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The changing culture of Architecture in Modern India
By Ar. Apurva Bose Dutta
Published on 2018
This article deals briefly with the changing pattern of Architecture in India. It gives
a brief introduction about the current state of Indian Architecture and how
architecture is changing as a profession. As a profession, integrating different
technology and design that doesn’t belong to our country has evoked us to
rethink or reconsider the long established root and principal of Indian

A very well written article, explaining Role of architects in Architecture and how
the Indian architects voice needs to be heard and Incorporated in our micro and
macro level planning. Nowadays, architects has lost the ownership and role of
architects are played by clients, consultant, developers. Any country that respects
the wisdom of it's architects sees marvellous results in terms of development and
the society at large lives a very comfortable life!

Then the article focuses on the need to concentrate on city level planning and
designing rather than just building concrete jungles. It even gives a brief about
how an architect should look at the larger scenario within their cities and
considering how architecture or any intervention in a specific area can affect the
socio – economic fabric of the city. These days architects are even joining social
movements to detach between what people want and what is actually being
offered to them and establishing opportunities for public participation in building
their cities.
An architect should understand the importance of context, sustainability, nature
and create an architecture that is true to our culture and cultivates an 'Indian
identity'. For many architects, architecture is merely about aesthetic, but
architecture is about functionality and 'way of living'. Thus this article mainly
briefs about the challenges faced by architecture in India today and the
importance of culture and heritage and talks about a lot of influencial architects
who are not wanting their culture to wash away in quest for modernity.
To conclude, India has everything – exploration, opportunities, experiments, thus
a right step may help in rediscovering what we have lost and work towards an
architecture that adapts to Channing lifestyle but stays to its true value. This
article would surely provide an insight for the younger generation in the
profession about the current state of Indian Architecture and inspire to explore
our heritage and culture.
Reviewed by Anjali Thomas (15 SA 195)

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