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Morgellons and Flying Insects

Close associations: Micro-Myiasis & Morgellons disease11

This report focuses on the correlation between myiasis and morgellons disease. It also outlines
the possibility that other families of flies are causing myiasis in humans and animals, unrecorded,
in particular primative crop pests.

Myiasis is defined as the infestation of live human and vertebrate animals by larvae of the order
Diptera (true flies; i.e., those whose adults have two wings) that feed for varying time periods on
the host's dead or living tissue, body substances, or ingested food (1). There are 36 types of fly
thought to cause myiasis in humans (20).

Micro-myiasis is a term coined by the authors of this research. It describes an affliction of

myiasis, but focuses on small, primitive fly species, better measured in microns than milimetres.
This infestation of small fly larvae, maybe causing generalized, chronic myiasis in the general
population. It discusses the possibility that the unusual entities leached from morgellon sufferer's
skin and their symptoms, can be explained via the anatomy, physiology and secretions from
these small fly larvae.

In 2001, Mary Leitao, a Pennsylvanian biology technician, researched the symptoms of her two
year old son. He presented with sores on his lip, with protruding fibres. She read a report from
1674, by a British physician, Sir Thomas Browne, who described 'The Morgellon'; a disease
which afflicted French children with 'harsh hairs on their backs'. Leitao believed Browne's paper
was the closest description of her son's symptoms. (Click here for further reading on the history
of morgellons).

Soon after making her son's symptoms public, thousands of families were also reporting similar
symptoms to the Centre of Disease Control, who then decided to launch an investigation into the
phenomena in 2006.

Morgellons disease is barely recognised by main stream medical communities and its cause has
not been established to date. It has a variety of symptoms including itchy skin; with crawling,
biting sensations, white granules from skin and hair follicles, chronic fatigue, aching joints,
anemia, malabsorption and distended abdomen, inflamed lymph nodes, skin lesions and
filaments coming out of skin pores. These filaments are the defining symptom of morgellons
disease (2).

Morgellon disease sufferers often observe activities related to small flies (Table 1). Some
describe themselves as being 'saturated' with small larvae and many sufferers report seeing
worms coming from their skin. Sufferers often test positive for Lyme disease along with
other bacterial and fungal infections. Very few sufferers have managed to find a cure.
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The correlation between myiasis and morgellons was first (and last) suggested in 1946 by a
British physician, Dr Emslie-Smith (87). The term 'morgellons' is likely to have originated from
France in the 1600's; derived from the Provencal form of muscula, meaning 'a little fly' (88, 87).

Flies that are called obligatory parasites require living tissue for larval development. Facultative
parasites usually develop on carrion or vegetable matter, but may occasionally develop on living
tissue. Some facultative myiasis-causing flies have adapted so well to a parasitic existence that
they essentially become obligatory parasites. In such cases, the distinction blurs between the two
categories (6).
In accidental myiasis, sometimes the eggs or larvae are accidentally ingested and are not killed in
the intestine (6). Accidential myiasis is the most common cause of infestation, as also adult flies
can be accidentially inhaled, or fly into body cavities (mouth, eyes, ears, open wounds) and there
Many published reports are concerning myiasis infecting travellers and, in general, myiasis is
thought to be much less common in temperate regions than in tropical countries. However,
human cases also originate from North America, UK, Netherlands, Portugal, Turkey and Greece
amongst others. Myiasis is endemic in the United States, where it is thought to be caused by
larvae of flies of the genus Cuterebra.

The scientific community have not yet established the biological, chemical and behavioural traits
of myiasis causing flies (30). So out of the 158,000 recorded species of fly, why is it believed that
only certain species manage to infest animals or humans?

Experts question whether it is simply the ability of the fly larvae to overcome the immune
defence response of the living host (30). If this is the case, then it may indicate that humans and
animals maybe susceptible to infections from a wider variety of fly families with various
attributes, than currently thought. In fact, there are cases of fruit flies, wood gnats, moth flies and
even fungus gnats causing myiasis in humans (62), (90), (91), (92).

Furthermore, in terms of evolution, experts believe that arthropods parasitising vertebrates is a

switch, which is not thought to have happened with other groups, e.g. protozoa, nematodes and
platyhelminths (30). If this evolutionary switch took place with certain flies, then there is a
possibility that this switching has actually taken place with a wider variety of flies than presently
Children, the elderly, the disabled and the immuno-compromised are particularly susceptible to
myaisis infections, due to lack of physical movement (inability to scratch), decreased personal
hygiene and therefore greater odourous attractants for flies.

Myiasis is responsible for severe economic losses (billions) to animal farming and affects
domestic and wild animals - known as 'fly strike'. Animals include, cattle, sheep, horses, cats,
dogs, rabbits, rodents, amphibians and even elephants. It causes abortions, reduced milk
production, weight and fertility loss and poor quality hides (30). There are also scientific reports
that consider whether the extensive use of pesticides is driving flies to find new hosts, which has
been proposed as another theory to explain the increase in animal myiasis recorded, as well as
climate change (42).

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A simulated climate change model predicted a potential increase in fly populations of 244% by
2080 (43).

Sites of infection
Myiasis can cause a broad range of infections depending on where the larvae inhabit the host (5).
The main infection sites are orifices and body cavities. Myiasis is classified by area of infestation
in the body, typically: cutaneous (dermal/sub-dermal), enteric (intestines), ophthalmic,
nasopharyngeal, auricular, oral, mammary, urogenital and anal (6). In one review of 25 myiasis
cases, the scalp was the most commonly affected region (40%) (11).
Often, the species causing the infestation prefer particular sites of the host. For example, in
cutaneous myiasis the common sites for lesions are the scalp, face, forearms, and legs for the
Myiasis causing D. hominis, and the trunk, buttocks and thighs for C. anthropophaga.
Over 50 species of fly larvae have been found in human intestine after surviving the stomach
acid (43), and some end up parasitizing in the region of the rectum. Larvae of the fly families
Muscidae, Sarcophagidae, Calliphoridae and Phoridae, as well as gnats of the families
Anisopodidae and Scenobinidae are known to cause urogenital myiasis.
Nasal-pharyngeal myiasis is known to be caused by 8 families of flies which are able to enter the
eyes (e.g. Oestrus ovis into the nose and within the eye). Dermal and subdermal myiasis is the
commonest form, since the eggs or larvae can enter wounds or may even enter healthy skin
regions. Some larvae (e.g. Hypodermatidae) are able to wander around under the skin (creeping
Generalised myiasis is the term used when their are multiple sites of infection.

