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Renna Chi A0127066

Day 1: 1AC
Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen. We are debating the resolution:” It is
better to be single than married.” We on the affirmative team strongly
support this resolution. We have three reasons: independence, health
and freedom.
Our first point is “independence.” If you are single, you cannot depend
on your husband or wife except yourself. You have to arrange your
schedule and learn to manage your money. After living by yourself, you
will become more independent and mature, and also find yourself
having ability to deal with a lot of problems. Independence also brings
you self-confidence, building your self-worth.
Our second point is “health.” People who are single exercise more than
married people do. Because of having more time to exercise, single
people keep their fitness and also keep sickness away. According to the
National Health Interview Study, single women have better overall
health than currently married women.
Our third point is “freedom.” Single people have more freedom than
married people. If you are single, you can do what you want, eat what
you love, and go where you like, and do not have to consider your
husband’s or wife’s preference. You will have a lot of time to go out with
friends and family members. Also, you have more time and money to
focus on and achieve your life goal instead of abandoning your dream for
a successful marriage.
We have talked about independence, health and freedom, and have
clearly shown that “It is better to be single than married.” For these
reasons, we beg to propose.
Reena Lin A0127078
Day 2: 1NC
Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen. Today, the affirmative team is
proposing that single is better married. We on the negative team
strongly oppose this resolution. First, I will refute the affirmative points,
and then I will give our own.
The affirmative talked about “independence”. They said single
people are more independent. I have two responses. First, this is not
always true. Many married person are more independent than single
people. That’s depend on every person’s personality and growing
environment. Getting married will not let person lost independent
ability. Second, it is not true that independence brings person self-
confident because being married also help people gain self-confident.
The affirmative also talked about “health”. I have two responses.
First, it is not always true that being married will do less exercise. And it
is easy to solve, as long as you and your husband/wife change the dating
way from watching movies into jogging together after work. Second,
many researches showed that being married actually keeps both of your
heart and mental healthy.
Now, let me present our case. We have two points: pleasure and
earnings increase.
Our first point is “pleasure”. When you marry your spouse, you
marry his/her family as well. Since you get married, you will have double
the people to love and support you, and so does your spouse. Moreover,
you will have lots of fun with you lover that if you stay single you can
only have fun with yourself!
Our second point is “earnings increase”. Being married will
encourage you to make a lot of money. Studies show that married men
and women are a boost to your earnings. Some estimates show that
married men make 40% more than comparable single men. If you are
single, no one will support and encourage you to work hard and earn
We have talked about pleasure and earning increase, and have
shown that being married is better that single life. We must oppose.

Amy Chang A0127042

Day 3: 2AC
Thank you, Ladies and gentlemen. My partner and I are proposing
that it is better to be single than married. First, I will the negative team’s
points, and then I will support my partner’s.
The negative’s first point was “pleasure”. They said that since you get
married, you will have double the people to love and support you. I think
this is not important. Not only your husband/ wife will love and support
you. Your parents or your friends also can support you.
Their second point is “earning increasing”. Being married will
encourage you to make a lot of money. It is not always true. Making
money or not is depend on personality. It does not according to
marriage. For example, if one who is passive, though he/ she get
married, he/ she still not make money actively.
Well, I have refuted their two points. Now let me support my
partner’s points.
Our first point is “independence”. The negative team said that is not
always true. They responded that many married person are more
independent than single people. It is not true. Married person will be
used to having someone to depend on. They also said that being married
also help people gain self-confident. It is not always true. Being married
also can make one lost their self-confident.
Our second point is “health”. Your husband/ wife change the
dating way from watching movie into jogging together after work. It is
not relevant. Married person need to spend their time to family. They do
not have their own time to do the exercise.
Our third point is “freedom”. We clearly showed that single
person have more freedom than married person. The negative must
have agreed because they had no answer to that point at all.
We see that the negative team’s points are all not true and not
true, but our points are all strong, true and relevant. We have shown
very clearly again that it is better to be single than married.

