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Clinical impact of a Multiplex Gastrointestinal PCR Panel in Patients with Acute


Robert J. Cybulski Jr.*1, Allen C. Bateman*#1, Lori Bourassa1, Andrew Bryan1, Barb Beail1,

Jason Matsumoto2, Brad T. Cookson1,3 and Ferric C. Fang1,2,3,4

1. Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

2. Harborview Medical Center Clinical Microbiology Laboratory, Seattle, USA

3. Department of Microbiology, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

4. University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, USA

*These authors contributed equally to the work

Current address: Communicable Disease Division, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene,

Madison, USA

Corresponding author

Prof. Ferric C. Fang

University of Washington School of Medicine

1959 NE Pacific St., Box 357735

Seattle, Washington 98195-7735 USA

Tel: 206-221-6770

Fax: 206-616-1575


© The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of
America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail:

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Summary of the article main points

A multiplex PCR panel facilitated the more rapid institution of appropriate antimicrobial therapy

in patients with acute gastroenteritis compared to traditional diagnostic methods.

Short Title

Clinical Impact of GI Multiplex PCR

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Background. Molecular syndromic diagnostic panels can enhance pathogen identification in the

approximately 2-4 billion episodes of acute gastroenteritis that occur annually worldwide.

However, the clinical utility of these panels has not been established.

Methods. We conducted a prospective, multi-center study to investigate the impact of the

BioFire FilmArray Gastrointestinal PCR panel on clinical diagnosis and decision-making and

compared the clinical acuity of patients with positive results obtained exclusively with the

FilmArray with those detected by conventional stool culture. A total of 1,887 consecutive fecal

specimens were tested in parallel by FilmArray and stool culture. Laboratory and medical

records were reviewed to determine rates of detection, turnaround times, clinical features and the

nature and timing of clinical decisions.

Results. FilmArray detected pathogens in 35.3% of specimens, compared to 6.0% for culture.

Median time from collection to result was 18h for FilmArray and 47h for culture. Median time

from collection to initiation of antimicrobial therapy was 22h for FilmArray and 72h for

culture. Patients diagnosed by FilmArray were more likely to receive targeted rather than

empirical therapy, compared to those diagnosed by culture (p=0.0148). Positive STEC results

were reported 47h faster with FilmArray and facilitated discontinuation of empirical

antimicrobials. Patients diagnosed exclusively by FilmArray had clinical characteristics similar

to those identified by culture.

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Conclusions. FilmArray markedly improved clinical sensitivity in patients with acute diarrhea,

identified cases with clinical acuity comparable to those identified by culture, and enabled

clinicians to make more timely and targeted therapeutic decisions.

Keywords: acute gastroenteritis; multiplex PCR panel; syndromic testing; culture-

independent diagnostic test

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Accurate and timely diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis is an unmet clinical and public health need

[1, 2], as diarrhea remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide [3, 4].

Approximately 80% of acute gastroenteritis cases are presently unattributed [4], partly due to

insensitive and pathogen-specific diagnostic tests [1, 5, 6]. Multiplex nucleic acid amplification

testing provides rapid turnaround time and allow clinicians to test on the basis of clinical

syndromes [7-9], recognizing the overlapping clinical presentations of various gastrointestinal

infections [10]. Many pathogens identified by multiplex panels respond to antimicrobial therapy

[11-20], offering potential benefit from timely results that enable targeted therapy and the

detection of Shiga-like toxin producing E. coli (STEC) for which antibiotics are contraindicated

[21, 22]. Multiplex testing improves laboratory workflow [23] and can enhance infection control

by increasing outbreak detection [24] and guiding contact precaution decisions [25].

Questions remain regarding the costs and benefits of multiplex panels. Increasing reliance upon

molecular assays may increase public health awareness of disease incidence, but fewer cultured

isolates may be available for outbreak investigations [26, 27]. Benefits realized from multiplex

syndromic testing may vary among patient populations [28-31]. It is also debated whether

additional cases of infectious gastroenteritis diagnosed by multiplex PCR warrant antimicrobial

treatment, and the clinical impact of multiplex panels is uncertain in the absence of coordinated

stewardship efforts [32, 33].

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We undertook a nine-month, prospective, multi-center study with parallel testing of stool

specimens by the BioFire FilmArray Gastrointestinal PCR panel and conventional methods.