Table two lists the main recorded myiasis causing species and the hosts/sites they prefer.
Below are the more well known myiasis causing adults and corresponding larvae:

Figure 1 -Myiasis causing adults, Figure 2- corresponding Myiasis causing larvae

KEY: 1) Cochliomyia hominivorax; 2) Chrysomya bezziana; 3) Lucilia sericata; 4) Calliphora vicina; 5) Phormia
regina; 6) Protophormia terraenovae; 7) Auchmeromyia luteola; 8) Cordylobia anthropophaga; 9) Wohlfahrtia
magnifica; 10) Sarcophaga cruentata; 11) Musca domestica; 12) Megaselia scalaris; 13) Dermatobia hominis; 14)
Gasterophilus nasalis; 15) Hypoderma bovis; 16) Rhinoestrus purpureus; 17) Cephalopina titillator; 18) Oestrus ovis.

What symptoms has myiasis been known to cause?

Skin Lesions
Multiple furuncle-like lesions may occur with crusted, odoriferous, purulent, or serosanguinous
discharge, caused by larva proteins and feces, which may also be bloody. There is
sometimes a central punctum with movements of spiracles of larva or bubbles in serous larva

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discharge. The patient complains of pruritus and a crawling sensation within the lesion and some
maybe painful (which is often nocturnal) (11). The protein (enzyme) discharges may literally
melt/burn the skin, causing scaring and hypo or hyperpigmentation.
There maybe satellite lesions near a central lesion and multiple larvae may aggregate together in
certain places under the skin during cutaneous myiasis. Often more than one larva is present in a
lesion (11).
Protrusion of the breathing tube of the larva frequently can be observed with the aid of a hand
lens (12); a small white threadlike structure protruding from the lesion (39). Lesions are
occasionally accompanied by enlargement of the draining lymph node (12).
The subsequent feeding activity of the larvae at the skin surface rapidly promotes extensive tissue
damage, resulting in the development of inflamed, abraded and ulcerated areas of skin with
progressive alopecia (hair loss).

Figures 3-5 - Myiasis furuncles

Lumps & nodules

Cutaneous myiasis can resemble a soft-tissue tumor when its in it's early phase, or in unusual
places on the host. Breast lesions can appear as a palpable lump and as a corresponding mass at
mammography (9). Myiasis is known to be a cause of granulomatous disease (44). This is due to
the chronic granulomatous inflammatory response, which can mimick neoplasm, of a long-
standing mass.
Also, decomposed larvae under the skin can cause areas of calcification (callouses on skin) (9).
Larvae such as Hypoderma can appear as nodules under the skin. Lymphadenopathy is associated
with myiasis, causing swelling lymph nodes due to the infection (36).
Systemic inflammation
Patients with myiasis have been recorded as having systemic inflammation (34), sometimes
associated with oedema (40) and joint pain (arthralgia).

Bony erosion
The interaction of toxin or enzyme released by the larvae-bacteria can also cause the erosion of
bones and teeth(4).

Sensory organ infections

Auditory myiasis can cause hearing disturbances, including tinnitus, roaring/buzzing sounds, ear
ache, itching, discharge and perforation (45).
Infestation of the nasal passages and sinuses maybe accompanied by severe headache, fever,
swelling, and purulent bloody discharge. One case in Turkey was caused by the humble fruit fly,
Drosophila melanogaster (62).
Cases of oral myiasis are increased in patients with preexisting gingivitis and may cause gum
disease, tooth ache, destruction of teeth and tongue abscesses (64).

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Respiratory and throat infections
Myiasis infections in the lungs have been associated with pneumonia and dypsnea (61).
Infections of the throat cause the sensation of the presence of foreign bodies, a burning sensation
and itching in the throat, followed by coughing (63).

Causing allergic reactions - asthma & rhinoconjunctivitis

Flies, their larvae and debris can cause allergic reactions in the lungs and nose (IgE type allergy),
which may lead to asthma and blocked sinuses. The allergens are fly proteins (29) present in the
whole body of the animal (adult or larva). Debris and dust from the breeding areas may also
contain the allergen. (26) (29)

Intestinal infections
Even the common housefly has been known to cause myiasis in the gut, as eggs survived the
stomach acid, to develop in the digestive tract. This can cause a bloated abdomen, abdominal
cramps, anorexia, weight loss, dehydration, malabsorption, diarrhea, constipation and dyschezia
(straining), or swelling around the anus causing rectal obstruction and fever (37).
Urogenital infections
Phorid flies have been recorded as causing human myiasis of the bladder (76). Cases of vulva
and penial myiasis have also been recorded.
Headaches & seizures
Cutaneous myiasis has been known to cause diffuse headaches in patients (36), which maybe
accompanied by scalp nodules (46). Severe cases of myiasis can cause seizures (49). Intercranial
myiasis is thought to be rare, and has been known to cause intracerebral haematomas (89).
Down regulation of host immune system
Flies have evolved coping strategies (biological, physiological and biochemical) to survive the
hosts immune responses - whether those are nonspecific eg. natural killer cells and complement
proteins, or specific eg antibodies and T cells (30). This is seen in Oestrid flies, where they
downregulate the host immunological function, keeping parasite/host in dynamic equilibrium
Anemia & changes in blood plasma
Myiasis can cause mild anemia and other blood serum abnormalities (64).
Psychological disturbance
Patients suffering from myiasis may present with depression, malaise, lethargy, insomnia and
disturbed sleep cycles (34).

Secondary infections
Myiasis can be complicated by a secondary bacterial or fungal infection. Such secondary
infections may include Borrelia sp. the etiologic agent of Lyme Disease (13) and Staphylococcus
aureus (14).

Table 3 records the main bacteria and fungi found inside myiasis causing fly larvae.
There is strong evidence that flies play an important role in bacterial infections, including those
resistant to antibiotics. For example, filth flies can carry over 100 human pathogens. Flies carry
parasites such as Cryptosporidium and viral pathogens including Poliovirus, Coxsackievirus and
Enteroviruses. They can transfer the eggs and cysts of various cestodes and nematodes,

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particularly hookworms and ascarids (43).

