Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Operat ions Center (NDRRMOC) t hat shall be operated and sta ffed on a
twen ty -four (2 4) hour basis;

(p) Prepare th e criteria and procedure for the enlistment of accredited community disaster
voluntee rs ( ACDVs). It shall include a man ual of operat ions for th e volu ntee rs which
shall be developed by th e OCD in consultation wit h various sta keholders ;

(q) Provide adv ice and technical assista nce and assist in mobilizing necessary resources to
increase th e overall capacit y of LGUS, specifically the low incom e and in hlqh-nsk areas;

(r) Create the necessary offices to perform its mandate as provided under this Act;

(5) Perform secretariat functions of t he Nat ional Council; and


IRRofRA 10121

(t) Perform such other functions as may be necessary for effective operat ions and
imp lementation of th e Act .

Section 4. Staffing requirements - The Office of Civil Defense, in coordination with the
Departm ent of Budget and Management and Civil Service Commission, shall come up with
relevant staffing pattern wit hin th irt y (30) days from approval of t hese Rules. The enhanced
. OCD organization shall be composed of competent and qual ified technical personnel of
relevant offi ces as may be deemed necessary to effectively carry out its funct ions and duties
prescribed herein , subject to the approval of the Department of Budget and Management and
existing evil service ru les and regulat ions

Section 5. Compliance with Sal ary Standard ization Law - The compensation and
emoluments of t he offi cials and emp loyees 01 OCD shall be in accord ance with the Salary
Standardizati on Law and othe r applicable laws under th e National Compensat ion and
Classificatio n Plan.



Section 1. Purpose - Pursuant to Secti on 9 (i ) of the RA10121, NDRRM Training I nst it utes
shall be established for the following purposes:

(a) Train public and private individuals, both local and national, in such subject as disaster
risk reduction and management, including emerge ncy response, capacity -building
programs for t he implementa t ion of Secti on 14 of t his Act;

(b) Consolidate and prepa re traini ng mate rials and publi cations of disaste r risk reduction and
management books and manual s to assist disaster risk red uction and management
workers in t he planning and implement at ion of th is program and proj ects;

(c) Conduct research progra ms to upgrade knowledge and skills and document best practices
on disaste r risk reduction and management; and

(d) Conduct peri odic awar eness and education prog rams to accomm odate new elective
offi cials and members of t he lDRRMCs.

Section 2. Training Programs - The OCD may engage th e expertise of the ot her Nati onal
Council memb er agencies and ot her t raining organizatio ns accredited by t he Nati onal Council.
It shall be inclusive in conducti ng, designing and developing the trai ning programs, materials
and syllabus of the i nstitute, to ensure that the training programme and resource mate rials
are supporti ve of the mandated tasks of th e NDRRMC.

Section 3. Location - Suitable locatio ns for the establ ishment of said insti tutes shall be
determi ned in consulta tion with concerned stakeholders and with the approval of the National

Section 4. Organizational Structure - The organizat ional st ruct ure of th e NDRRM Training
I nst itut es shalt be dev eloped by t he OCD, subj ect to the approval of t he Nati onal Council, in
accordance wit h t he existin g laws, rules and regulations.

IRR of RA 10121



Section 1. Accreditation - The govern me nt ag encies, CSOs, pr ivat e sector and lGUs may
mobilize indi vidua ls or organized vol unteers to augm ent their respective personnel
complement and logist ical requirem ent s in t he deli very of d isast er r isk reduction pro grams
and activities. The agenci es, CSOs, pri vate secto r, and l GUs con cern ed shall tak e full
responsibilit y f or th e enhancement, we lfare and protect ion of t heir volunteers, and shall
submit th e list of volunte ers t o the OeD , through the lDRRMO s, for accreditation and
inclusion in t he database of comm unit y disaster volunteers.

A national roste r of Accredit ed Community Disaster Volunteers (ACDVs) , Nati on al Service

Reserv e Corps (NSRC) under RA 9 163 or th e National Service Tr aining Program Act of 2001 ,
CSOs and t he private sector shall be maintained by the OCD through the LDRRMOs.
Accredit ation of volunt eers and issuance of their identification cards shall be done at the
mun icipa l or city level.

Section 2. Mobilization - Mobili zat ion of volunteers shall be in accord ance with th e
guidelines t o be formulat ed by the NDRRMC consiste nt wit h the prov isions of the Act .

Section 3 . Capacity Building - Training for volunteers shall form part of the volunt eer
mobiliz ati on act ivit ies of t he N/ R/lDRRM C and th e BDC.

