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OPINION Interactions between intestinal pathogens,
enteropathy and malnutrition in developing
Andrew J. Prendergast a,b,c and Paul Kelly a,d

Purpose of review
This review focuses on recent data highlighting the interactions between intestinal pathogens, enteropathy
and malnutrition in developing countries, which drive morbidity and mortality and hinder the long-term
developmental potential of children.
Recent findings
Diarrhoea remains the second commonest cause of death in children below 5 years, and malnutrition
underlies 45% of all child deaths. Even in the absence of diarrhoea, subclinical pathogen carriage and
enteropathy are almost universal in developing countries. Here, we review recent studies addressing the
causes and consequences of diarrhoea; emerging data on environmental influences that govern postnatal
development of the gut and microbiota; current concepts of environmental enteric dysfunction; and recent
intervention trials in the field. We highlight the interactions between these processes, whereby intestinal
pathogens drive a cycle of gut damage, malabsorption, chronic inflammation and failed mucosal
regeneration, leading to malnutrition and susceptibility to further enteric infections.
Efforts to improve child survival and long-term developmental potential need to address the overlapping
and interacting effects of diarrhoea, enteropathy and malnutrition. Recent insights from human and animal
studies suggest potential targets for intervention.
child, diarrhoea, enteropathy, malnutrition, microbiota

INTRODUCTION Causes of diarrhoea

Malnutrition underlies 45% of child deaths globally. Two major studies have recently shed light on the
Stunting is the commonest presentation of malnu- cause of diarrhoea in developing countries. The
trition, affecting approximately one-third of chil- Global Enteric Multisite Study (GEMS) [2 ] enrolled
dren in developing countries, leading to increased
mortality from infections such as diarrhoea.
Although there have been huge reductions in diar- a
Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK,
rhoeal mortality over several decades, diarrhoea b
Zvitambo Institute for Maternal and Child Health Research, Harare,
remains the second commonest cause of death Zimbabwe, cDepartment of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloom-
among children below 5 years. Precise mortality berg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA and dUniversity
Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia
estimates vary between 666 000 and 712 000 annu-
Correspondence to Dr Andrew J. Prendergast, Centre for Genomics and
ally [1], with young children (<2 years) accounting
Child Health, Blizard Institute, Newark Street, London E1 2AT, UK.
for the majority of deaths. Even in the absence of Tel: +44 20 7882 2269; fax: +44 20 7882 2195;
diarrhoea, subclinical pathogen carriage and enter- e-mail:
opathy are almost universal in developing countries. Curr Opin Infect Dis 2016, 29:229–236
This review will focus on the interactions between DOI:10.1097/QCO.0000000000000261
intestinal pathogens, enteropathy and malnu- This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
trition, drawing on recent findings from human Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
and animal studies. reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

0951-7375 Copyright ß 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Paediatric and neonatal infections

76.9% of diarrhoea specimens, 64.9% of non-

KEY POINTS diarrhoea specimens had pathogens present, such
 Subclinical enteropathogen carriage and environmental that overall only 19.1% (16.2–21.8) and 33.1%
enteric dysfunction arise early in infancy in developing (29.0–36.7) of diarrhoeal episodes in the first and
countries. second year of life, respectively, had a pathogen-
specific cause determined.
 In addition to better case management of diarrhoea,
There were similarities and differences to GEMS
nutritional and immune convalescence need to be && &&

addressed to reduce post-diarrhoeal morbidity in the pathogens identified (Table 1) [2 ,4 ], but a

