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Discharge P,SS,S

Name,Age,Sex IP No.SES,Occupation Complaints & Duration ( In months - M) Size (CMS) & shape Edge Floor Ind 21 Surrounding
Rajesh,23,M Punched out with deep seated
1 Ulcer over whole of Lt foot -1 1/2 M 30x12 Irregular 1 infection Slough  P Oedematous

Rama Mutt,64,M Pain in Lt foot & Leg - 1yr Ulcer over dorsum Lt Signs of Ischaemia
foot -1 1/2 M ulcer just below Lt lateral malleoli - 3x1 oval 3x3 round
2 Punched out Slough  S

Ramakrishna,45,M ulcer Rt great toe & adjoining part of foot - 1M Signs of ischaemia
3x4 oval 1 Punched out Pale granulation  S

4 Bhachappa,41,M Tortuosity of veins Rt leg - 2yrs Ulcer Rt medial 5x4 oval 1 Sloping Pale granulation S Hyper pigmented
malleolus - 3M


Krishna Mutt,65,M Normal IngLN- ve
5 Ulcer Rt foot - 1M 2x2 1/1 irregular 1 Rolled-out everted Slough  SS

Narashimma,55,M Normal IngLN- ve

Ulcer Rt heel - 5M 15x12 irregular 1 Rolled-out everted Slough  SS

Shivakumar,45,M Tortuosity of veins Lt leg - 3yers Ulcer Lt medial Hyper Pigmented

malleoli - 6M
7 4x5 oval 1 Sloping Pale granulation  S

Babu Rao,45,M ulcer both foot - 2M Rt 2nd & 3 rd toe Lt big toe
8 5x3 2x3 irregular 2 Sloping Slough  P Oedematous

Mohammad,32,M Tortuosity of viens Lt leg -1 1/2 yers Ulcer Lt

medial Mallioli -3M
4x5 oval 1 Sloping Pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Mehaboob,75,M Ulcer over anterior part Rt ankel following injury

- 1 1/2 M
10 3x2 irregular 1 Sloping Red granulation  S Normal

Basheer,35,M3 Burning pain Lt foot - 2M ulcer Lt great toe - 1M Signs of ischaemia

11 1x2 oval 1 Punched out Red granulation  S

Kadaiah,45,M Pain Rt leg & foot - 3M Ulcer Rt heet - 1M Signs of ischaemia

1x1 round 1 Punched out Pale granulation  S

Murthy,56,M Ulcer plantar aspect - 2M Past history of leprosy - Hypo pigmented

15yrs treated Patches +ve pT nerve
13 5x2x1oval 1 Punched out Slough   S thick Ulcerr nerve
795875,Cobbler thick

Mahesh,45,M Tortuosity of veins - 8yrs Ulcer Lt medial malleoli

- 1yr
14 3x2 irregular 1 Sloping Pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Dakshyana.35,M Tortuosity of veins both lims - 1yr Multiple ulcers Rt 1x1,1x1,1x1, Lt-
over both legs - 6 M past history of DVT + -1 1x1,1x1,1x1 round
15 6 Sloping Red granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Sudharshan,53,M Pain in the Lt foot - 1yr Ulcer over dorsum of Lt Signs of ischaemia
foot great toe - 2M
3x4 irregular 1 Punched out Slough  S

17 Wound over Lt plantar aspect - 3M 4x6 irregular 1 Punched out Slough  P Oedematous

Jagadesh,35,M Gangrenous skin,

18 Wound over Lt medican malleolus-1yr 6x6 round 1 Undermined slough  P

Chinnaiah,39,M Wound over anterior aspect Rt leg middle 1/3rd

RTA-6M ago fracture both bones Rt leg
5x5 1 Sloping red granulation  S Normal

Rajagopal,41,M Wound over Lt foot following injury- 21/2

20 6x4 irregular 4 Sloping slough  P Normal

21 Vaseem,38,M Wound over Rt leg medial aspect of ankle 5x4 oval 1 Sloping Granulation S Hyper pigmented
following injury 1 1/2 M.


22 Ramakrishna,41,M History of snake bite 15 days back, multiple 15x3,10x2,10x2,7x1 all linear 4 Sloping red granulation S Oedematous
fasciotomy incisions were made which developed
into chronic ulcers.

23 Raju,53,M Tortuosity of veins Lt leg- 2yrs. Ulcer over 3x2 oval 1 Sloping Granulation S Hyper pigmented
medial Malleoli_1 1/2M. Wound over dorsum of
Rt foot Following ingury 3M
757539,Cart pusher

Prabhavathi,42,F Wound over dorsum of Rt foot following injury

6x5 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Kumar,55,M Wound over whole of dorsum of Lt foot medial

aspect of ankle - 3M
25 25x10 CM irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  P Oedematous

26 Ulcero-proliferative lesion Lt heel-6M 4x4 oval 1 Rolled out everted slough  SS Normal

Wound over Rt foot - 3M 3x4 irregular 1 Punched out slough  S Oedematous

Krishna,50,M Wound over Rt foot following injury - 2M

28 6x5 oval 1 Sloping slough  P Oedematous
Wound over Rt foot following injury - 2M
28 6x5 oval 1 Sloping slough  P Oedematous

Eshwaran,45,M Tortuosity of veins of Lt leg 2yrs wound over Lt

medial malleoli - 2M
29 4x5 oval 1 Sloping Granulation S Hyper pigmented

Sarojamna,40,F Ulcer over an old scar on Lt lateral malleoli - 1M
30 2x3 Oval 1 beaded 0  S scar tissue

31 Rama Reddy,33,M Wound over phantar aspect of Rt big toe -1M 3x2 oval 1 Punched out slough S Signs of ischaemia


32 Venkatanna,80,F wound over both Rt & Lt foot 1yr. Lt- on 3x4,5x6 irregular 2 Punched out slough P Oedematous
amputated stump of great toe. Rt- 2nd,3rd toe &
adjoining plantar & dorsal aspect foot.

Thimme Gowda,40,M tortuosity of veins Lt leg-10yrs. Ulcer over Lt leg
medial malleoulus - 8yrs.
33 4x3 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Ulcer over dorsum of Rt foot-4M 30x10 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

35 Wound over inner aspect of Rt leg-2M 6x6 Irregular 1 Rolled pit & everted slough  S No lymph node

36 Jayamma,45,F Wound over dorsum ,Plantar aspect and ant.part Lt 1.3x4 2.4x irregular 3.15x5 3 Sloping pale granulation SS Oedematous
leg. 1.5M Gangrene 2nd, 3re, 4th , 5th Rt toes -1M


Ramani,45,F History of snake bite 1.5M Wound over whole of Necrosis of
Lt leg and dorsum of foot 1M deepertissues
50x20 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P

38 Mohammed Bi,50,F Ulcer over rt 2nd toe & adjoining dorsal part of 3x4 oval 1 Punched out slough P Oedematous
the foot


39 Bharath,55,M Ulcer Rt heel - 15yrs Ulcers Lt lateral malleoli - 1.3x3 2. 1x1 Round 2 Punched out slough S Normal
15yrs, past history of leprosy+-treated

40 Doddaiah,55,M Ulcer following trauma Rt heel - 3M 5x5 Round 1 Sloping slough P Hyper pigmented


Ameer Jhaan,45,F Ulcer over disarticulated stumpLt 2nd,3rd,4th toes Signs of ischaemia
41 5x3 1 Sloping pale granulation   S

Sashidhar,56,M Ulcer over Lt lower part - 2M 1. Inner aspect 2.