Mechanisms of Infection
Infection of fly larvae can happen in a number of ways, depending on the species and host:
1) Phoresis
In a mechanism known as phoresis, some species of flies glue their eggs during flight, to the
abdomen of other blood sucking arthropods, such as flies, mosquitos and ticks. When the vectors
contact a host, the cutaneous heat of the host makes the larvae emerge from the eggs and fall on
exposed skin (9).
When over the host, the larva actively penetrates normal skin or the orifice made by the
intermediate insect(9).
After invading the skin, the larva creates a cavity similar to a long-neck bottle, with an opening
to the skin that allows it to breathe and eliminate larval excretions. The larva possesses two
spiracles that give origin to two tracheas, and these are located in the posterior portion of the
larva, close to the skin. These spiracles of certain species can be seen as two black dots
protruding through the skin orifice (9).
The site of skin entrance usually appears as a pruriginous elevated lesion similar to a mosquito
bite, whether or not it is related to a mosquito bite. After 2 or 3 weeks, a furuncle is formed. In
this phase, the typical presentation is as a firm and red subcutaneous nodule (furuncle-like).
Typically each nodular lesion contains one larva. An intermittent serohemorrhagic or purulent
drainage, representing larval excretions or secondary infection, may occasionally emerge (9).
For some species, the larva remains in the subcutaneous tissue below the skin orifice until it
reaches maturity, for others they are able to travel (9).
Possibly due to larval movement, an intermittent pain that lasts for 1–2 minutes and a sensation
of movement under the skin are reported by some patients (9).
2) Direct burrowing
The parasitic larva penetrates unbroken skin directly using a hair follicle as a canal through the
skin pore (35). This can sometimes take place without the host being aware. A number of cases
record infections from larvae in clothing. Some larvae can embed themselves deep under the
skin, integrating with the adipose fatty tissue.
3) Wounds & body openings
Fly larvae have caused myiasis through entering cuts and through laying eggs on wounds. In fact,
there are a number of cases of myiasis being acquired in hospital, post surgery (59) and during
adventure sports (56) and other outdoor activities. Larvae can also penetrate the host via orifices.
4) Ingestion of eggs, larvae or adult flies
Fly eggs are incredibly small. Some records of myiasis show that they can survive the stomach
acid and have caused gastro-myiasis, even by a common house fly. Contaminated food is the
most likely mechanism of intestinal myiasis, where food has not been cooked adequately or flies
have laid eggs on cooked foods, waiting to be eaten.

Fly anatomy
Model fly: Drosophila
The fruit fly (Drosophila) has been the 'model' fly for lab studies for decades and had its genome
mapped in 2000. They discovered that 75% of known human disease genes have a recognizable
match in the genetic code of Drosophila (31).

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Fly life-cycles
The fly life cycle contains four main stages; egg, larvae, pupae, adult. Different species of fly
have different life cycles and rates of reproduction. The life cycle of the fruit fly is below:

Figure 6-Drosophila life cycle

(Patient Note: Often when on prescriptions such as Flagyl and/or antihelmetics Ivermectin or
Albenza many small things comes out of the skin at night after bathing. They resemble the
pictures above of the Day 0 Egg and the Day 1 Larvae!)

Fly eggs are very small and are able to survive in the environment for some time. The eggs of
Drosophila, are about 0.5 millimetres long, and laid up to 5 at a time. The speed with which the
larva will hatch from the egg is dependent upon temperature, although most will hatch within 24
hours after egg deposition. Below 10°C (50°F) and above 42°C (108°F) few, if any, eggs will
survive. Optimum temperature for egg survival is about 18°C (64°F). Some species of fly attach
the egg with glue on to a hair or other similar structure.
Some eggs are white and turn black after 24 hours.
(Patient has witnessed numerous brown oval shaped objects on a cotton handkerchief the day
after its use.)

Figure 7-Drosophila egg (embryo)

Flies spend most of their lives as larvae and this is the phase which the larvae often become
parasitic. Fly larvae shed their cuticles four times, having four stages (instars), before becoming
pupa on to adulthood. Often, the 3rd instar is parasitic, able to infect other hosts. Typical larvae
are cylindrical, whitish, segmented, legless, and headless, ranging in length from 1 to 30 mm
(41). Larvae are often a third longer than the adults they become.

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Scientists do not yet know about the horizontal gene transfer capabilities of fly larvae (30)
Below are some different kinds of fly larva:

Figures 8-11- fruit fly larva, biting midge ('no see um', 'punkie'), phantom midge, fungus gnat larvae

Leaping larvae
The final instar larvae of many species of piophilid flies (as well as flies of several other
families) have the ability to leap up to 15cm in the air. The myiasis causing cheese skipper fly
(Piophila casei) can use phoresis to infect a host but also through contaminating cured meats,
smoked fish, cheeses, and decaying animals. These flies are common all over the world.

Figure 12-13- Cheese skipper fly larvae, Cheese skipper adult

Phorids ('Scuttle'/'coffin flies')

Phoridae is a family of small, hump-backed flies resembling fruit flies. Phorid flies can often be
identified by their escape habit of running rapidly across a surface rather than taking to the wing.
Phorids are known to cause human myiasis (usually wound and urogenital, but also eyes, nose,
torsoe & neck) and can parasitize vertebrates and invertebrates.
Some amazing facts about Phorids have been collated by Dr Disney at Cambridge University.
For instance, the species Megaselia scalaris is a warm-climate fly that has been unwittingly
carried around the world by man - to the point that it is now commonly found in pet shops and
laboratory cultures of insects. They are also scavengers in the nests of honey bees (71).
Typically they are able to breed in fungi, decaying plant matter or drain pipes . Amazingly, they
have also been known to breed in blue paint, boot polish, spaghetti from Italy, vermicelli from
Singapore and had been reported to feed on curdled milk and bananas. Disney also reports that
they have an extraordinary capacity for penetrating seemingly closed containers, such as crawling
through the neck of a tied plastic bag (71).
Such phorids have evolved into smaller and smaller species capable of exploiting more and more
resources according to Disney(77). In fact, he is in no doubt that M.scalaris can complete its life
cycle within the human intestines, giving rise to emerging adults (71).
These flies have been identified in urine, due to the nature of phorids to surface in liquids to gulp

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Figures 14-15- Adult phorid, Phorid larvae

Larvae Cuticle/casing
Fly larvae cuticles are the exoskeleton, the 'shell' or 'casing', which protects the
larvae, and is one reason why they are very persistent in the environment. The fly larvae shed
these casings four times before pupating. Below are some casings photographed after being
expelled from the back of a physician with myiasis (27):

Figure 16 - Bot fly larvae casings

Fly larvae cuticles are mainly made up of chitin, chitosan, calcium carbonate and phosphate. 40%
of the fly larvae cuticles is chitin compared to prawns which contain only 16% (25). Chitin is
the second most abundant biopolymer in nature and is a polysaccharide
that does not melt (24). (Also, researcher Randy Wymore, Ph.D. at the University of
Oklahoma discovered that the Morgellons "fibers" do not melt at temperatures even higher than
used to cremate a human. When professor Randy Wymore heated the fibers up at 1400 degrees
Fahrenheit, they wouldn't burn.) Chemically, chitin is very similar to cellulose, but has the
element nitrogen, which is absent in cellulose.
In flies, chitin is present in the midgut as well as the cuticle. Flies secrete the enzyme chitin
synthase which is responsible for the chitin polymer formation (24). This layer is very tough and
can help even fly eggs to remain intact in the environment for some time, before becoming

Cuticle Spines
Some larva develop minute spines on their cuticles which are directed backward. These spines
help the larva to anchor itself to the surrounding tissue. The presence of these spines make
removal of the larva from its host difficult.(4)

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Figure 17-18 Bot fly extracted from skin, Cuticle spines

Breathing apparatus
Fly larvae have an intricate respiratory system with two main tracheal branches supplying the
channels for gaseous exchange to take place. (Personal Note: When bathing in 2 cups of Borax
in a bath I had bubbles come out of my legs and back. It bubbles like a carbonated soft drink.
The breathing aparatus explains the reason. Also, covering skin with Vasoline after a bath to
open pores cuased thick fibers to excrete from skin.) Larvae have four main openings for air
exchange, two at the anterior end and two at the posterior, called 'spiracles'.