The objectives were to determine whether the additional patients detected by multiplex PCR

have comparable clinical features to those diagnosed with conventional methods and to measure

the impact of more rapid diagnosis on clinical decision-making and therapy.


Study design, Population and Procedures

Parallel testing of stool specimens by FilmArray and conventional methods was performed

from Jan 1 to Sept 30, 2017. A historical control group comprised of patients with positive stool

cultures tested at the same laboratories from Jan 1 to Sept 30, 2016 was also analyzed. Eligible

subjects included newly-admitted (<3d) inpatients and outpatients from 17 outpatient clinics in

the greater Seattle, Washington metropolitan area served by the clinical laboratories of the

University of Washington and Harborview Medical Centers, ranging in age from 0 to 91 years.

Samples positive by FilmArray for C. difficile only were not included in the study due to the

preexisting availability of a standalone molecular assay for C. difficile (GeneXpert, Sunnyside,

CA); however, all C. difficile results were reported to clinicians.

Immediately prior to the study period, conventional stool culture was replaced as an orderable

test by the FilmArray panel. Clinicians were informed of the change in testing methodology by

in-person presentations and an institution-wide memorandum from the Medical Directors.

Specimens were submitted in Cary-Blair transport medium or as fresh stool transferred into

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Cary-Blair medium within 2h and tested by FilmArray on receipt. Specimens received from

11pm-7am were tested the following morning and results released as soon as available. For study

purposes, cultures continued to be performed in parallel. Stool was plated onto agar media

(Remel Inc, Hardy Diagnostics) including Blood, MacConkey, MacConkey-Sorbitol,

Salmonella-Shigella Selective, Cefsulodin-Irgasan-Novobiocin and Campylobacter Selective

agars. As Aeromonas spp. are not detected by the FilmArray panel, Aeromonas isolated in

culture was reported separately. Thiosulfate-Citrate-Bile Salt-Sucrose agar for enhanced

recovery of Vibrio spp. was added from Jun-Sep. Selenite broth enrichment for 24h prior to

plating onto Salmonella-Shigella Selective agar was performed at the University of Washington

but not Harborview Medical Center. Campylobacter Selective agar was incubated under

microaerophilic conditions at 42C for 3d, whereas other plates were incubated at 37C in

ambient air for 2d. Inoculation into Gram-negative broth (Hardy Diagnostics) for 16-24h

enrichment was conducted prior to performing the Immunocard STAT! EHEC Shiga toxin

immunoassay (Meridian Biosciences, Inc.). Additional conventional tests included ova and

parasite examination, Cryptosporidium/Cyclospora testing by modified acid-fast smear, Giardia

ProSpecT stool antigen testing (Remel Inc), and a laboratory-developed viral gastroenteritis

multiplex PCR panel. Clinicians were not prevented from ordering these tests when FilmArray

was ordered. Results were reported in the laboratory information system with the exception of

STEC results, which were called to clinicians per laboratory protocol.

Chart Review and Data Analysis

Record numbers were obtained from the laboratory information system (LIS) for patients testing

positive by culture from Jan-Sept 2016 or by any method from Jan-Sept 2017 for chart review.

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For the 2017 cohort, 14 patients lacking documentation of clinical findings were excluded,

although their test results were included in the analysis of clinical sensitivity and time-to-


Electronic chart review was performed by 4 doctoral-level clinical microbiologists and overseen

by the corresponding author, who is a physician and ID specialist. Ten charts were reviewed by

all 4 reviewers for initial training and standardization, with charts subsequently reviewed by

individual reviewers. Collected information included clinical signs and symptoms of

gastroenteritis (fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, tenesmus, hematochezia,

duration of symptoms, mucus, nature of stool, elevated WBC) and antimicrobial treatment. Time

of sample collection, arrival in the laboratory, and result reporting were obtained from the LIS.

Antibiotics were estimated to be prescribed at 5pm on the day on which they were ordered.

Empirical antimicrobial therapy was defined as therapy initiated prior to the release of results.

Targeted therapy was defined on the basis of documentation that the primary clinician received a

result and then prescribed an agent with predicted activity against the microbe detected.