Outer aspect
1.3x4 2.5x6 Irregular 2 Sloping pale granulation   P Oedematous

Kubera,50,M Ulcer over lateral aspect of Lt heel - 3M

43 5x7 oval 1 Sloping slough  P Oedematous

Yellamma,25,F Ulcer following trauma - 2M Dorsum of Rt foot

44 10x7 1 Sloping red granulation  S Normal

Sriram,50,M Wound over the stump of B/K amputation Rt side

- 3M
45 3x4 Irregular 1 Sloping slough P Scarred

Ramesh,35,M Wound Lt foot following avulsion injury 2M
10x5x3/4 Irregular 1 Sloping red granulation  P Normal

Jawaregowda,35,M History of snake bite 10 M back Ulcer dorsum Lt

foot 91/2M
5x6 Irregular 1 Sloping red granulation  S Hyper pigmented

48 Wound medial aspect of Rt sole - 5M 20x4 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

49 Kencha,40,M Pain Lt lower limb -6M Wound over medial side 5x3 Ovoid vertically 1 Sloping pale granulation S Hyper pigmented
Lt calf lower 1/3 - 2M Oedema of the whole
752723,Salesman Lt leg

Venkatesh,60,M Wound over lateral aspect of Lt ankle following
trauma - 1 1/2M
5x5 Irregular 1 Sloping Granulation  S Normal

Srinivas,40,M Ulcer Rt great toe & adjoining part of foot - 1M Signs of ischaemia
51 4x3 oval 1 punched out Pale granulation  S

52 Ulcer over the Rt foot 2 month 6x4 Irregular 1 punched out Slough  P Oedematous

53 Venkachalam,58,M Ulcer over Lt foot 2month Leftfoot 4x6 Irregular 1 punched out Slough P Oedematous


54 M.Veranna,58,M Ulcer over lateral aspect of Lt heal 3month 10x8 oval 1 Sloping Slough P Normal


Srinivas,65,M Ulcer over Rt 2nd toe and Dorsal aspect of the
6x4 oval 1 punched out Slough  S Oedematous

56 Entire Lt leg Lateral aspect 1 month - 1 Sloping Slough  P Oedematous

57 Syed Mohla,42,M Tortuosity of veins Lt leg-2yrs. Ulcer over Lt leg 3x2 oval 1 Sloping Granulation S Hyper pigmented
medial malleoulus - 11/2yrs. Oedema of the whole
Lt leg

57 Tortuosity of veins Lt leg-2yrs. Ulcer over Lt leg 3x2 oval 1 Sloping Granulation S Hyper pigmented
medial malleoulus - 11/2yrs. Oedema of the whole
Lt leg

Rathamma,45,F Ulcer over plantal aspect Rt foot 3month
58 10x6 Irregular 1 punched out Slough  P Oedematous

G.Chimaiah,60,M Ulcer over the Lt footPlantar aspect 1 month

59 14x6 cm Irregular 1 punched out Slough  P Oedematous

60 Mehaboob Khan,40,M Tortuosity of veins Lt leg-10yrs. Ulcer over Lt leg 4x3 oval 1 Sloping Pale granulation S Hyper pigmented
medial malleoulus - 4yrs. Oedema of the whole
Lt leg

Veerabhadra,40,M Pain Lt leg & Foot 3M ulcer over 2nd toe 1M Signs of ischaemia
61 2x1 oval 1 Sloping Red granulation  S

Wound over Lt medial malleolus-1yr 5x6 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Normal

63 Mohammad Ameer,35,M Tortousity of vein of Lt by 2years wound over Lt 3x4 Oval 1 Sloping pale granulation S Hyper pigmented
medial malleolus -2M Oedema of the whole
Lt leg

Pramella,45,F Tortousity of Vein Rt leg Ulcer Medial malleolus
6 month
64 792954,Housewife 3X2Oval 1 Sloping Granulation P Hyper pigmented

Kali Das,50,M Necrosis of

65 Wounds over Lt foot 2 month 10x15 irregular 1 punched out slough  P

Ulcer over Rt foot 1 month 6x5 irregular 1 Punched out slough  S Oedematous

H.L.Mari gowda,67,M
Wound over Rt foot 1M 3x2 oval 1 Punched out slough  S Oedematous

68 Venkataraman,38,M Wound over Rt leg medial aspect of ankle 1 1/2 5x4 oval 1 Sloping Granulation S Hyper pigmented


Muni Raju,35,M
69 Ulcer over Lt Ankles 1month 5x5 Irregular 1 Sloping Granulation  P Normal

70 Wound over Lt foot 1year 6x5 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Hanumakka,70,F Ulcer over Lt foot Plantar aspect5- 6month

4x5 oval 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

72 Ramakka,45,F Ulcer over the Lf foot planter aspect 7month 5x6 Irregular 1 Punched slough P Oedematous


Ulcer over Rt leg 1M Following injury 3x8 irregular 1 Sloping slough  S Oedematous

Srinivas,40,M Burning senation Rt 2M Ulcer over great toe Lt Signs of ischaemia

74 3x2 irregular 1 Punched out Slough  S

Venkat Reddy,58,M Ulcer over LtPlantar aspect foot 1Month

75 10x5 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Gerald,36,M Wound over Lt heal 1 1/2 month Following injury

4x4 Round 1 Punched out pale granulation  S Normal

77 Hafeez,48,M Ulcer over Medial aspect of Lt heal 3M 6x5 oval 1 punched out slough P Oedematous


Mallesh,50,M Ulcer over Lt foot Dorsal aspect 15 days
78 6x4 irregular 1 punched out slough  P Oedematous

Jayamma,50,F Tortousity of veins Rt leg 2yrs Ulcer Rt Medial Hyper pigmentation

Malleolus 3M
5x4oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S

Ulcer over dorsal of Rt foot 2M 10x5 irregular 1 punched out, slough  P Oedematous

K.C Muniyappa,60,M Ulcer following Trama 2M Dorsal of the Rt foot

81 3x4irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Normal

Malli,27,F Ulcer over the Lt leg 6 days Following Snake bite

8x6 Irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Normal

Umashankar,40,M Tortousity of veins Lt leg 3 yrs Ulcer Lt medial

malleous 6M
4x5 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

G.Ramu,44,M Pain Rt Leg & Foot 6MUlcer over graet toe

84 3x2 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Normal

Ganesh,19,M Ulcer over the Rt foot dorsal aspect following

4x5 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Normal

Vasudev Mutt,37,M Tortousity of veins Lt leg 1 1/2 yr Ulcer Lt Medial

Malleous 3M
3x2 oval 1 Sloping Granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Shivaraj,50,M Normal IngLN- ve

87 Ulcer Rt foot 1 M 5x6 irregular 1 Rolled out everted Granulation  SS
Romaji Rao,35,M Tortousity of veins Rt leg 4 yr Ulcer Rt Medial
Malleous 4M
4x6 irregular 1 Sloping Granulation  P Hyper pigmented

89 Shri Kanth,19,M Wound over Lt Rt leg 1M 3x2 irregular 1 Sloping slough P Normal


Rama Krishnan,40,M Tortousity of veins 8yrs Ulcer Lt Medial Malleous
90 3x2 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

91 Manjunath,60,M Ulcer over Rt foot Plantar aspect 1M 3x4 irregular 1 Punched out slough P Oedematous


Anand,45,M Ulcer over Lt foot Base 3rd,4th toes 6 M
92 10x5 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Nagaraj,35,M Tortousity of veins both limbs Multiple ulcer over Rt 1x1,1x1,1x1 Lt Round 1x1,1x1,1x1
both leg 6M DVT 1 1/2yrs
93 6 Sloping Granulation S Hyper pigmented

