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5102 T. N.

JR. Vol. 72


Low Temperature Oxidation of Copper. I. Physical Mechanism'"

81-?'. N.R H O D I N , J R . ' ~

Introduction originated by blottb and elaborated by Cabrera

The ambiguity of the experimental picture in and Mott.6 I t depends on the hypothesis that a
the field of the oxidation of metal surfaces can be very strong electric field is set up through the
considerably diminished by a precise evaluation oxide film between the metal and the oxygen
of the physical characteristics of some metal- absorbed a t the gas interface which enables the
oxygen systems. Some of the ambiguities have metal ions to move through the oxide to the
been caused by neglect of the following general reaction zone without requiring very much
factors: the extent and structure of the metal kinetic energy. I n order to evaluate their specu-
surface, the physical and compositional non- lations, the authors have applied them to the
uniformity of the oxide film, and the lack of anodic oxidation of aluminum with some success.
proper consideration for the boundary conditions The task of a precise evaluation of the boundary
imposed by the range of film thicknesses and conditions of temperature and of film thickness
temperatures considered. A low temperature in which their treatment is valid and of making a
oxidation study of single crystal copper surfaces systematic correlation with precise experimental
is a promising system to study from this point of data over a n appreciable temperature range
view. The thin films formed at low tempera- remained. Since this behavior is characteristic
tures are essentially physically and mechanically of many metals, the low temperature oxidation
homogeneous, and there exists considerable in- characteristics of single crystal faces of copper
formation on the semi-conductor properties of were systematically studied.
copper and its I n addition, the struc- Procedure
ture and orientation characteristics of cuprous The samples were single crystal plates of copper (0.5"
oxide films formed a t low temperatures have X 0.75" X 0.01") sectioned from a large single crystal of
been thoroughly investigated and definedaa It is copper. The metal was oxygen-free high-conductivity
copper, vacuum cast to a purity of 99.995% with Fe and
very likely that an insight into the fundamental A1 chief impurities. The single crystal section was re-
mechanism of oxidation under these more favor- duced from a thickness of 0.125 in. t o a final thickness of
able conditions may well be extrapolated to higher 0.010 in. by a long and careful succession of mechanicdl
temperatures with suitable modifications. and electropolishing and hydrogen anneal treatments.
X-Ray diffraction tests indicated a lattice distortion of 3
At low temperatures oxidation occurs rapidly degrees or less and other studies indicate that the exposed
a t first but practically ceases in a relatively short surface atoms of the h a 1 sample are in the macroscopic
time forming highly protective stable oxide surface of the plate.7 All results of this report refer e\-
films of thickness in the range 10-100 A. The elusively to oxidation of the cubic face of copper.
The effective surface areas on a molecular scale of the
reactions rate is relatively insensitive to tem- electropolished samples were determined from microdd-
perature and oxygen pressure, the latter over a sorption isotherms of nitrogen and argon on the plates at
wide range even for oxides which are deficit 78.1"K. and 892°K. to be very close t o that of the geo-
semi-conductors a t high temperatures. At higher metric or apparent surface area. That is t o say, the
roughness factor of the surfaces was close t o unity or the
temperatures i t has been demonstrated that metal surfaces were essentially planar on a molecular scale.
oxidation mechanism involves the migration of This is a critical factor since rough, i. e., non-planar, sur-
electrons and cations to the reaction faces show a considerable decrease in surface area and, of
It has also been demonstrated that for copper course, roughness upon oxidation.* Since it is impos-
sible to obtain any reasonably accurate estimate of the
oxide growth i t is the copper ions that diffuse average film thickness from over-all weight increments if
and not the oxide.4 The transfer of metal ions the surface is initially very rough and/or the surface area is
actually occurs by the forniation of vacant cat- in doubt, it is most desirable t o have planar metal surface
ionic sites a t the oxide-oxygen interface, followed of known surface area. The calculated film thickness was
based on the average of the surface areas determined be-
by their diffusion to the nietal-oxide interface. fore and after oxidation.
An interpretation of low temperature oxide film The vacuum microbalance developed by Gulbransen 15
formation consistent with these phenomena was ideally suited to the study of reaction rates occurring on
metal surfaces. The operation and construction of the
(la) Presented a t the Oak Ridge Meeting of the American Physical instrument is adequately described elsewhere.8~9 In
Society, March, 1950 brief, A thin plate of metal, 0.5 g. in weight, is suspended
(lb) Engineering Department R I d u Pont (1s Nemour- and Co from one arm of a beam-type sensitive quartz microbdl-
(IC) N F Alott and R W Gamey, "Electronic Proceses 111 atice enclosed in a gas container. Suffice it to say that the
Ionic Crystal'," Oxford L'iiirPriit'r I'resi, X m Ylirk N Y 1910 balance c m be baked out a t 300", is capable of obtaining
p 15'2 ff -_ - ~

