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Study Guide B12

Semester 1 Exam, 2019

This guide is my answers and the ones that you should have as a result of taking the tests. Rather than
having you look over your tests, I would rather you look over my tests for this review. The final exam
assumes that this is the second time you have studied this material and second time tested on it. Better
and more detailed answers are expected. The test is a comprehensive semester exam. There is nothing
new on it. It will be long and tedious. Start studying now. Limber up your fingers and sharpen your
pencils! (Or sharpen your fingers and limber your pencils?)

Ignore numbers, point values, and EC. Anything in this study guide may appear on the test. There will
be no memory verse. If I asked for 3 of 5 items, originally, I frequently ask for 4 of 5 on the final exam.
I often combine questions or shuffle them around but the chapters will be in order and once I leave a
chapter I do not return to it. There will be no short 2-point questions; they are all short answer. Most
questions will be compound questions—you are required to answer the entire question. Read the
question carefully and be sure to answer the questions asked. Just saying true statements is not an
answer to the question if it is not answering the question.

Note: some test answers only have the page number of the book. I won’t be able to expand those
answers until the next time I teach this subject. Toward the end, I started the sentence where the answer
was found, but did not copy what was in the book. The short snips of text ARE NOT ANSWERS. You
must go to the section referred and retrieve the full answer for your answers. Sorry.

Remember: Chr=Christianity, Isl=Islam, Scl=Secular Humanism, Mrx=Marxism, Spr=(New)

Spirituality, Pst=Post Modernism. To create an acronym, write out your terms in capital letters and then
put your acronym in parenthesis. Example: Second Law of Thermodynamics (SLT).


1. Define Christianity. (4)

See inset p.28 – a theistic worldview that revolves around Jesus Christ, the Bible and the teachings of
the Holy Spirit

2. In the UTT there were 5 elements to “The Christian Story” or the Gospel. Write what you remember
those elements are and briefly their part in the story (gospel). (15)
See UTT p. 29-34:
- God is personal: he created personal
beings (humans) so he is a personal God; he created us in his own image
- God has made himself known: we can
see God in nature and in the universe; he gave us the word
- God has created: we see “let there be”
and see that we are different from other creations
- Human beings are fallen: we are
utterly sinful and want to die from corruption; we are more like Hilter than Jesus
- God redeems: Jesus will come back
and redeem us and defeat the serpent
Study Guide B12
3. Define general revelation. (4)
See inset p.35 – God’s universal revelation about himself and mortality that be obtained through nature
Study Guide B12
4. Can General Revelation lead someone to Christ? What explanation did Mr. Malczewski give for this
answer? (You may draw the chart created on the white board in class, on the back of this page.) (7)
In the NT we look back in faith on the work of Christ. From Abraham to Jesus people had to look with
faith, forward, to Jesus. But God required sacrifices that anticipated Christ’s sacrifice. Before Abraham
there was only Gen Rev; the requirement to accept in faith the revelation God had given them to that
point was what was needed for salvation.

5. Define special revelation. (4)

See p.37 insert – God’s unique revelation through the Scriptures, miraculous events, and Jesus
6. In the section on Special Revelation choose 2 of the first 4 (of 5) elements detailed and summarize
what the UTT had to say: (16)
1. How are we to understand the Bible? (p.38) – we should not interpret it ourselves but take it for
what it is and ask the Holy Spirit to aid us in the understanding of the Bible.
2.What does the Bible say about humanity? (p.39) – we are made in God’s image and are made
special with minds and souls that no other creature has
3. What does the Bible say is wrong with us? (p.39) – we are really sinful and are more like Hitler
than Jesus; we are sinful to our very cores and need intervention for our salvation.
4. What does the Bible say about how we should live? (p.40) – we should base our decisions on
Jesus and get help from God and the Bible; make Jesus the center of our lives


1. What is the key difference between moderate and radical Muslims? What sub-
stantive errors do Americans make about radical Muslims? (6)
Radicals are more likely to believe that the West “threatens and attempts to control their way of life.”
Radicals are more likely to be more educated and economically satisfied. They are not more likely to
attend religious services than moderates. They are just as likely to appreciate Western advancements.

2. Select the matching letter definition for the Islamic term. (11)
_G__ 1. Islamist _B__ 5. Sunni _F__ 9. Dhimmis
_C__ 2. Shariah Law _D__ 6. Shiite _H__ 10. Jizya
_K__ 3. Jihad _J__ 7. Sufi _E__ 11. Sunnah
_I__ 4. Quran _A__ 8. Hadith
A. The oral tradition of Muhammad’s teachings, rulings, and action of his early companions.
B. The largest branch of Islam who want central leaders to be elected by popular support.
C. Moral and legal code governing Muslim lives based on the Quran and Sunnah.
D. The second largest branch of Islam who want a successor to be elected from Muhammd’s bloodline.
E. Part of the Hadith describing Muhammad’s exemplary actions.
F. Non-Muslims living in Islamic states.
G. A Muslim applying full Shariah Law and jihad to conquer all nonbelieving nations.
H. A tax imposed on dhimmis living in Islamic states.
I. The literal word of God central to Islamic religion.
J. A group that believe in the personhood of God and protests the worldliness Islam.
K. “Struggle” that is inner struggle against sin and physical struggle against the enemies of Islam.

