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Telebachillerato “Ixpaluca”

Asignatura Semestre Bloque(s)

Lengua Adicional al Español III 3° IV
Nombre del docente: Fecha: Supervisión:
Ma. Del Carmen Arellano Flores.
Evaluación Final
Título de prueba: Solicitudes e Instrucciones
Competencias  Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral
o escrito en una lengua extranjera, recurriendo a sus saberes previos sobre
las tareas domésticas y actividades escolares de personas de su edad en
diferentes entornos sociales.
 Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la
intención y situación comunicativa, así como los elementos formales del
lenguaje (puntuación, ortografía, sintaxis, coherencia y cohesión).
Desempeños  Realiza solicitudes y da instrucciones en contextos familiares, y distingue
entre el uso del registro para instrucción firme y el registro de solicitud
 Identifica y comprende datos específicos en un texto, oral o escrito,
referente a las tareas del hogar que los jóvenes de su edad realizan en
diferentes culturas.
 Utiliza los verbos compuestos y los modales para hacer solicitudes y dar
Objetos de  Actividades del hogar
aprendizaje  Verbos compuestos (phrasal verbs) Modales para hacer solicitudes: may,
can, could.
Nombre del

Instrucción Lee el siguiente texto cuidadosamente y responde lo que se te pide.

Situation problema


Do you feel too busy cleaning house to go jogging?

Don´t worry! You lost weight even as you do housework

You probably know that the U.S. Surgeon General recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise at
least five days a week to maintain good health. But did you know that any kind of physical activity
counts, including housework?

Believe or not, dusting, sweeping, mopping, making beds and carrying laundry all add to a lot of
“incidental” activity. This kind of activity is view as potentially more beneficial than “official” workouts.
The reason is that you are more likely to stick with moderate – intensity as opposed to high-intensity
activity over the long term that helps maintain a healthy weight.

You can lose weight while you clean your house but it depends on your weight and how hard you
work, you can burp up to 250 calories during an hour of housework activities, and even more when
gardening or shoveling snow. Another benefit of housecleaning is that it exercises all the major muscle
groups. Just consider the wide range of movements as walking, stretching, bending, and lifting when
you make activities like making beds, vacuuming, washing windows, putting away dishes and taking
out the trash.

Remember that housework shouldn´t be your only form of exercise, but it can definitely supplement
your other workouts and help you keep the weight off.
Sección I ( Valor 50 pts )

INSTRUCCIÓN I: Del texto anterior identifica 5 actividades del hogar.

1. ______________________________________

2. ______________________________________

3. ______________________________________

4. ______________________________________

5. ______________________________________

INSTRUCCIÓN II: Coloca en el paréntesis el phrasal verb que corresponda.

1.- Turn off ( ) Hablar de

2.- Take back ( ) Llamar (teléfono)

3.- Get back ( ) Recoger

4.- Call up ( ) Probar

5.- Look up ( ) Buscar

6.- Write down ( ) Apagar

7.- Talk about ( ) Volver

8.- Look for ( ) Devolver

9.- Try out ( ) Buscar

10.- Pick up ( ) Anotar

INSTRUCCIÓN II: Elige la opción correcta de acuerdo al phrasal verb que corresponda.

1.- I’m going to _______ (dejar) drinking beer. I’m so fat that I can’t see my feet anymore!

a) Taken up b) Hurry up c) Give up d) Puts up with

2.- Rafa’s _______ (empezar, dedicarse) photography. He’s just bought one of the latest and
most expensive digital cameras.

a) Taken up b) Hurry up c) Give up d) Puts up with

3.- I don’t know how my wife ________ (aguantar, soportar) me. I drink too much, I’m a bad
husband and a I'm terrible person to live with.

a) Taken up b) Hurry up c) Give up d) Puts up with

4.- If you don’t ________ (darse prisa), we’ll miss the train!

a) Taken up b) Hurry up c) Give up d) Puts up with

5.- I’ve live in Madrid now, but I ________ (crecer) in a small village in Argentina.

a) Wash up b) Keep up with c) Wake up d) Grew up

6.- Leave the dirty dishes until tomorrow. I’ll ________ (fregar) in the morning.

a) Wash up b) Keep up with c) Wake up d) Grew up

7.- My parents find it very difficult to _______ (mantenerse al día, estar al tanto de) technology.
The world is changing too fast for them.

a) Wash up b) Keep up with c) Wake up d) Grew up

8.- I’m going to bed early tonight. Tomorrow I have to (despertarse) at 6.30.

a) Wash up b) Keep up with c) Wake up d) Grew up

9.- Please can you _______ the TV (apagar)? I'm trying to study and it's really annoying me.

a) Looking forward to b) Take off c) Turn off d) Try on

10.- I’m _________ (tener ganas de) going on holiday next month. I really need a rest.

a) Looking forward to b) Take off c) Turn off d) Try on

Sección II ( Valor 20 pts )

INSTRUCCIÓN I: Coloca correctamente los modales de solicitudes en donde correspondan.

1.- (Could/May) ________________ you open the window a bit, please?

2.- He (can/could) _________________ be French, judging by his accent.

3.- (May/Can) ____________________ you play the piano?

4.- They (can't/may not) _________________ still be out!

5.- With luck, tomorrow (can/could) _________________ be a sunny day.

6.-They (couldn´t/can't) _________________ smoke on the bus.

7.- (may/ could) ____________________you lend me 40 Euros til Monday

8.- You (may/ can) __________________ leave now if you wish.

9.- Listen, please. You (may not/ can´t ) ____________________speak during this exam.

10.- Students (may/ could) __________________ study in the library from five to nine in the evening


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