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1 0...

Hydraulic Design
of Stilling Basin
for Pipe or
Channel Outlets
r -

Hydraulic Design of
Stilling Basin for Pipe
or Channel Outlets
Basin VI in the
Bureau of Reclamation

By G. L. Beichley
Division of General Research
Denver, Colorado


ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary

ELLI S L. ARMSTRONG, Commissioner
As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of
the Interior has basic responsibilities for water, fish, wildlife, min-
eral, land, park and recreational resources. Indian and Territorial
affairs are other major concerns of America's "Department of Nat-
ural Resources."
The Department works to assure the wisest choice in managing all
our resources so each will make its full contribution to a better
United States-now and in the future.



For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,

Washington, D.C. 20402, or the Bureau of Reclamation, Attention 922, Building
67, Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colo. 80225. Price -15 cents.
High-energy forces in flowing or falling water must basin originated with a need for some 50 or more
be contained or dissipated to prevent damaging scour stilling structures on a single irrigation project.
or erosion of downstream channels. Relatively small basins providing energy dissipation
independent of a tailwater curve or tailwater of any
Various means for energy dissipation are employed
kind were required.
at hydraulic installations. Stilling basins are among
the most common. Ten types, I through X, are used The information 111 this report is intended for
by the Bureau of Reclamation. (The Roman nu- water resource centers, government agencies, munici-
meral classifications are internal Bureau designa- pal ancl industrial water operators, and hydraulics
tions.) The variety of operating conditions necessi- and irrigation systems designers.
tates this wide range of stilling basin designs.
Incluclecl in this publication is an informative ab-
Criteria for design of the ten stilling basin types stract with a list of descriptors, or keywords, and
were first summarized in Engineering Monograph identifiers. The abstract was prepared as part of the
No. 25, published in 1958 and revised in 1963. The Bureau of Reclamation's program of indexing and
monograph was based on a series of earlier papers retrieving the literature of water resources develop-
and laboratory reports. ment. The descriptors were selected from the Thesau-
This study of the Type VI stilling basin, which is rus of Descriptors, which is the Bureau's standard for
used for pipe or open channel outlets, was made to listing of keywords.
standardize and modify existing and previously used
Other recent issues in the Bureau's Water Re-
procedures in the design of this impact stilling basin.
sources Technical Publications group are listed on
Development of the Type VI short impact-type the inside back cover of this report.

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Introduction ... .. ............. . . .. ............................ ...... .
The Mcxlels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -~
The Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Standardization of the basin dimensions in terms of basin width . . . . . . . !i
Standardization of the basin How entrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Standardization of th e basin size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Standardization ol the entrance velocity limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Standardization of the discharge channel riprap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Tailwater recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Performance evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Alternate end sill design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-'I
Debris barrier and trashrack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2·1
Self-cleaning feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Design Conclusions and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:>
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Number Page
1 Design specifications for the outlet works structure at Picacho North
and South Dams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1

Numbe1 · Page
I General design of the Type VI imp;H t stilling basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·I
2 T est flows with uncontrolled tailwater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (i
3 Test flows with controlled tailwater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 Entrance pipe flowing full with uncontrolled tailwater in 2.4-foot-wide
basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5 Erosion for uncontrolled tailwater with entrance pipe flowing full in
2.4-foot-wide basi n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l0
fi E ntrance pipe flowin g half full with un controlled tailwater in 2.4-foot-
wide basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll
7 Erosion for uncontrolled tailwater with entrance pipe flowing half full
in 2.4-foot-wide basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'.!
S Design width of basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l :)
9 Entrance pipe flowin g· one-fourth full with uncontrolled tailwater in
2.4 -ioot-wide basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lI
IO Entrance pipe flowing three-fourths full with uncontrolled tailwater in
l.G-[oot-widc basin .. . . . .. . .. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I:>
Ii Entra nce pipe flowinµ h;i!f full with uncontrolled tailwater in l.6-foot-
wiae uasm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IL

Number Page
12Entrance pipe flowing one-fourth full with uncontrolled tailwater in
l.6-foot-wide basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
13 Prototype operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I8
14 End sill velocity, water surface drop from end sill, and energy loss
through basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
15 Recommended riprap stone size ............. ... .. .... . .... . .. . ... ~O
16 Entrance pipe flowing full with controlled tailwater in 2.4-foot-wide
basin .. .... .... .. . ...... . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . ... .... . .. . . · · ·. · · · <)')

17 Entrance pipe flowing half full with controlled tailwater in 2.4-foot-

wide basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~.1

This study was conducted to standardize and modify tions in the field and the over-generalization of the
existing procedures used in the design of the impact, present design rul es have caused operating problems
I. Type VI stilling basin. at some of the prototype structures.
Stilling Basin VI, as referred to in Section 6 of Four principal operating problems that have oc-
Report No. Hyd-399 (I) * and in Engineering curred at various insta llations are: (1) the basin
J\(onograph No. 2fi (2), is an impact-type energy tends to clog with debris upstream of the hanging
dissipator, contained in a relatively small boxlike baffle. Russian thistles and similar weeds are the main
structure which requires no tailwater for successful source of the debris, which is not generally a problem
performance. Although the emphasis in this discus- in cultivated areas. (2) Excessive splash overtopping
sion is placed on use with pipe outlets, the structure the compartment walls upstream of the baffle, usually
may be used with an open cha nnel chute. resulting from too small a basin for the quantity and
It was originally developed Lor use as an energy dis- velocity of How involved, has eroded the fill outside
sipator at several locat ions on the Franklin Canal. the basin walls . (3) The discharge from the entrance
Many of these ba sins arc in u se on other Bureau pipe passes under the baffle, resulting in very little
projects and gen erally have been designed in accord- energy dissipation in the basin and excessive erosion
ance with the procedures outlined in these two pub- of the downstream channel. This has occurred with
lications. However, operation of the various proto- a sloping entrance pipe or with an oversized basin
type structures has revealed th e need for revision of having a horizontal entrance pipe discharging at less
these design standards. Unforeseen operating condi- than the design How. (4) Channel erosion at the end
* ltaliciud nu1nbcrs in pa re ntheses refer lo refere nces cited of the basin where the size of riprap was not
at the end of this report. adequate.

