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Effect of progesterone administration

during growing phase of first dominant

follicle on follicular wave pattern in buffalo

M. H. Jan, H. Kumar, S. Kumar,

R. K. Sharma, A. Gupta & K. L. Mehrara

Tropical Animal Health and


ISSN 0049-4747

Trop Anim Health Prod

DOI 10.1007/s11250-019-02143-2

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Tropical Animal Health and Production


Effect of progesterone administration during growing phase of first

dominant follicle on follicular wave pattern in buffalo heifers
M. H. Jan 1 & H. Kumar 2 & S. Kumar 1 & R. K. Sharma 3 & A. Gupta 1 & K. L. Mehrara 1

Received: 26 June 2019 / Accepted: 31 October 2019

# Springer Nature B.V. 2019

In buffaloes, like other domestic mammals, antral follicles develop in a wave-like pattern. Factors predictive of a particular
follicular wave pattern are yet to be identified. In this study, we examined the preponderance of 2- versus 3-wave patterns in 46
interovulatory intervals (IOIs) from 36 buffalo heifers, in which a subset of 10 heifers was scanned for 2 consecutive IOIs to
record the repeatability of follicular wave pattern. Two-wave pattern was detected in 63.0% and 3-wave follicular pattern in
27.0% IOIs. The dominant follicles (DF) of both wave 1 as well as the ovulatory wave attained a smaller (P < 0.05) maximum
diameter in 3-wave cycle as compared to 2-wave cycle. The mean duration of IOI was significantly shorter in 2-wave
compared to three-wave cycles (20.5 ± 0.3 vs. 22.3 ± 0.2 days; P < 0.05). Out of 10 buffalo heifers, 7 displayed non-
alternating patterns and 3 had alternating follicular wave patterns. We also tested the hypothesis that progesterone adminis-
tration during early IOI results in increased preponderance of 3-wave pattern and heifers inseminated after ovulation of the
third wave DF will have greater fertility. Sixteen heifers subjected to progesterone treatment from D0 (day of ovulation) in a
decreasing dose until D5 were compared with control heifers (n = 10). Progesterone treatment significantly reduced the
maximum diameter of DF of wave 1 (P < 0.001), whereas the mean duration of IOI remained unchanged (P > 0.05) between
the two groups. Progesterone administration during early IOI significantly increased the proportion of 3-wave cycles as
compared to control (P < 0.05). The hypothesis that progesterone administration during IOI results in increased preponderance
of 3-wave pattern was supported. However, no change in fertility was recorded in progesterone-treated heifers (7 pregnant out
of 16; 43.8%) as compared to untreated control heifers (4 out of 10 heifers; 40.0%). In summary, progesterone administration
in buffalo heifers during the growing phase of wave 1 resulted in greater preponderance of 3-wave follicular patterns, with no
significant effect on fertility.

Keywords Buffalo heifers . Follicular wave . Fertility . Interovulatory interval . Progesterone

Introduction in number of waves is due to difference in CL life span

(Ginther et al. 1989b). Recent studies suggest the role of
Studies in the buffalo have unequivocally reported a greater intraovarian location of corpus luteum and dominant follicle
preponderance of 2-wave over 3-wave follicular dynamics in regulation of 2- vs. 3-wave pattern in cattle (Ginther et al.
(Baruselli et al. 1997; Manik et al. 1998; Warriach and 2013a, b, c, d, 2014b, 2015; Ginther and Bashir 2013).
Ahmad 2007). Previously, it was believed that the difference Furthermore, a reciprocal relationship between dominant fol-
licle and FSH surge has been implicated in regulating the
follicle emergence and dominance in wave 1 and wave 2
* M. H. Jan (Ginther et al. 2013c, 2014b). A complex hormonal dynamic is observed in 2- vs. 3-wave follicle patterns which are repeat-
able in heifers (Ginther et al. 2013c, d).
ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes, Sub-Campus, More recent evidence has emerged to show that changes in
Nabha, Punjab 147201, India the mechanisms regulating follicular growth rate influence the
ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India wave pattern and that the cycle length is the effect rather than
ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes, Hisar, Haryana, cause of follicular wave pattern (Jaiswal et al. 2009; Boer et al.
India 2011). It was postulated that the 2-wave pattern is a default
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Trop Anim Health Prod