Renna Chi A0127066

Day 4: 2NC
Ladies and Gentlemen, because being married absolutely makes
people have a happier life than being single, my partners and I strongly
oppose this resolution. First, I will refute the affirmative points, then I
will support my partner’s.
The affirmative team’s first point was “independence.” They said that
being married also could make people lost their self-confident. It is
totally irrelevant! Independence depends on each person’s personality
and growing environment, and not depends on being single or being
married. Moreover, they also did not explain the reason why people may
lost their self-confident and give no evidences to prove this point.
Their second point was “health.” They said that married people need to
spend their time with family, and do not have time to exercise. It is easy
to solve! Even though you are married, you still can exercise with your
husband or wife. For example, when going to a park, we will see many
couples exercising together. On the other hand, if you are single, it
means that no one can urge you to exercise while you are lazy. Married
people also can exercise, so they are still healthy as well as single people.
I have refuted the affirmative points. Let me now give our points.
Our first point was “pleasure.” They said that single people’s parents
and friends also can support them. It may be true, but it is not
significant. After being married, you will have two family – your own
family and your spouse’s family, and also have more connections with
those people. Therefore, you will get more love and supports not only
from your own family and friends, but also from your spouse’s family. It
will pleasure you more and make you happier than the single.
Our second point was “earnings increase.” The affirmative team said
that making money or not depends on personality, not marriage. It is not
always true! Marriage would be a big motivation for people to earn more
money. Because of having a loving husband/ wife and children, you will
want them to have a better and quality life. So you must work hard to
make more money and to improve your family’s life. Even those who are
passive still work hard to earn money because they have responsibilities
to feed and support their family!
In conclusion, we have clearly shown that being married helps people
get more pleasure and earnings than being single. We must oppose!

Tim Liou A0127062

Day 5: NR
Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen. We have been debating the
resolution “It is better to be single than married,” and we have clearly
shown that this is not true. Let’s look at the major points of this debate.
The affirmative points were “independence,” “health,” and
“freedom.” They lose the point about independence because the source
was not given. They never show explain how single to be independence.
The examples that they gave, such as become more independent and
mature and deal with a lot of problems are not important. People can
still be independent and mature and deal with a lot of problems if they
are married.
They lose the point about healthy because they did not refuted our
researched of being married actually keeps both of your heart and
mental health. They said married person need to spend their time to
family. They do not have their own time to do the exercise. Thus is totally
not true. There are still many people who exercise regularly even they
are married.
Our first point is “pleasure.” We win this part they did not have a
better response. According to my partner said, after being married, you
will have two families – your own family and your spouse’s family, and
also have more connections with those people. Therefore, you will get
more love and supports not only from your own family and friends, but
also from your spouse’s family. It will pleasure you more and make you
happier than the single.
We win this debate because the most important point was pleasure.
And we have clearly won this point. Therefore, we strongly oppose
today’s resolution.

Brandon Lam A0127048

Day 6: AR
Ladies and Gentlemen! Today we have been debating the resolution,
“It is better to be single than married,” and we have clearly shown this to
be true. Let’s look at the major point of this debate.
The negative points were “pleasure” and “earnings”. In the
negative’s first point about pleasure, they said that after being married,
you will have two families – your own family and your spouse’s family,
and also have more connections with those people. Therefore, you will
get more love and supports. The negative team loses this point about
pleasure because they’ve never shown why two families equal more love
and supports. Just because you are married, doesn’t mean you will get
more love and supports than being single. We, on the other hand, have
shown that being married might brings you more worries.
Their second point was earnings. The negative team said that
marriage would be a big motivation for people to earn more money.
Because of having a loving husband/ wife and children, you will want
them to have a better and quality life. However, they didn’t mention the
cost of supporting one’s family. According to the CNN news, the average
cost of raising a child is more than $245,000 U.S. dollars. This is not a
small amount of money.
Our main points were “independence”, “health” and “freedom”. As
we said before, we win the point about independence because we’ve
offered reasons of why being single can learn to be more independent.
We also talked about health. In order to support the “two families” you
have. You might need to work extra time to earn more money. That will
increase the risk of getting health problems. Finally, we talked about
freedom. All human beings need freedom. The negative has never
denied this. Therefore, we win this point, also. Being single can make
people more independent and let people have better health. Also, it
allows people to have more freedom. Clearly, it is better to be single
than married. We strongly propose!

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