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Completed- M12, M13, N14, M 15, M19, N13, M14, N15, M16, N16, M17, N17, M18, N18
Foundations of Political Obligation
1. Power, Authority, Legitimacy.
[ 2 marks -Def power- M 15, M16, M17/one def of power n how is it legalized- M 13/
what is power, can authority use force in exercising power- M 12/ what is legal
rational authority, how it is created n one example - M 13, N14/ two diff btw elite
and class theory of power-may 12/ lobbying and its imp-N14, two diff btw power and
authority-N14, N13/ two diff btw legal rational authority n traditional authority as
given by max weber-, M 19, / importance of legitimacy to exercise of political power-
N13/ name two instruments of authority M14, A18/ what is legitimacy, how does
person in authority lose legitimacy M14, N17 / name one technique of force, relation
between force and power-N15/how does problem of unjust law arise, any one method
of non cooperation-N15, N16/ iron law of oligarchy by Robert Michel-may 13, A18/
who has monopoly of legitimate use of physical force in a given territory, relation
between power, authority and legitimacy- M16/ name two differences in use of force
by power and authority- M17, N18/ Marxian vs elite theory diff - M17, A19/ coup
d’etat and revolution- N17/ who is elite-, who advocated concept of power elite
N17/what is legitimacy, how is power legalized in modern democracy- A18- / 2
factors causing obedience to the state- N18/ name any 2 qualities of lion like elites
given by pareto- N18]

[short note 5 marks – TH Green’s view on problem of obedience to unjust law- M15/
instruments of authority- M12, M16/
circulation of elites as per vilfredo pareto- M19, M14, N16/
power & authority comparison- M19/ Rousseau perception of general will-M14, A18/
characteristic features of authority-N15/
iron law of oligarchy by Robert Michel-may 13/
fox and lion like elites given by vilfredo pareto- N17]

[long answer 12 marks –

who is an elite, what is circulation of elites+xx- M15, N13, M16 , A18/
/ main features of Marxian theory of power+xx- M13, N18/
comparison between Marxian and elite theory of power, why Marx regarded religion
as opium of people- M13, N18/
what is authority, make comparison of power and authority- M13/
who is an elite, what is circulation of elites, discuss iron law of oligarchy given by rob
discuss view of TH green on resistance to unjust laws +xx- M19/
pareto contribution to elite theory+xx-N15, M17/
discuss power as class power given by marx-N15/
difference between Marxian and elite theory of power+xx-M16/
what does the philosophy of liberalism support in the social, religious and economic
field+ xx- M17 ]

2. Political Obligation-Meaning, Grounds & Theories

[ 2 marks -what is political obligation why Karl Marx advocated non political
obligation to the capitalist state- M13,N14 M19,N15, A19/ 2 factors responsible for
causing pol obligation - M 12/what is sanction behind political obligation as given by
prescriptive theory, name one drawback- M14, A18 / Two drawbacks of force theory
of pol obligation / which theory regarded the sanction behind pol obligation in the
matter of faith and why-M16/ divine right theory-M17]

[short note 5 marks –

Rousseau’s perception of political obligation-M15, M13, M12, N13/
john Locke’s view on political obligation-N15, N16, N18/
social contract theory and question of political obligation-M16/
general factors causing political obligation +xx- N17]

[long answer 12 marks –

what is political obligation, note on divine right theory of pol obligation-M15/
Thomas Hobbes view on pol obligation +xx-N14, N17/
s discuss divine rights theory as basis of political obligation-M19/
how commend obedience relationship is established by the concept of political
obligation, discuss the general factors causing obedience to the state-N13/
Explain general factors causing obedience to the state and is obedience to unjust law
absolute- M14/
Marxian theory of political obligation+xx- N16, M17/
xx+ john Locke’s view on political obligation-M17]