and mortality. relatively small number of organisms caused the
burden of diarrhoea. Both GEMS and Mal-ED
 The microbiota governs many aspects of postnatal gut suggest that the global burden of cryptosporidiosis
development, provides colonization resistance against
has been underestimated to date. In GEMS, Crypto-
pathogens and can promote recovery from diarrhoea.
sporidium was a significant pathogen at all sites
 Maturational defects in the microbiota underlie regardless of HIV status, the second commonest
malnutrition. pathogen in infants and was associated with sub-
 Efforts to improve child survival and long-term sequent mortality in 12–23-month-old children. A
developmental potential need to address the smaller case–control study from Tanzania [3] found
pathological cycle of mucosal damage, inflammation a comparable prevalence to GEMS using PCR (16.3%
and malnutrition that arises from recurrent intestinal cases), and identified HIV infection, stunting and
pathogen infections. rainy season as risk factors. An excellent recent
review [5] highlights research priorities to improve
prevention and treatment of cryptosporidiosis. A
new tractable platform for experimental studies of
children aged 0–59 months with moderate-severe Cryptosporidium is a major development in the field
diarrhoea (MSD) at seven sites in Africa and
[6 ].
Asia. Conventional culture, immunoassays and
multiplex PCR were used to comprehensively
identify diarrhoeal pathogens. A major strength Consequences of diarrhoea
was the careful design, in which one to three Despite downward trends in diarrhoeal mortality,
matched controls were recruited per case, to calcu- there are still an unacceptably high number of child
late adjusted population attributable fractions, deaths annually. The principles of acute treatment
which account for asymptomatic colonization. are continued feeding, increased fluids (including
Overall, potential pathogens were identified in oral rehydration solution), zinc supplementation
83% of children with diarrhoea and 72% of controls, and rational use of antibiotics. However, in a study
highlighting the frequency of enteropathogen from Dhaka, only 6% of caregivers of children with
carriage. Four pathogens (rotavirus, Cryptosporidium, diarrhoea sought help from a qualified healthcare
Shigella and Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli produc- provider [7]. Even when caregivers do seek appro-
ing heat-stable toxin) were associated with MSD at priate help, healthworkers may have inadequate
all sites. Rotavirus was the commonest pathogen in knowledge [8] and incorrect practices are common
infancy at all sites, Cryptosporidium was the second [9]. In a survey of 264 healthcare workers in Indian
commonest cause in infants at most sites and slums [10], overuse of antibiotics and intravenous
Shigella became more common beyond infancy. rehydration was widespread; practitioner know-
Giardia was protective against diarrhoea; a smaller ledge strongly predicted correct practice, suggesting
study from Tanzania [3] similarly reported higher the need for ongoing caregiver and healthworker
Giardia prevalence in controls than cases [odds ratio education.
(OR) 1.8, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1–3.1]. Although most deaths arise from acute diar-
The Malnutrition and the Consequences for rhoea, a survey across seven countries found that
Child Health and Development (Mal-ED) study persistent diarrhoea caused 30% or more infant
[4 ] had a similar diagnostic and analytic approach diarrhoeal deaths in Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania,
but focused on community rather than facility- Pakistan and India [11]. Over 40% of those dying
based diarrhoea. Twice-weekly home visits to 2145 of persistent diarrhoea were severely malnourished,
children aged 0–24 months enabled frequent col- highlighting the interactions between diarrhoea
lection of diarrhoeal and non-diarrhoeal specimens. and malnutrition; it remains unclear why some
Enteropathogen infection was common in children children, but not others, develop persistent diar-
without diarrhoea, as in GEMS, from early infancy. rhoea. GEMS reported more than eight-fold
Although one or more pathogens were detected in increased deaths among cases compared with

230 Volume 29  Number 3  June 2016

Intestinal pathogens, enteropathy and malnutrition Prendergast and Kelly

Table 1. Comparison of the Global Enteric Multisite Study and the Malnutrition and the Consequences for Child Health and
Development study
&& &&
GEMS [2 ] Mal-ED [4 ]

