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Wuhan University of Technology


School of Resources and Environmental Engineering


Name: Efa Betchelin Wakerkwa (李玲玲)

Student ID: 2016Y90200128


Wuhan University of Technology

Chapter 1 .......................................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background .......................................................................................................................................3
1.2. Problem Formulation .......................................................................................................................4
Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................................................................5
2. DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................................5
2.1. Understanding Tin ............................................................................................................................5
2.2. The nature and Shape of Tin ............................................................................................................5
2.2.1. Tin nature ......................................................................................................................................5
2.2.2. Tin Shape.......................................................................................................................................6
2.3. The existence Timah Nature ............................................................................................................7
2.4. Tin compounds.................................................................................................................................8
2.5. Reactions Tin ....................................................................................................................................8
2.6. Tin Processing ..........................................................................................................................................9
2.6.1 Washing or Laundering .........................................................................................................10
2.6.2 Separation based on the size or screening / sizing and assay ......................................................10
2.6.3 Separation based on density ........................................................................................................11
2.6.4 Processing of the tailings .............................................................................................................11
2.6.5 Drying Process..............................................................................................................................11
2.6.6Classification ...............................................................................................................................11
2.6.7 Separation of Associated Minerals...............................................................................................12
2.6.8 The process of pre-smelting.........................................................................................................12
2.6.9 Process Consolidation (Smelting) .................................................................................................12
2.6.10 Refining Process (Purification) ...................................................................................................14
 Pyrorefining...................................................................................................................................14
 Eutectic Refining ...........................................................................................................................14
 Refining Electrolytic ......................................................................................................................15
2.6.11 Printing .......................................................................................................................................15
2.7. The usefulness of Tin .....................................................................................................................16
Chapter 3 ......................................................................................................................................................17
3. Closing ...................................................................................................................................................17
3.1. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................17

Wuhan University of Technology

Chapter 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

Tin processed from tin ore which is obtained from the rock or mineral of tin

(cassiterite SnO2). Tin metal production processes from the seeds are involves a series

of fairly complicated process which is mineral processing (elevated lead levels /

physical processes and is also called upgrading), preparation of the material to be

melted, the process of smelting, refining processes and printing processes of tin

metal. The use of tin is usually in the form of tin alloy known as white lead which

mixture of 80% lead, 11% 9% antimony and copper and sometimes occasional

addition with lead. White lead is mainly used for metal protective equipment and

pipes in chemical industry, food industry and for storing food.

In use of Tin, of course, by using a variety of methods and technologies in order

to obtain optimal results with optimal results with a large profit, production costs are

as minimum as possible and friendly environmentally.

The process of turning the tin into something more useful is not out of the role of

chemical reactions and physics reaction. Washing and separation of the tin is part of a

process involving chemical reactions and physics reaction.

Therefore, tin refining process to obtain the necessary economic results in terms

of knowledge and studied physical and chemistry reaction.

Wuhan University of Technology

1.2. Problem Formulation

Based on the description above, this paper will specifically address


1. A basic explanation of the tin?

2. How does the processing of tin?

1.3. Purpose

Purpose of this paper is to understand the processes undertaken to obtain tin

economical, ranging from washing, separation, processing up to printing.

Wuhan University of Technology

Chapter 2


2.1. Understanding Tin

Tin is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Sn (Latin:

stannum) and atomic number 50. This element is a poor metal silvery, malleable

("malleable"), not easily oxidized in air so that rustproof, found in many alloys, and is

used to coat other metals to prevent rust. Tin is obtained mainly from the mineral

cassiterite formed as oxides.

Tin is a silvery-white metal, with low hardness, specific gravity of 7.3 g / cm3, and

have the nature of thermal and electrical conductivity is high. Under normal

circumstances (13 - 1600C), the metal is shiny and malleable.