3. Theories of Punishment
[ 2 marks – when problems of unjust law arise-M13/ two purposes of deterrant theory
of punishment-M13/ Jeremy Bentham view on punishment-N14, N16/ name 2 forms
of punishment supported by advocates of deterrent form-M 19, M17/ two views of TH
green on unjust law-N13/ two drawbacks of deterrant theory-N13/ name two
differences btw reformative and retributive theory- M14, A18/ how is right to
resistance exercised- M17/ who regarded crime as mischief, what is primary mischief-
- N18]
[short note 5 marks -preventive theory-M13/
deterrant theory-M14, N18/
unjust law and the problem of resistance-M16/
reformative theory and its defects-N16, M17/
retributive theory- N17 ]
[long answer 12 marks – Jeremy Bentham view on punishment+xx-M16/
xx+ view of Green on issue of right to resistance-N16
/ xx + retributive theory plus defects-N16]

4. Political Ideologies
a) Liberalism- Meaning, Basic Principles, Merits & Demerits
[ 2 marks -2 features of modern liberalism-may 13/ merit of liberalism, how does it
uphold in religious field-may 12, N13/ what is classical liberalism perception of the
state-may 19/ demerits- M16]
[short note 5 marks-features of classical liberalism-may 15/
implication of liberalism as a doctrine in socio eco sphere-may 13/
demerits-nov 14/ merits- may 19/
discuss shift in philosophy from liberalism from negative to positive-A18, N18]

[long answer 12 marks -what is liberalism +xx-may 12/

what are basic principles of classical liberalism+ xx- M14/
explain/discuss shift in philosophy from liberalism from negative to positive+xx-
N15/ xx+ what is liberalism+xx-may 12/
main features of modern liberalism+xx- N16/
xx+ write note on harm principle of JS Mill and application in Indian context-N16/ ]

b) Socialism- Meaning, Basic Principles, Merits & Demerits

[ 2 marks – two merits of socialism-may 13/ define- N16/ difference between
socialism and communism-N16]
[short note 5 marks – features-may 12/
merits-nov 14/ arguments against socialism/ demerits -M17, N18]
[long answer 12 marks – basic principles of socialism, +xx-may 15, N17/
main principles of socialism+xx-M19/
xx+ ideal of socialism given in Indian consti-M19, M16, N17/
arguments supporting socialism+xx -M16/ xx+ ]

c) Utilarianism-Mills concept of Liberty

[ 2 marks -2 features-may 15/ greatest happiness principle meaning-may 13/ two
arguments against M16/ diff between utilitarianism and Sarvodaya- N17]
[short note 5 marks -Mills modification of Benthamite philosophy/
mills view on liberty- M14/ features- A18]
[long answer 12 marks -features+xx-may 13/
xx + defects/ drawbacks of utilitarianism -may 13, nov 14/
what is utilitarianism +xx- may 12/
xx+discuss JS mill’s modification of utilitarian philosophy-may 12, M16/
Mills classification of liberty+xx -nov14, A18/
xx+ n criticism of mill’s view on liberty-nov14, M17/
discuss application of utilitarian principle on bentham’s view on punishment, evaluate
utilitarian philosophy-N13/
def, features of liberalism+xx N15/
xx +criticisms against mill’s view- N15/
impact of JS Mill's view on liberty on indian constitution+ xxmay 19, N17
note on JS Mill view on Liberty+xx-May 15, N17/
Bentham’s contribution to Utilitarianism- N16, M17, N17/
Comparative study of Mill and Bentham +xx- A18, N18]

d) Communism
[ 2 marks – surplus value-nov14,M16,two diff btwn Marxian theory of power and
elite theory of power-may 19/ what is final goal of marxism, what method given by
marx to achieve the same-M16]
[short note 5 marks -establishment of communism as a goal of Marxism-may 2015/
Marxian theory of surplus value-may 12/
Marxian principles of materialistic interpretation of hist-N13, N14, M14 /
dictatorship of proletariat and establishment of communism-may 19/
main features of dialectical materialism given by marx-N15/ dialectical method and
its application by marx-N16/
critical estimate of marxism-M16/
withering away of state and establishment of communism- M17/
Marxian concept of class conflict & establishment of communism- N17]
[long answer 12 marks –
xx+ what is diff btwn Marxian theory of power and elite theory of power-may 15/
explain Marxian principles of materialistic interpretation of history+xx- may 13,
M16(full) /
xx +compare Marxism and gandhism-may 13 nov 14, N13, N15, M17/
explain Marx concept of withering away of state+xx- may 12/
xx+main points of criticism against marxism-M12, N 14, N17, N18/
xx + why Karl Marx advocated power as temporary phenomenon-nov 14/
main features of Marxian theory+xx-N13, M14/
xx+ why Marx advocated non political obligation to capitalist state-lM14/
xx+ compare btw Marxism and socialism-M14,
/ xx+ Theory of surplus by Marx- M14, N15, N17, A18/
Main features of Marxian theory of power+xx- A18,
Comparison btwn Marxian and elite theory of power, why Marx regarded religion as
opium of people- M13/
Explain establishment of communism as a principle of marxism-N16/
xx+ Evaluate Marxism- A18/
note on dialectical materialism given by Marx +xx- N18]

