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My Classroom Policy Karis Lin

My Classroom Policy
1. Attendance
I will take attendance while students are doing warm-up class work at the beginning of the class.
I will contact the student’s parent/guardian after a student has missed 3 days of school in a week,
unless the absences have already been contact initiated by the student. I will call student services
after I notice that a student has missed a week of class without contacting me at all. In order to
make sure that students receive all the homework and classwork they miss, I will have a folder
for each period with students names on the papers they need, clipped together. I will offer office
hour assistance to students who were absent.
2. Bathroom
I believe that being in high school, it is important to let students go to the bathroom as needed,
especially for ladies. I will put a bathroom pass item for students to take with them to the
bathroom so other teachers know that my student is not skipping class. Students will be given the
time needed in that bathroom, but after lengthy time (over 5 minutes), I will send another student
to check on the one in the bathroom.
3. Beginning of the day, class or period
I will have POD (Problem Of the Day) written on the board before each class for students to
complete as soon as they enter my class room. POD is an extra credit opportunity. Students will
get points based on the amount of POD they did and turned in the day of each unit test. Grading
POD allows me to see what materials students are having trouble with. I will go over POD at the
beginning of the class. Students who haven’t solved or completed the problems can copy the
procedures and solution down for studying purposes.
4. Calling Parents
If students need to call home for adequate reasons, I will allow them to use their phones for
personal calls for reasonable circumstances during appropriate class times.
5. Cell phone/electronics
My policy is no phones in lecture time. Students are allowed to use their phones at the end of
class for academic reasons, such as my lecture videos. If a phone is lost, I will report it to school,
and ask every class if they have seen a phone.
6. Conflict with peers
I will teach my students the importance of getting along with each other by addressing it when
any conflict occurs in the class or when news about student conflicts happened during the current
events and casually analyze the situation a little bit in class to inform my students how to avoid
and resolve conflicts.
7. Distributing Materials
To distribute materials in class, I will have students help me hand out multiple papers when
needed. I will also have an area of the room containing supplies for them students to walk up to
and grab. This process should be efficient and quiet.
My Classroom Policy Karis Lin

8. End of Class
If students have finished their work and are ready to leave, I will allow them to do so when class
is over. If students did not finish something as a group but all need the material, I will suggest
students get together outside of class or during lunch or before/after school.
9. Fire drill/other crisis
I plan to reinforce the seriousness of this event by analyzing a previous example of a false
response that led to a dangerous situation and teach the students the correct way when they are in
similar situations. The students should take a deep breath and calm down, then find the nearest
adult they trust and do as they say. They also have to stay quiet and hide. I will address what
students should do if an adult is not around at the beginning of the year and also show students
where we would meet if I were not there in an emergency. I will also have a bag that contains a
list of my students, red/green cards, and have them write down their phone numbers in case I
need to contact them during the emergency.
10. Food/Drinks
I will not allow students to have drinks or food in my classroom. I believe that the food and spills
could cause ants and I may not have the appropriate supplies to clean with. The food and drinks
could also cause distractions during class. I will allow students to have their water bottles in class
but not around the technology we will be using.
11. “Free Time”
I will design a couple kahoot rounds for free time use at the end of classes.
12. Homework
I will give students around one homework a week every Monday reviewing the lessons I taught
last week. If students are struggling with their homework they can come to my classroom early
or stay late to get help, email me, or come in during lunch or my planning period. I hope to be
accessible to my students. If parents/students want extra homework, I can print more homework
for them to do.
13. Tardy
My plan for keeping up with tardies is to shut the door after the bell has rung so I would hear
when students are tardy. I will keep up with the number of times students have been tardy by
keeping tally on the log book. If I suspect that students are purposely being late to class, then I
will talk to them in the hallway to tell them not to do it again and explain how missing class time
can be affecting their ability to learn.
14. Leaving the Room
Students should always ask to leave the room and take a hall pass (different from bathroom pass)
when so. If students do not comply with this, they will not be allowed to leave the room.
15. Lost Items
If students lose things, I will do my best to help them find their stuff. I cannot be held
responsible for their belongings. They will be high schoolers and have to learn to take
responsibility for their things.
My Classroom Policy Karis Lin

