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rReg.No.: I I J FT/GN/6} /05/02.07. l 8

Date: 05/08/19
DEPARTMENT: CS Academic Year: lOl 9-lO Time: 9.30 am
UG Specialization (for UG): B.E To 11.00 am
CAT: I MARKs: so
Student Branch: CS Semester:

PART A S x 2 == 10 Marks
Q. Question CO* RB'f#
No Level
Define feasible solution and optimal solution to the linear programn•;ng problem. COi R
2 . What is Pseudo-optimal soludo~? COl R
A company sells hvo different products A and B, making a profit of Rs.40 and Rs . . COl u
30 per unit on them, respectively. They are produced in a common production
process and are sold in two q_ifferent markets; the production process has a total
capacity of 30,000 man-hours. It takes three hours to produce a unit of A and one
hour to produce a unit ofB. The market has been surveyed and company official feel
that the maximum number of units of A that can be sold is 8,000 units and that of B
is 12,000 units. Subject to these limitations, products can be sold m any
_ _ _c_ombination. Formulate the problem as a LPP so a:, to maximize the profit.
Write the following LPP model in standard form : COl AP
Minimize Z = 2x1 + Jx2 f
4 Subject to xi + x2 =10
2x1 + 3x2 ~ 5
7x1 •- 4x2 ~ 6
. . . .... . ... . ... . .. ....... ......... . . and . x1, :-.:z 2: 0
5 What are the variants ofthe simplex method?

8x 1 =8 Marks

Solve the following LP problem using graphical method:

Max Z = 3x1 + 2x2
Subject to -2x1 + x2 ~ 1
Xt ~2
Xt +X2 ~J
a~<l :xi, :x2 ~ 0

Find the optimal solution of the following LPP by the simplex method:
Max z == Jx1+2x:z+5xJ
(b) Subject to x1 +4x2 :5 420
3x1 + 2x:i ~ 460
x1+2x2+X3~ 430
and x1, x2,XJ ~ 0
PARTC 2 x 16 == 32 Marks

; Soive the following LPP by big-M method: COl AP

Max Z = XI + 2x2 + Jx3 - X4
7(a) Subject to X1 + 2X2 + JXJ = 15
(i) 2X1 + X2 + 5XJ ~ 20
XI + 2X2 + X3 + X4 2: 10
and xi, x2,XJ, X4 ~ 0


i Use Big-M mehod to solve the follo wing LPP : COi AP

Min Z = 4x1 + 3x2
Subject to 2X1 + X:z 2: 10
... (b)
·- (i) -3x1 + 2x2~ 6 :
X1 + X2 ~{,
and x1 , x:22 0

- "

Use Two-phase simplex method to solve ; COl AP

Max Z = Sx1 + 8x2
Subject to 3x1 + 2x2 2: 3
s(a) I o> Xt + 4X-z ~ 4

Xt + X2 ~ 5
l. and x1~ x.22: 0

"'' • _..,,......,.,,,., ,.._. ,...,, _, ._. . . ..,, ..,..,,,.,w,,....,,_._,_. .,.., -.,

Use Two-phase simplex method to solve COi AP

Max Z = 2xi + x2 + 1/4xJ

Subject to 4x1 + 6x2+ Jx3 ~ 8
(b) (i)
Jx1 - 6x2 - 4xJ ~ 1
2x1 + Jx2 - 5XJ~ 4
and xi, x2,XJ ~ 0
. ... . ,• ' . .. . ,..,,,~- ....,,,,..._,,...,.,...._,,,,,.,,,..__,.._, -.,,. ......, ............. .. • , , .•. ,..._,.., 'u,.,,,,..,.