Two model basins, 1.6 and 2.4 £eel (48 .76 and tesb, as well as How from an 8-inch (20.32-centi-
73.l:i ccmimc tcrs) wide, were constructed. The other m eter) recta ngular open channel.
dimensions were related to the width o[ the basin, Each of the two basins discharged into a canal
as shown in fi gure I . section lined with l y2-inch (38 .10-ce ntimeter) gravel.
Ta ilwatcr elevations were controlled by stoplogs at.
An 8-incl1 (20.32-cc ntim eter) inside-diameter pipe the end of the canal section. The bottoms of the
was med at the entrance to each of the basins. De- canal sections were at the same elevation of the basin
flectors of variou s size& were install ed on the crown en d sill and were as wid e and as lon g as the basin
of this pip e upstream o f the portal to vary the veloc- width . The side slopes were l Y2 to l for the 2.4-foot
ity of flow en teri ng the basim. One-fourth, one-half, (7 3. 15-centimeter; wide basin and vertical for the
three-fourths, and full pipe flows were used in the smaller basin.

I: 1--

~---------- L-------
a -- .!I

.o. i-.----
w ---
0 a.
0 0
0 L O
0 er. 0

:-:·:_';'.·~ ::.-:
H =3/4 (W) c = 1/ 2(W)
L =4/3 (W) d = 1/6 (W)
a = 1/2 (W) e =1/12 (W)
b = 3;8 (W} ·t.-f'= 1;12 (W), suggested minimum
Riprap stone size diameter= l/20 (W)

Figure I . -General design of the Type VI impact stilliug basin.

RE POR T H Y D ._ 5 7 2

-<-, I
' I ~1N1y
ri--_-:__-- --r--...:i 9
1: 1
I~ -
I- -
_di~ r, d I
V +-

~-1 -
- ._J I
I~ -
11 -<J
~ i;.
. "'CJ
11 11 LL
-<--- <I)
a. :.~·_: p·:·~ .·- ~: -- ~ 1----

I, · - 1 1
I1 1 ~

I Q_ I SEC. A-A d
..... ,- - - r1 I I 1--
I J 11 I1
'-+ll f.>-e <ll It--
t I~ ~- ~1 : 1 I
IJ_ I '.'( I
l_:__:-_- _-.t.-=:J-e

: ~
1f c~-t I - L


: -~~

0 0
0 0
L 0
u I
.-- Oo

t~. r
I "'O .o..

cr :_:;t::;:=t:
. ·.'· / /

H = 3/4 (W} d = 1/s (W)

L = 4!3(W) e = 1/12 (W}
a = 1h(W} t = 1/1 2 (W}, sugge st ed m i n i mum
b = 3/a (W) Riprop stone si ze .diamet er = 1ho (W)
C = '12 (vy} \I
The investigation was primarily concern ed with baffle and overtopped the sidewalls at the d01rn-
relating the basin size to the disch arge and velocity stream end of the basin (figures 2 and 3) . To im-
and in relating the d01n1stream channel and riprap prove these flm1· co nditions, the width of the notches
requirements to the basin si.ze. It was also concerned in the b affle 11·as redu ced and the notches moved a
with special situations inrnl\'ing debris, silt, tail- short distance away from the side\\·alls. Also, the
water, sloping entrance pipe, ancl rectangular open slope of the top of the basin sicle11·alls 11·as reduced to
channel entrances not usually encountered in the increa se the height of the ,mil at the dmrnstream
standard design of the Type VI basin. encl of the basin . The modification to the notches
reduced the splashing and the height of the water
Standardization of the Basin Dimensions in Terms surface rise on the sicle,ralls. Increasing the height
of Basin Width of the side11·alls proYided additional freeboard at the
dm,·nstream end of th e basin. These modifications
A test basin was constructed having dimensions are incorporated into the standard d esign dimensions
related to the basin width in accordance with those sho,rn in figure I .
de\'eloped for the basin in the earlier study (.'.' ).
To test the adequacy of this 2.4-foot (73. 15-centi- Standardization of the Basin Flow Entrance
meter) ,,·ide model basin, tests \\·ere condu cted oyer
a range of fkms tha t had been determined in the The flo,1· ,1·ill u su al h enter the basin from a ci rcu -
earlier rests (2 ) to be the limits of exceptionally lar pipe but may enter from a rectangul ar open
mild operation and of sa fe ma x imum operation channel. The pipe may f1 011· full or partially full. If
for a given basin " ·iclth, prm·ided th e entrance Ho\\· it fl ows p artially full a nd the upstrea m entra n ce to
velocity did not exceed 30 feet (9. H me ters) per the pipe is su bmerged , th e pipe should b e Yented to
second (prototype). th e atmosphere. The yent should be located n ear
These tes t discharges ,1·ere related to the basin th e upstrea m e ncl o[ th e pipe and ha\'e a diameter
width in accordance \\·ith the equ a tion: of a bo ut one-sixth the pipe di ameter.
Q = (W/ C) 2.s .-\!though the entrance pipe or channel is usually
where "Q" is the discharge in cubic feet per sec- horizontal or on a Yery slight c!o,unrard grade, some
ond, " \V" is the insid e ,ridth of basin in fee t, and installations may rec1uire an en tra nce pipe on a rela-
"C" is a coefficient that Yaries for th e maximum,
tiYely stee p slope. Th e h ydrauli c perforn1ance of the
minimum, a nd intermedi a te fio \\·s. The coefficient
2.--l-foo t (7 3. 15-ce ntime ter) ,,·icle model basin was
in English units is 1.·-Hi for the maximum permis-
determined 11·ith the e ntran ce pipe sloped clmrnward
sibl e flo,1·, 1.80 for the minimum mild f!o\\·, and
about 12 ° . Both high- and lo,r-wlocity test flows
I.GO for the interm edi a te fl ow. (To obtain the
partially impinged on the ha nging baffle and the
di scharge in cubic m e ters per seco nd, the "·idth
bottom of the baffle ,,·as only partially submerged,
must be in m eters a nd th e coeffi.cient mu st be
res ulting in incomplete energy di ssipation.
multi plied by 1.27 .) Each tes t discharge \\·as run
at approximately h alf full and full pipe to ob- The model tests showed that a horizontal fillet on
ta in high- and lm,·-entrance Yelocity co nditions the in\'crt of the pipe for a di stance of one pipe diam-
and ,,·i th co n trolled and uncontrolled taih1·ater eter upstrea m from the portal caused greater jet
depths (figures 2 and 3). impingeme nt on the baffle, d eeper submergence of
The larger flm1·s "·ith the higher \'elo cities inter- the bottom of the baffle, and consequ ently better
mittently surged and splas hed high on the basin energy di ss ipation. The sa me impro\'ement could be
,,·all s immediately do\\·nstream from the hanging obtained by placing the entrance pipe horizontally