Section 5. Insurance for the ACDVs - Any vol unt eer who incurs death or inj ury whil e
engaged in an y of the act ivit ies defi ned under the Act shall be entitled t o compensatory
benefits and indi vidual personnel accident insurance. The government agency, CSO, pri vat e
secto r or LGU which m obili zes the ACDVs shall be responsible fo r providing t he tatter wit h
insurance and necessary benefit s.

Section 6 . Guidelines on Mobilization, Accreditation, Capacity-Bu ilding and

Protection of ACDVs from Various Sectors - The NDRRM C, through th e OCD, shall
formulat e, prom ulgate and issue within t hree (3) months from t he e ffect iv ity of t hese Rules
t he gUidelin es on th e mobilization, accreditation, capacity -bu ildi ng and protecti on of ACDVs
from t he government agencies, CSOs, priva t e secto r and l GUs.



Section 1. Integration into the school curricula - The DepED, t he CHED, t he Technical
Educat ion and Skills Developm ent Aut hor ity (TESDA), in coordinat ion with the OeD, the
National Youth Comm ission (NYC), the DOST, the DENR, the D1lG-BFP, th e DOH, the D5WD
and other relev ant ag encies, shalt int egrate disast er r isk reduction and ma nagement
education In t he schoo l curricula of secondary and t ertiary level of educat ion, including th e -
Nat ional Service Training Program ( NSTP), whe ther pri va t e or public, includ ing form al and
non -forma l, technical -vocati onal, indigenous learning, and out-of-school youth courses and
program s.

Section 2. Community Education and Trainlng- The NDRRMC, t he RDRRM Cs, th e

l DRRM Cs, the LDRRM Os, the BDRRM Cs and th e SK councils, In coordination with the National
Youth Comm ission ( NYC), shall encourag e community, specifically th e youth , part icipat ion In


JR RofRA 10121

disaster risk reduction and ma nagement activities, such as organ izing quick response groups,
particularly in iden tified dtseste r-pron e areas , as well as the inclusion of disaster risk
reduction and management prog rams as part of the SK programs and proj ects . In the same
manner, they shall likewi se encourag e and involve the commun ity, specific all y the youth, in
the Disaster Risk Red uct ion Training eit her th rou gh actual condu ct or as part icipant t o the
said training .
- -
Section 3. Education and Training of Employees of the Public Sector -The publi c
secto r em ploye es shall be tra in ed in eme rge ncy response an d preparedness wit h st rong
focus on gender responsiveness, sens itivity to ind igenous know ledge systems and respect for
human righ t s. Towards th is end , the followin g qu ldennes are hereby establ ished to ensure it s
effective impleme nt ation and compliance:

(a) The Civi l Serv ice Commission shall issue a direct ive req uiri ng all heads of govern ment
departments and agencies, including qovemment fin ancing institutions and local
government units t o conduct t raining on DRRM for their respective personnel.

(b) A Train -t he-Tret ners appro ach shall be adopted for this purpose whereby mem ber
agencies of th e NDRRMC, includi ng ot her government agencies and local government
units, shall org anize and t rain thei r respective DRRM Core of Trainers who shall be
respon sible in cascadi ng t he tra ini ng to the ir regional/field level and/ or l GU staff.

(c) A standard training design and instruct ional materia ls on DRRM shall be deve loped by
th e DRRM Train ing I nst it ut e in accord ance with Rule 8, section l (b ) of th ese Rules and
shall be im pl em ented by the CSC.

(d) Members of th e Nationa l Council which alrea dy conduct specia lty and highty technical
skill courses may con t inue wit h the conduct of said t raining programs.


Section 1. Le ad Agency du ring emergency - The LORRMCs shall take the lead in preparin g
for , respon ding to, and recoveri ng from the effects of any di sast er based on the foll owin g

(a) The SOC, if a barangay is affected ;

(b) The cit y/mun icipal DRRMCs, if two (2) or more barangay s are affect ed ;

(c) Th e prov incial DRRMC, if two (2) or more cit ies/ mu nicipali ti es are affected ;

(d) Th e regi onal DRRMC, if two (2) or mo re pro vin ces are affected; and

(e) The NDRRMC, if two (2) or more reg ions are affect ed.

The NDRRMC an d inter mediary lDRRM Cs shall always act as support to LGUs which have
the pr ima ry respon sibility as first disaster responders . Private sector and civil society
orga nizat ions shall wo r k in accordance wit h th e coordinat ion mechan ism and policies set
by the NDRRMC and conce rn ed l DRRMCs.

