Sei sulla pagina 1di 20

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$lang["add_administrator"] = "Add Administrator";
$lang["add_to_promoted"] = "Add to Promoted";
$lang["ad_spaces"] = "Ad Spaces";
$lang["allow_from_all_countries"] = "Allow adding products from all countries";
$lang["allow_from_one_country"] = "Allow adding products from one country";
$lang["appear_on_homepage"] = "Appear on the Homepage";
$lang["ban_user"] = "Ban User";
$lang["back"] = "Back";
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$lang["blog_comments"] = "Blog Comments";
$lang["blog_posts"] = "Blog Posts";
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$lang["comments"] = "Comments";
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$lang["confirm_comment"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?";
$lang["confirm_comments"] = "Are you sure you want to delete selected comments?";
$lang["confirm_message"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation?";
$lang["confirm_messages"] = "Are you sure you want to delete selected conversations?";
$lang["confirm_reviews"] = "Are you sure you want to delete selected reviews?";
$lang["confirm_review"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this review?";
$lang["confirm_language"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this language?";
$lang["confirm_page"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this page?";
$lang["confirm_post"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this post?";
$lang["confirm_slider_item"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this slider item?";
$lang["confirm_product"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this product?";
$lang["confirm_products"] = "Are you sure you want to delete selected products?";
$lang["confirm_user"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this user?";
$lang["confirm_subscriber"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this subscriber?";
$lang["content"] = "Content";
$lang["custom"] = "Custom";
$lang["change_password"] = "Change Password";
$lang["contact"] = "Contact";
$lang["contact_settings"] = "Contact Settings";
$lang["contact_informations"] = "Contact Informations";
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$lang["copyright"] = "Copyright";
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$lang["choose_plan"] = "Choose Plan";
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$lang["days_left"] = "days left";
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$lang["default_language"] = "Default Language";
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$lang["dont_have_account"] = "Don't have an account?";
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$lang["favicon"] = "Favicon";
$lang["file_too_large"] = "File is too large. Max file size:";
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$lang["filter_products"] = "Filter Products";
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$lang["followers"] = "Followers";
$lang["follow"] = "Follow";
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$lang["follow_us"] = "Follow Us";
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$lang["index_promoted_products"] = "Index Promoted Products";
$lang["index_latest_products"] = "Index Latest Products";
$lang["index_blog_slider"] = "Index Blog Slider";
$lang["index_promoted_products_count"] = "Index Number of Promoted Products";
$lang["index_latest_products_count"] = "Index Number of Latest Products";
$lang["index_slider"] = "Index Slider";
$lang["index_categories"] = "Index Categories";
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$lang["latest_posts"] = "Latest Posts";
$lang["latest_blog_posts"] = "Latest Blog Posts";
$lang["latest_blog_posts_exp"] = "Last added blog posts";
$lang["latest_product_reviews"] = "Latest Product Reviews";
$lang["latest_comments"] = "Latest Comments";
$lang["latest_products"] = "Latest Products";
$lang["latest_products_exp"] = "Last added products";
$lang["latest_pending_products"] = "Latest Pending Products";
$lang["latest_members"] = "Latest Members";
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$lang["location_settings"] = "Location Settings";
$lang["login"] = "Login";
$lang["login_error"] = "Wrong email or password!";
$lang["logout"] = "Logout";
$lang["logo"] = "Logo";
$lang["load_more"] = "Load More";
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$lang["lowest_price"] = "Lowest Price";
$lang["login_with_email"] = "Or login with email";
$lang["mail_protocol"] = "Mail Protocol";