Tin formed as primary sludge on granitic rocks and in contact areas metamorphic

sedimentary rocks that are usually associated with tourmaline and quartz veins of tin,

as well as secondary deposition, in which consist of alluvium sediment, alluvial, and


2.2. The nature and Shape of Tin

2.2.1. Tin nature

a) Tin including the Group of IV B and has the oxidation number of +2 and +4.

b) Tin is a soft metal, flexible, and metallic gray color.

c) Tin is not easily oxidized and is resistant to corrosion due to the formation of a

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layer of tin oxide that inhibits further oxidation process. Tin is resistant to

corrosion and sea water, distilled water, but can be attacked by strong acids,

bases, salts and acids. The oxidation process is accelerated by increasing the

oxygen content in the solution.

d) If tin is heated in the presence of air will be formed SnO2.

e) There are two allotropes of tin in tin namely alpha and beta. Tin alpha-called gray

tin and stable under temperature 13.2 C with a covalent bond structure as

diamond. While the beta tin white and metallic, stable at high temperatures, and

behave as conductors.

f) Tin dissolved in HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, and some organic solvents such as acetic acid

oxalic acid and citric acid. Tin is also soluble in strong bases such as NaOH and


g) Tin generally have oxidation number +2 and +4. Tin (II) tend to have metallic

properties and easily obtained from the dissolution of Sn in concentrated HCl


h) Tin reacts with chlorine directly to form Sn (IV) chloride.

i) Tin hydride is stable only SnH4.

2.2.2. Tin Shape

This element has two allotropic forms at normal pressure. When heated gray tin

(tin alpha) with a cubic structure unchanged at 13.2 ° C into tin (tin beta) which has a

tetragonal structure. When tin is cooled at a temperature of 13.2 ° C, he slowly turned

from white to gray. These changes are caused by impurities (impurities) such as

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aluminum and zinc, and can be prevented by adding antimony or bismuth.

When heated in air, tin forming Sn2, slightly acidic, and forming stannite salts with


2.3. The existence Timah Nature

Tin is not found in the free element on earth but derived from their compounds. Tin at

this time is obtained from the mineral cassiterite or tinstone. Cassiterite is a mineral of

tin oxide SnO2, with a lead content ranging from 78%. Another example is another

source of tin ore and received less attention than the cassiterite is complex sulphide

minerals which stanite (Cu2FeSnS4) is a mineral complex between the

copper-tin-iron-sulfur and cylindrite (PbSn4FeSb2S14) is a mineral complex of

timbale-tin-iron-antimon- These two examples sulfur mineral usually found in

tandem with other metallic minerals such as silver. Tin is an element of the 49th most

abundant in the earth's crust where the tin contains 2 ppm compared to 75 ppm zinc,

copper 50 ppm, and 14 ppm for lead. Cassiterite is found in alluvial deposits /

alluvium soil or sediment that are not consolidated to form the boulders where it can

be settle to the bottom of the sea, river, or lake. Alluvium is composed of various

minerals such as sand, clay, and small rocks. Almost 80% of the production is

obtained from alluvial tin / alluvium deposit term or secondary. It is estimated that to

obtain 1 kg Cassiterite then about 7 till 8 tons of tin ore / alluvial be mined due to

very low concentrations of cassiterite.

Tin earth are unevenly distributed but present in a geographic area where there is an

important resource in southeast Asia, including China, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia,

Wuhan University of Technology

and Indonesia. The results were not so much gained from Peru, South Africa, UK, and


2.4. Tin compounds

 Tin, Compound important is SnF2 and SnCl2, Sn obtained by heating with hf and

HCL gas.

 Fluoride is quite soluble in water and is used in toothpaste containing fluoride.

SnCl2 hydrolyze water into alkaline chloride, but from SnCl2.2H2O dilute acid

solution can be crystallized. Second halide is dissolved in a solution containing a

halide ion excess, so:

SnF2 + F = SnF3- pK »1

SnCl2 + Cl = SnCl3- pK »1

 In Akua fluoride solution, SnF3- is the main species, but SNF + ions and Sn2F5 can

be detected.

