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1 Vis

wa m Hewhoi
stheUni verseits
2 Vis
hnu Hewhoi
ss prea
de verywhe r
3 Vasha
a Hewhoi
spe r
cationofVe di
c r
4 Bhoot
vat Hewhoi
sthema sterofpa s
5 Bhoot
t Hewhohasc r
6 Bhoot
t Hewhotakescar
eofa l
7 Bhava Hewhoiseveryt
hath a
8 Hewhoisthesoulofe
verybe i
ngi nt
heUni ver

9 Bhoot
na Hewhonur tur
ese ver
ybe ingint heunivers
10 Poot
atma Hewhoisde t
achedofe ve r
yt hingorHewhoha sa
ac t
11 Pa
tma Hewhoisi neverybe i
ngbutbe yonde ver
ybe i
12 Mukt
thi Hewhoist heulti
ma t
es alvationofe veryfre
13 Avya
ya Hewhodoe snotha vediffere
ntf ormsorHewhoi s
wayssame .
14 Purus ha Hewhoisi nsi
dee verybod y
15 Saks hi Hewhoist hewitnessofe veryt hingthathappens
16 Kshe tragna Hewhoknowst hebody
17 Aks ha r
a Hewhodoe snotha vedeath
18 Yoga Hewhoc anbea ttai
nedbyyoga( me di
19 YogaVi t
hamNetha Hewhoist heleaderofallthos ewhoknowyoga
20 Pradha na-Pur
a Hewhoist helordofna t
urea ndbe i
21 Nar
ha Hewhoi spa r thuma na ndpa rtlion
22 Sr
iman Hei nwhomSr i( La kshmiorGodde ss
23 Kesa
va Hewhoi ss erve dbyVi shnu,Si vaa ndBr a
OrHewhoha sbe a utifulha i
OrHeWhoki lledKe s itheAs ur a(Ogr e)
24 Pur
tama Hewhoi sthegr e atesta mongPur ushas(bei
ngs )or
Hewhoi sgr e ate rtha nt hos ewhoa r ebound,thos e
whoa refreea ndt hos ewhoa res ta tic.
25 Sarwa Hewhoi se ve ryt hing
26 Ssarva Hewhode s troyse ve rythingwhe nt hede l
ugec ome s
27 Shiva Hewhoi spur e
28 Sthanu Hewhoi ss t
a bl e
29 Bhoot aat
ha Hef romwhoma llthebe i
ngse vol ve d
30 Nidhiravyaya Hewhoi sne ve rde stroye d( e vena tdeluge)
31 Sambha va Hewhoi sa lltha tha ppe ns
32 Bha vana Hewhoi sthegi ve rofe ve ryt hi ng
33 Bha rt
ha Hewhoi stheba siss uppor tsa llbe ings
34 Prabhava Hei nwhoma llt hingswe rebor n
35 Prabhu Hewhoi se xtr eme lyc lever
36 Easwa ra Hewhoc ont rol sa ndr ul esa llbe i
ngsorHewhoi sa
37 Swaya
mbhu Hewhoi sbor nf romhi ms elf
38 Sha
mbhu Hewhogi ve sa llpl eas ures
39 Adi
tya Hewhot hrowsl ightone ve rythi ngorHewhoi sone
buta ppearsdi ffer ent .
40 Pushka raksha Hewhoha sl ot usl ikee yes
41 Ma ha s
wa na Hewhoha sagr ea tvoi c e
42 Ana dhinidhana Hewhoha sne ithe rbi rthnorde ath
43 Dha tha Hewhoc arrie st hewor l
44 Vidha t
ha Hewhoc rea tesa lla ctionsa ndt he irr e
45 Dha tur-
Ut t
a ma Hewhoi sgr e ate rtha nt hec re ator( Brahma )
46 Apra me ya Hewhoi sbe yondr ule s,r egul ationsa ndde fi
47 Hrishikesa Hewhoc ont rol shi sf ives ens e s
48 Padma na bha Hewhoha sal ot us( fromwhi c ht hewor ldevolve d)
growi ngonhi sbe lly
49 Amar a-Prabhu Hewhoi sthec hi efofde athle ssbe ings
50 Vis
wa -
Ka r
ma Hewhoha sma det hisuni ve rs e
51 Manu Hewhot hinks( wor ri
e s)ofe ve ryt hing
52 Dwas hta Hewhode s troyse ve ryt hing
53 St
havi s
hta Hewhoi se xtr eme lyf a t
54 St
havi r
o-Dhruva Hewhoi sa nc ienta ndpe rma ne nt
55 Agrahya Hewhoi snotr e a cha blebys e nse s
56 Sas
wa t
ha Hewhoe xis t
e di nt hepa st, exi stsa tpr es
entandwi l
existinfutur e.
57 Kr
ishna Hewhoi sbl ac k
OrHewhoi spe rsoni fica t
ionoft r uth,happinessa nd

thatwhichi sbe yondus
58 Lohit
aksha Hewhoha sr ede ye s
59 Pra
na Hewhode stroyse ve ryt hingi nt hee nd( deluge)
60 Pra
bhootha Hewhoi sf ullofwe al
tha ndknowl edge
61 Thri
ma Hei nwhomr eside sthet hreewor ldsvi z.Ea r
He avena ndHe ll
62 Pavithr
a Hewhoi spur eorHewhoma ke sothe rspur e
63 Ma ngalam-
am Hewhodoe sgoodt oot he rs
64 Easana Hewhor ul esove r( appoi nts)e ve r
65 Pranadha Hewhoma ke sbe i
66 Prana Hewhoi st hes oul
67 Jyeshta Hewhoi se lde rt oa llothe rs
68 Sreshta Hewhoi sbe tt
e rtha na llot her s
69 Prajapa
thi Hewhoi st hec hi efofa llhuma nbe ings
70 Hiranyagar
bha Hewhor e si
de sa sthes oul( Br ahma m)oft hisgolde
71 Bhooga
rbha Hewhoc arri
e st hee ar
thwi thi nhi ms elf
72 Maadhava Hewhoi st hec ons ortofLa kshmi
OrHewhoc a nber e al
iz edonl ybys il
enc e,
me dit
ona ndyoga
73 Madusudha
na Hewhoki l
ledMa dhut heAs ur a
74 Ea
swara Hewhoi ss upr eme lys trong
75 Vi
krami Hewhoha st hea bilit
yt ode stroya llhise nemi esorHe
whoha sva l
our .
76 Dha nvi Hewhoi st hes upr emea rche r
77 Me dhavi Hewhoi st hes upr emei ntelli
ge nce
78 Vikrama Hewhoha sme a sure dthewor l
dsOrHewhor i
bird(Garuda )
79 Krama Hewhoha ss pre ade verywhe re
80 Anuthama Hewhodoe snotha vea nybodybe tt
ert ha nhim
81 Duradhars
ha Hewhoc annotbec owe ddownbyhi se nemi es
82 Kri
dha gna Hewhoknowsgooda ndba dofa llbeingsorHewho
givessalvatione ve nbygi vingl eave sandf lowe rs
83 Kr
hi Hewhoi sbus yi nhi swor korHewhoi s
ic a
tionofwor k.
84 Athma van Hewhoha sonl yhi ss trengt ha shi sba sis
85 Suresha Hewhoi st hel or dofa llGods( De vas)
86 ss
ara na Hewhor e move ss adne s sf r
omt heunha ppy
87 ss
ha rma Hewhoi spe rsoni ficat
ionoft ot alha ppi ness
88 Vishwa re
tha Hewhoi st hes e edt ot hisu ni ve rse
89 Prajha Bhava Hewhoi st her e asonf ore xiste nc eofhuma nb e
90 Aaha Hewhoi sa sbr i
ghta st heda y
91 Samva tsa
ra Hewhoi spe rsoni ficat
ionoft heye ar
92 Vya la Hewhoc annotbec aughtl i
ket hegr eats erpent
93 Prathya ya Hewhoi spe rsoni ficat
ionofknowl edge
94 Sarva darsha
na Hewhos ees( knows )eve rythi ng

95 Aj
ha Hewhodoe snotha vebi r th
96 Sa
rveshwara Hewhoi sGodf ore ve rythi ng
97 Si
ddha Hewhoi sa lwa yse verywhe re
98 Si
ddhi Hewhoi sthede sirablee ffe ctofe verything
99 Sa
rvadhi Hewhoi sthepr ima ryr e as onf ore ve ryt
100 Achyutha Hewhodoe snots li
OrHewhodoe snota llowhi sde vot eestos li
101 Vr
kapi Hewhoi sthepe rsonific at ionofDha rmaa ndVa raha
102 Ameya
tma Hewhos estatur ec annotbeme asur e
103 Sa
ha Hewhoi sde voi dofa l la tta chme nt s
OrHewhoi sknownbya llyoga s
104 Vasu Hewhol ivesi ne verybe ing
105 VasuMa na Hewhoha sagoodhe art
106 Sat
ya Hewhoi struthpe rsoni fied
107 Samat
hma Hewhol ookse ve r
ybodya se qua l
108 Asammi tha Hewhoc a nnotbeme a sur e d
109 Sama Hewhoi swi thoutc hangea ta lltime s
110 Amogha Hewhogi ve sa llt ohisde vot e es
111 Pundar
ika ks
ha Hewhoi slotuse yed
OrHewhoi sl ikee yesf ort hos el ivi
ngi nt heheaven
ledPunda ri
112 Vri
sha kar
ma Hewhos ea ct
ionsa redi c tate dbyDha rma
113 Vri
sha kr
itha Hewhoi sbor nt ouphol dDha rma
114 Rudhra Hewhodr i
ve sa wa ys adne s sa ndt her easonsforit
115 Bahusiras Hewhoha sma nyhe ads
116 Bhabru Hewhoc a r
riest hewor lds
117 Viswayoni Hefromwhoma llbe ingsa rebor n
118 Suchi
s ra
va Hewhohe arshol y( clea n)wor dsofhi sde votee
119 Amr i
tha Hewhodoe snotdi e
120 SaswathaSthanu Hewhoi spe renni al
lys tabl e
OrHewhoi spe rma nenta ndunmova ble
121 Var
oraoha Hewhodoe snots endba ckt hos ewhoa t
122 Mahathapa Hewhoi se xtreme lyknowl edge a ble
123 Sa
rvaga Hewhogoe s( rea che s
)e ve r ywhe re
124 Sa
rvavid-bhanu Hewhos hine si nt heknowl edgeofe ve rything
125 Vi
shva ks
e na Hewhoa ttackst hea r
mi esofRa ks ha sasfroma ll
ons.OrHewhoa tta cksba dt hingsf rom
ywhe re
126 J
na Hewhot roubl esba dpe opl e
OrHewhompe opl epr a yf orbe ne fit
127 Veda Hewhoi stheVe das
128 Veda
vidha Hewhoknowst heme a ningofVe das
129 Avyanga Hewhoi sbe yondt her e ac hoff ives ens e
130 Veda
nga Hewhoha sVe da sa spa rtsofhi sbody
131 Veda
Vi t
h Hewhoe xa mi ne s( i
nte rpr e ts)Ve da s
132 Kavi Hewhos e es(knows )e ve r ythi ng