Section 2 . The Na tional Disaster Risk Reduction an d Management Operations Center

(NDRRMOC) - The present NDCC Operat ions Cente r based in Camp General Emilio Aguin aldo
shall henceforth be known as th e Nati onal Disast er Risk Red ucti on and Management
Operations Center or th e NDRRMOC, which shall serve as t he Operating Facility of the


IRR of RA ID121

NDRRMC. It shall be operated and maintained on a twenty-four (24) hour basis by OCD staff
during normal situation to be complemented by NDRRMC member agency representatives
whenever blue and red alert status are raised or as may be determined by the National Coundl
th rough OCD.

Section 3 . The NDRRMOC Core Functions - The NDRRMOC shall serve as t he nerve cente r
for alert and mon it orin g, mu lti-ag ency and multi-level operational coordination, response and
resource mobilizati on and infor mati on management . To carry out its core fu ncti ons, the Center
shall utilize support syste ms such as early warni ng and eme rgency broad cast system,
geographic Infor mat ion syste m and ot her space-based t echnolog ies, incide nt com mand
syste m, rapid da mage assessment and needs analysis, eme rgency logisti cs mana gement ,
public-private partnerships for emergency response, and humanita rian assistan ce coordinat ion
mechanism . •

Section 4 . Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity - The sovereignty and territorial integrity
of the State shall be respected at all t imes. I n this context, the Philippines shall have the
primary responsibility to respon d to disasters, occurring within its territory and external
assistance and offers of assistance shall only be provided upon its request or consent .


Section 1. Declaration and Lifting of St ate of Calamity by the President - The National
Council shalt recommend t o th e President of the Phili ppines th e declarat ion of a cluster of
barangays, municipaliti es, cit ies, provi nces, and regions under a stat e of calamity, and the
lifting thereo f, based on the crite ria set by the Nat ional Council. The President 's declaration
may warrant inte rnational humanit arian assista nce as deemed necessary.

Section 2. Declaration a nd lifting o f St ate of Calamity by the Local Sanggun ian - The
declaration and lifting of t he state of calamity may also be issued by the local sanggunian,
upon the recom me ndation of t he LDRRMC, based on the results of the damage assessment
and needs analysis.

Section 3 . Cr iteria i n Recommending the Decla r ation an d Li fti ng o f a St ate o f

Ca lamity - The Nati onal Coun cil shall determine t he cri teria for th e declaration and lifting of a
sta te of calamity, including epid emi cs.


Section 1. Mandatory r emedial m e asures · The declar ati on of a stat e of calamity shall
make mandato ry the immediate underta king of th e followi ng remedial measures by the
member-age ncies concerned as defin ed in th e Act:

(a) I mposit ion of price celling on basic necessities and prime commodities by the President
upon the recommendat ion of the implementing agency as provided for under Republic Act
No. 7581, otherwise known as the "Price Act ", or the National Price Coordinating Council ;

(b ) Monit or ing, preventi on and control by th e Local Price Coordination Council of

overpricing/profitee ri ng and hoardi ng of pri me commodit ies, medici nes and petroleum
produ cts;

(c) Programming/reprogramming of fund s for the repair and safety upgrading of public
Infrastru ct ures and facil itie s; and

IRR of RA 10121

(d) Granting of no-inte rest loans by government fi nancing or lendi ng inst it utions to the most
affected sect ion of th e populati on th roug h t heir cooperat ives or peopl e's organizati ons.


Section 1. Request for International Assistance - A call for Interna tiona l assista nce may
be issued by th e President of th e Phili ppin es upon t he recommendat ion of the Chairm an,
NDRRMC, depending on the scope, magnitude of damage or im pli cations of th e adverse
effec ts of the disaste r. As Party to the ASEAN Ag reement on Disast er Management and
Emerg ency Response ( AADMER), the request for assistance may be sent direct ly t o other
ASEAN Mem ber Sta tes or th rough the ASEAN Huma nitarian Assista nce (AHA) Centre in
Jaka rt a, In donesia. It may also requ est assistance from ot her entit ies where appropriate.

For purposes of ensuring a concert ed effo rt abroad, the Department of Foreign Affairs,
through t he embassies or consulat es of th e Philippines, may facilitate the call for inte rnat ional
assista nce and closely coord inat e wit h th e NDRRMC f or this purp ose

Sectio n 2. Request for assistance by the LDRRMC - The LDRRMCs may directly subm it or
request for assist ance abroad in accordance with the Sect ion 23 of th e Local Government
Code of 1991.

