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City of Manila

CM Palma corner AJ Villegas Sts.
Mehan Gardens, Ermita, Manila

First Periodic Test

General Biology 1
1 Semester, S.Y. 2019 - 2020

Name :________________________________________________________ Score :_____________

Sec. :________________ CN: ___ Student No. : _______________ Date : _____________

General Instructions:

1. Follow all instructions carefully. Failure to do so will warrant a substantial deduction from
your final score.
2. Write everything in non-red ink.
3. If you have any questions, just raise your hand and the instructor will attend to you.
4. Talking to or looking at your seatmate (and his/her paper) is automatically considered as
cheating which is subject to very serious sanctions as stipulated in the student handbook.
5. Use capital letters only

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer. Write it on the space provided.

1. Which of the following is one of the functions of carbohydrate?

a. to provide the body with immediate energy
b. keep the heart functioning smoothly
c. store and transport genetic material
d. control the rate of reactions
2. Which of the following are the three types of carbohydrates?
a. monosaccharide, polysaccharide, disaccharide
b. glycerol, polysaccharide, monosaccharide
c. disaccharide, monosaccharide, glycerol
d. glycerol, monosaccharide, polysaccharide
3. What elements make up a carbohydrate?
a. hydrogen, calcium, oxygen
b. hydrogen, oxygen, carbon
c. carbon, potassium, oxygen
d. calcium, potassium, oxygen
4. Glycogen, a polysaccharide, in your liver may be broken down to glucose by the process of
a. hydrolysis
b. dehydration synthesis
c. condensation
d. isomerization
5. Which of the following is molecule that form when many monosaccharide bonded together?
a. Calcium b. sugars c.monosaccharides d. polysaccharides
6. Which of the following is called as carbohydrate that provides support in plants?
a. Chitin b. Cellulose c. Dextrose d. lipids
7. Single sugars, called monosaccharides supply __________ to cells.
a. energy b. health c. calcium d. hydrolysis
8. Which of the following is a carbohydrate?
a. DNA b. insulin c. wax d. sucrose
9. Carbohydrates and lipids have many carbon-hydrogen bonds; therefore they both _____________.
a. store energy in these bonds
b. dissolve in water
c. dissolve in salts
d. are similar to water molecules
10. Which of the following is an organic molecule?
a. water b. ice c. nitrogen d. carbohydrates
11. Proteins are polymers of _____.
a. amino acids b. disulfide bridges c. glucose d. peptide bonds
12. A bond between amino acids is called a _____ bond.
a. acid b. hydrogen c. ionic d. peptide
13. The human body contains an estimated _____ proteins that form based on the way _____ amino
acids can combine.
a. 20; 100,000
b. 100,000; 20
c. 100; 20
d. 100,000; 70
14. Which of the following is an exception to the general rule that unsaturated fats come from plants and
saturated fats come from animals?
a. Butter from a cow
b. Oil pressed from seeds or olives
c. Wax coatings on a leaf
d. Lard in fatty meats like bacon
15. Lipids serve a number of functions in living organisms. Which of the following does NOT match a
lipid with its function.
a. Oils – waterproofing feathers and fur
b. Steroid hormones – energy storage
c. Carotenoids – light-absorbing pigments
d. Cholesterol – maintaining membrane fluidity
16. Unsaturated lipids are generally liquid at room temperature because their hydrocarbons are
_____________ packed because of their ____________ bonds.
a. tightly; double c. tightly; single
b. loosely; single d. loosely; double
17. Some functions of lipids include water-proofing, temperature regulation, and long-term energy
storage. Which of the following is NOT a common type of lipids?
a. Fats b. Oils c. Sugars d. Waxes
18. What type of molecules are proteins, DNA, carbohydrates, and lipids?
a. Crystal molecules
b. Mineral molecules
c. Oxide molecules
d. Organic molecules
19. What three elements make up lipids?