Reg.No.: l l l I t I I I I IdSI#
Date: 16/09/19 J

DEPARTMENT: CS Academic Year: 2019-20 Time: 9.30 am

UG Specialization (for UG): B.E
To 11.00 am
Student Branch: CS Semester : vu CAT: II

PARTA 5 x 2 = 10 Marks ,)
Q.No I Question CO* RBr'
... l Level
1 Mention some appiications of integer programming problem. CO2 R
2 What are the three ·"''ays to fathom a node in the branch and bound algorithm? CO2 R
_· [wj~~~-is the pri~ciple behitld Gomory cut? . CO2 R
4 ( Compare i~ast~cost.method.with Vog~i s approximation in solving the

_/. f!.a~~p<>I1:c1~1~~ Pf.Q~Ie.~: __

th COJ u
5 / State_ e necessary and sufficient condition for
/ solution.
atransportation problem to have a
C03 R

8x 1 = 8 Marks
. ! Solve the following transportation problem:
A B C D Availability
21 16 25 13 11
\ 6~ \\ 17 18 14 23 13
\\\ C03 AP
27 18 41 19
10 12 15

In the m od ificatkin of a ,· - ·. . (or) .

. 11 ed .,n a:wor"8b.
\'hant \a" - .
_are to be msta,_ ..,out of a fact · · · · . ....
. installation. Because of the sp~~~ ~b.e_re is Pr~; _four new machines M1, M2., M3 , M.t
! position A. The cost of insta\\atio ltn,tations, t\~s 1on at _five places A, B, C, D, E for
i the assignment modei to minitni-z.~hof tnachine ~ rn3:chme M2. can not be installed at
, e cost 0 f . . atJ th l
· lnsta\\ation~ ace are shown below: Use

(b) A n
M, 9 ·· 11
Machines AP .
11 COJ
M2 i ----- - - 10
MJ 13 11 i6---~14 7
~ 14 8 19
- ---
PART C 2 x 16 = 32 Marks

Consider the problem CO2 AP

)2 AP
Maximize Z = X1+ x2

Subject to 2x1 + 5x2 :5 16

1£\i) 6x1 + 5x2 :5 30
xi, X2 nonnegative integers

Find the optimal integer solution using branch and bound algorithm. Also,
define th.e.g~11'?~t~4 s~~ prCl~lems.


Solve the following ILPP i CO2 AP

)2 AP
Max Z = 3x1 + 2x2
Subject to x1 $ 2
(b) (i) X2 $ 2
X1 + X2? 7/2
xi, x2~ 0 and integers

Sol~e theioiio~ingtransportation problem given the unit transportation cost of COJ AP

)3 AP 1

vehicle (in dollars):

A B C D Supply

1 10 0 20
~--~ __J_.
I ·11 I 15

\ 8~ · Source 2 12 7 :\5 20 . 25
\ I
3 0 14 ;,,.;,;'J rn s
Demand 5 15 15 10

AP Co~sider the pro~lem of
assigning four sales persons to fc ,;r different sales ' COJ AP
regions as shown m the following table such that the total sries are maximized.

Safes region

l 2 3 4

1 I 10 22 12 14
(b) . (i)
Salesman 2 16 18 22 10

3 24 20 12 18
- 24 20
4 16 14
The eel/ e; tries represent annual sales figures in lakhs of ru pees. Find the
optimal allocation of the sofas persons to difforent regions.
Reg.No.: h I~ o\slol, Iol t 1~1 I I I Ff'/G N/6 1/0 5/02.07.18
PARTC 2 x 16 • 32Marks
The fo llowing data is available for a project. The esti mation of duration is
Date: 23/10/19 given in da s.