94 Ulcer over Rt foot 3M 6x4 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Hussain,50,M Wound over the Lt leg Plantar aspect 1M

3x2 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Normal

96 Somashekar,40,M Ulcer over Rt foot Medial aspect 2M 4x5 Irregular 1 Punched out slough P Normal


Ulcer over Lt foot Planter aspect 1M 3x5 irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Normal

Ramya Devi,60,F
98 Wound over the Lt healed 3M 3x3 round 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Normal

Ulcer over the Tendo Achillis1M 4x2 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Normal

Veeram Kutti,60,M Tortousity of vein 2yrs Rt leg Ulcer over Medial

Mellious 3M
2x2 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Vishwanath,36,M Tortousity of vein 5yrs Lt leg Ulcer over Medial

Mellious 6M
101 3x5 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Hobbalappa,63,M Tortousity of vein Rt leg 15 yrs Ulcer over

Medial mallious 3M
5x6oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Krishnappa,22,M Tortousity of vein Rt leg 2yrs Ulcer Medial

Mallious 2M
8x5 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Hanumappa,60,M Tortousity of vein Lt leg 10 yrs Ulcer Medial

Mallious 8yrs
104 5x6 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

HemantKumar,35,M Tortousity of vein Rt 2yrs Ulcer over Medial

Mellious and Dorsal aspect foot
3x4,5x6 oval 2 Sloping pale granulation  P Hyper pigmented

Wound over Rt foot Dorsal 1M 6x8 oval 1 Punched out pale granulation  S Oedematous

Shivakumar,32,M Tortousity of vein Lt 6yrs Ulcer Medial Mallious

107 10x8 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Hanumanth Reddy,70,M SS Normal

108 77576,Agriculturists Ulcer over the Rt leg 1yr 3x2 Irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation

109 Ulcer over Rt Dorsal foot 28 days 3x2 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Ulcer over the Rt heal 3week 6x2 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Normal

111 Wound over Rt foot 5 M 7x5 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Dorai Swamy,55,M Pain Lt Leg & foot 6M Ulcer great toe 1M Signs of ischaemia
112 3x1 oval 1 punched out slough  S

Balaji Rao,53,M Tortousity of vein Rt leg 2yrs Ulcer Medial

Mallious 3M
5x4 irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Kariyammal,65,F P Oedematous

114 778515,Housewife Wound over Lt foot 4M 3x4 irregular 1 Punched out slough

Lathif,53,M Burning pain Lt foot - 3M ulcer great toe 1M Signs of ischaemia
115 2x3 irregular 1 Punched out red granulation  S

Naveen Kumar,40,M Tortousity of vein Lt leg 2M Ulcer Medial

Mellious 6M
3x5 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

117 Ulcer over Lt foot plantar aspect 2M 2x5 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Appanna,51,M Tortousity of vein Rt 4yrs Ulcer Medial Mallious

1 1/2 yrs
118 3x5 oval 1 Sloping Granulation  S Hyper pigmented
Wound over the Rt foot 10 days 4x5 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Ramesh,48,M Wound over the Lt foot due to injury 3M Sutured

wound got infected
120 6x5 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Normal

Shantosh,30,M Tortousity of veins Lt leg 1 1/2yr Ulcer Lt Medial

Mallious 4M
121 4x6 oval 1 Sloping Granulation  S Hyper pigmented

122 Muniyappa,60,M Wound over the Lt foot 2nd & 3rd toe 6M 2x3 Irregular 1 Punched out slough P Oedematous


Muneer Ahmed,40,M Pain over Rt foot 6M Ulcer over 2nd toe Signs of ischaemia
123 1x2 oval 1 Punched out red granulation  P

Ramesh Shali,58,M Ulcer over the Rt foot Dorsal aspect 10 days

124 3x3 irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation S Oedematous


Jameel,45,M Tortousity veins 6 yrs Ulcer Lt Medial Mallious
125 3x2 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Mylappa,70,M Wound over the great toe 2nd & 3rd Rt foot
3 x4 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Ulcer over the Dorsal Rt foot 1M 10x6 Irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Normal

Kalavathi,34,F Wound over the Lt foot 2nd toe and adjacent part
128 6x2 irregular 1 Punched out slough  S Oedematous

Wound over the Dorsal Lt foot 4M 12x10 irregular 1 Punched out slough  S Oedematous

Doddaswamy,63,M Pain over Rt Leg and foot 3M Dorsal Ulcer over Signs of ischaemia
130 great toe 3yrs 3x2 irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  S

131 Ulcer over Rt foot 2nd & 3rd toe 2M 5x3 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Mohidin,50,M P Oedematous

132 776703,Business Wound over Lt foot plantar aspect 3M 4x6 irregular 1 Punched out slough

C.S. Muthu,72,M
133 Ulcer over Lt Ankles 1month 3x5 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Nagaiah,70,M Wound over the Lt Toe 2M Past history of Hyper pigmented

Leprosy PT nerve thickness
134 4x3 irregular 1 Punched out slough  S
Ulner thickness

Wound over the Rt leg 7 days 4x2 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Madegowda,35,M Burning pain Rt foot 1M Ulcer Rt 2nd toe 1M Signs of ischaemia

136 3x1 irregular 1 Punched out red granulation  S

137 Wound over Lt Dorsal foot 15 days 15x10 irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Normal

Lingaiah,60,M Ulcer over Lt heal 2yrs & Past history of leprosy

3x3 irregular 1 Punched out slough  S Normal

139 Wound over the sole Lt foot 2M 8x6 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Normal

Narashimma Raju,26,M
140 Wound over the Dorsal Rt foot 1M 3x3 irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Normal

Wound over the Rt foot 1yr 6x5 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

142 Ulcer over the Rt foot 15 days 5x10 irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  SS Oedematous

Azad Lal,40,M Tortousity of veins Lt leg 15yrs Ulcer Lt Medial

Mallious 6yrs
143 4x5 Irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Ulcer over Rt leg 4 M 6x8 irregular. 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Thyamma,50,F Pain in the Lt foot 1yr Ulcer over Dorsal Lt foot Signs of ischaemia
145 3x4 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  S

146 Wound over the Lt foot 5yrs 5x6 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Gangappa,60,M Wound over the Lt foot 1M Medial aspects

4x3 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Subha Reddy,42,M
148 Wound over Medial aspect Rt leg 2M 5x4 oval 1 Punched out everted slough  S No Lymph node

Alphonsa,52,M Wound over the Rt foot 1yr plantar aspect

149 6x4 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Ulcer over Lt foot Lateral aspect 1M 4x4 irregular 1 Sloping Granulation  S Normal
Wound over the Rt leg 3M 16x7 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Dala Rangaiah,60,M Ulcer over Lt foot 3rd toe 3M Past history of

152 3x4 irregular 1 Punched out slough  S Normal

153 Wound over the Lt foot 1M 3x6 irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  SS Normal

Sheedhar,32,M Tortousity of vein Rt leg 1yr Ulcer Medial

Mallious 3M
154 3x3 round 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Thimma Reddy,80,M Wound over Lt foot 2M Past history of Leprosy Punched out

155 3x3 irregular 1 slough SS Normal


Aruna Kumari,61,F
156 Wound over Lt foot 2M 2x3 irregular 1 Beded 0  S scar tissue