$lang["mail"] = "Mail";
$lang["mail_title"] = "Mail Title";
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$lang["mail_port"] = "Mail Port";
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$lang["member"] = "Member";
$lang["more_products_by"] = "More products by";
$lang["most_recent"] = "Most Recent";
$lang["most_favorited"] = "Most Favorited";
$lang["members"] = "Members";
$lang["my_account"] = "My Account";
$lang["msg_category_added"] = "Category successfully added!";
$lang["msg_category_deleted"] = "Category successfully deleted!";
$lang["msg_comment_deleted"] = "Comment successfully deleted!";
$lang["msg_cron_sitemap"] = "With this URL you can automatically update your sitemap.";
$lang["msg_review_deleted"] = "Review successfully deleted!";
$lang["msg_email_unique_error"] = "The email has already been taken.";
$lang["msg_username_unique_error"] = "The username has already been taken.";
$lang["msg_slug_unique_error"] = "The slug has already been taken.";
$lang["msg_send_confirmation_email"] = "An activation email has been sent to your email
address. Please confirm your account.";
$lang["msg_confirmed"] = "Your email address has been successfully confirmed!";
$lang["msg_default_page_delete"] = "Default pages cannot be deleted!";
$lang["msg_default_language_delete"] = "Default language cannot be deleted!";
$lang["msg_delete_subcategories"] = "Please delete subcategories belonging to this category
$lang["msg_delete_posts"] = "Please delete posts belonging to this category first!";
$lang["msg_error"] = "An error occurred please try again!";
$lang["msg_language_added"] = "Language successfully added!";
$lang["msg_language_deleted"] = "Language successfully deleted!";
$lang["msg_page_added"] = "Page successfully added!";
$lang["msg_page_deleted"] = "Page successfully deleted!";
$lang["msg_post_added"] = "Post successfully added!";
$lang["msg_post_deleted"] = "Post successfully deleted!";
$lang["msg_product_approved"] = "Product successfully approved!";
$lang["msg_product_deleted"] = "Product successfully deleted!";
$lang["msg_change_password_success"] = "Your password has been successfully changed!";
$lang["msg_change_password_error"] = "There was a problem changing your password!";
$lang["msg_wrong_old_password"] = "Wrong old password!";
$lang["msg_slider_added"] = "Slider item successfully added!";
$lang["msg_slider_deleted"] = "Slider item successfully deleted!";
$lang["msg_message_sent"] = "Your message has been successfully sent!";
$lang["msg_message_deleted"] = "Message successfully deleted!";
$lang["msg_ban_error"] = "Your account has been suspended!";
$lang["msg_administrator_added"] = "Administrator successfully added!";
$lang["msg_user_deleted"] = "User successfully deleted!";
$lang["msg_subscriber_deleted"] = "Subscriber successfully deleted!";
$lang["msg_email_sent"] = "Email successfully sent!";
$lang["msg_contact_success"] = "Your message has been successfully sent!";
$lang["msg_contact_error"] = "There was a problem sending your message!";
$lang["msg_sitemap_updated"] = "Sitemap successfully updated!";
$lang["msg_newsletter_success"] = "Your email address has been successfully added!";
$lang["msg_newsletter_error"] = "Your email address is already registered!";
$lang["msg_reset_password_error"] = "We can't find a user with that e-mail address!";
$lang["msg_recaptcha"] = "Please confirm that you are not a robot!";
$lang["msg_updated"] = "Changes successfully saved!";
$lang["msg_add_product_success"] = "Your payment has been successfully completed! Once
your product is approved, it will be published on our site!";
$lang["msg_payment_success"] = "Your payment has been successfully completed!";
$lang["msg_payment_error"] = "An error occurred during the payment!";
$lang["msg_payment_database_error"] = "Your payment has been successfully completed, but
there was a problem with adding our database! Please contact our site management!";
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$lang["no_records_found"] = "No records found!";
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$lang["no_members_found"] = "No members found!";
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$lang["promoted_badge"] = "Promoted Badge";
$lang["please_wait"] = "Please wait...";
$lang["register"] = "Register";
$lang["register_with_email"] = "Or register with email";
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$lang["reviews"] = "Reviews";
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$lang["related_products"] = "Related Products";