pattern and an alteration in the dominance of the dominant Materials and methods
follicle (DF) of wave 1 induces the occurrence of a 3-wave
pattern (Jaiswal et al. 2009). In the cattle (Fortune 1993) and Experimental animals
buffalo (Baruselli et al. 1997), the early emergence of second
wave (9 vs. 11 d) and late onset of luteolysis in 3-wave estrous The present study was conducted at the Central Institute for
cycles as compared to 2-wave cycles has been recorded that Research on Buffaloes, Nabha, in the Punjab State of India.
may be the consequence of the weaker dominance of the DF The experimental station is located at 30°22′ N latitude and
of wave 1. Perhaps extended dominance of wave 1 in 2-wave 76°12′ E longitude, having tropical climate characteristics
patterns (Fortune et al. 1988; Sirois and Fortune 1988; Savio where the weather is hot and sub-humid for most of the year,
et al. 1988; Baruselli et al. 1997; Jaiswal et al. 2009) is asso- yearly temperature ranges from a minimum of 2 °C to a max-
ciated with extended estrogen production (Singh et al. 1998), imum of 48 °C and yearly relative humidity ranges from a
resulting in early luteal regression in 2-wave patterns as com- minimum of 50% to a maximum of 85%. Nulliparous buffalo
pared to 3-wave cycles (14.1 ± 0.3 vs. 16.6 ± 0.4 d in cow). In heifers, 2–2.5 years of age and weighing 300–400 kg, were
cattle, it was reported that the duration of the DF of wave 1 is selected for this study. All heifers were fed the same diet as a
inversely related to the day of onset of luteal regression, the TMR twice daily to meet or exceed the dietary requirements
number of waves per interovulatory interval (IOI) and the for buffalo heifers (Paul and Patil 2007).
duration of the IOI (Jaiswal et al. 2009), indicating that a
shorter dominance period may be associated with late onset
of luteal regression, 3-wave pattern and longer IOI. Therefore,
any attempt to reduce dominance period of DF of wave 1 may
Experiment 1
be associated with late onset of luteal regression and 3-wave
pattern. Adams and co-workers (Adams et al. 1992) adminis-
Thirty-six (36) Nili-Ravi buffalo heifers were enrolled in the
tered decreasing doses of progesterone from day 0 to 5
study. Teaser bull was paraded daily in heifer sheds to identify
through subcutaneous route to cycling heifers. They reported
heifers in heat. After identification, the animal was brought to
that progesterone administration during early luteal phase ab-
crate for ultrasonographic examination. During each ultraso-
breviated the period of dominance, induced suppression of DF
nographic examination, ovaries were scanned by transrectal
of wave 1, hastened the second FSH surge and resulted in
ultrasonography using linear-array transducer with dynamic
early emergence of wave 2.
frequency range of 5–7.5 MHz (Easy-scan, BCF Technology
Our hypothesis is that the shortening the dominance
Ltd.). All the heifers were scanned daily until occurrence of
phase of wave 1 in 2-wave pattern will result in early
ovulation. Interovulatory interval (IOI) was defined as time
emergence of 2nd wave and the need for 3rd wave to
period between two successive ovulations. Individual follicu-
emerge before luteal regression occurs, thereby
lar and luteal structures were recorded and identified using
transforming the 2-wave pattern into 3-wave pattern.
previous day records. A total of 46 cycles were monitored in
The shorter dominance of DF of wave 1 will be induced
which a subset of 10 heifers was scanned for two consecutive
by early exposure of wave 1 to high progesterone envi-
inter-estrus intervals and follicular wave pattern in each IOI
ronment that limits LH secretion necessary for the growth
was recorded.
of follicle. Furthermore, it is believed that 2-waves yield
follicles that are older (~ 3 days) and larger at ovulation
than 3-waves (Baruselli et al. 1997; Sichtar et al. 2010). Experiment 2
Extended duration of dominance of the ovulatory follicle
has a detrimental effect on pregnancy rate in cattle (Mihm Sixteen (16) heifers in estrus were selected and progesterone
et al. 1994; Ahmad et al. 1996; Austin et al. 1999; Bleach (Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., India) treatment was
et al. 2004). It was found that pregnancy rate was high in started from D0 (day of ovulation) in a decreasing dose up
3-wave pattern as compared to 2-wave pattern (Townson to D5 of 2nd IOI. Heifers received progesterone in sesame oil
et al. 2002). Therefore, the second hypothesis that proges- (Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., India) vehicle (2 mL) by
terone exposure during early growth phase of wave 1 will subcutaneous injection from D0 (day 0 = day of ovulation) to
increase pregnancy rate of the cycle due to transformation day 5 (Fig. 1). The daily dose of 150, 150, 100, 75, 50, and 25
of 2-wave patterns normally present into 3-wave patterns. mg, respectively, was given. Ovarian ultrasonography was
The objectives of the present study were to determine the carried out to record the follicular wave pattern (number of
preponderance of follicular wave patterns and their repeat- follicular waves). Control heifers (n = 10) received 2 mL of
ability in Nili-Ravi buffalo heifers and the response to sesame oil vehicle through subcutaneous injection using the
progesterone administration during early growth phase same schedule. All the heifers were inseminated with good
of wave 1, and fertility after AI. quality frozen semen at the end of IOI (2nd estrus) and were
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Trop Anim Health Prod