Setting Africa (Kenya, Mali, Mozambique and Africa (South Africa and Tanzania), Asia
The Gambia) and Asia (Bangladesh, (Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan)
India and Pakistan) and South America (Peru and Brazil)
Ages 0–59 months Birth cohort, recruited within 17 days of
age and followed for 24 months
Clinical presentation Children presenting to health centres Diarrhoea identified during twice-weekly
with moderate-to-severe diarrhoeaa home visits
Design Matched case–control study, with Comparison of diarrhoeal specimens with
calculation of adjusted population non-diarrhoeal surveillance specimens
attributable fractions (collected at 1–12, 15, 18, 21 and 24
months of age), with calculation of
adjusted attributable fractions
Sample size 9439 cases and 13 129 controls 2145 children
Investigations Conventional stool culture, with PCR to Conventional stool culture, with PCR to
further identify Escherichia coli further identify Escherichia coli
Immunoassays for rotavirus, Immunoassays for Campylobacter spp.,
adenovirus, Giardia lamblia, rotavirus, adenovirus, astrovirus, Giardia
Entamoeba histolytica and spp., Entamoeba histolytica and
Cryptosporidium spp. PCR for Cryptosporidium spp. PCR for norovirus
norovirus, sapovirus and astrovirus
Highest attributable fractions Rotavirus, Cryptosporidium, ST-ETEC, Norovirus GII, Rotavirus, Campylobacter
Shigella spp., Astrovirus, Cryptosporidium spp.,
Shigella spp. (after infancy)
Other important pathogens Aeromonas and Campylobacter jejuni Bloody diarrhoea: Campylobacter spp.
(Asia), Vibrio cholerae O1 (Asia and and Shigella spp.
Based on findings from the Global Enteric Multisite Study (GEMS) [2 ] and The Etiology, Risk Factors, and The Interactions of Malnutrition & Enteric Infections:
Consequences for Child Health and Development (Mal-ED) Project [4 ].
Moderate-severe diarrhoea was defined as sunken eyes; loss of skin turgor; administration or prescription of intravenous fluids; dysentery; and admission to
hospital for diarrhoea or dysentery.
ST-ETEC, Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli producing heat-stable toxin.

controls 2–3 months after a single episode of MSD growth, more in boys than girls. Faster (i.e. catch-
(OR 8.5, 95% CI 5.8, 12.5), highlighting the neg- up) length growth was observed during subsequent
lected post-discharge mortality associated with diar- diarrhoea-free periods, confirming that catch-up
rhoea, particularly among malnourished children growth can allow children to regain their original
[2 ]. Immune function may also be impacted by trajectory after short-term growth insults. Some
diarrhoea. Leptin levels during acute cholera were pathogens may impair growth more than others;
low and stayed suppressed for at least 1 month after for example, in a Peruvian study [14], Shigella was
recovery; leptin concentrations on day 2 were particularly implicated. Although the reasons for
related to immunoglobulin G antibody levels to reduced growth are multifactorial, a recent Zimbab-
cholera toxin 30 days later, indicating the impact wean study showed that diarrhoea can directly
of leptin on immune function [12]. Together, these reduce circulating levels of insulin-like growth fac-
findings suggest that nutritional and immune tor-1 [15].
convalescence need to be addressed to reduce post- It has been proposed that diarrhoea may
diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality. adversely affect long-term neurodevelopment,
It has been debated how much diarrhoea con- although previous studies suggest this relationship
tributes to growth failure in children. Overall, prior arises predominantly through stunting. However, a
studies suggest a small but measurable effect on recent study [16] of 422 Indian children, evaluated
linear growth because of catch-up growth between twice-weekly for illness and subsequently assessed
episodes. A recent multicountry study [13] of 1007 for neurodevelopment using the Ages and Stages
children with longitudinal anthopometry and diar- Questionnaire (ASQ-3), found that the number of
rhoeal surveillance from birth to 24 months con- diarrhoea days between 6 and 30 months was inver-
firmed that diarrhoea slows ponderal and linear sely associated with ASQ-3 scores, independent of

0951-7375 Copyright ß 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 231
Paediatric and neonatal infections