a. Nitrogen, iron, oxygen
b. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
c. Oxygen, neon, sulfur
d. Carbon, helium, iron
20. Which of the following is true about lipids?
a. They do not dissolve in water
b. They are inorganic
c. They are mostly made up of nitrogen
d. None of the Above
21. Are all steroids bad for you?
a. Yes, they are all bad for you
b. No, they are all good for you
c. Some are bad for you, some are good for you
d. None of these
22. It is 100,000 times smaller than the size of the atom.
a. proton b. electron c. neutron d. NOTA
23. All of the following is a inert gases except:
a. Argon b. Xenon c. Sodium d. Krypton
24. It has a greater number of OH ions than H ions and they release OH ions when dissolved in water.
a. Acid b. Salts c. Base d. NOTA
25. He is considered to be the Father of the Periodic Table.
a. Dmitri Mendeleev b. Dimitri Mendel
c. Dmitri Mendeelev d. Dmitri Mendelef
26. Which of the following is not included:
a. blood sugar b. table sugar c. fruit sugar d. milk sugar
27. It is found in exoskeletal structures of insects and crustaceans.
a. glycogen b. cellulose c. chitin d. bones
28. Casein in milk is what type of protein?
a. Derived protein b. Structural protein c. Contractile protein d. NOTA
29. A vitamin that functions in synthesis of rhodopsin ( light sensitive pigment of the rod cells in retina).
a. Calciferol b. Retinol c. Tocopherol d. NOTA
30. If person lacks vitamin K, he might suffer what deficiency?
a. beri-beri b. night blindness c. pellagra d. hemorrhage
31. Ten years before Schleiden's pronouncement of the cell theory, who had discovered the presence of
nuclei in plant cells?
a. Robert Hooke b. Robert Brown
c. Theodor Schwann d. Rudolf Virchow
32. The cell theory was proposed by
a. Robert Hooke. b. Robert Brown.
c. Theodor Schwann. d. Rudolf Virchow
33. One of the generalizations of the cell theory is that
a. all cells have a nucleus.
b. all cells divide by meiosis.
c. all living organisms are made up of cells.
d. cells arise through spontaneous generation.
34. The idea that all living cells came from preexisting living cells was proposed by
a. Robert Hooke. b. Robert Brown.
c. Theodor Schwann. d. Rudolf Virchow
35. The highest magnification generally used to study cells is provided by the
a. transmission electron microscope. b. compound light microscope.
c. phase contrast microscope. d. scanning electron microscope
36. Which of the following organelles is correctly matched with its function?
a. nucleus: protein synthesis b. ER: heredity
c. Golgi bodies: packaging d. mitochondria: digestion
37. The organelle that pinches off portions of its membrane to form a vesicle used for storage or
transport is the
a. mitochondrion. b. chloroplast. c. nucleolus. d. Golgi body.
38. Which of the following is the primary advantage of the eukaryotic nuclear envelope?
a. providing residence for ribosomes
b. allowing isolation of DNA from cytoplasmic machinery
c. providing pore entry places
d. enabling faster cell division
39. Which of the following terms cannot be used to characterize eukaryotic chromosomes?
a. DNA plus proteins b. duplicated c. condensed d. bathed in cytoplasm
40. Organelles composed of a system of canals, tubes, and sacs that transport molecules inside the
cytoplasm are
a. Golgi bodies. b. ribosomes. c. mitochondria. d. lysosomes
41. The endoplasmic reticulum
a. serves as the internal transportation system of a cell.
b. is the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
c. is characterized by the presence of ribosomes throughout.
d. manufactures ATP.
42. Which of the following are sometimes referred to as rough or smooth, depending on the structure?
a. Golgi bodies b. ribosomes c. lysosomes d. endoplasmic reticula
43. Which of the following are the primary cellular assembly sites for the production of proteins?
a. Golgi bodies b. ribosomes c. mitochondria d. lysosomes
44. Which of the following contain enzymes used in the breakdown of glucose and generation of ATP?
a. Golgi bodies b. ribosomes c. mitochondria d. lysosomes
