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Subject : Ima Siti Fatimah

SRN : 153221254
The Dean of Culture and
Language Faculty
IAIN Surakarta
In Surakarta
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
After reading thoroughly and giving necessary advices, herewith, as the
advisors, we state that the thesis of
Name : Ima Siti Fatimah
SRN : 153221254
Title : A Comparative Study Between Extrovert Students and Introvert
Students Concerning Their English Listening Comprehension at The Eleventh
Grade Students of MA Al-Islam Jamsaren Surakarta in Academic Year
Has already fulfilled the requirements to be presented before The Board of
Examiners (munaqosyah) to gain undergraduate degree in IAIN Surakarta.
Thank you for the attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr.Wb
Surakarta, 13 November 2019

Hj. Fitriyah Nurul Hidayati, M.Pd

NIP. 198207252009122006


This is to certify the undergraduate degree thesis entitled “ A Comparative

Study Between Extrovert Students and Introvert Students Concerning Their English
Listening Comprehension at The Eleventh Grade Student of MA Al – Islam Jamsaren
Surakarta in Academic Year 2018/2019” by Ima Siti Fatimah has been approved by
the Board of Thesis Examiners as the requirement for the undergraduate degree in
English Education Department.

Chairman : Budiasih, S.Pd., M.Hum (……………….)

NIP. 197603082003122003

Secretary : Hj. Fithriyah Nurul Hidayati, M.Pd (………………..)

NIP. 198207252009122006

Main Examiner : Dr. H. Sujito, M.Pd (……………….)

NIP. 197209142002121001

Surakarta, 15 November 2019

Approved by

The Dean of Culture and Language Faculty

Dr. Toto Suharto, S.Ag.,M.Ag.

NIP. 197104031998031005


Name : Ima Siti Fatimah

SRN : 153221254

Study Program : English Education Program Department

Faculty : Culture and Language Faculty

I hereby sincerely state that the thesis titled “ A Comparative Study Between
Extrovert Students and Introvert Students Concerning Their English Listening
Comprehension at The Eleventh Grade Student of MA Al – Islam Jamsaren
Surakarta in academic Yeaare signr 2018/2019” is my real masterpiece. The things
out of my masterpiece in this thesis are signed by citation and reffered in the

If later proven that my thesis has discrepancies, I am willing to take the academic
sanctions in the form of repealing my thesis and academic degree.

Surakarta, 15 November 2019

Stated by,

Ima Siti Fatimah

SRN. 153221254


Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of universe,

master of the day of judgement, God almighty, for all blessings and mercies so the

researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled “ A Comparative Study Between

Extrovert Students and Introvert Students Concerning Their English Listening

Comprehension at The Eleventh Grade Student of MA Al- Islam Jamsaren Surakarta

in Academic Year 2018/2019” peace be upon propet Muhammad SAW, the great

leader and good inspiration of world revolution.

The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the

helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like

to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and

suggested her during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to :

1. Prof. Dr. Mudhofir, S.Ag.,M.Pd, the Rector of the State Islamic Institute of


2. Dr. Toto Suharto, S.Ag., M.Ag, as the Dean of culture and language faculty.

3. Budiasih, S.Pd., M.Hum, as the head of English department.

4. Hj. Fithriyah Nurul Hidayati, M. Pd, as the first consultant for her guidance,

precious advices, and motivation for the researcher.

5. Mr. Muhammad Syafi’i, S.Pd, as the headmaster of MA Al – Islam Jamsaren

Surakarta who gives me opportunity to this research.

6. Mrs. Arviana Isna R, S.Pd, as the English teacher of MA Al – Islam Jamsaren

Surakarta who always gives his permission to the researcher to do research in this


7. All the teachers in MA Al – Islam Jamsaren who gives me opportunity to become

a part of MA Al – Islam Jamsaren Surakarta.

8. All students in MA Al – Islam Jamsaren Surakarta especially for the elevent grade

students ( XI IPS I and XI IPS 2). You are the nice students.

9. For my father, my mother and my brother, thank you for give me support.

10. All my big family and friends.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The

researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and the

reader in general.