Figure 19-20 - respiratory system of 3rd instar larvae, Close up of anterior trachea network

The spiracles are the breathing holes of fly larvae and can appear as black dots on the cuticle
surface. They are very distinctive and are often the only way of identifying the species without
rearing it on to adulthood. Sometimes the anterior spiracles can extent out of the larvae, like so:

Figure 21-22 - Anterior of larvae with extending spiracle, Examples of spiracles under SEM

Digestive organs & body fluid

Flies have an open circulatory system in which fluid fills all of the interior cavity of the body and
surrounds all cells and bathes the organs directly with oxygen and nutrients. There is no
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distinction between blood and interstitial fluid; this combined fluid is called hemolymph or
Hemolymph is composed of water, inorganic salts (mostly Na+, Cl-, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+), and
organic compounds (mostly carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids). There are free-floating cells, the
hemocytes (like blood cells), within the hemolymph. They play a role in the arthropod immune
system. Below are some types of hemocytes:

Figure 23-24

Malpighian tubules
Malpighian tubules are an important part of the digestive system of flies - they are the insect
analog of a vertebrate kidney. Entomologists that dissected and removed the malpighian tubules
from Drosophilia, have remarked that they have 'waved around' in the salt water, after extraction
(55). Like the exoskeleton, the malpighian tubules are partially made of chitin.
Figure 5 shows how the tubules become visible when stained:

Figure 25- Malpighian tubules image B (labelled 'Mt')

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The mid gut has an alkaline pH to optimize chemical activity.

In some species of fly, the pupae (like cocoons) are expelled from the skin and fall on the ground
to complete their life cycle. Others bury down into sub dermal tissue to stay safe from harm,
whilst developing.

Figures 26-27- Gall midge pupa, Fungus gnat pupa

Figure 28- Drosophilia adults

A compound eye has a meshlike appearance because it consists of hundreds or thousands of tiny
lens-capped optical units called ommatidia. Each ommatidium has its own cornea, lens, and
photoreceptor cells for distinguishing brightness and color. As each unit is orientated in a slightly
different direction, the honeycombed eye creates a mosaic image which, although poor at picking
out detail, is excellent at detecting movement. Flies have specialized zones of ommatidia. These
zones are organized into a fovea area that gives acute vision.

Figure 29- Compound eye of adult fly

Fly antennae can be plumose (feather-like), short or long and segmented. Some flies, (eg

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Drosophila) can have leg looking antennae due to genetic mutations. Primative flies have long,
segmented antennae, like below:

Figure 30-31- Male midge plumose anntennae, fungus gnat anntennae

The mouth of a larva contains two small pharyngeal bones also described as two sickle-shaped
hooks (9).
In many families, the proboscis (rostrum) is adapted for sponging and/or lapping. These flies
survive on honeydew, nectar, or the exudates of various plants and animals (dead or alive). In
other families, the proboscis is adapted for cutting or piercing the tissues of a host. (One
common symptom that I used to have was finding same, superficial cut marks on my skin all over
my body. This can be explained by the fly cutting tissues.) Some of these flies are predators of
other arthropods (e.g., robber flies), but most of them are external parasites (e.g., mosquitoes and
deer flies) that feed on the blood of their vertebrate hosts, including humans and most wild and
domestic animals (16).
Flies have claw/s (pretarsus) on the ends of their legs to help them stick to surfaces. They often
have spurs half way up and have legs which they use to taste with. The hairs have receptors that
detect the composition of the surface upon which they are walking.

Figures 32-33- Leg of Drosophila, leg spur

The pattern of veins on a fly's wing are key to identifying adult species.

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Figure 34-35 Drosophila wing, fungus gnat wing
Fly Physiology
Excretions & Secretions
Table 4 outlines the main chemicals found in myiasis causing fly larvae.

Fly larvae excrete feces, known as 'frass', see photos below of two different kinds of fly frass:

Figures 36-37 Frass deposited on celery, Frass deposited as thread mass

Enzyme Secretions
Larvae produce a mixture of proteolytic enzymes, including collagenase, which breaks down the
collagen in skin tissue to a semi-liquid form, which can then be absorbed and digested (15).
Optimum pH for proteolytic activity is 8.0; proteolytic activity increases with temperature (10–50
°C) then drastically decreased at 60 °C. Serine proteases in salivary glands are most likely

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involved in larval nutrition and host immuno-modulation.(19)
Some species of fly larvae are being used to speed up the healing of wounds by the proteases
present within larval secretions, that promote growth. This induces fibroblast migration into the
wound space, facilitating tissue regeneration (7) (15) .
Further studies of screwworm suggest that phenylacetic acid and phenylacetaldehyde produced
by Proteus mirabilis, a commensal of the larval gut, may contribute to the antibacterial effect of
larvae (15).

Uric acid, eumelanin & oxalic acid

The main waste product of a fly is uric acid. Fly larvae also secrete eumelanin which appears as a
black/brown tar, and aids their immune system by encapsulating pathogens and pushing them out
through the hind gut.
Many myiasis causing flies survive and thrive in alkaline conditions with a pH between 8-9, and
have secretions that chemically induce alkalinity, such as ammonia (15). Some fly larvae that like
moist environments, such as fungus gnats and moth flies, prefer slightly acidic conditions. Some
fungus gnat larvae, in the family Mycetophilidae, have turned to a carnivorous diet and secrete
oxalic acid to paralyse and kill their prey (69).

Secretions attracting other flies and arthropods

Flies are attracted to strong odours, including bodily fluids, which puts those with decreased
personal hygiene or with open wounds at greater risk of infection. Both adult and fly larva are
also attracted to carbon dioxide (53).
Once a mammal is infected with fly larvae, it is more likely that they will attract further flies, as
myiasis fly larvae release a smell that attracts gravid flies (like phorids) (6). Other insects will
also become attracted, including ladybirds, spiders, mites, thrips and louse - as they hunt for the
fly larvae and eggs on skin, hair and clothing.

Reaction to light
Fly larvae are photophobic, disliking UV light and therefore tend to hide themselves deep into
the tissues and also to secure a suitable niche to develop into pupa.(4)

Team work
In cutaneous myiasis the fly larvae tend to aggregate under the skin in certain places (11).

Effects of electromagnetic radiation

In a case studying the biological effects of electromagnetic fields on Drosophilia, 1.6 W/kg
absorption caused survival and stress reactions and 4.0 W/kg caused cell death (67).