for a distance of one or more pipe diameters up- l 5°. Entrance pipes having a downward grade ex-
stream from the basin entrance. Either of these two ceeding 15 ° should b e horizontal for at least two
methods may be used for entrance pipe slopes up to diameters upstream from the basin entrance.

V = 9.9 ft/sec (3.02 m /sec) V =21.58 ft /sec (6.58 m;sec)

C = 1.46 (l.855)
Q = 3.47 cfs (0.098 cm)

V = 7.89 ft/sec (2.40 m /sec) V =

17.15 ft/sec (5.23 m/sec)
C =
1.60 (2.04)
Q 2.76 cfs (0.078 cm)

V = 5.84 ft /sec (1.78 m ;sec) V = 12.69 ft /sec (3.87 m ;sec)

(: = 1.80 ('..'.'..'') ) ..
Q= '..'.111 ,1, (11.0:iH ,111 )
Q = (w/c) s; , where w = basin width of 2.4 feet (73 .1 5 ems)
V = velocity of fiow a t entrance
Tailwater eleva tion in ta ilbox is below basin . end sill

Figure 2.-Test flows with uncontrolled tailwater.

V = 9.9 ft/sec (3.02 m/sec) V =
21.58 ft/sec (6.58 m/sec)
C = 1.46 (l.855)
Q = 3.47 cfs (0.098 cm)

V = 7.89 ft/sec (2.40 m /scc) V = 17.15 ft/sec (5.23 m/sec)

C = 1.60 (2.04)
<2. = '..'.71i ch (II 11 7X , ICC I

V = 5.84 ft /sec ( l.78 m /sec) V =

12.69 ft/sec (3.87 m/sec)
C = 1.80 (2.29)
Q = 2.04 cfs (0.058 cm)
Q = 5
(w/c) / " where w =
basin width of 2.4 feet (73. 15 ems)
V velocity of flow at entrance.
Tailwater elevation in the tai lbox is at d +
b/ 2 (see figure l)
Figure ).-Test flows with controlled tailwater.

Replacing the sloping entrance pipe in the model raise Lhe channel walls to the same height as the
with an 8-inch-wide rectangular channel on a simi- basin walls. To further contain the flow, the invert
lar slope did not change the hydraulic performance d the channel should he horizontal for a distance
of the basin. However, flow from the basin backed equivalent to at least two channel widths upstream
up into th1: open channel, making it necessary to [rorn the basin entrance.