Statistical Analysis

Clinical sensitivity was defined as the ability to detect a pathogen when the pathogen is present

in a clinical specimen, as determined by a composite gold standard combining the results of

conventional and molecular assays. To compare the clinical variables of distinct patient

populations, t-tests, Mann-Whitney tests, or Fisher's exact tests were performed, as appropriate.

Linear regression was performed to compare trends in targeted versus empirical initiation of

antimicrobial therapy. A p-value <0.05 was considered significant. Adjustments for multiple

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comparisons used a post-hoc Bonferroni's correction method. GraphPad Prism Version 7.0a for

Mac OS X was used for statistical analyses.

Ethics Statement

Regulatory approval was provided by the University of Washington’s Institutional Review Board

(IRB #52540).


FilmArray GI Panel Performance

A total of 1,887 patient specimens were tested in parallel by FilmArray and conventional stool

culture between Jan 1 and Sept 30, 2017 (Figure 1, Supplemental Table 1). FilmArray

detected one or more pathogen in 669 (35.3%) specimens, compared to 113 (6.0%) detected by

culture. For conventionally cultured bacterial pathogens, 155 (8.2%) were positive by

FilmArray, representing a 37% increase compared to culture (p=0.0078). FilmArray detected

significantly more STEC (p=0.0002), Plesiomonas shigelloides (p=0.0142) and Yersinia

enterocolitica (p=0.0414) than culture. Conventionally cultured pathogens most frequently

detected by FilmArray in the absence of culture positivity were Campylobacter spp. (n=68, 18

additional), Shigella/Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) (n=43, 15 additional), and STEC (n=21, 18

additional). FilmArray cannot distinguish Shigella and EIEC, and EIEC is not cultivable by

standard clinical microbiology culture techniques. The most common FilmArray targets not

identifiable by culture were C. difficile (n=234, 25.5% of specimens tested), Enteropathogenic E.

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coli (n=154, 8.2%), and Enteroaggregative E. coli (n=112, 5.9%). Pediatric patients (ages 0-17y)

represented 5.5% of the total tested population with a positivity rate (33.7%) not significantly

different from the overall population and comparable pathogen-specific detection rates aside

from a higher (p=0.0001) rate of rotavirus detection (n=6, 5.31% of total tested). Comparison of

culture results from 2016 and 2017 indicated similar detection rates (Supplemental Table 2).

Fourteen specimens negative by FilmArray had positive cultures. Twelve of these were

organisms not on the FilmArray panel (8 Aeromonas spp., 3 Campylobacter hyointestinalis and

1 Helicobacter pullorum). Salmonella enterica (non-Typhi) and Campylobacter jejuni were each

recovered from a single culture when the FilmArray was negative. The Salmonella isolate was a

single colony, indicating a low organism burden. The Campylobacter isolate was part of a mixed

infection in which Giardia and Norovirus were detected by FilmArray, and 1+ Campylobacter

grew in culture. FilmArray reportedly fails to detect Campylobacter jejuni ssp. doylei [9] and

possibly some strains of C. coli [34].

Clinicians’ simultaneous ordering of FilmArray and tests such as O&P examination, modified

acid-fast smear, Giardia antigen testing, and a laboratory-developed viral multiplex PCR panel

enabled a limited comparison (Figure 2). FilmArray led to increased detection of Entamoeba

histolytica and Giardia lamblia (n=23, 1.4% of specimens tested) when compared to O&P

examination of the same specimen (n=6, 0.3%). FilmArray also detected viral or parasitic

pathogens in 137 cases in which additional diagnostic tests were not ordered.


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FilmArray increased detection of coinfections (Supplemental Figure 1). Multiple positive

targets were detected in 184 stool specimens (27.5% of all positive specimens, 9.8% overall).

Thirty-eight involved only cultivable pathogens; 4 of 38 of these coinfections were detected by

culture. The remaining 115 coinfections included FilmArray targets unrecoverable by culture,

with conventional testing methods detected in 4 of 115.

