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Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng

id Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain

Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng., M. Eng

Construction Design References :

1 Mekanika Tanah Oleh : Dr. Ir. D. Westley , Badan Penerbit Pekerjaan Umum
2 Foundation Analysis and Design, by J.E. Bowles
3 British Standard : BS 8110 : 1997 for Reinforced Concrete Code
4 Peraturan Pembebanan Indonesia 1983
5 Peraturan Beton Bertulang Indonesia 1990
6 Peraturan Beton Bertulang Indonesia 1971
7 Peraturan Perencanaan Bangunan Baja Indonesia 1983
8 Peraturan Konstruksi Kayu Indonesia 1970
9 Soil Investigation Laboratory Test - 2004 Reference of Dr. Badarul House's Pre Construction on 2004
10 Plaxis Software Reference from Consoft Technologies Sdn. Bhd.

Load Data and Specific Gravity of Several Construction Material :

1 Wind Load = 40 kg/m2

2 Rain Load = 100 kg/m2 for every 10 cm thickness
3 Live Load = 500 kg/m2
4 Ceiling Ld = 75 kg/m2
5 Roof Frame = 150 kg/m2
6 Roof Cover = 150 kg/m2
7 SG~Concret = 2400 kg/m3
8 SG~RC Stee = 7850 kg/m3
9 SG~Mortar = 2200 kg/m3
10 SG~Water = 1000 kg/m3
11 SG~Sand = 1800 kg/m3

Standard Quality Of Several Material

1 Plain Reinforced Concrete Steel U-24 , mean σau = 2,400 kg/cm2--> σau* =
2 Deform Reinforced Concrete Steel U-32, mean σau= 3,200 kg/cm2--> σau* =
3 MessReinforced Concrete Steel ST-37, mean σau = 3,700 kg/cm2--> σau* =
4 Sub Structural Concrete K-225, mean σbk*= 225 kg/cm2
5 Super Structural Concrete K-175, mean σbk*= 175 kg/cm2
6 Non Structural Concrete K-125, mean σbk*= 125 kg/cm2

Structural Idealization :

1 Roof Structure is idealized simply supported on the Concrete Structural Frame. So There is only
Axial gravitation and lateral force acted on each simply support. No Torque or Moment at all.

2 The concrete structural frame is idealized as rigid concrete frame fixed supported on the founda-
tion. So there are several forces acted to the based of each collumn :
a. Axial Gravitation Load.
b. Lateral / Horisontal Load
c. Moment Load
3 The foundation is idealised as grid mat foundation. There are several assumption on this kind of
foundation :
a. The structure of the grid mat is fully rigid, all super structure load distributed spreadly to all
part of foundation.
b. Before Concreting the top concrete plate of the grid mat, vertical drain work properly to drain the
excess water on the designed consolidated soil layer , 8 meters.
c. Simultaneusly work between grid mat and consolidated designed soil layer is designed to bear
2 storeys house gravity load and lateral load such as wind load.

Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain
Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng., M. Eng

Brief Description of Soil Investigation Result :

1 Soil with poor bearing capacity.

2 Lack of conus bearing ( qc ) until 18 meters depth event it shows as thin layers.
3 Lack of sleef bearing ( JHP ) until 18 meters depth
4 Soil Investigator recommend pile foundation to 18 meters depth.

Problem Solving Discussion :

1 Refer to the 4th floors house beside the plan area shows :
- Foundation from the deep foundation (pile foundation).
- Settlement is being process after the construction finish and house/building occupied, indicated by the decline or
settlement of the house behind those building.
- Considering the difficulties of soil investigator to take bor log or sample of shallow boring, caused by mostly soil
material is mud and mostly more water content.
- Based on this condition, main problem is water dominated content on bearing soil cause lack of bearing capacity
and settlement occurred during construction and after construction.
- To solve this problem means :
a. Increase soil bearing capacity.
b. Develop settlement during construction.
c. Eliminated settlement after construction.

