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F. N o .

1 - 1 0 0 / S P ( P A R ) - N o t i f i c a t i o n / E n f / F S S A l / 2 0 1 4 ( p a r t file)

Food Safety and Standards Authority of I n d i a

(A Statutory Authority e s t a b l i s h e d u n d e r the Food Safety & S t a n d a r d s Act, 2006)

(Regulation division)

FDA Bhawan, Katia Road, New Delhi-110 002

Dated, the .u,h.. March, 2019

Subject: Direction under Section 16 (5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006

regarding c o m p l i a n c e of Food Safety a n d Standards ( C o n t a m i n a n t s , toxins

and Residues) Second Amendment Regulations, 2018 published in the

Official Gazette of I n d i a on dated 20th July, 2018 vide Notification No. 1-

100/SP(PAR)- Notification/Enf/FSSAl/2014.

Reference is drawn to Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, toxins and

Residues) Second A m e n d m e n t Regulations, 2018 p u b l i s h e d in the Official Gazette of

India dated 20th July, 2018 vide Notification No. 1-100/SP(PAR)­

Notification/Enf/FSSAl/2014. Based on the representation received from various

stakeholders highlighting some important technical issues, the time line for

c o m p l i a n c e of said Food Safety a n d Standards ( C o n t a m i n a n t s , toxins and Residues)

Second A m e n d m e n t R e g u l a t i o n s , 2018 was further e x t e n d e d up to 1" A p r i l , 2 0 1 9 .

2. M e a n w h i l e , i n p u t s / r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s were received from the s t a k e h o l d e r s in

respect of t h e challenges in c o m p l y i n g with Tolerance Limits of t h e antibiotics and

veterinary drugs and the same were referred to the Scientific Panel on Antibiotic

Residues. Based on the recommendation of t h e Panel and with the approval of t h e

c o m p e t e n t authority the following has b e e n d e c i d e d :

3. Clause (2) of sub-regulation 2.3.2 of said amendment regulation and

t o l e r a n c e l i m i t of 43 a n t i b i o t i c s a n d v e t e r i n a r y d r u g s for t h e food m e n t i o n e d in c l a u s e

(4) of s u b - r e g u l a t i o n 2.3.2 of said amendment regulation listed in Annexure-l(for

w h i c h p a n e l h a s not r e c o m m e n d e d any c h a n g e ) s h a l l be enforced from 1" A p r i l , 2 0 1 9 .

4. H owever , c o m p l i a n c e for other a n t i b i o t i c s a n d veterin a ry d r u g s of clause ( 4)

is extended t i l l f u r t h e r order. Meanwhile, t h e Food A uthority w i l l c o n t i n u e workin g on

t h e r e g u l a t i o n in respect of the r e m a i n i n g a ntibiotic / V eterinary drugs for t h e i r p o s s i b l e

deletion or changes in Tolerance limits or changes in antibiotic/ Veterinary dru g­

commodity c o m b i n a t i o n . H owever , su c h m o d i f i c a t i o n s , if a ny , on the r e g u l a t i o n s h a l l

follo w t h e d u e process of a m e n d m e n t i n c l u d i n g s t a k e h o l d e r s c o n s u l t a t i o n .

5. T his issues with th e approval of the C ompetent Authority in exercise of t h e

power vested with Food A uthority u n d e r Section 1 6 ( 5 ) of Food Safety a n d S t a n d a r d s

Act, 2 0 0 6 .

(Pawan /\garwal)

Chief Exe c utiv e Officer, FSS/\l


1. A l l Food Safety C o m m i s s i o n e r

2. All A u t h o r i s e d Officer, FSSAI

3. All Central D e s i g n a t e d Offices of FSSAI

Copy for i n f o r m a t i o n t o :

1. PPS to C h a i r p e r s o n , FSSAI


3. All Directors, FSSAI

"(4) The antibiotics and veterinary Drugs specified in column (2)shall not exceed the

tolerance limit specified in column (4) for the article of food in column (3) of the Table

below, namely: -

S. No. Name of the Food Tolerance limit

antibiotics and (mg/Kg)

veterinary drugs

fl) (2) (3) (4)