Turnaround Time and Impact on Clinical Decision-Making

FilmArray testing in Jan-Sept 2017 had a median turnaround time (collection to first report) of

18h, which was significantly (p<0.0001) shorter than the 47h median turnaround time for culture

in Jan-Sept 2016 (Table 1) or conventional testing methods performed in parallel

(Supplemental Table 3). The estimated median time from collection to antibiotic initiation was

26h in 2017 compared to 72h in 2016 (p < 0.0001). In 2017, 64 of 272 (23.5%) antimicrobial

prescriptions were initiated empirically at the time of encounter. This proportion is lower

(p=0.0148) than the 20 of 50 (40.0%) cases of empirical therapy in 2016 (Figure 3). The use of

FilmArray resulted in a significant (r2 = 0.65, p = 0.009 by linear regression) trend toward

targeted rather than empirical therapy over the course of the study period (Figure 4).

FilmArray identified 21 STEC infections, with 4 identified as E. coli O157:H7. Stool culture

and Shiga-like toxin immunoassay identified 3 STEC/O157:H7 infections. The median

turnaround-time for all FilmArray results was 18h, making the assay significantly faster than

stool culture and immunoassay for reporting positive (60.0h, p = 0.0006) and negative (75.0h,

p<0.0001) results. Nine of 21 patients with STEC-positive results were empirically prescribed

antimicrobials, with discontinuation of empirical therapy occurring in 8 of 9 cases after STEC


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was reported. The median time from the release of results to clinician-directed discontinuation of

therapy was 8h (range 0.5–25h).

Clinical Features of Patients

Clinical features of 2017 patients detected by FilmArray or culture are presented in Table 2.

Those with discordant results (FilmArray-positive/culture-negative) reported a longer duration

of symptoms at the time of presentation than those with concordant results (FilmArray-

positive/culture-positive). Otherwise, patients exhibited similar clinical features. The 2017

patients with conventionally cultured pathogens detected by FilmArray (concordant and

discordant combined) were compared with uncultivable pathogens detected exclusively by

FilmArray (Table 3). Patients with conventionally cultured pathogens presented more

frequently with chills and received antibiotics at a higher rate. The aggregate population of

patients infected with conventional pathogens Campylobacter, Salmonella and/or Shigella was

compared to those infected with the diarrheagenic E. coli species EPEC, EAEC and ETEC that

were not recoverable by culture (Supplemental Table 4). Patients with Campylobacter,

Salmonella and/or Shigella were more likely to report chills, have measurable fever and receive

antibiotic therapy. Patients with diarrheagenic E. coli infections reported a longer duration of

symptoms at presentation. As expected, 2016 and 2017 culture-positive patients showed no

significant differences (Supplemental Table 5).

The clinical features of pediatric patients (ages 0-17y) were not significantly different from those

of adults (Supplemental Table 6). Patients with mixed infections had a higher rate of

international travel within 30d than those testing positive for a single pathogen (Supplemental


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Table 7). Finally, organism-specific comparisons were performed to assess the clinical features

of patients infected with Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp. or Shigella/EIEC with concordant

or discordant results (Supplemental Table 8). For Campylobacter spp., concordant cases

followed general trends observed for the entire concordant population, with a slight non-

significant trend toward greater symptom severity. Shigella patients with concordant results were

more likely to be male and had a shorter duration of symptoms at presentation. No significant

differences were observed in patients with Salmonella.


Multiplex syndromic panels are more sensitive than conventional methods, although questions

remain regarding clinical utility and cost-effectiveness [7, 28-31]. To address these concerns, we

undertook a nine-month prospective multi-center study involving parallel testing of stool

specimens by the BioFire FilmArray GI Panel and conventional diagnostics. Consistent with

previous reports [8, 9, 35-37], FilmArray demonstrated greater clinical sensitivity than stool

culture (Figure 1, Supplemental Table 1), identifying over three times as many pathogens as

conventional assays, including 41% more among targets common to both methods (Figure 2).

The majority of FilmArray targets not identifiable by conventional culture were diarrheagenic

E. coli (STEC, EPEC, EAEC and ETEC), long recognized as important causes of acute

gastroenteritis [9, 38].

FilmArray provided more rapid turnaround time compared to alternative conventional methods

(Table 1 and Supplemental Table 3). Patients with an infectious cause of acute gastroenteritis

detected by FilmArray were more likely (p=0.0148) to receive targeted rather than empirical


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therapy when compared to those detected by culture (Figure 3), suggesting that the reduced

turnaround time of FilmArray encouraged more targeted antimicrobial therapy. This effect on

prescribing decisions became more pronounced over the course of the study (Figure 4), further

suggesting that clinicians adjusted their practice as they became accustomed to the availability of

rapid results. Diagnostics-directed therapy is a central goal of diagnostic stewardship and

contrasts with earlier studies in which multiplex syndromic panels only impacted clinical

practice in the context of a coordinated stewardship effort [32, 33]. Reduced time-to-treatment

and an impact on antibiotic prescribing were also specifically observed in STEC infections.