e) Democracy
[ 2 marks -2 conditions essential for successful working of democracy-may 15,
M14/what is lobbying n its imp-may 15/ imp of press in democracy-may 12 may 19/
who advocated concept of iron law of oligarchy, name one factor giving rise to
oligarchical tendencies in an organisation-may 19, / is sound public opinion necessary
for success of democracy, give reason-N13, A18/ responsible for development of
oligarchic tendencies in an organisation-N15/ who gave iron law of oligarchy, name
one factor/ why is enlightened public opinion essential for success of democracy-
M16, N17, N18 ]
[short note 5 marks - / democratic republic as given by preamble- M14/
role of public opinion as a condition for success of democracy]
[long answer 12 marks – xx+ challenges to Indian Democracy- N16]

f) Gandhism
[ 2 marks - Satyagraha n its pillars-may 15/ gandhi’s view on restance to unjust laws-
nov14/ satyagrah n one diff btw gandhism n Marxism- A19/ two grounds of
sarvodaya-N15/ gandhian principle of truth-N15/ twin pillars of satyagraha-M16/
ahimsa-M17/ 2 features of Sarvodaya society- N18]
[short note 5 marks -Gandhism Marxism comparative study--may 15, N17, N18/
main grounds of sarvodaya-may 12/ sarvodaya-nov14/
truth and nonviolence as pillars of satyagraha- N17, N18]
[long answer 12 marks –
xx+ Discuss ideal of Sarvodaya by Gandhi-may 15, M17 /
xx+ Compare Marxism and gandhism-may 13 nov 14, N15 /
Gandhian principle of satyagraha/technique of satyagraha +xx -may 12, M16, N16,
discuss establishment of decentralized society as ground of Sarvodaya, +xx-N13/
xx+ explain provisions of consti inspired by Gandhian philosophy- M14/
Xx+ explain gandhian concept of Non cooperation and civil disobedience- M19,

5. Indian Constitution
[ 2 marks – 2 provisions adopted from American consti-may 13/ two provisions aimed
at making representative democracy a reality-may 12/ two provisions requiring
ratification of states-nov14/ which article prohibits double jeopardy-N13/ two factors
for making Indian consti the longest-N13, M16/ which judgement introduced basic
structure and name on basic feature-N13/ two provisions adopted from foreign
constitutions- M14/ name one provision to realize ideal of political justice as given in
preamble-N15/ when was constitution adopted, name one fr available to any person in
india- N16/ cite provision 1(1) of consti- N17/ why is media regarded as 4th pillar of
democracy- M19]

[short note 5 marks –

the ideal of secularism as given in Indian constitution-may 2015 /
dignity of individual given in Indian consti-may 12, A18/
Indian consti is the longest-nov 14/ ]
[long answer 12 marks – factors resp for making Indian consti the longest in the
world-may 13, N16, N17, A18/
discuss consti provisions to make india a securer state-may 13(Is it secular or
impact of JS Mill's view on liberty on indian constitution, role of judiciary under
consti as guardian of individual freedom-may 19 /
Meaning of secularism in Indian context+xx- M14/
Name different provisions of the Indian constitution reflecting liberal philosophy-

a) Salient Features
[ 2 marks – who has been vested with residuary powers in India, name one provision
of Indian consti requiring ratification by state legislatures- N16 ]
[short note 5 marks –
compromise btw judicial review n parliamentary sovereignty as a feature of Indian
consti-may 12/
uniqueness of Indian federal system-N15/ quasi federal-M16, N17/
special features of jurisdiction of SC under A32- N16]

