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The word ‘communication’ is derived from the latin word ‘communicare’

Which means ‘to make common, to share, to transmit or to impart’.

Thus communication can be considered as process that involves the transfer of information, ideas,
emotions, feelings etc. between people.
Communication is a systematic process in which individuals interact with and through symbols to
create and interpret meanings.
Communication is a process which means it is ongoing and always in motion. Communication is
systematic which means that it involves a group of interrelated parts that affect one another. The third
key in the definition is symbols which are abstract, arbitrary and ambiguous representations of other
things. Symbols include all off languages and many nonverbal behaviors, as well as art and music. Finally,
definitions focus on meanings, which are the heart of communication.
Five Principles of Communication
1. Communication is transactional because it involves an exchange.
 If I go to the store to get a coke, I exchange money to the cashier for the coke. I give
something and get something in return. Communication is the same… you have to give
and receive for communication to happen.
2. Communication is complex for several reasons.
 It is interactive because many processes are involved.
 It is symbolic because symbols are open to interpretation.
 It is personal & cultural because a person’s culture can add a new or different meaning
to a phrase or gesture.
 It is irreversible because once a message is sent, it cannot be taken back.
 It is circular because it involves both original messages and feedback which is necessary
to confirm communication.
 It is purposeful because there is always a reason behind a message and it helps meet
our needs.
 It is impossible to duplicate because each interaction is unique.
3. Communication is unavoidable because it is impossible to not communicate.
 You are communicating constantly even when you do not intend to communicate.
You communicate by the way you sit or move, by the way you speak, by what you wear,
by your actions…. Even when you sleep in class, you’re communicating that you are
bored or that you don’t care.
4. Communication is continuous because it continues to impact and influence future interactions
and shape our relationships.
 Have you ever gotten off to a wrong start with someone? Has it taken a lot of time to
perhaps overcome someone’s negative opinion of you?
 Has someone ever said something to you that hurt your feelings and you’ve always
remembered it and think about it when you see that person?
5. Communication skills can be learned because they can always be improved.
 You may need to work on speaking skills, written communication, listening, relationship
skills… there’s always room for improvement!

Values of Communication

1. Personal Impact- According to George Herbert Mead (1934) we gain personal identity through
communicating with others. Mead theorized that we first see ourselves through the eyes o
others, so their messages are extremely important in forming the foundation of self concept.
Later in life, we interact with peers and teachers, who communicate how they see us and we
filter their impressions into our own self-image.
2. Relationship Impact- Communication also critically affects our relationships. We build
connections with others by revealing our private identities, remembering shared history,
planning future and working out problems and tensions.
3. Professional Impact- Communication skills affect professional success. The importance of
communication is obvious in professional such as teaching, business, law, broadcasting, sales
and counseling in which talking and listening are central.
4. Cultural Impact- Communication skills are also important for the health of our society. To be
effective, citizens in a democracy have to be able to express ideas and to evaluate the ideas of
others. Good communication skills are the essence of social life.

Types of Communication
 Communicating with yourself
 Communicating with a partner/another person
 Communicating with a group or team (ex. Class)
 Communicating with an audience
 Use media (watch tv, advertisement, read the paper)
1. Intrapersonal Communication is communication that occurs in your own mind. It is “self-
talk” which are the inner speech or mental conversations that we carry on with ourselves.
It is the basis of your feelings, biases, prejudices, and beliefs.
 Examples are when you make any kind of decision – what to eat or wear. When you
think about something – what you want to do on the weekend or when you think about
another person.
 You can also communicate with yourself when you dream at night.
2. Interpersonal communication is the communication between two people but can involve
more in informal conversations. Through this kind of communication we maintain

 Examples are when you are talking to your friends. A teacher and student discussing an
assignment. A patient and a doctor discussing a treatment. A manager and a potential
employee during an interview. Any one on one or informal

3. Group communication is communication within formal or informal groups or teams. It is

group interaction that results in decision making, problem solving and discussion within
an organization.

 Examples would be a group planning a surprise birthday party for someone. A team
working together on a project. A focus group discussing the pros and cons of a new
product. A group therapy session.

4. One-to-group/Public Communication communication involves a speaker who seeks to

inform, persuade or motivate an audience.

 Examples are a teacher and a class of students. A preacher and a congregation. A

speaker and an assembly of people in the auditorium.

