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The existence of the Semarang State University campus is a center for the development of education
with heterogeneous communities. Along with that there will be an increase in development. The
existence of this activity needs to be given information or an overview of the constituent rocks below
the surface of the area of Sekaran and its surroundings. Among the physical properties of rocks that can
distinguish between one type of rock with other rocks is the density of rocks. The inhomogeneous
density distribution in the rocks making up the earth's crust will provide variations in the gravitational
field on the surface of the earth.

Geophysical methods that are able to estimate subsurface conditions by taking measurements in the
field. Among the many geophysical methods that are suitable for this purpose is to use the gravity
method for reasons of responsiveness, is economically cheap, and is easy to carry and only takes about
10 minutes for one measurement (Sarkowi, 2008). According to Yusuf (2011) gravity method is one of
the geophysical methods that can be used to describe the shape of subsurface geological structures. In
this method the basis and purpose are to interpret the gravity anomaly due to differences in the density
or depth of the rock mass below the surface.

This method is very appropriate to be used for estimating subsurface structures because this method is
able to detect the contrast of rock body density. The different density contas indicate that different
types of subsurface structures. Thus the use of gravity method in this study is expected to produce
information or provide an overview of subsurface structures for the area of Sekaran and its

Basic Concepts of Newton's Gravity

The theoretical basis of the gravity method is Newton's law of gravity (Telford, et al., 1990).

(1) Newton's law of motion states

that force is the magnitude of the multiplication of mass and

the acceleration.


Figure 1. Drawing Sketch of Two Objects R.

Then the value of the gravity field:


Gravity values obtained need some correction of data before carrying out geological interpretation. This
is because in the gravity method research shown differences in the value of gravity from one place to
another. The difference in reading the value of gravity in a point on the surface of the earth is influenced
by several factors including variations in topography, variations in height, tides, shocks on tool springs,
latitudes, and variations in subsurface density. In the gravity method, there are several corrections
including tide, drift, latitude, air correction (free air), Bouguer correction, topography (terrain).

Geology Research Area

Sekaran Village and its surroundings have subsurface arrangements containing volcanic breccia units of
the Kaligetas Formation. The rock consists of breccia and lava with inserts of lava and fine tuff to coarse,
locally at the bottom found claystone containing mollusks and tuff sandstone, breccias, with
components in the form of andesite, basalt, pumice, with a tuff base (Thanden, et all, 1996).


Residual anomaly mapping is used in modeling anomalous map cross section to determine the density
distribution of rock masses that describe the configuration of subsurface structures. To strengthen the
analysis and interpretation, this study takes reference to geological data and related research or
research around the study site.

The steps taken at

this research is:

Tidal, drift, Bouguer and free air correction.

1. Separating regional and anomalies

2. residuals use moving averages.

3. Model subsurface 2D with Grav2DC software.

4. Interpretation based on 2D forward models.

Data processing

The gravity anomaly concept emphasizes aspects of the measured gravity difference with the reference
gravity value for the theoretical model of the earth (spheroid). This difference reflects the variations in
mass density found in an area with its surroundings either horizontal or vertical. The size of the depth,
the direction of the mass density anomaly is obtained by calculating, reconstructing and interpreting the
measured gravity model. The price of measured gravity is the total acceleration force suffered by a point
due to various sources. Some sources that affect measurement are:

• Earth's position in the movement of the solar system (tide effect)

• Difference in latitude on the surface of the earth

• Difference in height of the earth's surface


• Topographic effects

• Changes in mass meetings somewhere

To avoid the gravity effects of unwanted components, corrections and reductions are carried out. The
stages of data processing are as follows:

1) Calculating the observational value is the price of gravity measurements that have been corrected by
tidal correction and drift correction tools. With the following equation:

() (4)

2) Calculate the glinting value

Based on the results of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), the equation is used as follows: g
(λ) = ge (1 + αsin2λ + βsin2λ) (5)

3) Determination of Mass Meeting

In this study the estimated period of meeting using the Nettleton method. The best mass density
estimation in this method is obtained from the smallest cross correlation (near zero) between elevation
changes to gravity anomalies (Era, 2005). The equation used is as

CBA = g obs - g (λ) + 0,308765 h -0,0419.ρ. h

+ TC (7)

Separation of Regional and Residual Anomalies

Basically the gravity anomaly measured on the surface is a combination (superposition) from various
sources and depth of the anomaly that is below the surface where one of them is a target event to be
separated, both in the shallow zone (residual) or deep zone (regional ) Separation of regional anomalies
with residual anomalies is carried out by the Moving Average method which produces output in the
form of regional anomalies. Residual anomalies are obtained from the difference between Bouguer
anomalies and regional anomalies. Anomaly separation using moving averages is filtering out high
frequency wave anomalies (low pass filter).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Anomaly Bouguer analysis

Figure 2. Complete Bouguer anomaly map

It can be seen that there are areas which have fairly close anomalous contours around UN 22 station,
which tend to have an increasing pattern from northwest to southeast.

∑ ()

∑ ()


The cross section used to obtain the value of the mass density is selected at stations with rough
topographic areas.

