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“There are more and more law graduates in Romania.

Some people say that is a

positive trend, while others say that this is leading to negative consequences”
In analyzing of this phenomenon of increasing the number of law graduates in
Romania, there are two perspectives on the bad or good nature that this galloping
growth has, more precisely if it can be defined as a beneficial thing or a generator
of unfavorable consequences.
As far as I am concerned, I can say that both opinions, although contrary, contain
arguments that are determined by the factors taken into account when giving that
opinion because, as a problem that can be viewed from two angles, this inflation of
law graduates has negative and positive points, the value of their importance being
determined by the evidence presented in support of each perspective, which, in my
opinion, inclines towards a balance between the two aspects of the phenomenon,
but a detailed presentation is needed to see the state of affairs, the causes, effects
and reasons for these mutations, which are manifested through the high volume of
aspirants who want a career in the judicial system, after all, the criteria for defining
the two sides of the phenomenon.
Firstly, the increasing number of graduates could have a positive impact for the
legal system, meaning that the number of jobs in the field being limited, this will
increase competition and, implicitly, a development and improvement of this
sector, as a graduate will have to be better than others to get that job. For example,
at the last admission exam in the bar and the INM, the number of candidates was
huge, as in the other sessions of the previous years, and this state of affairs
determined the aspirants to prepare more and more, being aware that only the
skilled ones will be able to succeed, so that the system of judges and prosecutors
will enjoy the high prestige of the personnel training, which reveals a positive
aspect of the problem in question.
Another argument in support of the opinion that the inflation of graduates is a
positive trend could be the economic growth that generates a multiplication of
patrimonial litigation, which means that the market requires a larger number of
specialists to handle the cases, however, in a country like Romania and after the
latest financial data, this argument has weakness and is an error in thinking if it has
been taken into account to support the positivism of this inflation.
Secondly, there is a contrary view, which states that the phenomenon will lead to
bad consequences, which is true, on the one hand, because, although there will be
an increase in competition, the vast majority of those with a bachelor's degree will
not find a job, which results in high unemployment. For example, the bachelor's
degree does not guarantee the holder a job unless he succeeds to enter the bar or
other professional organization and these institutes, at the entrance exams, raise the
examination standards or have a limited number of places for candidates, which
corresponds to the reality of the labor market, so as not to face the oversaturation
of the jobs, which will eventually lead to unemployment.
In conclusion, we considered both the positive and negative side of the
phenomenon, even though the perspectives from which the advantages and
disadvantages are seen are different, in the sense that for the legal field this brings
development and competition, but from the perspective of the graduates this leads
to unemployment and the difficult finding of a job. The causes for this growth
could be the easy access to the education system, standards are drastically reduced,
colleges with a large number of graduates who do not integrate into the labor
market, and this huge mass is diminished by market mechanisms, in particular , the
demand for entry to the Bar, INM and the request of legal specialists that the
society requires

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