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INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................3

A Quick Note on Fasting Safety ..............................................................................................5

CHAPTER ONE: Fasting: The Ultimate Health and Healing Practice .........................6

Fasting? ........................................................................................................................................6
What is

The History of Fasting ..........................................................................................................................9

Fasting for Health and Longevity ................................................................................................10

Fasting and Fat Loss ............................................................................................................................12

Different Types of Fasts ......................................................................................................................15

Myths and Misconceptions of Fasting ......................................................................................15

Who Shouldn’t Fast ..............................................................................................................................21

Types of Fasting ......................................................................................................................................22

The Fasting-Focused Lifestyle ..........................................................................................................24

Fasting Lifestyle Tips ............................................................................................................................27

How to Break a Fast ...........................................................................................................................30

The 10 Commandments of Rational Fasting ...........................................................................32

The 14 Day Rational Fasting Protocol ......................................................................................39

CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................................................................42


Before we get into the nitty gritty, I want to congratulate you on making the choice to engage in Rational

Fasting is something that was a part of humanity’s lifestyle for thousands and thousands of years. There was
rarely steady access to food, and during the times in between meals, we had empty bellies. Sometimes for ex-
tended periods of time.

During those times when our stomachs were barren, survival mechanisms kicked in. Our ancestors weren’t
aware of this, but our empty bellies stimulated our bodies to change fuel sources, heighten our senses to serve
us in hunting, and improve our cognition, among other things.

It was also during the times of empty bellies that our bodies healed themselves.

Since those days, humanity has developed the unhealthy, and unnatural, pattern of eating until we’re full. This
keeps our body in a constant state of anabolism (growth), which is correlated to modern society’s biggest
murderers such as obesity, cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, alzheimer’s, and more.

Despite the onset of these diseases as a result of constant eating, society as a whole has continued this
self-sabotaging practice. Why?

Because food has become an addiction.

By taking part in this challenge, you’ve taken the first step in breaking this addiction, and the first step in tak-
ing back your health and acquiring the youthful body you’ve been dreaming of.

With all of this said, I want to formally welcome you to the 14 Day Fasting Challenge.

During the course of this challenge, not only are you going to see accelerated fat loss, help fight disease, and
increase your longevity, but you’ll also see many metaphysical benefits that I won’t spoil for you at this second.

In this Rational Fasting Manual, you’re going to learn more about:

» Why fasting is the ultimate health and healing practice

» Various types of fasts and how to use them

» How you can turn fasting into a focused lifestyle of health, attractiveness, and vitality

» The 10 Commandments of Rational Fasting

» The 14 Day Rational Fasting Protocol

And much, much more.

Without further ado, let’s begin.


Fasting is generally a safe practice, but, just like any lifestyle change, there are specific circumstances in which
fasting is unsafe.

Those who are under 18 should proceed with caution when turning to fasting. People under 18 are still grow-
ing, are very vulnerable to physical stress, and generally have very fast metabolisms that allow them to shed fat
quickly anyway.

If a teenager did want to try fasting, intermittent fasting would be a good start. Nothing exceeding 24 hours.
Also, be sure to check with your doctor before you jump on any kind of fasting.

Diabetics should also be hesitant when turning to fasting.

Diabetics rely on external sources to regulate blood sugar. Food in scarce amounts, or none at all, could have
seriously harmful effects.

In addition, people who take medications for blood pressure or heart disease may have adverse effects from
fasting. This is mostly due to lack of electrolytes during a fast. In my fasting protocol, I supplement electro-
lytes to keep you chipper throughout your experience.

However, even with this being the case, if you fall under this category, you should check with your doctor
before fasting

Those who are pregnant should most definitely steer clear of fasting. If it’s not clear why, think about the hu-
man growing inside of you. You need to funnel nutrients toward that being to stimulate it’s growth. You can’t
do that if you’re steering clear of food.

Finally, those who have, or previously had, eating disorders should not participate in fasting.

Fasting places one in an extreme situation. That situation being little to no food for extended periods of time.

In an individual who previously had eating disorders, the rapid results you get from this practice could lead
one to take this practice to the absolute extreme - going days, weeks, without food.

Or, on the other end, it could lead to serious cases of binging, that could lead to other kinds of damage.

In any event, I highly recommend getting with a medical professional if you are unsure about fasting and the
safety of fasting for you individually.

Fasting: The Ultimate Health and Healing Practice

What You’ll Learn:

» What is Fasting?

» The History of Fasting

» How to Fast for Health and Longevity

» How to Fast for Fat Loss

» The Myths and Misconceptions of Fasting

» The TRUTH About Hunger

» Who Should Not Fast

What is Fasting?

To determine what fasting is, let me start by sharing what fasting isn’t.

Despite what many people think when they hear the word, fasting is not starvation. Starvation is the involun-
tary absence of food during war, famine, or other unfortunate circumstances.

Fasting is also not calorie restriction. Calorie restriction is simply consuming fewer calories than is needed to
meet your body’s energy demands. With calorie restriction, the body will burn stored body fat, but will also
lower the body’s metabolic rate (metabolism), down-regulate reproductive hormones, thyroid function, and
promote muscle breakdown.

Fasting, on the other hand, is voluntary abstinence from eating for spiritual, health, fat loss, or other reasons.
Because fasting is voluntary, it is 100% under the control of the faster to continue or break the fast whenever
he or she wants to.

Fasting also keeps your body nourished, and continues to feed your body energy through a process called
ketosis (more on that later).

Even more, fasting is a metabolic state, albeit, one that
most people are not used to.

Most people are used to being in an anabolic state.

This is a state of growth that it occurs when you’re
body is supplied with a steady flow of energy. Again,
this state is good for gaining muscle, and other neces-
sary healthy functions, but too much of it (as we can
see with a simple observation of society) is detrimental
to one’s health.

When you’re fasted, your body is in the opposite state,

a catabolic state. Here, your body is in breakdown
mode, looking for things to turn into energy.

Both metabolic states are appropriate and needed in

the right balance. During the fed, anabolic state, the body uses micro and macronutrients from food and cir-
culates them through the bloodstream. The food ingested is used for energy, and food that isn’t immediately
utilized is stored for later.

For example, when we consume carbohydrates and protein, our body produces a hormone called insulin.
Insulin’s two main jobs are to allow your body to use consumed food as energy, and it serves as a shuttle that
transports unused food energy into two places for later.

blood sugar model

Blood Sugar Spike Insulin Spike

Carb Overload Insulin Triglycerides

Pancreas fat cells

stable blood sugar level

Hypoglycemia = Low Energy Rebound Hypoglycemia

(Triggers Cortisol)

These locations are the liver, and fat stores.

On the other hand, in the fasted, catabolic state, there are no more macronutrients circulating the blood
stream, insulin drops, and that signals the body to burn stored energy (fat)

To give you a clearer picture of what occurs when your body is in a catabolic state, I’m going to provide a
quick breakdown of what your body goes through during a fast:.

First Few Hours of Fasting: When there are no macronutrients circulating the blood stream, the body
starts using stored energy in the liver, which can hold about 100 to 150 grams of energy. This energy lasts
about two days.

Hour 24-48: The liver starts a process called gluconeogenesis. This is the process of the liver producing glu-
cose (energy) from amino acids (protein).

Hour 48-72: The liver’s energy has been totally depleted, and the body goes into ketosis, a highly sought after
state by dieters everywhere.

During ketosis, insulin levels are low, which signals the body to begin lipolysis, the breakdown of fat for ener-
gy. The fat is then broken down to produce ketones, used by the brain for energy.

