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A. Backround of The Problem

Writing is very important for many people because it will help them

understood many paragraphs written in English, and also to obtain

information for scientific purposes or just relaxation. Through writing, the

students can enlarge their point of view of their atmosphere and knowledge.

They can also convey or write their ideas, imagination, and experiences into

a paragraph and it can be explored to become histories.

Writing is the important language skill to be developed especially in

classroom. Although the writing and oral skill are combined in the

classroom and the one clearly benefits from the other, written language

become more complex and has certain characteristics which seem to make it

difficult for students to get to group with especially for young learners.

Based on the writer’s experience when she had practiced teaching

training at senior high school, she found that some problem in teaching

writing such as in mastering vocabulary to arranging the structure or

grammar.To teach English, teacher usually uses certain methods of teaching

English. In this way, the teachers want to made English more interesting

than before.

Seeing the difficulties of writing, it is understandable that students

have a fear felling and little enthusiasm in writing class. Commonly, they

are afraid of making mistake and worried about their ability in choosing and

arranging the words to produce sentences. Those feelings seem to make the

students unconfident in a writing class. Having a little confidence can make

them reluctant to try to write, even dislike writing.

It is duty of English teachers to create an exciting and conducive

writing class as well as to give cautions guidance to the students. The

teachers should try to find productive strategies in encouraging the writing

class in order to encourage students to like writing. It is really hard work,

but students should be given strong foundations for their writing skill before

entering higher level educations.

A cooperative learning method is believed as being able to give

chance for students to be involved in discussion, has courage and critical

thinking and is willing to take responsibility of his/her own learning.

Although it considers as an active role of students as more important, does

not mean that teacher in the classroom is not participating. In learning

process, teacher has roles as designer, facilitator and guide in the learning


A cooperative learning method has several types, namely write-

pairshare, Group Investigation, Students Teams Achievement Divisions

(STAD), Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT), Team Assisted Individualized

(TAI) and Jigsaw. One of its interesting types is group investigation

Group investigation is an organizational approach that allows a class

to work actively and collaboratively in small groups and enables students to

take an active role in determining their own learning goals and

processes.Group investigation method requires the students to form small

interest groups, plan and implement their investigation, synthesize the group

members’ findings, and make a presentation to the entire class.

Based on that reason, this research gets the title for study “The Efect of

Group Investigation (GI) technique on students writing skill of analytical

exsposition text at class XI SMAN 1 VII Koto Sungai Sariak”

B. Identification of the Problem

In relation to the background of the problem, some of English

teachers have problem in teaching writing in their students at the Senior

High School. Many techniques have explained to solve the problems.

There are some problems in writing class according the writer’s

experience when she had teaching practice at Senior High, The problem are

student are afraid of making mistake and worried about their ability in

choosing and arranging the words to produce sentences. Those feelings

seem to make the students unconfident in a writing class. Having a little

confidence can make them reluctant to try to write, even dislike writing.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The problem of the the research is limited to of the effect of Group

Investigation technique on students writing skill of analytical exsposition

text at class XI SMAN 1 VII Koto Sungai Sariak.

D. Formulation of the Problem

This problem is formulated as follow: Does the Group Investigation

(GI) technique give a significant effect on writing skill of analytical

exsposition text at class XI SMAN 1 VII Koto Sungai Sariak or not?

E. Purpose of the Research

The purpose of the research is to find out the effect the effect of

Group Investigation technique on students writing skill of analytical

exsposition text at class XI SMAN 1 VII Koto Sungai Sariak.

F. Significance of the Problem

The finding of the study provides some advantages, in terms of the

teaching and English in general and teaching of the writing skill in

particularly. The result of this research is expected to give contribution to

the teacher in provide them with background about student’s ability and

everything about students problem in write the text.

Theoretically, Group Investigation technique as interesting model in

teaching writing analytical expositions text and make variation in teaching

learning process especially for teaching writing. Meanwhile, practically the

finding of this research is expect to give contribution for, English teacher, as

input to overcome the problem in teaching writing. And to the students

whose teacher used Group Investigation technique, they will be active and

have motivation in writing.

G. Definition of Key Terms

The key terms in this research are defined as follows:

1. Group Investigation is an effective organizational medium for

encouraging and guiding student’s involvement in learning. Students

actively share influencing the nature of events in their classroom. Sharan

( 1990:17)

2. Writing is functional communication, making learners possible to create

imagined worlds of their own design. It means that, through writing,

learners can express thought, feeling, ideas, experiences, etc to convey a

specific purpose. The purpose of writing is to give some information.

Kern (2000:172)

3. Analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer’s ideas

about the around phenomenon. Its social function is to persuade the

reader that idea is important matter. Wahidi (2008:2)


A. Concept of Writing Skill

1. Definition of Writing

According Kern (2000:172) “Writing is functional communication,

making learners possible to cr n eate imagined worlds of their own

design.”It means that, through writing, learners can express thought, feeling,

ideas, experiences, etc to convey a specific purpose. The purpose of writing

is to give some information.

Meyers (2005:2) said that writing is an action.This means that when

we first write something down, we have already been thinking about what

we are going to say and we are going to say it. Then after you have finished

writing, we read over what we have written and make changes and


O’Malley and Pierce (1990:136) add that writing is a personal act in

which writers take ideas or prompts and transform them into self-initiated

topics.4 So, it prosecutes students to formulate goals and plans for creating

an organized structure in their compositions.

White (1986:12) states that writing is an act of sharing new ideas or

old ideas with a new perspective with the human community. According

Brown (2001:335) Written language is simply the graphic representation of

spoken language, and that written performance is much like oral

performance, the only different lies in graphic for writing instead of

auditory signals for speaking. So writing is closely related to speaking not

only in such item of content, organization of ideas, and vocabulary but also

the relationship of the ideas or the coherent with the other sentence.

Richards (2002:303) says that "writing is the most difficult skills for

second language learners to master of putting together of grammatically

correct sentences", Most students face some problems in their writing such

as; limited vocabulary, difficulty in organizing ideas, no ideas to write about

something, there is no motivation to write and lack of confidence in


Writing has big influence in learning process to develop in students’

writing ability. According to Hyland, (2003:17) writing is among the most

important skills that second language students need to develop, and the

ability to teach writing is central to the expertise of a well trained language


From some definitions above, it can be concluded that writing is a

system of human communication which represents a symbol. By writing, we

can share our idea, feeling, or anything that exist in our mind. Writing

prosecutes students to focus on generating idea, organizing coherently,

revising it into good composition, using discourse markers and rhetorical

conventions cohesively, and editing text for appropriate grammar.

