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Formative Assessment Feedback Form

Module Title BIP1

Student name BIP1SEPT1919
Markers name Richard Parke-Davies
Date of assessment 04/11/19
Title of assessment Business Report
To get the maximum benefit from the feedback in this form you should review the comments
alongside the original assignment brief and marking criteria for this assessment on the VLE.

Overall summary of performance against learning outcomes and marking criteria

You have chosen an appropriate organisation (Tapal Tea), and Country. You have provided some
justification for writing the report and your initial research has provided good details of the
challenges faced. However, make sure you provide adequate evidence to support your
seasonality claim. I would expect to see hard data and information (graphs, diagrams etc.
adequately referenced from quality sources). Remember to include what the competitors are
doing to address the challenges you identify?

Areas you have performed well

1 You have selected an appropriate company and country for your business report but be
clear on the company name and do not write a report about a brand.
2 Your have identified a good seasonality area but this requires clarification and evidence
(you have not referenced any of the sources of your information).
3 You have completed some good initial research and have a good initial understanding of the

Areas you could improve

1 You have not written a question. This is the basis for your report and will indicate to the
reader the contents of the business report. You should focus on a recent event or on a
specific issue relating to Tapal Tea and seasonality, otherwise you will end up with a
disjointed and vague report. For example, is there something that has recently happened
to draw attention to this seasonality challenge and the impact on Tapal Tea? E.g. costs
control? Have profits been hit? Are they having issues with resourcing for the peak times
(recruitment and retention)? Etc.
2 You have listed SWOT as your academic model. This is inadequate and will result in a fail.
You should aim for 3 models or frameworks that will support your work. Remember, it is
how your models are applied that will determine the marks you receive. Make sure your
models are appropriate and applied correctly, to provide insight. They should be an integral
part of your critical evaluation and analysis, not simply an “add on”. Refer to our Webinars
for more information
3 You should pay attention to your grammar and writing skills, at present this is very poor.
Your Formative is wordy and too descriptive. For example, your answer to Q5 is one
sentence of 149 words! If you approach your Summative in the same way you are likely to
fail. Business Reports should be clear, concise, well-structured and provide insight.

Recommend next steps to help you improve

You should go back to basics and understand the requirements of the Module by re-visiting the
VLE pages and Webinars. Study the Summative Assessment guide and marking scheme carefully
and make sure you answer the questions asked.
Build upon your critical analysis and evaluation by selecting appropriate models and apply them to
seasonality. Remember to ask a business question that focusses on a specific issue. The clearer
your question then the clearer your focus and the more marks you are likely to gain.

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