133 Lokadhyaksha Hewhopr eside sove rt heUni ve rse
134 Sura
dyaksha Hewhodi r
e ctst hede va s
135 Dharmadyaksha Hewhopr eside sove rDha rma
136 Kri
ha Hewhoi stheme ansa ndr e sul tofe ve rything
137 Chathur
athma Hewhoi sBr ahmadur ingc rea tion,Vi shnudur i
upke e
p,Rudr adur ingde struc tiona ndJ a
na rdhana
a ya( deluge )oft hewor l
138 Cha
thurVyuha Hewhoi sAni r uddhawhe nwea r
ea wa ke,
Pradhyumnawhe nwea redr ea mi ng,Sa ngar shana
whe nwea reinSus hupt hia ndVa sude vawhe nwea re
inThur i
139 Cha
ra Hewhoha sf ourpr otrudi ngi nc isors
(a sinNa ra
Ava ta
OrHewhoha sf ourhor ns
140 Chat
a Hewhoha sf ourha nds
141 Bra
hnu Hewhoi sint hef or mofl i
OrHewhoi st hel ight
142 Bhoj
ana Hewhoi sint hef or mwhi chc a nbee njoyedl ikefood
OrHewhoc ons ume sf oodof fe redtohi mbyde votee
143 Bhoktha Hewhoi sthec ons ume rofna tur e
144 Sahi
shnu Hewhoc anpa rdon
OrHewhowi nsa ndc onve rt s
145 Jaga t
a Hewhowa sbor nbe f
or et hewor l
146 Ana gha Hewhomnos inge tsa t t
a ch e dorHewhoi ss inl
147 Vijaya Hewhoi swi ns
148 Jetha Hewhoi salwa yst hevi ctor
149 Vis wayoni Hewhoi stheuni ve rsea ndi tsc r ea
150 Puna rva
su Hewhoi sine ve r
ybe inga si tsc ontroller
151 Upe ndra Hewhoi sIndr at oI ndr ahi ms elf
152 Va ma na Hewhowa sbor na sVa ma na
OrHewhomde votee sc anwor s hip
153 Pr
u Hewhogr ewbi gwhe nme as uringt hewor l
da s
Vama na
154 Amogha Hewhos eactionsa rene ve rwa s ted
155 Suchi Hewhoc le
a nst hemi ndoft hos ewhopr ayHi m
156 OOr ji
tha Hewhoi sve rypowe rf ul
157 Athindra Hewhoi saboveI ndr a
158 Sangriha Hewhode stroysdur ingt hede luge
159 Sarga Hewhoi sthepe r
soni fic ationofc r
160 Dhritat
ma Hewhoi sbirthl essa nds ta ble
161 Niyama Hewhoa ppoi ntsot he rs
162 Yama Hewhoc ontrol sot he rs
163 Vedya Hewhoc anbeknown
164 Vaidya Hewhoknowsa l
lknowl e dge
165 SadaYogi Hewhoi slustrousa lwa ys
166 Vee r
aha Hewhoki l
lsAs uraHe roe s

167 Madhava Hewhoisthel or dofknowl e dge( Vi dya )
168 Madhu Hewhoislikehone y
169 At
ya Hewhoisbe yondhuma ns ens es
170 Mahama ya Hewhoisa nillus iont ot hos egr eati ll
us i
oni s
171 Mahots
aha Hewhoha sgre ate nthus ias m
172 Mahabal
a Hewhoisve rys trong
173 MahaBuddhi Hewhoha streme ndousknowl edge
174 MahaVe er
ya Hewhoeve nift he r ei sre asont owor ryne verget
175 Ma haSha kthi Hewhoisve rys trong
176 Ma haDyut hi Hewhoha sgre atl us ter
177 AnirdesyaVa pu Heofwhomnobodyc ant ellt hathei st hus
178 Shreema n Heinwhomgodl ywe alt
hr eside s
179 Ame ya t
ma Hewhoha simme a sur ableknowl edge
180 Ma hadriDr i
k Hewholift
e dla rgemount a i
181 Ma heshvasa Hewhoisagr eata rche r
182 Ma heeBha rtha Hewholift
e dthee arthwhe nhewa sbor na sVaraha
183 Sreenivasa Heinwhosec he str e sidesShr eeDe vi
184 SadamGa thi Hewhoistheul tima tegoa lofgoodpe ople
185 Aniruddha Hewhoca nnotbes toppe dbya nybody
186 Surananda Hewhoma ke sDe va sha pp y
187 Govinda Hewholift
e dthee arth(Go)
OrHewhoi st hec hi efofc ows
OrHewhoma ke st hewor d’ Go”a tt ai
nhi m
188 Govi
hi Hewhoisthel e ade roft hos ewhoknowVe das
189 Maree
chi Hewhoisint hef or mofl ight
190 Dhamana Hewhopuni she s
191 Hamsa Hewhoremove sf e a roft h osewhoc ons i
de rHima s
192 Supar na Hewhoha sbe aut ifulwi ngs
193 Bhuja got tama Hewhoisthes ha peofagoods er
pe nt
194 HiranyaNa bha Hewhoha sabe llyl ikegol d
195 Suthapa Hewhoha sdonegr ea tpe nanc e
196 Padma na bha Hewhoshine si nt hebe llyoft helotusofourhe art
197 Prajapa thi Hewhoisthec hie fofpe ople
198 Amr ut hyu Hewhodoe snotha vede ath
199 Sarvadr ikh Hewhosee seve ryt hi ng
200 Simha Hewhotrouble ss inne rs
201 Samda tha Hewhoaddsde vot ee stohi ms el
202 Sandhi ma n Hewhoaddsa llthos ewhoe xpe rienc eHi mt ohimself
203 Sthir
a Hewhoispe rma ne nt
204 Ajha Hewhoisins i
dee ve rything
205 Dhur ma rshana Hewhome ne mi e sc a nnotde fe atorbe ar
206 Shaara tha Hewhoorde rsa ndma keso the rsobe y
207 Vishrut athma Hewhoisthes oulofa l
lt hegoodonei stold
208 Surariha Hewhode str
oyst hee nemi esofde va s

209 Gur u Hewhoi sat eac he rofa l
lknowl e dge
210 Gur u-Thama Hewhoi st het e ac he roft e ache rs
211 Dha ma Hewhoi slight
212 Satya Hewhoi str uth
213 Satyaparakr
ama Hewhoi str ulyahe ro
214 Nimi sha Hewhoc los eshi se ye s(dur ingYoga nidhra)
215 Animi sha Hewhos ee se ve ryt hingwi thoutba tt
inghi se yeli
216 Ssraghvi Hewhowe a rsaga rland
217 Vac haspat
thi Hewhoi sthes upr e mepe rsoni fi
c ationofknowl e
218 Agr ani Hewhot ake sonet oahi ghe rlife
219 Gramma ni Hewhoa ppoi nts( c ontrols )Pa nc haBhut as
220 Shrima n Hewhos hine s
221 Nya ya Hewhoi sjus tic e
222 Netha Hewhodr ive st hewor ldma chinea si t
sl eader
223 Same erana Hewhoi nt hef or mofwi ndma ke sbe i
224 Saha sr
aMoor dha Hewhoha sc ount le sshe a ds( allhe a dsofbe ingsare
225 Viswathma Hewhoi sthes oulofe veryt hing
226 Sahasraksha Hewhoha st hous a nde yes( Al le ye sa rehis)
227 Sahasrapath Hewhoha st hous a ndf e et
228 Avart
ha na Hewhor ota tes( thewhe elofl ife )
229 Nivri
thathma Hewhoi snota tta che dt ol ife
230 Samvritha Hewhoi snotvi s ibl eduet one tofi l
lusion( Ma ya)
231 Samprama r
na Hewhode stroyst hewor ld( inthef or mofYa maand
232 AhaSa mva r
kaya Hewhoma ke sda yi nthef ormofs un
233 Va hnni Hewhoi sint hef or moff ire
234 Ani l
a Hewhoi sint hef or mofa ir
235 Dha ranidhar
a Hewhos uppor tst hee a r
th( i
nt hef or mofAdis e
236 Supras adha Hewhoi sme rcype rsonif ied
237 Prasanna t
hma Hewhoi sfor e ve rc learhe a de d
238 ViswaDr ik Hewhot ake sc a reoft hewor ld
239 ViswaBhuj a Hewhoe atsupt hewor lddur ingde l
240 Vibhu Hewhoha sma nyf or ms
241 Satkartha Hewhowor shipst hos ewhodogoodde eds
242 Satkri
tha Hewhoi swor shi ppe dbygoodpe opl e
243 Sadhu Hewhowa lksi nt her ight eouspa th
244 Jahnnu Hewhopr e ve ntspe opl ewi t
houtBha kthifrom
245 Na
na Hewhor eside si na llthingst hathec reat
OrHei nwhoma lls oulsr eside
246 Nara Hewhos howst hepa th
247 Asangyeya Hewhoi sbe yondc ount ingorHewhoi sinfinit
248 Aprameyatma
n Hewhoi sbe yondknowl edge
249 Vis
ishta Hewhoi sthegr e ate st
250 Si
h Hewhoor de rsorhewhopr ote ctsgoodpe ople