Therefore, students who want to be able to write a good writing, they must

learn to write regularly.

2. Writing Process

Richards and Renandya (2002:316) process writing as a classroom

activity incorporate the four basic writing stage – planning, drafting

(writing), revising (redrafting) and editing – and three others stages

externally impose on students by the teacher namely, responding (sharing),

evaluating and post writing.

1. Planning (pre-writing)

Planning is any activity in the classroom that encourages students to

write it stimulates thoughts for getting started.

2. Drafting

Drafting at the drafting stage, the writer are focused on the fluency

of writing and are not preoccupied with grammatical accuracy or the

neatness of the draft.

3. Responding intervenes darfting and revising.

Responding to students writing by the teacher has a central role to

play in the successful implementation of process writing.

Responding intervenes between drafting and revising.

4. Revising

When students revise, they review their text on the basis of the

feedback given in the responding stage and revising is not merely

checking for language errors.

5. Editing

At this stage, students are engaged in tidying up their text as they

prepare the final draft for evaluation by the teacher. Formal editing

is defer till this phase in order that its application not disrupts the

free flow of ideas during the drafting and revising stages.

6. Evaluating

In evaluating students writing, the scoring may be analytical (based

on specific aspect of writing ability) or holistic (based on global

interpretation of the effectiveness of that piece of writing)

7. Post writing.

Post – writing constitutes any classroom activity that the teacher and

students can do with the completed piece of writing. This includes

publishing, sharing, reading aloud, transforming texts for stage

performances, or merely displying texts on notice boards. The post-

writing stage is a platform for recognising students workk as

important and worth – while.

According Oshima (2006:265-273) implies that there are several

steps in writing process. The Process of Academic Writing are:

1. Creating (Prewriting)

The first step in the writing process is to choose a topic and collect

information about it. This step is often called prewriting because you

do the step before you start writing. The writer can collect much

information that they can find from newspapers, magazine, or other

articles that the writer has found.

2. Planning (outlining)

This step in the writing process is to organize the ideas into an

outline. From this process the writer can make brainstroming based

on the information that writer got, and the writer can put their

thought into good sentence.

3. Writing

This step in the writing process is writing the rough draft. Follow

your outline as closely as possible, and don’t worry about grammar,

pounctuation, or spelling. This step can hel the writer to check their

writing, and after that the writer can do some correction by the


4. Polishing

This step in the writing process is polishing what you have written.

This step is also called revising and editing. This is the final step that

be correct paragraph or writing, and the writer can publish their


To summary, in teaching writing we must to know process of

teaching writing. Planning ( pre-writing) is important because this process

we must prepare the topic to the student and material that given must


B. Group Investigation Technique

1. Definiton of Group Investigation Technique

Group Investigation is from a cooperative learning, it make student

are active in process learning in the group. According to Sharan (1990:17)

group Investigation is an effective organizational in learning encouraging

and guiding students involvement in learning students actively influencing

the nature of events in their classroom. Based on Slavin (1991:75) Groups

Investigation is a general classroom organization plan which students work

in a small group using cooperative inquiry, group discussion and

cooperative planning aand project. It means that group investigation is for

classroom organization plan which student work in small group. It can guide

students for involve in learn and make student actively share in the class.

According to Yohanes (2012:109), Group Investigation is one of

cooperative learning method which focused on student’s participation and

activity. Group investigation (GI) developed by Shlomo and Yeal Sharan in

Tel aviv university.

Yohanes (2012:109) state that group investigation as follow:

“Group investigation particular encourages student’s initiative and

responsibility for their work, as individuals, as member of study groups, and
members of an entire class. The investigation combines independent study
as well as work in pairs and in small group (from the three to five students).
When they complete their search, groups integrate and summarize their
findings and decide how to present the essence of their work to their

Based on the definition above, Group Investigation is a technique for

guiding students’ involvement in learning. Students can influence the nature

event in their classroom and make students cooperative learning with other

and get information from analyze and resume the text.

2. The Procedure of Group Investigation Technique.

According Slavin (1995:115) In Group Investigation technique,

students progress through six steps. The steps of using Group Investigation t

(GI) technique as follow:

a) Topic Selection

Students choose specific subtopics within a general problem area,

usually described by the teacher. Students are placed into small two-to six

member task oriented groups. Group composition is academically and

ethnically heterogeneous.

b) Planning the investigation in group

In the second steps Students in each group and the teacher plans

specific learning procedures, tasks and goals consistent with the subtopics of

the problem selected in step 1 (first).

c) Implementation or carrying out the investigation

Typically this is the longest steps. Each group gathers information,

review the subtopic, analyze or evaluate it, reach some conclusions and

apply their share of new knowledge to the resolution of the group’s research

problem. Kinds of sources of information can be obtained both inside and

outside the school.

d) Preparing final project

Students preparing final project, analyze and evaluate information

obtained during step 3 (third) and must prepare a summary activity. It may

be in form of plan their reports.

e) Presentation of Final Project

Each group in the class give an interesting presentation of the topics

studied in order to get classmates involved in one another’s work and to

achieve a broad perspective on the topic. Group presentations are

coordinated by the teacher.

f) Evaluation

In cases where groups followed different aspects f the same topic,

students and the teacher evaluate each group’s contribution to the work of

the class as a whole. Evaluation can include either individual or group

assessment or both.

3. The Advantages of Group Investigation Technique

According Johnson (1994:138) in group investigation, students not

only work together but also help plan both the topics for the study and the

investigation procedure used. Group investigation has many advantages:

a. Motivating students to learn the material.

b. Providing that students construct their own knowledge.

c. Providing formative feedback.

d. Developing social and group skill necessary for success outside the


e. Promoting positive interaction between members of different

cultural and socio-economic groups

4. Group Investigation technique in Teaching Writing Ability on

Analytical Exposition Text.

According Slavin (1995:215) In this group investigation method

there are 3 concepts: enquiry, knowledge, and the dynamic of the learning

group. The research here is the dynamic of the learning group. The students

give the responses the problems and solve it. The knowledge is the learning

experience that has been founded directly or indirectly. And the dynamic of

the learning group that shows describing a group of student which has a

good interaction and share about their ideas, Thing have to do in Group

Investigation are exchange their experiences, in their opinions.