Hour 72-120: The body goes into a muscle and protein-sparing state. High levels of growth hormone are
stimulated in order to maintain muscle mass. During this time, fatty acids and ketones continue to provide
energy, while increased adrenaline prevents a decrease in metabolism.

Now, this is just a simple breakdown of what happens when you fast, and you can start to see how fasting has
superior fat burning effects just from reading this. It also shows how truly brilliant your body is as a survival
machine, and may even indicate that we were built to endure long periods of fasting.

The History of Fasting

Before the modern era, food availability was highly unpredictable.

From an evolutionary standpoint, eating three meals a day plus snacks was completely unheard of, and, as
you’ll find out, completely unnecessary.

During these times, humans lived with the seasons, and ate based on what the seasons provided us with. Nat-
urally, there were seasons of plenty, and there were seasons of scarcity. There were feasts and famine.

Eventually, a time came when ancient civilizations mastered agriculture, which reduced, and almost totally
eliminated, periods of famine.

Still, through these world changing developments, virtually every culture recognized the benefits of periodic
fasting, and implemented fasting as a voluntary practice.

Today, almost every major world religion still has a place for fasting as a spiritual practice.

Here are a few religious groups that adhere to the practice of fasting to this day:

» Members of the Greek Orthodox Church fast for up to

200 days a year, even today (In fact, the Greek Orthodox fast is the
reason that the Mediterranean Diet works so well, but many dieters
overlook that fact).

» Across the globe, Buddhist monks abstain from eating after

noon, and fast until the next morning. They even sometimes
go weeks with only water, no food.

» In Hindu culture, fasting is seen as a method of controlling

material desires, and guiding the mind towards peace.

» Muslims abstain from food and water from sunrise to sunset

during the holy month of Ramadan. The Prophet Muhammad,
the founder of Islam, also encouraged fasting on Mondays and

» Baha’is fast from food and water for 19 days in March

Fasting wasn’t just for religion, however. There have been many great figures in history who have turned to
fasting as a healing practice, as well as a mentally beneficial one. Here are a few historical figures who turned
to fasting:

» Hippocrates, widely considered the Father of Modern Medicine,

prescribed fasting for obesity and other diseases of consumption
like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and more. In between the
24 hour fasts he recommended, he also urged his patients
towards a diet high in fat.

» Plutarch, a Greek historian and writer, is known for suggesting

fasting instead of medicine when ill.

» Before entering the Egyptian mystery school, Pythagoras,

philosopher and scientist, had to fast for 40 days.

» Plato and Aristotle fasted themselves, and required their students

to fast while they trained with athletes.

» An ancient Egyptian Proverb states: “One quarter of what you eat

keeps you alive. The other three quarters keeps your doctor alive.”

You can see that fasting has a long, and important, history, and it’s an important piece of pre and post-civili-
zation culture. But how much of this ancient wisdom regarding fasting as a healing tool is actually backed by
substantial science? You’re about to find out.

Fasting for Health and Longevity

Our body has a built in cleaning mechanism called Autophagy. During this process, your body breaks down
and recycles old, damaged, and dead cells and uses them for energy. This process is bolstered during extended
periods of fasting.

However, when we continue to shovel food down our throats, and remain in an anabolic state, the amount of
autophagy that occurs is little-to-none. The lack of autophagy is where we get a lot of our overconsumption
diseases and cancers from.

Basically, if you want to live a long and healthy live, you need to increase autophagy.

Another benefit of prolonged fasting is its anti-inflammatory effect. Fasting increases anti-inflammatory hor-
mones, and in some cases, these anti-inflammatory effects can suppress the symptoms of diseases like arthri-
tis, skin conditions, digestive issues, and even allergies. In fact, you’ll find that during just a short, simple, two
day fast, that any springtime allergies can totally disappear.

Yes, this sounds crazy, but it’s all found in the scientific literature. And even more crazy is that fasting increas-
es the amount of anabolic hormones circulating your body.

As I mentioned before, when you fast three to five days and beyond, your body goes into a muscle sparing
state and releases hormones that help achieve this. The body is an intelligent machine, and evolutionary, there
were times when we couldn’t get food, but needed the energy and muscle to continue to hunt.

So, the body would spare as much power and muscle as possible so you could continue to travel long distanc-
es, sprint quickly, and take down your next meal.

This makes the whole misconception that “fasting makes you lose muscle” foolish, as the body emphasizes
muscle and breaks down non-functional fat tissue instead.

Another survival mechanism of the body that fasting boosts

is your insulin sensitivity. As your insulin sensitivity goes up, Hormesis Graph
you are able to get more energy from less glucose. As you
may know, diabetes, particularly type 2, is one of the scourg-

es of our over-consumption culture. By fasting, you have

better control over how and when the body releases insulin, Dose

thus increasing insulin sensitivity.


As you can see, so far, a lot of the benefits of fasting I’ve

listed have to do with activating survival mechanisms. Well,
the list doesn’t stop here, because fasting also increases
hormesis, which is essentially a beneficial amount of stress.

I remember in history class reading about a man who was afraid he was going to be poisoned by his ene-
mies. Eventually, he started drinking little bits of poison, poisoning himself a small amount each day to grow
stronger. Ultimately, he did get poisoned, and he survived. His enemies continued to poison him and it never
worked, because he made his body so strong.

This is also where the idea behind inoculation, vaccinations, and homeopathic medicines come from - putting
little bits of bad in the body so that over time, the body grows resistant to it.

The hormetic effect of fasting, however, isn’t about resisting pathogens. It’s about getting your brain accus-
tomed to stress. Whether you like it or not, fasting stresses your brain, but not so much that you go into a
downward spiral and find solace in a gallon of ice cream. The lack of food just causes the brain to start firing
in a way that it’s not used to, and this hormetic effect causes the production of more neurons, strengthened
dendrites and axons, and strengthened synapses. It’s also one of the reasons that fasting has been thought to
lower the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Fasting and Fat Loss

It’s time to talk about what you’re probably here for… Fasting and its effect on body fat.

Yes, fasting decreases body fat. And as you probably know, being slim is a good way to be both physically and
mentally healthier all around.

There are two ways that fasting decreases body fat. The first is obviously putting your body in a caloric deficit.
Your body isn’t being fed enough to meet the energy demands of the day, and that causes weight loss.

The second, is by putting the body into ketosis. I talked about this state earlier in the manual, but, when your
in ketosis, your body targets your fat stores and uses them for energy for your brain and body. This increased
target of fat cause accelerated fat loss.

And as you can tell by now, I believe that fasting is

better than calorie restriction for fat loss. I’ll talk more
about this later on, but when you eat food, you’re
stimulating the release of insulin. This means that even
though you’re eating less food, or little bits of food
here and there, it disrupts the hormonal process, and
even more, the beneficial autophagy associated with
rapid fat loss.

People who go on traditional caloric restriction diets

usually find that they may lose some, or even a lot
of, weight… But a ton of that weight is actually muscle, and they end up storing more body fat, becoming
what’s known in the fitness community as “skinny fat”. This is when you’re technically skinny, but your skin is
droopy, you have stretch marks, etc.

If you’ve been yo-yo dieting, or dieting and then gaining all the weight back, or even getting frustrated be-
cause you just can’t achieve the lean look that you desire, it’s because caloric restriction, in some cases, can be
more damaging to your body because of what it does to the hormones.

There’s also the recent burst in popularity in the keto diet. I talked a little about how fasting induces a state of
ketosis in the body above, but what’s funny is that fasting gets you into ketosis faster than the keto diet.

I’ve had many clients test the waters with the keto diet, and their frustration begins in the first two weeks,
because it takes two weeks of “eating for keto” before your body actually goes into ketosis. And during these
two weeks, many people experience negative effects such as headaches, extreme fatigue, nausea, restlessness,
diarrhea, and more.

