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Thougth thouth pensé Zoom dssum enfocar

Being biin ser Woolly guoly de lana

Amused amiust divertido Plants plents plantas

Envious envius envidioso Pouring puring torrencial

Rely rilai confiar Wonder wander Maravi pregunta

Breadwinner bredgüiner provee en ca Breeze briss brisa

Cellular ceiliular celular Leave liv salir dejar

Audios aurios audios Darknest darknest más oscuro

Choir cuair coro Fool ful tonto

Loan lon préstamo Borrow barrou pedir presta

Grant grent conceder Mean min medio significad

Warning guorning advertencia Nervous nervius nervioso

Throat throut garganta Strain strein presión tensión

Hair jeir cabello Forehead forjed frente

Nostraw nostro Cheek chik mejilla

Furry fury peludo Eyelashes ailaches pestañas

Griry griri asqueroso Nostril nostrl fosa nasal

Rught rajt Bark bar ladrar

Monster monster mounstro Fuzz fas pelusa

Kitty kiri colecta Sift sift cernir

Trwis tris Ackward acguard torpe

Scrawty flaco Annoy enoy molestar

Burk bork zumbido Crowds crauds multitudes

Fazz fass Umpteen amptín tantísimos

Sight sait visión Tricky triqui difícil truco

Send send enviar Shake cheik sacudir

Paw paa pata Dripping driping goteo

Pet pet mascota Sore sor dolor

Porkypin poquipain puercoespín Hang-over hanover cruda resaca

Dizzy dissy mareado digging diguing excavación

Throw-up throap vomitar lift leift levantar

Soap soup jabón rid rid eliminar

Soup sup sopa leave the nest nest nido

Allowance alawens tolerancia tuition tuichon matrícula

Sky-high scaijai muy alto sponsorship patrocinio

Come up camap sube landlord lenlord dueño

Contestens kintestens concursante settle down sedldaun establecerse

Grill gril parrilla dirt cheap dirchip muy barato

World over worldover todo el mundo minus mains menos

Issues ichus cuestiones fee fi cuota

Schedule esquechul calendario progr tenant tene inquilino

hire jaier alquiler o verb cage queich jaula

steal stiol robar buy into believe an idea

shoplift choplift hurtar eat your words admit you wrong

got goat tener obtener steak steik filete

blaming bleiming culpar theft deft robo

dig in diguen let´s eat elderly mayor

be a drag ser un lastre chew chu masticar

upset apset trastornado bench banco

guess gues adivinar joggers yoguers corredores

guesst guest huésped squirrels scurrls ardillas

concerned quencern preocupado path path camino

wheel guiol rueda pond poont estanque

drowsy drausi soñoliento lazy leisi perezoso

endurance indurans resistencia almost omost casi

defeat defit derrota no one no wan ninguno

give up guivap rendirse colon colen two dots

jogging yoguin trotar chilly chili frío

average averch promedio rotten rátn Podrido pasado

mild maild templada causes cáuss causas

board bord tablero abordar apes eips simios

broad broaad ancho scientistis saientisss científicos

sink singk lavabo face feis enfrentar

whiteboard waitbord pizarra dorm dorm residen univ

there´re therer hay plural tray trei bandeja

pikles picols pepinillos catch cach tomar cachar

cucumbers quicambers pepinos get off work guerofwork terminar trabajo

solve solf resolver dinner diner cena

grid grid cuadrícula stay up steiap estar despierto

road roud carretera calle set aside setasaid reservar apartar

far away muy lejos toughest tafest difícil, duro

fishing pole pol caña de pescar take care of teikerof tomar cuidado

candle quendl vela groceries grouceris abarrotes

librarian laibrerian bibliotecario leftovers leftovers sobras

shelf chelf estante theft theft robo

right handed raigended diestro shoplift shoplift hurtar en tiendas

cash a check cobrar un chequ aware agüer consciente

counter caner mostrador parlor parlor salón

overdue overdu atrasado dyed dáid teñido

arrow aerrou felcha complain complein quejar

steam stim vapor leisure lichur ocio

noun naun sustantivo knot noor nudo

hydrogen jáidroyen hidrógeno realizes rilaices se da cuenta

oxygen á-jsiyen oxígeno chores chors quehaceres

weather gueder clima weapon güeapn arma

weak güik débil shed ched perder cobertizo

ripe ráip maduro tray trei bandeja

Bush bosh arbuso

bridges briches puentes

edge ech borde canto orill

engineers enyinirs ingenieros

cockroaches crocouches cucarachas

bunch banch manojo

jar yar tarro frasco

a can opener abrelatas

nap naap siesta

get consigue recibe

a few plural count n.

a little plural noncount

many plural count

much plural noncount

skyscreapers scaiscreipers rascacielos

edge borde

steal robar

is getting along fine se lleva bien

roll over darse la vuelta

hired contratado

shy chai tímido

well-behaved gëlbijeivt bien portado

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