1. Ampicillin (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

(II) Fats derived from animal


( I l l ) Milk

2. Amprolium 0.01

(I) All edible animal tissues

except fish

(II) Fats derived from animal


3 Apramycin ( I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except fish

( 11) Fats derived from

animal tissues

(Ill) Milk

4. Albendzole Species not specified

Muscle 0.1

Liver 5.0

Kidney 5.0

Fat 0.1

Milk 0.1

Fish 0.1

5. Cloxacillin (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

(11) Fats derived from

animal tissue

6. Chlortetracycline/Oxy Cattle

tetracycline/Tetracycl Muscle 0.2

ine Liver 0.6

Kidney 1.2

Milk 0.1

Muscle 0.2

Giant prawn(Paeneus 0.2



Muscle 0.2

S. No. Name of the Food Tolerance limit

antibiotics and (mg/Kg)

veterinary drugs

[1) (2) (3) (4)

Liver 0.6

Kidnev 1.2


Muscle 0.2

Liver 0.6

Kidney 1.2

EE!E!S 0.4


Muscle 0.2

Liver 0.6

Kidney 1.2

Milk 0.1

7. Ceftiofur Cattle

Muscle 1.0

Liver 2.0

Kidney 6.0

Fat 2.0

Milk 0.1 me/I


Muscle 1.0

Liver 2.0

Kidney 6.0

Fat 2.0

8. Cephapirine (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except in fish.

(II) Fats derived from animal


9. Clopidol (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except in fish.

(II) Fats derived from animal


10. Closantel Cattle

Muscle 1.0

Liver 1.0

Kidney 3.0

Fat 3.0


Muscle 1.5

Liver 1.5

Kidnev 5.0

Fat 2.0

11. Cefphactril (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except fish.

(II) Fats derived from animal


(Ill) Milk

S. No. Name of the Food Tolerance limit

antibiotics and (mg/Kg)

veterinary drugs

(11 (2) (31 (4)

12. Danofloxacin Cattle

Muscle 0.2

Liver 0.4

Kidnev 0.4

Fat 0.1


Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.05

Kidney 0.2

Fat 0.1


Muscle 0.2

Liver 0.4

Kidnev 0.4

Fat 0.1

13. Doramectin Cattle

Muscle 0.01

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.03

Fat 0.15

Milk 0.015


Muscle 0.005

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.03

Fat 0.15

14. Diminazene Cattle

Muscle 0.5

Liver 12.0

Kidnev 6.0

Milk 0.15

15. Erythromycin Chicken

Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.1

Fat 0.1

E<'<'S 0.05


Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.1

Fat 0.1

16. Flumequine Cattle

Muscle 0.5

Liver 0.5

Kidnev 3.0

S. No. Name of the Food Tolerance limit

antibiotics and (mg/Kg)

veterinarv drugs

(21 (3) ( 41

Fat 1.0


Muscle 0.5

Liver 0.5

Kidnev 3.0

Fat 1.0


Muscle 0.5

Liver 0.5

Kidney 3.0

Fat 1.0


Muscle 0.5

Liver 0.5

Kidnev 3.0

Fat 1.0


Muscle 0.5

17. Flunixin (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except fish

(II) Fats derived from animal


(111) Milk

18. Febantel/Fenbendazol Cattle

e/Oxyfendazole Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.5

Kidney 0.1

Fat 0.1

Milk 0.1


Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.5

Kidney 0.1

Fat 0.1


Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.5

Kidney 0.1

Fat 0.1

Milk 0.1


Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.5

Kidney 0.1

Fat 0.1

S. No. Name of the Food Tolerance limit

antibiotics and (mg/Kg)

veterinarv drugs

(11 (2) (3) (41

19. Ivermectin

Milk 0.01

Liver 0.8

Fat 0.4

Muscle 0.03

Kidney 0.1


Liver 0.015

Fat 0.02


Liver 0.015

Fat 0.02

20. Lincomycin Cattle

Milk 0.15


Muscle 0.2

Liver 0.5

Kidney 0.5

Fat 0.1


Muscle 0.2

Liver 0.5

Kidney 1.5

Fat 0. 1

21. Levamisole Cattle

Muscle 0.01

Liver 0. 1

Kidney 0.01

Fat 0.01


Muscle 0.01

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.01

Fat 0.01


Muscle 0.01

Liver 0.1

Kidney 0.01

Fat 0.01


S. No. Name of the Food Tolerance limit

antibiotics and (mg/Kg)

veterinary druas

(1) (2) (3) ( 4)