Heavy metal accumulation

Fly larvae are known to accumulate heavy metals on their shells. The metal ions of iron, copper,
lead, zinc, nickel, magnesium and cadmium attach to the chitin and chitosan of the larvae (54). It
is known that midge larvae are known to particularly collect cadmium.

Diapause, seasonal and lunar influences

Fly larvae have the ability to 'diapause' within the human body - stopping their development until
environmental conditions are more favourable. This often results in a slowing of reproduction in

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the winter months. Myiasis is observed more frequently during the hot humid summer months.
Biting and non-biting midges are biologically linked with the lunar cycle (79) (80). One study
found that sandflies significantly increased their abundance among lunar phases (52)

Treatments for Myiasis

Diagnosis & lab tests
For patients with myiasis that do not have a recent, exotic travel history, myiasis is rarely
diagnosed. Most general doctors would not expect to see a case a myiasis in their careers and
would have very little experience in this area of parasitology.
A gram stain of myiasis exudate may show polymorphonuclear leukocytes and amber-colored
fecal granules, but neither bacteria nor fungi are always found.(47) Cultures are likewise often
negative (48), as are stool samples (50).
When cultures are positive, the bacteria's found can include: Enterobacteriaceae, Schineria larvae
(a gram-negative bacterium)(57), and methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus.
Normally, doctors would target eosinophil and IgG rises to indicate a parasitic infection.
Unfortunately, fly larvae downregulating the host's immune system can help the parasites avoid
detection, causing suppressed eosinophil and IgG counts in blood tests. They might be elevated
to begin with, but are lowered over time by the fly larvae.
In one recent case of myiasis in France (57), the laboratory results were as follows:
• Body temperature was 37.8°C
• C-reactive protein 71 mg/L (reference value, <5 mg/L)
• leukocyte count 18.2 × 109/L (81% granulocytes)
• platelet and erythrocyte counts within normal limits
• glucose 200 mg/dL
• hemoglobin A1c level 13.8%
• Serum protein electrophoresis showed hypoalbuminemia (20 g/L) and
hypergammaglobulinemia (16.9 g/L) but no monoclonal gammopathy
An ironic case of accidential myiasis - caused by fungus gnat larvae
In the summer of 1953, an entomologist doing research work at Port Barrow, Alaska, used the
aspirator method of collecting small insects. Two months later he began to have severe
intermittent fever, shaking chills, frontal headaches, profuse sweats, and pronounced general
malaise. These symptoms continued for about four days. A physician who was consulted at the
time felt that the patient had flu (93).
Shortly after, the patient spat a large number of insects that came down from the nasopharynx.
Incredibly the insects included three adult rove beetles (Staphylinidae), 13 fungus gnat larvae
(Boletina birulai), three egg parasitic wasps (Mymaridae), and about 50 spring-tails
(Collembola). (The only larvae found were B. birulai, confirming fungus gnat myiasis).
His symptoms were quite prolific - considering how small, insignificant and localised his
affliction was. Another interesting point is that even as an entomologist, there is no indication
that he perceived or suspected myiasis which may have been partly due to not presenting with
symptoms until 2 months after being infected.
This is the only case of fungus gnat myiasis published, which was also included in a review of
human myiasis in North America (92).

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Figure 38 - Adult fungus gnat Boletina birulai

Cutaneous myiasis has been misdiagnosed as regular mosquito bites, cellulitis, impetigo,
pyoderma, various infectious diseases (eg, staphylococcal furunculosis, mastitis, dracunculiasis,
adenopathy, herpes zoster, leishmaniosis, onchocerciasis and tungiasis), delusional parasitosis,
and disease simulation. In many cases, the initial diagnosis was just a furuncle or cellulitis that
was unresponsive to treatment with antibiotics (10).
Doppler ultrasound
Doppler ultrasound can aid in the diagnosis of furuncular myiasis and is especially helpful in
ensuring that all larvae are extracted from a multiple-infected lesion (11)
Treatment comprises of a combination of systemic and topical measures, outlined below.
Systemic treatments
Ivermectin is often mentioned as being the main drug prescribed to humans and animals with
myiasis (72). Doramectin, Albendazole and Fenbendazole are also given to livestock.
Systemic treatment includes broad-spectrum antibiotics after the removal of larvae to help
prevent secondary infections. Those used include ampicillin and amoxycillin(4), erythromycin,
metronidazole (39), cephalosporin(46), oxacillin and ofloxacin (57).
The natural antibiotic, garlic, is suggested to farmers to add to animal feed to help prevent fly

Topical treatments
Often, 70% ethanol or chloroform is first applied to the areas of skin infected.
A wide range of chemicals have been used to either kill or draw the parasites out of the skin as

Turpentine larvicidal drug like Negasunt (by Bayer), mineral oil, ether, ethyl chloride, mercuric
chloride, creosote, saline, systemic butazolidine or thiobendazole(4).

Larvae that cause human furuncular myiasis and wound myiasis require contact with outside air
via caudad respiratory spiracles for respiration. Topical application of a substance that blocks
respiratory exchange exploits this need and either kills the larva directly or induces it to migrate
upward, where it can be removed manually(6).
Occlusion with a variety of substances include; petrolatum, nail polish, animal/bacon fat,
beeswax, paraffin, hair gel, mineral oil, 'Chimo' (a paste-like form of smokeless tobacco) and
Page -17
toothpaste cap. These substances are placed over the pore of the skin, or in the case of wound
myiasis, directly over the location of the body that is infested (6).
Occlusion is required for at least 24 hours to allow the larva to migrate to the skin surface, thus
allowing careful extraction. For C. anthropophaga lesions, manual pressure to lateral aspects of
the lesion may permit expression of larva (9).

Surgical excision
Surgical excision is also an option although usually not always necessary. In all cases of myiasis,
avoid breaking the larva. One must remove the entire larva to avoid a hypersensitivity or foreign
body reaction to the larval antigens (3).
Occlusion may result in asphyxiation of the larva without inducing it to emerge. The retained
larva may elicit an inflammatory response, leading to foreign body granuloma formation that may
progress to calcification.(90)

Venom extractor kit

In one patient with furuncular myiasis, the fly larvae was completely and rapidly extracted with
an inexpensive, disposable, commercial venom extractor (14).

Ironing clothing & using a hair dryer

Ironing clothes is recommended for helping to prevent reoccurring myiasis. The use of a
hairdryer has also been stated as being helpful as the heat produced will attract maggots towards
it and can further facilitate their removal (60).

Immunology - Future Vaccines

There no 'cure' for all types of myiasis, other than to wait for the larvae to develop and leave on
their own or to remove by enticing them. However, a case of cutaneous myiasis was cured with
topical ivermectin (80).
Current research and development is identifying each antigen for the major myiasis causing flies
and testing their effectiveness as a vaccine.

Morgellons disease
So how does an affliction of myiasis compare with an
affliction of morgellons disease?