2 Based on the above soil condition and based on the proven similar case and sub structure system, we design the
following "vertically drained grid-mat foundation system" :
- Develop / implant vertical drain every +/- 1,5 meter and average to 8 meters depth , to drain the excess water
to reach proper settlement due to building load.
- Develop Grid Mat Foundation to buils the solid stiff full plate foundation system to eliminate the differential settle-
ment probably occurred during the construction period (immediete settlement) due to building load and prepared
vertical drain.
Width = 14 meter

Length =
Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain
Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng., M. Eng
Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain
Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng., M. Eng

I. Loading Calculation :

I.1. Loading Of The Roof Floor :

I.1.1. Dead Loading Of The Roof Floor :

a. Roof Wooden Frame = = 150

b. Ceiling Frame & Cover = = 75
c. Roof Cover / Genteng = = 150
Total Dead Load Of The 2nd Floor ( Qdl ) = 375

I.1.2. Live Loading Of The Roof Floor :

a. Rain Water 20 cm thick = 0,2 x 1000 = 200

b. Wind Load = = 80
c. Working Load = = 100
Total Dead Load Of The 2nd Floor ( Qll ) = 380

Design Load 2nd Floor = 1,5 ( Qdl + Qll ) = 1,133

I.2. Loading Of The 2nd Floor :

I.2.1. Dead Loading Of The 2nd Floor :

a. Concrete own weight = 0,12 x 2400 = 288

b. Ceiling Frame & Cover = = 75
c. Floor Mortar & Ceramic = = 110
Total Dead Load Of The 2nd Floor ( Qdl ) = 473

I.2.2. Live Loading Of The 2nd Floor :

a. Rain Water 10 cm thick = 0,1 x 1000 = 100

b. Working Load = = 500
Total Dead Load Of The 2nd Floor ( Qll ) = 600

Design Load 2nd Floor = 1,5 ( Qdl + Qll ) = 1,610

I.3. Loading Of The 1st Floor (Ground Floor) :

I.3.1. Dead Loading Of The Foundation :

a. Concrete own weight = 0,12 x 2400 = 288

b. Pasir Urug Pondasi = 0,85 x 1800 = 0
Total Dead Load Of The 2nd Floor ( Qdl ) = 288

I.3.2. Live Loading Of The Foundation :

a. Rain Water 5 cm thick = 0,05 x 1000 = 50

b. Working Load = = 500
Total Dead Load Of The 2nd Floor ( Qll ) = 550

Design Load 2nd Floor = 1,5 ( Qdl + Qll ) = 1,257

Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain
Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng., M. Eng
Total Building Weight =
II. Total Building Weight Calculation (TBW) :
Total Building Weight =
Building Width =
TBW = 1,5 x ( Q-dl i + Q ll-i ) Building Length =
Distributed Load σ_u =
Distributed Load σ_u =
TBW = ( 1.133 + 1.610 + 3.552 ) Grid_Line_Load q_u =

TBW = 3,999 kg/m2 = 4.00 ton/m2 = 0.400 kg/cm2

Luas Bangunan (A) = (P)x(L) = 231 m2 P= 14 m ; L =

Total Beban = TBW . A = 923,769 kg

Total Beban = TBW . A = 924 ton

Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain
Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng., M. Eng
Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain
Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng., M. Eng

III.1. Based on the worst soil investigation data held on 2004 from Dr Badarul's House Land ( Ø=20
on those area (wet cocopeat layer and difficult to take sample for laboratory test) - First Data :

Refer to JE Bowles : Foundation Analysis and Design`

q ult = 1,3 c.Nc + q.Nq + 0,4 . ∫ . B . N ∫

Where :

Angle of Repose of Dense Silty Peat Soil Ø = 20° to 30° , Take Ø = 20 °

`====> Found From Table 4-1 (Reference 1 ) :
Nc = 17.70 L-1 = 5.5
Nq = 7.40 L-2 = 5
N∫ = 5.00 L-3 = 2.3

Nc` = 11.80 M_max_1 = 25.2.

Nq` = 3.90 M_max_1 = 20.8.
N∫` = 1.70 M_max_1 = 4.4.

