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Digital System Projects

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Digital Systems Tutorials and Exercises

By Prawat Nagvajara

Tutorial 1: 2-to-4 Decoder (Fig. 1)

Decoder Z0
X0 Z1

En Z3

Fig.1 Decoder Block Diagram

1. Start Xilinx Vivado

1.1 Create a new folder, for instance, named xilinx_projects, in write permitted drive for your future
digital design on FPGA projects.

1.2 Go to All Programs > Xilinx Design Tools and launch Vivado. If it does not show in All Programs
menu it is at C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2014.4\bin\vivado.bat

2. Create New Project

2.1 Quick Start -> Create New Project

2.2 Create a New Vivado Project -> Next
Project name: decoder
Project location:
The location is in the folder created in 1.1
Checked on Create Project Subdirectory -> Next
2.3 Project Type: RTL Project, check “Do not specify sources at this time” -> next
2.4 Default Part

Digital System Projects

2.5 New Project Summary -> Finish

2.6 View Project Setting. Check if the target language is VHDL and the Part is xc7a35tcpg236-1.

3. VHDL Source File

3.1 Project Manager -> Add Sources -> Add or Create Design Sources -> Create Files
File Name: decoder -> Finish
Define Module -> OK
“Module Ddefinition…” -> yes

Digital System Projects

3.2 Open decoder.vhd

Maximize editor pane

Edit code and save file

4. Design Constraints File

4.1 Add Sources -> Add or create Constraints -> Next

4.2 Download from -> Basys3 -> Support Documents -> Basys3 Master XDC File for Vivado
designs -> Download

Digital System Projects

4.3 Add Files-> Basys3_Master.xdc

4.4 Open Basys3_Master.xdc maximize editor (change and replace is CTRL-r).

The design sources pane looks as follows

The design constraints file is as follows,

Digital System Projects

5. Synthesis, Implementation and Generate Bitstream

5.1 Run synthesis

5.2 Run Implementation
5.3 Generate Bitstream

6. Program FPGA
6.1 Connect Basys 3 board (micro USB) and switch power
6.1 Open Hardware Manual
6.2 Open Target -> Open New Target

6.3 Program Device

7. Verify Correctness
7.1 Refer to the design constraints what switches are x(1), x(0) and en and what leds are z(0), …, z(3).


Problem Statement: Design a 4-to-16 decoder.

1. Use the array type syntax (Bhasker 3.3 Array Type) for assigning a vector with a single ‘1’. For example
i) (5 => ‘1’, others => ‘0’) is a vector with the bit at index 5 equal to a ‘1’ and other bits are ‘0’s.
ii) (others => ‘0’) is a vector with all ‘0’s.

Digital System Projects

The new 14-to16 decoder description has a case statement for x like,
case x is
when “0000” => Z <= (0 => ‘1’, others => ‘0’);
when “0001” => Z <= (1 => ‘1’, others => ‘0’);
when “0010” => Z <= (2 => ‘1’, others => ‘0’);

when “1111” => Z <= (15 => ‘1’, others => ‘0’);
end case;

2. Use” find and replace” feature of the editor for the LEDs assignment in the XDC file.

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