Myiasis sites of infection are consistent with the sites of infection of morgellons disease sufferers
and also consistent with diagnoses often given in error. Many morgellon disease sufferers are
given a wrong diagnosis of delusional parasitosis.
Published research on morgellons disease (85) shares similarities with cases of myiasis described
above. Further analysis of morgellons elements offers further connections with certain diptera
and is discussed within this section.
Morgellon sufferers have voiced their unusual experiences with small adult flies (Table 1)(23).
Their reported experiences with 'worms' or 'larvae' coming out of their skin and orifices is even
more prevalent.

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Depending on the species sufferers are infected with, may help explain the differences in
symptoms. For example, some sufferers have chronic abdominal pain, fever, or reoccurring
urinary tract infections, or an affliction of their nasal cavity in particular. Some sufferers believe
themselves to be contagious, others not so - this could be explained by the species. ie true
parasitic larvae (obligatory) or facultative/accidental.

Fly Species associated with Morgellon Sufferers

The species of flies mentioned in Table 1 often speak of small flies troubling them, that are
rarely known to cause myiasis. According to Savely & Stricker (2010), 65% of the 122
morgellon patients examined, reported an 'awareness of tiny insects flying around head' (98).
Click here for images of environmental samples of adult flies.

Below is a closer look at two of the most common flies mentioned by sufferers, gall midge and
fungus gnats. Sufferers also mention parasitic wasps and moth flies.

Cecidomyiidae (Gall midge)

Some sufferers have reported having small, delicate, orange bodied midge troubling them.
Cecidomyiidae are gall midges which are typically crop pests (eg larvae of the Hessian fly infects
wheat plants) and are related to root maggots.
Gall midge that are crop pests lay their eggs upon the host plant or within its tissues. The eggs
hatch into small larvae which must contact the meristematic cells of the cambium or growing
parts. They induce host plants to form galls that provide immature life stages of the insect access
to host plant nutrients and protection from natural enemies. (65).
Galls are the result of cell multiplication (hyperplasia) and quite often also the cells are enlarged
(hypertrophy) (66). One of the resulting chemicals within galls is tannic acid which is
traditionally used as dyes and can be red, blue, black, green etc. The larvae spend the major part
of their life cycle within the gall of the host plant and has a waxy chamber where they can nurture
their nymphs.

Cecidomyiidae and fungus gnats are the only flies to be known for the strange phenomenon of
paedogenesis in which the larval stage reproduces without maturing first. The larvae are
essentially born pregnant and reproduce quickly. Even stranger in some species the daughter
larvae produced within a mother larva consume the mother and in others the reproduction occurs
in the egg or pupa.

Below are photos of the growth stages of the gall midge Cranberry tipworm, Dasineura

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Figures 39-43- 1st instar larvae, 2nd instar larvae, 3rd instar larvae, cocoons x2, adult
If some sufferers are truely infected with gall midges then it may help to explain the longevity of
morgellon symptoms.
Most myiasis should fade over time and for some morgellon sufferers this seems to be the case.
For others, containing symptoms is a daily battle, which gives the notion that the parasite is able
to reproduce very quickly, under the skin. Gall midge larvae are small enough to be a culprit, and
have the reproductive capabilities, but are not known to parasitise mammals.
It is known that myiasis causing flies made an evolutionary switch in predation, at some point in
the past. Why not other flies under environmental stress?

Fungus gnats
Fungus gnats remain one of the most understudied groups of insects on the planet. There are
numberous reports from morgellon sufferers regarding these small gnats, which are often
mistaken for fruit flies or phorids. Sufferers reports, samples and micrographs that record species
which often sit within the families Sciaridae and Mycetophilidae.
Fungus gnats are the closest relatives of gall midges, which are able to carry out the rare
reproductive state of paedogenesis. The larvae, not adults, can produce live young larvae, not

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Fungus gnats are crepuscular animals - active primarily during dawn and dusk (96). They are
prevalent all the year round, but can develop significant populations in winter and spring or when
the weather has been cloudy and overcast for a number of days. The fungus gnat Exechia
nugatoria (Mycetophilidae) can survive in -50C, surviving an Alaskan winter. It either allows it's
body to freeze, removing water from within it's cell walls to prevent ice crystals from puncturing
them, or it floods it's bodies with it's own varieties of antifreeze. Scientists know of no other
insect capable of this (94).
Scientists know that fungus gnats and gall midge have lived on earth for at least 150 million
years - many specimen preserved in amber fossils (95), (96). This may help to explain their
advanced survival strategies. We ask the question - if fungus gnats were causing myiasis in
humans, then surely this would be documented by now and evidence recorded from the past?
Interestingly 80% of fungus gnat hosts are still unknown (96). Entomologists have recorded that
some species within the family mycetophilidae have turned to a carnivorous diet (69). It is not
known at which point in history this occurred. The single case of fungus gnat myiasis recorded in
1954, (Boletina birulai, family mycetophilidae) took place whilst collecting insects from Alaska
(93). Neither the entomologist (myiasis patient) or his doctor realised the cause of his chronic
flu-like symptoms.
Boletina b. are prevalent in many parts of the western world, including Europe and the US.
Interestingly, it's anatomy does hold some resemblance to the early records of 'the morgellons'
from Dr Ettmuller in 1682 (88), see below:

Figures (44-45) left - Dr Ettmuller's drawing of 'the morgellons' from sufferers skin (88), right -
profile view of adult fungus gnat Boletina b.that caused myiasis case
By reviewing some ancedotal reports online, there does seem to be repeating advice to the public
that fungus gnats, although a nusiance, DO NOT BITE.

See Table 5: Reports from the public about 'biting' fungus gnats.
This isn't up for debate - adult fungus gnats do not have the mouth parts to bite with. However,
myiasis is not focused on the adults; it's fly larvae that cause myiasis. The larvae can certainly
bite and burrow.
In a news article for the residents of the island of Guam, Dr Akimoto advised patients that their
experiences of recent allergies of itchy, swollen eyes and cold-like symptoms could be caused by
fungus gnats (99).
Page -21
Glowing fungus gnat larvae
The species Orfelia fultoni (mycetophilidae) produce luminescent (vivid blue) larval fungus
gnats that originate in North America. This species has turned to a carnivorous diet . These
fungus gnat larvae secrete amber muscus on to web lines they produce to catch prey and they also
build chitin tubes to hunt down at night. Interestingly, phorids, gall midge, parasitic wasps,
collebola, trogophytic tipulids, moths, stone flies, caddis flies, sand flies, red ants, spiders,
millipedes, isopods, and even small snails are also captured by the snares of the glowing fungus
gnat and it's web (82).
The luminescence has also been found in the malpighian tubules (part of digestive tract) of these
fungus gnats.
For example, a species of Arachnocampa fungus gnat luciferin–luciferase system involves a 36
kDa luciferase to create the glow (86).
The Morgellons Research Foundation report that morgellon fibres auto-fluoresce (85). It is
possible that the malpighian tubules of the fungus gnat are responsible for this strange
Research via University of Arizona Proteonomics Laboratory (Smith, 2006) analysed multiple
fibres from a morgellons sufferer and analysed them to discover their fluorescing absorption and
fluorescing protein. Five peptide fragments were listed that fitted within a 30-40 kDa molecular
mass (83). Interestingly, one of the suspects was thought to be Nocardioides sp. JS614 - a
luciferase family protein (84).
Smith also reported that the fibres precipitated a black tar (83). As mentioned earlier, flies secrete
eurmelanin from within their malpighian tubules, which may account for Smith's findings. Even
Montuus (1558), described a 'sooty excretion', when describing the 'hairs' of the old morgellons
Some larvae samples from morgellon sufferers seem to have bioluminescent properties. Only 12
species of fungus gnat are known to have this capability.