$lang["review_error"] = "You've already written a review before!";
$lang["review_own_error"] = "You cannot rate your own product!";
$lang["remove_user_ban"] = "Remove User Ban";
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$lang["remove_from_promoted"] = "Remove from Promoted";
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$lang["search_exp"] = "Search for products or members";
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$lang["slug_exp"] = "If you leave it blank, it will be generated automatically.";
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$lang["view_profile"] = "View Profile";
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$lang["write_review"] = "Write a Review...";
$lang["write_a_message"] = "Write a message...";
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$lang["your_rating"] = "Your Rating:";
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$lang["january"] = "Ocak";
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$lang["frequency_exp"] = "This value indicates how frequently the content at a particular URL
is likely to change ";
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$lang["priority_none"] = "Automatically Calculated Priority";
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$lang["reset_password_subtitle"] = "Enter your email address";
$lang["msg_reset_password_success"] = "We've sent an email for resetting your password to
your email address. Please check your email for next steps.";
$lang["email_reset_password"] = "Please click on the button below to reset your password.";
$lang["new_password"] = "New Password";
$lang["dont_want_receive_emails"] = "Don't want receive these emails?";
$lang["unsubscribe"] = "Unsubscribe";
$lang["unsubscribe_successful"] = "Unsubscribe Successful!";
$lang["msg_unsubscribe"] = "You will no longer receive emails from us!";
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$lang["buy_now"] = "Buy Now";
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$lang["no_reviews_found"] = "No reviews found!";
$lang["processing"] = "Processing...";
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$lang["email_template"] = "Email Template";
$lang["deleted_products"] = "Deleted Products";
$lang["restore"] = "Restore";
$lang["delete_permanently"] = "Delete Permanently";
$lang["confirm_product_permanent"] = "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this
$lang["sold"] = "Sold";
$lang["sold_products"] = "Sold Products";
$lang["mail_library"] = "Mail Library";
$lang["email_verification"] = "Email Verification";
$lang["approve_before_publishing"] = "Approve Products Before Publishing";
$lang["gmail_warning"] = "To send e-mails with Gmail server, please read Email Settings
section in our documentation.";
$lang["logo_email"] = "Logo Email";
$lang["shopping_cart"] = "Shopping Cart";
$lang["cart"] = "Cart";
$lang["my_cart"] = "My Cart";
$lang["add_to_cart"] = "Add to Cart";
$lang["keep_shopping"] = "Keep Shopping";
$lang["subtotal"] = "Subtotal";
$lang["shipping"] = "Shipping";
$lang["remove"] = "Remove";
$lang["shipping_information"] = "Shipping Information";
$lang["first_name"] = "First Name";
$lang["last_name"] = "Last Name";
$lang["state"] = "State";
$lang["city"] = "City";
$lang["optional"] = "Optional";
$lang["checkout"] = "Checkout";
$lang["continue_to_checkout"] = "Continue to Checkout";
$lang["continue_to_payment"] = "Continue to Payment";
$lang["continue_to_payment_method"] = "Continue to Payment Method";
$lang["return_to_cart"] = "Return to cart";
$lang["order_summary"] = "Order Summary";
$lang["order_details"] = "Order Details";
$lang["order_id"] = "Order Id";
$lang["item"] = "Item";
$lang["your_cart_is_empty"] = "Your cart is empty!";
$lang["shop_now"] = "Shop Now";
$lang["shipping_address"] = "Shipping Address";
$lang["billing_address"] = "Billing Address";
$lang["checking_out_as_guest"] = "You are checking out as a guest";
$lang["have_account"] = "Have an account?";
$lang["payment"] = "Payment";
$lang["currency_settings"] = "Currency Settings";
$lang["add_currency"] = "Add Currency";
$lang["currencies"] = "Currencies";
$lang["msg_added"] = "Item successfully added!";
$lang["msg_deleted"] = "Item successfully deleted!";
$lang["confirm_delete"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this item?";
$lang["currency_name"] = "Currency Name";
$lang["currency_symbol"] = "Currency Symbol";
$lang["currency_code"] = "Currency Code";
$lang["currency_hexcode"] = "Currency Hex Code";
$lang["update_currency"] = "Update Currency";
$lang["currency_format"] = "Currency Format";