Anand,61,M Pain Lt Lower limb 3M Wound over Lt foot Punched out Signs of ischaemia
Trauma 15 days.
10x4 irregular 1 slough  S

Siddappa,45,M Burning sensation Lt leg 6M Ulcer over 2rd and Signs of ischaemia
158 great toe 3M 2x2,2x1 irregular 2 Punched out red granulation  S

Thimma Reddy,80,M Wound over the Lt foot 2M 2nd & 3rd toe
159 Irregular 1 Rolled out everted slough  S Lymph node
770381,Retired Military

160 Janardhan,65,M Ulcer over Rt Dorsal leg 1M 3x6 irregular 1 Punched out slough P Oedematous


Lakshmi Reddy,45,M Tortousity of vein Rt leg 6yrs Ulcer Medial
Mallious 6M
4x5 Irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Somashekar,35,M Tortousity of vein Rt leg 2yr Ulcer Medial

Mallious 6M
162 3x2 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Narasappa,54,M Wound over the Lt foot 2M Medial aspect

2x4 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

164 Shivamma,60,F Wound over the Lt 1M Plantar aspect 4x4 irregular 1 Punched out slough P Oedematous


Raghu,55,M Signs of ischaemia
165 Wound over the Lt Great toe 1M 3x2 oval 1 Punched out slough  S

Wound over Lt Dorsal foot 30 days 6x5 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Byrappa,40,M Tortousity of vein 5yrs Ulcer Lt Medial Mallious

4x5 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Ramesh Shasthri,54,M
168 Ulcer over the Lt heal 2yr 3x4 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Shabin Ahmed,55,M
Ulcer over the Rt leg 8 M 15x8 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  SS Oedematous

Ulcer over the Lt toe 20 days 3x2 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Muddappa,72,M Wound over the Rt leg 1M

171 2x3 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Basavaraj,24,M Tortousity of vein Lt leg 2yr Ulcer Medial

Mallious 1M
172 2x3 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

173 Wound over the RT since 25 days 8x3 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Wound over the Rt 1M 3x3 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

175 Gundappa,55,M Ulcer over the Dorsal aspect 1M 5x6 Irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation S Normal


176 Wound over the Lt 1M 4x5 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Munikemppaiah,50,M Wound over the Lt foot 1M Medial aspects

774416,Security Guard
5x6 Irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous

Chikkannachar,43,M Tortousity of vein Lt leg 1yr Ulcer Medial

Mallious 3M
2x3 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

179 Wound over the great toe 3yrs 2x2 Circular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous
746073,Cart pusher

Delhi Babu,25,M Ulcer Lt leg 3M Calf Tortousity of vein aspect Rt

leg 4 yrs
2x3 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

Manohar,49,M Ulcer over Rt leg 10 days following trauma

5x3 oval 1 Sloping slough  P Oedematous

Sannappa,80,M Ulcer over the Lt leg 15 days following trauma

182 6x3 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Oedematous
Ulcer over the Rt ankel 1M 2x2 Round 1 Punched out pale granulation  S Oedematous

Venkataranappa,35,M Tortousity of vein Rt leg 2yr Ulcer Medial

Mallious 3M
184 3x3 Round 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Hyper pigmented

185 Chikthamarajappa,55,M Ulcer over Lt foot 3M 3x3 Round 1 Punched out slough SS Unhealthy


749295,Black smith
Ulcer over dorsal foot 3M 5x3 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation  S Normal

Usha,60,F Ulcer over the Lt foot 2M plantar aspect

187 10x5 irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation  P Oedematous

Thimmagowda,60,M Burning pain Lt leg 3M Ulcer over great toe 1 M Signs of ischaemia
2x2 Round 1 Sloping pale granulation  S

Ramanujeyya,50,M Pain over Rt leg 8M Ulcer over dorsal foot 2M Signs of ischaemia
3x4 oval 1 Punched out slough  SS

Muni Kannan,56,M
190 Ulcer over Medial Mallious Rt foot 3M 10x5 irregular 1 Punched out slough  P Oedematous
749916,Security Guard

Tortousity of vein Lt leg 10yrs Ulcer Medial

Somashekar,40,M Mallious 2 yrs
191 4x3 irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation S Hyper pigmented


192 Ulcer over Rt leg 1yr 6x7 irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation S Normal


Tortousity of vein Rt Leg 15yrs Ulcer Medial
Ramabai,65,F Mallious Rt leg 1yr
193 4x5 oval 1 Sloping pale granulation S Hyper pigmented

755485,Retired Military

Ulcer over the foot 1M plantar aspect following
Soma Rao,70,M injury
194 4x5 irregular 1 Sloping slough S Normal skin


Tortousity of vein Lt 4 1/2yrs Ulcer over the Leg
Syed,30,M 4M
195 4x3 irregular 1 Sloping pale granulation S Hyper pigmented


Signs of ischaemia
Narayana Rao,50,M
196 Pain Rt leg 6M Ulcer over 3rd toe 2M 2x1 oval 1 punched out slough S


197 Ulcer over Rt foot 2M plantar aspect 6x5 Irregular 1 Punched out slough P Hyper pigmented


Mary Helan,60,M
198 Ulcer over dorsal foot 4M 6x8 irregular 1 punched out slough P Oedematous

756752,Retired clerk

Pain in the Lt leg 3 M Ulcer over the Lt foot 3M Signs of ischaemia
199 6x3 oval 1 punched out pale granulation S


200 Wound over Lt leg 1yr 4x6 irregular 1 punched out slough P Oedematous



Culture &
Systematic Disease Diagnosis Sensitivity Special Investigation Non-Surgical Surgical Results
Diabetes mellitus Us- 1.5%FBS Non - healing ulcer with necrosis of Pseud Sen to Cef
200mg% deeper tissue - D,A,Ai,AD Amputation Stamp healed in 20 days.

atheroscierosis Serum Cholesterol- Doppler - Lt illeo-fem block - Referred to vascular surgery Lost
400mg% Arterial Ulcer - artheroscierotic D,Ai,pentoxyphyllin - follow-up

Doppler - Rt PT-o Rt POP - 1

T,A.O Rt lower Limb Arterial ulcer - D.Ai pentoxyphyllin Disarticulation Rt great toe Stamp healed in 10 days

Varicose veins. L.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer - Doppler - Rt Sf inc perf Inc D,A,Ai,C,E Trendlenberg's operation Ligation & Ulcer healed in 30 days
perf L.Sap in calf stripping

Histo-path Features of Sq cell Patient discharged against advice

- - Ca D,A,Ai -

Histo-path Features of Sq cell

- - Ca D,A,Ai B/K Amputation Stump healed in 15 days

Varicose veins. L.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer - - D,Ai,C Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 20 days

Diabetes mellitus Us-0.5% FBS Staph Sen to cloro, Treated for renal failure Rt- A/K Amputation Lt - Slough excision Rt-stump healed in 15days Lt
190mg% Blood urea- 118mg% Non-healing ulcer Tet,CP - D,A,Ai,AD - Ulcer healed in 40days

Varicose veins L.Sap Lt limb

Varicose ulcer - - D,Ai,C Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 20 days

- Non-healing ulcer - - D,A,Ai splinting - Ulcer healed in 15 days

Doppler-Lt DP-0 Lt PT 0 Lt
T.A..O Lt Arterial ulcer - POP-1 D,A,Ai Ex Lumbar sympathectomy Ulcer healed in 15 days

