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Research Proposal

Arranged to Fulfill the Assignment of Quantitative Research


Riska Safriyani., M.Pd

Arranged by:

Zurika Ayu Sari





A Correlational Study Between Writing and Reading in 10 Grade of SMK PGRI 1


The aim of this correlational research was to find out if there is any correlation between reading
comprehension and writing ability in SMK PGRI 1 SURABAYA's 10 Grade. The population
were 18 males from vocational high school that majoring in electricity. Quantitative research
issued in this research. The researcher collected the data on the basis of the certain ability by
giving the students the test. There are two skills that have tasted in this study, Researcher used
test of writing and reading as research instruments that contain several pictures of professional
and asked the students to choose one of their favorite picture and describe into 8 sentences. And
for reading Every student must read the whole slides to get the information to answer the
questions. They write and read from the data evaluated using SPSS, the connection between
reading and writing scores shows a significant relationship between these two skills between
SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya degree 10. This study goal uses statistics to investigate the correlation
between the students ' writing skills and reading skills. Several aspects have been analyzed,
namely normality, correlation and descriptive statistics. Based on the result, pictures test can be
applied in English class to know the correlation students’ ability at SMK PGRI 1 SURABAYA's
10 Grade


English is the common language which is known to most of the people in the
world. It is widely used almost in every field such as in the field of communication,
science, technology, education and etc. That is way it is very important to have good
English. Nowadays, English is being taught to children at primary level until university
level. Students are strictly made to learn in English when they are in school

In Indonesia, English became an obligatory subject for all Indonesian Students of

Junior and Senior high school since 1967. Since then, the national curriculum established
English as a central subject in all 6 years of Indonesian Compulsory School. English
should be taught in all Junior and Senior High schools. The aim of teaching English is to
make Indonesian students be able to communicate in English

Based on the 2013 Curriculum, 10 grade of SMK PGRI SURABAYA need to be

trained to use language in different areas such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening
to contribute their orientation majors. Those skills are important to be mastered without
ignoring each other. However; at the implementation, reading and writing seems to be
given priority. This might be due to the fact that reading and writing are more being used
than other skills. It was proven on student’s test or national exam. But most of the
students are still have the difficulties in writing and reading. In fact, those are part of the
compulsory lessons for students of senior high school and vocational school in Indonesia.
SMK PGRI SURABAYA is one of the vocational schools that apply English teaching
process in the curriculum as international language learning.

Having conducted at SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya in 10th grade, this research has 2
research questions. They are “How does the correlation between writing and reading in
10th grade of SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya?” and “How far does writing has the contribution to
reading in 10th grade of SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya?’’. The purpose of this research is to
investigate the correlation between reading-writing relationship, theoretical background,
and previous literature on this issue are first reviewed, and then the relationship between
reading ability and writing quality are examined through giving reading and writing tests.
This researcher conducted this research to fulfill the mid-term test of Quantitative.
Moreover, through this research, the researcher wants to find the benefit of writing skill
that combined with reading skill to know about the correlation and contribution between
both of them.

1. How does the correlation between writing and reading in 10 th grade of SMK PGRI 1
2. How far does writing has the contribution to reading in 10 th grade of SMK PGRI 1
1. To know the correlation between students’ writing skill and reading skill at 10 th grade og
SMK PGRI 01 Surabaya
2. To explain the number of possible correlation between writing and reading in 10 th grade
of SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya?
D. Hypothesis
3. There is a significant and positive between students’ reading skill and writing skill in 10 th
grade of SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya?
E. Literature Review
Numerous researches have unveiled the intricate relationship between reading and
writing abilities in L1 (Allen et al., 2014; Brown et al., 1986; Fitzgerald & Shanahan, 2000;
Grabe, 2003; Hedgcock & Atkinson, 1993; Shanahan & Lomax, 1986). One of the oldest
studies conducted longitudinally by Loban (1963), for example, followed students from third
grade to sixth grade and showed that students’ reading and writing proficiency had a positive
correlation. This relationship became stronger for students in higher grades. Similar but more
recent studies on reading-writing relationship for L1 readers/writers in lower grades (Abbott,
Berninger, & Fayol 2010; Parodi, 2007) and upper grades (Allen et al., 2014; Brown et al.,
1986; Grobe & Grobe, 1977) have also demonstrated correlations between the two language
skills. For example, in their longitudinal study, Abbott et al. (2010) followed two cohorts of
students each from first to fifth grade and third to seventh grade for four years and identified
not only the significant relationship between reading and writing abilities but also the
potential effects of text levels, since connections across reading and writing abilities were
more strongly detected across the same text levels.
Many types of research with almost the same objective had been done regarding the
relationship between reading and writing and the effect of reading on the improvement of
writing in a different context since the Krashen’s (1985) ‘Input Hypothesis’ has developed.
The results were almost the same, and the hypothesis was proved such as in Hafiz and Tudor
(1989), Carson et al, (1990), Tsang (1996), Esmaili (2000), Viera and Taglieber (2003),
Yoshimura (2009), Llach (2010), Chuenchaichon (2011), Ahour et al, (2012).