Fig. 1 Diagram of the treatment

protocol and activities in the
study. D0 = day of ovulation; PD
= pregnancy diagnosis, IOI =
interovulatory interval, AI =
artificial insemination

confirmed for pregnancy by ultrasonography at day 45 post- significantly shorter in 2-wave compared to 3-wave cycles
insemination. (20.5 ± 0.3 vs. 22.3 ± 0.2 days; P < 0.05).
Out of 46 IOIs, 24 were of duration of ≤ 21 days and the
remaining 22 were of duration of ≥ 22 days. Majority of IOIs
Statistical analysis of ≤ 21-day duration were of the 2-wave pattern (20 out of 24,
78.9%), whereas only 4 were 3-wave pattern. Out of 22 IOIs
All statistical analyses were carried out using IBM SPSS of ≥ 22-day duration, 13 were 3-wave pattern and 9 were 2-
Statistics 16.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL). Student’s t test was used wave pattern (Fig. 3).
to make comparisons between 2-wave versus 3-wave patterns
and treatment versus control when data were normally distrib-
Repeatability of wave pattern
uted, non-parametric tests were done when data were not nor-
mally distributed. The proportions of animals pregnant were
The length of IOI was repeatable in buffalo heifers on two
examined using Chi-square analysis. Data were presented as
consecutive cycles. Buffalo heifers having either ≤ 21- or ≥
mean ± SEM, and differences were considered to be signifi-
22-day IOI in first cycle tended to have similar length of IOI in
cant when P < 0.05.
second cycle (8 out of 10, 80% repeatability). The repeatabil-
ity of follicular wave patterns was also analysed. The follicular
wave pattern was considered to be non-alternating if the fol-
Results licular wave pattern in two consecutive cycles remains the
same. Like the length of IOI, the underlying follicular wave
Follicular wave pattern patterns also tended to be non-alternating. Out of 10 buffalo
heifers, 7 (70%) had non-alternating patterns and 3 (30%) had
Table 1 describes the characteristics of follicular wave patterns alternating (characterized by wave “switching”) follicular
in buffalo heifers during spontaneous estrus. Overall, during wave patterns (Fig. 4).
this study, a total of 46 IOIs were monitored, and 2-wave
pattern was recorded in 29 (63.0%) and 3-wave follicular pat- Effect of progesterone treatment on follicular wave
tern was recorded in 17 (27.0%) IOIs. The dominant follicles pattern and fertility
of both wave 1 as well as ovulatory wave attained a smaller (P
< 0.05) maximum diameter in 3-wave as compared to 2-wave Sixteen heifers were subjected to progesterone treatment from
cycle (Fig. 2). However, there was no significant (P > 0.05) D0 (day of ovulation) in a decreasing dose till D5 and 10
difference in the mean diameters of the CL between different heifers were kept as control. Post-treatment, 2-wave pattern
follicular wave patterns. The mean IOI duration was was recorded in only 4 heifers and 12 heifers showed 3-wave

