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PED0010.1177/1757975915615994D. CardaciEditorial


Promoting healthy nutrition: a long and winding road

Dora Cardaci1,2

Great emphasis has been placed on the idea that bodies and the material conditions in which they
health promotion should not be exclusively limited live their lives. Thus, as Bourdieu (1) noted some
to encouraging people to change their habits, but time ago, the way in which people choose foods that
that it should also focus on bringing about structural they consider ‘suitable’ to eat depends more on the
transformations that do not necessarily depend on way that the food will be cooked, served, presented
the health sector; however, a discrepancy still exists and offered; rather than on the composition and
between this type of statement, which is commonly nature of the products consumed.
accepted by all, and the specific practices of the When designing and implementing healthy
people who design and implement health promotion nutrition promotion programs, we must not lose
programs. Interventions in the field of nutrition (and sight of the intrinsic and indissoluble links that exist
particularly those aimed at preventing and reducing between three different levels: the subjective, the
obesity) are a good example of this schism between biological and the social.
discourse and practice. Biomedicine is governed by a positivist idea that
State-sponsored plans and programs do not attributes causes to different spheres: biological
always take a multidisciplinary, multisectoral mechanisms, the functioning of the psyche, events in
approach. Nor do they always take into account the the surrounding environment and social life (2).
effects produced on eating patterns by factors such From this vantage point, the only possible objectivity
as technological innovations in agriculture; lack of available to us relates to the body, which can be
access to high-quality, nutritious food; the move observed, measured, weighed, classified and situated
towards open economies; the high concentration of on a predetermined scale: ‘underweight’, ‘normal’,
wealth; or the political lobbying exerted by ‘overweight’ and ‘obese’. As a result, women and
transnational food and agriculture corporations. men diagnosed as obese diverge from what is
We are still finding that many initiatives are accepted as being normal and desirable. The labeling,
based on seeing people diagnosed as obese as being discrimination and stigma regarding such people
responsible for their own state of health. Thus, the and the reductionist view of biomedicine have been
emphasis is placed upon bringing about changes in pointed out and analyzed by the fields of health
individual determinants, by means of health anthropology, feminism and medical sociology; and
education activities or by distributing leaflets and in particular, by activists and researchers involved in
advertisements, which warn people of the risks of what are known as ‘critical studies on obesity’ or ‘fat
physical inactivity and the consumption of sugary studies.’
drinks and energy-dense foods. This is a field which covers a wide range of research
Such initiatives tend to recommend healthy eating topics and problems. A great deal of academic
plans, weight control and healthy ways of eating literature has been produced that questions the
that fail to take into account the fact that how rigidity of the clinical category of obesity and the
people choose what foods to eat and the very act of appropriateness of the expression ‘obesity epidemic’,
eating are much more than just processes for in addition to the fear of weight gain and anxiety
nourishing our bodies. They are situations that that result in people who compulsively monitor
involve a range of different factors: identity, gender what and how much they eat, or who engage in
relations, people’s perceptions about their own strenuous physical activity (3,4,5).

1. Metropolitan Autonomous University, Xochimilco Campus, Mexico.

2. Associate Spanish language editor, Global Health Promotion.

Correspondence to: Dora Cardaci, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, México. Email: dcardaci@
Global Health Promotion 1757-9759; Vol 22(4): 3­ –4; 615994 Copyright © The Author(s) 2015, Reprints and permissions: DOI: 10.1177/1757975915615994
4 Editorial

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IUHPE – Global Health Promotion Vol. 22, No. 4 2015

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