Figures 46-52- Adult fungus gnat, fungus gnat larvae with black head capsule, American

Page -22
glowing fungus gnat larvae, Bioluminescence of larvae, larvae showing Pythium within
intestines, Rhizoctonia sp, Australian fungus gnat larvae
A variety of soil and water based pathogens can be carried within fungus gnats. A major
pathogen carried within sciarids is the water mold Pythium aphanidermatum (70). Morgellon
sufferers report seeing very small spores coming from their skin and some have cultured fungal
hyphae, which resembles Pythium sp.

Our investigation of an adult fungus gnat - Click on the link to view dissection. Filaments are
clearly seen within the hemolymph. This is not the case in the majority of sciaridae fungus gnats
dissected so far.
We have not yet dissected any mycetophilidae. Below is an interesting photo of a mycetophilida
larva taken in a cave in Yorkshire:

Figure 53 - Larva (Speolepta spp. family mycetophilidae), with magnified insert of hind gut.
Correlating symptoms
Table 6 lists the possible synergies between myiasis and morgellons disease.
Shedding Filaments
Morgellon sufferers often see a range of different filaments coming from intact skin, lesions,
clothes and in their environments. The filaments are the defining feature of morgellons disease,
making it very distinct.
Table 7 shows the typical morgellons filaments from skin samples.
The main filaments found:
• Flat, ribboned, transparent filaments -'carpet lint' appearance
• Red filaments, often unitary in appearance and length
• Navy blue, black or white filaments
• Bright blue plastic looking filaments
• Filament bundles (appearing as 'specs' to the naked eye)
As Table 7 suggests, some of the filaments could possibly be fly anatomy (magpighan tubules,
trachea). Scientists have concurred that the blue/transparent filaments analysed, possess
florescing properties.
It is possible that some of the above could be the internal organs of fly larvae, especially
filaments that appear to have independent movement, auto-fluoresce and precipitate a black
So far analysis of morgellon filaments via IR spectroscopy has reported that they are made of
cellulose (most likely cotton) (97). Other analysis has reported that the filaments tested had a
high ignition point. We are reviewing the CDC's analysis regarding the IR cellulose results, to
compare with a very similar chemical composition - chitin. This may rule in or out the possibility
that the filaments could be part of the chitinous digestive tract of fly larvae.

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The main difference between cellulose (C6H10O5) and chitin is that chitin has the element
nitrogen (C3H13O5N).
Initial comparison suggests that there is nitrogen present in the CDC's filament IR graph. Click to
enlarge graph comparison below:

Figure 54 - Comparison of chitin, CDC filament and cellulose

Morgellon sufferers also report seeing the filaments rise up in the air, particularly seen under
halogen lighting. If the filaments were from fly anatomy, their molecular mass would likely to be
lighter then air.
Sufferers report expelling coloured filaments that match the colour of clothing they have been
wearing a few days previously. Also expelling their own hair strands and pet hair from their skin.
It is possible that the eggs of flies that are attached to the threads of clothing and hair, hatch by
body heat, burrow into the skin, with the thread still attached.
They also report small holes appearing in clothing made of natural fibres (cotton, silk), and that
the holes often appear in areas where the fabrics are tight fitting. We can only assume that the
fibres are either being worn out, dissolved or chewed. It is possible that larvae are either
attempting to feed or to use the fibres for pupae. If this were the case it would assist in explaining
why sufferers report leaching bundles of fibres from under their skin.
Obviously these possibilities could help explain why doctors are wrongly assuming sufferers are
delusional, when bringing in such samples.
Morgellon lesions & expelled larvae
Table 8 shows examples of morgellon sufferer skin lesions
Morgellon lesions sometimes start as small pimples, skin bumps, white headed spots or black
heads. Careful examination can sometimes show a central puctum or darkened 'pore'. Often, if
they are disturbed or squeezed, they hurt, as if the contents is attached to the tissue and nerves
below. A yellow liquid is discharged, along with white or red debris and inflammation follows. If
the lesion is squeezed further, the contents seems stubborn, refusing to be expelled. The lesion is
now much larger, may now be rimmed and can often be accompanied by satellite lesions.
Typical morgellon lesions start to heal quickly, but superficially. It may be that the healing
secretions from the larvae aid skin healing, with further larvae still intact underneath. Morgellon
Page -24
sufferers report having to soften and remove the cover or callus daily, to then clean the legion of
white 'rice shapes'.
They are in agreement that their lesions do not heal properly until all the 'rice shapes' are
removed or dried out. We believe these shapes to be aggregated fly larvae.
The liquid could be a larva secretion (e.g. collegenase, or oxalic acid), causing surrounding skin
to dissolve. This in turn would lead to an increase in the circumference of the lesion and a
'melted' rim.
The white or red debris could be the posterior, breathing extension or 'tail' of the larvae. The
difficulty in removing these from the skin maybe due to backward pointing spines on larva
cuticle. The inflammation may be caused by the contents of the larvae leaching (proteins,
bacteria, fungi etc.) causing an immune response/allergic reaction.
Morgellon sufferers report skin thinning, which may be attributed to larvae feeding on the
collagen under the surface of the skin. They may also develop skin thickening, which appears to
present very similarly to rheumatic patches - in that they cause pain if these areas are pinched
Shedding white particles, 'skin'
The small larvae are often leached from intact skin and may appear as rolls of skin. Sufferers
report shedding white matter daily. An infection of gall midge or fungus gnat larvae could
explain this continual process, due to paedogenesis, where the larvae are amazingly able to
produce live young.
Table 9 - Comparison of fly larvae and samples from the skin/orifices of morgellon sufferers.
The white flakes and debris that sufferers expel may be the chitinous casings of fly larvae and
larva eggs. Sufferers sometimes report white particles in their homes and air and are conscious of
others sneezing and coughing in their presence. This maybe due to the allergic reactions that the
proteins from larvae casings are known to cause.
Table 10 - Eggs from the skin/orifices of morgellon sufferers
Shedding black specks, amber granules, hexagon shapes
Sufferers report having black specks leaching out of their skin and being present in their
environments. The specks vary in appearance. Under the microscope they are sometimes black
filament bundles. It is possible that some of the black specks that sufferers experience coming
out of their skin, are fly larvae frass. Some may also be fragments of pupa.
Also, myiasis cases have recorded amber granules from lesions, as do morgellon sufferers.
Table 11 - Specks and particles
Some of the samples that morgellon sufferers extract from their skin, seem very 'unnatural', e.g.
shiny hexagons. At present there is no evidence that these are anything but craft glitter.
Table 12 - Comparison of morgellon hexagons and craft glitter
'Paper cuts' & 'Bites'
Morgellon sufferers complain of small paper cuts on their skin. These maybe caused by female
adult flies cutting skin to feed on blood. It is known that female biting flies cannot lay their eggs
until they have had a blood meal and have adapted mouth parts to cut with. Flies that cause
myiasis are not known to have mouth parts to bite with.
Many sufferers report being bitten, often looking like insect bites, even on eye balls. Is it possible
that the 'bite' is actually a hatched larvae burrowing into a skin pore?
Infected hair follicles
Sufferers often have major scalp infections, with some sufferers getting a S. aureus diagnosis.
However, the problems persist and are infrequently resolved with antibiotics. Myiasis often