Artheroscierosis Serum cholesterol- Doppler-Rt superficial fem Referred to vascular surgery Lost
286mg% Arterial ulcer - artery block D,A,Ai - follow-up

Leprosy Trophic ulcer - - D,A,Ai Slough excision Ulcer healed in 30 days

Varicose veins. L.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer - - D,A,Ai Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 18 days

Bilaterial Varicose veins. Both L.Sap Doppler 1 1/1 yearback DVT

& S.Sap Varicose ulcer - calf veins D,A,Ai,AC,C,E - Ulcer healed in 20 days

artheosclerosis Serum cholesterol- Doppler-ext block of comiliac Referred to vascular surger Lost
320mg% Arterial ulcer - arterier oth sides- - follow-up
Diabetes mellitus Us-0.5% FBS- Prot vulgaris Sen
180mg% Non-healing ulcer to Cef,OF,GM - Slough excision Ulcer healed in 45 days

Strep Sen to CP
Anemia Hb-7.2mg% Pyoderma gangrensum D,A,Ai. Debridement Ulcer healed in 30 days

90% graft take-up. Ulcer healed in 9

Traumatic ulcer - - D,A,Ai. Skin grafting days

Prot Sen to Cef,

Traumatic ulcer GM, - D,A,Ai. Slough excision Ulcer healed in 15 days

Varicose veins L.Sao Rt Varicose ulcer - Doppler - incompetence fo D,C,E Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 20days
L.Sap system calf part

Non-healing ulcer - - D,A,Ai. slough excision Ulcer healed in 4 months,

Varicose veins S.Sap lt Varicose ulcer - - D,A,Ai,C Sub-fascial ligation Ulcer healed in 20 days

Diabetes mellitus Us-2% FBS

300mg% Non-healing ulcer - - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement ulcer healed in 30 days

Sstaph Sen to CP, Peripheral smear- Blood transfusion D,A,Ai,iron 75% graft take-up. Ulcer healed in 15
Anemia Hb-4gm% Non-herlaing ulcer Cef, GM hyposchromic microcytic therapy Debridement Skin graft days.

Histo-pathology- features of 100% graft take-up Ulcer healed in 8

- Malignant melanoma - malignany melanoma D,A,Ai Wide excision, Skin graft days

Diabetes mellitus Us-0.5% FBS- Coag+ve strep Sen

140mg% Non-healing ulcer to Chloro, GM - D,A,Ai AD Debridement Ulcer healed in 15 days

stap aureus Sen to

- Non-healing ulcer CP,GM - DA,Ai slough excision Ulcer healed in 18 days.
stap aureus Sen to
- Non-healing ulcer CP,GM - DA,Ai slough excision Ulcer healed in 18 days.

Varicose veins, Both L.Sap & S.Sap Doppler - Trendlenberg's operation,ligation &
Lt incompetence of both L.Sap, stripping
Varicose ulcer - S.Sap and SF incompetence D,A,Ai,CE Ulcer healed in 10 days

Histopathology - features of 100% graft take-up Ulcer healed in 8

- Marjolin's Ulcer - sq.cell.Ca D,Ai Wide excision, Skin graft days

Occlusive arterial sec to Arterial ulcer - Doppler-femoro- popliteal D,AiVasodilator - referred to vascular surgery Lost
atherosclerosis Serum cholesterol- block Rt lower limb with ,Pentoxyphyl Line follow-up
370mg% severe atherosclerosis

Diabetes mellitus Us-0.5% FBS- Non-healing ulcer - - Treated for Ketoacidosis - Patient expired due to medical causes
330mg% Urine ketone D,A,Ai,AD - 9th day

Trendlenberg's operation,Ligation &

Varicouse veins, L.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer - Doppler Sf-inc perf D,A,Ai,C,E stripping Ulcer healed in 15 days

Diabetes mellitus Us-1% FBS Staph Sen to Cef,

185mg% Non-healing ulcer Amk, GM, - D,A,Ai,AD Amputation stump healed in 10 days

- Sq cell Ca - Biopsy-Sq cell Ca D,A,Ai Referred to onco center Lost follow-up

D.V.T Venous ulcer - Doppler - Bil-DVT Calf veins D,AC,Ai,HEP,E Skin graft 80% graft take-up, ulcer healed in 1M

Proteus vulgaris
- Non-healing Ulcer - D,A,Ai Amputation Amp Stump healed in 7 days

Diabetes mellitus Us/1% FBS- Non-healing ulcer Staph. Sen to pen, - D,A,AD,Ai Slough excision Ulcer healed in 20 days
220mg% c.p.Amk.GM

Leprosy tropic ulcer No growth - D,A,Ai Slough excision Ulcer decresed in size, later lost

- Non-healing ulcer Staph. Sen to X-ray Rt foot Osteomyclitis Rt D,A,Ai Debridement Ulcer healed in 1M
Amk,GM,CE F Calcaneum

T.A.O.Lt Lower limb Aterial ulcer No growth - D,A,Ai pentoxyphyl line Lumbar sysmpathectomy Ulcer healed in 15 days

Diaetes mellitus Us-0.5% FBS- Kleb, Sen to D,A,Ai,AD

200mg% Non-healing ulcer CEF,Amk,G M - Debridement Ulcer healed in 25 days

Diabetes mellitus Us-1.5% FBS- Prot.o GM, OF

260mg% Non-healing ulcer - D,A,AD,Ai Slough excision Ulcer healed in 1M

90% Take-up of graft ulcer healed in

Anemia Hb -7gm% Non-healing ulcer - - Blood transfusion D.A.Ai Skin graft 10 days

Diabetes mellitus Us-1.0% FBS- Staph Sen to cef,

220mg% cotri,Amk,GM
Non-healing ulcer - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Ulcer healed in 20 days

Kleb sent to 90% graft take-up ulcer healed in 7

- Traumatic Ulcer CP,Amk,GM - D,A,Ai Skin graft days

8% graft uptake ulcer healed in 7 days

- Non-healing ulcer - - D,A,Ai Skin graft

Diabetes mellitus Us-0,5% FBS- Prot sent to 60% graft take-up. Ulcer healed in 20
150mg% Non-healing ulcer cef,Amk,GM - D,A,Ai,AD Skin graft days.

DVT Lt Calf - - Doppler study - thrombosis of D,A,AC,Ai,Hep.E - Oedema came down in 15 days. Ulcer
deep veins Lt calf healed in 17 days.Doppler 6m
showed recannalization

Anemia Hb - 7gm% Traumatic ulcer No growth - D,A,Ai Debridement Ulcer healed in 10 days

Doppler - Rt PT-o Rt POP - 1

TAO Lt foot Arterial ulcer - D,A,Ai,pentoxyphyllin Disarticulation Rt great toe Stamp healed in 10 days.

Diabetes Mellitus U/s-1.5% 168gm Pseud Sen to Pen

% Non-healing ulcer Cef - D,A,Ai,AD B/K Amputation Stamp healed in 20 days.