Many times, people who try the keto diet end up eating lots of meat, fat, and butter - foods that you don’t
necessarily want to be shoveling down your throat all the time, and are sometimes difficult to eat.

These foods are also calorically dense, and many times, people don’t end up losing weight or body fat for the
first few weeks. Sometimes there’s a drop in water weigh from the lack of carbohydrate intake, but generally it
takes two weeks before your body goes into ketosis.

With fasting, on the other hand, it only takes three days to go into ketosis. This is because when you don’t
consume food, you don’t replenish your glycogen stores, and once they’re empty, the body needs to stimulate
a process to use some other sort of energy. For a short amount of time it utilizes amino acids, but it quickly
switches to using fat stores for energy.

With keto, even though you’re eating mainly fat and
protein, there are still trace amount of carbohydrates
in your food, which means the glycogen stores are
being somewhat replenished.

Another issue with both keto and caloric restriction

diets (keto is also a caloric restriction diet, though
most don’t see it that way), is that they take a toll
on your metabolism. Most people believe that your
metabolism will shut down, or be damaged by fasting.
This is untrue, and it’s backed by science.

With any caloric restriction diet, however, your metabolism slows down. This is why bodybuilders, when cut-
ting (losing weight), require “refeed” days. These are days when you’re in a long term caloric deficit, but you
take a day to eat over your caloric maintenance levels to kickstart the metabolism again.

With fasting, there’s no need for this. One of reasons for this is that when fasting, the body releases more
adrenaline, which keeps the metabolism going. There are a myriad of different reasons why our body releases
that adrenaline, such as to stabilize energy levels, but for now, just know that there’s no need to worry about
your metabolism taking a hit if you fast.

One final thing I’ll talk about in regards to traditional diets vs fasting is the muscle sparing effects of fasting.
As I said before, with traditional diets, many people end up losing more muscle than fat, or at least a signifi-
cant amount of muscle. This leaves them flabby, loose skinned, and embarrassed.

Fasting, on the other hand, has a muscle sparing effect.

Just think back thousands of years ago during humanity’s

hunter-gatherer days. We’d go long periods of time without
food. If our body decided to break down muscle when we
didn’t have food, there’s no chance we’d have the strength or
energy to hunt down our next meal, protect ourselves, or
defend our families. The body isn’t stupid. Although there is
a very short period of time when the body uses proteins as
fuel, this is short-lived and harmless. The body, in its wisdom,
conserves essential muscle, instead burning fat as its energy

Yes, fasting is, in my opinion and many others, the ultimate

practice for burning fat, and conserving muscle. Like I said
before, fasting lowers insulin, which, again, helps us lose body
fat, and saves us from many of the degenerative, chronic,
over-consumption diseases that we suffer with in modern

Different Types of Fasts

There are multiple different fasts I’ll talk about in this section. These fasts can be used in a vacuum, but can
also be rotated in order to gain consistent results.

Unlike macro-counting diets, keto diets, vegan diets, or other traditional restriction diets, where you have to
constantly think about what you’re going to eat, sometimes obsessing over it, fasting is totally flexible. In fact,
you can get away with eating almost anything if you keep your feeding windows small and constantly fast.

Later in this manual, I’m going to make a ton of suggestions on what food is best to eat during your eating
windows for health, vitality, and fat loss, but know that it is the actual fasting periods, the periods you’re not
eating, that you are putting your body into a metabolic state where you’re burning fat.

And science shows this. There have been studies where two people eat the same amount of calories a day, but
with different meal frequency. One person breaks the calories up into three meals throughout the day, while
the other eats all their food in a two to four hour window. The person who ate more in a smaller window was
shown to burn more fat than the person who spread their meal out.

Myths and Misconceptions of Fasting

Before I go into specific types of fasts, I’m going to go over some common myths and misconceptions in
regards to fasting.

The first is one that I already slightly touched on, fasting and starvation.

The mythical starvation mode is a myth that I subscribed to for a long time as a lifter, strongman, and athlete.

However, it simply does not exist.

Most people believe that when fasting, their metabolism

will slow, their body will cannibalize their muscle, and
they’ll turn into a withered pile of bones.

However, your body actually goes into more of a starva-

tion mode when you consistently eat little bits over time.

When you fast, your body is in a catabolic state, but it focuses on stimulating the bodily mechanisms you
need to survive, work, and to live an active life, all the while, boosting your brainpower, and cleaning out your

The starvation myth leads me to the next myth of muscle catabolism. This is simply the idea that when you
fast, your body eats your muscle. I talked before about the process of gluconeogenesis, where your body starts
breaking down amino acids for protein. During the relatively short time that your body utilizes this process
for energy, yes you may lose a bit of muscle. But, emphasizing the relatively short period of time, the body
quickly realizes what’s happening and switches to fat for energy.

After the process of gluconeogenesis stops, your body goes into a muscle-sparing state.

The next myth I’ll talk about is the idea that fasting results in overeating.

In my personal experience as a health and fitness coach, I’ve found that overeating is an emotional response,
and, a reaction to a very primal fear of not being able to eat again. Although I’ll give you tips later on how to
avoid the emotional stimulus that causes most people to break their fast, and start to gorge, early on in your
fasting experience, you’ll quickly realize that this is not a good idea, and it is not what the body wants.

The fasting itself isn’t what causes overeating, it’s the faster’s submission to their emotions, their negative
thoughts, and their food addiction that creates these undesirable scenarios. Like I said, I’ll share tips for later,

but know that this protocol is called RATIONAL Fasting for a reason.

Not only is it designed to get you the body of your dreams, one that will inhabit this earth far longer than the
bodies of your peers, but it’s also a way to eliminate the power your emotions have on you. It’s an exercise in
discipline, albeit, not a very difficult one.

Onto the next myth - Fasting deprives the body of nutrients.

Now, you may already know about Arnold Ehret, a health figure,
and proponent of fasting from over 100 years ago. This gentle-
man endured multiple 50+ day fasts, mainly for publicity, but also
health, so he could show the public that fasting was effective and

During this time, the man had strictly water, tea, coffee, and maybe
apple cider vinegar. No multi-vitamins, no pills, no nothing.

How could this be?

Well, if you have anything more than 4% body fat (and if you have 4% or less, you probably don’t need to be
here), you have food hanging out on your insides. It’s undigested food.
When you’re fasting, the body will harness nutrients from this food to provide the body with what it needs.
Remember, when the food you eat is not used up, when the energy isn’t used up, your body stores it in the
liver short term, then stores it as body fat for the long term.

Now, for the next myth, the biggest myth - The idea that “fasting is impossible for me to do.”

This myth is a big reason why I call this protocol Rational Fasting for Virtue and Vitality. Fasting builds re-
solve, steadfast commitment, and discipline. Even more, it opens your mind to what you’re truly capable of.

Many of the problems in modern society, especially psychological problems, come from never being exposed
to stimulus that produces or forces us to create the above virtues. If you want to be a strong being, you’ve got
to subject yourself to challenge.

Just letting the thought that fasting is impossible cross your mind is wrong. By simply getting out of your
head, you’ll realize how simple fasting actually is, and how it makes life easier. Less money on groceries, less
decision, more energy, more attractive body, a longer life, and a body that is physically active at a late age.

As I said before, food addiction and over-consumption is emotional. And it’s an insidious thing. Getting over
this addiction is best for you to do both physiologically and psychologically.

This idea leads me right into the truth about hunger. The first idea I want to share with you is that hunger is
not cumulative. It’s interesting that when people miss a meal, or something happens, and they can’t eat for the
day, they think of that as painful. They confuse this pain with hunger.