45. Energy stored in which of the following molecules is converted by mitochondria to a form usable by
the cell?
a. water b. carbon compounds c. NAD+ d. ATP
46. Cilia and flagella
a. are found only in motile cells.
b. are found only in sex cells and unicellular organisms.
c. are fundamentally the same structurally.
d. may also function as receptor sites for certain hormones.
47. Which of the following is NOT found as a part of all cells?
a. cell membrane b. cell wall c. ribosomes d. NOTA
48. The cell wall
a. provides skeletal support for plants.
b. controls what enters and leaves a cell.
c. replaces the plasma membrane of animal cells in plant cells.
d. is found in all eukaryotes.
49. Prokaryotic cells do NOT have
a. ribosomes.
b. membrane-bound nuclei.
c. cytoplasm.
d. a plasma membrane.
e. ribosomes or membrane-bound nuclei.
50. Prokaryotes
a. have nucleoid regions.
b. are unicellular.
c. have cell walls.
d. are monerans.
e. all of these
51. Four of the five answers listed below are related by a common observation. Select the exception.
a. Hooke
b. Galileo
c. Schwann
d. Schleiden
e. Virchow
52. Four of the five statements listed below are portions of a well-known theory. Select the exception.
a. Cells are the structural and functional components of living things.
b. Cells arise from preexisting cells.
c. All organisms are composed of cells.
d. Cells are the basic living unit of organization of living things.
e. All cells have a nucleus.
53. Four of the five answers listed below are familiar organelles in the cytoplasm. Select the exception.
a. nucleolus
b. mitochondrion
c. ribosome
d. Golgi body
e. chloroplast
54. Four of the five answers listed below are parts of an electron microscope. Select the exception.
a. projector lens
b. mirror
c. electron gun
d. condensing lens
e. fluorescent screen or photographic film
55. Four of the five answers listed below are organelles found in eukaryotic cells. Select the exception.
a. mitochondrion
b. Golgi body
c. nucleoid
d. lysosome
e. vacuole
56. Four of the five answers listed below are composed of membranes. Select the exception.
a. endoplasmic reticulum
b. granum
c. plasma membrane
d. chromosome
e. nuclear envelope
57. Which of the following is not true of chloroplasts?
a. They synthesise sugar b. They contain pigments
c. They are found in plants only d. They appear green because of the chlophyll
58. Which of the following statements is always correct?
a. All cells have cell wall b. All cells contain chloroplast
c. All cells contain nucleus d. All cells have cell membrane
59. Which cell structure can be found in the nucleus?
a. chloroplast b. chromosomes c. mitochondria d. vacuoles
60. To enter or leave cell, substances must pass through _____.
a. the Golgi bodies b. the plasma membrane
c. the nucleolus d. the ribosome
61. What type of cell has these characteristics: contains DNA but no nucleus, contains flagella,
ribosomes, cytoplasm, and a cell membrane?
a. Plant b. Fungi c. Animal d. Bacteria
62. Of the following organelles, which group is involved in manufacturing substances needed by the
a. Lysosome, vacuole, ribosome b. Smooth ER, ribosome, vacuole
c. Ribosome, SER, RER d. Vacuole, SER, RER
63. Which part of the cell is the site of protein synthesis?
a. Lysosome b. Mitochondria c. Nucleus d. Ribosome
64. A cell with relatively few energy needs will probably have a relatively small number of ___.
a. ribosomes b. lysosomes c. mitochondria d. chromosomes
65. What kind of cell containing a nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplast?
a. Plant b. Animal c. Bacterial d. Fungus
66. Which cell has mitochondria, ribosomes, smooth ER and rough ER?
a. Bacterium b. Fungus c. Animal d. Plant
67. What are the flattened sacs that make up the endoplasmic reticulum?
a. cisternae b. cristae c. granum d. protoctist
68. Which organelle has no membrane?
a. vacuole b. lysosome c. ribosomes d. chloroplast
69. What is the outermost boundary of an animal cell?