growth. It is plausible that different pathways link study [24 ] showed that many genes governing
diarrhoea with growth and brain development, intestinal development are controlled by the micro-
although further mechanistic studies are needed. biota, while dietary shifts at weaning led to changes
in metabolic and antimicrobial gene expression,
indicating that intestinal development is highly
Environmental enteric dysfunction influenced by the environment. The gut needs to
Stunting is driven by complex interactions between respond readily to pathogens, while avoiding
genetics, epigenetics, environmental influences, inflammation in response to the microbiota.
recurrent infections and inadequate diet. A con- Through a bidirectional relationship, the micro-
dition called environmental enteric dysfunction biota can drive inflammation and the mucosal
(EED), which is almost universal in impoverished inflammatory milieu shapes the microbiota. How-
settings, is also associated with stunting. EED is ever, the microbiota remains remarkably stable due
characterized by small intestinal inflammation to evolution of resilience mechanisms; for example,
and abnormal villous architecture, modest malab- gut commensals are resistant to the activity of intes-
sorption and gut permeability; however, there is no tinal antimicrobial peptides, through mechanisms
case definition or gold standard biomarker and its that are emerging [25]. Mucosal inflammation is an
cause remains unclear [17]. A recent murine model important defence against enteropathogen coloni-
[18 ] provides insights into the interactions zation, but can also limit microbiota growth, coun-
between microbial exposure, enteropathy and mal- ter-intuitively providing an advantage to pathogens
nutrition. Mice fed a suboptimal diet developed that have evolved survival mechanisms [26]. Key
shifts in the small intestinal microbiota but retained regulators of the interactions between inflam-
normal intestinal histopathology; if they also mation and the microbiota are being identified
received a bacterial cocktail they developed villous [27]. Immune cells, such as Th17, Th22 and gd
blunting and inflammation characteristic of EED. T-cells, have a critical role in intestinal homeostasis
This supports the hypothesis in humans that EED by producing interleukin (IL)-22, which maintains
arises from exposure to environmental microbes in epithelial barrier integrity and regulates microbiota
conditions of poor sanitation and hygiene, particu- composition. IL-22-deficient mice have higher
larly in the context of inadequate diet. Frequent mortality than wild-type mice following Clostridium
enteropathogen carriage indicates that environ- difficile infection due to translocation of commen-
mental contamination begins early in life. Exposure sals to extraintestinal organs, highlighting the
to faecal bacteria through geophagia [19] and con- importance of interactions between mucosal
tact with animal faeces [20] may be particularly immune cells, intestinal barrier function and gut
important. The hypothesized causal pathway from microbial composition in protection from patho-
EED to stunting is through malabsorption and gens [28].
chronic inflammation (arising from microbial trans- The interplay between the microbiota and diar-
location across an impaired gut barrier); however, rhoeal pathogens was recently highlighted in a
this is difficult to confirm with current biomarkers time-series metagenomic study of adults with chol-
[17]. Recent studies using anti-endotoxin antibodies era [29]. Recovery was associated with a pattern of
(EndoCAb) as markers of microbial translocation changes that recapitulate the original microbiota
showed no relationships with growth in Malawi assembly seen in healthy children, indicating that
[21] or Zimbabwe [22], and plasma concentrations certain taxa may promote repair of the microbiota
of intestinal fatty acid binding protein (indicative of ‘organ’. In this study, one species, Ruminococcus
villous damage) were elevated in Zimbabwean obeum, reduced Vibrio cholerae colonization [29].
infants but not associated with stunting [22]; how- Similarly, a recent murine study [30] found that
ever, the role of chronic inflammation in stunting Clostridium scindens alone could confer colonization
has been confirmed in several recent studies [22,23]. resistance to C. difficile infection, suggesting that
Dissecting the interactions between recurrent infec- protection from pathogens can be governed at the
tions, impaired gut integrity, chronic inflammation single species level. The protective role of the micro-
and stunting will require more longitudinal studies, biota has raised concerns that perturbations of the
using panels of emerging biomarkers together with gut community by antibiotics may impair coloni-
gut biopsy samples where feasible. zation resistance. An observational study [31] of 465
children followed from birth in Vellore, India,
found that those receiving antibiotics in the first
Microbiota 6 months of life had a 33% increased risk of diar-
Postnatal gut development is highly influenced by rhoea through 3 years in adjusted analyses (inci-
changes in the microbiota and diet. A recent murine dence rate ratio 1.33, 95% CI 1.12, 1.57), although