Table 1 Comparison of the characteristics of follicular wave patterns in spontaneous estrus (46) cycles of 36 buffalo heifers

End point 2-Wave cycle 3-Wave cycle P value

Number of heifers 29 17 –
Percentage of cycles 63.0% 37% –
Interovulatory interval (day) 20.5 ± 0.3 22.3 ± 0.2 < 0.05
Maximum diameter of wave 1 dominant follicle (mm) 12.3 ± 0.3 10.2 ± 0.2 < 0.05
Diameter of ovulatory follicle (mm) 13.2 ± 0.3 11.2 ± 0.3 < 0.01
Maximum diameter of CL 14.7 ± 0.5 15.3 ± 0.4 NS

NS not significant
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Fig. 2 Mean ± SEM for

diameters of the dominant follicle
in 2-wave cycles (n = 29) and 3-
wave cycles (n = 17). *Significant
(P < 0.05) difference between 2-
and 3-wave cycles at the
particular day of interovulatory

pattern. Progesterone treatment significantly increased the wave pattern in the present study was in agreement with
proportion of 3-wave cycles as compared to control (P < Jaiswal and co-workers (Jaiswal et al. 2009), who reported
0.05) (Table 2). repeatability value (70%) in crossed Hereford (B. taurus) cat-
The mean duration of IOI among progesterone-treated tle. However, both higher (88%) (Imron et al. 2016) and lower
heifers did not differ (P > 0.05) with control (Table 2). In (~ 55% and 66%) (Price and Carriere 2004; Sichtar et al. 2010;
the treated heifers, the mean maximum diameter of the DF of Ginther and Bashir 2013) values of repeatability have been
wave 1 was smaller (P < 0.001) compared to untreated con- reported. It is evident from our results that exposure to exog-
trol. There was no significant (P > 0.05) difference in the enous progesterone early in the cycle resulted in higher pre-
mean diameters of the ovulatory follicle as well as CL be- ponderance of 3-wave cycles (75%) as compared to normal
tween heifers of the two groups. Pregnancy rates of treated cycles (~ 30%). Our results as well as previous studies indicate
and untreated heifers did not differ (P > 0.05). The pregnan- that the change in the growth of the dominant follicle of wave
cy rate of treated heifers was 43.8% (7 pregnant out of 16), 1 can alter the follicular wave pattern. Progesterone treatment
whereas that of control heifers was 40.0% (4 out of 10 during start of IOI is believed to reduce the dominance of
heifers) (Table 2). dominant follicle of first wave and hence induce the occur-
rence of a 3-wave pattern. The notion is supported from the
findings that an extended life-span of the dominant follicle
Discussion delayed the peak in the circulating concentrations of FSH
and subsequent emergence of wave 2 (Kastelic et al. 1990;
The temporal characteristics of 2- and 3-wave IOIs have been Ko et al. 1991; Adams et al. 1992), whereas a shorter period of
examined in both cattle and buffalo, but factors predictive of a functional dominance hastened the emergence of the next fol-
specific pattern have not been identified. The repeatability of licular wave (Adams et al. 1992, 1993).