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affects the parts of the body that are exposed (head, neck, limbs). Likewise, morgellon sufferers
often begin with pruritus at the back of the head and lesions most often occur on exposed skin.
Breast abnormalities
Morgellon sufferers report having white spots or lumps on breasts, nipples and areola, which is
an area targeted by some myiasis causing flies.
Heavy metal accumulation
Morgellon sufferers have tested to having high levels of heavy metals. Fly larvae shells collect
heavy metal ions which could have an accumulative effect within humans.
Uric acid, ammonia, eumelanin & oxalic acid
Morgellon sufferers have reported smelling ammonia on their skin and in their urine, which
could be attributed to fly larvae secretions. Ammonia is a neurotoxin, causing depression,
headaches and brain malfunctions. Morgellon sufferers have had elevated ammonia levels found
in blood samples and as a result have experienced problems with kidney function, and
neurological symptoms.
Sufferers report having specs of black tar appearing through their skin and also frequently report
an increase of skin moles. Eumelanin secreted by fly larvae may explain the tar substance and
subsequent moles. Oxalic acid if secreted by fungus gnat larvae could also contribute to kidney
problems - certainly some sufferers report elevated oxalic acid levels.
Lyme Disease
According to Stricker (2006), a significant number of sufferers have tested positive for Borrelia
sp (2), (98). This could be caused via two myiasis related mechanisms. Firstly, by a direct
infection of fly larvae harbouring soil dwelling, spirochetal bacteria. Or secondly, via phoresis
from a tick carrying fly eggs on it's abdomen, that migrate through the site of a tick bite.
Chronic Lyme Disease affects about 10% of people infected with the bacteria. Scientists do not
know why this 10% cannot shift the bacteria and even today the medical community do not
readily recognise chronic lyme disease. Many of the sufferers with chronic lyme describe the
feeling that bugs are crawling under their skin (98).
Is it possible that the 10% have forms of myiasis, where the larvae are carrying the bacteria,
prolonging the infection, even after antibiotics?
Time patterns, lunar influences & Seasons
A common report from sufferers is greater pruitus and formication at dawn and dusk. Some
report greater activity every month when the moon is waxing and at full moon. Also a change in
symptoms from season to season. These reports correlate with the activity and life cycle of many
species of fly.
Remedy relief for morgellon sufferers
Normal myiasis is cured by mechanical extraction of the maggot/s. Well how do you extract
multiple, tiny maggots that can reproduce without maturing? - with great difficulty!! Is this why
very few sufferers have been cured?
All the remedies morgellon sufferers get relief from are effective against different species of
maggots, as listed in Table 5. Plant enzymes sprays, fenbendazole, ivermectin, peppermint,
teatree oil, sulphur, citric acid, vinegar, neem oil, citronella, diatomaceous earth, chilli pepper,
licorice, bees wax, UV light, turmeric, vinegar, saline...... coincidence?
Environmental considerations
Morgellons sufferers are very aware that their clothes, fabrics and homes are affected.
Sufferers often report finding fine hanging silk threads and webs spanning furniture and wall
surfaces. Common reports are regarding fine webs that have an irregular construction (ie. not a

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cob web). Interestingly, the small cob web spider produces irregular shaped webs to increase
their likeihood of catching tiny flies.
Table 13 - Observations from environments
Sufferers often use white vinegar around their homes, on carpets and fabics. Also natural
pyrethrum, which is made of chrysanthemum petals and is a low toxicity insecticide - usually
used for killing fleas, but also plant pest flies such as fungus gnats. Sufferer reports suggest both
of these measures reduce the prevalance of skin bites and itching.
Concluding remarks
In 1925, the ABC Children's health book taught kids the importance of killing flies (58). Due to
immense advances in sanitation over the last century, flies are often discarded as 'just pests'. Is
this an oversight of the amazing capabilities flies possess to cause disease?
Myiasis has been known since very ancient times and is recorded in the Bible in the book of Job
(73). We believe there are compelling reasons to consider unusual myiasis as a possible cause of
the old morgellons of the 16th century and the new.
If some myiasis causing flies are particular about the site of infection, then this leads to further
questions about the preferred sites of the small flies presently parasitizing humans and animals,
unrecorded. Could they turn out to be the causes of some of the chronic diseases, with unknown
aeitologies, in the world today?
It may not be a co-incidence that 75% of known human disease genes have a recognizable match
in the genetic code of fruit flies (31). It is quite possible that small flies have been causing
disease in humans for years - completely undetected on the medical radar. Chronic wasting
diseases, 'autoimmune' diseases, interstitial cystitis, hypothyroidism, idiopathic hypereosinophilic
syndrome, aquagenic pruritus, Hogkin's disease, chronic rhinosinusitis, retroareolar breast cysts
to name but a few.
Published research suggests that myiasis increases the risk of having a chronic wasting disease
(21). This is due to prion rods being found in flies, and being implicated in at least five human
diseases, including sporadic CJD which is responsible for 85% of all cases (cause currently
unknown) (22).
Furthermore, because an estimated 75% of all living species of insects remain unknown to
science, the morphology of the majority of species is entirely undocumented (28). We believe
that a range of flies are causing myiasis in humans and animals, undetected, around the globe.
We urge scientific investigation on fungus gnats, midges and other primative small flies in
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Morgellons UK would like to thank Sheila O'Leary for sharing her knowledge on myiasis
and Phoridae in particular.
For further information or comment, contact:
Published by Morgellons UK, September 2009. 1st revision February 2012

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