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hip joint is what type of joint?

synovial and ball and socket

articulating surface head of femur and acetabulum of hip
Y-shaped ligament and the strongest which lies at the anterior region; prevents hyperextension of the HJ iliofemoral ligament
triangular in shape lies inferior which prevents hyperabduction of HJ pubofemoral ligament
located posteriorly and the weakest ligament; prevents hyperflexion ischiofemoral ligament
the two ligaments in the hip region that does not contribute to stability of HJ transverse acetabulum ligament and ligament of the head of femur
loose CT deep to skin whcih contains fat, cutaneous nerve, superficial veins, lymphatic vessels, and lymph nodes subcutaneous fascia
strong elastic stocking important in bulging of muscles and mediates the flow of blood back to the heart deep or fascia lata
ligament that extends from iliac tubercle to the gerdy's tubercle distally; receives the insertion of glu. max and TFL iliotibial tract
Loose CT that covers the saphenous opening ciribiform fascia
transmits the great saphenous vein saphenous opening
strongest among the intermuscular septae lateral intermuscular septae
separates the quadriceps group of muscles to adductor group of muscles medial intermuscular septae
separates the posterior and middle groups of muscles posterior intermuscular septae
borders of femoral triangle boundaries: ingunal ligament (superior), sartorious (lateral), adductor longus (medial) floor: pectineus (medial), and iliopsoas (lateral) roof; skin and fascia
contents of femoral triangle Femoral artery; nerve, and vein (NAV, FROM LATERAL TO MEDIAL)
in femoral sheath, lateral compartment is occupied by femoral artery
in femoral sheath intermediate compartment is occupied by femoral vein
in femoral sheath, medial compartment is occpied by deep inguianl node; site for femoral hernia
function as passage for femoral vessel, will eventually become the popliteal fossa, to reach the back of the knee adductor (subsartorial)canal /canal of Hunter
structures that passess through the adductor canal saphenous nerve and nerve to the vastus medialis
a type of hinge synovial joint, it is the largest and most superficial joint of the body knee joint
what is the most important muscle in stabilizing the keen joint quadriceps femoris (vastus lateralis and medialis)
fibula does no participate in the formation of the knee joint, true or false TRUE
a type of knee ligament which strong, thick fibrous band and strengthens the knee anteriorly patellar ligament
a strong cord like extracapsular ligament which strengthens the knee laterally fibular collateral ligament (FCL)
strong, flat intrinsic capsular ligament which strengthens the knee medially tibial collateral ligament (TCL)
a recurrent expansion of semimembranous tendon and strengthens the knee posterolaterally oblique popliteal ligament
a ligament which also strengthens the knee posterolaterllay acurate popliteal ligament
crisscross within the joint capsule of the joint but outside the synovial cavity cruciate ligament
anterior cruciate ligament prevents the femur to move ___ and helps to prevent ___ posterior to the tibia; hyperextension
posterior cruciate ligament prevents the femur to move ___ and also helps to prevent anterior to the tibia; hyperflexion
in wieght bearing flexed knee, what is the main ligament in stabilizing the femur? PCL
unhappy triad of knee injury TCL+MEDIAL MINISCUS+ACL
boundaries of popliteal fossa superior; semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris; inferior: lateral and medial head of gastrocnemius; roof: skin and popliteal fascia; floor; popliteal surface of femur
contents of popliteal fossa popliteal artery and vein, tibial nerve, common fibular (peroneal) nerve, saphenous vein, femoral cuataneous nerve, lymphatic nodes and vessels

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