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Mata Kuliah : Organization Behavior

Dosen : Dr. Doddy Adhimursandi, MM

Kelas : Magister Manajemen Universitas Mulawarman

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“What’s your cell phone number? Good, I’ll call you about need to disengage in their off-hours to prevent work–
the meeting.” If you’re like many people in the world who home stress and burnout. Yet not everyone can do
have used a smartphone for years, or one of the 1.3 billion this even if they are allowed to; research indicated
people who bought one recently, chances are you’ve used a significant proportion of smartphone users felt
it for work. In fact, your employer may have even invited— pressured to access their devices around the clock,
or asked—you to use your smartphone, tablet, or laptop in whether or not that pressure was warranted.
your job. Such is the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) trend,
The clear dilemma for employees is whether to
which started out of friendly convenience but now carries
acknowledge you own a smart device, and whether to offer
major ethical issues. For instance:
its use for your employer’s convenience. Put that way, it
• Did you know your employer can wipe your personal seems obvious to say no (why would you risk possibly later
devices clean? Remotely? With no warning? It hap- losing everything to a corporate swipe?), but the conve-
pens, and not just at the 21 percent of organizations nience of carrying one phone is for you as well. However,
that erase devices when employees are terminated. some people think it’s just better to carry two phones—one
Any time an organization has a privacy concern, for work, another for personal use. Attorney Luke Cocalis
it may wipe all devices clean to prevent a further tried it and concluded, “It frankly keeps me saner.”
breach of its cyber-defenses. Health-care consultant
Michael Irvin lost his personal e-mail accounts, apps, Questions
music, contacts, and photos suddenly one day, leav- 1. Do you use your smartphone or other personal
ing his multi-use iPhone “like it came straight from devices for work? If so, do you think this adds
the factory.” Another individual lost pictures of a to your stress level or helps you by providing
relative who had died. convenience?
• Is your device part of your employment contract, either 2. Cocalis likes the two-phone lifestyle and says his
explicitly or by understanding? If so, who pays for the boss has his personal phone number only for
device? Well, you did, and you continue to pay for emergencies. But assistant talent manager Chloe
the service. If the device breaks, then . . . who pays for Ifshin reports it doesn’t work so well in practice.
the replacement device? Can you lose your job if you “I have friends who are clients and clients who
can’t afford the device and service? are friends,” she says, so work contacts end up on
• Can you use your device for all work-related communi- her personal phone and friends call her work
cations? The cloud has brought opportunities for phone. How does this consideration affect your
people to send classified work information anywhere, thinking about BYOD?
anytime. Organizations are concerned about what 3. Organizations are taking steps to protect them-selves
social media, collaboration, and file-sharing applica- from what employees might be doing on their BYOD
tions are in use, which is fair, but some policies can devices through allowing only
limit how you use your own device. approved computer programs and stricter policies,
• Once you use your personal device for work, where are the but no federal regulations protect employees from
boundaries between work and home life? Research indi- these. What ethical initiatives might organizations
cates that intensive smartphone users, for instance, adopt to make this situation fair for everyone?
Conflict and Negotiation CHAPTER 14 523

Contested Resources Scenario The Negotiation

The marketing and engineering departments are locked in a At the start of the negotiation, the instructor randomly as-
struggle for power. Your side (either marketing or engineer- signs half the groups to the contested resources scenario,
ing) should try to direct the largest possible proportion of and the other half to the combined future scenario. Begin

both money and authority toward your proposed program.

You still need to come up with a solution in which the other
side ultimately agrees to assist you in implementing the pro-
the process by outlining the goals and resources for your
side of the negotiation. Then negotiate over the terms
described in your scenario, attempting to advocate for a
gram. If you can’t reach an agreement for shared resources, solution that matches your perspective.
the CEO will appoint new directors for both groups.
Combined Future Scenario Afterward, get the class together to discuss the processes
The marketing and engineering departments are eager to used. Especially consider the differences in outcomes
find a positive solution. Both sides should endeavor to see between the contested resources and combined future
that the company’s future needs are met. You know that to scenarios. Either scenario could arise in a real work en-
achieve success everyone needs to work together, so you’d vironment, so think about how different negotiation
like to find a way to divide the money and resources that situations give rise to different strategies, tactics, and
benefits both marketing and engineering. Plans can incor- outcomes.
porate multiple techniques for sharing and collaborating
with resources.

Conflict and Negoitation

The Lowball Applicant
Consider this first-person account: I knew the manager would be highly interested in this
candidate and that he could probably get her to work
I am a human resource manager, so I interview people
every day. Sometimes the managers in my company ask me the longer full-time hours at a lower rate of pay. That
to prescreen candidates, which I do after discussing the job outcome might be best for the company, or it might
at length with the manager. I usually start the candidate not. The candidate obviously didn’t fully understand the
screening with a few personality–job fit tests; then conduct company policies in her favor, and she was unsophisti-
an interview, following a list of job-specific questions the cated about her worth in the marketplace. What should
manager has given me; and finally discuss the job require- I have done?
ments, our company, and the pay/benefits. By that time in
the process, the candidate usually has a good idea of the Questions
job and is eager to suggest a level of pay at the top of the 1. If the human resource manager coached the
advertised bracket or, often, above the pay bracket. How- applicant to request a higher salary, did the
ever, this isn’t always the case. One time in particular, an ex- coaching work against the interests of the orga-
cellent candidate with outstanding qualifications surprised nization? Was the responsibility of the human
me by saying that since she wanted flextime, she would ac- resource (HR) manager to put the organization’s
cept a rate below the pay bracket. Confused, I  asked her financial interests first?
whether she wanted a reduction in hours below full-time.
2. What do you see as the potential downside of the
She said no, she expected to work full-time and only wanted
to come in a little late and would leave a little late to make
HR manager’s abstaining from discussing the pay
up the time. I guess she figured this was a concession worth issue further with the candidate?
slashing her salary for, but our company has flextime. In 3. If the candidate were hired at the reduced rate she
fact, she could have asked for 5 fewer hours per week, still proposed, how might the situation play out over
have been considered full-time by our company policies, the next year when she gets to know the organiza-
and negotiated for salary above the advertised pay grade. tion and its pay standards better?

case inciDent 1 Disorderly Conduct

The sound of Matt and Peter’s arguing is familiar to everyone of the company to an open plan with no walls between work-
in the office by now. In an effort to make the best use of space ers. The goal of such a layout is to eliminate boundaries and
and ensure a free flow of discussion and ideas, the founder enhance creativity. But for Matt and Peter, the new arrange-
of Markay Design had decided to convert the one-floor office ment creates a growing sense of tension.

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