Section 3. Authorized importation and donation - The importat ion and donati on of food,
cloth ing, medicine and equipment for relief and recovery and other d isaster management and
recovery -relat ed supplies ls hereb y aut horized in accordance with Secti on 105 of the Tariff
and Custom s Code of th e Philippines, as amend ed, and th e pre vailing provisions of t he
General Appropr iati ons Act cover ing nationa l int erna l reve nue taxes and import dut ies of
national and local gove rn me nt agencies; and

Any importati on and donati on int ended for th e ope rat ion of the NDRRMC and its member
agencies shall be t reated as importatio ns by and/or donat ions t o th e NDRRMC, subj ect to the
ru les and regu lat ions of th e Tariff and Customs Code or special fac ilities created by the Off ice'
of the President for the purpose. Payment of du t ies and taxes by concerned member
agencies, if any , shall be subje ct t o deferred payment scheme .

Foreign donations and importation s for humanitarian assista nce and disast er relief shall also
,/' be qutded with the I ntern ati ona l Disast er Response Law (IDR L) and ot her related guid elin es,
as may be deem ed appr opr iat e.


Section 1. Inventory and Monitoring of All Relief Goods - The National Council shall
provide for t he qutdeltnes on th e inven tory and disposition and utilization and monito ring of all
relief goods, Includ ing donat ions, wit hin a reasonable per iod, in order to ensure t he proper
disposit ion and use th ereof.


Section 1. Prohibited acts - Any person, group or corpo ration who commits any of the
follOWing prohibit ed acts shall be held liab le and be subj ected to t he penalt ies as prescrib ed in
Sect ion 20 of the Act and Rule 17 hereund er :


r \
IRR of R 10 .,

(a) Derelict ion of duties which lead s t o destruction, loss of Jive s, critical damage of facilities
and mi suse of funds;

(b ) Preventi ng th e entry an d distri but ion of rel ief goods in disaste r-stricken areas , including
approp riat e technology such as Geographi c I nfor mat ion System, I nformati on and
Commu nicati on Technology Dat abase/ System Management for Reli ef I nventory; System-
for Managem ent of the Dead/ CasljC!lt y - -and the like, t ools, equip ment, accessories ,
disast er t eams/ experts;

(c) Buying , for consu mption or resale, from disast er relief agen cies such as the DSWD, NFA,
PRC , In t ernat ional Com mittee of th e Red Cross (ICRC), Wor ld Food Program (WFP) and
ot her such pri vate org anizations, any relief goods, equipment or other aid commodi ti es
which are Intended fo r distrib uti on to d isaster affected com munit ies;

(d) Buyin g, for consumpt ion or resale, from th e r ecipient disaster affected persons any relie f
goods, equipme nt or ot her aid commo dities received by t he m;

(e) Selling of relief goods, equipm ent or ot her aid commo dities whi ch are int ended for
distribution t o d isaste r victi ms;

(f) Forcibly seizing relief goods, equipme nt or ot her aid com modities intended for or
consigned to a specific group of victims or relief agency;

(g) Diverting or mi sdeli very of relief goods, equipmen t or other aid commod ities to persons
other th an t he righ tfu l recipient or consig nee;

(h) Accepting, possessing, using or disposing relief goods, equip ment or othe r aid
commodit ies not int ended for nor consigned t o him /her;

( i) Misrepresenting th e source of relief goods, equipmen t or other aid commodities by :

(1) Eit her cove ring, rep lacing or defac ing th e labels of th e containers t o make it appear
t hat t he good s, equipment or ot her aid commodit ies came fr om an othe r agency or
persons ;

(2) Repacki ng the go ods, equ ipment or other aid commodities int o cont ainers wit h
different markings to make it appear t hat t he goods came from another agency or
persons or wa s relea sed upon t he inst ance of a particular agency or persons;

(3) Maki ng fal se ve rba l claim th at t he goods, equip ment or othe r aid commo dity in its
unt ampered or igina l containers act ual ly came from another age ncy or perso ns or was
released upon th e inst ance of a part icular agency or perso ns;

(4) Substituting or repla cing reli ef qoods, equ ipment or ot her aid commodities with the
same items or inferior/ cheape r quality.

(j) Illegal solicit ati ons by perso ns or orga nizat ions representing ot hers as defined in th e
st andards and qutdeltnes set by t he NDRRMC;

(k ) Delib erate use of fal se or infla t ed data in sup port of th e req uest for fu ndin g, relief goods,
equipment or other aid commodities for em ergency assistance or li velih ood proj ects ; and

(I) Tam perin g with or stea ling hazard mon ito ri ng and disaster preparedness equipment and
parapherna lia.