(2) R. F Mehl, E H hIcCandelesi and P X Hhine5, \ n i x r e , ( 5 1 S F Molt 7 r w 3 Tiirniia> S O C ,43, 42'5 (19.171, J Lhrrn
134, 1009 (193-1) ntAl l ~ i l o l z s r.iitn so( I / Gro L I f r 6, 208 Pkyr , 44, 172 (1'547)
I isla) f i i l h C i l r c r i a n d r\' F hlntt, Rpporlr €'!,or I'liyc , la, lh3
(3) C. \t'icner i n l l b- f 1') \GI)
(l'Ji8) 7 T Y Rhotiin J 4 p p l Ph,s communicated
(k) I \! lirrilrrri I1 T I ~ ~ t t i i inn i l \\ '~nihlr~ ' h 1 Y R h o i i i n Tiiis J O I R I A I ronimunicated
1' i( 14, 714 I l ' l l h 1 1 2 ( . i i l t , r a n w n Rei \ri I , , 1 16, 201 l l q 4 i l
h I I

Time, minutes.
Fig. 2.
Cabrera and Mott for the formation of very thin
dxldt = A exp(xl/x - W/kT) (2)
where x is the film thickness a t time, t; k the
Boltzman constant; T,the absolute temperature.
The definition of the other terms can be best
interpreted by referring to the diagram of the
potential energy of a metal ion at the metal-
I oxide interface schematically indicated in Fig.
3. It is obvious that a metal ion a t a lattice site

Polenliol E n e q y O f 0 Matal
Ion a t the Metal-Oxide Intarface

Time, hours.
Fig. 1.
I Interface

plots No. 1-5 is justified to 100 hours and yields Fig. 3.

significant values for &/dt after that relatively
long interval. It is also observed that a slight n the interface must have an energy, W, to move
indication of the experimental points to deviate a distance, a, to a vacant position in the oxide,
to higher values in plot No. 5 at 323’ K. becomes where
clearly pronounced in plot No. 6 a t 353” K. w = ut -/- uo (3)
Replotthg plot 6 in Fig. 2 clearly indicates that lJ1 is the difference in potential energy for a
the logarithmic dependence of film thickness on metal ion a t a lattice position in the metal and a
time has changed to a cubic one defiped by metal ion dissolved in the oxide and UZ is the
x3 = Aoe-Wl/kTt (1) energy of activation for diffusion of the metal
ion through the oxide. The term X I is a critical
type of equation where A0 is a temperature in- oxide film thickness defined in terms of V , the
dependent constant and Wl is an energy of activa- electric contact potential difference existing
tion. The details of this relationship in the through the oxide caused by a redistribution
temperature range 100 to 250’ has been ob- of electrons between the metal, the oxide and the
served by others.lo adsorbed oxygen, and n,the charge per ion.
The oxidation isothenns 1-5 were found to
agree reasonably well with Eq. (2) derived by XI = naV/kT (4)
(IO) W.E. Campbell and U. B. Thomas, Trans. Electrochem. Soc.. The derivation of Eq. (2) is based on the assump-
91, 346 (1947). tion that the motion of cations is overwhelmingly
5104 T. N. RHODIN,
JR. Vol. 72

in one direction. There is no continual exchange and replacing y' with l/z
of ions back and forth across the metal-oxide
interface. The cations that have the energy,
IV, to escape are pulled through the oxide by a X
relatively strong field and almost inevitably integrating by parts
combine with the oxide ions already waiting
their arrival a t the oxygen-oxide interface. This ut = .ce-*lik - xiE, (xl/x) (9)