Part of this feeling of hunger is the body detoxing. Some people, when they first fast, may experience head-
aches, anxiety, and other ailments (I’ll share how to eliminate these later), but these are withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal from sugar, and withdrawal from an emotional addiction.

When you plow through that for a day, or

two, hunger completely disappears.

A few years back, I was mentoring a member

of my gym through fasting. He had a hard
time getting over the idea that he couldn’t fast.
When he finally took the plunge, and started
fasting, he told me “Elliott, I don’t even want to

When he finally broke his fast, he didn’t

gorge. He ate a little bit, and started fasting

By his second round of fasting, he told me he didn’t want to eat at all, because he felt so much better while
fasting, and a big reason for this new sense of wellbeing was because his allergies subsided (as I said above,
fasting has an anti-inflammatory effect, and it causes a lot of allergies to disappear).

This is the case with everyone who fasts. Once they breakthrough that mental barrier, and even more, experi-
ence the effects of fasting, they see that hunger is non existent.

Again, hunger is mental more so than physiological. There are actual signs and symptoms that you are in a
state of hunger emergency, and most of us have never, and will never experience that. Even with prolonged

This mental addiction begins with society. It all starts when we are children.

Whenever we cry, the minute we do it, a bottle or pacifier is shoved into our mouth. This continues through-
out our childhood. When we need to be entertained as babies, but our parents are busy, we’re given something
to chomp on.

I see parents giving babies Cheerios and other little pieces of insignificant junk food to offer the child a
soothing of emotions. No hunger, no starvation, just a suppression of emotions.

Just as when we’re younger, when we get to adulthood, we continue to fill an empty void with food, like we
learned to do when we’re children.

We do the same with social media, television, and other media as well. When something goes wrong, when
you experience an undesirable emotion, your knee jerk reaction is to escape the feeling, numb it, by grabbing
your phone and scrolling, or watching a video.

Hunger becomes an addiction, a satisfaction for emotion, not our bodies.

Hunger is created emotionally, not physiologically.

Now, let’s get into the science of fasting and hunger.

Earlier, you learned that your body has multiple mechanisms to fuel itself in absence of carbohydrates.

The first is gluconeogenesis, which occurs for a relatively short amount of time, where the body uses amino
acids to create fuel.

The second, is ketosis. Once you kick into ketosis, you’re body is fueled off of fat stores, and there’s no need
for outside sources of energy because everyone has plenty of fat. During this process, your body is satiated,
and you won’t need to eat. 97% of people experience a complete lack of hunger at this point.

However, there are more tools at your disposal for fighting hunger than relying on your body to consume fat

Many of my clients have found that any hungry urges can be quelled by drinking black coffee, tea, or water. In
fact, most find that by simply staying hydrated properly, they keep hunger at bay. However, things sometimes
get tough, and black coffee, a known appetite suppressant, can help, along with teas. Later I’ll share more
liquid concoctions that you can use when things get tough.

Another great cure for hunger is to stay busy with

work, do something creative, or engage in some
exercise. In fact, something that many clients, and
myself, have found, is that with fasting, you’ll have
a lot of extra time, energy, and money with fasting.
You’ll find you’re more productive and life is a lot
more interesting.

My clients and myself can continue to work for

hours and hours on end without getting tired, and
without needing to break for food. In addition, we
probably cut 50% off of our grocery bill.

There truly are a myriad of benefits beyond just

the physical, psychological, and physiological that
you’ll begin to notice when you stop consumption.

Who Shouldn’t Fast

While fasting provides numerous benefits to many different people, and is a relatively safe practice, there are
some individuals who shouldn’t fast.

Some people are severely malnourished or underweight, such as those with eating disorders, should not fast
simply because it can become an obsession.

In addition, children under the age of 18 should not fast. It is possible, in certain circumstances such as ill-
ness, that fasting can be beneficial, but in general, prolonged fasting should not be used by individuals under

Pregnant women are another group who I’d recommend against fasting. When you have a baby in your body,
you want to ensure the baby is well cared for and nourished. Even after giving birth, I’d wait a significant
amount of time before fasting.

I remember when my wife was breastfeeding my first daughter, my wife was eating and eating and eating, but
losing weight. Breastfeeding takes a lot out a woman, and compared to women who don’t breastfeed, they lose
a lot of weight. With that being said, if you’re a woman who’s breastfeeding, and you know you’re losing a lot
of nutrients, wait a bit before trying fasting.

Different medications can also have effects on your fasting experience. If you take a medication, I highly
advise you to go consult with your physician. You should know that when you fast, the body begins to break
down the mucosal lining within your digestive tract, along with the body fat it breaks down. It’s well-known
that we store toxins in body fat, and in some cases, the digestive tract, so when the body starts breaking
those things down, medication from years ago can get re-released into the bloodstream. This can create some
adverse reactions, so if you’re taking medication, proceed with caution and definitely consult with your physi-

Additionally, if you’re diabetic, particularly type 1 diabetic, things can definitely go wrong because of your
need to take insulin. I’m 100% against fasting for type 1 diabetics, unless you’re under heavy supervision.

Type 2 diabetics, conversely, are being healed all over the world at fasting clinics, as type 2 diabetes is a result
of over-consumption and eating the wrong foods. You can actually reverse this effect through fasting, but
again, you should proceed with caution, and consult with a physician.

Types of Fasting

There’s a plethora of different types of fasting, but for the sake of this 14-Day Rational Fasting Challenge,
and the way I work with my clients, I focus just a handful of fasting protocols

The first is called OMAD fasting. OMAD stands for one meal a day. That means you’re eating daily, but you’re
eating within a prescribed feeding window, which usually lasts between two and four hours.

Elliott’s Intermittent Fasting Results (find on google)

There are also many people who do “intermittent fasting” and engage in eight-hour eating windows, and this
can be good for somebody who’s struggling, but quite frankly, until you’re in ketosis and stimulating autopha-
gy, you’re not really in a state of fasting. You’re just skipping meals.

The one meal a day protocol does have a beneficial place in some circumstances, though. It’s something we’re
going to use during the 14-Day Challenge, but it’s just a small part of the protocol.

The second type of fasting we’ll use is called NOMAD. This means, you guessed it, no meals a day. I know
your stomach is rumbling just thinking about that. Yes, NOMAD means if you start a fast on Monday, you
don’t eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and you go to bed. The following day you may choose to break your fast,
particularly later in the day. I recommend 36 hours.

Elliott’s Intermittent Fasting Results

In this protocol, you’re going to tie multiple NOMAD days together.

When you reach 48 hours of no consumption, you’re in, what I called, UMAD. This is a play on words, saying
“are you mad?”.

UMAD fasting is where all the big, powerful, health benefits come into play. After 72 hours of fasting, you’re
experiencing boosted levels of autophagy, ketosis, detoxification, and hunger should have completely subsid-

This is doing it big time.

I call this type of fasting UMAD as a joke, but it’s truly a great way to get accustomed to fasting.

To reiterate, OMAD fasting is eating one meal a day, usually dinner. You can do this with water or dry fasting.
(Side note: I’m not going to talk too much about dry fasting here, which means you fast without water. They
say that dry fasting is three times more powerful than water fasting, but I don’t know how much of a scientific
background “they” has. There are some studies from the Soviet Union, and there is research you can dig into,
but I wouldn’t recommend dry fasting more than one day.).

OMAD is decent for fat loss, but suboptimal in terms of health benefits, although it’s still very good for you.

NOMAD fasting is fasting for at least 36 hours, and I recommend doing it two to three times a week. To per-
form this fast, eat dinner the night prior, and consume water only through bedtime the following day. If you
need it, throw in some black coffee, and herbal teas.