$lang["currency_symbol_format"] = "Currency Symbol Format";
$lang["left"] = "Left";
$lang["right"] = "Right";
$lang["buyer"] = "Buyer";
$lang["completed"] = "Completed";
$lang["orders"] = "Orders";
$lang["latest_orders"] = "Latest Orders";
$lang["sale"] = "Sale";
$lang["sales"] = "Sales";
$lang["earnings"] = "Earnings";
$lang["transactions"] = "Transactions";
$lang["latest_transactions"] = "Latest Transactions";
$lang["guest"] = "Guest";
$lang["unit_price"] = "Unit Price";
$lang["quantity"] = "Quantity";
$lang["system_settings"] = "System Settings";
$lang["commission_rate"] = "Commission Rate";
$lang["you_will_earn"] = "You Will Earn";
$lang["shipping_cost"] = "Shipping Cost";
$lang["shipping_time"] = "Shipping Time";
$lang["1_business_day"] = "Ready to ship in 1 Business Day";
$lang["2_3_business_days"] = "Ready to ship in 2-3 Business Days";
$lang["4_7_business_days"] = "Ready to ship in 4-7 Business Days";
$lang["8_15_business_days"] = "Ready to ship in 8-15 Business Days";
$lang["add_to_favorites"] = "Add to Favorites";
$lang["remove_from_favorites"] = "Remove from Favorites";
$lang["mode"] = "Mode";
$lang["bank_transfer"] = "Bank Transfer";
$lang["ip_address"] = "Ip Address";
$lang["promoted_products_transactions"] = "Promoted Products Transactions";
$lang["promoted_products_payment_currency"] = "Promoted Products Payment Currency";
$lang["promote_plan"] = "Promote Plan";
$lang["payment_received"] = "Payment Received";
$lang["awaiting_payment"] = "Awaiting Payment";
$lang["order_processing"] = "Processing";
$lang["shipped"] = "Shipped";
$lang["cancelled"] = "Cancelled";
$lang["update_order_status"] = "Update Order Status";
$lang["place_order"] = "Place Order";
$lang["stripe_checkout"] = "Stripe Checkout";
$lang["iyzico"] = "Iyzico";
$lang["api_key"] = "Api Key";
$lang["msg_complete_payment"] = "Please click the button below to complete the payment.";
$lang["bank_accounts"] = "Bank Accounts";
$lang["msg_bank_transfer_text"] = "Once you have placed your order, you can make your
payment to one of these bank accounts. Please add your order number to your payment
$lang["msg_bank_transfer_text_order_completed"] = "You can make your payment to one of
these bank accounts. Please add your order number to your payment description.";
$lang["msg_bank_transfer_text_transaction_completed"] = "You can make your payment to
one of these bank accounts. Please add your transaction number to your payment
$lang["msg_promote_bank_transfer_text"] = "Once you have placed your order, you can make
your payment to one of these bank accounts. Please add your transaction number to your
payment description.";
$lang["go_to_your_product"] = "Go to Your Product";
$lang["active_orders"] = "Active Orders";
$lang["completed_orders"] = "Completed Orders";
$lang["active_sales"] = "Active Sales";
$lang["completed_sales"] = "Completed Sales";
$lang["order_number"] = "Order Number";
$lang["updated"] = "Updated";
$lang["just_now"] = "Just Now";
$lang["minute_ago"] = "minute ago";
$lang["minutes_ago"] = "minutes ago";
$lang["hour_ago"] = "hour ago";
$lang["hours_ago"] = "hours ago";
$lang["day_ago"] = "day ago";
$lang["days_ago"] = "days ago";
$lang["month_ago"] = "month ago";
$lang["months_ago"] = "months ago";
$lang["year_ago"] = "year ago";
$lang["years_ago"] = "years ago";
$lang["approved"] = "Approved";
$lang["decline"] = "Decline";
$lang["declined"] = "Declined";
$lang["payment_note"] = "Payment Note";
$lang["receipt"] = "Receipt";
$lang["report_bank_transfer"] = "Report Bank Transfer";
$lang["bank_transfer_notifications"] = "Bank Transfers Notifications";
$lang["bank_transfer_accepted"] = "Bank transfer accepted";
$lang["bank_transfer_declined"] = "Bank transfer declined";
$lang["tracking_number"] = "Tracking Number";
$lang["add_shipping_tracking_number"] = "Add Shipping Tracking Number";
$lang["explanation"] = "Explanation";
$lang["use_same_address_for_billing"] = "Use same address for billing address";
$lang["balance"] = "Balance";
$lang["your_balance"] = "Your Balance";
$lang["earned_amount"] = "Earned Amount";
$lang["balance_exp"] = "Approved earnings";
$lang["payouts"] = "Payouts";
$lang["payout_requests"] = "Payout Requests";
$lang["completed_payouts"] = "Completed Payouts";
$lang["add_payout"] = "Add Payout";
$lang["set_payout_account"] = "Set Payout Account";
$lang["paypal_email_address"] = "PayPal Email Address";
$lang["use_default_payment_account"] = "Use as default payment account";
$lang["full_name"] = "Full Name";
$lang["bank_name"] = "Bank Name";
$lang["iban"] = "IBAN";
$lang["iban_long"] = "International Bank Account Number";