First is grow up the group ability, When they do their homework,

every member of group has their own opportunity to show their

contribution. In the research, the student will find the information from the

inside or outside class. Then, the students collect the information from every

member of the group to do the task.

Second is cooperative Planning, all of the students having an

investigation for their problem. Which one of the sources is needed, who

want to do it and how to presenttheir project in the Class. And the last is the

teachers’ roles, The teachers will prepare the source and facilitators. The

teachers role their rule among the students groups and they pay their

attention to also organize the students job and help the students to organize

their job and help them when they get the trouble of the learning process in

their group.

Group investigation is one of the methods that can be used in

teaching writing on analytical text. By using group investigation method the

students more interest and motivate in the study. If the students more

interest and motivated, they are a lot of ways to do it. Teacher can gives

students group investigation and ask them to write the analytical exposition


The use of group investigation method in writing analytical

exposition text is to help students construct their arguments in every

sentence which have to be explained in some paragraphs. Sometimes,

students especially in senior high school are still confused about what with

that they should write. When the students are asked to write thei arguments,

they need much time to think what kind true word that they should be write

in the sentence of arguments. It is possible that after spending a lot of time

thinking hard, the idea has not come out. They are still confused of what to

write, to start with the first, the second, and the third sentences in order to

make the paragraph.

C. Conventional Technique

Conventional technique is a kind of the technique that focuses in

teaching process which is done by teacher. It means that, conventional

technique is a teaching process that emphases to teacher activity, teacher

only explain about a lesson but most of the students are passive, they just

listen to the teacher. The teacher is a speaker. Stern (1983:7) states that

using conventional technique in teaching learning process promotes. The

teacher is as the centre. Thus, in practice, the students have got practically

nothing to do other than listen to what the teacher says, whether the

understand it or not.

Stanley (2003:3) says conventional to instruction have been

inadequate in revising the low achievement and high drop out rates now

prevalent in all to may school. In conclusion, the meaning of conventional

technique is applied by teacher at the school based on knowladge, skill,

habit or tendency through experience practice and exercise.

D. Analitycal Exsposition text

1. Definition of Analitycal Exsposition

According Wahidi (2008:2) Analytical exsposition text is a text that

elaborates the writer’s ideas about the phenomenon surrounding. Its social

function is to persuade the reader that idea is important matter. Its means

that the writer write about writer’s ideas about the phenomenon surrounding

it is can support an argument. By analyzing the material on which the essay

is based, the essay writer should develop a position regarding the accuracy

of the original information.

The purpose of an analytical exposition text is to persuade the

readers or listener by presenting one side of an argument. To make the

persuasion stronger, the speaker or writer gives some arguments as the

fundamental reasons why something is the case. This type of text can be

found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles, academic

speech or lectures, research report etc. Analytical expositions are popular

among science, academic community and educated people

2. Generic Structure

According to Wignel (1994:197) The generic structure of analytical

exposition consists of three main parts: thesis, arguments and reiteration.The

first part is called as thesis. Thesis is used for introducing topic and

indicates the writer’s position. Besides, thesis is also used as the outline of

the main argument, to be presented.

The second part is called as argument. The use of arguments is to

restate main argument outlined in preview. It consists of the elaboration,

development, and support to each point of argument. The last one is

reiteration. It is usually used for restating the writer’s position and to

conclude the whole argument.

3. Language Feature

According to Garrot and Wignal (1994:198) Some dominan features

that usually used when writing analytical exposition text, it is usually

focused on generic human and non-human participants. It means that the

subject of the general things can be human and non-human.

Another characteristic is the use of simple present tense. This tense

is used because it shows the events that exist now, in the past and in the

future. There are also the uses of relational processes to express the cause

and effect event. The use of internal conjunction is to stage the argument

and to show the series of argument that contain more than one argument.

Last but not least is the reasoning through causal conjunction to show the

conclusion of the whole arguments in the text.

E. Review of the Related Finding

There are many relevant studies related to this research. first,

research was done by Ika (2011) title “The Effect of Teaching writing

recount text using movies at senior high school”. The finding of this

research showed that: the end of this paper about to apply movie in teaching

writing. It is expected to help the English teachers in teaching writing and

activeating all students in teaching learning process.

Second, Pesmarnidawati (2013) done research entitle “using

clustering technique to improve students’ writing of recount text”. It was

using clustering to improve writing skill. The finding of the research has

been successfull to improve students’ writing skill. clustering technique can

be improving writing of student by using media in teaching learning


Third, Warniati (2013) also did research entitle “The use of small

group discussion in teaching writing procedure text at senior high school”.

She concerned on improving writing by using small group discussion in

teaching writing. The finding of the research, she gives different technique

to improving writing of students.

This research is different with previous text. The first researches

above was conducted the implementation of movie in teaching writing. But

in this research, the researcher is using Group Investigation technique to

improve writing skill. And the second researches above was conducted the

implementation of clustering technique For the last previous research, she

used small group discussion toward students’ writing skill. It has similarity

with this reseach on writing skill. So, those are still having relevance and

significance factors, why it is interested to be observed.

F. Conceptual Framework.


Teaching writing

Experimental class Control class

Using Group Investigation Using conventional technique


Writing skill

G. Hypothesis

In this reseach has a hypothesis as temporary answer toward some

problems that accur in this reseach. The problem of the current study is

formulated as: “The effect Group Investigation technique (GI) technique on

students writing skill of analytical exsposition text at class XI SMAN 1 VII

Koto Sungai Sariak”

H0 : Group Investigation technique does not give better effect on writing

skill at class XI of SMA N 1 Ulakan Tapakis.

H1 : Group Investigation technique give better effect on writing skill at

class XI SMAN 1 VII Koto Sungai Sariak.



A. Design of the Research

Gay (2009:283) explains that an experimental research typically

involves a comparison of two classes’ namely experimental class and

control class. Experimental class is a class that receives the new treatment,

while control class is a class that receives a different treatment. Here, there

is one class as experimental classes that will be teach by using Group

Investigation technique and one class as control class that would be taught

by using conventional technique.