5. Mass communication is the electronic or print transmission of messages to the general

public. Outlets called mass media include things like radio, television, film, and printed
materials designed to reach large audiences.

 A television commercial. A magazine article. Hearing a song on the radio. Books,

Newspapers, Billboards. The key is that you are reaching a large amount of people
without it being face to face. Feedback is generally delayed with mass communication.


Theory comes from the Greek word “theoria” which means to speculate or contemplate.
According to Infante 2003 “a group of related propositions designed to explain why events take
place in a certain way”.
Stephen Littlejohn defined theory as “unified, or coherent, body of propositions that provide a
philosophically consistent picture of a subject. This only means that theory offers an account of what
something is, how it works, what it produces or causes to happen, and what should be the case. Taken
from this definition, we can also put in another way that theories are human constructions or symbolic
ways in representing phenomena.
A theory can focus the minds of people in a certain patterns, variables and concepts, therefore a
theory can also be an abstraction. A theory is also developed by any person who is an authority in a
certain field which means it is not ordained by any person. In addition, a proponent of a theory can
decide whether what he wants to study, what will be the focus and be the concepts of his study. Thus, it
can be implied again that theories may represents the different point of view of theorist based on
their observations which could also mean that theories are not objective description of reality nor
necessarily true but rather represent points of views.
Phenomena- something that exists, can be seen, felt, taste etc. It is a fact occurrence or circumstance
observed or observable.
Proposition- a statement assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion offer, suggestions, ideas,
opinions, something offered for consideration or acceptance or proposal.
a. Paradigm
Thomas Kuhn defined a paradigm as "universally recognized scientific achievement that, for a
time, provide model problems and solutions for a community of researchers”. It can be viewed in this
definition that paradigm can be a comprehensive understanding in a form of framework that gives
fundamental assumptions about a certain object or phenomenon, the universe, individual, and society.
It can also be viewed that a paradigm determine what a person has to include in his observation,
questions in his research, identify problem or areas of investigation, and describes scientific
interpretation of result.
b. Models
Models are similarly symbolic representations of a system that deals on certain investigation,
assumptions and prediction of future outcomes. Models assess changes in key system variable.
c. Concepts
Concepts are briefly stated clear ideas on what something is, how it works, what it produces or
causes to happen, and what should be the case. It is believed that one of the primary goals of a theory is
to create and to articulate set of concepts. Therefore, each theory has essential concepts which differ
from other theories. To come up with a particular concept for a theory, the proponent needs to look
into the different variables related to human interaction and classifies and labels them according to
perceived patterns. Best theorise do not just define and present certain set concepts but instead show
concepts arc connected or how the variables relate to one another. Presenting how one concept is
related to or causes others in a theory is important.
d. Variables
Variables can be defined as any characteristics, features and aspects of a theory that can vary or
change. Variables can also be considered as something that has relation, effect or factor in changes or
conclusions or findings of a study.

Basic Goals of Theory

1. Description- a process of using symbols to represent phenomena. Before we can figure out
how something works, we must first describe what it is. Identify features of some
phenomena and describe any variables in them.
2. Explanation- it is an effort to clarify how and why something works. After describing the
question of how the parts interact and work together.
Example: Why does his/her strategy to get my bracelet succeed or fail? Why and how
his/her travel affect communication between us? Why are juries persuaded by a good story?
3. Prediction, Control and Understanding
Prediction-involves projecting what will happen to phenomena underspecified conditions or
when exposed to stimuli.
Control-is the use of explanation and predictions to govern what a phenomena actually
A good theory is one that allows us to forecast what will happen under certain
conditions and/or certain other actions are taken. Prediction is related to control, since we
can control out comes if we can predict what causes them.

Understanding-it is the ability of a theory to provide insights into why something is as it is or

why certain tings happen. It is giving insight to a particular situation, process, or
4. Reform- the active pursuit of positive social change. Theories should make a difference in
the real world─ that they should improve the lives of humans in concrete ways.

Standard for Evaluating Theories

1. Scope-refers to the range of phenomena theory describes and explains. A good theory is
one that provides a good description and explanation of events, process and behavior.
2. Testability- it asks whether the claims advanced by a theory can be investigated to
determine whether they are accurate or not.
3. Parsimony- it refers to appropriate simplicity. When it comes to theory complexity is
not necessarily desirable.
4. Heurism- it refers to the degree to which a theory provokes new ideas, insights,
thinking, and research.

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