IRRofRA 10121


Section 1. Penalty, Fines - Any individual, corpo rat ion, part nersh ip, associati on, or other
j uridical ent ity t hat com mits any of the prohibit ed acts provided for in Sect ion 19 of the Act
shall be prosecuted and upon convictio n shall suffer a fin e of not less than Fifty th ousand
pesos (Php50, OOO.OO) or any amount not to exceed Five hundred th ousand pesos
(Php500,OOO.OO) or imprisonment of not less than six (6) years and one ( 1) day or not
more than twe lve ( 12) years, or both , at the discreti on of the court, includi ng perpetual
disqualification from publi c offi ce if the offender is a public offi cer, and confiscat ion or
forfei tu re in favor of the govemment of the objects and the inst rumentaliti es used in
committing any of herein prohi bited acts.

Section 2. Who are liable - If the offenderIs a corporation, part nership or associatio n, or
other juridical ent ity, the penalty shall be imposed upon the off icer or offic ers of the
corporation , partn ersh ip, association or ent ity responsible for the violat ion with out preju dice
to the cancellatio n or revocation of th ese ent it ies' license or accreditation issued to th em by
any licensing or accredited body of th e government. If such offen der is an alien, he or she
shall, in addition to th e penalt ies prescribed in the Act , be deported without further
proceedings afte r serv ice of th e sentence .

Section 3. Other liabilities - The prosecution for offe nses set forth in Sect ion 19 of the Act
shall be without pr ej ud ice to any liabili ty for violat ion of Republic Act No. 3185, as amended,
otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code, as well as any other special penal law enacted
by Congress, & shall be without prejudice to ot her civil liabilit ies.


Section 1. Utilization of the LDRRMF - The present Local ca lamity Fund shall henceforth
be known as the Local Disaster Risk Reducti on and Managemen t Fund (LDRRMf) . Not less
than five percent (5%) of t he est imat ed revenue from reg ular sources shall be set aside as
the LDRRMF to support disaster risk management act ivities such as, but not limited to, pre-
disaster preparedness prog rams including t raining, purchasing life-saving rescue equipment,
supplies and medicines, for post-disaster activities, for t he paymen t of premiums on calamity
Insurance and construct ion of evacuation centers . The lDRRMC shall monit or and evaluate
the use and disbursement of th e LDRRMF based on t he, LDRRMP as incorporated in the local
development plans and annual work and fin ancial plan . Upon the recommendation of the
LDRRMO and approval of the sanggunlan concerned, the LDRRMC may t ransfer the said fund
to support disaster risk reducti on work of ot her LDRRMCs which are declared under state of

Section 2. Quick Response Fund · Of the amount appropria ted for LDRRMF, t hirty percent
(30 %) shall be allocated as Quick Response Fund (QRF) or stand -by fund for relief and
recovery prog rams in orde r that situation and Hving conditions of people in communi ties or
areas st ricken by disasters, calamit ies, epidemics, or comp lex emerg encies, may be
norm alized as quickly as possible.

Section 3. Special Trust Fund - Unexpended LDRRMF shall accrue to a special trust fund
solely for the purpose of support ing disaster risk reduction and management activit ies of the
LDRRMCs within the next five (5 ) years. Any such amount st ill not fully utilized afte r five (5)
years shall revert back to the general fund and made available for ot her social services to be
ident ified by th e local sanggunlan.


IRROfRA 10111

ection 4 . Guidelines on Fund t racking and utilization of funds - Guidelines on Fund

tracki ng and utilization of the lDRRM F shall be in accordance with existing auditing and
accounti ng guidelines on publi c f unds, local gove rn ment code and ot her applicab le laws .

ecti o n 5. Public Disclosure of Fund Utilization - The lDRRMC s shall ma ke publi c its

A reports on th e utilizati on of th e l DRRMF by publicat ion and post in g th ereof in a conspicuous

place, including we bsrtes, if any, of th e l GU/lDRRMO . The reports of th e lDRRMcs on th e
util izat ion of t he lORRMF shall be ava ilable to the pu blic .