$lang["swift"] = "SWIFT";
$lang["swift_iban"] = "Bank Account Number/IBAN";
$lang["postcode"] = "Postcode";
$lang["bank_account_holder_name"] = "Bank Account Holder's Name";
$lang["bank_branch_country"] = "Bank Branch Country";
$lang["bank_branch_city"] = "Bank Branch City";
$lang["swift_code"] = "SWIFT Code";
$lang["withdraw_money"] = "Withdraw Money";
$lang["withdraw_amount"] = "Withdrawal Amount";
$lang["withdraw_method"] = "Withdrawal Method";
$lang["seller_balances"] = "Seller Balances";
$lang["update_seller_balance"] = "Update Seller Balance";
$lang["number_of_total_sales"] = "Number of total sales";
$lang["msg_insufficient_balance"] = "Insufficient balance!";
$lang["see_details"] = "See Details";
$lang["succeeded"] = "Succeeded";
$lang["transaction_number"] = "Transaction Number";
$lang["msg_order_completed"] = "Your order has been successfully completed!";
$lang["email_options"] = "Email Options";
$lang["email_option_product_added"] = "Send email when a new product is added";
$lang["email_option_send_order_to_buyer"] = "Send email to buyer after purchase (Send
order summary)";
$lang["email_option_send_email_order_shipped"] = "Send email to buyer when order
$lang["email_option_send_email_new_message"] = "Send me an email when someone send
me a message";
$lang["email_option_contact_messages"] = "Send contact messages to email address";
$lang["admin_emails_will_send"] = "Admin emails will be sent to this address";
$lang["view_product"] = "View Product";
$lang["email_text_see_product"] = "Click the button below to see the product.";
$lang["email_text_new_product"] = "A new product has been added";
$lang["email_text_thank_for_order"] = "Thank you for your order!";
$lang["email_text_new_order"] = "Your order has been received and is now processed. Your
order details are shown below.";
$lang["order_information"] = "Order Information";
$lang["you_have_new_message"] = "You have a new message";
$lang["your_order_shipped"] = "Your order has been shipped";
$lang["shipped_product"] = "Shipped Product";
$lang["facebook_login"] = "Facebook Login";
$lang["page_views"] = "Page Views";
$lang["set_as_sold"] = "Set as Sold";
$lang["set_as_unsold"] = "Set as Unsold";
$lang["multi_vendor_system"] = "Multi-Vendor System";
$lang["multi_vendor_system_exp"] = "If you disable it, only Admin can add product.";
$lang["payout_settings"] = "Payout Settings";
$lang["min_poyout_amount"] = "Minimum payout amount";
$lang["min_poyout_amounts"] = "Minimum Payout Amounts";
$lang["social_login"] = "Social Login";
$lang["msg_payment_completed"] = "Payment completed successfully!";
$lang["new_message"] = "New";
$lang["show_first_search_lists"] = "Show first in search lists";
$lang["google_login"] = "Google Login";
$lang["connect_with_facebook"] = "Connect with Facebook";
$lang["connect_with_google"] = "Connect with Google";
$lang["add_to_product_filters"] = "Add to Product Filters";
$lang["remove_from_product_filters"] = "Remove from Product Filters";
$lang["save_and_continue"] = "Save and Continue";
$lang["custom_field"] = "Custom Field";
$lang["custom_field_options"] = "Custom Field Options";
$lang["show_under_these_categories"] = "Custom field will be displayed under these
$lang["edit_options"] = "Edit Options";
$lang["listing_type"] = "Listing Type";
$lang["product_type"] = "Product Type";
$lang["physical"] = "Physical";
$lang["physical_exp"] = "A tangible product that you will ship to buyers";
$lang["digital"] = "Digital";
$lang["digital_exp"] = "A digital file that buyers will download";
$lang["drag_drop_images_here"] = "Drag and drop images here or";
$lang["drag_drop_file_here"] = "Drag and drop file here or";
$lang["product_image_exp"] = "Products with good and clear images are sold faster!";
$lang["browse_files"] = "Browse Files";
$lang["waiting"] = "Waiting...";
$lang["add_product_for_sale"] = "Add a Product for Sale";
$lang["add_product_for_sale_exp"] = "Add a product to sell on the site (a commission can be
$lang["add_product_services_listing"] = "Add a Product or Service as an Ordinary Listing";
$lang["add_product_services_listing_exp"] = "Add a product or service without buy option";
$lang["sell_my_product_on_site"] = "Sell product on the site";
$lang["edit_product"] = "Edit Product";
$lang["maintenance_mode"] = "Maintenance Mode";
$lang["variations"] = "Variations";
$lang["variations_exp"] = "Add available options, like color or size that buyers can choose
during checkout";
$lang["add_variation"] = "Add Variation";
$lang["available_in_stock"] = "Available in Stock ";