condition holds only when the actual film thick-
ness is less than the critical value, xl. The values E,(rl'r) = -- d z = logarithmic integral (-xl/x)
of the latter are, in turn, very much smaller than "I"

the film thickness a t which space charge effects

caused by unequal diffusion of electrons and (10)
cations become important. The term, A , is a It is desirable to evaluate ( W ) the energy of
proportionality constant that can be calculated activation from the experimental data since
from fundamental values characteristic of the reliable values are not as yet independently avail-
metal and the oxide which for the copper- cuprous able. This must be done in order to evaluate
oxide system c3n hc expressed the factor ( a ) prior to obtaining values of ( t )
and (x) from Eq. (9). This is done by defining
.I = 10.2 x x ;?'
-= 10. cm '>e< (2) an effective limiting film thickness (XL) as that
value of the film thickness when &/dt 7 one
where the first term is the mean frequency of atom layer per day (or cm./sec.). This
vibration of the metal ions a t the interface posi- characteristic value for x~ is unique for each
tion, the second term corresponds to their con- temperature and from the nature of the rate
centration per unit of interface area ( N ) and the curves especially a t the lowest temperatures one
last term is the volume of oxide formed per metal sees has a general significance. Substituting the
ion in terms of N , Avogadro number and p and corresponding values of (dxldt) and of A in
-11,the density and molecular weight of cuprous Eq. ( 2 )
oxide, respectively.
?Yp(r,'xr' - TVjkT) = lo-" ill)
The comparison between theory and experi-
ment for isotherms 1-5 was made by integrating Substituting x1 = ?tnV/kT and rearranging
Eq. ( 2 ) . This is done as follows, let 7i = .4e- [ 12)
arid replace the variable L !b t '.
The value of (n)is unity and ( a ) may be replaced
by the length of the Jattice edge of the cuprous
substituting y' = x', and y = x 'N, oxide unit cell (4.3 A.). Plotting ~ / X Lagainst
x T yields a straight line, from which the values
of (1') and ( W ) can be calculated from the slope
and the intercept. The values of (XL) and its
reciprocal ( ~ / x L have
) been plotted (curves 1 and
2, respectively) against the absolute temperature
in Fig. 4. The latter plot is linear and yields
values of 0.83 v. ( V ) and 1.13 eV. ( W ) . In the
former case the experimental points for XL fall
reasonably well on curve 1 predicted by Eq. (12).

1 I I

*,.,e.f.,, E , ( - +) ---t--
4 20

( 5
2 )