251 Suchi Hewhoi sbl emi s hl es s
252 Siddhart
ha Hewhoha sa l lhewa nt s
253 SiddhaSankalpa Hewhor ealize sa llt ha thewa nts
254 Siddhit
ha Hewhogi ve sde vot ee st hea bilit
yt oa tt
a int hei
rwa nt
255 SiddhiSadhana Hewhoi s‘ wa nts ’a ndt her eas onfor‘ wa nts’
256 Vrishahi Hewhos hine sl ikeda y
257 Vrishabha Hewhos howe rsa llwi she sonhi sde vote es
258 Vishnu Hewhome a sure dt hewor ldsi nVa ma naAva tar
259 Vrishapar
vana Hewhoc anbea tta ine dt hr ought hes tairc aseof
Dha r
ma( ri
ghta ction)
260 Vrishodhara Hewhoke e psa l
lbe ingsi nhi sbe llydur ingde l
261 Vardha na Hewhor earsbe ings
262 Vardha mana Hewhogr owsl i
ket hebe ingswhomHegr ows
263 Viviktha Hewhos tandsa lone
264 Shruthisa
gara Hewhoi st heoc eani nwhi c
ha llShr utis (Ve das)lea
265 Subhuj a Hewhoha sgooda rms
266 Dhur dhar
a Hewhoc arriese ve ryt hingbutnotc arr
ie dbya nybody
orHewhoi simpos s iblet oc arry
267 Vagmi Hewhoi sagr ea tor a tor
268 Mahendra Hewhoi sGodt ot heGods
269 Vasudha Hewhogi ve sgoodpl ea sur e
sa ndwe alt
270 Vasu Hewhoi swe alth
271 Naikar
oopa Hewhodoe snotha veonea ppe a
r a
nc e
272 Bri
hadroopa Hewhoha sabi ga ppe aranc e
273 Shi
hta Hewhoi si ns idear ayofl ight
OrHewhoi ss acrific ei nas a crifi
ciala nima l
274 Pr
sa na Hewhoma ke se ve r ythi ngs hine
275 Oj
ra Hewhoha ss tr engt h,va l
ora ndl uster
276 Pr
sa thma Hewhoi st hes oulofl uste rOrHewhoma kesothers
277 Pr
pana Hewhoe mi tshe at
278 Kr
iddha Hewhoi sf ull( ofknowl e dge ,Dha rmaa nd
279 Spas htakshar
a Hewhoi sde not e dbyt hes oundofOM
280 Ma nthr a Hewhoi st hes ha peofVe dicma nthras
281 Cha ndr amsa Hewhoi sa spl ea sa nta sther ayofmoon
282 Bha ska r
adyuthi Hewhoha sl ightl i
ket hes un
283 Amr ut hamsurbhava Hewhoma demoona ppe a rfromt heOc e anofmi l
284 Bha nu Hewhos hine shi ms e lf
285 Shas abindu Hewhoi sl ikemoon
286 Sures wra Hewhoi st hec hi efoft hos ewhodogood
287 Aus hadha Hewhoi sme di cine
288 Jagatha -
Se t
hu Hewhoi st hebr idgef ort hewor lds
289 SathyaDha rmaPa r
ma Hewhoi st rut h,Dha rmaa ndva l
290 Bhoot haBha vaBha nna
tha Hewhoi st hel ordofpa st,pr esenta ndf ut ure
291 Pava na Hewhoc leansi nt hef or mofwi nd

292 Paava na Hewhoma ke st hewi ndbl ow
293 Ana la Hewhomwene ve rge ts a tisf
ie d
294 Kama ha Hewhor emove sbonda geofl i
295 KamaKr it Hewhos atisfi
e swi s he s
296 Kant ha Hewhoi sa t
trac tivebe ca us eofhi sbe aut
297 Kama Hewhoi sde siredbye ve rybody
298 Kama pr adha Hewhogi vesa llwi she sf ort hosewhowi sh
299 Prabhu Hewhos tandst all
300 Yuga dhiKr i
t Hewhoc reatedt hedi vi sionsoft ime
301 YugaVa rt
ha Hewhoma ke st imepe r iodsc omea gai
na ndagain
302 NaikaMa ya Hewhoc reatesma nyi ll us ions
303 Ma ha sa na Hewhoi sabi ge a terdur ingde l
304 Adhr isya Hewhoi snotvi s i
bl e
305 Vya kthar oopa Hewhoi sc l
ea rlyvi sibl e( toyogi s)
306 Saha sraJ it Hewhode fea t
st hous ands( ofRa kshs a
s -
307 Ana nthaJ it Hewhoi sfore ve rvi c tor ious
308 Is
hta Hewhoi slikedbye ve ryone
309 Avisis hta Hewhodoe snotha vea nyonea bovehi m
310 Sis
ht es hta Hewhoi sde art ot hel e arne d
311 Shika ndi Hewhowe arst hef e athe rsofpe ac ock
312 Nahus ha Hewhot iessoul sbyi l
lus ion
313 Vrisha Hewhor ains( wi s he sofde votees)
314 Krodha Hewhor emove sa nge rf romde vot ees
315 KrodhaKr i
ha Hewhode s t
royst hos ebe comi nga ngry( l
316 Vi
hu Hewhoha sha ndsa llove rt heuni ve r
tsuse ve rywhe re )
317 Mahe eDha r
a Hewhos uppor tst hee ar th
318 Achyutha Hewhone ve rc ha nge s
319 Pra
dhi t
ha Hewhoi sfamous
320 Pra
na Hewhoi sthes oul
321 Pra
na adha Hewhogi vess t rengt h
322 Vasavanuja Hewhoi sthebr ot he rofI ndr a
323 ApamNi dhi Hewhoi stheoc ea n
324 Adhishtana Hei nwhomt hewor lds ta ys
325 Aprama ththa Hewhoi sa l
wa yswa tc hf ul
326 Pra
ha Hewhoha sbe comes ta ble
327 Skandha Hewhoi sthea mbr os ia( ne ctar)
328 SkandhaDha ra Hewhos uppor tst hepa thoft her ighteous
329 Dhurya Hewhoc arriest hewe ightoft hewor ld
330 Varadha Hewhogi vesboons
331 VayuVa hana Hewhoma ke se ve nt hewi ndmove
332 VasuDe va Hewhoi sine ve rythi nga ndpl a
yst he r
333 Bri
ha tBha nu Hewhoha swi der a yswhi chgoe ve rywhe re
334 AdhiDe va Hewhoi sthef ir str ea sonoft hewor l
335 Purandha r
a Hewhode s t
roye dc iti
e sofAs uras

336 As hoka Hewhoi sne ve rs ad
337 Stharana Hewhohe l
psonet oc r os st hes eaofl ife
338 Sthara Hewhogi vess tre ngt ht of a cet hef e arsofl ife
339 Shur a Hewhoha sva lor
340 Shour i Hewhoi sahe ro( Hewhoi ss hur a,t hes onof
341 Janeswara Hewhoi sGodf ora llt hos ewhoa rebor n
342 Anukool a Hewhoi spos itive lyi nt er estedIe ve ryone
343 SathaVa rt
ha Hewhowa sbor ns e ve ra lt ime s( topr ot ectDha rma )
344 Padhmi Hewhoha slotusi nhi sha nd
345 PadhmaNi bheks
hana Hewhoha stwol ot usl i kee ye s
346 PadhmaNa bha Hewhoha sthel ot usonhi sbe ll
347 Aravindaksha Hewhoha sbe autif ull ot usl i
kee ye s
348 PadhmaGa rbha Hewhoi sbe ingme dita tedi nt hel otusofourmi nd
349 Sarrer
aBr it Hewhot akesma nyf or msbyhi si l
lus ion
350 Ma hardhi Hewhoha sgr eatwe alth
351 Hriddha Hegrowsi nthef or mofuni ve rse
352 Vridhatma Hewhoi solde st
353 Ma haAks ha Hewhoha sbige ye s( a lls e eing)
354 Ga r
udaDwa ja Hewhoha sGa ruda (ea gl e )inhi sflag
355 Athula Hewhoha snoe qua ls
356 Sharabha Hewhol ivesa ss ouli nbe ings
357 Bhe e
ma Hewhoma ke se ve ryonea f raidofHi m
358 SamaYa gna Hewhoknowst het imef ora ctionorHewhot re
a t
359 Havi
ri Hewhot akess ha reofGodsi naYa ga( fi
res acri
f i
360 Sa
nya Hewhoha sallknowngoodc ha rac t
eris t
OrHewhoi sknownt oa l lknownr ule s
361 La
an Hef romwhomLa ks hmi( godde ssofwe a l
th)ne ver
362 Samit
aya Hewhowi nsi na llwa rs
363 Viks
hara Hewhoi sne ve rde stroye d
364 Rohi
tha Hewhot ookt hef or mofr e df ishc alledRohi ta
OrHewhoi sr edl iket hei nsideofl ot us
365 Maar
ga Hewhoi sthewa yf ore ter nalbl iss
366 He
tha Hewhoi sthec aus e
367 Da
a Hewhoi skno wnbyknowl edgegotbys elfrestr
a i
OrHewhowa stie dbyYa sodhai nt hes t
oma c h
OrHewhoke epsi nhi sbe ll
yt hewor ldc a l
ledDha ma
368 Sa
ha Hewhot oleratese ve ryt hing
369 Mahi
a Hewhoc a r
riest hewor ld
370 MahaBhaga Hewhoi sgre ati nt heAva tara s(hol ybi rths)h etakes
OrHewhor ec eive st hebe sts ha r
eof fe redbyde votees
371 VegaVa n Hewhoi sve ryf as t
372 Amithas
ana Hewhot akesi mme a sur abl efood(dur ingde luge )
373 Udbhava Hewhoi sther e asonf ort hebi rthoft hewor l