Standardization of the Basin Size meter) entrance pipe (figure IO). The tests were
evaluated and plotted in figure 8 at a W / D ratio of
After standardizing the basin dimensions in re- 3.08. The side slopes of the downstream discharge
lation to the basin width, the next step was to channel were vertical and the same distance apart as
standardize the size in relation ,to the quantity and the basin sidewalls. Although this was not typical of
velocity of the flow entering the basin. The basin the usual prototype installation and is not recom-
size is represented by the basin width, the quantity mended , it was not considered to be critical in evalu-
and velocity of flow by the Froude number of the ating the performance of the basin. For these tests,
incoming jet. the Froude number was in the vicinity of 1.0 and the
It was believed that the shape of the incoming jet height of the .incoming flow was near the top of the
was relatively unimportant in evaluating the ade- baffle. Therefore, it did not appear practical to de-
quacy of a Type VI basin. Therefore, to standardize sign this basin for W /D ratios smaller than 3,
the method of comp uting the Froude number of the which corresponds to a flow having a Froude num-
incoming flow, it was assumed that the cross sectional ber of I.I.
area of the jet in the circular pipe or rectangular Additional tests were run in this smaller model
channel had the shape of a square; thus, the depth (figures 11 and 12) to confirm the findings found in
of the incoming flow "D" was considered to be the the larger model basin. The results of these tests are
square root of its cross sectional area. plotted in figure 8 at 'W / D ratios of 3.8 and 6.1.
The test flows (figures 2 and 3) used in verifying The two models showed very good agreement in
the standard dimensions of the basin in reference what was considered satisfactory and unsatisfactory
(2) were repeated in the 2.4-foot (73.15-centimeter) performance, as seen by comparing figures 4 and 6
wide model basin, but with a riprapped channel with 11 and 12.
simulated at the downstream encl of the basin. In figure 8, the straight line drawn through the
Water surface roughness and erosion together with data points with the highest Froude numbers for
the ability of the basin to contain the flow were used which satisfactory operation existed indicates the
as guidelines in evaluating the hydraulic perform- minimum width of basin that can be used for a given
ance test flows (figures 4 through 7) . Each of the Froucle number. Data points above the line indicate
test flows was judged to be satisfactory or unsatis- that it shou ld be permissible to increase the size of
factory and plotted in dimensionless terms (Froude the basin approximately 25 percent; however, this
number of the incoming flow "F" versus the ratio should not be clone as these points represent the con-
of basin width to the incoming depth of the flow dition when the basin is operating at less than the
"W/D") in figure 8. design discharge. If the basin is too large, the incom-
To increase the range of data to be evaluated for ing je t will pass under the baffle as has occurred at
figure 8, the cross sectional area of the incoming flow some installations and effective energy dissipation
was reduced to one-fourth the area of the 8-inch will not occur. For best results, the basin should be
(20.32-centimeter) pipe, and the velocity of the flow designed for the minimum width indicated in fig-
entering the 2.4-foot (73.15-centimeter) wide model ure 8.
basin was increased (figure 9) . Thus, both the
Froude number and the width/ depth ratio increased. Standardization of the Entrance Velocity Limitation
The width/ depth ratio for these tests was 8.15, at
which the Froude number of a theoretical square jet In previous studies (2) , the design criteria for this
at the entrance was 6.70 for the minimum satisfactory type of structure were based on discharge alone. The
operation. Because the size of the jet was becoming maximum incoming velocity was arbitrarily limited
very small in relation to the width of the basin, the to 30 feet (9.14 meters) per second. However, some
design curve in figure 8 was not extended beyond a prototype structures have been designed and oper-
width to depth ratio of IO, which corresponded to ated at velocities exceeding this limit. The Type
flow having a Froude number of about 9. VI stilling basins for the outlet works of Picacho
To increase the range of data in the other direc- South and North Dams were designed for velocities
tion, the cross sectional area of the incoming flow up to 39 and 48 feet (11.90 and 14.63 meters) per
was increased in relation to the basin width by second, respectiYely, for flows of 165 and 27 5 cubic
switching to the J.6-foot (48.76-centimeter) wide feet (4.67 and 7.78 cubic meters) per second, re-
model while maintaining the 8-inch (20.32-centi- spectively. They have operated satisfactorily at 80

F= 1.34

F = 1.81
W;D =4.06

F =2.27
W/D =4.06

Note: For erosio n results, sec figure 5; for plot of these operating conditions, see figure 8.

Figure 4.~Entrance pipe flowing full with uncontrnlled tailwater in 2.4-foot-wide basin.

F = 1.34
No erosion

.... . • F= 1.81

W;D =4.06
Excessive erosion

Note: For plot of these operating conditions, see figure 8 .

Figw·e 5.-Erosion for uncontrolled tailwater with entrance pipe flowin g full in 2.4-foot-wide basin.



W/D =5.98

F =6.01
W; D = 5.98

Note: For erosion results, sec figure 7; for plot of these operating conditions, see figure 8.

Figure 6.-Entrance pipe flowing half full with uncontrolled tailwater in 2.4-foot-wide basin.

Minor erosion


W;D =5.98
Excessive erosion

F= 6.01
W;D =5 .98
Excessive erosion

Note: For plot of these oper ating conditions, see figure 8.

Figure 7.-Erosion for uncontrolled tailwater with entrance pipe flowing half full in 2.4-foot-wide basin.


10 I I
L '
See F i gure 9 I /
"J~ r\~ /

8 I I .,./
Se e Figure 121~ ~ .,.._ --

£ '/
t )
_/~ j / i
A .... '-
5 V
----- '"--\,. See Figure 6
See Figure 41 ,
--- / "C Reco~ mend ed width
,l--- ~
V of basin I

~ .... ~~ ,x
~ ~ ../..._
" ' -I, ' See Figure 11
3 p>'/x_
"'I>._ ' Se e Figure 10
I) ( I
\ (o at W/ D = 3.0 8, F = 0.91)

2 l
o - Satisfactory Hydraulic Performance

X -T"''T"'1 "'T"'i' TTTT'

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9 ........
,,, A
0 y

7 ........
6 .,,NI' 'U

I')( ,' ')(

5 'fl"""
) 0

0 vx n/ "" X

3 ~
~, I

'(Oat W/0 : 3.08, F : 0.91)

o - Satisfactory Hydrau lie Performance

x - Unsatisfactory Hydraulic Performance

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
" W " is the in side width of th e basin . '·V" is the veloci t y of the incoming flow .
" D' ' r e presen ts th e d epth of fl ow entering t he basin and is T he tailwa ter d epth is uncontro lled .
the square root of the flow area.