∫ = 1,700.00 kg/m3 = 126 pcf

Depth = 100.00 cm = 3.33 feet Q_1 = V_1 = 27
q = ∫ . Depth = 420 psf Q_2 = V_2 = 25
c = q / Nc = 23.71 psf Q_3 = V_3 = 11
B = 16.5 m = 49.5 feet

q ult = 1,3 c.Nc + q.Nq + 0,4 . ∫ . B . N ∫

q ult = 1,3 x 23,71 x 17,7 + 420 x 7,4 + 0,4 x 126 x 39 x 5

q ult = 16,118.5 psf = 9.0 kg/cm2

Safety = q ultimate / TBW

Safety = 8.3/0,944

Safety = 22.4
Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain
Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng., M. Eng

III.2. Based on the worst soil investigation data held on 2004 from Dr Badarul House Land ( Ø= 5
on those area (wet cocopeat layer and difficult to take sample for laboratory test) - Second Data :

Refer to JE Bowles : `Foundation Analysis and Design`

q ult = 1,3 c.Nc + q.Nq + 0,4 . ∫ . B . N ∫

Where :

Angle of Repose of Dense Silty Clay Ø = 5°

`====> Found From Table 4-1 (Reference 1 ) :
Nc = 7.30
Nq = 1.60
N∫ = 0.50

Nc` = 6.70
Nq` = 1.40
N∫` = 0.20

∫ = 1,700.00 kg/m3 = 126 pcf

Depth = 100.00 cm = 3.33 feet
q = ∫ . Depth = 420 psf
c = q / Nc = 57.50 psf
B = 16.5 m = 49.5 feet

q ult = 1,3 c.Nc + q.Nq + 0,4 . ∫ . B . N ∫

q ult = 1,3 x 57,5 x 7,3 + 420 x 1,6 + 0,4 x 126 x 39 x 0,5

q ult = 2,464.0 psf = 1.4 kg/cm2

Safety = q ultimate / TBW

Safety = 1,3 / 0,944

Safety = 3.423 ====> before drained by vertical drain the foundation is "Critical Safe"
before fully construction loading. In order to increased the bearing capacity
of these peat layer, its necessary to be drained and stabilized with
' as prooven done for the house of Dr. Badarul - which is closed to this projec

IV. Foundation Dimension Design :

IV.1. Checking The Heaviest Load Of The Column ( Calculated with tributary area method ) :

Pu_1 = Area Tributary x Σ (Q-dl + Q-ll)I x Load Factor 1,5

Pu_1 = ( (5,3+5)/2 x (5,55+5)/2 ) x ( 1.133 + 1.610 + 3.552 ) x 1.5

Pu_1 = 256,517 kg

Pu_1 = 257 ton

Pu_2 = Area Tributary x Σ (Q-dl + Q-ll)I x Load Factor 1,5

Pu_2 = ( (5+4.4)/2 x (5,55+5)/2 ) x ( 1.133 + 1.610 + 3.552 ) x 1.5

Pu_2 = 234,103 kg

Pu_2 = 234 ton

Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain
Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng., M. Eng

Hence , The Heaviest Collumn is P_max = 257 ton No Tributary Equal P_max=

Column Dimension Width = 40 cm Total Building Weight =

Column Dimension Length = 60 cm Building Width =
Plate Thickness = 12 cm Building Length =
The Grid Dimension- Thick = 12 cm Distributed Load σ_u =
Distributed Load σ_u =
The Grid Dimension- Height = 150 cm Grid_Line_Load q_u =

Ponds Shearing Area :

a. Concete Slab Fa = ((40 + 12)+(40+12) ) x 2 x 12 cm2
= 2496 cm2

b. Concete Grid Fb = (12 * 150 ) * 4 (for 4 side ) = cm2

= 9,000 cm2

Total Ponds Shearing Area = Fa + Fb

Total Ponds Shearing Area = 11,496 cm2

For K-250 ====> Found ‫ ד‬pond= 25 kg/cm2

P ponds Allowed = 287,400 kg = 287 ton>P_max = 257

IV.2. Grid / Beam Dimension and Reinfocement :