Another good hunger combatant is a combination of apple cider vinegar with Perrier, or seltzer water. This
combination also serves as a stimulant for autophagy.

NOMAD is very good for fat loss because you’re really in a fasted state metabolically, and, in addition, you’re
experiencing some of the boosted autophagy, with some of the other health benefits.

If you NOMAD for a day, you’re doing great

things. If you do it for a second day, you’re
really impressing. By the third, you’re making
magic happen, and you’re in UMAD fasting.

Again, UMAD is any form of extended fast-

ing. Earlier this spring, I engaged in a 10 day
UMAD fast, and people who attend fasting
clinics sometimes fast between 14 and 21

Yes, it absolutely can be done, and it’s a won-

derful health practice.

And, if you’re feeling ballsy, and want to be a real fasting gangster, eat your last meal on Sunday and fast until
Wednesday, or Friday. Again, you can consume water, black coffee, herbal teas, apple cider vinegar, and seltzer

You’re getting the best possible health benefits here: you’re fully in ketosis, experiencing boosted autophagy,
anti-inflammatory effects, and accelerated fat loss.

There’s also ample evidence of metaphysical benefits, and I, and clients, have experienced them. It’s said in
the Bible that Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert, and there are many other religions that speak of, and have,
extended fasting practices. They use the fasting practices to build character, virtue, vitality, increase mind pow-
er, and detox the system (your body), which is said to allow your internal antennae to connect better with the
existential, and that small voice that most of us can’t hear when we’re trying to make a tough decision.

All three of these fasting protocols make up the Rational Fasting Challenge, and they’ll be used in strategic
combination to help you turn fasting into a lifestyle, but not before kickstarting fat loss, longevity, and health

I’ve informed you of these fasting protocols, however, so that you can customize the challenge based on your
physiology, and your goals. During the challenge, don’t be afraid to push for longer fasts, or break if you need

Regardless of how you need to customize these protocols, you’re going to get great results, and you’re going
to be so happy you made that push.

The Fasting-Focused Lifestyle

In this section, I’m going to touch on what to eat in between fasts, more on keto adaptation, detoxing, dealing
with people, and how to break and enter fasting.

First, I want to talk about eating.

As you know by now, fasting is a practice that detoxes the body through the process of autophagy and more.
While you’re in a fasted state, your body gets rid of the toxins that are stored in the liver, body fat, and diges-
tive tract, and also takes measure to protect your DNA from those toxins.

And know, that there are toxins all around us. There’s toxic food on grocery store shelves, the air is toxic, the
water has added chemicals that can be toxic, and your body can’t get rid of it all when it’s constantly consum-
ing and digesting new substances.

This leads me to the subject of what to eat to make the most of those detoxification benefits, and even boost
them with the food you eat.

And to start, I want to share what foods NOT to break fast with. Fasting is an anti-inflammatory, and detox-
ification process. We want to maintain these benefits as long as possible, so it’s optimal to avoid foods that
create inflammation. Foods that create inflammation include processed foods, sugar, most grains, beans, and

If you have allergies, you’ll experience, in a lot of cases, a total dissipation of the runny nose and sneezing
that you usually experience. However, if you break fast with inflammatory foods, you’ll feel them coming
rushing back.

So, what are some detoxifying foods that you CAN break fast with?

Some people believe that eating a full vegan diet is best for detoxification. While I don’t recommend it, it is
beneficial to eat a diet high in starchless, leafy green vegetables, and low-glycemic fruits during your feeding

windows. Some of these include berries, green apples, and avocado.

The reason we want to eat low-glycemic foods is because for maximum fat loss, we want to stay in a state of
ketosis, again, the state that your body goes into where it burns fat as energy instead of glucose. It’s not possi-
ble to stay in ketosis when we’re eating high starch fruits like bananas, mangoes, and melons.

I also recommend stewed prunes. Although they are not low-glycemic, they stimulate bowel movements, if
you find yourself constipated.

Some vegetables I recommend eating are, again, starchless leafy greens, cucumbers, celery, radish, peppers,
broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, asparagus, vegetable broths, and soups.

I also recommend bone broth, as the health benefits of bone broth are also great for what we’re doing with
fasting. It’s highly nutritious, protects the joints, reduces inflammation, and it can even support weight loss.

All of these foods will keep your body in a state of accelerated fat loss by keeping you in ketosis.

Of course, I can’t mention staying in keto without mentioning the fats. Fueling your body with a LOT of fat
is what’s going to signal the body to shed more of those fat stores. Some of the best foods for keto adap-
tation are fatty meats, fatty plants, and some dairies and oils. The fattier the meats, the better, which usually
means red meat. Personally, I like to eat rib eyes, briskets, fattier cuts of meat to fuel my body with the fat
it needs to energize me. Other foods that are great include whole eggs, oily fish such as salmon, dark meat
chicken, cheese, dairy, and butter.

Another big source of fats are oils. Olive oil, coconut oil, and MCT oils are great sources of fat and great for
the brain.

I can’t stress that we need to avoid sugars and starches. It’s hidden in everything, especially packaged and pro-

cessed foods, so to maintain your health benefits and avoid urges, stay out of the middle aisles of the grocery
store. Stay in the perimeter. Everything in the middle is trash for your body.

A big caveat here is that we want to eat to keep our body in ketosis, but we don’t want to live on a ketogenic
diet. Many people who are on a ketogenic diet eat too many of the wrong foods. They’re eating highly toxic
foods, and processed foods. They also eat a ton of bacon, and other processed meat. I’m not saying you can’t
do it, but it’s just not best for what we’re doing with fasting.

And since one of our goals here, if you want continued fat loss, is to stay in ketosis, you’ll need to know how
to organize your diet. To eat a keto diet, you need to eat 5-10% carbs, 15-20% protein, and 70-80% fat. Since
we’re eating in between fasts, in small windows, you don’t have to live and die by this ratio. Just keep the carbs
low by eating the carbohydrate sources I mentioned above, and you’ll be okay.

Once again, the fasting lifestyle is flexible. Technically, you can eat whatever you want in your fasting windows
and still lose fat. There will be some times where you want to eat carbs, that’s okay. There will be times where
you’re on vacation, and don’t want to fast, that’s fine too. Just come back and follow it up with some fasting
and you’ll go right back to burning fat.

Fasting Lifestyle Tips

There are challenges you’ll face in your fasting journey.

Sometimes, the hunger hits hard. Sometimes you can’t sleep. Sometimes, other things happen.

In this section, I’m going to share some tips on how to face these challenges, sword in hand. In addition, I’m
going to share some tips that will help you bolster the health benefits you get from fasting.

I’ll start with hunger.

While science has shown that you get less hunger crav-
ings with fasting than you do with a traditional caloric
deficit diet, you’ll most likely face some rumbling of
the tummy.

When this occurs, and I’ve already said this above, you
should fill your belly with water, tea, even coffee can
help you curb your hunger. Don’t forget about the
combination of seltzer water and apple cider vinegar
either. That combination can help you fill your stom-

In addition, when you’re hungry, remember, hunger is

not permanent. It will pass.

Anybody who’s ever broken an addiction knows that when you have that craving for that cigarette, if you just
let it pass, an hour later, you realize “Oh… I didn’t need it”. It’s the same with alcohol, and the same with food.

Just ride the wave, be patient, and think long term, especially when you begin the 14 Day Challenge. These 14
Days are an introduction to a newer, healthier lifestyle of being lean, happy, healthy, vibrant, and virtuous.