Negative results allowed initiation of antimicrobial therapy without concern for the induction of

hemolytic-uremic syndrome [21, 22]. Positive STEC results led to the discontinuation of

antimicrobials in 8 of 9 cases when therapy had been initiated empirically, with a median time-

to-discontinuation of 8h following reporting of results, further demonstrating that FilmArray

results affected clinical decision-making.

Patients infected with conventionally cultured pathogens identified by both FilmArray and stool

culture (concordant) tended to have greater symptom severity than those positive for those same

organisms by FilmArray only (discordant), although these trends were not significant with the

exception of a longer duration of symptoms among discordant patients (Table 2). These

observations are consistent with the higher organism burden required for culture positivity and

the relationship between organism burden and disease severity. However, neither antimicrobial

prescription rates nor duration of therapy differed significantly between these groups, suggesting

that clinicians placed equal significance on culture and molecular results.


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Patients diagnosed with pathogens detectable only by FilmArray exhibited similar clinical

characteristics to those diagnosed with conventionally cultured pathogens (concordant plus

discordant) (Table 3). More than 60% of these patients received antimicrobial therapy when

diagnosed with bacterial and/or parasite pathogens, suggesting that these diagnoses were viewed

by clinicians as clinically relevant. A specific subset comparison was performed between those

patients diagnosed with pathogens considered to be prominent causes of acute bacterial

gastroenteritis (Campylobacter, Salmonella and Shigella) and those diagnosed with a

diarrheagenic E. coli species (EPEC, EAEC and/or ETEC) (Supplemental Table 4). The results

indicate that conventionally cultured pathogens may be more highly associated with certain signs

of inflammation, but the diarrheagenic E. coli pathogens should not be neglected due to their

potential to cause protracted illness. Together, these comparisons show that the additional cases

identified by FilmArray are clinically comparable to those identified by stool culture. Along

with the potential for rapid testing to encourage targeted rather than empirical therapy (Figure

4), these observations argue against the selective reporting of FilmArray results, which could

lead to both the overtreatment of patients lacking identifiable pathogens and the undertreatment

of patients with unreported treatable pathogens such as diarrheagenic E. coli.

For Campylobacter spp., concordant patients were slightly but not significantly more

symptomatic than discordant patients (Supplemental Table 8). Concordant Shigella cases also

exhibited a non-significant trend toward increased severity, more recent symptom onset and an

association with male gender. An ongoing outbreak of Shigella infections among MSM in

several metropolitan areas including Seattle underscores the utility of highly sensitive molecular

assays for case detection and outbreak investigation [24]. For Salmonella infections, concordant


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patients tended to exhibit symptoms of gastroenteritis and present in an outpatient setting,

whereas discordant patients were more likely to require hospitalization.

FilmArray allowed increased recognition of coinfections. The ability of FilmArray to detect

coinfections has been noted previously [35], but there is uncertainty regarding the clinical

interpretation and relevance of these cases. Detection of multiple potential pathogens may

influence case management [39] and is not unusual in returning travelers who may have been

exposed to contaminated food or water [40]. Patients with coinfections were generally younger

and evenly gender-distributed, and more likely to have recent international travel (Supplemental

Table 7). We also observed mixed infection scenarios among MSM patients with Shigella. In

contrast to earlier studies in children [41], we did not observe greater severity of illness in

patients with coinfections. The detection of mixed bacterial and/or parasitic infections generally

led to initiation of appropriate combination therapy (not shown).

A unique strength of the present study is the prospective parallel testing of a large patient cohort

by both multiplex PCR and culture in real-time, accompanied by a comprehensive review of

their clinical characteristics. Limitations of the study include the insufficient size of certain

subgroups to draw definitive conclusions regarding small observed differences. Also,

retrospective review of medical records is subject to confounding factors and biases. The study

was limited to two hospitals within a single healthcare system, although the academic medical

center, the county hospital and the 17 community clinics they support collectively represent a

broad and representative metropolitan demographic that includes both healthy immunocompetent

individuals and patients with various forms of immunocompromise and chronic illness.