Diabetes Mellitus Us-2.5% 116 FBS Non-healing ulcer Staph. Sen to pen, X-ray Lt foot Osteomyclitis D,A,Ai,AD Slough excision to Sequstrectomy Ulcer healed in 1month

Diabetes mellitus Us1.5% FBS Non-healing ulcer Staph. Sen to pen, - D,A,Ai,AD Skin graft 90% Take-up of graft ulcer healed in
230mg% c.p.Amk.GM 10 days

Diabetes Mellitus2% 300mg% Kleb, Sen to

Non-healing ulcer CEF,Amk,G M - D,A,Ai,AD Slough excision Ulcer healing in1month

Proteus vulgaris
Anemia Hb - 7gm% Traumatic Ulcer Sen to Amk,GM - Blood transfusion D.A.Ai Slough excision Ulcer healed in 1M

Varicose veins S.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer - - D,A,Ai,C,E Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 18 days
Varicose veins S.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer - - D,A,Ai,C,E Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 18 days

Diabetes Mellitus FBS 429 Us-2% Streph. Sen to

Non-healing ulcer Amk,GM - D,A,Ai,AD Above knee amputation Stamp healed in 10 days

Diabetes mellitus FBS202 US1.5% ProtIius Sen to X-ray Lt foot Osteomylities

Non-healing ulcer Cef, Amk,GM, D,A,Ai,AD Below knee amputation Stamp healed in 7 days

Varicose veins S.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer - Doppler- SF-inc perf Trenb D,A,Ai,C,E Trendlenberg's operation,Ligation & Ulcer healed in 15 days

atheroscierosis Serum Cholesterol-

290mg% Arterial ulcer - - D,A,Ai,pentoxyphyllin Lumbar sympathectomy Ulcer healed in 15days

Anemia Hb - 7 gm% Traumatic ulcer - D,A,Ai Blood transfusion Debridement Ulcer healed in 10 days

Varicose veins S.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer - - D,A,Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 20 days

Varicose veins, Both L.Sap & S.Sap Doppler - incompetence both Trendlenberg's operation,Ligation &
Rt L.Sap & S.Sap SF J Rt stripping
Varicose ulcer Rt - D,A,Ai,CE Ulcer healed in 10 days

Diabetes MellitusFBS 255 Us-1.5% Kleb, Sen to

Non-healing ulcer CEF,Amk,G M - D,A,Ai,AD B/K Amputation Stamp healed in 7 days

Diabetes MellitusFBS 317- Staph. Sen to Pen ,

1% Urine sugar Non-healing ulcer Amk,GM - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Ulcer healed in 1Month

Diabetes Mellitus FBS 237

- 1.% Non-healing ulcer - - D,A,Ai,AD Slough excision Ulcer healed in 20 days

Varicose veins L.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer - Doppler - incompetence fo DCE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 10 days
L.Sap system calf part

Anemia Hb - 7gm% Traumatic ulcer - - D,A,Ai Debridement Ulcer healed in 10 days

Diabetes Mellitus FBS 320mg% u-s Proteus vulgaris

1.5% Non-healing ulcer Sen to Amk,GM - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Ulcer healed in 45 days

Diabetes Mellitus FBS 321mg - Staph Sen to

us1% Non-healing ulcer Magnex Amk - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Ulcer healed in 20 days

Diabetes MellitusFBS200 Non-healing ulcer Klebsiealla, Sen to - D,A,Ai,AD Split Skin graft 90% Take-up of Normal healed in 15
% 0.5%us CEF,Amk,G M days

90% Take-up of Normal healed in 10

Anemia Hb - 7 gm% Traumatic ulcer - D,A,Ai Split Skin graft days

Doppler DP-0 PT-0 POP - 1

TAO Rt leg Arterial ulcer D,A,Ai pentoxyphyl line Toe Disarticulation Stamp healing 15 days

Diabetes MellitusFBS 268%u-s 1%

Non-healing ulcer - - D,A,Ai,AD A/K Amputation Stamp healed in 1 day

- Traumatic ulcer - - D,A,Ai Myocutanious flap Wound healed in 15days

Diabetes Mellitus FBS 260 - Us - Non-healing ulcer Staph. Sen to pen, - D.A.Ai.AD Slough excision Ulcer healing in 20 days
0.5% c.p.Amk.GM

Diabetes Mellitus FBS 200mg - Us - Prot Sen to

0.5% Non-healing ulcer GM.OF - D.A.Ai.AD Slough excision Ulcer healing in 30 days

Doppler Rt SfJ-inc perf Inc LS Trendlenberg's operation,Ligation &

Varicose Veins L.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer in calf D.A.Ai,CE stripping Ulcer healing in 30 days

Diabetes MellitusFBS 157 - Us - Strep Sen to

0.5% Non-healing ulcer cep.Amk.GM - D,A,Ai,AD Slough excision Wound healed in 15 days

D,A,Ai,Blood transfusion
Anemia Hb - 7 gm% Traumatic Ulcer No growth - Slough excision Wound healed in 15 days

Anemia Hb - 6 gm% Traumatic ulcer - - Blood transfusion D.A.Ai Debridement Wound healed in 20 days

Varicose vein Lt Varicose ulcer - - D,A,Ai,C Ligation & stripping Wound healed in 20 days

TAO Lt Lower limb Arterial ulcer No growth - D,A,Ai,pentoxyphyllin Lumbar sysmpathectomy Wound healed in 10 days

Kleb, Sen to 90% Take-up of graft ulcer healed in 7

- Traumatic ulcer CP,Amk,GM - D,A,Ai, Split Skin graft days

Varicose vein L.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer - - D,Ai,C Ligation & stripping Ulcer healing in 20 days

Histopathology - features of
- Sq Cell. Ca - sq.cell.Ca D,A,Ai B/K Amputation stamp healed in 15 days.
Varicose vein L.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer - Doppler study LSF Inc D,A,Ai Ligation & stripping Wound healing in 18 days

Traumatic ulcer Staph. Sen to - D,A,Ai Debridement Wound healing in 15 days


Doppler study SF Inc Perf Inc

Varicose vein L.Sap Lt varicose ulcer - D,A,Ai CE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healing in 15 days

Diebetes Mellitus FBS 260 U/s - Non healing ulcer Staph. Sen to pen, - D,Ai,A,AD Debridement Wound healing in 15 days.
1.5% c.p.Amk.GM

Diebetes MellitusFBS 400 Staph. Sen to Wound healing in 20 days

U/s - 2% Non healing ulcer cloro, Tet CP - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement

Bilaterial Varicose veins. Both L.Sap Doppler 1 yrs back

& S.Sap DVT calf viens bilateral
Varicose ulcer - Recent Doppler recanalisation D,A.Ai,CE Slough excision Wound healing in 20 days

Diebetes Mellitus FBS 300mg5 Us - Staph Sen to Cef,

2% Non healing ulcer Amk, GM, - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healing in 10 days

Kleb, Sen to
- Traumatic ulcer CP,Amk,GM - D,A,Ai Split Skin graft Ulcer healed in 12 days

- Traumatic ulcer Staph. Sen to pen, - D,A,Ai Split Skin graft Wound healing in 10 days

Kleb, Sen to 90% Take-up of graft ulcer healed in

Anemia Hb - 4gm% Traumatic ulcer CP,Amk,GM - D,A,Ai Blood transfusion Split Skin graft 10 days

Histo-pathology- features of 100% graft take-up Ulcer healing in 8

- Malignant melanoma - malignany melanoma D,A,Ai, Wide excision, Skin graft days

Kleb, Sen to
- Traumatic ulcer CP,Amk,GM - D,A.Ai,CE Debridement Wound healed in 15 days

Varicose vein L.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer - Doppler study LSF Inc D,A.Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Wound healing in 10 days

Doppler study & S.Sap Inc Trendlenberg's operation,Ligation &

Varicose vein S.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer - D,A.Ai,CE stripping Wound healing in 12 days

Varicose vein L.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer - Doppler L.Sap Inc D,A.Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healing in 30 days

Varicose vein S.Sap L.Sap Rt Doppler Inc both L.Sap S.Sap Trendlenberg's operation,Ligation &
Varicose ulcer - SF Inc perf D,A.Ai,CE stripping Ulcer healed in 20 days

