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 Let me help you stand up

o arti: mari saya bantu bangun

 You will be fasting tomorrow
o arti: Anda akan berpuasa besok
 Please put the thermometer under your tongue
o arti: Tolong taruh termometer di bawah lidah Anda
 I will take your blood pressure
o arti: saya akan memeriksa tekanan darah Anda
 Let me check your temperature
o arti: Saya akan memeriksa suhu tubuh Anda
 I hope you’re feeling more comfortable now.
o arti: Saya harap anda merasa lebih nyaman sekarang.

Nurse: Good morning Ms. Ari. My name is Desi and I’ll be looking after you for this morning.
(Selamat pagi Nona Ari. Nama saya Desi dan saya akan merawat anda pagi ini.)

Patient: Good morning Ms. Desi. (Selamat pagi Nona Desi.)

Nurse: How are you feeling today? (Bagaimana keadaanmu hari ini?)

Patient: I’m feeling good. My fever has gone, but I’m a bit weak. (Aku merasa baik. Demamku
sudah hilang, tapi masih terasa lemas.)

Nurse: Have you eaten yet? (Apa kau sudah makan?)

Patient: Yes, I’ve eat this morning and take my medicine. (Ya, aku sudah makan pagi ini dan
sudah minum obat.)

Nurse: That’s great. Do you feel nausea? (Itu bagus sekali. Apa kau merasa mual?)

Patient: Yes, I feel nausea when I’m eating but it’s get better after I take the medicine. (Ya, aku
merasa mual ketika makan tapi sekarang baikan setelah minum obat.)

Nurse: Let’s wait for a day and you will get better. I’ll get you blood preasure first okay? (Mari
kita tunggu sehari dan kau akan lebih baik. Aku akan mengukur tekanan darahmu dulu, oke?)

Patient: Yes, please and thanks. (Ya, silahkan dan terima kasih.)

Nurse : Good morning Sasha, Are you feeling better? Is there any advancement with your

Patient : Yes sir, I am feeling better. Yet, some of the time I truly feel fatigued, while I feel truly
sound before that. Is it typical or not Doctor?

Nurse : Yes that is truly ordinary. That side effect shows you will be sound. Might I check your
body temperature and circulatory strain please?

Patient : Yes, obviously Nurse.

Nurse : After I checked, your body temperature is 38o C and your circulatory strain is 120/80. I
can analyze that your sound is showing signs of improvement, your pulse has been ordinary, yet
your body temperature is still high. You have to have more rest to improve it.

Patient : How about the medication mis? I need to expend the new drug or the past prescription?

Nurse : You have still to expend the past one. The Nurse will give the prescription that I
suggest. Coincidentally, what about’s the administration here? Is there any issue about that?

Patient : I am fulfilled about the administration. The Patientis cordial and the office is
exceptionally well. They likewise keep my room sanitation. So I am exceptionally solace being
minded here.

Nurse : Okay I need to visit the other patient, if there is grumbling about your condition. Simply
call me. I will go to your room. Get well soon and hello.

Patient : Ok Nurse. Much obliged to you for checking me today. Hello


Percakapan 2

Dokter: Selamat pagi Sasha, Apakah Anda merasa lebih baik? Apakah ada kemajuan dengan
kondisi Anda?

Pasien: Ya dok, saya merasa lebih baik. Tapi kadang-kadang saya benar-benar merasa lelah,
sedangkan saya merasa benar-benar sehat sebelum itu. Apakah normal atau tidak, dok?

Dokter: Ya itu benar-benar normal. Gejala-gejala menunjukkan bahwa Anda akan sehat. Bisa
saya cek suhu tubuh dan tekanan darah Anda?

Pasien: Ya, tentu saja dokter.

Dokter: Setelah saya cek, suhu tubuh Anda adalah 38C dan tekanan darah Anda adalah 120 / 80.
Saya dapat mendiagnosa bahwa kesehatan Anda semakin baik, tekanan darah Anda sudah
normal, namun suhu tubuh Anda masih tinggi. Anda harus memiliki lebih banyak istirahat untuk
membuatnya lebih baik.
Pasien: Bagaimana dengan obatnya dok? Saya harus mengkonsumsi obat baru atau obat

Dokter: Anda masih harus mengkonsumsi obat sebelumnya. Perawat akan memberikan obat
yang saya sarankan. Ngomong-ngomong, bagaimana pelayanan di sini? Apakah ada masalah
tentang hal itu?

Pasien: Saya puas tentang pelayanannya. Perawat sangat ramah dan fasilitasnya sangat baik.
Mereka juga menjaga sanitasi kamar saya. Jadi saya sangat nyaman dengan perawatan di sini.

Dokter: Oke saya harus mengunjungi pasien lain, jika ada keluhan tentang kondisi Anda. Panggil
saya. Saya akan datang ke ruangan Anda. Semoga cepat sembuh dan selamat pagi.

Pasien: Ok dokter. Terima kasih sudah memeriksa saya hari ini. Selamat pagi.


Nurse: Assalamu'alaikum, sir.

patient: wa'alaikumsalam, ma'am.

Nurse: Let me introduce you, I am Hafizah Husna, a nurse who is currently on duty. sorry sir, before with

Patient: I am Mr. Muhammad Amin, Ma'am.

Nurse: Good sir Amin. Based on the information from the doctor, you are diagnosed with coronary heart
disease. Do you know what coronary heart disease is?

patient: yes you know ma'am. the doctor had explained to me about coronary heart disease.

Nurse: Good sir, this time I will provide nursing care to you. are you willing?

patient: yes i am willing ma'am.

Nurse: previously did you know your weight?

patient: don't know, ma'am.

Nurse: Good sir, can you stand up? I will measure your weight.

patient: can ma'am

Nurse: Good sir, now I will measure your weight. can you take out all the items in your pocket? so the
results are more accurate.

patient: can ma'am.

nurse: you weigh 70kg

patient: wow, it's really hard for me mom.

nurse: hahaha yes sir

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