Now, as I said above, fasting keeps your metabolism going through the release of adrenaline. You probably
know adrenaline as the hormone that gets released in times of danger, or fight or flight situations. And you
probably know that it sends a jolt of energy to your body.

This can be helpful, but it can also be a hindrance, for example, when you’re going to sleep. You’ll be hope-
lessly rolling around in bed if this happens.

This is why I started doing 7x7 breathing.

To perform this breathing exercise, you’ll

start by inhaling through your nose slow
and controlled. Then you’ll hold that breath
for the count of seven. You shouldn’t strain
during this, meaning your face shouldn’t
be turning blue. After the count of seven,
you’ll release slowly. You’ll perform seven
rounds of seven breaths like this.

During this practice, you want to keep your

muscles relaxed. The solar plexus, belly, and
shoulders should be at ease.

After, you’ll feel miraculous. If not, do another round.

Another thing you can do when you get hungry is just take a walk. You’ll get some sunshine, and your metab-
olism will kickstart, causing your body to consume those fat stores, and you to not be as hungry.

In regards to exercise and fasting, I would take it easy. I will say, I overdid my training while fasting. It forced
me to spend a lot more time laying down. You want to maintain as much energy as you can to have a success-
ful fast.

Another thing you can do, if for some reason you overexerted yourself, is watch or read fasting educational
materials. It might sound a bit weird, but it will remind you of why you’re fasting, and the great benefits you’re

There are a myriad of different spiritual, physiological, and fat loss fasting books on Amazon. In addition,

there are a bunch of new documentaries such as The Science of
Fasting, The Power of Fasting and more on Amazon and Netflix.

If you’re like me, you want to know why and what you’re doing,
especially when things get tough. Doing this reminds you that
you can get through a challenge, and that what you’re doing is
right and true.

The next fasting bolstering tip might sound a bit strange. When
fasting, you’re detoxifying your body, but sometimes you start
feeling bad. This is because you’ve still got remnants of food in
your body, and since you’re not eating or having bowel move-
ments, that food is sitting inside of your gut, rotting.

Even worse, sometimes it gets released into your bloodstream.

That’s when it’s a good time to take an enema. You can go on
YouTube and look up how to do an enema, and buy a kit on
Amazon for something like 12 bucks.

This cleans out your lower intestines and colon by filling it up with water from the bottom up. It’s essentially a
bath for your intestines. When you shoot the water up, your colon starts to contract, which pushes whatever’s
inside, out. So not only will water come out, but also whatever nasty stuff was sitting in your colon.

Another similar practice is something I discovered by accident, and, when I did some research, discovered it’s
really good for you.

It’s called a saltwater flush.

To experience this, you’ll put two heaping teaspoons of Celtic Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Sea Salt in a liter
and a half of room temperature water. You then drink it as quickly as you can, ideally within five minutes.

This will clean you out from the top down.

Yes, within half an hour, you’ll be running to the toilet, and the rotting food will be emptied out.

When I performed a 10 day fast, I did a saltwater flush on day 11, the day I finished, and there was still debris
coming out.

While this practice might sound undesirable, it helps with the detoxification process.

Another beneficial practice to engage in while fasting is an Epsom salt bath. The reason for this is when
you’re fasting, especially for long periods, you may find that your muscles cramp. This is an indication that you
are not getting enough magnesium, or potassium. You might know that your skin is permeable, so when you
take a bath in Epsom salt, you’re actually replenishing minerals.

In addition, if you live by the ocean, you can use the ocean water to get some natural salt on your skin, and
get some sunshine.

How to Break a Fast

An important aspect of fasting is knowing how to break a fast. If you do it the wrong way, the results can be

Each type of fasting has a different has a different way of breaking fast. As a general rule, the longer you fast
the more delicate you have to be in breaking a fast.

If you’re doing OMAD fasting, going 24 hours, or even 48 hours, without food, the way you break fast is not
of vital importance.

However, when you start doing UMAD fasting, going

three, five, ten days, you have to be very gentle when
you break fast. If you aren’t gentle, you’ll regret it.

When I first started UMAD fasting, I broke my fast with

some bone broth… initially. After my body digested that
bone broth, it was like the dam was broken. I immediately
inhaled an entire pack of almonds and regretted it. I had
stomach aches, and diarrhea.

Not only is gorging bad, it’s unnecessary. But, there is a

way to do it. There’s a time and place for it, but not when you break fast.

Your first meal should be something small that stimulates the digestive system without spiking insulin, as I
said above. A small salad or raw vegetables and olive oil will do the trick.

Here’s a list of other foods you can break fast with:

» Bone broth with MCT oil or butter

» A handful of nuts (chew thoroughly)
» A tablespoon of nut butter (stay away from those with sugar in them)
» Eggs
» Small portions of meat
» Sardines with a little bit of olive oil

After you have your small, post fast meal, wait an hour. The small meal will stimulate the digestive system.
Once that hour is up, have a big meal. This meal should be big enough to produce a bowel movement, and
can include a big salad, fatty ketogenic meats, rib eye steaks, whatever you want.

Try and keep it keto, and avoid high glycemic foods so that you can burn as much fat as possible.

Another important thing to note is that you should limit your water intake during your feeding window.

When fasting you should be drinking a ton of water to keep you full. However, during your feeding window,
you want to get in as much food as you can. You’ll get your water from the vegetables and low-glycemic fruits
you’re eating, so you don’t have to worry about drinking a bunch of water.

This way, you can save room for your high-density nutritious food.

Also, when you drink water while your body is trying to digest food, you dilute digestive acids and juices, mak-
ing it harder for the body to digest.

You can sip on water if you need too, but don’t guzzle.

Your feeding window should be about two to four hours max. After this time is up, prepare to fast again to
sustain your health, and fat loss, benefits. It’s very easy to break fast and think “I did it. I’m done. It’s over” and
then go back to the lifestyle that made you sick, chubby, and depressed.

We want sustained benefits, sustained health. Part of that is continuing to give our body a chance to heal itself.

The 10 Commandments of Rational Fasting

1 - Prepare With a Pre-Fasting Protocol

Although you can jump right into this 14 Day Challenge, it would
be far better if you took a few days to prepare yourself. Not just
mentally, but also physically.

One way to do this is to become fat-adapted before you go into a

fasted state. This means eating in a way that’s ketogenic.

When you do this, your insulin will be lower, and you’ll be less
susceptible to hunger, and less likely to catabolize muscle.

Another thing that helps is by starting with OMAD, giving your-

self a two to four hour eating window. When you eat, make sure
you eat lots fruits and vegetables to do a little detox before you
do an extended fast.

Going even further with detox, it also helps to stimulate bowel movements with enemas and saltwater flushes.
This gets all the junk out of your body before you start fasting, and lowers the likelihood that you’ll feel like a
hot pile of garbage when you start fasting.

2 - Carefully Choose the Time and Place for Your First Fast

Starting a fast on a weekend is a good idea.

Sometimes, people can get HANGRY, and unleashing your

wrath of hanger on your coworkers isn’t always the best idea.

In addition, starting on the weekend allows you to fast in a

low-stress environment.

One of my biggest fasting mistakes was taking my kids to

Disney World on the last day of my 10 day fast. Not exactly a
low stress place.

I was waiting in long lines with my four kids in the hot sun.

While I made it through, and made it to 10 days, I would’ve

been forced to break my fast earlier if it was day 5, 6, or 8 of
my fast.

So, yes, choosing a low-stress environment is of vital impor-

tance. You’ll want to get outside as much as possible. Go for
walks, get fresh air, and sunlight.

Another important piece to your success is to avoid unsupportive people. It may even help you to avoid tell-
ing people you’re doing a fast, as they may criticize you because they don’t know what they’re talking about.