Doppler Inc SF inc perf

Varicose vein L.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer - D,A.Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 18 days

Varicose vein L.Sap S.Sap Rt Doppler Inc SF L.Sap S.Sap

Varicose ulcer - perf inc D,A.Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 30 days

Diabetes Mellitus 200mg U/s- 1.5mg Prot Sen to Cef,

% Non healing ulcer Amk,GM, - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Ulcer healed in 15 days

Doppler study L Sap SF Inc Trendlenberg's operation,Ligation &

Varicose vein L.Sap Varicose ulcer - D,A,Ai, stripping Ulcer healed in 28 days

Anemia Hb - 4 gm% Traumatic ulcer Pseudomonas Sen - D,A,Ai Blood transfusion Debridement Split Skin graft 90% graft up-take Ulcer healed in 7
to Cef c p days

Diabetes Mellitus.200mg U/s 0.5mg Staph. Sen to

% Non healing ulcer Amk.GM - D,A,Ai, Debridement Ulcer healed in 10 days

- Traumatic ulcer - - D,A,Ai, Slough excision Ulcer healed in 10 days

Diabetes Mellitus 270mg U/s 1mg% Staph. Sen to

Non healing ulcer cef.Amk.GM 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Ulcer healed in 15 days

artheosclerosis Serum cholesterol- Doppler Lt Fermol Block

400mg% Arterial ulcer 0 D,A,Ai,pentoxyphyllin Disarticulation Great toe Stamp healed in 10 days

Doppler Rt SF inc perf L.Sap Trendlenberg's operation,Ligation &

Varicose vein L.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer 0 D,A.Ai,CE stripping Ulcer healed in 20 days

Diabetes Mellitus 180mg U/s 0.5mg Non healing ulcer Staph. Sen to 0 D,A,Ai,AD B/K Amputation Stump healed in 8 day
% c.p.Amk.GM

artheosclerosis Serum cholesterol- Doppler - Lt DP-o PT - o POP

360mg% Arterial ulcer 0 -1 D,A,Ai,pentoxyphyllin Lumbar sysmpathectomy Ulcer healed in 12 days

Varicose vein L.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer 0 0 D,A.Ai,C Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 15 days

Diabetes Mellitus 300mg U/s 1.0mg Kleb, Sen to

% Non healing ulcer CP,Amk,GM 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Ulcer healed in 10 days

Varicose vein L.Sap & S.Sap Doppler Rt L.Sap S.Sap SF inc

Varicose ulcer 0 D,A.Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 12 days
Diabetes Mellitus 260mg U/s 1.5mg Strep. Sen to
% Non healing ulcer c.p.Amk.GM 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 10 days

Kleb, Sen to
- Traumatic ulcer CP,Amk,GM 0 D,A,Ai, Split Skin graft Wound healed in 15 days

Varicose vein L.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer 0 0 D,A.Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 25 days

Diabetes Mellitus 160mg U/s 1mg% Non healing ulcer Staph. Sen to 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 10 days

Doppler Rt femoral Artery

TAO Rt Arterial ulcer 0 Block D,A,Ai,pentoxyphyllin Toe Disarticulation Stump healed in 7 days

Diabetes Mellitus 137mg U/s 0.5mg Staph. Sen to

% c.p.Amk.GM
Non healing ulcer 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 20 days

Varicose vein L.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer 0 0 D,A,Ai, Ligation & stripping Wound healed in 20 days

Diabetes Mellitus 180mg U/s 1mg% Kleb, Sen to

Non healing ulcer CP,Amk,GM 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 9 days

100% up-take Wound healed in 8 days

0 Traumatic ulcer 0 0 D,A,Ai, Skin graft

Diabetes Mellitus 203mg U/s - 1% Strep Ciplox Cef

Non healing ulcer cp - D,A,Ai,AD Toe Disarticulation Wound healed in 17 days

Diabetes Mellitus 260mg% Us - 1%

Non healing ulcer 0 - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 12 days

artheosclerosis Serum cholesterol- Doppler - Rt POP Block

360mg% Arterial ulcer 0 D,A,Ai,pentoxyphyllin Disarticulation Great toe Stump healed in 8 day

Diabetes Mellitus 360mg U/s 1.5mg Kleb, Sen to

% Non healing ulcer CP,Amk,GM 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Treatment for EA Wound healed in 25 days

Diabetes Mellitus 200mg U/s 0.5mg Non healing ulcer Proteus vulgaris 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 30 days
% Sen to Cef OFGM

Diabetes Mellitus 360mg U/s 1.5mg Staph. Sen to

% Non healing ulcer Amk.GM 0 D,A,Ai,AD Split Skin graft Wound healed in 7 days

Leprosy Tropical Ulcer 0 0 D,A,Ai, Slough excision Ulcer decresed in size, 1M

0 Traumatic ulcer 0 0 D,A,Ai, Debridement & Split Skin graft Ulcer healed in 30 days

Doppler - Rt DP-o Rt PT - o Rt
TAO Rt Arterial ulcer 0 POP - 1 D,A,Ai,pentoxyphyllin Lumbar sysmpathectomy Ulcer healed in 15 days

90% up-take Wound healed in 10 days

0 Traumatic ulcer 0 0 D,A,Ai, Split Skin graft

Tropical Ulcer No growth 0 D,A,Ai, Debridement Ulcer decresed in size, 1M

100% up-take Ulcer healed in 10 days

0 Traumatic ulcer 0 0 D,A,Ai, Skin graft 100% up-take

90% Take-up Ulcer healed in 7 days

0 Traumatic ulcer 0 0 D,A,Ai, Skin graft

Diabetes Mellitus 186mg U/s 0.5mg No growth

% Non healing ulcer 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 15 days

Diabetes Mellitus 300mg U/s 1.5mg Staph. Sen to

% Non healing ulcer c.p.Amk 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 20 days

Trendlenberg's operation,Ligation &

Varicose vein L.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer 0 Doppler - SF inc perf D,A.Ai,CE stripping Ulcer healed in 12 days

Diabetes Mellitus 426mg U/s 2mg% Kleb, Sen to

Non healing ulcer CP,Amk,GM 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 10 days

artheosclerosis Serum cholesterol- Doppler block common iliac

360mg% Arterial ulcer 0 Artery Lt D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Referred to Vascular surgeon

Diabetes Mellitus 300mg U/s 1mg% Strep. Sen to

Non healing ulcer c.p.Amk.GM 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 20 days

Diabetes Mellitus 260mg U/s 0.5mg Kleb, Sen to

% Non healing ulcer CP,Amk,GM 0 D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 15 days

- Sq Cell. Ca - Biopsy Sq.cell.Ca D,A,Ai, Referred to ONCO Centre Lost follow-up

Diabetes Mellitus 100mg U/s 0.5mg Strep. Sen to

% Non healing ulcer c.p.Amk.GM - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 18 days

Anemia Hb - 8.3mg% Traumatic ulcer - - D,A,Ai, blood transfusion Debridement wound healed in 15 days
Diabetes Mellitus 289mg U/s 2mg% Kleb, Sen to
Non healing ulcer CP,Amk,GM - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 20days

Tropical Ulcer No growth - D,A,Ai, Slough excision Ulcer decresed in size,

- Traumatic ulcer No growth - D,A,Ai, Slough excision Ulcer healed in 10 days

Doppler Rt Perf Inc SF inc

Varicose vein L.Sap rt Varicose ulcer - L.Sap D,A.Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 20 days

leprosy Staph. Sen to

Tropical Ulcer - D,A,Ai, Slough excision Wound healed in 15 days

Histopathology features of Sq.