Top Ellips Dimension Shortest Radius (a) = 4.4 meter

Top Ellips Dimension Longest Radius (b) = 5.55 meter

Bottom Ellips Dimension Shotest Radius = 7.4 meter = ( a + 2 * h_grid )

Bottom Ellips Dimension Longest Radius = 8.55 meter = ( b + 2 * h_grid )

q _distributed = Pu_max / Σ L grid_i

q _distributed = 257.000 / (7,4+8,55+ 7,4 + 8,55) = 8,056 kg/m` = 81

L-1 = 5.5
M_max = 1/12 x q_dist x L^2 L-2 = 5
L-3 = 2.3
M_max = 1/12 x 8056.4 x 8,5^2
M_max_1 = 52.5.
M_max = 48503.833 kg.m = M_max_1 = 43.4.
M_max_1 = 9.2.
M_max = 48.50 ton.m =

Q_ max = 1/2 x q_dist x L Q_1 = V_1 = 57

Q_2 = V_2 = 52
Q_ max = 1/2 x 8056 x 8,5 = 34439.4 kg Q_3 = V_3 = 24
= 34 ton
Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain
Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng., M. Eng
Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain
Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng., M.Eng
Assalaamo alaikom warokhmatu Alloh wabarokaTUH
Please learn subject on red border only for implementing
Soil Mechanics application
Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain
Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng., M.Eng

IV. Foundation Settlement Control :

Po ( 1 ) = ( 2,2 x 1,6 - 2,5 x 1 ) = 1.02 ton/m2 = 0.102 kg/cm2 Water Level on - 2.50 m

Po ( 2 ) = (7,2 x 1,6 - 7,5 x 1 ) = 4.02 ton/m2 = 0.402 kg/cm2 eo =

Po ( 3 ) = (12,2x1,6 -12,5 x 1 ) = 7.02 ton/m2 = 0.702 kg/cm2 q building =

B = 16.5 meter see Length and Width of The Building (Figure No. 1)

L = 14 meter
S = H . Cc . log Po + DP If Po + DP > Pc
1 + eo Po

S = H . Cs . log Pc If Po + DP < Pc
1 + eo Po

Layer Depth m= k= Δ_P =

q=1,6xZ Z B/Z = L/Z = Iσ 4xIσ 4xIσxq Po=Po.i+q.bldg P1
(m) `20.6/Z `28.4/Z (kg/cm2)

1 2.2 7.50 6.36 0.175 0.7 2.4794 0.78 1.48


2 7.2 2.29 1.94 0.0999 0.3996 4.6321632 1.08 1.4796


3 12.2 1.35 1.15 0.06999 0.27996 5.4989743 1.38 1.65996

Settlement Adjusted Safely to be =

Cc = Compression Index h = sample thickness = 20

Cc = 0.4216 t = `0,848 H^2

` 90 Cv
Cv = Consolidation Index
`-3 t = `0,848 (1400^2)
Cv = `1,8329 x 10 mm2/detik ` 90 `-3
`1,8329 x 10

t = 899,393,939 second
` 90

t = 29 years
` 90
Engineer :Makno Basoeki, C.Eng, M.Eng Subject : Foundation Analysis with the Peat Drain
Project : Graha Bunda Hospital Extension _ P.70 &Peat Stabilization with Biosoil
Location : Pontianak Consultant: Makno Basoeki, C.Eng.

Immediete Settlement will be occurred during the construction process with the embedment of Vertical Drain by usin

Hessian Laminated Wooden Pile, which is embedded with driven during the pilingof wooden pile. Without this syste

ment will be occurred after 29 years building construction finished and approximately settle 15 cm . In order to antic

for the construction of the building put 150 mm to be added to all elevation of the designed gound floor.

