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Statement of Problem

This study present the mathematical model for dehumidifier of an air conditioning system that
can used as evaporative cooler to provide active dehumidification. Therefore, the purpose of this study
is to reduce energy consumption while giving convenience and it is an eco-friendly appliance. The study
of dehumidifier of LDAC system is presented under varying conditions to check out its performance. The
counter flow pattern is chosen to yield desired heat and mass transfer between desiccants and supplied
atmospheric air.

By constant review and construction of some ideas, the researchers have arrived to some new
innovation to reduce the humidity and temperature without using refrigerants that release harmful
gasses. The Air dehumidifier for Evaporative Cooler

The study seeks to answer the following questions:

i. How long should you run a air dehumidifier?

 An average unit in your space, if it was operating correctly, should extract the moisture
to around 50 to 55% Relative Humidity. With this assumption, you can safety run your
dehumidifier for about 12 hours a day.

ii. Do evaporative coolers really work?

 As a result of their cooling process, evaporative coolers also add moisture and humidity
to the air. While this is beneficial in dry climates, it also means that evaporative
coolers are not as effective in more humid climates. Typically, evaporative coolers work
best in areas in areas that are very dry, as well as hot.

iii. Are dehumidifiers good?

 Dehumidifiers reduce humidity levels, making your home less hospitable to allergens
such as dust mites, mold, and mildew. ... Running a dehumidifier helps reduce dust in
your home, so you won't have to clean as often. A dehumidifier also lowers energy costs
because it helps your air conditioner run more efficiently.

iv. Is an evaporative cooler the same as an air conditioner?

 Evaporative Coolers, sometimes called swamp coolers, is another way to cool air in
warm climates with low humidity. ... Unlike central air conditioning systems that
recirculate the same air, evaporative coolersprovide a steady stream of fresh air into the
v. Can a dehumidifier help cool a room?
 This is when the hot air gets cycled back into the room as cool air. So a dehumidifier
doesnot generate cold air, but it does help to cool a room. It removes the humidity from
the air, leaving the atmosphere cool and comfortable in the home.


i. To establish high humidification and cooling duties from single unit.

ii. To get very low energy consumption.
iii. Instant evaporation requiring very short section.
iv. Running a dehumidifier helps reduce dust in your home

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