Figure 8. -Design width of basin.

W;D = 8.15
No erosion

F =6.67
W;D = 8.15
No erosion

F = 7.59
W ; D 8.15
Minor erosion

Note: For plot of these opera ting conditions, see figure 8.

Figure 9.-Entrance pipe flowing one-fourth full with uncontrolled tailwater in 2.4-foot-wide basin.
WJD = 3.08
No erosion

F = 1.07
No erosion
Satisfactory .

F = 1.27·
W;D = 3.08'
Minor erosion

Nute: l•or plot of these operating conditions, see figure 8.

Figure 10.-Entrance·pipe flowing three-fourths full with uncontrolled tail water in 1.6-foot-wide basin.

F ==

' ~
. 4
No erosion
~ .. ~ • ~ 'I,


. .,,,,,. . -~•

F =1.56
W;D =3.81
No erosion

F = 1.83
W;D =3.81
Minor erosion

W;D = 3.81
Excessive erosion

Note: 1:ur plot of th ese operating conditions, see figure 8.

Figure JJ.-Entrance pipe flowing half full with uncontrolled tailwater in 1.6-foot-wide basin.

No erosion

F = 5.11
W;D = 6.14
Excessive erosion

Excessive erosion

Nole: }'or plot of Lhese operating conditions, see figure 8.

Figure 12.-Entrance pipe flowing one-fourth full with uncontrolled tailwater in 1.6-foot-wicle basin.

Picacho South Dam outlet works
structure discharg, 130 cfs
(3.68 ems) (80 percent of max-
imum capacity.)

Picacho North Dam outlet works

structure discharging 210 cfs
(5.94 ems) (80 percent of max-
hnum capacity.)

··~ :I
·o A , Scour below Picacho North Dam
. ·~ . outlet works following flood of
August 20, 1954. Evidence points
to undersized riprap.

Nol e: AL full capacity Lhe basins are approximately 13 percent und ersized, based on present design standards.

Figure lJ.-Prototype operation.

.4 \
II V2"
is the flow ve locity over
end si 11.
.3 "v " is the f l ow velocity at the
"- ~ entrance to the basin.

> """--

-........ r---
- ~

- ".6.o" is the drop in water surface
elevation from the end s i 11 to
. 06 -
the discharge channel with the V
- channel bed at end si l l elevation .
"w" is the recommended basin width. ~
.,....~ V

3: ........
"- ~V

<l _.- V
V ---
__..,,. v ....


__... i--
is the energy loss in the -
flow from basin entrance
/ to the end si 11. -
/ "E is the flow energy at the

.7 / en trance .

I _/

.6 I Energy loss in a Jump

on a horizontal floor< > /

.5 I L,-r"
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(Where "o" is the sqllare root of the cross-sectional
area of the entrance flow area_)
Figure 14.-End sill velocity, water surface drop from end sill, and energy loss through basin.
40 I
percent capacity at velocities of 32 and 37 feet (9.75
and 11.28 meters) per second (figure 13) .
To prevent the possibility of cavitation or impact I

damage to the basin, the maximum entrance velocity I

should be limited to about 50 feet (15.24 m eters) 35 I'

per second . At this velocity the maximum Froude

number, 9.00, for which the basin is recommended j I
will occur at a design flow of 46 cubic feet (1.30 I I
cubic meters) per second. For Froude numbers less 30

than about 4, this basin would not be fe asible at
this velocity because of the enormous size of the .
structure involved. w
. I
Standardization of the Discharge Channel Riprap

I' I

Channel bed erosion tests were not conducted to I

prove the requ ired size of stones in the riprap. In- w 7
stead, a reasonable riprap size was chosen to fit the w
2 20
size of the basin. Having predetermined the basin <( I I
size and relative size of stones in the riprap, the dis- 0 I,

charge capacity and entrance velocity limitations w J

were d etermined as already described .

A model riprap was chosen that approximated a w 15

z .
basin width-to-stone diameter ratio of 20 to 1. This 0
size appeared to be reasonable and satisfactory, as
(/) I I/ '
was confirmed by the tes ts described in the preced-
' '
ing section on stanclanlization of basin size. T hese
tests showed that slight erosion of the riprap began
at about the same time as excessive water surface j
I I/
roughness appeared within and downstream of the
basin. The model stones were rounded, although
angul ar ones would be preferred in the prototype. 5
The gravel was placed on the channel bottom at I/' ,
end still elevation and on the 1 y2 to I side slopes I I/
to a normal depth equ al -to the height of the encl sill
(figure 1) and for a distance downstream equal to 1......
the basin width. This arrangement was satisfactory 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

in the model tests and is, therefore, recommended VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND
for pro totype construction .
In· some instances, the discharge channel bed may T he riprap should be composed of a well graded mixture
be several inches (centim eters) or a few feet (me- bul mosl of lhe stones sho uld be of the size indica ted by
lh e curve .
ters) below the end sill eleva tion. T his will consid-
erably increase the riprap stone size requirement. _ _ End sill velocity in Type VI Basin vs stone size re-
qui red in riprap.
To determine the increased riprap stone size re-
- - - - Bottom ve loci ty in a chan n el vs stone size required
quirement, the average flow velocity at the end sill in r iprap. (See figu re 165 in reference 2)
was determi ned. It was then related to the average
entrance velocity and plotted versus Froude number Figure 15.-Recommended riprap stone size.