 Halide solution in donor solvents such as acetone, pyridine, or DMSO, produces

adduct peramidal, SnCl2OC (CH3) 2.

 Sn2 + ions are very sensitive to air, occurs in a solution of perchloric acid, which

can be obtained by reaction of Cu (ClO4) 2 + Cu + Sn Sn2 + Hg + 2 ClO4-.

2.5. Reactions Tin

Tin white tin is easily formed. at a temperature of 13.2 ° C, slowly, tin turned

into flour which is colored gray called gray tin. If the tin is hot it will be very fragile

called fragile lead. Tin cans to be used as a coating glossy and resistant to

Wuhan University of Technology

corrosion. Tin is also used as an alloy in bronze (copper and tin) and as a metal

solder (a mixture of tin with lead). Tin is more easily oxidized than iron, so it

cannot be used as a protective iron.

 The oxidation number of lead compounds is +2 and +4. The metal can

be oxidized by the non-oxidizing acid becomes +2.

Sn + 2HCl SnCl2 + H¬2

 However, with strong oxidizing, tin metal is oxidized, it becomes +4.

Sn + 4 HNO3 SnO2 + 4NO2 + 2 H2O.

 The reaction of Cl2 produces tin with SnCl2.

Sn + Cl2 SnCl2

 Metal Sn ions dissolved in alkaline forming stannit, Sn (OH) 42-

Sn + 2OH + 2H2O Sn (OH) 42- + H2 (tin compounds, such as SnF2 used

in toothpaste ingredients. Compounds (C4H9) 3SnO used as a fungicide,

a substance exterminator fungi (mushrooms).

2.6. Tin Processing

Tin processed from tin ore which is obtained from the rock or mineral of tin

(cassiterite SnO2). Tin metal production processes from the seeds are involves a series

of fairly complicated process which is mineral processing (elevated lead levels /

physical processes and is also called upgrading), preparation of the material to be

melted, the process of smelting, refining processes and printing processes of tin

metal. The use of tin is usually in the form of tin alloy known as white lead which

mixture of 80% lead, 11% 9% antimony and copper and sometimes occasional

Wuhan University of Technology

addition with lead. White lead is mainly used for metal protective equipment and

pipes in chemical industry, food industry and for storing food.

The processing of tin is intended as the name suggests that increasing the levels

of tin content in which tin ore is taken out of the sea or offshore mining or dredging

after it was done flushing or washing with water and then sucked by the pump. Tin

ore result of dredging usually contains 20-30% tin. After processing, the mineral

content of tin content to more than 70%, while tin ore mined land usually contain

lead levels high enough to> 60%.

Tin mineral processing includes many processes, namely:

2.6.1 Washing or Laundering

Lead leaching is done by inserting a tin ore into the ore bin with a capacity of 25

drums per unit and was able to launder 15 tons of ore per hour. Ore in the ore bin

was washed using water pressure and discharge in accordance with the feed.

2.6.2 Separation based on the size or screening / sizing

and assay

Ore obtained from the ore bin and then washing the separation by size by using a

screen, mesh, after it was examined to determine the extent of the ore after washing.

The level of research procedures are examined with a microscope and counting the

number of grains in which grains of lead and impurities have different characteristics

so that it can be seen the levels or the amount of tin content in the ore.

Wuhan University of Technology

2.6.3 Separation based on density

This separation process using a device called a jig Harz. tin ore which has a

specific gravity heavier will flow down, which means the levels of tin are desirable is

high while the rest, the low levels which also means it contains impurities or gangue

other like quarsa, zircon, rutile, siderite and so will be collected and channeled into Jig

Yuba trapezium.

2.6.4 Processing of the tailings

Formerly tin tailings reprocessing to be taken valuable minerals that may still

remain in the tailings or effluent. The process is by centrifugal force. But this time the

process is no longer used because it is inefficient because the capacity of the

processor is 60 kg / hour.