16. Making Up Work

If students are absent, they can come to my classroom to do make-up work during lunch or
before/after school for my assistance. I will have a folder for each period (along with absent
work folders for each period) that contains work with students names on it clipped together.
Students should be able to look online at their grades and see if they are missing work and then
check the missing work folder for their period. If they do not find their work in the folder they
should come see me and I will find the papers they need. Students are allowed to turn in their late
or missing work for the corresponding credit based on my grading policy at any point of time
until the day of final for this class.
17. Need Help From Teachers
If students need my help and I am unavailable, I will ask them to email me their question or wait
for me to become available.
19. New student
I will support new students by catching them up with the materials that my class has covered and
tutor them when both our schedules are available for meeting up. I will put together the
worksheets and homework into a packet that also contains all the information the student needs
to know about the school, class procedures, contact information, etc.
21. Organizing materials
I plan to have all the materials well organized by having a shelf with folders of each class’
materials labeled and a table at a corner with school supplies and stablers, hole punchers, and
tissue papers for students to use when they need.
24. Personal Crisis/Problem
If students have personal crisis/problems I will allow students to use their phones to contact
parents and let students leave class if parents have called to sign them out.
25. Seating
I will allow students to pick their own seats, but if it seems like they cannot stop talking to each
other, I will put them in assigned seats that I feel will work with my classroom dynamic.
Students are expected to choose a seat that will not distract them or distract the class as a whole.
Students can rearrange the tables if it helps them in class, but it is expected that students move
the tables back to how it was before they leave.
26. Teacher observations
I will tell my students when the principal is observing so they don’t feel confused or unaware
about it. My expectations for students when the principal comes into observe instruction is to
behave well, greet the principal when they see him/her and then stay focused on my lecture.
27. Visitor
When there are guests in the room or when I’m called out of the room unexpectedly, I would
expect my students to stay quiet and do their own work either for my class instead of talking or
walking around the classroom. I will put up the assignments on my website that I have for them
My Classroom Policy Karis Lin

to do while I’m away. I will also let students know when there will be an expected visitor and
how I expect them to behave the day before the visitor comes in.
28. Child Find and/or Suspected Disability
The first step I would take when suspecting a disability in a student would be to record concerns
I see in the student and then talk with other teachers who also teach the student in another class.
After I talk with some teachers and find the need to contact the parents, I will first talk to a
counselor first, then contact the parents so I can provide them resources they may need for their
student. I will allow someone with more experience to take over steps to what this child needs.
Then I could possibly give suggestions to testing for the child. The next step would be to ensure
that the child gets the attention they need.
29. IEP goals
I will learn about the IEP goals by attending speeches and programs that teach professional
knowledge about the disabilities for the students. I will also ask the student services at the school
to have a better understanding about what math IEP goals are, what kind of accommodations the
student would need, and keep a note of what I use for the student. I will look carefully through
all my students’ profiles and make sure all students are able to learn with max efficiency. I will
date all the notes taken about the students so that it is easier to accurately compare students’
development. I will report additional information about the student or the disability to student
service to keep their profile up to date.
30. Accommodations & Modifications
● I will have a copy of the notes for class work, homework, quizzes, tests, and the Problem
Of the Day each in different folders/notebooks for all the classes so that students who
can’t copy notes while listening in class can take pictures of the copies of teacher notes.
● I will give them the version of tests with more casual wording problems so they can
understand better.
● Students with IEP accommodation will have extra time to accomplish their assignments.
● Students who feel less stressed when they get to take their tests in a quieter environment
can go to another room or one of the student service office’s rooms to do their tests.
● Students who need someone read aloud testing will be arranged to take their test with one
of the student service office teachers to read the tests for them as they need.
● Depending on the situation, I can modify the test sessions if the students can’t make it to
the test day with the rest of the class after scheduling it with me in advance or with a
parent/doctor document.

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