In fact, you can almost guarantee that if you reveal the fact that you’re fasting to anyone, you’ll be met with

3 - Drink Salted Water

This is an important piece of the fasting puzzle.

When you drink water, it’s usually void of minerals that your body needs to maintain energy levels. When
you’re missing these minerals, your brains stops working well, you get grumpy, and feel bad.

To combat this, add a half teaspoon of Pink Himalayan Salt to every two liters of water. In addition, add a
half teaspoon of potassium chloride. You can easily find it in health food stores, or on Amazon.

These are critical minerals and electrolytes that can help keep you satiated.

If you’re trying to fast on tap water, it’s going to be extremely difficult, not only because it’s toxic, but also
void of minerals.

In addition, you can purchase Artesian waters. Evian, Fiji, Volvic, Core, and other similar waters have minerals
in them.

As a general rule, you’ll want to drink two to three liters of this kind of water per day, although there’s no
limit. In addition, you should begin each day by drinking a liter of water before drinking coffee or tea.

4 - Break Food Addiction as Fast as Possible with a 24 - 48 Hour Fast

We don’t want to just dip our toes into the water. We want
to jump in.

My wife is someone who dips her toes into the water. It

drives me crazy. She puts her foot in, feels the cold, gets
afraid, and changes her mind, only to come back and do it

Same thing with fasting.

It’s a silly idea, and it’s like teasing yourself emotionally.

Jump in to test the waters and gain confidence.

Also, if you’re not doing prolonged fasting, be sure to keep your windows between two to four hours each
day. If you are prolonged fasting, you can have a larger window

5 - Stay Busy With Exercise and Self-Development

Staying lightly active can be insanely helpful during a fast, but it’s important not to overdo it.

As someone who was a former strongman, and is big in the health and fitness community, I found out the
hard way that you need to lower your volume if you want to lift while fasting.

Low reps and sets are key, and you may even want to switch to a full body routine. This means you’re per-
forming every movement pattern (squat, push, pull, bend, lunge, gait, twist) in one workout.

You can also perform low intensity cardio, and I highly recommend against anything else. Walks, maybe a light
jog if you’re used to it, biking, and swimming are all beneficial.

Avoid sprints, HIIT, and other higher intensity cardio methods.

Another great exercise in my own, and many others’, experience is meditation. In my experience, the best
meditation technique is Holosync. It’s a meditation technique sold by a company called Center Point. If you
don’t feel like spending the money, you can use binaural beats from YouTube.

Both of these meditation techniques are just frequencies, so you just put on headphones, sit down, and listen.
They’ll put you in a very sedated, relaxed, and focused state.

6 - Eat For Maximum Nutritional Density

When you break fast, you don’t want to eat like an eight year old child - rabbit hybrid. By that I mean, you
don’t want to eat too little, and you don’t want to eat poor nutrient foods.

It’s key to keep in mind that fasting is not dieting. There’s really no concern with counting calories, the empha-
sis is on the time-restricted eating. It’s a huge driving force behind the effectiveness of fasting, remember that.

When that feeding window comes, it’s time to fill yourself with the highest quality foods that have an abun-
dance of micronutrients, macronutrients, minerals, and electrolytes.

Because you’re spending far less time eating, sometimes eating once every few days, your grocery bill is going
to be sliced significantly. This means you can spend a little more on high quality foods.

You can look for organic fruits and veggies, grass-fed meats that you enjoy, don’t deprive yourself of foods
you like.

Remember, from time to time, you can eat some sweets, some treats, but if you want to keep that fat inciner-
ating effect, and keep up the health benefits, you’ll eat the way I laid out above.

One other point I want to make is that you can supplement with vitamins if necessary. It usually isn’t neces-
sary, however, if you’re missing something in your diet, or you know you have a deficiency, you can pop those

7 - Control Blood Sugar and Insulin

Want to know a good way to gain fat?

Eat a high fat, high carb meal.

Why? Both of these are sources of energy, and when you eat both at the same time, your body has to decide
what to use for energy, and what to put away. And guess what your body is going to pick (Hint: it’s not the

Yes, there are times, even when fasting, that you can eat a high carb meal, and there’s a proper way to do it.

In general, we want to avoid eating high-sugar, high-starch foods, but if you do eat carbs, be sure to keep fats
low within the same meal, and consume a lean protein source.

If you are going to eat a high carb meal, you should do it after a weight training workout to stimulate muscle
recovery processes in the body. There are bodybuilders who purposely spike insulin after workouts, but I tend
to stay away from this.

I keep saying this, but try to stay in ketosis as best you can.

8 - Be Aware of Common Fasting and Ketosis Symptoms… Don’t Freak Out

There are multiple “symptoms” that may occur while fasting. Not all of them will happen to you, but if they
do, you need to be armed with the knowledge of how to combat them.

The first is obvious… Hunger.

I’ve been saying this, but hunger is not cumulative. It goes away.
And it completely disappears after a certain length of fasting.

Again, to combat it, drink green tea, black coffee, or apple cider
vinegar to curb it.

Another symptom is dizziness. If you become dizzy, you’re prob-

ably dehydrated, so drink more water. Also, when you fast, your
blood pressure may be lower, so there’s not as many nutrients
floating around in the blood.

If you’re getting dizzy from low blood pressure, usually it happens

when you get up from sitting for long hours, so take your time
when you get up.

For people who consume a lot of sugar in their diet, headaches are common. This is a side effect of addic-
tion to sugar. Yes, you can get addicted to sugar. These headaches are temporary, and your head isn’t going to

Also constipation may occur with lowered food intake. To fight this, eat as many vegetables as possible during
your feeding window. This should help push things through. In dire cases, utilize the salt water flush I spoke
about before.

The last symptom I’ll talk about is cramping. Cramps are often a result of not getting the electrolytes you
need. Low magnesium and potassium are usually the culprit. Above I talked about how to craft a water con-
coction that delivers these nutrients, and, in addition, you can take an Epsom salt bath.

9 - Track Your Results

This is essential, as it will give you a continuous source of moti-


See, fasting is a variable experience. Sometimes you’ll feel great,

other times you won’t. During these times, you’ll need validation
that what you’re doing is right.

That’s where the tracking comes in.

There are three things you’ll need to track: keto testing strips, fat
calipers, and a scale.

Keto testing strips indicate if you are in ketosis or not. All you
do is urinate on a litmus test, and the color indicates if you’re in
ketosis. You can find these on Amazon for dirt cheap.

Another keto testing protocol that I’ve been using lately is a

blood ketone tester. It’s more complicated than the keto strips because you have to prick your finger, but it’s
also more accurate.

The next testing item, fat calipers, allows you to test your body fat percentage. As you fast, you’ll see your
body fat percentage go down, and this will continue to motivate you.

For standardized body fat percentage, there are multiple places to measure, such as the belly, chest, and behind
your arm. If you want to keep it simple, just test the area to the right of your belly button.

Finally, a scale allows you to track your bodyweight every day. When you fast, your body weight will fluctuate.
During a fast, you’ll experience rapid weight loss, but when you eat again, you’ll see that bodyweight start to
creep back up.

No need to freak out when this happens, because you’ll be losing more body fat during your fast than you’ll
gain from eating. Significantly more.

You should keep all three of this items in your bathroom with a pen and paper to track. Every morning, hop
on the scale, and jot down that number. After that, do your ketosis test and write down the results of that.
Finally, take your pinches with your fat calipers and record the results.

During these 14 Days, these numbers should start moving quickly.

10 - Make Rational Fasting a Lifestyle

What myself, and my many clients, have found with fasting is that there’s no need for anyone to eat more than
one to two meals a day, and most only need to eat once a day.