Table 1 : The design of this research could be formulated as follow

(Gay 1987:251):
Group Independent Dependent

Where: A : Experimental class

B : Control class

X : Group investigation technique

Y : Conventional technique

O : Students score

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

According Gay (1987:101) population is the group of interest to the

writer, the group to which the writer would like the result of the studied be

generalize.Gay and Airisian (2009:138) state the population in this research

would ideally like to generalize result as the target population.In this

research, the population is the second grade students of SMAN 1 VII Koto

Sungai Sariak. It consists of four classes IPA of the second grade students.

The total number of the population is 105 students. They are distributed into

four classes (XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, XI IPA 3, XI IPA 4) as in the following

the table:

Table 2
Total students of grade XI of SMAN 1
VII Koto Sungai Sariak

No Classes Consist of students

1 X1 IPA 1 21
2 XI IPA 2 21`
3 XI IPA 3 26
4 XI IPA 4 27
Total 105

Source; Tata Usaha SMAN 1 VII Koto Sungai Sariak

2. Sample

According to Arikunto (2006:131), the sample is a part of the

popula5ion which is researched. Sample is considered as the representative

of the population. The technique to take the sample used by writer is cluster

sampling. This technique requires group or cluster in taking the sample

based on the groups that have already existed in population.

The researcher used cluster random sampling technique to decide the

experimental class and control class. The procedure as follow:

a. Doing the normality and the homogenity test to know the sample

are normally distributed and homogeny.

b. Since those classes were distributed normally and also homogeny,

the researcher did lottery to take sample. The result of loterry

determined class XI IPA 1 as exsperiment class and XI IPA 2 as

control class.

Table 3 sample of the research

No Sample Class Total the student

1 Experiment class XI IPA 1 21

2 Control class XI IPA 2 21

C. Instrummentation

Creswell (2009:55) defines “An instrument is a tool for measuring,

observing, or documenting attitudes or behaviours of participants in a

study.” This research use test as the instrument. A test, in simple terms, is a

method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performaance in a

give domain. Test is also an instrument that requires performance on the

part of the test-taker.

The instrument of the research will use a writing test. According to

Brown (2004:3) test is a method of measuring a students’ ability,

knowledge, or performance, in a given domain. Writing test is doing on

pre-test and post-test toward two classes (experimental and control classes).

In pre-test student make simple text about analytical exsposition in group

before treatment and in post-test, students will give a test to write about a

text after treatment .

The students of experiment class are taught writing by using Group

Investigation technique and the students of control class is taught by using

conventional technique. Then, in order to validate the instument the material

of writing test in based on curriculum and will consult with the experts

(advisor and English Teacher at the school).

A good test will be valid and reliable. It means that, a test is valid if

it measures what is supposed to be measured. In other to see the validity of

the test, it would be used content validity. Arikunto (2010) stated that one of

the characteristic of test validity is content validity. It means that, the test is

valid which take based on curriculum on Senior High School and then

checked with advisor.

While reliability is the degree to which a test consistently measures

whatever it is measured (Gay 1987:135). In order to get the reliability of the

test, it will be used rater method; it will be two score method, the English

teacher would be the second scorer.

D. Procedure of the Research

In doing this reseach, the researcher will gave pre test to both

classes. The mean score of pre test will be decided which one the

experimental class and the control class. After that the researcher has three

phrases procedure. They are preparation, application, and final phase.

a. Preparation phase

1. Researcher will make research schedule.

2. Researcher preparation the appropriate material based on


3. The reseacher make the lesson plan for six meeting.

b. Application phase

In application phase, the researcher will do a treatment by using

Group Investigation technique in experimental class. Whereas the control

class will be taught by using conventional technique.

Table 4
Procedure of teaching writing
Experimental class Control class

A. Pre teaching activity A. Pre teaching activity

 Greeting  Greeting
 Praying  Praying
 Teacher checks students list  Teacher checks students list

B. Whilst teaching activity B. Whilst teaching activity

Exploration Exploration
 Teacher introduction of the  The teacher gives topic based
topic and discussion about the on syllabus
topic with students  The teacher asks to students
(intelligence) about the topic
 Teacher present the material

by picture od video Elaboration
Example: teacher shows a  Teacher gives a task to
pictur about smoking or drug. students about the materi.
 Teacher explains the step in  The teacher ask to student to
doing the activity to the practice about the task in fron
students of the class.
 Teacher gives opportunity to  Students get individual score
the students to ask the
question Confirmation
 Teacher explain about  Teacher brings the student
analytical exsposition text to search about the key
 Teacher divides the students in points of the material
group or teammates
Elaboration C. Post teaching activity
 Teacher give some of title  Teacher giver exercise to
about analytical exsposition students
text to all of group  Teacher asks to students to
 Student choice one of title summarize and conclude
 Teacher explain about Group the materi as the way to
Investigation technique formulate the material to
 Students make analitycal be correct
exsposition text in group
 One of student in group
present their text
 Teacher solving what is
students problem about the
material (intellectual)
 The teacher gives
motivation to the student

C. Post teaching activity

 Teacher gives exercise to
 At the end of class, the
teacher guides students to
make conclude the lesson

c. Final phase

In final phase, researcher will give post test to both of classes,

experimantal and control class. The score is very important to know the

result of two classes giving a treatment Group investigation teachique and

without treatment. In this research, the researcher took procedure of

collecting data based on students’ skill.

D. Technique of Data Collection

This research use test to get the data. Then the test is use to measure

the students’ achievement. The test are namely pre-test and post-test. Pre-

test may have question which differ in form or wording from the post-test,

thought the two tests must test same content. They will be alternate forms of

a test for the same groups. The pre-test must be the same for the control and

experimental groups. Cohen (2007:432). The pre-test is aimed at measure

the students’ preliminary knowledge of writing skill and their achievement

before they are given a treatment.

Treatment is given after the pre-test. In this study treatment process

is teaching analytical exsposition text by using Group Investigation

technique. The writer could see the studnts’ competence before they are

teach by using Group Investgation technique and after they are teach by

using Group Investigation technique.

Post-test is a measure on some attribute or characteristic that is

assess for participant in an experiment after a treatment. Post-test is given to

the students after doing treatment in analitycal exsposition text using Group

Investigation. It has purpose to know the students’ ability about analitycal

exsposition text.