Fig. 3 Frequency distribution of 8

interovulatory intervals in 2-wave 2-wave cycle
Number of interovulatory

cycles (n = 29) and 3-wave cycles

(n = 17)
3-wave cycle

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Duration of interovulation interval (days)
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Fig. 4 Repeatability pattern of 2-

and 3-wave interovulatory first IOI second IOI
intervals (IOIs) in heifers (n = 10) 7
examined during consecutive
IOIs. *Wave switching/

Follicular wave pattern

alternating patterns 3 * * 3 *
3 2 3
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
492 541 568 573 542 537 549 547 557 562

Heifer Identification No.

The suppressive effect of exogenous progesterone on prostaglandin F2α causing premature luteolysis. However,
growth of dominant follicle of wave 1 has been recorded in shortening of the cycle length (or increased occurrence 1 wave
heifers (Adams et al. 1992), ewes (Rubianes et al. 1996; cycle) was not observed by administrating doses used in the
Viñoles et al. 1999), and goats (Menchaca and Rubianes present study (Adams et al. 1992). The decreasing doses of
2002). An early increase in progesterone concentration or ex- progesterone used in the present may have starved the grow-
ogenous progesterone administration soon after ovulation has- ing follicle of wave 1 from LH but not reduced the LH con-
tened the follicular turnover, advanced the emergence of wave centration to the level of initiating the luteolytic cascade.
2, thereby increasing the number of follicular waves during Interestingly, Ginther (1970) prevented the premature
IOI in goats (Menchaca and Rubianes 2002). Factors that luteolysis by simultaneous injections of human chorionic go-
reduce dominance of dominant follicle of wave 1 (such as nadotrophin (hCG) during early metestrous in progesterone-
under-nutrition and heat stress) were also associated with in- treated cows.
creased proportion of 3-wave cycles (Murphy et al. 1991; The model explaining the regulation of 2- and 3-wave pat-
Badinga et al. 1993; Wilson et al. 1998; Mackey et al. terns has been proposed (Jaiswal 2007). It is believed that the
2000). Our results are in contradiction with an earlier study dominance and hence estrogenic activity of dominant follicle
that showed administration of progesterone during the of wave 1 govern the number of waves during IOI as well as
metestrous phase of the cycle shortened the cycle and reduced the onset of luteolysis, which is in turn dependent on the
the occurrence of 3-wave pattern (Burke et al. 1994). This progesterone concentration during early luteal phase.
may be due to greater hypothalamo-pituitary suppression by According to this model, low progesterone during early IOI
CIDR device containing larger amount of progesterone and would result in high pulse frequency of LH (Ireland and
the removal of device resulted in accelerated synthesis of Roche 1982), greater dominance and estrogenic activity of

Table 2 Effects of a progesterone treatment started just after ovulation (day 0) on follicular wave characteristics and fertility of subsequent ovulation in
buffalo heifers

End point Heifers P value

Progesterone treated (n = 16) Control (n = 10)