4) Calculate the Complete Bouguer Anomaly The equation used is as follows:

Figure 3. Residual Anomaly Contour Map

The difference in value caused the presence of quite a lot of local geological structures in the study area.
This can be seen on the residual anomaly contour map which has a significant variation in anomaly

Modeling Analysis

Taken the incision extending west to east as the A-A track ', extending north to south as the B-B track',
while extending northwestward to the southeast as the C-C path '. map of the cross section of the
contours of the residual anomaly seen in Figure 3 as below:

Figure 4. Map of Cross Section on Contour

Residual Anomaly

The results of subsurface modeling are as follows:

Figure 5. A-A Track Modeling Results ’

Modeling results must have a minimum error value. The error in modeling for the A-A path ’is 0.44. In
this trajectory the values of contrast density are obtained as follows:

a. ∆ρ = -0.2 gr / cm3 or rocks with a density of 2.3 gr / cm3

b. ∆ρ = 0.1 gr / cm3 or rocks with a density of 2.6 gr / cm3

c. ∆ρ = - 0.5 gr / cm3 or rocks with a density of 2.0 gr / cm3

The density is estimated to be obtained from the density of the bouguer (average) 2.5 gr / cm3 plus ∆ρ.
It is estimated that in trajectory A-A 'has a subsurface structure with rocks in the form of sedimentary
rocks consisting of clay rocks with a density of 2.3 gr / cm3 and 2.5 gr / cm3, sandstone with a density of
2.0 gr / cm3 and rocks igneous consists of andesite rocks with a density of 2.6 gr / cm3, (Sota, 2011).

The second cross section modeling is the B-B track ', the results are as follows:

Figure 6. B-B Track Modeling Results ’

In this path modeling error value

3.94. The value of density contrast is as follows:

a. ∆ρ = 0.8 gr / cm3 or rocks with a density of 3.3 gr / cm3

b. ∆ρ = -1.2 gr / cm3 or rocks with a density of 1.3 gr / cm3

c. ∆ρ = -0.3 gr / cm3 or rocks with a density of 2.2 gr / cm3

d. ∆ρ = 0.3 gr / cm3 or brick with a density of 2.8 gr / cm3

It is estimated that on the B-B track 'has an subsurface structure with sedimentary rocks consisting of
soil with a density of 1.3 gr / cm3, sandstone with a density of 2.2 gr / cm3 and igneous rock consisting
of basalt rock with a density

3.3 gr / cm3, andesite rocks with a density of 2.8

gr / cm3.

As for modeling on the C-C path ’,

the results are as follows:

Figure 7. C-C Track Modeling Results ’

In this trajectory modeling the error value is 1.31. The amount of contrast density is as follows:

a. ∆ρ = -0,6 gr / cm3 or rocks with densiatas

of 1.9 gr / cm3

b. ∆ρ = 0.3 gr / cm3 or rocks with a density of 2.7 gr / cm3

c. ∆ρ = -0.5 gr / cm3 or rocks with a density of 2.0 gr / cm3

d. ∆ρ = 0.6 gr / cm3 or rocks with a density of 3.1 gr / cm3

It is estimated that the C-C 'path has a subsurface structure with rocks in the form of Sedimentary rocks
consisting of sandstone with a density of 1.9 gr / cm3 and 2.0 gr / cm3, and igneous rock consisting of
andesite rocks with a density of 2.7 gr / cm3 basalt rock with a density of 3.1 gr / cm3.

When viewed from the three trajectories, the types of rocks that are below the surface of the area now
and its surroundings are mostly rocks classified as sedimentary rocks such as soil, clay, sand, and igneous
rocks such as basalt. , andesite rocks (andesite). The whole rock is an overflow from the cold lava of
Mount Ungaran.


Based on the results of research that has been done, it can be concluded that the subsurface structure
in the Sekaran and surrounding areas consists of soil with a density of 1.33 gr / cm3, clay rock with a
density of 2.49 gr / cm3, sandstone (sand) with a density of 2.02 gr / cm3, andesite rocks (andesite) with
a density of 2.85 gr / cm3 and basalt rocks with a density of 3.20 gr / cm3.


Era, Yoga Pamitro. 2005. Gravity Anomaly Analysis Using 2D Forward Modeling Method for Semarang
Land and Water Areas. Thesis . Bandung: Bandung Institute of Technology.

Sarkowi, Muh. 2008. Vertical Gravity Gradient

MikroAntar Time and Its Relationship With the Dynamics of Groundwater. Proceedings of the National
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Sukma, Fathoni.H. 2011. Gravity Investigation

For Mapping Subsurface Structures in the Karanganyar Region in the West. Thesis. Surakarta: Sebelas
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Sota, Ibrahim. 2011. Estimating the Fault Structure with the Gravitational Method. Journal POSITRON,
Vol.1, No.1 (2011), pp. 25-30. Banjarmasin.UNLAM.

Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P., Sheriff, R.E. 1990

Applied Geophysics Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Thanden, R.E., Sumadirdja, H., Richards, P.W., Sutisna, K., Amin, T.C. 1996. Geological map of the
Semarang Java Magelang sheet. Bandung Geological Research and Development Center.

Yusuf, Mahmud. 2011. Gravity Data Analysis

Combination of Absolute Gravimeter (A10) and Relative Gravimeter (Lacoste Romberg). Thesis.
Bandung: Bandung Institute of Technology.

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