To saw the criteria of the rubric for assesing to be clear, it can be

shown on table below: Table ....table of the rubric for assessing writing text

based on Brown (2004)

Table 5:The analytic scoring rubric for writing there were:

No Component Criteria of each item Score

1. content excellent to very good:
knowledgeable substantive. 30

good to average: some

knowledge of subject 25

fair to poor: limited knowledge

of subject non substantive 20

very poor: does not show

knowledge of subject non 15

2. organization Excellent to very good: ideas

(identification clearly stated in identification 20
and description) and description
Good to average : loosely in
organizing identification and 15
description .

Fair to poor: ideas confused or
disconnected in organizing 10
identification and description
Very poor: cannot organize the 5
identification and description

3 use Excellent to very good:
(adjective and effective in using adjective and 25
simple present simple present tense.
tense) Good to average: effective but
simple construction in using 20
adjective and simple present
fair to poor: major problems in
sample construction in using 15
adjective and simple present
Very poor: virtually no mastery 10
of sentence construction in
using adjective and simple
present tense.

4. Mechanics Excellent to very good: 5

demonstrates mastery of
Good to average: occasional
errors of spelling, punctuation, 4
and capitalizatio.

Fair to poor: frequent errors of
spelling, punctuation, and 3

Very poor: no mastery of

conventions dominated by 2
errors of spelling, punctuation
and capitalization.
5. choice of word Excellent to very good : 20
(vocabulary) effective word/ idiom choice
and usage
Good to average: occasional
errors of word/idiom form , 15
choice, usage but meaning not
fair to poor : frequent errors o 10
word/ idiom form, choice,
Very poor: little knowledge of 5
english vocabulary.

Every aspect in writing had different score, the total score was 100.

If the students had very good organization, content, grammar, mechanic and

vocabulary, so the score of the stdents were 100. The writing test would be

checked by using two scorers, the first scorer was from the writer, then the

English teacher as the second scorer. The tital of both scorers would be

divided and it would be the students score in writing.

Table 6 : The rating qualities of students writing analytical exsposition text:

Score Rating Qualities

81 – 100 Very good

66 – 80 Good

56 – 65 Average

41 – 55 Poor

0 – 40 Very poor

E. Technique of Analyze Data

Analyzing the data of this research used scores of point-test on the

experimental and control class. To analyze the students’ score in post-test

by using statistic calculation by using t-test formula was taken from Sudjana

(2005: 238). Hypothesis testing means a statistical procedure was used to

determine whether both of groups were in the same ability or not.

In analyzing the students’ score, some steps done before analyzing

the different mean by using:

1. Normality test

Normality test is using to describe normality or not the score

of pre-test and post-test. Normality test will be done by Lillifors

test. There are steps of Lillifors test:

a. Arrange the data from the low score to high score.

b. Arithmetic mean and standard deviation of students’ test score in

experimental and control groups:

The formula of mean


The formula of standard deviation:

𝑛(∑𝑋²) − (∑𝑋)²
𝑛(𝑛 − 1)

Based on the formula above, compare Lo with Ltable according the

criteria: if Lo is bigger than Ltable, it means the test is abnormal, on the

contrary if Lo is smaller than Ltable, it means the test is normal.

2. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is conduct to see whether the data are

homogeneity or not. The test can be done by using F test. The

formula follows:

ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
𝐹𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛 =
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

Based on the category of F-test, the data is homogeneity if Fo < Ftabel.

3. Hypothesis Test

To find the effectiveness of treatment in analyzing data, this

research considers the formula that develops by Sudjana

(2005:239) the procedure is:

𝑋₁ − 𝑋₂ (𝑛₁ − 1)𝑆₁² + (𝑛₂ − 1)𝑆₂²

𝑡= 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑆 = √
1 1 𝑛₁ − 𝑛₂ − 2
𝑆√𝑛₁ + 𝑛₂

The t-table is employed to see whether there is a significant

difference between the mean of both experimental group and control group.

The value of t-calculated is consulted with the value of t-table at degree of

freedom (n₁-1) + (n₂-1) and the level of confidence of 95%= 0,05.

If the value of t-calculated was less than the value of t-table, the

null hypothesis is accepted; on the contrary, if the value of t-calculated was

equal or bigger than of t-table, the null hypothesis was not accepted and H₁

was accepted.

After collecting the data by using test, the writer analyze the result of the

test. To find out the result of the test, the writer use statistic and the

following steps:

1. Identifying the students’ mistakes by writing the students worksheet

one by one

2. Giving the score in determining this, the writer found the percentage

of each problems type.



A. Data Description

The data used for the research were in the form of scores which were

obtained from the result of the student’s writing test. The score of the

student’s writing test from pre-test of experiment and control class. In more

detail can be described as follows:

The post-test score for experiment class had the highest score 88 and

the lowest 72 where the sum 1704 of score mean was81,14 .and standard

deviation was 5,81 The control class had the highest score was 88 and the

lowest score 60 where the sum if score was 1480 and mean 70,47 and

standar deviation was 8,98

B. Data Analysis and findings

a. Data Analysis

The data of writing skill was taken from the post-test this research.

There were two group which were given the different treatment. The

experiment class was taught using Group Investigation technique and

control class was taught using conventional technique can be illustrated on

table below

Table 6

The Calculation of Students Speaking Score Experimental Group and

Control Group

Experimental group Control group

X Frequency Y Frequency
72 3 60 5
76 4 64 4
80 4 72 5
84 4 76 3
88 6 80 2
0 0 88 2
Total 21 Total 21

There were 21 students for experimental class and 21 students for

control class. Based on the result of post-test in experimental class and

control class, it was found that the highest score for experimental and

control class was 88. And the lowest score for experimental class was 72

and control class was 60. The mean scores were 81,14 for experimental

class and 70,47 for control class

Writing test result was analyzed in order to see the effect of using

Group Investigation technique on writing skill. The finding was analyzed by

using t- test..

Table 5
Result of writing Score Both Experimental and Control Group

Class N Max Score Min Score

Experiment 21 88 72
Control 21 80 60

b. Findings

Based on the hypothesis testing, the used Group Investigation

technique in teaching learning process of writing gave significant effect on

student teaching writing. It was shown from the mean of achievement in

experiment class and control class. The mean of experiment class was

76,69 and 63,80 for experiment class. The difference of the mean of both

class was caused by the treatmeant given and this difference was significant


C. Hypothesis Testing

As stated before, if the value of 𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 was less than the value of

that 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 , null hypothesis is accepted, but if the value of 𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 was

bigger than the value of that 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 , null hypothesis was not accepted. In

this case the hypothesis was:

H1: There is significance effect of Group Investigation technique than

conventional technique on students’ writing skill in analytical exsposition

Ho: There is no significance effect of Group Investigation technique than

conventional technique on students’ writing skill in analytical exsposition

In this research, the result of the value 𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 (1,14) was bigger than the

value of 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 (2,21) at the degree of freedom (21-1) + (21-1) and the level

of confidence (0.05) so the null hypothesis (H0) was not accepted and H1 is

accepted. It means that the hypothesis of this research was accepted. It can

be concluded that the class that has been taught by using Group

Investigation technique gave better effect on writing than class that has

been taught by using conventional technique.

