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Daily Thoughts – DT-030 – Review 21-29

Hi, this is Mon Rasz and you are listening to my Review of Daily Thoughts Nos. 21-29.

This row of sessions started out to with the issue of entertainment, in DT-021 – Gladiator
- and raised the question why we are in such a need of providing our brains with a never
ending flux of information from an artificial world, and suggested that maybe our
perception of time & life is the key to that answer, a reference to the prior sessions no 7,
Time and no 16, MPC vs Future Lives.

The following 3 sessions pictured a Future Society based on the believe of past and future
Part I laid out the awkward situation that media discussions are all about issues within
society, but not about the most important one which is society itself and its foundation.
The future society is to be based on truth and principles, which will then result in a move
away from the money-, power- and control way of thinking and towards one that
emphasizes personal growth and achievements.
Part II covered the areas of health, employment and the monetary system of the new
society to be and offered alternative ways, through rejuvenation of the current system, to
provide for a different, a more humane, happy and free way of living.
And in light of global pressing events, part III asked the question, why can we not
actually start all over from scratch and provided the base parameters for the new
community to be, named Titania.

In the follow-up Daily Thoughts No 25, Principles, the shareholder value was identified
as the one and only steering power in the world leading to the current worldwide crisis
and establishment of a dictatorial system, while other principles, such as those stated in
the constitutions, could in fact be again recognized as the real values of having the power
to providing for long-term success of society.

Sessions nos. 26-29 circled around the fact that democracy, understood as a form of
government where the people are supposed to have the real power to govern, doesn’t
exist any more. With media, lobbyism in the hands of a few and the sole principle of
money, power and control in the mind of the elected representatives, democracy has
become a dictatorial system, however modern it might be. To remember the great
democracy that might have at one time existed in the past, this dictatorial system has
managed to somehow provide for the biggest tombstones of democracy in history,
and this in form of the organized fall of the twin towers and a 3rd building by inside
explosives on 9-11-2001.

In a final word, it can be sadly stated, that the country that was once recognized as the
frontrunner for freedom and democracy transformed over time into the frontrunner and
major force for a worldwide dictatorial system, using disinformation, fear, terrorism,
torture, war and any other method at it’s disposal, including the complete disrespect of
human- and constitutional rights to achieve the goals of their owners – and I’m not
talking of the people.

In the upcoming daily thoughts I will try to stay away a from politics for obvious reasons
and focus more on events and happenings in our mind, such as the effects of the tools the
media and others use to influence our mindset and with that our lifestyle.

For today I thank you for your time.

May the higher spirit help us evolve.

Until the next Daily Thoughts

Yours truly,
Mon Rasz
And today’s Post Lectum is:

I need to think,
ponder and reflect,
what in life has an effect.

I need to search
and analyze without pause,
which things matter and their cause.

Whatever I find I will accept,

adjusting my thoughts
based on true facts.

I will emerge,
wise and ready,
to be strong
when life is not steady.

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