Muscle 0.01

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.01

Fat 0.01

22. Monensin Cattle

Muscle 0.01

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.01

Fat 0.1

Milk 0.002


Muscle 0.01

Liver 0.02

Kidnev 0.01

Fat 0.1


Muscle 0.01

Liver 0.02

Kidnev 0.01

Fat 0.1


Muscle 0.01

Liver 0.01

Kidnev 0.01

Fat 0.1


Muscle 0.01

Liver 0.01

Kidnev 0.01

Fat 0.1


Liver 0.01

Kidnev 0.01

Muscle 0.01

Fat 0.1

23. Moxidectin Cattle

Muscle 0.02

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.05

Fat 0.5


Muscle 0.05

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.05

S. No. Name of the Food Tolerance limit

antibiotics and (mg/Kg)

veterinary drugs

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Fat 0.5

24. Meloxicam (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except fish

(II) Fats derived from

animal tissues

{Ill) Milk

25. Neomycin Cattle

Liver 0.5

Milk 1.5

Kidnev 10

Fat 0.5

Muscle 0.5


Liver 0.5

Ef•!'S 0.5

Muscle 0.5

Kidney 10

Fat 0.5


Fat 0.5

Liver 0.5

Kidnev 10

Muscle 0.5


Liver 0.5

Kidnev 10

Fat 0.5

Muscle 0.5


Kidnev 10

Liver 0.5

Muscle 0.5

Fat 0.5


Kidney 10

Muscle 0.5

Fat 0.5

Liver 0.5


Liver 0.5

Muscle 0.5

Kidney 10

Fat 0.5

26. Nicarbazin Chicken

S. No. Name of the Food Tolerance limit

antibiotics and (mg/Kg)

veterinary drugs

(ll (21 (31 ( 41

Kidney 0.2

Fat/Skin 0.2

Liver 0.2

Muscle 0.2

27. Oxybendazole (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except in Fish

(II) Fats derived from animal


28. Oxyclozanide (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except Fish

(II) Fats derived from animal


(111) Milk

29. Parbendazole (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except Fish

( I I ) Fats derived from animal


( I l l ) Milk

30. Praziquantel (I ) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except Fish

(II) Fats derived from animal


(Ill) Milk

31 . Spectinomycin Cattle

Muscle 0.5

Liver 2.0

Kidney 5.0

Fat 2.0

Milk 0.2 mg/I


Muscle 0.5

Liver 2.0

Kidney 5.0

Fat 2.0

Eggs 2.0


Muscle 0.5

Liver 2.0

Kidney 5.0

Fat 2.0


Muscle 0.5

Liver 2.0


S. No. Name of the Food Tolerance limit

antibiotics and (mg/Kg)

veterinarv drugs

(1) [2) (3) r 41

Kidnev 5.0

Fat 2.0

32. Sulfadiazine (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

(II) Fats derived from animal


( I l l ) Milk

33. Sulfanilamide (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

(II) Fats derived from animal


( I l l ) Milk

34. Sulfaquinoxaline (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except fish

(II) Fats derived from animal


( I l l ) Milk

35. Sulfadimidine Cattle

Milk 0.025

No Specified

Muscle 0.1

Fat 0.1

Kidney 0.1

Liver 0.1

36. Sulfa Chloropyrazine (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except fish

(II) Fats derived from animal


( I l l ) Milk

37. Thiabendazole Cattle

Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.1

Kidney 0.1

Fat 0.1

Milk 0.1


Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.1

Kidney 0.1

Fat 0.1


Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.1

Fat 0.1


Muscle 0.1

S. No. Name of the Food Tolerance limit

antibiotics and (mg/Kg)

veterinary drugs

(1) (2) (31 r 41

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.1

Fat 0.1

Milk 0.1

38. Triclabendazole Cattle

Muscle 0.25

Liver 0.85

Kidney 0.4

Fat/Skin 0.1


Muscle 0.2

Liver 0.3

Kidney 0.2

Fat/Skin 0.1

39. Trimethoprim ( I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except fish

(II) Fats derived from

animal tissues

(111) Milk

40. Tylosin Cattle

Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.1

Fat 0.1

Milk 0.1


Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.1

Kidnev 0.1

Fat 0.1


Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.1

Kidney 0.1


Muscle 0.1

Liver 0.1

Kidney 0.1

Fat/Skin 0.1

Eaas 0.3

Virginiamycin (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

41. except in Fish

(11) Fats derived from animal


S. No. Name of the Food Tolerance limit •
antibiotics and (mg/Kg)

veterinary drugs

(1) r21 r31 r41

(Ill) Milk

42. Xylazine (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

except fish

(II) Fats derived from animal


Zinc Bacitracin (I) All edible animal tissues 0.01

43. (minimum 601U/mg except in Fish

dried substance) (II) Fats derived from animal


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