D. Discussions

The result of the data analysis showed that the students who were

taught using Group investigation technique help the students in stimulating

background knowledge and comprehension in writing skill on analtical

exsposition text.

The statement above was supported one can deducate that other that

other factor, principally whole language teaching by integration of all skill,

and motivational factors associated using Group Investigation technique

teaching as well as made students active in class.

Group Investigation technique can also give better effect to the

students’ writing skill. It made the students were more interested in

following the lessons attentively.



A. Conclusion

The students competence in writing analytical exsposition text using

Group Investigation technique in the experimental class was good. It can be

shown by the mean of test was 81,14 where the highest score was 88 and the

lowest was 72

The students’ competence in writing analytical exsposition text

without using Group Investigation technique in the control class was

adequate. It can be shown by the mean of test was 70,47 where the highest

score was 88 and the lowest was 60.

There was significant difference of students’ competence in writing

analytical exsposition text using Group Investigation technique and who

taught without using Group Investigation technique. It can be seen the t-test

score that is higher than ttable.

Group Investigation technique is one the technique that can be used

to teach writing of analytical exsposition text. The implementation of Group

Investigation technique in teaching writing analytical exsposition text can

help students for active in class and increasing their knowledge, and the can

increase their skill in producing sentence.

B. Suggestion

In this study, the writer would like to offer some suggestions to

improve the students’ ability in writing skill in order to get better result. For

the teacher It is important that the teacher uses of group investigation (GI)

sometimes as an alternative technique in teaching writing skill. Usually,

writing is such kinds of activities that often bored the students. So, the use

of this technique will always give the students fresh and new condition.

Hopefully, it can motivate the students and make them interested in

writingand the students can cooperate with other friends who have

difference background both in academically and gender.

For the student It is very useful for the passive students’ to improve

their abilities of communication or the group skill, For the next researcher

Hopefully, there will be an improvement for the next study, The writer

hopes other researchers can use it as a reference to conduct their research on

the same field. It is really possible that there is another more effective way

to teach writing skill.


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Appendix 1

Total score experimental class on pre-test

Experiment Class
X X2
1 44 1936
2 44 1936
3 48 2304
4 48 2304
5 52 2704
6 52 2704
7 52 2704
8 56 3136
9 56 3136
10 56 3136
11 60 3600
12 68 4624
13 68 4624
14 68 4624
15 72 5184
16 72 5184
17 72 5184
18 72 5184
19 72 5184
20 80 6400
21 80 6400
Jumlah 1292 82192

̅̅̅2 = ∑𝑋2 = 1292 =61,52

𝑋 𝑛 21

𝑛(∑𝑋²) − (∑𝑋)²
𝑛(𝑛 − 1)

21.82192− ( 1292)2
=√ 21 ( 21−1)

=√ 420

=√ = 135,16

S = √135,16 = 11,62

Appendix 2

The normality testing of pre-test on experiment class

F(Zi)- I F(Zi)-
Xi Zi S(Zi) F(Zi) S(Zi) S(Zi)
1 44 -1.6660 0.0952 0.0479 -0.0474 0.0474
2 44 -1.6660 0.0952 0.0479 -0.0474 0.0474
3 48 -1.3219 0.1905 0.0931 -0.0974 0.0974
4 48 -1.1632 0.1905 0.1224 -0.0681 0.0681
5 52 -0.9779 0.3333 0.1641 -0.1693 0.1693
6 52 -0.8192 0.3333 0.2063 -0.1270 0.1270
7 52 -0.8192 0.3333 0.2063 -0.1270 0.1270
8 56 -0.6338 0.4762 0.2631 -0.2131 0.2131
9 56 -0.4751 0.4762 0.3174 -0.1588 0.1588
10 56 -0.4751 0.4762 0.3174 -0.1588 0.1588
11 60 -0.2897 0.5238 0.3860 -0.1378 0.1378
12 68 0.3984 0.6667 0.6548 -0.0118 0.0118
13 68 -0.5570 0.6667 0.2888 -0.3779 0.3779
14 68 -0.5570 0.6667 0.2888 -0.3779 0.3779
15 72 0.7424 0.9048 0.7711 -0.1337 0.1337
16 72 0.9011 0.9048 0.8162 -0.0885 0.0885
17 72 0.9011 0.9048 0.8162 -0.0885 0.0885
18 72 0.9011 0.9048 0.8162 -0.0885 0.0885
19 72 0.9011 0.9048 0.8162 -0.0885 0.0885
20 80 1.4306 1.0000 0.9237 -0.0763 0.0763
21 80 1.5892 1.0000 0.9440 -0.0560 0.0560
∑ 1292
rata 63.3684
D. 11.6259
Var 135.162

Appendix 3

Total score control class on pre-test

Control Class
Y Y²
1 44 1936
2 44 1936
3 44 1936
4 48 2304
5 48 2304
6 52 2704
7 56 3136
8 56 3136
9 56 3136
10 60 3600
11 60 3600
12 60 3600
13 68 4624
14 72 5184
15 72 5184
16 72 5184
17 72 5184
18 72 5184
19 80 6400
20 80 6400
21 80 6400
1296 83072

̅̅̅1 = ∑𝑋𝑖 = 1296 = 61,71

𝑋 𝑛 21

𝑛(∑𝑋²) − (∑𝑋)²
𝑛(𝑛 − 1)

21.83072− ( 1296)2
=√ 21 ( 21−1)

=√ 420

=√ = 154,52

S = √154,52 = 12,43

Appendix 4

The normality testing of pre-test on control class

Xi Zi S(Zi) F(Zi) F(Zi)-S(Zi) I F(Zi)-S(Zi)