2.6.5 Drying Process

The drying process is done within the rotary dryer. The principle works is by

heating a metal pipe that is in the middle - the middle of the rotary dryer by flowing

flame obtained from burning by using solar.


Ore - tin ores will be conducted process - the process of separation / advanced

classification namely:

Classification based on grain size with screening

Classification based on the nature of conductivity with High Tension separator.

Classification based on the nature of magnetism with the magnetic separator.

Wuhan University of Technology

Classification is based on density by using a tool such as shaking table, water

table and multi-gravity separator (for processing slag / tailing).

2.6.7 Separation of Associated Minerals

Associated minerals in the tin ore which has a value or a value that is high

such as zircon and thorium (radioactive elements) will be taken by the reworking

of tin ore in the initial process results Amang Plant. Mula - first sifted ore with

high-speed electric vibrator and filtered / screening that will separate between

refined mineral form of cassiterite and coarse mineral which is a follow-up.

Associated minerals are then processed on a water table so that it becomes a

concentrate smelting process is then performed, while tailings dumped into the

shelter. Minerals - minerals are then separated by high tension conductor

separator –by nature - nonconductor or conductivity properties. Mineral

conductors include: Cassiterite and Ilmenite. Mineral nonconductor among others:

Thorium, Zircon and xenotime. Then each - each separated back by magnetism

with the magnetic separation to produce separately, thorium and zircon.

2.6.8 The process of pre-smelting

After the process of mineral processing performed pre-smelting process is

the process undertaken prior to the melting process, such as material preparation,

control and weighing that will lead to efficient processing.

2.6.9 Process Consolidation (Smelting)

There are two stages in the smelting process:

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- Consolidation of the first phase produces a rough tin and slag / slag.

- Consolidation phase II, namely smelting slag and slag resulting hardheads.

The smelting process lasted all day -24 hours in a furnace in order to

avoid damage to the furnace / refractory. Generally there are seven in the

smelting furnace. In each furnace there is a part - the part that serves as a

control panel: single point temperature recorder, fuel oil controllers, pressure

recorder, O2 analyzer, multipoint temperature recorder and combustion air

controller. Hot air is blown into the furnace furnace or comes from outside air

/ atmosphere that are inhaled by the axial fan exhauster which then passed

into the regenerator which convert it into heat.

The initial stage of smelting both the first and second smelting is the

process of charging the raw materials - tin or slag I inserted into the furnace

through the furnace hopper. In the blast furnace reduction process occurs at

a temperature of 1100 - 15000C.unsure - impurity elements will be oxidized

to oxides such as As2O3 dissolved in molten lead. While SnO not dissolve all

become pure tin metal but there are those who come into the slag and also in

the form of dust in conjunction with gases - other gases. After melting is

complete, the results are incorporated into fore heart to do the tapping. Sn

were successfully separated then put into the float to do the cooling /

decrease in temperatures of up to 4000C before being transferred into the

kettle. While the hardheads put performance flame oven to be taken Sn and

tin iron.

Wuhan University of Technology

2.6.10 Refining Process (Purification)

 Pyrorefining

Namely the purification process using heat above melting point so that

the material to be dire fining liquid, added another mineral that can bind

impurities or impurities so that the precious metals in this case tin will be free

from impurities or just have impurities were very little, because of the affinity

material that is added to the impurities greater than Sn. Examples of other

materials that are added to bind impurities: sawdust to reduce the levels of Fe,

Aluminum for reducing the levels of As to form the origin, and the addition of

sulfur to reduce the levels of Cu and Ni to form cus and NiS. The remaining

impurities content analysis is also required Guinea see if the levels of

impurities as you wish, if it cannot do the refining process.