DEPARTMENT: CS Academic Ye:u-: 201 9-20
f ui"ic:G:_....:__.....::..:......::..:.:......::=c:::-::-~;;---:-;----;;:--~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ Time: 10.30 am Activity Lea~t time Greatest Most likely
Specla117.ation (fo r UG): D.E
Sub C<.,dc: CSJ6704 To 12.00 um ti me time
MARKS: 50 (J ,2) 6 II 9
Student Branch: CSE Semester : VII CAT: 111
( J ,3) 19 23 21
(1,4) 27 41 34
l'A HTA 5x2 • 10 M:irks (2,5) 17 21 19
Q.No Quc., tion co• nnr (2 ,6) 14 24 21
Level 7(:i ) (1)
7 1 C04 AP
List the phases of project scheduling by PER'J~CPM. (3 ,6) 13 10
C04 R
Jf there arc five activities /{ Q, ll, S and T such Jhat /\ Q, I/ hove no immediate (4,7) 6 II 12
2 pred ecessors but S and 1' have immed iate predecessors /~ Q and Q, R respectively C04 IJ (5 ,7) 8 10 9
Represent this situation by u network.
3 (6,7) 4 6 5
Defin e a queue. What are the basic characteristics of' a qucuini; system'/ cos H
r ind the following:
4 Give some important appl ications of queui ng theory. cos n I) Expected comp letion time of th e project
Pockets arrive to a communicution node with a single ou tput link according to a Poisson 2) The critical pat.h
Process. Give the Kenda ll notation for the following cases: 3) Total fl oat and free fl oat for each activi ty
The packet lengths arc ex ponentially distributed, the bu ffer capac ity at the node is infinite. cos II 4) The probabil ity of node occurri ng at the proposed comp letion date if
The packet length is fix ed, the buffe r can store n packets. the original con tract time for co mpletion of project is 42.5 weeks

l'Alff fl ll x t • 8 M a r k.s
Construct. the project network com~~J}ofthe fo llowi ng acti vities .
Co nstruct I.he proj ec t network comp rised of activities A to I' that satisfies the
fo llowin g precedence relationships:
A, [l , and C, thc first activities of lhe proje ct, can be execut ed concmrcn tl y
D, E nnd F fo llow/\.
Acili vity (i-j)
A-B 1
Activi ty t;me (d~~

I and G fo llow hoth 13 and D
1-1 fo llows bolh C and D
C04 AN
0-0 _ _ ...:..
~ l
5) Kand L fo ll ow I

6) J succeeds both E and 11
7) Mand N succeed F, but can 't start until both E and H arc complclcd (h) (i) E-G C04 AP
8) 0 succeeds M and I
9) P succeeds J, Land 0 f-H
I 0) K, N nnd Pare the terminal activities of the project.
G -H
(or) There is a constraint that activity F-H can ' t start till the activity D-E is
The preceden ce rchllions and durati on (in days) of activities of a project network arc considered.
given below. Co nstru ct the network and determine the critical path of the project. Determine the critical path and normal duration of the project.
Activity Predecessors I Duration (days) Also, find the probability of the project being complete d in time, if event D is
delayed by 2 days.
A - 2 Note: Herc, A, B,... , J-1 are events (nodes).
13 I 4
(b) C04 AP The computer lab at State University has a help desk to assist students work ing
C a 2
on computer spreadsheet assignments. The students patiently form a single line
l) h 3 in front of the desk to wait for help. Students are served based on a first-come ,
first-served priority rule. On average, 15 students per hour arrive at the help
E C 2 8(a) (i) desk. Student arri vals are best described using a Poisson distribution. The help
cos AN
F C 4 desk server can help an average of 20 students per hour, with the servi ce rate
G d,c 5 being described by an exponential distribution.
' Calculate the following operating characteristics of the service system.

\ (a) The average utilization of the help desk server.

I ; (b) The average number of students in the system.
(c) The average number of students waiting in line.
(d) The average time a student spends in the system.
(e) The average time a student spends waiting in line.
(f) The probability of having more than 4 students in the system .
(o r)
The county has decided to consol idate several of its Department of Motor I
Vehicles (DMV) facilities into a larger, centrally located fac ility. The DMV
manager wants you to calculate the operational characteristics of a multiserver, ,
single-phase waiting line system. The arrival rate is expected to be 72
customers per hour and follows a Poisson distribution. The number of identical '
servers is seven. Each server will be able to serve an average of 12 customers :
(b) (i) per hour. The service times are described by an exponential distribution. COS AP
Calculate the following:
(a) The average system utilization.
(b) The probability ofno customers in the system.
(c) The average number of customers wa.iting in E;;c.
(d) The average time a customer waits in line.
(e) The average time a customer spend') i;_'.: r·, ,: ,;ystern .

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