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Which of the following section of the Personal Stuff option allows users to download and install a
theme from the chrome web store to personalize the aperance of chrome.
A. Auto fill
B. Passwords
C. Themes ---- (ans)
D. Browsing Data

2. The mail that were composed but were not sent,

A. Inbox
B. Sent
C. Draft --- (ans)

3. The disable property on INPUT emelemt of an HTML form is used to

A. Deleet the text
B. Disable editing of text ---(ans)
C. Disable the hyperlink
D. Disable the text from being displayed

5. Identify the correct method for displaying an image on a web page.

A. <IMG source="sample.jpg" width="200" height="100">
B. <IMG path="sample.jpg" width="200" height="100">
C. <IMG name="sample.jpg" width="200" height="100">
D. <IMG src="sample.jpg" width="200" height="100"> --- (ans)

7. The ____________ tag enables to link specific areas of a Web Page.

A. Form
B. Div
C. Variable
D. Named Anchor --- (ans)

10. Which of the following pare allows the user to incluede notes related to the current slide?
A. Notes --- (ans)
B. Ribbon
C. Tabs
D. Slide

14. Which of the following are the advantages of Style Sheets?

1. Override the browser
2. Page Layout
3. Style sheets can be re-used
4. One time effort

A. 1,2,3
B. 2,3,4
C. 1,3,4
D. 1,2,3,4 --- (ans)
18. Which of the following Box Propereties moves an object to the left or right side of the page to have
other wrap around it?
A. Padding
B. Width and Height
C. Float
D. Margin

19. Whcih of the following audio formats are supported by PowerPoint?

A. .asf
B. .mp3 --- (ans)
C. .wma --- (ans)
D. .wav --- (ans)

20. Which tag is used to define an internal style sheet?

A. css
B. script
C. text/style
D. style --- (ans)

23. Identify the correct syntax to create a gelocation object in Javascript.

A. <var geoloc=windows.navigator.geolocation;> --- (ans)
B. <var geoloc=window.navigator.geolocation;>
C. <var geoloc=navigator.geolocation;>
D. <var geoloc=navigator.window.geolocation;>

27. Google chrome provides the ___________ feature that enables a user to visit multiple web pages
A. Page Break
B. Security
C. Interface
D. Tabbed Browsing --- (ans)

30. Which of the following escapes sequesnce is used in JavaScript to insert a horizontal tab in an HTML
A. \n
B. \r
C. \f
D. \t --- (ans)

32. _________ is a basic word processing tool that a user to create a RTF file.
A. Paint
B. Windows Explorer
C. Notepad
D. Wordpad --- (ans)
36. The _________ property of CSS is used to specify the space between the element border and the
element content.
A. max-height
B. min-height
C. padding ---- (ans)
D. spacing

37. A __________ is a section of HTML document that contains special elements called as controls.
A. Controls
B. Form --- (ans)
C. Frame
D. Group Box

39. A __________ is an application that runs on a user's computer and helps to access and retrieve
information from the internet.
A. Web Browser --- (ans)
B. Web Site
C. Webn Server
D. Web Application

41. Four types of style sheets namely, unline, internal, external, embedded
A. True
B. False ---(ans)

42. Specifies the font size (height) of a particular font.

A. em ---(ans)
B. ex
C. px
D. None of these

43. Select correct syntax of css

A. value, property, and selector
B. property, selector, and value
C. selector, property, and value ---(ans)
D. none of these

44. CSS stands for

A. Cascading Style Sheets
B. Control Style Sheet
C. Cascading Style Sheet --- (ans)
D. Common Style Sheet
45. ________ selector starts with a period followed by the value of the class attribute.
B. Class ---(ans)
C. Type
D. Universal

46. An _________ style sheet is also included within the HTML document and is defined using the style
A. inline style
B. internal Style --- (ans)
C. external
D. none of above

47. __________ refers to the value of the CSS property and CSS property can have multiple values.
A. Value ---(ans)
B. Property
C. Selector
D. None of these

48. _________ length are specified when the webpage designer is aware of the physical properties of
the output device and are specific and fixed values.
A. Absolute ---(ans)
B. Relative

49. _________ length specifies the length units to the otyher length propwerty that are calculated in
copmparison to a current value.
A. Relative ---(ans)
B. Absolute

50. _________ classes specify the styles to be applied o nan element depending on its state.
A. Pseudo ---(ans)
B. Internal
C. External
D. Inline

51. A ______ style can be assigned either through DIVor through link class.
A. Table
B. Hyperlink ---(ans)
C. Form
D. Heading
52. CSS supports two types of lengtgh measurement units.
A. True ---(ans)
B. False

53. _________ is an HTML element for which you want to specify the style or the formatting instruction.
A. Property
B. Selector ---(ans)
C. Value
D. None of these

54. An ______ sheet uses the style attribute when an HTML element to specify the style for HTML
A. inline style ---(ans)
B. internal style
C. external
D. none of these

55. Which of the following statements are true.

A. An object in javascript is a collection of properties and methods. ---(ans)
B. Properties specify the characteristices or attrubute of an object. ---(ans)
C. While methods identify the behaviour of an object. ---(ans)
D. None of these

56. How can you add a comment in a JavaScript?

A. <!--This is a comment-->
B. //This is a comment ---(ans)
C. This is a comment

57. The write() method of the Decument object writes the text of HTML expression to a document.
A. True ---(ans)
B. False

58. A variable can not store different types of data such as a character, a number, or a string
A. True
B. False ---(ans)

65. getElementByID method retrieves a collection of HTML elements by using specified ID.
A. True ---(ans)
B. False
69. Find the Output

var arr = new Array(10, 20, 30, 40)

for(int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)

A. 10, 20, 30, 40

B. 10, 20
C. 10, 20, 30
D. 10, 30 ---(ans)

80. ___________ refers to a script being executed on the client's machine by the browser.
A. client-side Scripting ---(ans)
B. Server-side Scripting

81. JavaScript is the same as Java.

A. True
B. False ---(ans)

83. Which of the following box properties moves an object to the left or right side of the page to have
other content wrap around it.
A. Padding
B. Width and Height
C. Float ---(ans)
D. margin

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