To expedite this settlement period to be used Hessian Laminated Bamboo Vertical Drain to 12 m depth

To stabilized the peat layer / cocopeat layer to be used Peat Stabilized Enzyme_MB 0,2 Ltr in 50 litres water/m

foundation coverage area which is previoustly drived by Hessian Laminated Bamboo Vertical Drain which is

prooven worked and safely construct 15 years ago (Year 2004) for the designed project on Pontianak-West K

with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 1
g., M. Eng 13

onstruction on 2004

cm2--> σau* = 1,600

cm2--> σau* = 2,133
cm2--> σau* = 2,467

o There is only
ment at all.

on the founda-
on this kind of

readly to all

operly to drain the

esigned to bear

with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 2
g., M. Eng 13

ated by the decline or

aused by mostly soil

ck of bearing capacity

ystem, we design the

n the excess water

the differential settle-

ng load and prepared

16.5 meter
with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 3
g., M. Eng 13
with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 4
g., M. Eng 13









with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 5
g., M. Eng 13
924 ton

924 ton
14 m
16.5 m
4. t/m2
40. kN/m2
10. t/m'

16.5 m
with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 6
g., M. Eng 13
with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 7
g., M. Eng 13

Land ( Ø=20°), since

- First Data :


ton.m=kN.m 252
ton.m=kN.m 208
ton.m=kN.m 44

ton = kN 275
ton = kN 250
ton = kN 115
with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 8
g., M. Eng 13

and ( Ø= 5°), since

- Second Data :

Critical Safe" supported

ed the bearing capacity
tabilized with Peat Stab Enzyme
h is closed to this project.
with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 9
g., M. Eng 13

10 unit

1,924 ton
14 m
16.5 m
8.3. t/m2
83.3. kN/m2
20.82. t/m'

t (o.k.)

kN /m'

ton.m =kN.m 525

ton.m =kN.m 434
ton.m =kN.m 92

ton = kN 573
ton = kN 521
ton = kN 239
with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 10
g., M. Eng 13
with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 11
g., M.Eng 13
with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 12
g., M.Eng 13

ter Level on - 2.50 m


0.678 kg/cm2

( mm ) ( cm )

0.12985669 2.597133779

0.10532927 4.73981708

0.09640271 6.748189971
Total Settle-
ment (cm) 14.08514083
15 cm

with the Peat Drain Page..Of.. 13

of Vertical Drain by using of

pile. Without this system, settle

5 cm . In order to anticipate it

ound floor.

in to 12 m depth.

Ltr in 50 litres water/m2

Vertical Drain which is

t on Pontianak-West Kali-
Lampiran II : Evaluasi Kebutuhan Material Beton sesuai dengan Standard Job Mix

RAB Cor Element Grid (tidak termasuk slab)

Proyek P_70 semen air pasir split Keterangan


Volume Grid = 34 m3->Jobmix/m3 364.2 kg 222.3 liter 743 kg 1075.4 kg

Kebutuhan bahan ut beton vol. 34 m3 = 12,457 kg 7,604 liter 25,414 kg 36,783 kg

Kebutuhan bahan ut beton vol. 34 m3 = 249 zag 7.6. m3 13 m3 18 m3

Unit Price Bahan @ Rp. = 60,000 / zag 20,000 / m3 83,333 / m3 433,333 / m3

(Standard PAM)
Harga Beton / m3=Rp. 437,040 + 4,446 + 30,958 + 233,003 = Rp. 705,448

Total Harga Beton Grid P_70 Vol 34 m3 =Rp. 14,948,582 + 152,072 + 1,058,903 + 7,969,681 = Rp. 24,129,238

13.7 M3
PT MDP kirim (hanya ut 13,7 m3 beton) : 100 zag + 3 m3 + 5 m3 7.4 m3

Harga Beton =Rp. 6,000,000 + 61,038 + 425,018 + 3,198,838 = Rp. 9,684,894

RAB Cor Element Grid dengan Slab

Proyek P_70 semen air pasir split Keterangan


Vol Grid + Slab 68 m3->Jobmix/m3 364.2 kg 222.3 liter 743 kg 1075.4 kg

Kebutuhan bahan ut beton vol. 68 m3 = 24,766 kg 15,116 liter 50,524 kg 73,127 kg

Kebutuhan bahan ut beton vol. 68 m3 = 495 zag 15.1. m3 25 m3 37 m3

Unit Price Bahan @ Rp. = 60,000 / zag 20,000 / m3 83,333 / m3 433,333 / m3

(Standard PAM)
Harga Beton / m3=Rp. 437,040 + 4,446 + 30,958 + 233,003 = Rp. 705,448