Tiine, hours.
I'ig. ,i

The value obtained for ( V ) is reasonably close I

to that of the contact potential between copper XL (calcd.) XL (expt.), dx/dl f,
and cuprous oxide (0.7 v.) and the constancy of T,"K. A. A. A./hr. hr.
the energy term ( W ) with temperature suggests 78 4.0 4.0 0.10 1
that a single mechanism governs the process in 195 7.2 7.5 .12 6
the temperature range considered. Finally, sub- 273 13 12 .13 12
stituting suitable values for ( V ) , ( W ) ,etc., in 298 17 16 .20 20
Eq. (2) the dependence of ( t ) upon ( x ) for a range 323 32 28 .25 74
of thicknesses and temperatures may be calculated. 353 70 200 .30 103
The isotherms so obtained are plotted as solid Evidence for the validity of the analysis is also
lines in Fig. 5 and are found to predict the trend indicated by the rapid breakdown of Eq. (9) a t
of experimental points adequately. temperatures above 300" K. Inspection of
It is felt that the fit for the rising portions of the the dependence of ( X ~ / X L ) upon temperature
oxidation rate curves is the most critical test plotted as curve 3 in Fig. 4 indicates that it is in
since the curves rise very rapidly to an apparent this temperature range that the actual film thick-
limiting value. T h a t this effect is a real one has ness values are approaching those of xl, the oxide
been substantiated by comparing theory and ex- film thickness above which the cationic mobility
periment for oxidation isotherms for extended no longer is exponentially dependent on the field.
periods up to a months duration described in a Hence the beginning of deviations of the data
subsequent paper." I n all cases the experi- for the isotherm a t 323" K. and the clear-cut
mentally determined values of the effective limit- discrepancy observed for the isotherm a t 353"
ing oxide film thickness were predicted by Eq. K. are to be expected and indirectly indicate the
(2) to within *lo% in the temperature range validity of the analysis. It is also interesting
78-300" K. The experimental values of XL t o note that the data a t 353" K. satisfy a cubic
for a long-term isotherm were determined with a rate law defined by Eq. (1) and illustrated in
reproducibility of the same amount. This in- Fig. 2 which yield a rate constant in good agree-
creased error was occasioned by difficulties of ment with similar oxidation data obtained by
accurate long term temperature control. Campbell and Thomas.lo They used an electro-
Allan and Mitchell12 have also made some metric method to follow the oxidation rates a t
studies of the low temperature oxidation of copper temperatures from 100 to 250".
surfaces. They find the oxygen uptake to depend Some critical remarks as to the limitations of the
on the temperature and the structural properties hypothesis are pertinent a t this point. In-
of the surfaces in a manner which is in fair agree- spection of Fig. 5 shows that for a small interval
ment with the results of this study. More pre- a t the beginning of the run, the film is not thicken-
cise comparison is invalidated by the difficulties ing as rapidly as predicted. If this is a real effect
of evaluating the true surface area and crystallog- it may indicate that the somewhat idealized
raphy of the metal atoms exposed in their evapo- conditions assumed by Cabrera and Mott are
rated metal surfaces. not satisfied in the first stage of oxidation. On
the other hand, although the response time of
Discussion the balance is about 10 seconds, i t may possibly
The good agreement over the greatest range be an error in defining the experimental zero
of thicknesses and temperatures considered be- point of the reaction. Another point of question
tween the experimental data and the values pre- is the assumption in Eqs. (4) and (5) that ( a )
dicted by Eq. (9) are taken to suggest the possible and ( N ) may be replaced by the lattice constant
validity of the Cabrera and Mott hypothesis value of cuprous oxide and by the squared re-
under the aforementioned conditions. The fact ciprocal of this lattice constant, respectively.
that smooth oxidation curves are predicted even At any rate they are the best values available
when the average oxide film thickness is as small and since the logarithm is used in both cases,
as a single monolayer must be considered as but it is only critical that the order of magnitude be
an approximate description of the surface; parts correct. I n addition, i t would be desirable to
of which are covered with patches whose thick- use values of the activation energy term ( W )
ness varies in units of oxide monolayer and parts independently obtained to test rigorously Eq.
of which are, of course, bare of oxide. It can be (9). It may be recalled that ( W ) is the sum
shown that the Mott and Cabrera function is a of two energies; that of cation diffusion in the
satisfactory approximation for such a system. oxide (Uz) and that of the heat of solution (U,)
The prediction of correct values for the effective of the cation in the oxide. Although precise
limiting film thickness ( x ~ listed
) in Table I and values for the energy of diffusion of Cu+ ions
plotted as a function of temperature in Fig. 4 in CuzO are not available, approximate values for
provides additional evidence. Cu+ diffusion in similar silver salts vary from 0.1
(11) T. N. Rhodin, THISJOURNAL, communicated.
to 0.2 eV.I3 The difference of approximately 1.0
(12) Allan and Mitchell, Faraday SOC.Symp. on Catalysis, p. (13) R. M. Barrer, "Diffusion in and Through Solids," Cambridge
7815,1950. University Press, New York, N,Y.,1941,p. 274.

