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1819-MIG201-N -V1 Level I Math Term2 Week1 Exam to be done on Wednesday

Dec. 05 (45 Mins)

Instead of Math AMS
Period 5
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Sample Questions Exam

1. Reference: Algebra 1 Chapter 1 Section 2

What integer is equal to | 10 | + | 20 |?
Sample question answer:
| 10 | + | 20 |  10 + 20  30
Answer: 30, +30

2. Reference: Algebra 1 Chapter 1 Section 4

What integer is equal to 12 + 10  12?
Sample question answer:
[Section 1]
12 + 10  12  –2 – 12  –14
Answer: -14

3. Reference: Algebra 1 Chapter 1 Section 4

What integer is equal to 5  (12  20)?
Sample question answer:
5  (12  20)  –5 – (–8)  –5 + 8  3
Answer: 3

4. Reference: Algebra 1 Chapter 1 Section 4

What integer is equal to 10  5  (4)?
Sample question answer:
[Section 1]
10  5  (4)  10 + 20  30
Answer: 30

5. Reference: Level G Chapter 1 Section 3

Simplify 12 × 3 – 35 ÷ 7.

Sample question answer:]

12 × 3 – 35 ÷ 7 = 36 – 5 = 31
Answer: 31

SABIS® Proprietary
1819-MIG201-N -V1 Level I Math Term2 Week1 Exam to be done on Wednesday
Dec. 05 (45 Mins)
Instead of Math AMS
Period 5
Page 2 of 10

6. Reference: Level G Chapter 1 Section 3

Simplify 12 × (7 – 4) + (12 + 4) / 4.
Sample question answer:
12 × (7 – 4) + (12 + 4) / 4 = 12 × 3 + 16 / 4 = 36 + 4 = 40
Answer: 40

7. Reference: Level G Chapter 2 Section 2

Write in lowest terms.
Sample question answer:
24 24  4 6
 
28 28  4 7


8. Reference: Level G Chapter 2 Section 3

2 5
Add: 7  2 .
6 6

Give your answer in lowest terms.

Sample question answer:
2 5 1
7  2  10
6 6 6

Answer: 10

9. Reference: Level G Chapter 4 Section 4

What is the GCF of 48 and 54?

Sample question answer:
48 = 24 × 3
54 = 2 × 33
GCF (48, 54) = 2 × 3 = 6
Answer: 6

SABIS® Proprietary
1819-MIG201-N -V1 Level I Math Term2 Week1 Exam to be done on Wednesday
Dec. 05 (45 Mins)
Instead of Math AMS
Period 5
Page 3 of 10

10. Reference: Level G Chapter 4 Section 4

What is the LCM of 12 and 18?

Sample question answer:
12 = 22 × 3
18 = 2 × 32
LCM (12, 18) = 22 × 32 = 36
Answer: 36

11. Reference: Level G Chapter 5 Section 1

3 7
Compare and . Which is the greater fraction?
4 10

Sample question answer:

3  5 15 7  2 14
 and  .
4  5 20 10  2 20
15 14 3 7
 so  .
20 20 4 10
Answer: 4

12. Reference: Level G Chapter 5 Section 1

1 1
Add:  .
6 4
Give your answer in lowest terms.

Sample question answer:

1 1 2 3 5
   
6 4 12 12 12


SABIS® Proprietary
1819-MIG201-N -V1 Level I Math Term2 Week1 Exam to be done on Wednesday
Dec. 05 (45 Mins)
Instead of Math AMS
Period 5
Page 4 of 10

13. Reference: Level G Chapter 5 Section 1

Order the following fractions from smallest to largest.

1 3 2 4
, , ,
2 4 10 5
Sample question answer:
1  10 3  5 2  2 4  4
, , ,
2  10 4  5 10  2 5  4
10 15 4 16
, , ,
20 20 20 20
2 1 3 4
, , ,
Answer: 10 2 4 5

14. Reference: Level G Chapter 5 Section 3

1 2
of 150 tickets were sold for $20 each, for $30 each, and the rest for $40 each. How much money was
5 5
Sample question answer:
× 150 = 30 tickets

30 × 20 = $600
× 150 = 60

60 × 30 = $1,800
150 – 30 – 60 = 60
60 × 40 = $2,400
The amount of money collected is 600 + 1,800 + 2,400 = $4,800.
Answer: 4800

SABIS® Proprietary
1819-MIG201-N -V1 Level I Math Term2 Week1 Exam to be done on Wednesday
Dec. 05 (45 Mins)
Instead of Math AMS
Period 5
Page 5 of 10

15. Reference: Level G Chapter 5 Section 3

6 14
Simplify  .
8 12

Sample question answer:

1 7
6 14 7
 1 
8 12 2 8
Answer: 8

16. Reference: Level G Chapter 5 Section 3

1 2
Dana used of of a cup of sugar.
4 7
How many cups of sugar did Dana use?

Give your answer as a fraction in lowest terms with no units.