- Marjolin's Ulcer cell .ca D,A,Ai, Wide excision, Skin graft Wound healed in 10days

TAO Lt Lower limb Arterial ulcer - - D,A,Ai,pentoxyphyllin Lumbar sysmpathectomy Wound healed in 15 days

Doppler study DP-0 PT-0 POP

TAO Lt Lower limb Arterial ulcer No growth -1 D,A,Ai,pentoxyphyllin Lumbar sysmpathectomy Wound healed in 20days

Anemia Hb - 4gm% Sq Cell. Ca - Biopsy Sq.cell.Ca D,A,Ai Referred to ONCO Wound healed in 15 days

Diabetes Mellitus 186mg U/s 0.5mg Non healing ulcer Staph. Sen to - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 15days
% c.p.Amk.GM

Doppler Rt SF Inc per Inc

Varicose vein L.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer - D,A,Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 10 days

Varicose vein L.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer - - D,A,C Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 20 days

Diabetes Mellitus 190mg U/s 1mg% Strep. Sen to

Non healing ulcer c.p.Amk.GM - D,A,Ai, Debridement Ulcer healed in 12 days

Diabetes Mellitus 200mg% Non healing ulcer Staph. Sen to - D,A,Ai,AD Split Skin graft 90% Take-up Ulcer healed in 7 days

Occlusive arterial sec to Doppler - femoro popliteal

atherosclerosis serum cholesterol- Arterial ulcer - block Rt lower limb D,A,Ai,pentoxyphyllin - Referred to vascular surgeon

Diabetes Mellitus 180mg U/s 1mg% Staph. Sen to 90% Take-up Ulcer healed in 10 days
Non healing ulcer Amk.GM - D,A,Ai,AD Split Skin graft

Varicose vein L.Sap Lt Varicose ulcer - - D,A.Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 30 days

Diabetes Mellitus 230mg U/s 1.5mg Strep. Sen to Pen

% Non healing ulcer Amk.GM - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in10 days

Doppler study Bilateral DVT 90% Take-up Ulcer healed in 25days

DVT Varicose ulcer - calf vein D,A,Ai,HEP E Split Skin graft

Diabetes Mellitus 200mg U/s 1.5mg Strep. Sen to

% Non healing ulcer c.p.Amk.GM - D,A,Ai,AD Slough excision Wound healed in 20 days

Diabetes Mellitus 230mg U/s 1mg% Staph. Sen to Pen 90% Take-up Ulcer healed in 12 days
Non healing ulcer Amk.GM - D,A,Ai,AD Split Skin graft

Doppler Inc SF inc perf Inc Trendlenberg's operation,Ligation &

Varicose vein L.Sap Varicose ulcer - D,A.Ai,CE stripping Ulcer healed in 15 days

Diabetes Mellitus 300mg U/s 2mg% Staph. Sen to CFF

Non healing ulcer pen - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 30days

Diabetes Mellitus 251mg U/s 1.5mg Kleb, Sen to

% Non healing ulcer CP,Amk,GM - D,A,Ai,AD Debridement Wound healed in 15days

- Traumatic ulcer Proteus vulgaris - D,A,Ai, Slough excision Ulcer healed in 20 days
Sen to Cef OFGM

Diabetes Mellitus 453mg U/s 0.5mg Staph. Sen to cloro

% Non healing ulcer Tet c.p - D,A,Ai,AD B/K Amputation Stump healed in 7 days

Diabetes Mellitus 204mg U/s 1.5mg Coag + Staph. Sen 90% Take-up Ulcer healed in 18 days
% Non healing ulcer to Chloro GM - D,A,Ai,AD Split Skin graft

Doppler Inc SF inc perf Inc Rt

Varicose vein L.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer - Leg D,A,Ai,AD Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 15 days

Staph. Sen to Cef.

- Non healing ulcer OF Pen - D,A,Ai, Slough excision Wound healed in 29 days

Varicose vein L.Sap & S.Sap Doppler Inc SF inc perf Inc Rt
Varicose ulcer - leg D,A.Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Wound healed in18 days

Kleb, Sen to 90% Take-up Ulcer healed in 10 days

Anemia Hb - 9gm% Traumatic ulcer CP,Amk,GM - D,A,Ai, Split Skin graft

Coag+ Staph. Sen

- Traumatic ulcer to Chloro Amk - D,A,Ai, Slough excision Wound healed in 8 days
80% Take-up Ulcer healed in 7 days
- Non healing ulcer - - D,A,Ai, Split Skin graft

Doppler Inc SF inc perf Inc Rt

Varicose vein L.Sap Rt Varicose ulcer - Leg D,A.Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 18 days

Diabetes Mellitus 262mg U/s 1.5mg Non healing ulcer Proteus vulgaris - D,A,Ai,AD Split Skin graft 90% Take-up Ulcer healed in10 days
% Sen to Cef OF pen

Ulcer healed in 15 days

- Traumatic ulcer - - D,A,Ai, Debridement Recannalisation 6M

90% Take-up Ulcer healed in 7 days

Anemia Hb - 5gm% Traumatic ulcer - - D,A,Ai, Debridement Split Skin graft

artheosclerosis Serum cholesterol- Doppler DP-0 PT-0 POP - 1 Lumbar sysmpathectomy with Toe
380mg% Arterial ulcer - D,A,Ai,pentoxyphyllin disarticulation Stump healed in 10 days

Occlusive arterial sec to Doppler sec DP -0 PT-

atherosclerosis serum cholesterol Arterial ulcer No growth 0 POP - 1 D,A,Ai Lumbar sysmpathectomy Ulcer healed in 15 days

Diabetes Mellitus 490mg 2%

Non healing ulcer - - D,A.Ai, Above knee Amputation Stump healed in 10 days

Varicose vein L.Sap Lt Variouse ulcer - - D,A,Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Wound healed in 7 days

Non specfic Non healing ulcer Chonic Deep Vein Thrombosis

DVT - D,A,Ai,HEP E Slough excision Wound healed in 10 days

Bilaterial Varicose veins. Both L.Sap

& S.Sap
Variouse ulcer - Doppler DVT D,A,Ai,CE - Ulcer healed in 20 days

90% Take-up Ulcer healed in 8 days

- Traumatic ulcer - - D,A,Ai, Split Skin graft

Doppler - inc L.Sap system

Varicose vein L.Sap Lt Variouse ulcer - D,A,Ai,CE Ligation & stripping Ulcer healed in 20 days

artheosclerosis Serum cholesterol- Doppler DP-0 PT-0 POP - 1

Arterial ulcer - D,A,Ai pentoxyphylin Toe Disarticulation Stamp healed in 1M

Diabetes Mellitus 320mg 2% Coag+ve strep Sen

to Chloro, GM
Non healing ulcer - D,A,Ai AD Debridement Ulcer healed in 15 days

Diabetes Mellitus FBS 185mg 2% Staph Sen to

cef, ,Amk,GM
Non healing ulcer - D,A,Ai AD B/K Amputation Stump healed in 10 days

Doppler DP-0 PT-0 POP

TAO Lt Lower limb Arterial ulcer - D,A,Ai pentoxyphyllin - Wound healed in 20 days

Diabetes Mellitus FBS 180 US 5% Proteus vulgaris

Sen to Cef OFGM
Non healing ulcer - D,A,Ai Slough excision Ulcer healed in 30 days

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