The Researcher

Ima Siti Fatimah


This thesis is dedicated to:

1. My beloved father, Mr. Triyanto and mother, Mrs. Sugiyem who always prays

and support me.

2. My beloved brother, Bagus Budi Utomo who always prays and support me.

3. My beloved friends who have given me full support, Pepi Permatasari, Ratih

Ayu Astutik, Eka Vita Sari, etc.

4. All people that have helped and supoort me, “ Thank you very much!”.


Lord, lift up my heart and ease my task for me and untie the knot from my
tongue, so that they may understand my words.

( Qs. Thaha 20:225-28)

Your Lord did not abandon you, nor did he forget.

(Qs. Ad-Dhuha 93:3)


Ima Siti Fatimah. 2019. A Comparative Study Between Extrovert Students and
Introvert Students Concerning Their English Listening Comprehension at The
Eleventh Grade Students of MA Al-Islam Jamsaren Surakarta in Academic Year
2018/2019. Thesis. English Education Study Program, English Education Department
Culture and Language Faculty.

Advisors : Hj. Fitriyah Nurul Hidayati, M.Pd.

Key Words : Comparative Study, Extrovert and Introvert Personality, Listening


The objective of this research was to know and compare the listening score of
the extrovert students and introvert students concerning in listening comprehension at
the eleventh-grade students of MA Al-Islam Jamsaren Surakarta in academic year
2018/2019. The research was carried out at MA Al – Islam Jamsaren Surakarta in
academic year 2018/2019 at the eleventh grade. This schedule was conducted from
July until November 2019.
The method used in this research was quantitative research and comparative
analysis technique. The population of this research was the eleventh-grade students’
of MA Al-Islam Jamsaren Surakarta which consist of 82 students and the sample of
this research was the class XI IPS I and XI IPS 2 of MA Al-Islam Jamsaren
Surakarta. Technique of collecting the data was started by giving the students
personality test which taken from standardized test by Eysenck Personality
Questionnaire Revised-Short Form (EPQR) and then classifying the extrovert
students and introvert students. After classifying students’ personality, the researcher
took the students’ listening comprehension score in order to design compare both
students’ personality with their listening comprehension score. Technique of
analyzing the data, first step was finding average of introvert and extrovert students’
listening comprehension score and standard deviation to do homogeneity test. The
second, t-test calculation was used to prove the significant data and the last step was
answering hyphothesis of the research.
The result of this research t-test was 9,87 and it was higher than t-table both in
degree of significance of 5% and 1% (2,03 < 9,87 > 2,72). The result states that the
introvert students and extrovert students had significant difference in listening
comprehension. The result of this research also shown that the introvert students get
higher average than the extrovert students in listening comprehension score.


TITLE ...................................................................................................................................

ADVISORS SHEET ............................................................................................................ i

RATIFICATION ................................................................................................................. ii

PROUNOUNCEMENT ..................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. iv

DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... vi

MOTTO ............................................................................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................................. xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................................. xiv


A. Background of the Study......................................................................................... 1

B. Indentification of Study........................................................................................... 7
C. Problem Statement .................................................................................................. 7
D. Objective of Study................................................................................................... 7
E. Limitation of Problem ............................................................................................. 8
F. Benefit of Study ...................................................................................................... 8
G. Definition of Key Terms ......................................................................................... 9


A. Theoritical Description.......................................................................................... 11
1. Review on Extrovert and Introvert Personality............................................... 11
a. The Notion of Personality ......................................................................... 11
b. Psychology of Personality ......................................................................... 13
c. The Extrovert Personality ......................................................................... 15
1. Extrovert Personality Aspect .............................................................. 17
2. The Strenghts of the Extrovert Students ............................................. 18
3. The Weakness of the Extrovert students ............................................. 19
d. The Introvert Personality........................................................................... 20
1. Introvert Personality Aspect ................................................................ 21
2. The Strenghts of the Introvert Students .............................................. 23
3. The Weakness of the Introvert students .............................................. 24
2. Review on Listening Comprehension ............................................................. 24
a. The Definition of Listening Comprehension ............................................ 24
b. Listening Comprehension Process ............................................................ 25
c. The Aspect of Listening Comprehension ................................................. 27
d. Types of Listening Activities .................................................................... 29
e. The Difficulties in Listening Comprehension ........................................... 30
f. Listening Assesment ................................................................................. 31
g. The Extrovert Students and Introvert Students in Learning Listening
Comprehension ......................................................................................... 33
B. Review of the Previous Study ............................................................................... 34
C. Rationale ............................................................................................................... 38
D. Hyphotesis ............................................................................................................. 40