in figure 14, and plotted versus the stone size re-

quirement in figure 15.
T h e additional head as provided by the lower
channel bed should be added to the velocity head
at the sill to determine the velocity of flow entering could be reduced slightly as determined by the
the channel. Having determined the increased veloc- red uced velocity using fi gure 15.
ity, figure 15 can be entered to determine the riprap
Performance Evaluation
stone size requirement.
T he stone size requirement for end sill velocities E nergy dissipation is initiated by flow striking the
is compared in figure 15 with the stone size require- vertical hangin g baffle and being turned upstrea m
ment for bottom velocities in channels downstream by th e horizontal porti o n of the baffle and by the
of stilling basin (2) . The comparison indicates that noor, in ve rtical eddies. Its effectiveness is best illus-
the stone size recommendation here is conservative; trated by plotting the percent o f en ergy loss between
however, the flow from the sill is in a downward the entrance portal and the encl sill for a range of
direction as there is a drop in water surface from end op2rali11g condit ions as re prese nted by the Froucle
sill to channel (figure 14). Also, the average velocity n umber (fig ure 1·1). Comparing the energy loss with
plotted in figure 14 is not as high as the velocity of the lo~ses in a h ydraulic jump shows the impact
flow from the center of the sill. basin to lie more efficient.
Prototype structmes (.'?) that meet these design
Tailwater Recommendations standard s have operated su ccessfull y. The o utlet
The effect of tailwater on the basin effici ency was basins at Pica cho South and North Dams, discharg-
determined by repeating the above tests using a m ax- ing at 80-percent capacity, are examples (figure 13).
imum tailwater controlled to a depth of cl+ b/ 2 The design requirements for the RO-percent ca pac-
a bove the basin floor. (2) (See figure l for defini- ity and for th e 100-percent d es ign ca pacity ar e given
tions.) A comparison of these flow co nditions (fig- in table I.
ures 16 and 17) with the uncontrolled tailwater flow For o peratio n of these structures a t SO-percent
conditions (fig ures 4 and 6) shows that th e water ca pacity, the table shows th e width of basin and,
surface roughness and bed erosion are reduced by t here fore, the size of ba sins to be adequate to meet
the higher tailwater but not sufficiently to allow a desig n requirements . However, for 100-perccn t de-
reduction in the basin size. The rip rap stone size sign capacity, the tabl e shows the basin s to be abo ut

- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- -- - -- -~---

Es timated flood

So uth
of reco rd

1-· North . - -
I Sou th
i\ [axi mum
desi~ncd fl ood


Discharge cfs, "Q" ...... .. ...... .. ..... .. .... .... . .... .. . . 130 210 165 275
Estimated entran ce velocity , "V ", fee t per second ...... . .. . . 3 1.8 37 39 ,is
Cross sectional area of flow, "A", sq uare fee t . . . .. .. . ... .. . . 1.09 !i .67 4.23 .5.73
Depth , "D", feet . . . . . . ............. .... . ... .. . . ... ... . 2.02 2.38 2.06 2.39
Froude number, "F" . ..... .. . . ..... .. . . ........... .. .. . ... . 3.94 4.23 4.77 5.46
Width to depth ratio from figure 8, ··w ; D " .. .. .... .. ... .. . . . 6.2 1 6.50 6.95 7.50
Width recommended, "W", fee t .... .. . . . ........ . . .. ...... . 12.54 15.47 14.3 1 17.93
Actual wiclth used , feet . . ..... . ........ . . . . . . .. ... .. . .. .. . . 1'.!.5 0 15 .'i O 12.50 15.50
Percent undersized . .. . ... . ... ....... . .. . ..... . . 0 13 13
Ratio of end sill velocity to entrance velocity, "V,;V" (figure 14) 0. 18 0.17 0.158 0.149
End sill velocity in recommended width basin "V,", fee t per
second .... . . . ........... . ..... . . . . .. ...... ...... ..... ... . 5.72 6.29 6.16 6.77
Velocity head at end sill, feet ............. .. ... . .. .. . ... . .. . o.:;o 0.61 O.!i8 0.71
Drop from end sill to channel, feet (y) ... ... ....... .. .. .. . . 0.7:i 1.33 0.7!i 1.33
Velocit y head in channel, feet . . . . . . . . ... .. ... . . ... .. ... . 1.2:i 1.9'1 1.33 2.04
Velocity in channel. fe e t per second .. . .... .. .......... ... . 8.91' 11.17 9.26 11.47
Riprap stone d iameter for recomme nded basin above channel,
figure 15, inch es . . . ... .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. .... . . ... .......... . 18 28 20 30
Riprap stone diameter for channel at end sill elevation , figure
15, in ch es ................ . .... .... ...... ... . ... .. . 8. 0 9.8 9.3 11.0
Stone di a meter specification (both dams) , inches 18 to 5\"2

F = 1.34
W;D =4.06
No erosion

F= 1.81
W;D = 4.0(,
No erosion

- F =2.27
W ; D = 4.0f>
Excessive erosion
U nsatisfactor)

NotP : Ta il water = d + b;2 ; sec figure I for definitiom

Figw·e 16.-Entrance pipe flowing full with controlled tailwater in 2.4-foot-wide basin.
F = 3.53
W JD =5.98
No erosion
Satisfactor y

F = 4.77
W ; D =.'5.98
Mi nor e rosion
Unsat1sfacto r v

W / D = :i.98
l,xccssi ve erosion
Unsatisfa ctory

No te: T ail water = d + h/ 2 ; see fi g ure l for defini tions

Figure 17.-Entrance pipe flowing half full with controlled tailwatcr in 2.4-foot-widc basin.