374 Ks
na Hewhodur ingc re ationc hur nsPur ushaa ndPr akri
375 De
va Hewhopl aysi na ctivi tiesl ikec rea ti
OrHewhowi nsove rAs ura s
376 Sr
igarbha Hewhoke epshi swe al
th( ofwor lds )inhi sbe ll
377 Pa
rame shwa
ra Hewhoi sthemos te ffic i
entr ul er
378 Kara
na Hewhoi sthei ns trume ntf orc re at
ionoft hewor ld
379 Kaar
a na Hewhoi sthec aus ef orc rea tionoft hewor ld
380 Kart
ha Hewhoi sinde pe nde ntma ste r
381 Vi
kartha Hewhoc reatedpe cul iarwor lds
382 Gahana Hewhos esha pe ,str engt ha nda c ti
onsa redi ffi
383 Guha Hewhohi dese ve ryt hingbyi llus i
on( Ma ya )
384 Vyavas a
ya Hewhoi spe rsoni fic ationofknowl edge
385 Vyavas t
hana Hewhoi snotboundbya nyl imi tations
386 Samsthana Hewhoha st hebe s tpos iti
o n
387 St
hana da Hewhogi vespos it
388 Dhruva Hewhoi spe rma ne nt
389 Par
ardhi Hewhoha sgr eatwe a l
390 Par
amaSpa s
hta Hewhoi sthel imi tofbe aut ya nds elfe vide nce
OrHewhoi se xt reme l
yc lea r
391 Thushta Hewhoi sthef ormofi mmor ta lbl iss
392 Pusht
a Hewhoi salwa ysc ompl ete
393 Shubeksha
na Hewhoha sabl issfuls i ght
OrHewhos es ightgi vesa llpe r sonst he irwa nts
394 Raama Hewhoma ke sot he r stobeha ppywi thhi m
395 Vir
a ma Hewhoi stheul tima tee ndofe ve rythi ng
396 Vir
a t
ha Hewhoi snoti ntere s te
di nwor ldlypl ea sures
397 Maa r
gha Hewhoi sthepa t
h( forMoks haori mmor t
a lb l
398 Neya Hewhoobe ysor de rsofs a ge sde vot edt ohi m
399 Naya Hewhoma ke se ve ryt hingwor k( l
e ad)
400 Anaya Hewhoc annotbel ea dbya nybody
401 Veera Hewhoi spe rsoni fic ationofva lor
402 ShakthiMa
a Hewhoi sstro nge sta mongt hes tr
403 Dharma Hewhoi stheba si
sofe veryt hi ng
OrHewhoi swor shi ppe db ya llf aiths
404 Dhar
tama Hewhoi sgre ate sta mongt hos ewhoknowDh arma
405 Vai
a Hewhoke epst hef iveBhut a s(a ir,wa ter,s ky.Fire
th)boundt oge the ra tt hebe gi nningofc reat
Hewhor emove sa llobs tacle si nt hewa yofde votees
nHi m.
406 Pur
usha Hewhoi sinf rontofe ve ryt hi ngorHewhowa shes
nsorHewhoi st hes ouli na llbe ings
407 Pr
ana Hewhoi sthes oulofs oul s
408 Pr
dha Hewhogi vesl ife( move me nt )
409 Pr
va Hewhoi sthehol ys ound( Om)

410 Pruddhu Hewhoi ss pr eadi nt hef or moft hewor lds
411 HiranyaGa r
bha Hewhoke epst hegol de ns our cef ora l
lcre at
412 Shatrugna Hewhoki llsAs urasorHewhoc ont rolss ensua l
we aknes
sbyknowl edge
413 Vyapt
ha Hewhope rva de sina llbe ingsa st hec ause
414 Vayu Hewhoma ke spe rf ume ss pr eadorHewhos pr eadsto
theplaceswhe rehei swor shi ppe d
415 Adoks
a Hewhoi sne ve rge tse xha us t
e dbyus ebyhi sde votees
orHewhone ve rdr i esup
416 Hrit
hu Hewhoi st hes e asons
417 Sudars
hana Hewhoha se ye sl ikel otuspe talsorHewhoc anbe
ys e
enbyhi sde vot e es
418 Kaala Hewhoa lwa yske e pst hi nki ngofe ve rything
419 Pa
rame sht
i Hewhobyhi spowe rs ta ysi nthel otusofhe art
420 Pa
rigraha Hewhoi skno wni na llpos s i
blema nne rbyhi s
421 Ugra Hewhogi ve ss tr i
ctor de rs
422 Samvats
ara Hewhoma ke sa llthi ngsr e sidei nHi m
423 Daksha Hewhoc ompl etesa l
lj obsqui ckly
424 Vishr
ama Hewhopr ovi de sre stf ort hos ewhoa retired( oflife
425 ViswaDaks
hina Hewhoi sa ne xpe rti na llt hingsorHewhoi smor e
powe rf
ultha na llot he rs
426 Vi
ra Hewhoma ke sa llthewor ldbr oa de ni nHi m
427 St
anu Hewhoi ss tabl ea ndhewhoma ke st hewor l
ds t
428 Pr
na Hewhoi st hel a wt os uppor te ve ryt hingorHewhoi s
icationofKnowl edge
429 Bhi
jama vyaya Hewhoi st hede athl es sr ea son
430 Art
ha Hewhoi sl ove dbyot he rs( be c
a useHei sSwe e t
431 Anar
tha Hewhodoe snotwi sha nyt hing
432 Mahakos a Hewhoi si mme rsedi nt hef i
vec ont inents
433 Mahabhoga Hewhoi spl e asur esi nl ifepe rsoni fied
434 Mahadha na Hewhoha sgr eatwe a lth
435 Anir
vinna Hewhodoe snotha teot he rs
436 St
hta Hewhoi ss pr eade ve rywhe rei nhi sma je st
icf orm
437 Abhu Hewhodoe snotha vebi rt
438 Dhar
ma yupa Hewhoi sl ikeapi llari nwhi c hr i
ghta ction( dharma )
e d
439 Ma hamakha Hebywhomya ga sbe c omegr eat( bygi vi ngtoHi m)
440 Nakshatr
aNemi Hewhoi sl iket hez odi a c
441 Nakshatr
i Hewhoi sl iket hemoonwhoi st hec hiefofs tars
442 Kshama Hewhoi spe renni allypa tient
443 Kshaama Hewhor ema insa lonea ftert hede luge
444 Same e
hana Hewhol ike shi sj obsl ikec reation
445 Yagna Hewhoi spe rsoni fica tionofSa crifice( Ya gna )
446 Ij
hya Hewhoi sbe ingwor s hippe dbyYa ga s

447 Ma
ya Hewhoi sthegr ea t
es ta mongt hos ewor shippe dby
Ya ga s
448 Kr
athu Hewhoi spe rsoni fi
c ationofpe rf
or ma nc eofYa ga
449 Sa
m Hewhoi sthef or mofSa thraYa gaorHewhopr otect
goodpe opl e(Sa dhu)
450 Sa
thi Hewhoi stheul ti
ma tegoa loft hos ewhos e ekf or
salva ti
on( Moks ha )
451 Sa
rshi Hewhoknowse ve r
yt hingna turallyorHewhos e
e s
eve rything
452 Vimuktha
thma Hewhoi sthes oulwhi chha sl efta l
li t
sbonda ge s
453 Sar
vagna Hewhoknowsa lltha ti stobeknown
454 Gnanamuutt
amam Hewhoi snotbor n,e ve rexis ti
ng,gi ve rofa llthati s
nee de dandpe rsoni fica ti
onofr ightknowl edge
455 Suvri
tha Hewhoha sgre atpe na nc e
456 Sumukha Hewhoha saha nds omef ace
457 Suukshma Hewhoi sthes ma ll
e stknownt hingf romwhi c heve r
thingc a
458 Sugos ha Hewhos ings( shout s ?)goods oundsl ikeVe das
459 Sukha dha Hewhogi vespl easur est ode vot ees
460 Suhrith Hewhoha sagr eathe a rt(mi nd)
461 Ma noha r
a Hewhos tealsourmi nd( byhi sbe auty)
462 Ji
takrodha Hewhoi sinc ont rolofa nge r
463 ViraBa hu Hewhoha she roica rms( t
oki l
la sura s
464 Vidha ra
na Hewhot earsof f,thos ewhodos ins
465 Swa apana Hewhoma ke sa llbe ingss leepbyi llusion
466 SwaWa s
a Hewhoi snoti nt hec ont rolofot hersorHewhol ives
withi nHi ms elf
467 Vyapi Hewhoha sspre ade ve rywhe re
468 Nykat
hma Hewhot akesva riousf ormsde pe ndi ngonne ed
469 NykhaKa
it Hewhodoe sva riousj obs( l
ikec reation,upke e pa nd
des t
ruc t
470 Va
ra Hewhoi sthea bodeofe ve r
471 Va
la Hewhol oveshi sde vot ee s
472 Va
thsi Hewhopr otec t
sc al
ve s( allarec alve s/chil
dr ent o
473 Rat
hnaGarbha Hewhoi stheoc ea nwhi chke epspe a r
lswi thinitself
474 Dhanes
wara Hewhoi stheGodofwe alth
475 DharmaGupa Hewhopr otec t
sDha rma
476 DharmaKri
th Hewhopr a c
tice sDha rma( i
ns piteofHi sbe i
ngmuc h
abovei t
477 Dharmi Hewhos uppor tsDha rma
478 Sadha Hewhoi stheul ti
ma tepe r
ma nentt ruth( Para
Bra hma n)
479 As
adha Hewhoi stheul ti
ma tet ruthwhi chi shi dden( by
us ion)
480 Ks
a Hewhoi sa l
lwhode ce ivest hems elve sa st hemi nd,

bodya nds ens es
481 Aks
a Hewhoi sbe yondmi nd,bodya nds ens esorHewho
vesi none she arta sape rmane ntwi tne s
482 Avignat
ha Hewhoi snotonewhodoe snotknow
483 Sahsr
amsu Hewhoha sthous andr ays
484 Vidhat
ha Hewhoc a rri
est hewor lda nda lsot hos ewhoc a
r r
keAdi sesha ,Di gga jae tc
485 Kr
na Hewhoma det hes cienc eofpr opertiesofa lla spect
orHewhoi sthegr a mma rofa ppe aranceofe ve r
knownbe ing
486 Gaba
sthiNemi Hewhoi si nthef ormoft hez odi ac
487 Sa
thva st
ha Hewhope rme ate sinSa t
hvaguna( kindhe a rt
e d
c i
pl inedl i
fe? )orHewhol ive samongs oul s
488 Si
mha Hewhowa sbor na sal i
onorHewhoi sasr oy a
la sa
489 Bhoot
a Hewhoi st hef irsta ndul t
ima t
eGodofa llbe ingsor
Hewhoi sGodofe ve rything
490 AdhiDe
va Hewhowa sGodbe foret heDe va sorHewhowa sthe
491 Ma
va Hewhol i
ve dinr e nunc i
a t
iona ndbyYogabe c a
met he
greatestt r
ut h( God? )
492 De
ha Hewhoi st heLor dofDe vas
493 De
u Hewhoi st het eac her( gur u)forI ndrat hec hiefof
494 Ut
ra Hewhos ave sa llbe ingsf romt hemi serableoc e
a nof
mor t
a llifeorHewhoa woket ohe l
pt heDe va s
495 Gopa
thi Hewhor ea rsthec attle( PasuorGoc a na l
s obet a
tode not ea llmor tals)
496 Goptha Hewhoi st hes avi our
497 GnanaGamya Hewhoc a nonl ybea t
taine dbyr i
ghtknowl e dge
(Gna na)
498 Pur
athana Hewhoi sve rya nc i
e nt
499 Sar
it Hewhoi st hes oulofPa nchaBhoot ha swhi chi sthe
basisofa llbe ings
500 Bhokt
ha Hewhoe nj oyst het r uthi nhims e l
forHewhot akes
careofa llbe ings
501 Ka
a Hewhoi sRa mawhoi sde artoa l
lmonke ysorHewh o
hasta ke nt hea va tha raofVa raha
502 Bhoor
na Hewhoc onduc tsYa gasa n dgive sc a
s hbe nefits
(Daks hina )t oma ny
503 Somapa Hewhodr inksSoma
504 Amrutha
pa Hewhodr inkst hene c t
a rofthebl issoft hes oul
(Athma na nda )
505 Soma Hewhoi nt hef or mofmoonhe lpspla ntstogr ow
506 Pur
t Hewhoha swonove rs everal
507 Pur
tama Hewhoi st hebe stins everalfor ms