a. cell wall b. cell membrane c. cytoplasm d. nuclear envelope
70. What is expected of a cell with an extensive Golgi apparatus?
a. move actively b. make a lot of ATP
c. secrete a lot of material d. store large quantities of food
71. What are in the rough endoplasmic reticulum that are not present in the smooth ER?
a. chloroplasts b. flagella c. microvilli d. ribosomes
72. Describing the change in height of a plant over time in writing or through a graph is what kind of
science process skills?
a. observing b. inferring c. predicting d. NOTA
73. What science process skill is applied, using a meter stick to measure the length of a table in
a. Inferring b. Predicting c. Measuring d. Observing
74. Study of fungi and some association with plants.
a. Mycology b. Dendrology c. Agriculture d. Pomology
75. Study of mollusks
a. Zoology b. Arachnology c. Mollucology d. NOTA
76. The study of how the body and its parts work
a. Anatomy b. Morphology c. Physiology d. Histology
77. The study of how organisms interact with their environment & with other organisms.
a. Ecosystem b. Biosphere c. Ecology d. Earth
78. The study of gross structures & forms of organisms
a. Anatomy b. Morphology c. Physiology d. Histology
79. He divided the plants into herbs, shrubs and trees and animals into land dwellers, water dwellers and
air dwellers.
a. Aristotle b. Galen c. Versalius d. Curie
80. Made the first studies on human anatomy by dissecting corpses “De Humani Corporis Fabrica”.
a. Aristotle b. Galen c. Versalius d. Curie
81. He discovered red blood corpuscles.
a. Harvey b. Darwin c. Malpighi d. Leeuwenhoek
82. He discovered protozoans.
a. Harvey b. Darwin c. Malpighi d. Leeuwenhoek
83. First to identify and describe plants that poison fish.
a. Arguelles b. Mendiola c. Maramba d. Guerero
84. He was referred to as the “Luther Burbank” of the Philippines.
a. Arguelles b. Mendiola c. Maramba d. Guerero
85. The sum of all chemical processes.
a. catabolism b. anabolism c. metabolism d. AOTA
86. Maintaining stable internal conditions.
a. Reproduction b. Homeostasis c. Organization d. Cell
87. The process by which an adult organism arise is called _____.
a. Development b. Homeostasis c. Responsiveness d. Cell
88. Detect and respond to changes in light, heat, sound and chemical and mechanical contact.
a. Development b. Homeostasis c. Responsiveness d. Cell
89. A broad and comprehensive statement of what is thought to be true.
a. Theory b. Law c. Both A and B d. NOTA
90. Used to study organisms, cells, and cell parts
a. Telescope b. Microscope c. Stethoscope d. Endoscope
91. Ability to increase its apparent size.
a. Resolution b. Magnification c. Test d. NOTA
92. The ability to show details clearly.
a. Resolution b. Magnification c. Test d. NOTA
93. All of the following are types of microscope except.
a. Compaund Microscope b. Dissection Microscope
c. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) d. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
94. All of the following are proper care in handling microscopes except.
a. Always carry with 2 hands b. Never touch the lenses with your fingers.
c. Only use lens paper for cleaning d. NOTA
95. The object to be studied and placed on the stage of the microscope is described as the ___.
a. clip b. image c. slide d. specimen
96. Another term for eyepiece lens is the ____.
a. objective lens b. mirror c. ocular d. coverslip
97. The total magnification of a specimen viewed with a 10x eyepiece and 40x objective lens is ____.
a. 50x b. 4000x c. 400x d. 30x
98. The ___ microscope is a type that has one eyepiece.
a. electron b. stereo c. monocular d. compound
99. When studying a specimen under the microscope the ___ is adjusted to bring the image into clear
a. coarse adjustment knob b. clip
c. mirror d. fine adjustment knob
100. The part that holds two or more objective lenses and can be rotated to easily change power
a. coarse adjustment knob b. clip
c. mirror d. NOTA

*********************END OF TEST*********************

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