Total Harga Beton Grid P_70 Vol 68 m3 =Rp. 29,718,720 + 302,328 + 2,105,167 + 15,844,227 = Rp. 47,970,441


Total Harga Beton Grid P_70 Vol 68 m3 =Rp. 29,718,720 + 302,328 + 2,105,167 + 15,844,227 = Rp. 47,970,441
Harga Besi Beton ---> Ref. Belanja Besi = Rp. 98,284,000
Total Harga Beton Bertulang Pondasi dan tulangan Kolom s/d dasar Bottom Balok Lantai 2 = Rp. 146,254,441
Engineering Cost = Rp. 52,053,000
Total Cost Lantai Dasar (Diluar Finishing & M/E) = Rp. 198,307,441
Panjang Bangunan P_70 = 16 m
Lebar Bangunan P_70 = 14 m
Luas Bangunan P_70 = 226 m2
Total Harga Beton Bertulang Pondasi dan tulangan Kolom s/d dasar Bottom Balok Lantai 2 = Rp. 877,316 ,- / m2
Estimasi Biaya Finishing & Labor = Rp. 1,000,000 ,- / m2
Estimasi Biaya Mechanical & Electrical = Rp. 150,000 ,- / m2

Total Estimasi RAPP P_70 = Rp. 2,027,316 ,- / m2

Prakiraan Harga Pekerjaan Proyek P_70 = Rp. 2,750,000 ,- / m2

Prakiraan Keuntungan Proyek P_70 / m2 = Rp. 722,684 ,- / m2

Prakiraan Keuntungan Proyek P_70 (dan besi beton kolom lt dasar-2)Total = 226 m2 x @ Rp. 1.092.653,- / m2 = Rp. 163,354,559
(untuk Lantai dasar saja & keuntungan besi beton kolom dari Lantai dasar s/d bottom Lt_2 )

Note : Hal ini merupakan hak PT MDP, dan angka tersebut, taksiran dasar, sekedar untuk mengetahui proporsi pekerjaan Sub Struktur masih "On Budget".
Grid Elevasi Grid Bentang Grid Tinggi Grid Tebal Grid Tebal Plat Tul. Utama Sengkang
No. Centre Line +… L = …mm h = ….mm tg=….mm ts=….mm = As_tumpu
As A s.d. D

1 Ao.0 - Ao.1 400 1,000 500 100 100 D13 Ø8-150

2 Ao.1 - Ao.1' 400 2,675 500 100 100 D13 Ø8-150
3 Ao.1' - Ao.2 400 2,675 500 100 100 D13 Ø8-150
4 Ao.2 - Ao.2' 400 2,500 500 100 100 D13 Ø8-150
5 Ao.2' - Ao.3 400 2,500 500 100 100 D13 Ø8-150
6 Ao.3 - Ao.3' 1200 1,990 500 100 100 D13 Ø8-150
7 Ao.3' - Ao.4 1200 3,010 500 100 100 D13 Ø8-150

8 A.0 - A.1 400 1,000 500 100 100 D13 Ø8-150

9 A.1 - A.2 400 5,350 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100
10 A.2 - A.3 400 5,000 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100
11 A.3 - A.4 1200 5,000 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100

12 A'.0 - A'.1 400 1,000 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125

13 A'.1 - A'.1' 400 2,675 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125
14 A'.1' - A'.2 400 2,675 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125
15 A'.2 - A'.2' 400 2,500 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125
16 A'.2' - A'.3 400 2,500 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125
17 A'.3 - A'.3' 900 1,990 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125
18 A'.3' - A'.4 1200 3,010 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125

19 B.0 - B.1 400 1,000 500 100 100 D13 Ø8-150

20 B.1 - B.2 400 5,350 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100
21 B.2 - B.3 900 5,000 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100
22 B.3 - B.4 1200 5,000 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100