$lang["select_existing_variation"] = "Select an Existing Variation";
$lang["created_variations"] = "Created Variations";
$lang["msg_no_created_variations"] = "You have no created variations.";
$lang["edit_variation"] = "Edit Variation";
$lang["label"] = "Label";
$lang["variation_type"] = "Variation Type";
$lang["text"] = "Text";
$lang["textarea"] = "Textarea";
$lang["number"] = "Number";
$lang["checkbox"] = "Checkbox";
$lang["radio_button"] = "Radio Button";
$lang["dropdown"] = "Dropdown";
$lang["confirm_variation"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this variation?";
$lang["aws_base_url"] = "AWS Base URL";
$lang["monday"] = "Monday";
$lang["tuesday"] = "Tuesday";
$lang["wednesday"] = "Wednesday";
$lang["thursday"] = "Thursday";
$lang["friday"] = "Friday";
$lang["saturday"] = "Saturday";
$lang["sunday"] = "Sunday";
$lang["add_image"] = "Add Image";
$lang["add_video"] = "Add Video";
$lang["video"] = "Video";
$lang["audio"] = "Audio";
$lang["add_iframe"] = "Add Iframe";
$lang["upload"] = "Upload";
$lang["uploading"] = "Uploading...";
$lang["text_editor_language"] = "Text Editor Language";
$lang["demo_url"] = "Demo URL";
$lang["demo_url_exp"] = "Add a preview URL (i.e.";
$lang["external_link_exp"] = "You can add an external product link. (i.e.";
$lang["live_preview"] = "Live Preview";
$lang["video_preview"] = "Video Preview";
$lang["video_preview_exp"] = "MP4 or WEBM preview video";
$lang["audio_preview"] = "Audio Preview";
$lang["audio_preview_exp"] = "MP3 or WAV preview audio";
$lang["confirm_product_video"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this video?";
$lang["confirm_product_audio"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this audio?";
$lang["digital_files"] = "Digital Files";
$lang["digital_files_exp"] = "Upload a ZIP file that containing all buyers files";
$lang["select_file"] = "Select File";
$lang["download"] = "Download";
$lang["downloads"] = "Downloads";
$lang["form_settings"] = "Form Settings";
$lang["shipping_options"] = "Shipping Options";
$lang["product_conditions"] = "Product Conditions";
$lang["add_shipping_option"] = "Add Shipping Option";
$lang["edit_shipping_option"] = "Edit Shipping Option";
$lang["option_label"] = "Option Label";
$lang["msg_option_added"] = "Option successfully added!";
$lang["confirm_option"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this option?";
$lang["add_product_condition"] = "Add Product Condition";
$lang["edit_product_condition"] = "Edit Product Condition";
$lang["physical_products"] = "Physical Products";
$lang["digital_products"] = "Digital Products";
$lang["digital_sales"] = "Digital Sales";
$lang["marketplace_selling_product_on_the_site"] = "Marketplace (Selling Products on the
$lang["classified_ads_adding_product_as_listing"] = "Classified Ads (Adding a Product or
Service as an Ordinary Listing)";
$lang["msg_error_product_type"] = "You must enable at least one product type";
$lang["msg_error_selected_system"] = "You must enable at least one system";
$lang["default_product_currency"] = "Default Product Currency";
$lang["allow_all_currencies_classified_ads"] = "Allow All Currencies for Ordinary Listing";
$lang["only_for_ordinary_listing"] = "Only for Ordinary Listing";
$lang["instant_download"] = "Instant download";
$lang["files_included"] = "Files Included";
$lang["files_included_ext"] = "Enter the extensions of the files that you are going to sell (i.e.
JPG, MP4, MP3)";
$lang["no_shipping"] = "No Shipping";
$lang["drafts"] = "Drafts";
$lang["draft"] = "Draft";
$lang["save_as_draft"] = "Save as Draft";
$lang["msg_digital_product_register_error"] = "You must create an account to purchase a
digital product.";
$lang["menu_limit"] = "Menu Limit";
$lang["number_of_links_in_menu"] = "The number of links that appear in the menu";
$lang["more"] = "More";
$lang["show_image_on_navigation"] = "Show Category Image on the Navigation";
$lang["purchase_code"] = "Purchase Code";
$lang["ok"] = "OK";
$lang["cancel"] = "Cancel";
$lang["msg_payout_paypal_error"] = "You must enter your PayPal email address to make this
payment request";
$lang["msg_accept_bank_transfer"] = "Are you sure you want to set this order as payment
$lang["add_tracking_number"] = "Add Tracking Number";
$lang["send_email_to_buyer"] = "Send Email to Buyer";
$lang["vendors"] = "Vendors";
$lang["shop_settings"] = "Shop Settings";
$lang["shop_name"] = "Shop Name";
$lang["shop_description"] = "Shop Description";
$lang["start_selling"] = "Start Selling";
$lang["start_selling_exp"] = "In order to sell your products, you must be a verified member.