508 Vinaya Hewhopuni s he sba dpe opl e
509 Ja
ya Hewhowi nse ve ryot he rbe ing
510 SathyaSandha Hewhone ve rbr ea kshi swor d( oa th)
511 Das a
rha Hewhogi vesa lltohi sde vote sorHewhowa sbor n
amongt heya da va s
512 Sa
thi Hewhoi stake sc a reoft hea uthor soft hes as tr
Saa thvatha
513 Ji
va Hewhoi nthef ormofs oulma ke sa llbe ings
514 Vina
kshi Hewhoi sawi tne sst oobe dienc ebyot he r
st oHi m
515 Mukunda Hewhogi vesi mmor t
a lbl iss( Moks ha )
516 AmithaVikr
ama Hewhoi simme asur abl es tepsorHewhoha sgr eatest
Va lor
517 AmbhoNi
dhi Hewhoi stheul ti
ma tes oj our nt ode vas ,Ma nushya s,
asura sandpi t
hr sorHeWhoha ske pthi ms elfi nthe
ocea nt oc arr
yt hewor lds
518 Ana
ma Hewhoi simme asur abl eorHewhoi sthes ou lofa di
519 Ma hoDadhiSa
ya Hewhos leepsont heoc e an
520 Anthaka Hewhobr ingsa boute ndofe ve ryt hing
521 Ajha Hewhoi sthebe gi nninga ndi nt hef ormof
Ma nma dha (Godofl ove )
522 Ma har
ha Hewhoi sfittobewor shi ppe d
523 Swa a
bhavya Hewhobyna turei snotdi ffere ntorHewhoi sus ual
524 Ji
ra Hewhoha swont hee ne mi esi ns idea ndout sid e
525 Pramodhana Hewhoi sa l
wa ysha ppyorHewhoma ke sthos e
devot eeswhome dita t
eonHi mha ppy
526 Ananda Hewhoi sthepe rsoni f icationofha ppi ne ss
527 Nandana Hewhoma ke shi sde vot ee sha ppy
528 Nanda Hewhoi sfullofe ve r
yt hingt ha ti sne e de dorHewho
hasc r
os sedtheor di na rypl easur es
529 Sa
tyadha r
ma Hewhoi sthet ruthf uldha rma
530 Tr
ivikrama Hewhome asur edt hewor ldsi nt hr e este ps
531 Maha r
ya Hewhoi sthes ageKa pila
532 Kr
ithagna Hewhoi sthewor lda ndt hes oulwhi chknowst he
wor ld
533 Medhinipa
thi Hewhoi sthel or doft hewor lds
534 Tr
ipadha Hewhoha st hre es tepsorHewhoi sfor me dbyt hr ee
tte rsAAUUa ndMa( tha tisOM)
535 Tr
ksha Hewhodi rects( see sf roma bove )t hes ta tesof
wa ke ful
ne ss,s leepa nddr e am
536 Ma
ringa Hewhoha st hegr eathor n( i
nwhi chhet iedt hee arth
ave l
ingi naboa tdur ingde luge )
537 Kri
tha nt
t Hewhode stroyst hewor ldc rea t
e dbyHi ms e lf
538 Maha var
aha Hewhot ookt hes ha peofVa ra ha( boa r)
539 Govinda Hewhoi sa t
taine dbyVe dicwor ds
540 Sus
he na Hewhoha sagr eata rmy( theSt a nz asi nUpaNi shads

541 Ka
thi Hewhoha sGol de nShoul de rs( Gol de nha sbe en
a nsl
da sr e fine dbys ome )
542 Guhya Hewhoi skno wnonl ybyt hes ecr etUpa ni s
ha dsorHe
whoi sinthec aveoft hemi nd
543 Ga
ra Hewhoa ppe a rsma jesticbe ca useofknowl edge ,
we alt
rengt ha ndva lor
544 Gahana Hewhos ede pt hc a nnotbeme as ur ed
545 Guptha Hewhoi shi dde nf rommi n da ndt hewor ds
546 ChakraGa
ra Hewhoke epst hehol yWhe el( re pre se ntingmi nd)and
Hol yMa ce( Re pr es entingPhi los ophy)t os avethe
wor ld
547 Ve
sa Hewhoc rea t
e sorHewhogi ve si mme asur able
happinessandwe al t
ht ohi sde vot e es
548 Swa
nga Hewhoi sthei ns trume ntr e asona ndc a usef or
549 Aj
ha Hewhoc annotbewon
550 Kr
ishna Hewhoi sthec ol ouroft hebl a ckc loudorHewhoi s
Kr is
hnaDwa i paya nat hes age
551 Dhri
da Hewhoha snoc ha ngei nc hara cte ra nda bi l
552 Samkar
ha Hewhodr a wsbe ingswi thinHi ms elfdur ingt he
553 Va
runa Hewhoi spur ples unwhoi sa boutt os etorHewho
hideseverythi ng
554 Vaar
una Hewhoi sVa s i
s htawhoi st hes onofVa runa
555 Vri
ksha Hewhoi sfirma nds ta blel iket het re e
556 Pus
ksha Hewhoha ss pre adc ompl e telyorHewhor ained
kindnessfromhi se yes
557 Ma
naa Hewhope rf
or msc re ation, upke e pa ndde s t
ruc t
athoughtinhi sgr ea tmi nd
558 Bha
n Hewhoi sthes tor ehous eofwe alth,Dha rma ,f a
me .
,renunc iation a ndMoks ha
559 Bha ga gna Hewhode st
r oyswe althdur ingde luge
560 Ana ndi Hewhoi sthepe rsoni fi cationofpl eas ur e
561 Va nama li Hewhowe arsna t
ur ea saga rl
a nd
562 Ha layudha Hewhoha spl ougha shi swe a pon
563 Adhi tya Hewhowa sbor na sVa ma nat oAdhi thi
564 JyotirAdi thya Hewhos hine si nt hez odia c
565 Sahi shnu Hewhot olera tese ve ryt hing
566 Ga thisathama Hewhoi sthet rutha ndHewhome ve ryonea tt
567 Sudha nva Hewhoha sthehol ybowc a l
ledSa ra ngawhi chi s
onofours e nse s
568 KkhandaPa r
asu Hewhoha sa xea sawe apont oki lle ne mi es
569 Dharuna Hewhoi sc rue lt ot hos ewh opr eve ntt her ightpa th
570 DhravinaPra
dha Hewhogi ve st hewe a ltha ske dbyde vot ees
571 DhivaSprikh Hewhot ouc he st hes kyorHewhos howshi ssecret

m byt ouc h
572 Sar
kVya sa Hewhowr itesa bouta llknowl edge
573 Vacha
ja Hewhowa snotbor na ndi stheLor dofknowl e
574 Thr
ma Hewhoi swor shi ppe dbyt het hr eesa ma s(Br iht
Rathandaraa ndVa ma de vabr anc hesofSa maVe da)
575 Samaga Hewhos ingss amave da
576 Sama Hewhoi st hes a mave da
577 Nirva
na Hewhoi sbe yonda l
ls a dne ss
578 Beshaj
a Hewhoi st heme dicine
579 Bhisa
hkh Hewhoi st heDoc tor
580 SanyasaKr
it Hewhoi ntroduc e dSa nya sa( r enunc iati
on)a sthe
methodfors a l
va tion
581 Chama Hewhoc ont rolse ver yt hing
582 Shantha Hewhoi snota ttr actedbybodi lypl easure s
583 Nis
hta Hewhoi st hepl a cewhe ree ve rythinge nds
584 Shanthi Hewhoi st hec a us eofr e movi ngi gnor anc e
585 Paa
r a
yana Hewhoi si nt hehi ghpe de s tala ndne verre t
urnst o
yple as ures
586 Shubha
nga Hewhoha sbe autifull imbsorHewhoc a rr
iesoutt he
Ashtangas,t hepa tht os a lva t
587 Shant
hida Hewhogi ve spe ac e
588 Sri
a Hewhoc re atese ve rythi ng
589 Kumuda Hewhoi sha ppyt obei nt h ewor ld
590 Kuval
esaya Hewhos lee psont heoc e ans ur roundi ngt hewor ld
591 Gohit
ha Hewhodoe sgoodt oe a rthl ybe ingsorHewhoput s
mitstona tur e
592 Gopathi Hewhoi st hel ordofa llbe ingsi nthewor l
593 Goptha Hewhot ake sc ar eoft hewor ld
594 Vri
ha Hewhos eme rcifule ye ss howe r
swha te
ve rispr ayed
595 VrishaPr iya Hewhol ove sDha rma
596 Aniva r
the e Hewhone ve rre turnsf romawa rwi thoutvi c t
597 Nivrthathma Hewhos emi ndne ve ra ttac he sitse l
ft ople asures
598 Samks he ptha Hewhos hr inkst hewi dewor lddur ingde l
599 Kshe makr itha Hewhoke epst hos er ecogni ze dbyHi mc omf ort
a bl
600 Shiva Hewhor emove ss insa ss oona sHi sna mei sthought
601 Shr
has Hewhoha sShr iva ts
aonhi sc he st
602 Shr
ivasa Hei nwhomGodde s
sLa ks hmil ives
603 Shr
ipathi Hewhoi st heLor dofGodde s sLa ks hmi
604 Shr
ima ta
mVa r
a Hewhoi sgr eat
e sta mongGods
605 Shr
idha Hewhogi ve swe althtohi sde vot ees
606 Shr
isa Hewhoi st heGodofGodde ssLa kshmi
607 Shr
inivasa Hewhol ive sinGe ntle me n( Shr ima n)orHei nwhom
Godde s
sLa ks hmil ives
608 Shr
dhi Hewhoi st het rea sureofa lls trengths

