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Name: djalika.

Exercise 6: Cardiovascular Physiology: Activity 5: Examining the Effects of Various Ions on Heart Rate Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 50% by answering 2 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Which organelle in the cardiac muscle cell stores calcium?

You correctly answered: b. sarcoplasmic reticulum

2. Verapamil is a calcium-channel blocker. Its effects could be described as

Your answer : b. positive chronotropic and negative inotropic.
Correct answer: d. negative chronotropic and negative inotropic.

3. When the cardiac muscle cell is at rest, where is most of the potassium found?
Your answer : a. outside of the cell
Correct answer: c. in the cytosol

4. Resting cardiac muscle cells are most permeable to

You correctly answered: b. potassium.

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question 1: Because calcium-channel blockers are negative chronotropic and negative inotropic, what effect do you
think increasing the concentration of calcium will have on heart rate?
Your answer : a. positive chronotropic, positive inotropic

Predict Question 2: Excess potassium outside of the cardiac cell decreases the resting potential of the plasma membrane,
thus decreasing the force of contraction. What effect (if any) do you think it will initially have on heart rate?
Your answer : b. decrease heart rate

Stop & Think Questions:

Where in the cardiac muscle cell is most of the sodium normally found?
You correctly answered: a. outside of the cell

Experiment Data:

Solution Heart Rate

---- 61
Calcium 71
Sodium ~34
Potassium ~28

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 75% by answering 3 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. The addition of most of the ions resulted in

You correctly answered: c. an erratic heart rate.

2. The effect of potassium on the heart is

You correctly answered: b. negative chronotropic, negative inotropic.

3. The ion that had the most pronounced effect on heart rate was
Your answer: b. calcium.
Correct answer: c. potassium.

4. Ectopic pacemakers can be caused by excessive leakage of potassium into cardiac cells, resulting in pacemakers
appearing in abnormal locations in the heart muscle. This hyperkalemia (excess potassium) decreases the resting potential
of the cardiac muscle cell. What effect do you think this would have on the force of contraction?
You correctly answered: d. decrease, negative inotropic

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Review Sheet Results
1. Describe the effect that increasing the calcium ions had on the heart in this activity. How well did the results compare
with your prediction?
Your answer:
meningkatkan ion kalsium oada jantung berefek pada peningkatan denyut jantung dan peningkatan kekuatan kontraksi
jantung. Peningkatan konsentrasi Ca di CES, meningkatkan kekuatan kontraksi jantung dengan memperpanjang fase datar
potensial aksi serta dengan meningkatkan konsentrasi Ca sitosol. Kontraksi cenderung berlangsung lebih lama, dengan
sedikit waktu istirahat di antara dua kontraksi. hal ini sesuai dengan prediksi

2. Describe the effect that increasing the potassium ions initially had on the heart in this activity. Relate this to the resting
membrane potential of the cardiac muscle cell. How well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
menigkatkan konsentrasi K pada jantung berakibat pada penurunan detak jantung. Perubahan konsentrasi K di CES
mengubah gradien konsentrasi K antara CIS dan CES. Dalam
keadaan normal, K di dalam sel lebih banyak secara bermakna
dibandingkan dengan di CES, tetapi pada peningkatan kadar K,
CES gradien ini berkurang. Perubahan ini menyebabkan berkurangnya potensial "istirahat" (yaitu, membran menjadi kurang
negatifdi bagian dalam dibandingkan normal karena kurangnya
K yang keluar). hal ini sesuai dengan prediksi

3. Describe how calcium channel blockers are used to treat patients and why?
Your answer:
bloker kanal kalsium bekerja dengan menghambat influks Ca sewaktu potensial aksi,
mengurangi kekuatan kontraksi jantung. Elek terhadap aritmia arus-balik. Efek yang
paling nyata dari verapamil dan diltiazem adalah
menurunkan kecepatan konduksi melalui nodus AV
dan memperpanjang masa refrakter fungsional
nodus AV. Efek ini diduga merupakan efek
langsung dari penyekatan kanal Ca**. Depresi
nodus AV menyebabkan penurunan respons ventrikel pada fibrilasi atau flutter alrium dan menghilangkan takikardia
supraventrikel paroksismal.
Elek elektrokardiogralik. Verapamil dan diltiazem
meningkatkan interval P-R pada irama sinus, dan
memperlambat kecepatan ventrikel pada fibrilasi

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