13 percent undersized based on the design standards walls and a longer end sill. The use of this sill would
presented herein (figure 8) . Then the actual per- allow the flow to spread more uniformly over a wider
formance proved this to be true (figure 13). channel and, thereby, reduce erosion tendencies and
The ·prototype structures at Picacho South and wave heights.
North Dams can also be used to verify the recom-
mended size of riprap. Acoording to construction
specifications for both dams, the riprap below the Debris Barrier and Trashrack
outlets was to "* * * consist of .durable rock frag-
At some prototype installations, weeds and debris
ments reasonably graded in size* * *" from Vs cubic
such as Russian thistles have been trapped in the
yard (95 cubic centimeters) to l /IO cubi c foot (28
basin between the pipe portal and the baffle. This
cubic centimeters) . The individual rocks, therefore,
debris has compacted to the extent of blocking the
would vary from about 18- to 5~'2-inch (46- to 14- portal, thus reducing the capacity of the structure.
c~ meter) cubes or. in weight 500 to 15 pounds The compacted weeds will not wash out and are
C--· to 6.8 kilograms). Although it is impossible very difficult to remove. The only satisfactory field
from the photograph of the outlet at North Dam method of removing the debris has been to destroy
(figure 13) to determine the size of stones in the portions of the baffle.
channel riprap at the start of the run, the bank rip-
This condition was tested in the two models using
rap indicates~tji ~t there were very few pieces of the
Russian thistle branches. The model demonstrated
500-pound (~ kilogram) size. The few remain-
that the thistles would not wash out and no satis-
ing pieces near ~he man at the right seem to be
factory method of making the basin self-cleaning of
in the upper range of sizes and are not washed out.
weeds and debris was developed.
It is also difficult to determine the elevation of the
channel bed at the b eginning of the run ; but, here At structures where thistles or other debris are
again, the bank riprap ancl the waterfall effect of likely to be a problem, it is suggested that screening
the flow over the encl sill in figure 13 indicate that be used to cover the upstream portion of the basin
there is a drop from the end sill to the channel, as and that a screen or trashrack device be used where
shown in the table. Therefore, the majority of the the flow enters the pipe to the basin.
stones in the riprap should be 28 inches (71 centi-
meters) in diameter as recommended here. Since the
Self-Cleaning Feature
specified stones were smaller than this size, the rip-
rap would be expected to fail and did. Sediment may accumulate in the basin below the
At South Dam, the photographs of the outlet dis- hanging baffle during periods of non-use. The
charging do not show a waterfall effect from the end notches were installed in the baffles to provide an
sill. Therefore, the riprap was probably nearer to opening through which a jet would discharge to be-
end sill elevation than specified in the table. This gin erosion and re1noval of the sediment from the
would reduce the required stone diameter to some- basin.
thing less than 18 inches (46 centimeters), but
greater than 8 inches (20 centimeters) . Since this The 2.4-foot (73.15-centimeter) wide basin was
range is within that specified, the riprap would be operated with the portion of the basin below the
expected to remain in place and did . hanging baffle blocked to simulate a sediment-filled
basin. It was determined from this test that the
Alternate End Sill Design design discharges could be passed over the top of the
baffle with very little splashing outside the basin and,
The alternate end sill design (figure l) having 45° in general, only minor erosion in the riprapped area.
wingwalls was not tested in this study. Examination This type of operation could be tolerated for a
of the data and photographic results of the earlier limited time while sediment is being washed from
studies (2) , however, indicated that height of boil the basin. If it is anticipated that the basin beneath
and drop in water surface elevation to the channel the baffle will remain relatively free of sediment, the
(figure 14) will be reduced by using the 45 ° wing- notches may be omitted.

The following procedures and rules are recom- baffle :incl is not related to the hydraulic perform-
mended in the design of the Type VI basin : ance of the structure.
l. Given a design discharge "Q," determine the 8. To prevent the possibility of cavitation or im-
velocity "V" and Froude number "F" of the in- pact damage to the basin, the entrance velocity
coming flow. If the Froude number 1s more than should be limited to about 50 feet (15.24 meters)
IO, use of this basin is not practicable. In comput- per second.
ing the Froude number, assume the depth "D" to
be the square root of the cross sectional area of 9. Riprap with a well-graded mixture of stones,
the How at the entrance "Q/ V." most of which have diameters equal to one-twen ti-
eth of the b:isin width, should be placed to a depth
2. The How is usually from a pipe. If the pipe equal to the height of end sill for a distance equiv-
flows partially full, it should be vented at t:he
alent to one basin width downstream from the end
upstream end. sill.
3. If the entrance pipe slopes downward, the out-
let end of the pipe shopld be turned horizontal, or If the elevation of the channel bed is below the
the invert filled to form a horizontal surface, for at e nd sill, the velocity of flow entering the channel
least one pipe diameter upstream from the portal. will be increased an<l the riprap stone size should
For slopes 15 ° or greater, the horizontal length of be increased as determined using figure 15. The
pipe or fillet should be two or more diameters. drop in elevation from sill to bed must be added
to the velocity head of the flow at the end sill, as
4. If the flow enters the basin from a rectangular determined from figure 14, to obtain the average
open channel, the channel walls should be as high velocity of flow entering the tailwater channel.
as the basin walls and the invert should be hori- This veloci ty can be used. in figure 15 to determine
zontal for a minimum of two channel widths up- the size of stones required.
stream from the basin.
l 0. Tail water depth other than that created by
5. Having determined the Froude number, enter
the natural slope of the channel is not required.
figure 8 to find the minimum required width of
However, a smoother water surface will be ob-
tained and smaller riprap stones can be used by
6. Figure 8 shows data points above the recom- increasing the tailwater depth in the channel to a
mended width that provides satisfactory operation depth of cl+ b/ 2 (see figure I for definition of "cl"
for basins larger than the design limit; however, and "b") above the basin floor. Compare figures 4
if the basin is too large, the incoming jet will pass and 6 with figures 16 and 17.
under the hanging bafHe to reduce the effectiveness
of the basin. Since the basin will be larger than 11 . This basin is more effective in the d issipation
need be for less than design flows, the basin should of energy than the hydraulic jump, figure 14. Pro-
not be oversized for the design flow. totype basins have operated successfully with en-
trance velocities up to 38 feet per second (table 1
7. Relate the basin dimensions to the basin width and figure 13), and the recommended riprap size
in accordance with figure 1. The dimension "t" is requirement has been verified by the performance
a suggested minimum thickness for the hanging of these basins.