609 Shr
vana Hewhogi ve stoa llbe ingswe altha ccordingt ome ri
nedbyt hem
610 Shridha ra Hewhoc arriest heGodde ssLa ks hmionhi sc hest
611 Shrika ra Hewhogi ve sa llwe a lt
ht ohi sde vot ee s
612 Shre ya Hewhoi sthepe r soni ficationofpe renni alha ppiness
613 Shrima n Hewhoi sage ntlema n
614 LokaTr a
ya s
raya Heonwhomt het hr eewor ldsde pe nd
615 Swa ksha Hewhoha sl otusl ikee ye s
616 Swa nga Hewhoha sbe aut ifull imbs
617 Ssatha nanda Hewhoha ss e ve ralt ype s( hundr ed)ha ppi ness
618 Na nda Hewhoi spe rsoni fic ationofs upr emeha ppine ss
619 Jyothirga neswara Hewhoi sthec hie fofl us tr
ousbodi es
620 Vijhi t
atma Hewhoha sc onque re dt hemi nd
621 Avi dhe yatma Hewhoi snotunde rt hec ontrolofa nybody
622 Sathke erthi Hewhoha sgoodf a me
623 Chi nnas ams a
ya Hewhodoe snots us pe ctorHewhos e ese ve rythi
624 Uudheer
na Hewhoi sgr eate rtha na llbe ings
625 Sar
hu Hewhos eese ve ryt hi nge verywhe re
626 Aanee
sa Hewhodoe snotha vea nyGoda bovehi m
627 Sas
a Hewhoi spe rma ne ntlys t
a ble
628 Bhoos
a Hewhos leptont hegr ound( a sRa mawa i
tingf orsea
Godt orespond)orHeWhol i
ve sini dol sont he
629 Bhooshana Hewhode c orate dt hewor l
d( bys e vera lbirths)
630 Bhootha Hewhoha se xi stenc e
631 Vishoka Hewhoi sne ve rs ad
632 Shokana s
ana Hewhode s t
royss adne sso fhi sde vote es
633 Archishma Hewhogi ve slightt oa stralbodi es
634 Archit
ha Hewhoi swor shippe di na llthet hr eewor lds
635 Khumba Hewhoi stheba s isofe ve r
ythi ngorHewhoi sbe i
worshippedi nt empl esi ne a r
636 Vis
hudhatma Hewhoha ss upr e me lyc l
e anha bits
637 Vis
hodhana Hewhor emove ss insoft hos ewhot hinkofHi m
638 Anir
uddha Hewhoc anne ve rbes toppe dbyHi se nemi es
639 Aprat
adha Hewhoha snoe ne mi es
640 Pr
adhyumna Hewhoha sgr eatwe althorHewhoma kesot he rs
641 Amithavikr
ama Hewhoha si mme a sur ablef ame
642 Kalanemini
ha Hewhoki lledKa laNe mi
643 Veera Hewhoi sva lorous
644 Sowra Hewhowa sbor ni nt heSur adyna sty( SriKr ishna)
645 Shooraj
ra Hewhoi sGodf orhe roe slikeI ndr a
646 Thri
thma Hewhoi snotdi ffe rentf r
omt het hr eewor lds
647 Thri
sa Hewhoi stheLor doft hre ewor lds
648 Kesava Hewhoga ver ayst ol us trousbodi esorHei nwhom

Brahma,Vi shnua ndShi var e si
649 Ke
siha Hewhoki lledt heAs urac alledKe s i
650 Ha
ri Hewhor emove sbi rthsa ndde athswi ththe i
rc a
Hewhoi sgr ee n
651 Kamade va Hewhoi spa s si
ona telyl ove dbyhi sde vote es
652 Kamapa la Hewhot a ke sc areofde sire s
653 Kaami Hewhof ulfillsde sir es
654 Kaant
ha Hewhoha sa ttr
a ction
655 Kri
thagama Hewhoc rea tedhol yr ulebooks( a ga ma s
656 Anir
de s
yavapu Hewhos el ooksc annotbede fine d
657 Vis
hnu Hewhoha ss prea da l
love r
658 Veera Hewhogoe s,s pre ads ,crea tes,thr owsa nde ats
659 Anantha Hewhoi se ndl ess
660 Dhananjaya Hewhoi sAr junaorHewhowi nst hea tt
ra c
tionove r
mone y
661 Br
nya Hewhof avour spe na nc e,(Ta pas)knowl edge ,
hma nasa ndVe da s
662 Br
ahmaKr i
t Hewhoma depe na nc e(tapa s)
663 Br
ahma Hewhoi sBr ahmat hec rea tor
664 Br
ahmana Hewhoi sBr ahma m
665 Br
na Hewhoe nc our age st hewa yst oBr hama ml ikeTa pas
666 Br
ahmavid HewhoknowsVe da spr ope rly
667 Br
ahmana Hewhoi nt heFor mofBr a hmi nst e achesVe das
668 Br
ahmi Hewhoc ont rolsa llt hati sde not edbyBr a hma
669 Br
ahmangna HewhoknowsVe da sa sHi ms elf
670 Br
ahmanapriya Hewhoi sl ike dbyBr ahmi ns
671 Mahakr
ama Hewhot a ke sbi gs te ps
672 Mahakar
ma Hewhodoe st hegr ea twor ksl i
kec re a
tion,upke epa nd
673 Ma
hateja Hewhogi ve sl i
ghtt os tarsorHewhoi st hegr ea
ts t
674 Ma
horaga Hewhoha sthef ormoft hegr ea tse rpent
675 Ma
hu Hewhoi st hegr e atdoe r
676 Ma
haryajwa Hewhos howst hewa ybype rformi nggr eatsacri
677 Ma haya gna Hewhoi st hegr e ates tYa gna( sac rific
e )
678 Ma haha vi Hewhoi st hegr e ates tsacrificialof fer
ingi ntheya gna
679 Stavya Hewhoi sbe ingpr a isedbye ve r
680 Stha vapri
ya Hewhol ike sbe ingpr aised
681 Stotra Hewhoi st hes onga boutHi ms elf
682 Sthut ha Hewhoi st hea ctofbe ings unga boutGod
683 Sthot hr
a Hewhoi st hede vot eewhos i
ngsa bouthi m
684 Ra napr i
ya Hewhol ike swa r
685 Poor na Hewhoi sc ompl ete
686 Poor ayi
tha Hewhoc ompl e t
e st hewi she sofhi sde vote es
687 Pus hya Hewhor emove ss insa sonet hinksa boutHi m
688 Punyake er
thi Hewhoi sf a mousf orr emovi ngs ins

689 Anamaya Hewhone ve rbe come si l
690 Manoj
ava Hewhoi sasf asta sthemi nd
691 The
a Hewhoc rea t
edme t
hodsf ors a l
va tionofa llbeingsin
thewor l
692 Vasuret
has Hewhoi sthegol dene s senc eofHi ms el
693 Vasupradha Hewhogi ve swe a l
tht ohi sde vot ees
694 Vasupr
adha Hewhol eadsHi sde vot eest os alva ti
695 Vasudeva Hewhowa sbor na ss onofVa sude va
696 Vasu Hei nwhoma l
lot hersl ive
697 Vasuma nas Hewhoha sami ndwhi c hl i
ve si na llothers
698 Havi Hewhoi sthes ac ri
ficialof feringi ntheya gas
699 Sa
dGa dhi Hewhoi sat t
ainedbygoodpe opl e
700 Sa
dkr i
thi Hewhodoe sgooda c ti
701 Sa
ththa Hewhoi spe rs
oni ficationofnondi ffe
knowl e
702 Sadbri
thi Hewhoi sSa ta ndChi t(Tr utha ndUl timatetruth)
703 Sadpar
a yana Hewhoi sat t
ainedbyt hos ewhoknowhi m
704 Suras
ena Hewhol eada na rmyofhe roe s
705 Yadusreshta Hewhoi sthegr e ate
s ta mongYa dus( Kr i
belongedtot hisf amily)
706 Sanni
va s
a Hewhoi stheul tima tepl ac ewhe rescholarsgo.
707 Suyamuna Hewhoi ssur r
ounde dbyr esident sofYa muna
708 Bhootavasa Hewhoke e psa l
lbe ingsi nhi sc a ri
ngs ight
709 Vasudeva Hewhohi de sthewor ldbyi l
lus ion
710 Sarva
ya Hewhoi sthef ormofJ iva tma( t
hef ormofGod
withineverybe ing)
711 Anal
a Hewhoha sune ndings trength
712 Dar
paha Hewhode stroyst hepr ideoft hos ewhoa rea gainst
Dha rma
713 Da
dha Hewhogi ve sselfs ati
s factiont ot hos ewhowa lki nthe
pathofDha r ma
714 Dr
ptha Hewhoi ssupr eme lyha ppyorHewhone verge ts
proudofhi ss t
rengt h
715 Durdhara Hewhoc anbebr oughtt othemi ndwi t
hdi ff
716 Aparaji
tha Hewhoc annotbewon
717 Vis
waMur thi Hewhoha st heuni ve rsea shi sbody
718 MahaMur thi Hewhoha sabi gbody
719 Deepthamurthy Hewhoha sabodywhi c hs hine sduet oknowl edge
720 Murthyman Hewhos ebodywhe nhei sbor ni snotar esultof
Ka rma
721 AnekaMurt
hy Hewhoi sbor ns evera ltime s
722 Avyakt
ha Hewhoi snotc l
e arorHewhoc a nnotbede t
ermi nedto
beac ert
aint hi
ngbya nybody
723 Sat
hy Hewhoha ss eve ralfor ms
724 Sat
na Hewhoha ss eve ralfac es
725 Eka Hewhoi sone