1. Method
In an attempt to understand the relationship between reading ability and writing
ability in 10th grade of SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya this research is using quantitative research.
this study Including 18 male’s participant. In the research, the researcher uses the
correlation research. (Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, Walker, & Razavieh, 2010: 28) assumes that
correlational research gathers data from individuals on two or more variables and then
seeks to determine if the variables are related (correlated). Correlation means the extent
to which the two variables vary directly (positive correlation) or inversely (negative
correlation). The degree of relationship is expressed as a numeric index called the
coefficient of correlation. Moreover, participants were not selected randomly among the
whole applicants in the institutions. As the aim was to examine the possible relationship
between reading ability and writing quality, a key feature was English language
proficiency of the participants because if English language proficiency was not at the
same level, it would affect the result of the research.
2. Population
The research conducted in the 10 grade students at SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya. They
were 18 males from vocational high school that majoring in electricity. Their age are
about 16-17 years in the academic year of 2019/2020. The school is located at Jl.
Jemursari VIII No. 120 Wonocolo East Java
3. Sample
In an attempt to understand the relationship between reading ability and writing
ability in 10th grade of SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya. this study Including 18 male’s participant.
4. Data collection
The researcher collected the data through giving the students test based on the
certain skill. There two skills which tasted in this study, they are writing and reading. To
determine how far the students’ ability, the first activity in the writing test is. The students
have to write the complete name, and continue to choice one picture from 4 pictures that
have been provided, then the student should describe the selected picture into 8
sentences. Whilst, In the reading test, first activity is, the researcher gives all the students
a file that contain several slides of story. Every student must read the whole slides to get
the information to answer the questions
5. Research instrument
Researcher used test of writing and reading as research instruments that contain
several pictures of professional and asked the students to choose one of their favorite
picture and describe into 8 sentences. And for reading students should answer the
6. Data analysis Technique

After obtaining the data. The researcher using application called SPSS 16 to
identify the result of the study. On the process of analyzing the data the researcher also
using the appropriate rubrics for scoring the result of test. Therefore, the writing skill
assessed by giving score 1-4 to several components. They are, main topic idea of the
sentence, supporting detail sentences, elaboration detail sentences, legibility, mechanics
and grammar.

G. Finding & discustion

Based on the data that have been analyzed using SPSS, the correlation between
reading and writing scores shows a significant relationship between these two skills among10
grade SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya. This study objective is using statistic to investigate the
correlation between writing skill and reading skill on the students. There are several aspects
that have been analyzed, they are normality, correlation and descriptive statistic. The
following tables are the next result and the explanation.

Based on figure 1, kologorof-smirnov showed that the normality significant of

writing. (.079) because the significant is ≤ .05; meanwhile for reading data (.002) the data
is also up normal.
In Shapiro-Wilk, data of writing (.071) is normal because is representated that the
significant is ≤ .05; moreover, data of reading (.024) also normal. Based on the Shapiro-
Wilk , both of the variables have the normal data distributed, although in Kologrov-
smirnov, there is the up normal data in reading skill.

Figure 2..

Based on the figure 2, it is indicate the finding of the study decided that there was
sighnificant (2-tailed) effection and positive correlation (r=.599, n=18, p=.009) between
writing and reading skill. After the relationship was significant statisticlly, the researcher
can take the hypothesis that “ there is statistical significant of writing skill on reading
skill”. Therefor, it concluded that writing skill has positve impact on speaking skill
among the students in the high school.
Figure 3

Based on the descriptive statistic, a resume of the student of the students’

performance analysis is showed in this explanation. The figure 3 depicts the descriptive
statistic for each of skill. Mean of writing is lower than reading. It shows that mean of
writing =78.61, standard deviation =6.818. on the other hand, the reading with mean =
82.50, and standard deviation = 4.618 that presents the highest achievement. To sum up
participants were scored higher on (reading skill than productive (writing) skill.

Based on the data description above, it is found that the students’ reading skill the
tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya averagely fairly good. It is indicated by
the average score (mean) of students’ reading. The students’ writing ability in average is
fairly good as well. It is slightly better than the score of students’ reading skill

The purpose of the research was to answer whether or not there is a significant
correlation between students ‘of 10 grade students at SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya reading skill
and their writing skill. The research was carried out as a correlational research among
tenth grade. In the review of the literature, it is stated that there are several issues related
to reading skill and writing skill. Because people start learning through both of them.
Furthermore, People can write easily and fluently because they read before they write.

Based on finding of this study, it was found that reading habit has contributions
towards the writing ability of 10th grade students at SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya, it is highly
recommended to the English teachers of SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya to encourage students to
read more. The teacher may design the writing courses that not only facilitate students to
develop their writing skill but also to build and increase their reading habit. Therefore,
the students can explore and develop their idea of writing through more reading.

This study can be reached some suggestions for the students, teachers and
everyone involved in the teaching and learning process of writing skills.
1. For the English teachers of SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya, should pay more attention on
reading activity because language acquisition comes from input, not output, from
comprehension not, not production. They are expected to always encourage students
to read in order to build students’ reading habit.
2. For the teachers, they should always motivate students to read until reading becomes
their habit. Because reading has many impacts in students’ real life. It is not only
important for the students’ academic performance such as writing skill but also can
help students to face the problems in their real life. Through reading students can get
more knowledge that will be useful for students in their real life.
3. For students, especially students of SMK PGRI 1 Surabaya, they should be aware
with their reading habit. They should have good understanding of the importance of
reading. Furthermore, increasing their reading habit should be their priority.
Hopefully it can help them improve their writing and their other academic
achievements as well.
1. The students’ score

1 M. Umar 17 18 85 90
2 Reza Adi 16 17 80 85
3 Desta R 15 16 75 80
4 Gandi J 16 17 80 85
5 M. Erdyan 16 16 80 80 1. The
6 Sultan C 13 16 65 80
7 Tio R 14 15 70 75
8 M. A. Vierno 17 17 85 85
9 M. Bambang 17 16 85 80
10 Fredi 14 16 70 80
11 Rachmad c 16 16 80 80
12 W. Dodi 17 16 85 80
13 Arfan D 16 16 80 80
14 M.Khairon 15 18 75 85
15 m. okky 14 15 70 75
16 Vikky 17 18 85 90
17 M. chariri 18 18 90 90
18 R. Catur 15 17 75 85
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