Sample question answer:

12 1
 
7 14
Dana used 4 of a cup of sugar.
Answer: 14

17. Reference: Level G Chapter 5 Section 3

In simplest form, 4  

Sample question answer:

1 3 3
4  4

16 4
Answer: 4

SABIS® Proprietary
1819-MIG201-N -V1 Level I Math Term2 Week1 Exam to be done on Wednesday
Dec. 05 (45 Mins)
Instead of Math AMS
Period 5
Page 6 of 10

18. Reference: Level G Chapter 5 Section 4

2 9
In simplest form, 4  2 
5 10

Sample question answer:

2 9 4 9 3
4 2 4 2 7
5 10 10 10 10

Answer: 10

19. Reference: Level G Chapter 5 Section 4

1 1
In simplest form, 4  2 
5 3

Sample question answer:

1 1 6 1 18 5 13
4 2  3 2  3 2 1
5 3 5 3 15 15 15

Answer: 15

20. Reference: Level G Chapter 5 Section 4

3 4
Simplify 1  3 .
5 7

Sample question answer:

3 4 8 25 40 5
1 3  1   5
5 7 5 7 7 7
Answer: 7

SABIS® Proprietary
1819-MIG201-N -V1 Level I Math Term2 Week1 Exam to be done on Wednesday
Dec. 05 (45 Mins)
Instead of Math AMS
Period 5
Page 7 of 10

21. Reference: Level G Chapter 5 Section 6

8 4
divided by 
3 9

Sample question answer:

2 3
8 4 8 9 6
  1 1  6
3 9 3 4 1
Answer: 6

22. Reference: Level G Chapter 7 Section 2

What is the value of 72.36 – 31.47?

Sample question answer:
1 12
7 2. 3 6
 31. 4 7
40. 8 9
Answer: 40.89

23. Reference: Level G Chapter 7 Section 3

What is the value of 4.6 × 3.2?

Sample question answer:

 3.2
1, 380
Answer: 14.72

SABIS® Proprietary
1819-MIG201-N -V1 Level I Math Term2 Week1 Exam to be done on Wednesday
Dec. 05 (45 Mins)
Instead of Math AMS
Period 5
Page 8 of 10

24. Reference: Level G Chapter 7 Section 4

What is the value of 36.54 ÷ 6?

Sample question answer:
6 36.54
 36
 54
Answer: 6.09

25. Reference: Level H Chapter 3 Section 5

Express 75% as a fraction in lowest terms.

Sample question answer:
75 75  5 15  5 3
  
100 100  5 20  5 4

Answer: 4

26. Reference: Level H Chapter 3 Section 5

What whole number is equal to 35% of 300?

Sample question answer:
 300  105

Answer: 105

27. Reference: Level H Chapter 3 Section 5

If 20% of the money in a cash box is $30, how much money is in the cash box?
Sample question answer:
Let k be the amount of money in the cash box.
0.2k = 30
k = 150
Answer: 150

SABIS® Proprietary
1819-MIG201-N -V1 Level I Math Term2 Week1 Exam to be done on Wednesday
Dec. 05 (45 Mins)
Instead of Math AMS
Period 5
Page 9 of 10

28. Reference: Level H Chapter 3 Section 7

Samia received 30% discount on a dress originally priced at 120 dollars.
Samia paid ____ dollars for the dress.
What number goes in the space to make the sentence true?

Sample question answer:

Discount = 0.3 × $120 = $36
Amount paid = Original price – Discount
= $120 – $36
= $84
 = 84
Answer: 84

29. Reference: Level H Chapter 4 Section 2

If 5 pens cost $4.50 then 4 pens cost _____ dollars.

What number goes in the space to make the sentence true?

Give your answer to two decimal places.

Sample question answer:
4.50  4
=  3.60

Answer: 3.60

30. Reference: Level H Chapter 4 Section 4

If Hana invites 8 people for dinner, she needs 600 grams of dried pasta. If she invites 6 people, she would
need ____ grams of dried pasta.

What number goes in the space to make the sentence true?

Sample question answer:

600 grams
 75 grams / person
8 persons

75 grams / person  6 persons  450 grams

 = 450
Answer: 450

SABIS® Proprietary
1819-MIG201-N -V1 Level I Math Term2 Week1 Exam to be done on Wednesday
Dec. 05 (45 Mins)
Instead of Math AMS
Period 5
Page 10 of 10

31. Reference: Level H Chapter 4 Section 4

The ratio of boys to girls in a class is 2 : 1. How many boys are there if there are 63 students in the class?

Sample question answer:

[Section 1]

63 3

2  63
  42

32. Reference: Level H Chapter 7 Section 1

Which of the following is/are negative?

6, 3, 8, +5, 5

Sample question answer:


33. Reference: Level H Chapter 7 Section 1

Find the opposite of each of the following numbers.

a. 4

b. +7

Sample question answer:

a. 4

b. 7

SABIS® Proprietary

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