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Elite Ball Handling System- Month 1

Ball Control: Phase 1

Workout Date: ________________ Total Workout Time: ________________

Plan Recommendations

Today's workout is all about ball control. Remember, if a drill is too difficult you can click on the
"easier" variation. For advanced players, push for maximum speed once you are comfortable
with the drill. The goal is to be UNCOMFORTABLE during our drills. If you complete each set
without messing up you need to pound the ball harder and push your dribble speed to a new
level. All of our pro players do these drills weekly regardless of their skill level! You can never
become too good at the basics!

On the 1st set of each drill it's ok to look down at the ball until you develop a rhythm. On the 2nd
and 3rd set try to get your head up and don't look at the ball.

Handle Hip Mobility

Rest: 0 seconds

Sets Reps Notes

Set #1 1

To become an elite ball handler you MUST possess great hip mobility. To develop better fluidity,
enhance explosiveness and get lower on moves we need to improve our multi-dimensional hip

If you are not performing this hip mobility warmup on a basketball court an are with adequate
space, you may do all of these drills stationary.

-Begin with a general jogging warmup. 3x full court OR jog in place for 1 minute.
-Complete all drills in the video with the specific reps/sets instructed in the video.

Diagonal Split Agility

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:15
Set #2 00:00:15
Set #3 00:00:15

- Explode into the diagonal split as fast as possible, then bring your feet back to neutral. Make
sure that on this drill and on ALL agility drills we stay on the balls of our feet. Your heel should
never touch the ground during agility drills in order to utilize our lower leg elasticity.

- Start slow on this drill and build speed once you build rhythm. This "drop split" is the
fundamental footwork for many moves on the court so we MUST improve the
speed/explosiveness of this pattern.

In/Out Double Rhythm Agility

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:15
Set #2 00:00:15
Set #3 00:00:15

- Start low in a defensive stance. Bring both feet out (away from your body) and tap your feet on
the floor twice, bring your feet back to neutral and tap your feet on the floor twice. Gradually
build speed and challenge your rhythm.

- The goal of this drill is to enhance your rhythm while activating fast twitch muscle fibers.

Linear Double Rhythm Agility

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:15
Set #2 00:00:15
Set #3 00:00:15

-Start in a split stance. Quickly tap your feet twice and switch your stance and repeat on the
other side.

-This is a great agility drill for getting your central nervous system and fast twitch muscle fibers
revved up.

Between Legs Rhythm Skip

Rest: 20 seconds
Sets Time Notes
Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40

- This drill is all about developing rhythm. Start slow and gradually build up the speed. We want
this drill to be very rhythmic and smooth!

- Aim to transfer the ball under your legs quickly, working on your feel for the ball and hand

- Try to keep your chest up during the ball transfer. By keeping your chest up, we will reinforce
proper dribbling posture and challenge our dynamic hip mobility.

2 Cone Cuff
Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40
Set #4 00:00:40

- Perform 2 sets right hand, then 2 sets with your left hand.

- Place 2 cones about 10 inches apart. Dribble in the middle of the cones with your right hand,
then bring your dribble outside the cone to the right. Make sure that your hand stays on top of
the ball so that you do not "carry" the ball. Switch hands each set until you have completed 2
sets with each hand.

- Gradually increase the speed as you build a rhythm. Once you have mastered the drill, bring
your head up so that you're not looking at the ball OR the cones. Once your control is good and
your head is up aim to POUND the ball as hard as you can.

- This drill is crucial for developing "the cuff", which is essential for proper dribble manipulation.
All of the best dribblers in the NBA have mastered the cuff and this is one of the most effective
ways to improve it!

Double Cross Between Legs (Hip/Knee Height)

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40
Set #4 00:00:40
- For this drill we will focus on developing control at numerous dribble heights. Perform 1 set with
the ball coming up the belly button height, 1 set with the ball coming to hip height and 1 set with
the ball coming up to knee height.

- Pound the ball as hard and as fast as possible. Perform two front crossovers and pound
through the legs. You will alternate sides each repetition.

-Perform 2 sets at hip height, then 2 sets at knee height.

50%/100% Pace Dribbling- Crossovers

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40

- This drill is all about changing speeds. We must learn to rapidly switch our dribble speeds and
utilize different "gears". Begin by doing 4 crossover dribbles at 50% of your max speed. After
your 4th crossover, rapidly switch to 100% speed for 4 crossovers. Continue to alternate
between 50% and 100% for the full set.

- Ball handling is NOT all about max speed, it's about utilizing different speeds and changing
pace. This is a drill that will teach you "contraction-to-relaxation", which is a crucial skill to

Off Hand On The Move Combos

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40

-Complete 1 set behind the back w/ one dribble, 1 set with behind the back WITHOUT the
rhythm dribble and 1 set between the leg (from back to front) with a rhythm dribble.

- Remember, this is ONLY with your weak hand. We need your off hand to be just as good as
your strong hand. So if you're right handed, ONLY perform this drill with your left.

Loose Stationary Crossover

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Sets Time Notes
Set #3 00:00:40

- This drill is designed to improve your loose crossover. We want to visualize shifting a defender
on each crossover. Emphasize the hip and shoulder shift! If your hips don't move, your defender
won't be shifted.

- Allow the ball to get away from the body during the crossover. Be sure to step in the direction
of the fake, then cross over the other way.

- Allow for 2 rhythm dribbles, then crossover. Remember, this is a LOOSE crossover (similar to
the allen iverson crossover), you have to exaggerate the crossover. This cross is NOT about
staying low because we need to exaggerate our move.

In-N-Out Taps
Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40

- This drill is aimed to improve hand speed and finger tip control. The motion is essentially an In-
N-Out crossover, but we are only using our finger tips and we will bring the dribble as LOW as

- If the In-N-Out Taps are too difficult OR you are not able to perform the drill low enough, you
will substitute machine gun taps. Machine gun taps will allow you to build the hand speed
necessary for the In-N-Out Taps.

Floor Tap Hand Speed Drill

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40

- This drill is designed to enhance hand speed and finger tip control. Tap the basketball, then tap
the floor to the left, tap the basketball again and tap the floor to the right. Continue this process
and gradually built speed. It's ok to look down at the ball on this drill.
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