A. The Research Design............................................................................................. 42

B. The Setting of the Research .................................................................................. 43
1. Place of the Research ...................................................................................... 43
2. Time of the Research ...................................................................................... 43
C. Population and Sample of the Research ................................................................ 44
1. Population ....................................................................................................... 44
2. Sample ............................................................................................................. 44
3. Sampling ......................................................................................................... 45
D. Technique of Collecting Data ............................................................................... 46
1. The Instrument of Collecting Data .................................................................. 47
a. Questionnaire ...................................................................................... 47
b. Test ...................................................................................................... 48
2. Validity and Reliability of the Instrument ...................................................... 48
a. Validity................................................................................................ 48
1) The Validity of the Questionnaire ........................................... 49
2) The Validity of the Test .......................................................... 49
b. Realibility ............................................................................................ 49
1) Reliability of the Questionnaire .............................................. 50
2) Reliability of the Test .............................................................. 50
E. Research Instrument .............................................................................................. 51
F. Technique of Analyzing Data ............................................................................... 52


A. Research Findings................................................................................................ 54
1. The Data Description ..................................................................................... 54
2. Data Analysis ................................................................................................. 59
a. Statistical Test(t-test) ............................................................................... 61

b. T-test Calculation .................................................................................... 64
B. Data Interpretation ............................................................................................... 67
1. The Better Ability in English Listening Comprehension .............................. 67
2. The Hyphothses Interpretation ...................................................................... 67
C. Discussions .......................................................................................................... 68


A. Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 71
B. Suggestion ........................................................................................................... 71
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................ 73
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................. 78


Table 2.1 Scoring Guide of Listening Assesment by Arikunto (2003:251) ..................... 32

Table 2.2 Work Style for Extrovert and Introvert ............................................................. 33

Table 3.1 The Schedule of the Research ........................................................................... 43

Table 4.1 The Result of Questionnaire ............................................................................. 55

Chart 4.2 The Extrovert Listening Comprehension Score XI IPS 1 ................................. 56

Chart 4.3 The Introvert Listening Comprehension Score XI IPS 1 .................................. 56

Chart 4.4 The Extrovert Listening Comprehension Score XI IPS 2 ................................. 57

Chart 4.5 The Introvert Listening Comprehension Score XI IPS 2 .................................. 57

Chart 4.6 The Extrovert Listening Comprehension Score XI IPS .................................... 58

Chart 4.7 The Introvert Listening Comprehension Score XI IPS ..................................... 58

Table 4.8 The Clasification of Scores by Arikunto (2003:251) ........................................ 60

Table 4.9 The Frequency Distribution of Single Data ...................................................... 61

Table 4.10 The Calculation of The Extrovert Students and Introvert Students to Their

Listening Comprehension ............................................................................... 62


Appendix 1 : Extrovert and Introvert Questionnaire........................................................ 78

Appendix 2 : The Instrument of Listening Comprehension............................................. 80

Appendix 3 : The List of Students Name ........................................................................ 81

Appendix 4 : The Extrovert & Introvert Students’ Listening Comprehension Score ...... 82

Appendix 5 : The Realibility of Students’ Listening Comprehension ............................. 83

Appendix 6 : T-table ........................................................................................................ 85

Appendix 7 : Pictures of the Result Extrovert Students Listening Comprehension ........ 86

Appendix 8 : Pictures of the Result Introvert Students Listening Comprehension ....... 105

Appendix 9 : Pictures of the Result Extrovert Questionnaire ........................................ 126

Appendix 10 : Pictures of the Result Introvert Questionnaire ........................................ 145

Appendix 9 : Pictures of the Research ........................................................................... 166


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