eV. is the energy required per mole to move a mental and theoretical d e h i t i o n of electric
metal ion in a lattice site of the metal crystal contact potential differences in metal-oxide-
a t the metal-oxide interface to a vacant site adsorbed gas systems complicate the independent
in the cuprous oxide lattice, indicated in Fig. verification of the values of the parameter, I/,
3 . Since the work of removing an ion depends derived from their rate analysis.
on the crystal face from which it is taken, U1 Acknowledgments.-The author is grateful to
might be expected to vary several 0.1 eV. with N. F. Mott and N. Cabrera for discussions of
crystallographic direction. Since diffusion is iso- their views on the oxidation of metal surfaces.
tropic in a cubic crystal, variations in Uj would He also acknowledges the value of discussions
be directly reflected in W and could be evaluated with C. Zener and the assistance of J. Cerny in
from the temperature dependence of the variation the preparation of samples. (The research was
of effective limiting oxide film thickness with the supported in part by Army Air Force Contract
exposed crystallographic face of the metal. AF-33(038)-6534.)
Using the experimental method previously de- Summary
scribed, the investigation should also yield correla-
tion of contact potential with crystallographic The validity of Mott's hypothesis was evalu-
direction for copper-cuprous oxide. This correla- ated by a low temperature study of the oxidation
tion has been evaluated and is reported in a of the cubic face of single crystals of copper in the
separate paper." temperature range 78 to 335' K. By use of a
In conclusion some cautionary remarks should sensitive quartz vacuum microbalance, actual
be included. Although an expression of the form surface areas were determined from microadsorp-
of Eq. (2) is in good agreement with the low tion isotherms and the growth of very thin oxide
temperature oxidation data on copper, the films were followed with an accuracy of 2%.
physical significance of the two parameters, The rate equation derived from Mott and Cab-
W and especially remains somewhat specula-
rera's hypothesis was found t o be valid with some
tive. The general validity of Eq. ( 2 ) should be limitations for film thicknesses in the range of
evaluated by studying low temperature gas- 5-50 h. and temperatures from 78 to 300' K.
oxidation of more metals systematically; some dx/dt = A exp(xl/x - W/kT)
of which form excess semi-conductors (Zn), as where 3t is film thickness a t time, t; x1 is a critical
well as others forming oxides with no appreciable film thickness; W is the energy of activation and
semi-conductor properties (AI). Furthermore, A is a temperature independent constant. Ac-
unless there exist compensating factors hitherto cording to their hypothesis the value of the
undefined, the Cabrera and Mott hypothesis field accelerating the motion of metal ions through
is based on somewhat idealized surface con- the oxide was found to vary from lo7 to lo6
siderations, seldom, if ever, encountered. As v./cm., the contact potential between copper-
applications of their theoretical treatment ac- cuprous oxide to be 0.83 v. for the (100) face, and
cumulate, modifications of Eq. ( 2 ) will probably the energy of activation for oxidation t o be 1.2
be required to account for structural and other eV. Some critical remarks pertinent to the
characteristics specific to a given metal-oxide limitations of the hypothesis are included.
system. Finally, the difficulties in the experi- CIIICAGO
APRIL17, 1950


The Association of Cerous Ion with Sulfite, Phosphate and Pyrophosphate Ions1
Introduction Experimental
Measurements of the association between poly- Materials.-Dowex 506 resin, 100-200 mesh, was used
valent cations and inorganic oxygen acids have as the cation exchanger throughout these measurements.
been made by several i n v e s t i g a t ~ r s . ~ J *The
~*~ The resin was thoroughly washed with 6 N HC1, and
water. It was then neutralized with sodium hydroxide
ion exchange measurements of ion-pair formation solution, washed and briefly dried in air.
between cerous ion and three oxygen acids are The purified mixture of G~l~l-Ce14~ fission products,
reported in this paper. obtained from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, con-
tained less than 1% of radiochemical impurities.
(1) Presented before the Division of Physieal and Inorganic The water for solutions was boiled to remove carbon di-
C h e m i m of the American Chemical Society at the Atlantic City oxide and oxygen. All sodium salts were of reagent grade.
Meeting, September, 1949. Procedure.-The method was similar to that heretofore
(2) C. W. Davies, J . Chcm. SOC.,2093 (1938); 349 (1939). empl~yed.~JAll equilibrations were carried out at 25 *
(3) B. B. Owen and R. W. Gurry, TEISJOURNAL, 60, 3074 (1938). 0.5".
(4) R. E. Connick and W. H. McVey, a i d . , 71, 3182 (1949).
(5) R. E. Connick and S. W. Mayer. i b i d , submitted for publica- (6) W. C. Bauman and J. Eichhorn, ibid.. 69, 2830 (1947).
tion. (7) E R Tompkins and S. W Mayer. ibid., SO, 2859 (1947).

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