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In summary, a nine-month, prospective, multi-center study found that the BioFire FilmArray

gastrointestinal panel markedly improves the sensitivity of laboratory diagnosis in patients with

acute diarrhea and allows clinicians to make more timely and targeted therapeutic decisions. The

additional cases detected by FilmArray are comparable in clinical presentation and acuity to

those diagnosed by conventional culture, indicating that the syndromic panel identifies clinically

relevant infections. Previously identified by clinicians as an unmet need in infectious disease

diagnostics [1, 3], syndromic testing represents a significant advance in the laboratory diagnosis

of patients with acute gastroenteritis [42].


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Acknowledgments. The authors thank Tom Smith, Sarah Jensen and Brett Norquist for their

assistance with the execution of this study.

Financial support. Test kits and instruments were provided by BioFire Diagnostics, a

bioMérieux Company.

Conflicts of Interest: Dr. Fang reports grants, personal fees and non-financial support from

BioFire, during the conduct of the study; grants, personal fees and non-financial support from

Cepheid, grants and non-financial support from ELITech, non-financial support from Luminex,

personal fees from IDSA, outside the submitted work.


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FIGURE 1. Improved clinical sensitivity and range of pathogens detected by FilmArray

compared to traditional stool culture. Classic enteric bacterial pathogens detected by
conventional stool culture (A) depicted as a subset of the total detection of enteric pathogens by
FilmArray (B).

FIGURE 2. Improved clinical sensitivity of FilmArray compared to conventional stool

testing methods. Results displayed are the aggregate total (n) for all pathogens detected by a
particular conventional method, compared with the number of same organisms detected by

FIGURE 3. Rapid and targeted antimicrobial therapy after FilmArray implementation.

Results for stool culture in 2016 (A) and FilmArray in 2017 (B) summarize the time-to-result
(hours) and the physician’s decision to treat empirically or based upon testing results (targeted).

Figure 4. Increase in targeted rather than empirical therapy over time after FilmArray
implementation. Results displayed indicate the total number (n) of cases where antimicrobials
were prescribed based upon test results (targeted) versus prescribed prior to having test results
(empirical), measured on a monthly basis following implementation of the FilmArray.


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TABLE 1. Comparison of FilmArray and Stool Culture Turnaround Times and Impact

on Clinical Decisions

2016 Culture 2017 FilmArray p

Cases Reviewed, n 83 496 n/a
Median Time Collection to First
47.0 18.0 <0.0001
Report (h)
Patients with bacteria/parasite
83 420 n/a
identified, n
Eligible patients prescribed
50 (60.3) 272 (63.8) ns
antimicrobials, n (%)
Empirical antimicrobial
20 (40.0) 64 (23.5) 0.0148
prescription, n (%)
Median Time Collection to
72.0 26.0 <0.0001
Antimicrobial (h)

Note. Categorical values analyzed for statistical significance by Chi squared test. Comparison of

medians performed with Mann-Whitney test.

Abbreviations. n/a; not applicable; n.s., not significant


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TABLE 2. Clinical Features of Patients Diagnosed with Classic Enteric Bacterial Pathogens