726 Naika Hewhoa ppe arsa si ndi ffe r
entf ormsbyi l
727 Sa
va Hewhoi st hepe rsoni f
ica tionofs omaya ga
728 Kava Hewhos hi ne se ve na mongt hos ewhoa res i
nne r
Hewhoi swor shi ppe da s‘ ka ’i ndic atingpl easures
729 Ka
i Hewhoc a nbei nve s t
igat eda ndknown
730 Ya
i Hewhot riest ohe l
pi sde vote esa l
wa ysorHewhoi s
atedby‘ ya t’
731 Thas
mai Hewhoi si ndi c atedbyt hewor d‘ THAT’
732 Pada
m Hewhoi si ns uc hahi ghpos itiont hatt hemos t
knowledge a blewa ntt oa ttainhi m
733 LokaBha ndu Hewhoi sar e l
a tionofa l lb e
i ngs
734 LokaNa t
ha Hewhor ule sove rthewor ld
735 Ma dha va Hewhowa sbor ni nt hef ami lyofMa dhu
736 Bha kthaVa ts
ala Hewhol ove shi sde vote es
737 Suva rnava r
na Hewhoi sofagol de ncol our
738 Hema nga Hewhoha sagol denbody
739 Vara nga Hewhoha sbe a utifulbody
740 Cha nda namgathi Hewhowe arsGol de na rml etst ogi veha ppiness
741 Vee raha Hewhoi sahe rode s t
royi ngs ins
742 Visha ma Hewhoc a nnotbec ompa redt oa nyonee lse
743 Sunya Hewhoa ppe arsa si fhei snott he re
744 Grithasi Hewhodoe snotha vede s ire
745 Acha la Hewhoi ss upr e me l
ys t
a ble
746 Cha la Hewhomove si nt hef or mofwi ndf ore xa mple
747 Ama ni Hewhodoe snotha vepr idea ndwi ll
ingt obea ny
748 Mana da Hewhobyhi si ll
us ionma kespe opl el ovet heirbody
749 Manya Hewhoi sf ittobewor shi ppe d
750 Lokas wami Hewhoi st hel ordoft heuni ve r se
751 Thri
lokadr i
k Hewhoc a rriest het hreewor l ds
752 Sume dha Hewhoi sha vinggoodc a usingknowl edge
753 Medha ja Hewhoi sc r eate di nYa ga s
754 Dhanya Hewhoha sa l
lf a cil
755 Sat
hyame dha Hewhoha saknowl edgewhi c hi suna lloyedtr ut
756 DharaDha ra Hewhoc a rriedt hemount ain
757 Thej
ovr i
sha Hewhor ainsl ight
758 Dhythidha r
a Hewhoha ss hi ningl imbs
759 Sar
vaSa straBhr
ra Hewhoi st hegr eatesta mongt hos ewhoa rearme d
760 Pra
gra ha Hewhor ec eive s( t
hef lowe rs. leave se tcof fer
e dbyhis
761 Nigra
ha Hewhoke epse ve rythingwi thi nhi ms e
l f
762 Vyanga Hewhodoe snotha vee nd
763 NaikaSr
inga Hewhoha ss e ve ralhor ns(Dha rma,Ar tha,Ka ma
andMoks haa ret hehor ns )
764 Ga
ja Hewhoa ppe arsbe f
or ebyMa nt hra sorHewho
dbe f oreGa tha

765 Cha
turmurthy Hewhoha sf o urf or ms
766 Cha
thurBahu Hewhoha sf o ura rms
767 Cha
turVyooha Hewhoha sf o urVyooha s(Fourga t
e s)
768 Cha
hi Hewhoi sthede stina tionf orf ourva rnas( brahma na,
Ks hat
ya,Vys yaa nds hudr a)
769 Cha
ma Hewhoha sf o ura spe c tsofmi nd.Br ain.,thou ghtand
770 Cha
va Hewhoi sther ea sonf orDha rma ,Ar tha,Ka maa nd
Moks ha(righta ction,we a lth,ple asur ea nds alvati
771 ChaturVe daVi
dha Hewhoknowspr ope rlyt heme aningoff ourVe das
772 EkaPa tha Hewhoke e psa llthewor ldsunde roneofhi sfee t
773 SamaVa rt
ha Hewhor otatest hewhe e lofbi rtha ndde ath
774 Nivri
ttatma Hewhoi sa lwa ysa va ilabl ee verywhe re.
775 DurJ aya Hewhoc annotbewon
776 Durathikra
ma Hewhos eor der sc a nne ve rbedi sobe ye d
777 DurLa bha Hewhoc annotbea ttaine de xceptbyde votion
778 DurGa ma Hewhoi se asilynotknown
779 Durga Hewhoi sdi ffi
c ul tt oa ttainduet owa ys ider oad
780 DuraVa sa Hewhoc anbeke pti nt hemi ndwi thgr ea tdiffi
781 Dura r
iha Hewhoki llsthos ea dopt ingt hewr ongpa th
782 Shubha nga Hewhoha sabe aut ifulbody
783 LokaSa ranga Hewhounde rs tandst hee s senc eoft hewor ld
784 Suthanthu Hewhoke e pswi t
hhi mt hewi dewor l
785 ThanthuVa r
dhana Hewhobr oa de nst hewor ld
786 IndraKa r
ma Hewhoha st hewor kl ikeI ndr a
787 Ma haKa rma Hewhoc rea t
e da llgr e atbe ings
788 KrithaKa rma Hewhodoe snotha veane edt odoa nyt hing
789 KrithaAga ma Hewhoc rea t
e dt heVe da s
790 Udbha va Hewhoa tt
a insgr e atbi rths
791 Sunda ra Hewhoi sthee pi tomeofb ea uty
792 Sunda Hewhoi swe t( ha sme rc y)
793 Ra t
hnaNa bha Hewhoha sabe aut ifulbe lly
794 Sulocha na Hewhoha sbe a utifule ye s
795 Arka Hewhoi ss uitabl et obewor shippe dbya llgreatGods
796 Va j
as ana Hewhogi ve sAnna( food)
797 Shringa Hewhowa sbor na saf ishwi thhor n
798 Jayantha Hewhoi sthec a us eofvi c tor y
799 SarvaVi j
jayi Hewhoknowsa lla ndwi nsove ra ll
800 Suva r
naBi ndu Hewhoha sl imbsoft hebodyl i
keGol dorHewhoi s
theGodofPr ana va( OM)
801 Akshobya Hewhos houl dnotbedi stu rbed
802 Sar
vaVa geswa
a Hewhoi sthec hi efa mongGodswhos pea k
803 MahaHr i
da Hewhos ehe arti sf ul loft hee t
erna lwa terofha ppines
804 MahaGa rt
ha Hewhoi sthel ordofi llus ionwhi c hi slikeabi ghole
orHewhoi sagr ea tc ha riot ee r

805 MahaBhoot
ha Hewhoi ss pr ea dina llpl acesa l
wa ys
806 MahaNidhi Hei nWhoma llwe alt
hi ssave d
807 Kumudha Hewhoma ke st hee a rt
hha ppy
808 Kunda
ra Hewhor e cogni zesr esul t
sofgoodde e
809 Kunda Hewhoga vee a rt
ha sDa nat oKa sya pa(a s
a ma )
810 Pa
nya Hewhoi sac loud( whi chs howe rsc omf or ttothes a
811 Pava
na Hewhoma ke sonepur ebyme rethought
812 Anil
a Hewhodoe snotha vea nyonet oor derhi mOrHe
whone ve rsle eps
813 Amruthas
a Hewhoe atsne ctarwhi chi st hegr ea t
estha ppiness
814 Amrit
haVa pu Hewhoha sabodywhi c hc annotbede st
r oye d
815 Sa
rvagna Hewhoknowse ve ryt hing
816 Sa
rvathoMuga Hewhoha sf ac ese ve rywhe reorHewhoc a nbe
approachedf roma nywhe re
817 Sulabha Hewhoc anbee a sil
ya t
ta i
ne d
818 Suvrit
ha Hewhodoe sgr e atpe na nce
819 Siddha Hef ornor e asoni sa lwa ysHi ms elf
820 SathuruJ i
ta Hewhowi nsove rhi se ne mie s
821 SathruTha pana Hewhoma ke shi se ne mi ess uf fer
822 Nya grodha Hewhoi sa bovea llbe ingsi nt hewor l
dsbe low
823 Udhumba ra Hewhoi sa boves kie sorHewhogi vesf oodt oa l
824 Aswa t
ha Hewhoi sl ikeaba nya nt ree
825 Cha nura ndraNishudha
na Hewhoki l
le dCha noor awhobe longe dtoAndhr a
826 Saha sr
a rchi Hewhoha st hous andr a ys
827 SathaJ ihwa Hewhoi st hef ireGodwi ths eve ntongue s
828 Saptha ida Hewhoha ss e ve nf l
a me s
829 SapthaVa hana Hewhoi st heSunGodwi ths e venhor ses
830 Amoor thi Hewhodoe snotha ves ha pe
831 Ana gha Hewhoi snott ouc he dbys ins
832 Achi ntya Hewhoc annotbeknownbyt houghtpr oc e ss
833 Bha yaKr it Hewhoc reate sf eari nba dpe opl e
834 Bha yaNa sana Hewhode stroysf e aringoodpe ople
835 Anu Hewhoi ss ma lllikea na tom
836 Briha t Hewhoi se xt reme lybi g
837 Krisa Hewhoi st hin
838 St
hool a Hewhoi ss tout
839 GunaBr it
ha Hewhoha st hena tur etoc r
e ate,upke e
pa ndde s
840 Nirguna Hewhodoe snotha vea nypr ope r
841 Ma ha a
n Hewhoi sgr eat
842 Adhr it
ha Hewhoi snotc a r
riedbya nyt hing
843 Swa dhr it
ha Hewhoc arriesHi ms e lf
844 Swa sya Hewhoha sabe aut i
fulf a ceorHef romwhos eface
Veda scameout