Verification is a one-time process. This verification process is necessary because of spammers
and fraud.";
$lang["tell_us_about_shop"] = "Tell Us About Your Shop";
$lang["shop_opening_requests"] = "Shop Opening Requests";
$lang["msg_start_selling"] = "We have received your request. Your store will be open when
your request is approved.";
$lang["msg_shop_opening_requests"] = "Your request to open a store is under evaluation!";
$lang["msg_shop_name_unique_error"] = "The shop name has already been taken.";
$lang["msg_shop_request_declined"] = "Your shop opening request has been declined. Thank
you for your interest.";
$lang["from"] = "From:";
$lang["open_user_shop"] = "Open User Shop";
$lang["close_user_shop"] = "Close User Shop";
$lang["confirm_close_user_shop"] = "Are you sure you want to close this shop?";
$lang["cities"] = "Cities";
$lang["add_city"] = "Add City";
$lang["update_city"] = "Update City";
$lang["enter_location"] = "Enter Location";
$lang["main"] = "main";
$lang["file_upload"] = "File Upload";
$lang["max_file_size"] = "Max File Size";
$lang["free_listing"] = "Free Listing";
$lang["add_product_to_promoted"] = "Add Product to Promoted";
$lang["backward"] = "Backward";
$lang["play"] = "Play";
$lang["pause"] = "Pause";
$lang["forward"] = "Forward";
$lang["see_order_details"] = "See Order Details";
$lang["send_email_item_sold"] = "Send me an email when one of my item is sold";
$lang["you_have_new_order"] = "You have a new order";
$lang["update_slider_item"] = "Update Slider Item";
$lang["msg_message_sent_error"] = "You cannot send message to yourself!";
$lang["bidding_system"] = "Bidding System";
$lang["bidding_system_request_quote"] = "Bidding System (Request Quote)";
$lang["add_product_get_price_requests"] = "Add a Product to Receive Quote (Price)
$lang["bidding_system_emails"] = "Bidding system emails";
$lang["add_product_get_price_requests_exp"] = "Add a product without adding a price to get
price requests from customers";
$lang["quote"] = "Quote";
$lang["request_a_quote"] = "Request a Quote";
$lang["quote_requests"] = "Quote Requests";
$lang["quote_request"] = "Quote Request";
$lang["sent_quote_requests"] = "Sent Quote Requests";
$lang["received_quote_requests"] = "Received Quote Requests";
$lang["msg_quote_request_sent"] = "Your request has been successfully submitted.";
$lang["msg_quote_request_error"] = "You cannot request a quote for your own item!";
$lang["sellers_bid"] = "Seller's Bid";
$lang["awaiting_sellers_bid"] = "Awaiting Seller's Bid";
$lang["accept_quote"] = "Accept Quote";
$lang["reject_quote"] = "Reject Quote";
$lang["delete_quote"] = "Delete Quote";
$lang["confirm_quote_request"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this quote request?";
$lang["submit_a_quote"] = "Submit a Quote";
$lang["submit_a_new_quote"] = "Submit a New Quote";
$lang["update_quote"] = "Update Quote";
$lang["new_quote_request"] = "New Quote Request";
$lang["you_have_new_quote_request"] = "You have a new quote request.";
$lang["your_quote_request_replied"] = "Your quote request has been replied.";
$lang["your_quote_accepted"] = "Your quote has been accepted.";
$lang["your_quote_rejected"] = "Your quote has been rejected.";
$lang["pending_quote"] = "Pending Quote";
$lang["pending_payment"] = "Pending Payment";
$lang["rejected_quote"] = "Rejected Quote";
$lang["closed"] = "Closed";
$lang["msg_error_cart_unapproved_products"] = "Unapproved products cannot be added to
the cart!";
$lang["shop_opening_request"] = "Shop Opening Request";
$lang["there_is_shop_opening_request"] = "There is a new shop opening request.";
$lang["send_email_shop_opening_request"] = "Send email when there is a new shop opening
$lang["your_shop_opening_request_approved"] = "Your shop opening request has been
approved. You can go to our site and start to sell your items!";