232 Volume 29  Number 3  June 2016

Intestinal pathogens, enteropathy and malnutrition Prendergast and Kelly

exclusive breastfeeding was protective, potentially growth [37]. It is now apparent that the community
due to beneficial bacterial species (e.g. lactobacilli) of gut viruses (virome) emerges after birth and inter-
in breast milk. In the same cohort [32], children acts with the bacterial microbiota [38]. Using
receiving antibiotics to treat diarrhoea had a sub- machine-learning methods to characterize healthy
sequent diarrhoeal episode twice as soon as children assembly of the virome, children with SAM had a
not receiving antibiotics (median time ratio 0.50; disrupted virome composition and, in contrast to
95% CI 0.38, 0.79). Although there is potential for the bacterial microbiota, community structure was
unmeasured confounding, these studies suggest not restored by therapeutic feeding [39].
that antibiotics, particularly in young infants,
may increase the risk of diarrhoea and shorten the
interval between diarrhoeal episodes. Interventions for diarrhoea, environmental
There are intriguing interrelationships between enteric dysfunction and malnutrition
enteric and respiratory infections. For example, diar- There is an urgent need for new approaches and
rhoea appears to increase the risk of subsequent scale-up of existing interventions to reduce morbid-
pneumonia, possibly because of hypochlorhydria ity and mortality from diarrhoea, enteropathy and
[33]. Higher gastric pH may predispose to enteric malnutrition. In a systematic review [40] of non-
infections through loss of the protective gastric acid medical interventions, such as infrastructure invest-
barrier, and increase the risk of pneumonia via ments and behaviour change communication, most
reflux of heavily colonized gastric contents. An showed benefits ranging from 18 to 61% reduction
elegant murine study [34 ] dissected a complex in diarrhoeal incidence. The Global Action Plan for
mechanism through which lung infections un- the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diar-
expectedly cause intestinal damage. Following rhoea outlines priority, low-cost, effective interven-
intranasal infection with influenza, mice developed tions to end preventable pneumonia and diarrhoea
small intestinal damage, which was not caused by deaths by 2025 [41]. A modelling exercise in South
viral dissemination to the gut. Instead, lung-derived Africa showed that even 10% scale-up of 13 existing
CCR9þCD4þ T cells homed to the small intestine interventions for diarrhoea by 2030 would reduce
and disrupted the microbiota through interferon- under-5 diarrhoeal deaths by 48%; water, sanitation
gamma secretion. In response to dysbiosis, the intes- and hygiene (WASH), oral rehydration solution and
tinal epithelium secreted IL-15, causing Th17 polar- exclusive breastfeeding would avert the majority of
ization of mucosal CD4þ T cells and IL-17-mediated deaths [42].
gut damage. Thus, infections at distant sites may Recent systematic reviews confirm the effective-
disrupt intestinal homeostasis through immune- ness of handwashing [43] and point-of-use water
mediated effects on the microbiota; further studies treatment [44] for diarrhoea reduction. A recent trial
in humans are needed to explore these mechanisms in Bangladesh [45] showed that safe storage of water
further. had similar efficacy to chlorination for diarrhoea
A series of recent studies highlights the role of reduction; a one-time investment in a safe storage
the microbiota in malnutrition. By constructing a container may be more feasible than ongoing water
microbiota ‘maturity index’ based on age-discrim- treatment products, although its long-term effec-
inatory taxa that define a healthy pattern of bac- tiveness requires evaluation. Globally, 1 billion
terial assembly, maturational defects in the people practise open defecation and 2 billion have
microbiota of children with severe acute malnu- no access to improved sanitation. Two new trials
trition (SAM) were identified, which were only report the impact of sanitation interventions on
partially and temporarily restored by nutritional diarrhoea and growth. In Odisha, India, villages
rehabilitation [35 ]. Gut microbes targeted by were randomized to latrine promotion and con-
the mucosal immune system appear particularly struction or no intervention, with subsidies for fam-
important, because purified immunoglobulin A ilies below the poverty line [46]. Latrine coverage
(IgA)-tagged bacteria from malnourished Malawian increased from 9 to 63% in intervention villages, but
children transmitted a weight-loss phenotype to with no reduction in faecal contamination, diar-
gnotobiotic mice, and IgA responses to certain taxa, rhoea, soil-transmitted helminths or malnutrition,
including Enterobacteriaceae, correlated with child presumably because of low coverage or usage of
anthropometric measures [36]. Using available latrines. In Mali, villages were randomized to com-
metagenomic data in a secondary analysis, reduced munity-led total sanitation (CLTS) or no interven-
microbiota diversity and changes in covariance net- tion [47 ]. CLTS employs participatory methods
work density were found to be associated with stunt- to sustainably eliminate open defecation and
ing severity in Malawi and Bangladesh, indicating a promote latrine construction using locally available
role of the microbiota in both linear and ponderal materials. Access to sanitation increased by 30% in

0951-7375 Copyright ß 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 233
Paediatric and neonatal infections