3. Irshad Manji had 3 complaints against Islam. Why do the following 3 Islamic items prevent Islam
from cooperating with Western democracy? (7)
Study Guide B12
Uniformity, No Disagreement, No Critical Thought
See p. 58, ch3.5.
- Uniformity: To maintain unity, Muslim leaders demand uniformity; “thinking differently
instigates the crumbling of empire”
- No Disagreement: Discussing problems openly is seen as a display of weakness; debate brings
fissure, fissures divide
- No Critical Thought: thinking differently is dangerous in Islam, and they criminalize it

4. What does our book say about general revelation and Isl? (5)
The believe God created the universe and is sovereign over it. Like Chr, they struggle to explain the
existence of a supernatural God in a natural world. They developed the Kalam Cosmological Argument
(KCA) to help justify the existence of such a God.

5. What sources of revelation does the Isl have to draw on? (5)
There are prophets and their writings, but Muhammad is the greatest and last prophet of God. He wrote
the Quran, the literal words of God. There is the Hadith with teachings and actions of Muhammad and
his closest friends.

6. Chr say that man was made in the image of God; how do the Isl respond? (5)
Adam was made by the “breath of God” but not in his image. God only passed on “knowledge, will, and
power” to mankind who is basically good in nature. Mankind is God’s vice regents and see him as a
slave of God and not his sons and daughters.

7. What is wrong with man and why do Isl insist on practicing jihad? (5)
Allah created the world as Muslim. When A&E ate from the tree they rebelled against God but were
forgiven. They do not have a “sinful nature.” But many are turn from Isl by their parents. Jihad is a
mechanism to return these rebellious people to Isl. Fighting is not aggression but restoration against
aggressive unbelief.

8. What are the 5 pillars of Isl? (5)

Confession of faith, prayer 5 times a day, almsgiving to the poor, fasting during Ramadan, and
journeying to Mecca once in a lifetime.

9. How does the UTT see Isl relating to other worldviews consistent with its beliefs? (5)
Because of the items in #3 Isl will not be able to cooperate with other worldviews. They demand strict
adherence to their belief and code of conduct which necessarily excludes any other worldview. Even
Jews and Christians, who are “people of the book” are not tolerated unless they renounce their rebellion
against Isl. One only needs to consider the modern cruelty of Isl against dhimmis who cannot pay the
jizya (tax).
Study Guide B12

1. What is propaganda according UTT? (3)

This refers to mass suggestion or influence through the manipulation of symbols and the psychology of
the individual with the ultimate goal of having the recipient of the appeal come to "voluntarily" accept
this position as if it were his or her own. (p76)
2. What is the Scl narrative to the public about themselves and regarding Chr? (4)
They must appear unbiased and neutral while Chr are biased and extremists. Science makes them
reasonable while the Chr is fanatical religion. Scl see themselves as a post-theological worldview.
Everything in the public realm must be base on materialism and only what exists in the physical realm.

3. What definition of "Secular Humanism" is given by UTT? (5)

See inset (p80) – a religious and philosophical worldview that makes humankind the ultimate norm by
which truth and values are to be determined; a worldview that reveres human reason, evolution,
naturalism, and secular theories of ethics while rejecting every form of supernatural religion

4. Where did we say that Scl was most influential and what is it's impact on the Christian? (5)
Colleges and universities. Chr students are 10 times more likely to run into a Scl professor than a Chr
prof. Even if they should meet a Chr prof there is little chance that prof will share the same values as the
student. Many colleges advertise the "spirituality" of their staff. That term is very vague and inclusive
where Chr is exclusive.

5. What is a worldview according to UTT? (4)

It is a pattern of ideas, beliefs, convictions, and habits that help us make sense of God, the world, and
our relationship to God and the world. (p83) [Many oversimplify definitions.]

6. Is Scl a worldview and why? (3)

According to UTT yes. It provides new conditions of belief namely seeing life and the world thru human
reason without God or religion and it offers a comprehensive view of reality. (p.83) [Spreading an idea
is not part of wv.]