$lang["homepage"] = "Homepage";
$lang["general"] = "General";
$lang["pagseguro"] = "PagSeguro";
$lang["token"] = "Token";
$lang["production"] = "Production";
$lang["sandbox"] = "Sandbox";
$lang["credit_card"] = "Credit Card";
$lang["boleto"] = "Boleto";
$lang["name_on_the_card"] = "Name on the Card";
$lang["card_number"] = "Card Number";
$lang["expiration_date"] = "Expiration Date (MM / YY)";
$lang["cvv"] = "CVV";
$lang["cvv_exp"] = "Three-digits code on the back of your card";
$lang["cpf"] = "CPF";
$lang["date_of_birth"] = "Date of Birth";
$lang["cell_phone"] = "Cell Phone";
$lang["confirm_payment"] = "Confirm Payment";
$lang["postal_code"] = "Postal Code";
$lang["paystack"] = "PayStack";
$lang["public_key"] = "Public Key";
$lang["msg_confirmed_required"] = "In order to login to the site, you must confirm your email
$lang["msg_confirmation_email"] = "Please click on the button below to confirm your
$lang["confirm_your_account"] = "Confirm Your Account";
$lang["pay_now"] = "Pay Now";
$lang["free_promotion"] = "Free Promotion";
$lang["free_product"] = "Free Product";
$lang["free"] = "Free";
$lang["pay"] = "Pay";
$lang["edit_details"] = "Edit Details";
$lang["guest_checkout"] = "Guest Checkout";
$lang["google_adsense_code"] = "Google Adsense Code";
$lang["watermark"] = "Watermark";
$lang["watermark_image"] = "Watermark Image";
$lang["add_watermark_product_images"] = "Add Watermark to Product Images";
$lang["add_watermark_blog_images"] = "Add Watermark to Blog Images";
$lang["add_watermark_thumbnail_images"] = "Add Watermark to Thumbnail (Small) Images";
$lang["vertical_alignment"] = "Vertical Alignment";
$lang["horizontal_alignment"] = "Horizontal Alignment";
$lang["top"] = "Top";
$lang["middle"] = "Middle";
$lang["bottom"] = "Bottom";
$lang["center"] = "Center";
$lang["not_enough_quantity"] = "Not enough quantity";
$lang["translation"] = "Translation";
$lang["msg_register_success"] = "Your account has been created successfully!";
$lang["license_keys"] = "License Keys";
$lang["license_key"] = "License Key";
$lang["license_keys_exp"] = "Add your license keys if you want to give an unique license key
for each purchase.";
$lang["add_license_keys"] = "Add License Keys";
$lang["view_license_keys"] = "View License Keys";
$lang["add_license_keys_exp"] = "Add all license keys with comma(,) separator. (i.e. License
Key, License Key...)";
$lang["msg_add_license_keys"] = "License keys successfully added!";
$lang["allow_duplicate_license_keys"] = "Allow Duplicate License Keys";
$lang["main_files"] = "Main File(s)";
$lang["license_certificate"] = "License Certificate";
$lang["product_url"] = "Product URL";
$lang["cash_on_delivery"] = "Cash On Delivery";
$lang["cash_on_delivery_exp"] = "Pay with cash upon delivery.";
$lang["cash_on_delivery_warning"] = "You have selected 'Cash on Delivery' as your payment
method. You must pay the total amount when you receive your package. If you accept this
payment method, please click the button below to complete your order.";
$lang["vendor_verification_system"] = "Vendor Verification System";
$lang["vendor_verification_system_exp"] = "Disable if you want to allow all users to add
$lang["bank_transfer_exp"] = "Make your payment directly into our bank account.";
$lang["confirm_order_received"] = "Confirm Order Received";
$lang["confirm_order_received_exp"] = "Confirm if you have received your order.";
$lang["confirm_order_received_warning"] = "When you receive your order, please check the
products you have purchased. If there is not any problem, click 'Confirm Order Received'
button. After confirming your order, the money will be transferred to the seller.";
$lang["confirm_approve_order"] = "Are you sure you want to confirm this order?";
$lang["confirmed"] = "Confirmed";

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