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Animals Vs.

Humans Webquest
Talking Day Pre-Research

1. Using the links below, choose 3 stories of animals showing emotion or acting like
humans. Summarize each story, state how the animals’ actions/behavior are
similar to humans, and state your opinion - does this mean animals can
think and feel like humans can? Bullet points are ok!
Story 1:Dolphin Lifeguards- A person that was attacked by a shark was
struggling to keep afloat, until dolphins formed a protective ring around him to
protect him from the shark. This shows that the dolphins saw he was in danger
and came to the rescue. Also they made a ring instead of just watching him.
Being protective is an emotion and the dolphins had that emotion.

Story 2: The just lions- A 12 year old girl was kidnapped and beat almost to
death until lions attacked the man and protected her until safety came. They
retreated when the police came. This is just like story one because another
animal saw someone in danger and came to the rescue to protect her. They
treated the girl like there own because they guarded her and they acted like
humans when a parent protects their child.

Story 3: Grief and mourning- An elephant that lost a friend of theirs was
protective over it’s dead body because it called of predators. The elephant
showed respect and grief to the dead elephant because it wanted to lie in
peace. Humans think the same way because they have a funeral and barrier
someone they love.

2. Using the links below, your own knowledge and experiences, and additional
resources if needed, complete the chart to notate differences and similarities
between humans and animals.
Animals Both Humans

● Some animals Show awareness to their Humans can think ahead

can detect electric surroundings because way better than animals
fields by muscle humans interact with one like where are they going
contractions in another and animals to college, but animals
their prey. have been known to just see prey and eat it.
● Sea Turtles can interact with their
detect magnetic reflection. We can solve problems
fields helping better
them navigate Can learn how to do sign
● Some can see language. Humans and Can hear tones and
thermal heat to animals can too because things about different
move around gorillas have been people but animals just
instead of color.. known to draw pictures communicate.
of things describing
through sign language. See more colors that
most animals.
They have both have a
complex language basue
we as humans have
different words for
different things. Prairie
dogs can alert others if
there is a predator using
different sounds to say
the physical things about
the predator.

3. An important discussion that has begun recently is whether or not animals

deserve the same rights as humans. Using the links, complete the T-chart with
notes on why animals should and should not have the same rights as humans.

Evidence that animals SHOULD Evidence that animals should NOT

have the same rights as humans. have the same rights as humans.

● They can communicate with ● They can’t solve problems like

humans by using sign language us
● Can can help humans see ● They would want to eat
things humans can’t everything now and not save
● Can help humans detect things more for the future.
they can’t ● Have to be nice to their prey
● They already have rights that
say that if under certain
population can’t be hunted

4. Using the links, choose 2 of the articles and take notes on the concept of
instincts and Fight or Flight. Include as much relevant info as you can - at least 5
bullet points per article. SUMMARIZE - do not copy and paste.

Article 1:What animals can teach us about stress\

● Animals see a treat, but go calmness if not threatening you
● Humans see threat and fight no matter what
● Animals heart rate does not go up if threat nearby,but humans go up
● Try to calm yourself down when a threat is near and don’t engage instantly
● Humans stay stressed after situation while animals don’t

Article 2:Why its human nature to ignore our instincts

● We prepare for the worst if we think something is going to happen bad
● Instead of deciding to fight or flight soon get more info about situation
● our subconscious is constantly screening every experience and action
with the question, 'Is this me or not
● Instinct is an internal alarm system that mostly spares our conscious
energy until it is absolutely necessary
● We think that the opportunity will be gone soon so they take it no matter what

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