845 Pr
agva msa Hewhobe longst ot hef irstdyna s
846 Vams aVa r
na Hewhoma ke sdyna stiesgr ow
847 BharaBr i
t Hewhoc a r
r ieshe avywor lds
848 Khadhitha Hewhoi sc alle da sul tima tetruthbyt heVe da s
849 Yogi Hewhoc a nbea tta i
ne dbyyogaorHewhos eeshis
encealwa ys
850 Yogi s
a Hewhoi sthegr e ates ta mongYogi s
851 SarvaKa ma da Hewhof ulfillsa llde s ir
e s
852 Asrama Hewhoi sthepl a cewhe r ebe ingsc anr el
853 Sravana Hewhogi ve ss or r owt os i
nne rs
854 Ksha ma Hewhode stroysdur ingde l
855 Supa r
na Hewhoi sat reeofwhos el eave saretheVe da s
856 VayuVa hana Hewhoma ke swi ndsmove
857 Dha nurdhara Hewhoi sagr ea ta rche r(i nthef ormofRa ma )
858 Dha nurveda Hewhoknowst hes c ienc eofAr c
859 Dha nda Hewhoi sthewe a pont ot hos ewhopuni sha nda l
hepunishme nt
860 Dha mayi t
ha Hewhoc ont rol sa ndr ulespe ople
861 Dha ma Hewhoi sa lsot hepa tienc ewhe nbe i
ngr ul
e d
862 Apa ra
jitha Hewhoc a nne ve rbewonbyHi sene mies
863 Sarvasa ha Hewhoi sa ne xpe rtine ve ryt hing
864 Niyantha Hewhoma ke spe opl eobe yr ules
865 Aniyama Hewhoi snots ubj ec tt oa nyr ules
866 Aya ma Hewhodoe snotha vef e arofde ath(causedbyYa ma)
867 Sathvava n Hewhoi sbr a vea ndva lor ous
868 Saathvika Hewhoi ss of tna t
ur e d(OfSa t
hvaGuna )
869 Satya Hewhoi sgoo dt ot hegoodpe opl
eorHewhoi s
bletogoodpe opl e
870 Sat
yadha r
na Hewhohol dst rut ha ndc ha rity(dharma )asi mpor t
871 Abhipra
ya Hewhoi sa ppr oa che dbys eeke r
sofs al
va t
872 Pr
iyarha Hewhoi ss uita blef orgi vinga wayofourmos t
dt hings
873 Arha Hewhoi smos ta ppr opr iatef orpr a
ye r
874 Priyakrit Hewhof ulfillsde s i
r es( Ofde votees
875 Preethivardhana Hewhoi nc rea sesde vot ionofhi sdevotees
876 Viha yasagatha Hewhol ive si nt hes ky
877 Jyothi Hewhogl ittershi ms elf
878 Suruc hi Hewhos hine sbe aut ifully
879 Ha rt
habuj ha Hewhoe a t
swha tha sbe enof fere
dt ohimt hr oughfir
880 Vibha Hewhoi se ve rywhe re
881 Ravi Hewhoi sthes un
882 Viroc ha
na Hewhos hine sins eve ralwa ys
883 Surya Hewhoma ke se ve r
yt hing
884 Savitha Hewhoc rea teswor lds
885 Ravil ochana Hewhoha st hes unf orhi se ye s
886 Ana ntha Hewhoi sli mi tles s

887 Huthabhuj a Hewhoe atswha tisof feredi nf ir
es acrifice( homa)
888 Bhokt ha Hewhoc onsume sna ture
889 Sukha da Hewhogi veshi sde vot eesthepl easureofs alvati
890 Naikaja Hewhot ooks e ve ralfor ms
891 Agraja Hewhoi sinf rontofe ve r
892 Anirvinna Hewhodoe snotha vea nywor ries
893 Sadha ma r
shi Hewhopa rdonsmi st
ake s(c ommi tte
dbyhi sde votee
894 Lokaa dhis
htana Hewhoi stheba s i
soft hewor ld
895 Adbhut a Hewhoi sthewonde r
896 Sanaath Hewhoi sfromt heve rybe ginni ng
897 Sanatha nathama Hewhoi solde rt ha ntheol de st
898 Kapila Hewhoi sofpur pl ecol ourorHewhowa ss ageKa pi
899 Kapi Hewhoi sthes un
900 Avya ya Heinwhoma lldi sappe ardur ingt hede luge
901 Swa st
hi da Hewhogi vesa llgoodt hingst ohi sde vot ees
902 Swa st
hikr it
h Hewhodoe sgood
903 Swa st
hi Hewhoi sgoo dHi ms elf
904 Swa st
hibukh Hewhoe njoysgoodne ss
905 Swa st
hida kshina Hewhoha st hena tureofgi vinggood
906 Aroudhr a Hewhoi sne ve rc ruel
907 Kunda li Hewhoi sAdiSe shaorHewhowe arss hininge ar
908 Chakree Hewhowe arsCha kra( thehol ywhe el)
909 Vikrame e Hewa l
ksbe auti fully
910 Urji
thaSa sana Hewhogi vesf irmor de rs
911 Sabdhathiga Hewhoc annotber eac hedbywor ds
912 Sabdhasaha Hewhoc ant ole ratealls ounds
913 Shis
ira Hewhoi scooll ikewi nt er
914 Ssar
va r
ikara Hewhoc reatesda rkne sslikeni ght
915 Akroora Hewhoi snotc rue l
916 Pesal
a Hewhoi sext r
e me lyha ndsome
917 Dhaksha Hewhoi scleve r
918 Dhakshina Hewhogoe se ve rywhe reorHewhoki ll
shi se nemies
919 Kshami namva ra Hewhoi sthegr e ates
ta mongt hosewhoha vepa ti
920 Vidhuthama Hewhoi sgre ate stamongt hos ewhoknow
921 Veethabha ya Hewhoi snota fraid
922 Punyas ra
va nakeer
na Hewhoi ncreas esboonst othos ewhos inga bouthim
923 Uthaarana Hewhoma ke syouc l
imbt hes hor ef r
omoc e anof
924 Dushkrat
hiha Hewhor emove ss i
925 Punya Hewhogi vesr e wa rdst ogoodde eds
926 Dhuswapnanasa
na Hewhode stroysba ddr eams
927 Veeraha Hewhogi vest hes ufferingpe opl eoft hewor l
928 Raks
hana Hewhopr otec t
929 Sa
ntha Hewhoi spe rsoni ficat
ionofgoodpe ople

930 Ji
va na Hewhoma ke sa llbe ingsl i
vebybe ingthe irsoul
931 Parya vasthi
tha Hewhoi sspr eade ve rywhe r
932 Ana nthar oopa Hewhoha sc ount le ssf ormsorHewhoi sAdi sesha
933 Ana nthas hree Hewhos estrengt hc a nnotbee s t
934 Ji
tha rma nyu Hewhoha swonove ra nge r
935 Bha ya paha Hewhor emove sf ea r
936 Cha thurasra Hewhoi sjus t
937 Gabe e ra
thma Hewhos ede pthc anne ve rbef ound
938 Vidhi sa Hewhogi ve sspe cia lfa vors
939 Vya adhi sa Hewhogi ve sdi fferentwor kstodifferentgods
940 Dhis a Hewhoa sVe da ,poi ntsoutt her es
ultsofdi ffer
941 Ana dhi Hewhodoe snotha veac ause
942 Bhorbhuva Hewhoi stheba s i
soft hee art
ha ndi t
sgoa l
943 Laks hmi Hewhoi sthel us teroft hee a
rthorHewhoi shims e
hewe a
944 Suve er a Hewhoha sbe enpr aisedi nseveralwa ys
945 Ruc hiranga dha Hewhoha sbe aut i
fuls houl der
946 Janana Hewhoc rea te
spe opl e
947 Janaj anma di Hewhoi sthee xistenc eofa l
948 Bhe ema Heofwhoma llbe ingsa r
ea f
949 Bhe emapa ra kr
ama Hewhoc rea te
sf e arinhi sa dversari
e s
950 Adha r aNi l
a ya Hewhoi stheba s i
soft heba si
s( f
ivee l
e me nts)
951 Adha tha Hewhodr inksa llbe ingsa tthetimeofde lugeorHe
whoi stheonl yoneba sis
952 Pushpaha sa Hewhoope nsl ikeaf lowe ratthetimeofpr i
ma l
953 Prajaga ra Hewhoi sa lwa ysa wa ke
954 Urdhwa ga Hewhoi sa bovee ve rythi ng
955 Satpa dachar a Hewhoa dopt sgoodde e dspr escr
ibedbyhi m
956 Prana da Hewhogi ve slife
957 Prana va Hewhoi sOM
958 Pana Hewhoa cce ptsa llof feringst ohima ndgi vesrewa r
959 Prama na Hewhoi sthel us tr
ouspe rs
ionofknowl edge
960 Pranani l
aya Hei nwhoma lls oulsl ive
961 Pranabr i
t Hewhonur t uresbe i
962 Pranaj i
vana Hewhoma ke sbe i
ngsl ive
963 Tha t
hva m Hewhoi sther e alme ani ng
964 Tha t
hvavi dhe Hewhoknowshi se ss enc e
965 Ekaa thma Hewhoi stheonea ndonl yones oul
966 Janmamr utyujarat
higa Hewhoi sa bovebi rth,de athanda ge i
967 Bhur bhuvaSwa st
us t
a Hewhoi sspr eada sat reet oBhuuLoka ,Bhuva r
Loka,andSuva rLoka
968 Tha ra Hewhoma ke susc ros st hes eaofbi rt
hsa ndde aths
969 Savitha Hewhoha sc rea tede ve rything
970 Prapitha ma ha Hewhoi sthegr eatgr andf a t
her(Al lhuma nbe ingsare

ldrenofBr a
hma ,thes onofVi shnu)
971 Ya
gna Hewhoshowsr esultstot hos ewhoc onduc t
res ac r
ifice )
972 Yagnapa thi Hewhoprote ctsYa gna
973 Yajwa Hewhoconduc tsYa gna s
974 Yagnaa nga Hewhoselimbsa reYa gna
975 Yagnava ha na Hewhocarriesf or wa rdYa gna
976 Yagnabr it Hewhoacc eptsya gna
977 Yagnakr it Hewhocrea t
edYa gna
978 Yagni Hewhoisthehe a dofYa gna
979 Yagnabhuj a Hewhous esYa gna
980 Yagnas a dha na Hewhoindica tesYa gnaa same thodofa tta
981 Yagnaa nt hakr it Hewhoincrea sest hee ffectofYa gna
982 Yagnaguhya Hewhoisthes ec retofYa gna
983 Anna Hewhoisfood
984 Anna da Hewhoeatsf ood
985 Athmayoni Hewhoisthec aus eofa l
lbe ings
986 Swa yamj atha Hewhoisthec aus eofHi sownbi rth
987 Vaikhkha na Hewhoduge artha saboa r(va r
a ha)
988 Samaga ya na HewhosingsSa maVe da
989 Dea vakina nda na Hewhoisthes onofDe va ki
990 Sr
isht a Hewhocrea t
edt hewor ld
991 Ksitheesa HewhoistheGodt oa llwor lds
992 Papana sa na Hewhode st
royss i
993 Sankhabr it Hewhoha saConc h(Ca lledPa nc haJ anya)
994 Nanda ki Hewhoha sthes wor dc alledNa nda ka
995 Cha kri Hewhoha sthewhe e
lc alledSudha rsana
996 Sarngadha nwa Hewhoha sthebowc alledSa ranga
997 Gadhadha ra Hewhoha sama cec a l
ledGowmoda ki
998 Rada ngapa ni Hewhoke epst hewhe elinhi sha ndr eadyt ouse
999 Aks hobya Hewhocannotbebr oke ndownbyhi se nemies
1000 Sarvapr aha ranayudha Hewhous ese ver ythinga sawe apon

Xyxhxhxhxudj cjc
jc j
xhxjxhc hfjf
ufufufududududuf jdyxts
ysysydudiydyduf uf
ifu 27
hxududi dududududi
xududyduf i

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