23 B'.0 - B'.1 400 1,000 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125

24 B'.1 - B'.1' 400 2,675 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125
25 B'.1' - B'.2 400 2,675 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125
26 B'.2 - B'.2' 400 2,500 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125
27 B'.2' - B'.3 400 2,500 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125
28 B'.3 - B'.3' 650 1,990 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125
29 B'.3' - B'.4 1200 3,010 1,000 120 120 2D16 D10-125
30 C.0 - C.1 400 1,000 500 100 100 D13 Ø8-150
31 C.1 - C.2 400 5,350 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100
32 C.2 - C.3 400 5,000 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100
33 C.3 - C.3' 400 5,000 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100
33 C.3' - C.4 1200 5,000 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100

34 D.0 - D.1 400 1,000 500 100 100 D13 Ø8-150

35 D.1 - D.2 400 5,350 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100
36 D.2 - D.3 400 5,000 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100
37 D.3 - D.3' 400 5,000 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100
37 D.3' - D.4 1200 5,000 1,500 120 120 2D16+D13 D10-100
Sengkang Tul.Plat Atas Tul. Plat bwh D-16 D-13 D-10 Ø-8
As_lap. As_t As_b
( mm ) ( btg ) ( mm ) ( btg ) ( mm ) ( btg ) ( mm ) ( btg )

Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-150 - - 2,800 0.5 - 0 9,000 1

Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-150 - - 6,150 0.5 - 0 22,400 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-150 - - 6,150 0.5 - 0 22,400 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-150 - - 5,800 0.5 - 0 21,000 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-150 - - 5,800 0.5 - 0 21,000 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-150 - - 4,780 0.5 - 0 16,920 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-150 - - 6,820 0.5 - 0 25,080 2

Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-150 - - 2,800 1 - 0 9,000 1

Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 34,500 3 11,500 1 1,040 1 67,200 6
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 32,400 3 10,800 1 1,040 1 63,000 5
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 32,400 3 10,800 1 1,040 1 63,000 5
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 8,400 1 2,800 1 1,040 1 10,000 1
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 18,450 2 6,150 1 1,040 1 23,400 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 18,450 2 6,150 1 1,040 1 23,400 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 17,400 2 5,800 1 1,040 1 22,000 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 17,400 2 5,800 1 1,040 1 22,000 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 14,340 2 4,780 1 1,040 1 17,920 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 20,460 2 6,820 1 1,040 1 26,080 2

Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-150 8,400 1 2,800 1 - 0 5,000 1

Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 34,500 2 11,500 1 1,040 1 67,200 6
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 32,400 2 10,800 1 1,040 1 63,000 5
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 32,400 2 10,800 1 1,040 1 63,000 5
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 8,400 1 2,800 1 1,040 1 10,000 1
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 18,450 2 6,150 1 1,040 1 23,400 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 18,450 2 6,150 1 1,040 1 23,400 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 17,400 2 5,800 1 1,040 1 22,000 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 17,400 2 5,800 1 1,040 1 22,000 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 14,340 2 4,780 1 1,040 1 17,920 2
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 20,460 2 6,820 1 1,040 1 26,080 3
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-150 8,400 1 2,800 1 - 0 5,000 1
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 34,500 2 11,500 1 1,040 1 67,200 6
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 32,400 2 10,800 1 1,040 1 63,000 5
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 32,400 2 10,800 1 1,040 1 63,000 5
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 32,400 2 10,800 1 1,040 1 63,000 5
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-150 8,400 1 2,800 1 - 0 5,000 1
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 34,500 2 11,500 1 1,040 1 67,200 6
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 32,400 2 10,800 1 1,040 1 63,000 5
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 32,400 2 10,800 1 1,040 1 63,000 5
Ø8-150 #M6-150 D10-125 32,400 2 10,800 1 1,040 1 63,000 5