Section 1. Utilization of the NDRRM Fund - The presen t Calam ity Fund appropriate d
under the ann ual General Appropriati ons Act shall henceforth be known as t he Nati onal
Disaster Risk Redu ction and Managem ent Fund ( NDRRM Fund ) and it shall be used for
di saster risk reduction or mitigation, prevent ion and pr eparedn ess activities such as but not
limited t o train ing of pers onn el, pro cureme nt of equipme nt, and capit al ex penditures. It can
also be ut ili zed for relie f, r ecovery , recon stru ction and other work or serv ices in connection
with nat ural or human -in d uced calamit ies wh ich m ay occur during the budget year or those
that occurred in the past two (2) years from t he budget yea r. .

Section 2. Amount - The specific amount of the NORRM Fund and t he appropriate recipient
agencies and/or l GUs shall be determined upon approva l of the Pres ident of the Philippines
in accordance with th e favorabl e recommendation of th e NDRRMC.

Section 3. Qu ick Response Fund · Of the am ount appropriated for the NDRRM Fund, thirty
percent (30 % ) shall be allocated as Quick Response Fund ( QRF) t o th e agencies identified by
t he NDRRMC. • • •

Section 4. Accounting - All depa rt ment s/a gencies an d lGUs tha t are allocated with DRRM
fund shall submit to the NDRRMC t heir monthly statements on the ut ilization of DRRM funds
and make an accounting thereof in accordance with existing accounting and auditing rules .

Section 5. Fu nding for DRRM Proj ects - All depa rtments, bureaus, offices and agencies of
the gove rnment are hereby author ized to use a port ion of th eir app rop riations t o implement
proj ects designed t o ad dress DRRM act iv it ies in accorda nce with the qutoeunes t o be issued
by the NDRRMC in coordinat ion - with th e DBM.


Section 1. Budget - As lead agency t o carry out t he provisions of t he Act , t he OCD shall be
allocated a budget of One Billi on Pesos (Php l,OOO,OOO,OOO.OO) revclvtnq fund sta rting from
the effectivity of t his Act , which shall be taken from sources to be identified by the National
Council. Thereafter, t he fund necessary to carry ou t the pro visi ons of this law shall be
included in th e Genera l App ropriat ion s Act .


Section 1. Deadline for the annual report - The Nati onal Coun cil , t hrough the OCD, shall
su bmit t o t he Offi ce of th e President, the Senate and t he House of Represent atives, with in
t he first quart er of th e succeeding year, an annual repo rt relating to the progress of the
implementation of the NORRM P.


IRR o f RA 101]1

Section 2. Inputs of other agencies to the annual report - Within th e month of

January of th e succeeding year and every January th ereafter , all member agencies shall
submit t o t he OCD, as Secreta riat of th e NDRRMC, th eir respect ive ann ual reports for
purpo ses of consolidation and anal ysis. These annua l r eports shall in tum be subm itted by
the OCD t o th e Chairperson, NDRRMC.


Section 1. Functions - The Congressiona l Oversigh t Comm it tee created and composed
under section 26 of the Act shall monito r and overse e the implement at ion of th e provisions
th ereof .
The Nat ional Coun cil may submit proposed reme dial legisl at ion t o the Congre ssional
Oversight Committee . •

Section 2. Period for Revi ew - Wit hin fiv e (5 ) years after th e eff ecti vity of the Act, or as
the need arises, the Congressional Oversight Com mit t ee sha ll conduct a sunset review. For
purposes of th ese Rules, the te rm "sunset rev iew" shall mean a systema tic evaluation by the
Cong ressional Oversight Committee of th e accom plishm ent s and impact of t he Act, as well as
the performance and orga nizational st ructure of its im plem enting agencies, for purpo ses of
determ ining rem edial leg islation.


Sectio n 1. Existing Practi ces , Guidelines - Pending t he develop me nt and approv al of t he

necessary gUideli nes cit ed in th e Act and th ese Rules, l .e., accreditation of volunteers , etc.,
wit hin th e per iod speotied herei n, exist ing pract ice an d procedures shall be ma inta ined.


Section 1. Validity of provisions - If any pro vision of th ese Rules shall be held
unconstitutional or invalid, the oth er provisions not ot herwise affected shall remain in fu ll
force and effect.


Section 1. Amendment - The National Council , through its Chairperson, may cause the
am endment of these I mplement ing Rules and Regulations, as t he need arises.


Section 1. Publication - These Rules shall ta ke effect fifteen (15) days f ollowing the
complet e publicati on th ereof in a newspaper of general circulation.

Se reta ry of Netto al
Chairp rson
Nati ona l Disast er Risk Reduction and Manag em ent Council
SEP 21 2010
" .
Vffi. IOl6.21

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