7. UTT defined religion as "any set of beliefs about the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe."
What problem did Mr. Malczewski raise about this definition? (3)
There was no end note citing their source for this "definition." Mr. M checked 3 dictionaries and none of
them were even close to this. Even though this is our textbook we may still challenge what it says when
warranted. (p83) [Most did NOT get this; they tried to explain "a set of beliefs."]

8. What is the Scl view of General Revelation? (5)

Everything in the universe has a material basis including the mind and its "spiritual products." The
universe has been developed and advanced by evolution which explains why we are where we are today.
This view must be taught to children as a fact.

9. What problems face the Scl view of General Revelation? (5)

Study Guide B12
Many scientists are beginning to find evolution incapable of accounting for life as we know it today. The
theory of evolution is no more fact nor science than the Chr God. The Scl statement about evolution is a
faith statement that cannot be tested or verified. (p85)

10. Give at least 2 examples that Scl might turn to for sources of revelation. (4)
See list on p.86; there were 3 Humanist Manifestos drawn up. They also have the Prometheus Book Pub
Co. (p86-87)

11. What are 2 implications of the mind/body monism of Scl? (6)

A) The body dies and the soul dies with it; there is no immortality of the soul. B) The mind must still be
evolving for the Scl. Some believe that includes "mind-upload" to a computer for the next major
evolutionary step. (p88-89)

12. What is transhumanism? (4)

See inset p.89.

13. Why is "survival of the fittest" a tautology? (4)

Which animals are the fittest? The ones that survive. Which survive? The fittest. This is repetitions of
the same thing to make is sound like your saying something that is true. (p90)

14. According to the Scl, how should we live? (5)

There is no absolute moral code that must be obeyed. Religious moral requirements are repressive to
human needs. So the Scl only has human reason to offer. They say that morality is biological not
theological. (p91)

15. Compare Scl to one of the other worldviews; how does the Scl view that other worldview? (5)
various (p92-93)

EC3. What did Mr. Malczewski recommend about Nagel's book Mind and Cosmos?
Find it on Amazon and open the "Look Inside" to view the TOC, Intro, and Concl. Nagel is a world
renowned atheist philosopher writing against the continued support of Scl! It was heavy philosophy but
worth working through.


1. Define Marxism according to UTT. (3)

p.100 inset

2. What is the difference between Communism, Capitalism, and Socialism? (12)

p.100 inset

3. What do we know about Mrx around the world not related to the "Ten Commandments?" (5)

4. Name (list) 4 of the 10 Communist Commandments. (12)

Study Guide B12
5. What do we know about Mrx in the university? (5)
Study Guide B12
6. What is the Hegelian philosophy of the dialectic? (5)

7. What is Marxist dialectic materialism; do not repeat the Hegelian philosophy? (5)
p.105 inset

8. What is the belief that economics determines the entire course of human history leading to
communism? (2)
Economic determinism.

9. What is "general revelation" in a Mrx context? (5)


10. What is the main source of "special" revelation to a Mrx? Name the one main other "source" of
revelation the Mrx counts on. (5)
Communist Manifesto. We said that evolution of society and the methodology of science provides the
essence of what the Mrx needs to know about the world. (p.109)

11. What does class consciousness and proletariat morality tell us about a Mrx understanding of man?(5)

12. What is the fundamental problem with society according to Mrx? (2)
It's an economic one.

13. What will the Mrx utopia look like when it exists as promised? (5)

14. How do Mrx understand the Chr worldview according to UTT? (29)

1. How does UTT define New Spirituality (Spr)? (5)
A pantheistic worldview that teaches everything and everyone are connected through divine
consciousness. p.125

2. Where does Spr come from? (5)

It goes back to oriental religions of 2,000-3,000 years ago. We read an account from the Bhagavad Gita
as an example of their sacred literature. An Oriental wv has been transported W and popularized by
various charismatic figures. p.126 inset

3. Define Transcendentalism. (5)

A rel and phil movement that arose in the early 1800s as a reaction against rationalism and org religion.
It teaches that human beings are inherently good and that nature is fundamentally divine. p.126

4. What does the Spr mean that "everything is consciousness" and what problems were raised? (5)
Study Guide B12
It is usually a vague term that is often associated with being, force, light, and energy. Often personal
terms are used of an impersonal force. The Scr teach us that God is a personal, self-determined agent.

5. What practical consequence is there if "every person is God?" (5)

There can be no true individuality in this scenario. Some even go as far as saying that there is no
objective reality; it is all an illusion. The Spr conclusion is that I am god; you are god; everyone is god.

6. How can consciousness be harnessed and channeled? (5)

Cs is described through a "law of attraction" and often related as everything is energy. If it is true that
good thoughts produce good energy and bad thought produce bad energy, then men can transform their
lives through their thought processes.