1 44 -1.4695 0.1429 0.0708 -0.0720 0.0720
2 44 -1.4695 0.1429 0.0708 -0.0720 0.0720
3 44 -1.4695 0.1429 0.0708 -0.0720 0.0720
4 48 -1.1377 0.2381 0.1276 -0.1105 0.1105
5 48 -1.1377 0.2381 0.1276 -0.1105 0.1105
6 52 -0.8059 0.2857 0.2102 -0.0756 0.0756
7 56 -0.4740 0.4286 0.3177 -0.1108 0.1108
8 56 -0.4740 0.4286 0.3177 -0.1108 0.1108
9 56 -0.4740 0.4286 0.3177 -0.1108 0.1108
10 60 -0.1422 0.5714 0.4435 -0.1280 0.1280
11 60 -0.1422 0.5714 0.4435 -0.1280 0.1280
12 60 -0.1422 0.5714 0.4435 -0.1280 0.1280
13 68 0.5215 0.6190 0.6990 0.0799 0.0799
14 72 0.8533 0.8571 0.8032 -0.0539 0.0539
15 72 0.8533 0.8571 0.8033 -0.0539 0.0539
16 72 0.8533 0.8571 0.8033 -0.0539 0.0539
17 72 0.8533 0.8571 0.8033 -0.0539 0.0539
18 72 0.8533 0.8571 0.8033 -0.0539 0.0539
19 80 1.5169 1.0000 0.9354 -0.0646 0.0646
20 80 1.5169 1.0000 0.9354 -0.0646 0.0646
21 80 1.5169 1.0000 0.9354 -0.0646 0.0646
∑ 1296
Mean 61.7143
D. 12.0543
Var 154.514

Appendix 5

Calculating process of T-test both of experiment class and control class

in pre-test

 1) s1  (n2  1) s2
2 2
S  2 1

n n
1 2

( 21 − 1)135,16 + ( 21 − 1)154,52
21 + 21 − 2


S2 = 254,54

S= √254,54 = 15,95

𝑋₁ − 𝑋₂
1 1
𝑆√𝑛₁ + 𝑛₂
Where @=0,05
df= (n1+n2)-2=40
61,52 − 60,28
1 1
15,95√21 + 21

1 1
15,95√21 + 21

= 8,35

The calculated was 8,35, while critical value of the t-table at degree of

freedom 40 and the level of significance 0,05 was 1,68. From the result, we

can see that t-calculated was bigger than t-table. It means that the difference

between the two classes used as sample of this research.

Appendix 6

The Homogeneity Testing of Data Two Samples in Pre-Test

No X Y X² Y²
1 44 44 1936 1936
2 44 44 1936 1936
3 48 44 2304 1936
4 48 48 2304 2304
5 52 48 2704 2304
6 52 52 2704 2704
7 52 56 2704 3136
8 56 56 3136 3136
9 56 56 3136 3136
10 56 60 3136 3600
11 60 60 3600 3600
12 68 60 4624 3600
13 68 68 4624 4624
14 68 72 4624 5184
15 72 72 5184 5184
16 72 72 5184 5184
17 72 72 5184 5184
18 72 72 5184 5184
19 72 80 5184 6400
20 80 80 6400 6400
21 80 80 6400 6400
1292 1296 82192 83072
S. Dev 11,62592 12,43038

ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
𝐹𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛 =
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

= = 1,06

F calculated =1,06

Conclusion: with use degree of freedom (n1-1) and significance 0,05 on F-

table. So with F- calculated 1,06 < F-table 2,21, it means two variancts of

two samples are homogeny.

Appendix 7

The score of Post-test on experiment class

No X X2
1 72 5184
2 72 5184
3 72 5184
4 76 5776
5 76 5776
6 76 5776
7 76 5776
8 80 6400
9 80 6400
10 80 6400
11 80 6400
12 84 7056
13 84 7056
14 84 7056
15 84 7056
16 88 7744
17 88 7744
18 88 7744
19 88 7744
20 88 7744
21 88 7744
Jumlah 1704 138944

Appendix 7

∑𝑋𝑖 1704
̅̅̅1 =
𝑋 = = 81,14
𝑛 21

𝑛(∑𝑋²) − (∑𝑋)²
𝑛(𝑛 − 1)

21.138944− ( 1704)2
21 ( 21−1)


=√ = 33,82

S = √33,82 = 5,81

Appendix 8

The score of Post-test on control class

No X X2
1 60 3600
2 60 3600
3 60 3600
4 60 3600
5 60 3600
6 64 4096
7 64 4096
8 64 4096
9 64 4096
10 72 5184
11 72 5184
12 72 5184
13 72 5184
14 72 5184
15 76 5776
16 76 5776
17 76 5776
18 80 6400
19 80 6400
20 88 7744
21 88 7744
Jumlah 1480 105920

∑𝑋2 1480
̅̅̅2 =
𝑋 = = 70,47
𝑛 21

𝑛(∑𝑋²) − (∑𝑋)²
𝑛(𝑛 − 1)

21.105920− ( 1480)2
21 ( 21−1)


=√ = 80,87

S = √80,87 = 8,98

Appendix 9

Calculation process of post-test both of experiment and control class

 1) s1  (n2  1) s2
2 2
S  2 1

n n
1 2

( 21−1)33,82+( 21−1)80,87




S2 = 53,96

S= √53,96 = 7,34

𝑋₁ − 𝑋₂
1 1
𝑆√𝑛₁ + 𝑛₂

81,14 − 70,47
1 1
7,34√21 + 21

1 1
7,34√21 + 21

= = 4,75

𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 (4, 75) > 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 (1,68)

The calculated was 4,75, while the critical value of the t-table at the degree
of freedom 40 and the level of signficance 0,05 was 1,68. From the result t-
calculated is bigger than t-table. So the null hypothesis (H0) is not accepted
and H1 is accept. There was gotten significant effect between GI technique
and conventional technique.