Take a second to digest that.

OMAD fasting is something that you can easily implement into your life. Once you’re steadily incorporating
OMAD, starting throwing in a couple NOMADs.

When I was at my most aesthetic, I was just doing a Monday NOMAD and a Friday NOMAD. The rest of
the week, I was eating five, six, meals a day.

Just by doing two NOMADs a week, I was shredding.

While OMADs and NOMADs are a good place to

start, it’s important not to shy away from UMAD

Many health practictioners and researchers recom-

mend UMAD fasting (minimum of three to five
days) at least four times a year for optimal health.

This can be easy, and beneficial, to do, as you

can do a prolonged fast at the beginning of each

Summer’s approaching and you want to look good

at the beach? Do a prolonged fast to shed some
weight and clean out the system.

Fall’s approaching, and you just ate a bunch of

barbecue and beer? Clean your system out to start
the harvest season.

New Year’s just passed and you’re trying to start on the right foot? Start with a prolonged fast to get rid of the
debris from the previous year.

It’s easy, and it really makes sense to engage in strategically placed UMAD fasts.

The important thing here, for the best results both physical and physiological, is to make fasting a lifestyle. As
you can see, it can be easy, and you can get different results with a different combination of fasts.

Customize the fasts based on what you have to do that week. If you know you’re going to have a stressful
week, do OMAD every day. If you’re going to have a laid back week, include more NOMADs, maybe even a
three day UMAD.

Make it easy on yourself and you’ll experience a lot of success.

The 14 Day Rational Fasting Protocol

Now it’s time to talk about exactly what you’re going to do for your 14 Day Fasting Challenge.

First, you’re going to purchase your salts, sea salt, po-

tassium, and magnesium. Remember, if you’re drinking
just tap water, you’re going to feel like crap.

Next, you’ll buy the testing tools I mentioned above

and place them in your bathroom. You should also take
“before” photos. Most of my clients who forgot this
part instantly regretted it, because they didn’t have a
clear picture of how fasting changed their body. Yes,
they had numbers, but a clear picture of your body

transformation will give you a HUGE sense of achievement.

The best way to do this is to do a front, side, and back.

As I said before, you also need to keep a journal with your numbers inside. This way, you can start to see
trends and progress. In addition to journaling your numbers, you can also journal about your experience for
the day. Talk about what you ate, how you felt, and your overall successes for the day.

Your next step is to decide when you’re going to start and adequately prepare.

Remember, you’re going to introduce a new stimulus to your body for two weeks, so try to pick two weeks
that are going to have a relatively low amount of stress.

Once you’ve decided when to start,

begin your pre-fasting protocol. Start
eating ketogenic foods, low-carb, high-
fat. I suggest against treating yourself
with a last treat of junk food, because if
you spike your insulin the night before
you try to fast, you’re going to feel abso-
lutely horrible the next day.

I’ve tested this. One day I wanted to test

having a high-carb meal before my fast,
and it was extremely difficult. I was only fasting for a day, but it was very hard for me, someone who’s endured
a 10 day faast.

Finally, we arrive at the 14-Day Rational Fasting protocol:

Monday: NOMAD. This means Monday night you’re going to bed without food. Ot may be tough, you
may face some addiction and emotional things, but when you use the tools I’ve laid out above, you will come
out on top.

Tuesday: NOMAD. Yes, two days in a row without food. On this second day you’ll experience some

Wednesday: OMAD. On the third day, I want you to try and push your eating window to the after-
noon, late afternoon, or evening. It should be relatively easy to wait it out for a few hours, as you’ve already
weathered the storm. When you break your fast, begin with a light salad with olive oil, or maybe some bone
broth, then consume a ketogenic meal an hour later. At this point your body is in ketosis, so you want to en-
sure you keep your body fueled off fat so your next fast is easier.

Thursday: NOMAD. Because your body is now fueled off fat, this day should be a breeze. You’ll experi-
ence little to no hunger cravings, and you’ll feel energized and productive.

Friday: NOMAD. Now we’re experiencing the full effects of fasting. We’re in full fledged ketosis, experi-
encing autophagy, and our brain is firing on all cylinders.

Saturday and Sunday: It’s the weekend. Enjoy yourself. Have that small feeding window to-
wards the end of the day. On Saturday, you can even eat some carbs, but I highly recommend against that on
Sunday, as you should prepare for your next fast.

Monday-Thursday: UMAD. Here is where you can customize the protocol to your liking. You
should feel great during this four day fast, and if you do, keep going through Friday, Saturday, even Sunday.
With this fast, you will be feeling great, so you can push it as long as you want to.

Friday-Sunday: If you do decide to break fast on Friday, we’ll do an OMAD again. Try to wait until
later in the day to set up your eating window.

As I said, this protocol is flexible, but that first week, you should follow it to the T, as it sets up that second
week for a fat loss slam dunk.

Again, if you do break on Friday evening, keep those eating windows small on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
You’ve still got a lot to be proud of, but it doesn’t end here.

You can repeat the cycle if you need to, or you can set yourself up for another UMAD push. You can go for a
week, you can maybe even go for a 10-day. It’s up to you, but you have to constantly gauge how you feel.

For the best results, however, after you complete the 14-day fast, you should eat no more than one meal a day,
unless you treat yourself. However, if you do treat yourself, go right back into the fasting lifestyle the follow-
ing day.

Because you’re tracking numbers, you can employ a combination of fasts that stimulate constant fat loss based
on your numbers. For example, a member at my gym does NOMAD Monday-Wednesday, does an OMAD on
Thursday and Friday, and then on the weekend, it depends on how he feels.

It’s all based on your feelings, energy, and stress levels

Fasting is simple.

It may not be easy all the time, but it’s simple. If find yourself in times of trouble, don’t eat, keep pushing
through the fasting days, and constantly shrink those feeding windows.

I’ve laid out all the tools, tips, and tricks I have for maximum success during your fasts. Use these tools to
push through the tough times, and thrive.

Good luck, friend.

You can do this… Guaranteed weight loss, guaranteed fat loss, and the exorbitant amount of health benefits.

May you be healthy and happy. These two things create the ultimate wealth.

Medical Disclaimer

This program is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended as medical or profession-
al advice. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or nutrition program. The use
of diet and nutrition to control metabolic disorders and disease is a very complicated science, and is not the
purpose of this program. The purpose of this program is to help healthy people reach their cosmetic fitness
goals by educating them in proper nutrition and exercise guidelines.

No health claims are made for this program. This nutrition and exercise program will not help cure, heal, or
correct any illness, metabolic disorder, or medical condition. The author is not a medical doctor, registered
dietician, or clinical nutritionist; the author is a fitness and nutrition consultant.

All individuals, especially those who suffer from any disease or are recovering from injury, should consult their
physician regarding the advisability or undertaking any of the activities suggested in these programs.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that apparently healthy individuals who are
male and over 40 or female and over 50 to have both a physical exam and a diagnostic exercise test prior to
starting a vigorous exercise program. A diagnostic exercise test and physical examination is also recommended
in individuals of any age who exhibit two or more of the major coronary risk factors (smoking, family his-
tory of heart disease, elevated blood cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and diabetes). Any individual with
a known history of heart disease or other heart problems should be required to have a medical evaluation
including a graded exercise test before engaging in strenuous physical activity.

The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect
to any of the information contained in this manual. The user assumes all risk for any injury, loss or damage
caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by using any information described in this course.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatso-
ever, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval
system, without expressed, written and signed permission from the author (with the exception of brief quota-
tions as used in reviews or discussion groups, with attribution to the author and source).


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