J 2. The alternate en<l sill design (figure l ) u tiliz- enter the basin, they will not wash out.
ing the 15 ° wingwall is not required bul will re-
duce the drop in water surface elevation from end 14 . During periods of nonoperation, sediment
sill to channel (figure J 4) and red u ce channel may accumulate in the basin. Notches in the baffle
erosion. (figure I ) are recommended to provide two jets
13. No practical method ol making the basin self- tha t will start the erosion of the sediment which
cleaning o r debris, such as Russi an thistles, wa s will eventually be washed from the basin. How-
found. Where debri s is a problem, screening de- ever, the basin is capable of satisfactorily discharg-
vices are recommended at the entran ce to and over ing the entire design fl ow over the top of the
the top of the structure. 11 thistles are allowed to bafile for short p eriods o[ time.

I. "Progress Report II-Research Study on Stilling 2. "Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basins and Energy
Basins, Energy Dissipators, and Associated Appurte- Dissipators," Bureau of Reclamation Engineering
nances," Bureau of Reclamation Report No. Hyd- Monograph No. 25 (1963) .
399 (1955).

Model studies on J.6- and 2.4-ft-wide (48.76 and preventing clogging of the basin, and means for auto-
73.15 centimeters) Type VI sti lling basins were con- matic removal of sediment from the basin were
ducted to modify existing standard design proce- suggested.
dures. Investigations were concerned with: basin DESCRIPTORS- / *stilling basins/ entrances/
entrance flow conditions including type of entrance, *riprap/ erosion/ *hydraulic models/ hydraulic
slope, velocity, and Froude number; basin dimen- structures / discharges/ *energy dissipation/ veloc-
sions in relation to the basin wiclth; basin width in ity/ pipes/ open channels/ debris barriers/ *labora-
relation to Froucle number; and riprap size and loca- tory tests/ baffles/ model tests / sediment concentra-
tion. Performance was evalu ated in terms of energy tion/ trashracks/ impact.
dissipation and prototype operation. An optimum IDENTIFIERS-/ deflectors/ Franklin Canal,
tailwater, an alternate end sill design, methods of Tex/ *energy dissipators/ progress reports.

-(:( U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1971 0-387-847
Partial List of


31 Ground·Water Movement
32 Stress Analysis of Wye Branches
33 Hydraulic Design of Transitions for Small Canals
34 Control of Cracking in Mass Concrete Structures
35 Effect of Snow Compaction on Runoff from Rain on Snow
36 Guide for Preliminary Design of Arch Dams
37 Hydraulic Model Studies for Morrow Point Dam
38 Potential Economic Benefits from the Use of Radioisotopes in Flow


1 Research-Engineering Methods and Materials

2 Aquatic Weed Control Studies
3 Soils Tests Computer Programs
4 Hydraulic Downpull Forces on Large Gates
5 Park Range Atmospheric Water Resources Program-Phase I
6 Annual Report of Progress on Engineering Research-1965
7 Effects of Monolayers on Insects, Fish and Wildlife-A Reservoir Evaporation
Reduction Study
8 Synthetic Resin Primer for Coal-Tar Enamel
9 Vibration Studies of Monticello Dam
10 Annual Report of Progress on Engineering Research-1966
11 Pile Supported Structures in Lake Deposits
12 Buried Asphalt Membrane Canal Lining
13 Removal of Saline Waters from Aquifers
14 Comparison of Analytical and Structural Behavior Results for Flaming Gorge
15 Annual Report of Progress on Engineering Research-1967
16 Structural Model Tests of Arch Dams-Glen Canyon and Morrow Point Dams
17 Soil as an Engineering Material
18 A Study of the Effects of Waves on Evaporation from Free Water Surfaces
19 Investigations of Plastic Films for Canal Linings
20 Biogeochemistry of Delta-Mendota Canal, Central Valley Project, California
21 Progress on Engineering Research, 1968-69
22 Evaluation of Soil-applied Herbicides for Vegetation Control
23 Fly Ash Increases Resistance of Concrete to Sulfate Attack
24 Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basin for Pipe or Channel Outlets
• For a pamphlet listing other Bureau of Reclamation publications, address Bureau of
Reclamation, Attention 922, .lildg. 67, Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colo. 80225.
- -· - --·-· . - - -

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