 Eutectic Refining

That is the process of purification by using a crystallizer to help so that

the process parameters remain constant so as to obtain a stable product

quality. The purification process is aimed at reducing the levels of lead or Pb

contained in the tin as an impurity. The principle is associated with Pb- Sn

eutectic temperature, when the eutectic temperature of lead in solid solution

ranges from 2.6% and will be decreased as the temperature increases, which

would increase the levels of Sn. The main principle is to maintain a

temperature approaching solidification point lead.

Wuhan University of Technology

 Refining Electrolytic

Namely tin metal refining process to produce even higher levels of pyro

refining ie 99.99%. This process is known to practice the principles of

electrolysis or electro-refining. Electro refining process using an electrolyte

solution that provides levels of metal with a very high purity with two main

components, namely two -anode and cathode electrodes immersed into a

tub -which electrolysis. Tin deposition process to occur because of the

migration of the cathode from the anode the cathode which is caused by the

electric current that flows with the specified voltage and not too big.

2.6.11 Printing

Tin printing is done manually and automatically. Manually printing

equipment is the melting kettle with a capacity of 50 tons, print pumps and

metal molds. This process takes 4 hours / 50 tons, of which the temperature

of the molten lead is 2700c. While the automated printing process using a

casting machine, print pumps, and the melting kettle with a capacity of 50

tons with a process that takes up to 1 hour / 60 tons.

Step of printing:

1. Tin is ready to be printed channeled towards the mold.

2. The end of the pipeline is set to put on the first printed on the serial, tin

flow is set by adjusting the valve on the pipeline.

3. When the mold has been filled, the conduit is shifted to the next mold

and the surface of the tin that has been printed purged of its dross and

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immediately installed cape on the surface of molten tin.

4. The printing speed is set such that the cooling rate will be evenly

distributed so that the resulting ingot has a good-quality or standard.

5. Ingot tin that had already chilled prepared and weighed.

2.7. The usefulness of Tin

Data in 2006 showed that the tin is widely used to solder (52%), industrial

plating (16%), for basic materials chemistry (13%), brass & bronze (5.5%), the

glass industry (2%), and various other applications (11%).

As a result of the growth in demand, new uses of lead found. Environmental,

safety and health affect the usability of tin. The results of the research were being

done in International Tin Research Institute Ltd., the institution that financed the

industry; many new markets for tin are being developed.

 Tin in chemistry

The chemical industry is a consumer of tin fastest growing. Very strong demand

for household appliances and industrial paints, plastics and coating without sulfur

used engineering industry (copper, bronze and phosphor bronze among others).

Examples of commercial applications are tin plating on copper wire and cables

and the manufacture of tin wrought forms.

Wuhan University of Technology

Chapter 3

3. Closing

3.1. Conclusion

 Tin is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Sn

(Latin: stannum) and atomic number 50. This element is a poor metal

silvery, malleable ("malleable"), not easily oxidized in air so that rustproof,

found in many alloys and is used to coat other metals to prevent rust. Tin

is obtained mainly from the mineral cassiterite formed as oxides.

 The tin mineral processing includes many processes, namely:

Tin Mineral Processing

Washing or laundering

Separation by size or screening / sizing and assay

Separation based on density

Processing tailings

Drying process

Classification tin

Separation Associated Minerals

The process of pre-smelting

Consolidation Process (Smelting)

Refining Process (Purification)

Pyro refining

Wuhan University of Technology

Eutectic Refining

Refining Electrolytic


 The benefits of lead in our daily lives that is used as a coating in food

packaging cans, used in the manufacture of light bulbs, to the use of the

exercise equipment.

Wuhan University of Technology


1) S. J. Escalera, “Refinacion Del Estano por Electrolisis en Medio Basico,” paper

presented at the IV National Meeting of Hydrometallurgy in Brazil, May, 1975.

2) N. N. Murach et al., Metallurgy of Tin, ed. by E. C. Ellwood; National Lending

Library for Science and Technology, 1967 (Translation from Russian).

3) Chemistry of Tin

4) How tin is made - material, used, processing, steps and product Link:

5) Tin Wikipedia link:

6) Tin mining processing link:



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