7. Why to Spr need to "overcome self?" (5)

The self is what "contains" the divine within each person. Our desire is to be free of the self so that we
might join the eternal. Anything that causes us to hold on to our self hinders our divine advancement.
This happens when we hate or love. That is because strong emotion reinforces a sense of self.

8. Define karma. (3)

A concept found in E rel; good/evil is returned to those who do good/evil and it may be in this life or
another life.

9. Define Nirvana. (3)

Also found in E rel; is the transcendent state of ult peace and highest happiness achieved thru one's
release from the bondage of karma, suffering, worldly desire, and indiv Cs.

10. What is the Spr approach to science? (5)

Spr see science as destructive and merely an attempt to control nature. Spr often take science only as far
as they can use results to promote their wv. This turn science into what we call "junk science." p.133-34.

11. What is the Gaia Hypothesis? (5)

James Lovelock proposed a theory that all living organisms form a collective, self-regulating living
entity. Earth is often referred to by this theory as "Mother Earth." p.134

12. Define meditation and name (list) at least 3 other sources of revelation for the Spr. (5)
Medita is the art of focusing one's mind to induce a higher state of Cs. It may be facilitated with
astrology, firewalking, Ouija boards, a crystal (therapy), and aura readings. p.136

13. Explain the illustration used by Spr to talk about humanity. (5)
The ocean is God. We are a cup of that ocean. The cup is our ID, our self, containing our Cs. We are
seeking to rejoin the ocean and return from individual Cs to the One Cs. p.136

14. What does the Spr say is wrong with humanity? (5)
Evolution says we are getting better and Spr will use that "science" as a demonstration that humanity is
inexorably moving and progressing toward the diving One. There is no sin. We do not need some God
saving us, either. Thru Cs we are doing that on our own (with the help of karma and reincarnation).
Study Guide B12
15. How should we live according to Spr? (5)
We must ignore or avoid anything that holds us to this world. In particular, love, suffering, and
compassion powerfully retain us in the world; we must remain indifferent to such things. This means
others should not try to help us so that we may endure our karma and advance in the next reincarnated
life. Others should remain indifferent to us as well.

EC 5. What is a "monomyth" and how would it relate to a movie series like Star Wars (SW) and the
spread of Spr ideas?
Cultures throughout time have shared a common theme within their popular stories. The "hero journey"
unfolds in 3 distinct acts: the hero's departure, initiation, and triumphant return. SW follows the pattern
in each story, but also across the triad of trilogies. "The Force" is both good and evil. It controls all life
and is a balance that swings from one side to the other. A Jedi accesses the power of the Force through
meditation and emptying themself of passion and concentrating on the here and now. All of these play
into Spr motifs and teachings.

1. What is pre-modernism (we talked about it), modernism, and postmodernism? (10)
Premodernism (7.2)

2. What do Pst have to say about the Abrahamic faiths and core Chr beliefs in particular? (10)
Pst reject (7.2)

3. Of Gorgias, Nietzsche, or Foucault, state the contributions of 2 of the 3 to Pst. (10)


4. What are structuralism and post-structuralism and how is it used to discredit other worldviews? (10)
Lang is a tool of power (7.4)

5. Define deconstruction and explain its importance to Pst thinking. (10)

Deconstruction is (7.4)

6. Is it accurate to call Pst a critique of other worldviews; is it a worldview? (10)

Pst analyze and deconstruct other wv (7.5)

7. Explain why Pst do not accept scientific explanations of reality and why they are hypocrites. (10)
Study Guide B12
Pst cannot academically accept it (7.6)

8. What does Pst say about humanity? (10)

There is no "I." (7.7)

9. How does Pst view Chr; what are some points of agreement between them? (10)
Chr is a metanarr (7.8)

10. Briefly summarize (not just list) some of the flaws in Pst; 3 of the 5 minimum. (10)
[5 listed] (7.9)

1. What are the three basic options for the understanding of God; define each one. (5)
atheism, theism, pantheism (8.1)

2. What is the theology of Scl and who would you consider the most influential Scl of the twentieth
century and why? (10)
atheism; Dewey in establishing public schools in USA (8.2)

3. Liberation theology is a subset of Mrx. How would you define it and explain it? (5)
Inset p. 178. (8.3)

4. Define descriptive pluralism and prescriptive pluralism. Why would Pst be prescriptive? (10)
p.179-80 (8.4)

5. How does Spr use modern science to support pantheism? (5)

p.181 (8.5)

6. What is wrong with saying that the Muslim believes in the same, One God Chr do? Why? (5)
Study Guide B12
7. Choose 2 of the 4 scientific discoveries that “tell us something about God.” (15)
A. Second Law of Thermodynamics (SLT)
B. Spontaneous Generation (SG)
C. Genetic Information Theory (GIT)
D. Anthropic Principle (AP)

After the test you will have my answers to this portion of the semester exam.

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