Appendix 10

Normality testing of post-test in experiment class

F(Zi)- I F(Zi)-
Xi Xi2 Zi S(Zi) F(Zi) S(Zi) S(Zi)
1 72 5184 -1,5720 0,1429 0,0580 -0,0849 0,0849
2 72 5184 -1,5720 0,1429 0,0580 -0,0849 0,0849
3 72 5184 -1,5720 0,1429 0,0580 -0,0849 0,0849
4 76 5776 -0,8842 0,3333 0,1883 -0,1450 0,1450
5 76 5776 -0,8842 0,3333 0,1883 -0,1450 0,1450
6 76 5776 -0,8842 0,3333 0,1883 -0,1450 0,1450
7 76 5776 -0,8842 0,3333 0,1883 -0,1450 0,1450
8 80 6400 -0,1965 0,5238 0,4221 -0,1017 0,1017
9 80 6400 -0,1965 0,5238 0,4221 -0,1017 0,1017
10 80 6400 -0,1965 0,5238 0,4221 -0,1017 0,1017
11 80 6400 -0,1965 0,5238 0,4221 -0,1017 0,1017
12 84 7056 0,4912 0,7143 0,6884 -0,0259 0,0259
13 84 7056 0,4912 0,7143 0,6884 -0,0259 0,0259
14 84 7056 0,4912 0,7143 0,6884 -0,0259 0,0259
15 84 7056 0,4912 0,7143 0,6884 -0,0259 0,0259
16 88 7744 1,1790 1,0000 0,8808 -0,1192 0,1192
17 88 7744 1,1790 1,0000 0,8808 -0,1192 0,1192
18 88 7744 1,1790 1,0000 0,8808 -0,1192 0,1192
19 88 7744 1,1790 1,0000 0,8808 -0,1192 0,1192
20 88 7744 1,1790 1,0000 0,8808 -0,1192 0,1192
21 88 7744 1,1790 1,0000 0,8808 -0,1192 0,1192
∑ 1704 138944
Mean 81,1429
Standard 5,81623
Var 33,8286


∑X=1704 ∑X²= 138944 ̅̅̅̅ =

𝑛(∑𝑋 2 )−(∑𝑋)² 𝑋𝑖−𝑋
𝑆=√ 𝑍𝑖 =
𝑛(𝑛−1) 𝑆

21(138944)−(1704)² 72−81,14
=√ 𝑍1 = = −1,5720
21(21−1) 5,81

=√ ......

= √𝟑𝟑, 𝟖𝟑 ........
S= 5,81 𝒁𝟐𝟏 = = 𝟏, 𝟏𝟕𝟗𝟎

L0 = max IF(Zi)-S(Zi)


L0 (0,1450) < Ltable (0,190), it means that it was normal distribution

Appendix 11

Normality testing of post-test in control class

F(Zi)- I F(Zi)-
Xi Xi Zi S(Zi) F(Zi) S(Zi) S(Zi)
1 60 3600 -1,1657 0,2381 0,1219 -0,1162 0,1162
2 60 3600 -1,1657 0,2381 0,1219 -0,1162 0,1162
3 60 3600 -1,1657 0,2381 0,1219 -0,1162 0,1162
4 60 3600 -1,1657 0,2381 0,1219 -0,1162 0,1162
5 60 3600 -1,1657 0,2381 0,1219 -0,1162 0,1162
6 64 4096 -0,7206 0,4286 0,2356 -0,1930 0,1930
7 64 4096 -0,7206 0,4286 0,2356 -0,1930 0,1930
8 64 4096 -0,7206 0,4286 0,2356 -0,1930 0,1930
9 64 4096 -0,7206 0,4286 0,2356 -0,1930 0,1930
10 72 5184 0,1696 0,6667 0,5673 -0,0993 0,0993
11 72 5184 0,1696 0,6667 0,5673 -0,0993 0,0993
12 72 5184 0,1696 0,6667 0,5673 -0,0993 0,0993
13 72 5184 0,1696 0,6667 0,5673 -0,0993 0,0993
14 72 5184 0,1696 0,6667 0,5673 -0,0993 0,0993
15 76 5776 0,6147 0,8095 0,7306 -0,0789 0,0789
16 76 5776 0,6147 0,8095 0,7306 -0,0789 0,0789
17 76 5776 0,6147 0,8095 0,7306 -0,0789 0,0789
18 80 6400 1,0598 0,9048 0,8554 -0,0494 0,0494
19 80 6400 1,0598 0,9048 0,8554 -0,0494 0,0494
20 88 7744 1,0598 1,0000 0,8554 -0,1446 0,1446
21 88 7744 1,0598 1,0000 0,8554 -0,1446 0,1446
∑ 1480 105920
Mean 70,4762
Standar 8,98676
Var 80,7619


∑X=1480 ∑X²= 105920 ̅̅̅̅ =

𝑛(∑𝑋 2 )−(∑𝑋)² 𝑋𝑖−𝑋

𝑆=√ 𝑍𝑖 =
𝑛(𝑛−1) 𝑆

21(105920)−(1480)² 60−70,47
=√ 𝑍1 = = −1,1657
21(21−1) 8,98

=√ ......

= √𝟖𝟎, 𝟕𝟔 ........
S= 8,98 𝒁𝟐𝟏 = = 𝟏, 𝟎𝟓𝟗𝟖

L0 = max IF(Zi)-S(Zi)


L0 (0,1162) < Ltable (0,190), it means that it was normal distribution

Appendix 12

The Homogeneity Testing of Data Two Samples in Post-Test

No X X2 Y Y2
1 72 5184 60 3600
2 72 5184 60 3600
3 72 5184 60 3600
4 76 5776 60 3600
5 76 5776 60 3600
6 76 5776 64 4096
7 76 5776 64 4096
8 80 6400 64 4096
9 80 6400 64 4096
10 80 6400 72 5184
11 80 6400 72 5184
12 84 7056 72 5184
13 84 7056 72 5184
14 84 7056 72 5184
15 84 7056 76 5776
16 88 7744 76 5776
17 88 7744 76 5776
18 88 7744 80 6400
19 88 7744 80 6400
20 88 7744 88 7744
21 88 7744 88 7744
Jumlah 1704 138944 1480 105920

Standard Deviation of experiment class

𝑛(∑𝑋²) − (∑𝑋)²
𝑛(𝑛 − 1)

21.138944− ( 1704)2
21 ( 21−1)


=√ = 33,82

S = √33,82 = 5,81

Standard Deviation of control class

𝑛(∑𝑋²) − (∑𝑋)²
𝑛(𝑛 − 1)

21.105920− ( 1480)2
21 ( 21−1)


=√ = 80,87

S = √80,87 = 8,98

ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
𝐹𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛 =
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

= = 1,54

F calculated =1,54

Conclusion: with use degree of freedom (n1-1) and significance 0,05 on F-

table. So with F- calculated 1,54 < F-table 2,21, it means two variants of

two samples are homogeny.


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