by FilmArray

Concordant Discordant
Results Results
Patients, n 98 68
Age, years
Mean (range) 40.3 (1-91) 39.6 (1-82) n.s.
Median (range) 34.0 (1-91) 36.0 (1-82) n.s.
Percent Female 35.60% 53.60% n.s.
Ordering location, n (%)
Outpatient 80 (79) 55 (80%) n.s.
ED 17 (17) 9 (13%)
Inpatient 4 (4) 5 (7%)
Mean # of symptoms per patient (range) 3.8 (0-8) 3.4 (0-8) n.s.
Patients with Headache, n (%) 9 (9) 5 (7) n.s.
Patients with Abdominal pain, n (%) 73 (75) 49 (72) n.s.
Patients with Tenesmus, n (%) 2 (2) 1 (2) n.s.
Patients with Nausea, n (%) 42 (43) 30 (44) n.s.
Patients with Vomiting, n (%) 19 (19) 14 (21) n.s.
Patients with Diarrhea, n (%) 96 (98) 62 (91) n.s.
Patients with Watery Diarrhea, n (%) 53 (54) 36 (53) n.s.
Patients with Blood in Stool, n (%) 22 (22) 8 (12) n.s.
Patients with Chills, n (%) 28 (29) 14 (21) n.s.
Patients with Fatigue, n (%) 27 (28) 13 (19) n.s.
Patients with Fever, n (%) 17/97 (18) 10/65 (15) n.s.
Patients with Leukocytosis, n (%) 20/48 (42) 5/30 (17) n.s.
Patients with Fecal Leukocytes, n (%) 5/12 (42) 1/9 (11) n.s.
Median duration of symptoms at presentation, days (range) 7 (1-90) 8.5 (1-240) <0.0001
Patients with international travel history, n (%) 33 (34) 31 (46) n.s.
Patients with bacteria/parasite receiving antibiotic, n (%) 79 (81) 47 (68) n.s.
Patients receiving empirical antibiotic therapy, n (%) 27 (34) 10 (21) n.s.
Median duration of antibiotics, days (range) 4.5 (1-10) 5 (1-28) n.s.
Patients hospitalized, n (%) 12 (12) 8 (12) n.s.
Cases with apparent resolution of symptoms, n (%) 88 (90) 62 (91) n.s.

Note. Categorical values analyzed for statistical significance by Chi squared test. Comparison of

means performed by t test. Comparison of medians performed with Mann-Whitney test.

Adjustment for multiple comparisons made through Bonferroni’s method.

Abbreviations. n.s., not significant


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TABLE 3. Comparison of Clinical Features for Patients Diagnosed by FilmArray for

Cultivable and Non-Cultivable Enteric Pathogens

Conventionally FilmArray™
Cultured Exclusive p
Pathogens Pathogens
Patients, n 166 305
Age (years)
mean 40.0 (1-91) 40.7 (0-87) n.s.
median 36.0 (1-91) 39.5 (0-87) n.s.
Percent female 41.8% 44.6% n.s.
Ordering location, n (%)
Outpatient 135 (82) 263 (83) n.s.
ED 26 (16) 37 (12)
Inpatient 9 (2) 16 (5)
Mean number of symptoms per patient (range) 3.6 (0-8) 3.2 (0-8) n.s.
Patients with Headache, n (%) 14 (8) 16 (5) n.s.
Patients with Abdominal pain, n (%) 122 (73) 208 (68) n.s.
Patients with Tenesmus, n (%) 3 (2) 7 (2) n.s.
Patients with Nausea, n (%) 72 (43) 117 (38) n.s.
Patients with Vomiting, n (%) 33 (20) 63 (21) n.s.
Patients with Diarrhea, n (%) 158 (95) 282 (93) n.s.
Patients with Watery Diarrhea, n (%) 89 (54) 144 (47) n.s.
Patients with Blood in Stool, n (%) 30 (18) 35 (12) n.s.
Patients with Chills, n (%) 42 (25) 35 (12) 0.0001
Patients with Fatigue, n (%) 40 (24) 62 (20) n.s.
Patients with Fever, n (%) 27/162 (17) 25/292 (9) n.s.
Patients with Leukocytosis, n (%) 25/78 (32) 27/144 (19) n.s.
Patients with Fecal Leukocytes, n (%) 6/21 (29) 11/30 (37) n.s.
Median duration of symptoms at presentation, days (range) 7 (1-240) 7 (1-365) n.s.
Patients with international travel history, n (%) 64 (39) 119 (39) n.s.
Patients with bacteria/parasite receiving antibiotic, n (%) 126/166 (76) 145/240 (60) 0.0011
Patients receiving empirical antibiotic therapy, n (%) 37 (22) 38 (19) n.s.
Median duration of antibiotics, days (range) 5 (1-28) 5 (1-28) n.s.
Patients hospitalized, n (%) 20 (12) 47 (15) n.s.
Cases with apparent resolution of symptoms, n (%) 150 (90) 253 (83) n.s.

Note. Categorical values analyzed for statistical significance by Chi squared test. Comparison of

means performed by t test. Comparison of medians performed with Mann-Whitney test.

Adjustment for multiple comparisons made through Bonferroni’s method.

Abbreviations. n.s., not significant


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Figure 1.


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Figure 2.


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Figure 3.


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Figure 4.


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