Interovulatory interval (day) 19.6 ± 0.2 20.3 ± 0.4 > 0.05

Maximum diameter of wave-1 dominant follicle (mm) 8.3 ± 0.1 12.5 ± 0.2 < 0.001
Diameter of ovulatory follicle (mm) 12.3 ± 0.2 14.2 ± 0.3 > 0.05
Maximum diameter of CL 14.6 ± 0.2 15.8 ± 0.4 NS
Pregnancy rate (%)a 43.8% 40.0% > 0.05
Number of cycles with 3-wave pattern (%)a 12 (75%) 3 (30%) < 0.05
Chi-square test
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the dominant follicle of wave 1 (Adams et al. 1992), and early 2-wave into 3-wave patterns; however, the conception rate
induction of cascade for luteolysis (Villa-Godoy et al. 1985). was comparable to untreated heifers. Our findings were in
Another hypothesis that intraovarian location of corpus agreement with Ahmad and collaborators (Ahmad et al.
luteum and dominant follicle affects the length of cycles and 1997), who observed no difference in fertility after insemina-
follicular wave pattern has been extensively studied in cattle tion following 2-waves (36 of 44, 82%) or 3-waves (6 of 6,
(Ginther et al. 2013a, b, c, d, 2014a, 2015; Ginther and Bashir 100%) of follicular development. This may be due to consid-
2013). Local effect of estradiol from the dominant follicle and erably smaller sample size in our studies. Previously, an in-
the systemic effect of FSH might affect follicle wave pattern creased duration of ovulatory follicle development from the
but has not been experimentally tested (Ginther et al. 2013a, b, time of emergence (or dominance) to estrus (as observed in 2-
c, 2014b). Since estradiol has an anti-luteotrophic effect dur- wave pattern) was associated with reduced pregnancy rates
ing the initial days of an IOI (Lemon 1975) and luteolytic following AI in dairy cows undergoing spontaneous estrous
effects during diestrus (Araujo et al. 2009), the dominant fol- cycles (Bleach et al. 2004). Interestingly, a higher predomi-
licle may be selectively benefited with the higher pulse fre- nance of cycles with 2-waves (72.2%) in repeat breeding
quency of LH and acquires a luteolytic role. Contrarily, higher cattlewas observed as compared to 3-wave (16.6%) cycles
progesterone especially the early rise in circulating concentra- (Perez-Marin et al. 2003).
tion of progesterone in 3-wave cycles is believed to lower In conclusion, the findings support the hypothesis that pro-
pulse frequency of LH. As a result, the dominant follicle of gesterone exposure at the beginning of first follicular wave is
the first wave does not acquire longer dominance, secrete less associated with increased preponderance of 3-wave cycles in
estrogen, luteolytic mechanism is delayed and 3-wave pattern buffalo heifers. In addition, the effect of progesterone expo-
is induced. Therefore, the model hypothesises a proverbial sure early in the cycle on fertility of subsequent ovulation
“tug of war” like situation at the beginning of the cycle needs to be tested on a larger population.
governing the number of follicular waves. The role of proges-
terone in regulation of wave-pattern is evident from presence Acknowledgements Our thanks to Director, ICAR-Central Institute for
Research on Buffaloes for providing necessary facilities.
of higher mean circulatory progesterone during the luteal
phase in 3-wave (1.99 ± 0.53 ng/ml) as compared to 2-wave
Authors’ contributions M. H. Jan conducted the experiment and prepared
(2.77 ± 1.01 ng/ml) cycles (Baruselli et al. 1997). Contrary to the manuscript, S. Kumar and A. Gupta assisted in animal experimenta-
the hypothesis, we found no difference in maximum diameters tion, K. L. Mehrara provided assistance in animal handling and ultraso-
of CL as well as mean duration of IOI between treated and nography, R. K. Sharma and H. Kumar conceived and supervised the
control heifers, suggesting that although progesterone pre-
vents dominance of DF of wave 1, the luteolytic signal occurs
Funding information This study was funded by ICAR-Central Institute
at the normal time. This demonstrates that the factors ultimate- for Research on Buffaloes, Hisar (Haryana), India.
ly responsible for controlling cycle duration act independently
of progesterone control. Thus, our hypothesis and model pro- Compliance with ethical standards
posed were partially supported.
Pregnancy rates in cattle with 2-wave versus 3-wave pat- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
terns were compared (Ahmad et al. 1997; Townson et al. interest.
2002; Bleach et al. 2004; Celik et al. 2005) based on the
notion that the competence of the oocyte to become fertilized References
and develop into an embryo is associated with the develop-
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