Impaired anti-infective
mucosal defences
Intestinal pathogen

Epithelial breaches

Micronutrient Failure of repair


4 2
Microbial translocation Dysbiosis
(?macronutrient) 2
5 5
6 6



Reduced tissue accretion

FIGURE 1. Interactions between intestinal pathogens, enteropathy and malnutrition. Contamination of the environment leads
to increased exposure to intestinal pathogens that damage the mucosa and, because of failure to repair the damage, lead to
microbial translocation, inflammation/sepsis and malabsorption. Several of these components reinforce mucosal damage in a
positive feedback loop, exacerbating the cycle of malnutrition and infection as originally observed by Scrimshaw et al. in the
1960 s. Potential points for intervention include (1) water and sanitation (WASH) interventions to prevent enteropathogen
exposure; (2) antimicrobial, probiotic or prebiotic agents to reduce gut colonization/dysbiosis; (3) factors (still unidentified) to
enhance mucosal healing; (4) specific micronutrient supplementation to overcome specific absorptive defects, such as zinc to
promote Paneth cell function; (5) anti-infective agents to reduce microbial translocation and prevent sepsis; and (6) anti-
inflammatory interventions. This list is far from exhaustive.

intervention villages, but there was no reduction in specific interventions for EED, including prebiotics
reported open defecation or overall diarrhoea preva- (resistant starch type 2) [52], multiple micronu-
lence; however, children in CLTS compared with trients with or without fish oil [53] and zinc with
non-CLTS villages were taller and less likely to be albendazole [54], have shown little impact,
stunted (35 vs. 41%, respectively; prevalence ratio although a recent trial [55] of multiple micronu-
0.86, 95% CI 0.74–1.0). Collectively, these studies trients in HIV-negative Zambian adults showed
show that increasing coverage of latrines does not improved villous height and absorptive surface area
necessarily change behaviour or improve health on small intestinal biopsy after 6 weeks compared
outcomes, although results from Mali suggest that with placebo. A recent Kenyan study [56] used
WASH interventions may impact malnutrition, eve- mesalazine to treat EED, similar to other inflamma-
n without diarrhoea reduction, perhaps through an tory enteropathies. Children with SAM randomized
effect on EED. to mesalazine, vs. placebo, had no excess adverse
Diarrhoea, pathogen carriage, microbiota com- events and showed trends towards reduced inflam-
position and EED likely need to be addressed mation after 28 days, providing evidence for larger
together to reduce malnutrition. Approaches focus- efficacy trials of immunomodulation, although
ing exclusively on feeding interventions, such as more potent agents targeting the small intestine
provision of lipid-based nutrient supplements, have in children without SAM may have greater efficacy.
only modest impacts on linear growth [48–50]. Oral vaccines are the cornerstone of enteric
There is increasing appreciation that integrated infection prevention, but are least effective where
approaches are needed; ongoing trials in Kenya they are most needed, possibly because of EED,
(NCT01704105), Bangladesh (NCT01590095) and enteric coinfections, malnutrition and interference
Zimbabwe [51] are evaluating the impact of com- from breast milk antibodies. Several strategies aimed
bining WASH and feeding interventions to reduce at overcoming the oral vaccine effectiveness gap
stunting. Recent trials in children evaluating have recently been reported. In Pakistan [57],

234 Volume 29  Number 3  June 2016

Intestinal pathogens, enteropathy and malnutrition Prendergast and Kelly

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17. Prendergast AJ, Humphrey JH, Mutasa K, et al. Assessment of environmental
None. enteric dysfunction in the SHINE trial: methods and challenges. Clin Infect Dis
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18. Brown EM, Wlodarska M, Willing BP, et al. Diet and specific microbial
Financial support and sponsorship && exposure trigger features of environmental enteropathy in a novel murine
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A.J.P. is funded by the Wellcome Trust (108065/Z/15/Z). This is the first animal model of environmental enteric dysfunction and identifies the
factors that drive distorted intestinal architecture in an elegant series of experi-
ments that advance our understanding of the pathogenesis of EED.
Conflicts of interest 19. George CM, Oldja L, Biswas S, et al. Geophagy is associated with environ-
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20. George CM, Oldja L, Biswas SK, et al. Fecal markers of environmental
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