60 36 28 118

165000 110000 85000 55000

22,675,000 9,900,000 3,905,000 2,380,000 6,490,000

128 65 137 220

Grid D-16 D-13 D-10 Ø-8
No. Centre Line
As 0 s.d. 4 ( mm ) ( btg ) ( mm ) ( btg ) ( mm ) ( btg ) ( mm ) ( btg )

1 0.Ao - 0.A. - - 2,800 1 - 0 9,000 1

2 0.A - 0.A'. - - 6,350 1 - 0 23,200 2
3 0.A' - 0.B. - - 6,350 1 - 0 23,200 2
4 0.B. - 0.B' - - 5,800 1 - 0 21,000 2
5 0.B'. - 0.C. - - 5,800 1 - 0 21,000 2
6 0.C. - 0.D. - - 5,350 1 - 0 19,200 2

8 1.Ao - 1.A. - - 2,800 1 - 0 9,000 2

9 1.A - 1.B. 35,700 3 11,900 1 84,000 7 58,500 5
10 1.B - 1.C. 32,400 3 10,800 1 75,750 6 53,000 5
11 1.C - 1.D. 16,050 1 5,350 1 34,875 3 25,750 2

12 1'.Ao - 1'.A. 8,400 1 - 0 10,500 1 8,667 1

13 1'.A - 1'.A'. 19,050 2 - 0 28,250 3 20,500 2
14 1'.A' - 1'.B. 19,050 2 - 0 28,250 3 20,500 2
15 1'.B. - 1'.B' 17,400 2 - 0 25,500 2 18,667 2
16 1'.B'. - 1'.C. 17,400 2 - 0 25,500 2 18,667 2
17 1'.C. - 1'.D. 16,050 2 - 0 23,250 2 17,167 2

18 2.Ao - 2.A. - - 2,800 1 - - 7,667 1

19 2.A - 2.B. 35,700 3 11,900 1 84,000 7 58,500 5
20 2.B - 2.C. 32,400 3 10,800 1 75,750 7 53,000 5
21 2.C - 2.D. 16,050 2 5,350 1 34,875 3 25,750 2

22 2'.Ao - 2'.A. 8,400 1 2,800 1 8,800 1 8,667 1

23 2'.A - 2'.A'. 19,050 2 6,350 1 23,000 2 20,500 2
24 2'.A' - 2'.B. 19,050 2 6,350 1 23,000 2 20,500 2
25 2'.B. - 2'.B' 17,400 2 5,800 1 20,800 2 18,667 2
26 2'.B'. - 2'.C. 17,400 2 5,800 1 20,800 2 18,667 2
27 2'.C. - 2'.D. 16,050 2 5,350 1 19,000 2 17,167 2

28 3.Ao- 3.A. - - 2,800 1 - - 4,333 1

29 3.A - 3.A' 35,700 3 11,900 1 84,000 7 58,500 5
30 3.A'- 3.B 35,700 3 11,900 1 84,000 7 58,500 5
31 3.B - 3.C. 32,400 3 10,800 1 75,750 7 53,000 5
32 3.C - 3.D. 16,050 2 5,350 1 34,875 3 25,750 2

33 3'.Ao- 3'.A. 8,400 1 - 0 8,800 1 8,667 1

34 3'.A - 3'.A'. 19,050 2 - 0 23,000 2 20,500 2
35 3'.A' - 3'.B. 19,050 2 - 0 23,000 2 20,500 2
36 3'.B. - 3'.B' 17,400 2 - 0 20,800 2 18,667 2
37 3'.B'. - 3'.C. 17,400 2 - 0 20,800 2 18,667 2
38 3'.C. - 3'.D. 16,050 2 - 0 19,000 2 17,167 2

39 4.Ao- 4.A. 8,400 1 2,800 1 5,250 - 4,333 1

40 4.A - 4.B. 35,700 3 11,900 1 84,000 7 58,500 5
41 4.B - 4.C. 32,400 3 10,800 1 75,750 7 53,000 5
42 4.C - 4.D. 16,050 2 5,350 1 34,875 3 25,750 2

As 1 s/d 4 68 29 109 102

As A s/d D 60 36 28 118

Total 128 65 137 220


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