[long answer 12 marks –

note on unitary features of Indian federalism+xx-may 15. M17, N18/
peculiar features of Indian federalism-may 12/
Why is india regarded as quasi federal state+xx-may 19, M14/
xx+ enumerate federal features of consti-N13/
discuss compromise between judicial review and parliamentary supremacy as salient
feature of Indian consti-N13/
discuss procedure for amendment +xx – M16, M17/
types of amendment of Indian constitution+xx- N18/
Judicial review and constitutional review as features of Indian constitution+xx- N18]

b) Preamble
[ 2 marks -what was inserted in preamble by 42nd amendment-may 13/ two provisions
to realise goal of economic justice-nov14/ what is preamble n its purpose- M17/ why
was socialism inserted in preamble, and give one provision reflecting it- N18]

[short note 5 marks – ideal of social justice given in preamble-M17, N18]

[long answer 12 marks – xx+ discuss ideal of justice as given in preamble-may 15/
ideal of socialism as given in preamble+xx -nov 14/
Xx+ discuss ideal of secularism given in preamble- N15/
Xx+ dignity of individual given in preamble-N15, M16, N16/
Xx+Ideal of political justice given in preamble-N16]

c) Fundamental rights n duties

[ 2 marks - status of right to property after 44th amendment-may 15,N13/2 fdrs available only
to Indian citizens-May 15/ art 20-May 15/ which constitutional provision protects from
double jeopardy/ article 17 -may 12/ two frs available to any person within territory of India-
nov14,N15, N17, A18/ art 21-may 19/ name two rights included under right to life given by
judiciary-M14/ two fds-N15, M17/ which amendment introduced fds and name one f.d. -
M16, N16/ right to education, art 21A- N17/ two religious freedoms given in part III- A18/
discuss preventive detention given in constitutional article 22- N18 ]
[short note 5 marks -equal protect of laws and equality before law-may 19/
constitutional provision aiming to realize dignity of individuals as given in preamble-
N13/ amendability of frs under art 368- N16]

[long answer 12 marks - xx+ discuss right to freedom art 19-May 15, A18/
xx+ discuss provisions of consti dealing with equality-may 12/
xx+ enumerates fds-nov 14/
xx+Enumerate the fds given in part IVA of consti-may 19, A18/
note on writ of mandamus, discuss preventive detention given in consti-N15/
right to property after 44th constitutional amendment+xx- M16, N18]

6. Political Parties, Features of Indian Political Parties

[ 2 marks - ( 2 factors resp for rise of multiparty system in india-may 15/ what is
regional party, give two eg -may 12,N13/ define pol party, what is diff between pol
party and pressure group/interest group- M14,N15/ two drawbacks of regional pol
parties- M14/ features of Indian pol parties- N16/ two difference btwn interest group
and pressure groups- N17/ what is interest group, give example- A18 ]

[short note 5 marks –

features of political party-N13/
role of regional political parties in india-M16, M17/
compare political parties and interest groups- M17/
main features of indian political parties- A18 ]
[long answer 12 marks -]

[ 2 marks -two views of TH green on question of right to resistance-may 12]
[short note 5 marks -thomas hobbes perception of state of nature-may 19/ bentham’s
calculation of pleasure and types of pleasure- A18]

[long answer 12 marks –

write a note on pain n pleasure as given by Jeremy Bentham +xx- may 15, nov 14, -
may 19, N18/
xx+ make a comparative study of JS Mill n Bentham-may 15/
xx+ what is Bentham’s view on punishment-may 19/
discuss view of TH green on resistance to unjust laws +xx- may 19, N18/
comparative study of Bentham and Mill +xx - N15/ thomas hobbes perception of state
of nature +xx-may 19, N17]
[ 2 marks – two diff btw mandamus and prohibition-may 19/ habeas corpus-M16/ quo
warranto- M17/ mandamus- A18/ what is quo warranto writ, give one condition
necessary for issuing it- N18]
[short note 5 marks -Quo warranto-may 13,
[long answer 12 marks -note on writ of mandamus, discuss preventive detention given
in consti-N15]

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